r AJt v7T-rTTv'- i r ? ; Fiji i x X y V ' II P n : . . : . r : . ; - ..' : FOURTH YKAU. I L ATTSMO U T 11 . NKHUASKA. WEDNESDAY EVEN I NG. IMIUIUAUY 2o. 1S9J NUMBER 142 v! i . r. . is: i f ; 1 9 a 1 I" t ,1! h f ! 5' of all in Leavening Power. r3 ABSOLUTES PURE A nice ChiM' Suit nt $1 00 at JOK'S. if Don't forget tin; funniest sh w of the season at the opera house tonight. Gi to J()i' lay in jour supply for next year. It will ny you good in'iT cst at the prices ho is closing out hid tuck. tf vtoomc an 1 set the difference betwon cash anil credit prices. Klson. the cash clothier. tf No old chestnuts or rullisli at JOK'S. Everything of the latest style and l tc low cost. tf Miss Mollie Tucker. Dressmaking nnd inilliucry a specialty. Uoouis over Her old's store. tf Now is your chance, nnd such a chance you will have but once in a life tim to buy Clothiag, Furnihinj Good, HatH, etc., at slaunhrerinj; prices at JOE'S. The entire stock must be sold out as quick as possible. tf A genuine Stetson $4.00 Hat at $2 75 at JOE'S. tf When you are in Lincoln, call on W, C. Austin & C ., in McBride block, cor ner of Twclvth and V striet, for Have lock and University property. tf JOE haa not "bursted." Joe never has failed, for he believes there is nil honest living for everybody, but owing to Dissolution of Partnership, Joe is com pelled to" close out his nice and clean g4ck, regardless of cost. tf For glassware, queensware and the bost and freshest gioceries go to Phillip Kraus, where you will find everything you want for your table. tf. A good pair of shoes at $1.00 at JOE'S. tf To Nervous Debilitated Men. If you will send us your address, we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet cnplaininfi all about Dr. Dye's celebrated Electro-Voltiac Belt and Appliances, and their charming effects upon the nervious debilitated system, and how they will quickly rerore you to vigor and man hood. Pamphlet free. If yu are thus afflicted w will 6end you a belt and ap pliances on a trial . Voltiac Belt Co. Marshall, Nich. For Sale. A good farm one-fourth mile fiom the town of Murray, on the M. P. B. It. Plenty of timber and 'water. Good orchard. 350 bearing trees. Plattsmouth. Neb, Feb., 9th, 1891. wtf R. W. Uyers. You can not form an idea what it is to sell Clothing, etc.. at and below cost un til you look through JOE'S stock, tf It is only with regret JOE has to sell out his entire .stock, for he has done a very satisfactory and successful business, I but dissolution between JOE and his partner, Mr William Fisher compels him to close out. Cash. From this day forward, Elson, the cakh oe price clothier will only sU strictly for cash. tf Persons wishing to make investments with best returnsor to borrow money on real estate will find it to their ad van tage to call on Mr. Thos. Pollock and investigate the plan of the Provident Saving-, Loan & Building Association of Omaha. A large amount of stock has been taken and a n amber of loans nude in this city, to the satisfaction of all. This is a home institution and books are open to the investigation of all. The many beneficial points seen in or plan will commend themselves to all. Call nd see us and be convinced. 40-1 w J as. Pettee. Gen'l Agt. Office under Bank of Casa County, second door from Main street, on Fifth A Noted Cypay. Fortune teller- just from the east is at the Perkins House, this city. Past, present and .future all tol., by the band. Satisfaction guaranteed or money returned. Enqniro for Mrs. BoswelL " ' It wjljpot be oq; aim to seaow acBr profit 4 we :,can make, but to sell good good! XaV aali:pJ5J U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1887. THE RECORD- . To New Court l-Uuse an Assured j Pl.ATTSMOfTIl, N. l., Feb. 25, 1 I'o'tril met pursuant to udjouriunent ; Pn-sciit, A. 15. Tinld, A. C. Lwder, and J :enli Tiict.-cii, coUimiss-i tiers, and Ii:(l (ri clilin!il, county clerk when the fol lowing was done, to wit: Tins biing the day set for receiving bid for building couit house in Cas county, Nebraska, the board proceeded to open the said bids, w'jich were as follows: V II rioUeiis. I'l;itf-inii!:li, Ne! $76,000 I, t; lron C9,r.;5 Win Neviilt; " " CS,:!5 O J KiiiK. Onialia 7 0:0 Kicliants & Co" 7U 9C0 MIMuriliy TO 000 JujU Itaite " 77.73 W C Mortrau i Me lian. York 74.0t XV J Ctii'Jister, Liuculn CS.aoo Euueoc WdiTUrr " 70.900 I 1 Uiit.haiu. Sewaid 7 000 It appearing thatO, J. King being the lowest biddir, the ro.t ;t was duly awarded to him and an agreement en tered into, sufficient bond filed and ap proved. The contractor is to complete the building according to plans nnd specifi cations on or before January 1st, lt92. for the sum of Sixty seveu Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten Dollars, and all plans, specifications, details, drawings bond?, ct, are to be considered a part of the Commissioners record. lliitD Critcufield. Co Clerk, The bond of O. J. King, in the sum of $50,000, was signed by Cal Parmele and F. M. Richey, who is an old time friend of Mr. King. Mr. K. will cause the sig nature of two or three wealthy gentle men of Omaha to be appended in addi tion to tho above. Material has been ordered and work will begin at once. The building is three stories high with a high basement. The basement will be of stone while the balance of the build ing will be of pressed brick with cut stone trimn.ings. The tower is quite handsome, the top being 137 feet above the pavement. The building sets back a little ways from the pavement and will haye a frontage on Main street of SO feet, with 102 feet on Fourth street. A nice picture of the building as it will appear when finished is on exhibition at the county clerk's office. County Court. Petition filed for probate of last will aud tcstameDt of Bernhard J. Ruhe, de ceased. Hearing March 23, at 10 a. m. Petition for final settlement of estate of Ferdinand Kruger, deceasod. Hear ing March 23, at 2 p. m. James Irving vs B. L. Miller et al. Argued and submitted. Company "Q." Col. Lew Ginger dropped in last night to confer with our Company Q, Young Ladies. The colonel is conducting a G. A. II. Fair for the Posts in Omaha, to open W.dacsday, March 4th, at the Coli seum. The young ladies are to go up on the opening night and Col. Ginger has made arrangements with the B. & M. to take a special train, leaving here at 3 or 4 p. m. and returning after tho show is over that night, provided one hundred passengers accompany the young ladies. The fare will be 80 for the round trip and 25$ admission to the Coliseum. For the opening night the Omaha Guards nd the Council Bluffs Guards engage in a competitive drill. Oar Co. Q will break the hearts of the Omaha youth with their fina drill; and the Gatling Gun Squad will give an exhibition drill with that terrible instrument of destruc tion, which alone is wprth $5. They have never before gi7en a public exhibi tion. The Sons of Vets and. their young ladies, and the Dads of Vets and t heir young ladies, and many of oar citizens will take advantage of this special train to visit friends and take in the Grand Ann r-Fair. A fine worsted meat's salt, former price $18, now at $1 2.6ft at JOE'R tf i' 8atmgai'sdepArtment at the shops adoaejin Wo max, so that Sam is now . on t retired list, ..with Oeerge Parbeiy an ' eoaplojre m another dfpart- The Turner will niy; a ball at their hall this evening. A grand social time is g 'arantccil. Tiie linger Sewing Machine folks re c iv d an iii voiof f a d"-Z"ii new ma chin'-tliis ninriiing. (.VI. Ginger has cuiisi ntc ! to li. lp out the Si'iis ut Veter. nt in mii ii-itninment t i v 11 M':::- time in A ri 1. Don't forget tin; hid! of the Turners' S.-ei. ty at tlx ir hull tonight. Tin- bv.-t of music will be hud and a royal tin.it is ex pee ted. The itching of ti e scalp, falling 1 f h-iir, rrsnli ii.; in buiiin. s- are oft n caused by dandruff, which may be cured by uMng Hall's Hiir It- newT. ( tir nciffibor mus, hnv b.-en asleep yesterday. The importi nt news item of 1 -tting the contract fur the eree'i.in f tli .? skw colut house w".s published ex clusively in The IIc.kam last niLdit. Guy Livingston went to Li-enln this morning to secure soino law books for the new law firm of Dwyer, Livingston & Wal ing, v hieh will open an ollicu and begin business the first of the coining month. 11 y n new urra gemrnt in the mail service, the Om iha papers are now car ried to Ashland and come in on the Schuyler. This is to put tlie Omaha ilailii h on the same footing here as the State Journal, which of 1-ite has reached this city nearly au hour ahead of the O in ah as. T. E. Williams, the coal oil king of Plattsmouth, has an incubator in a cave at his home in the Second ward, where he has already hatched out ninety young chickens. The young orphans are kept in a warm place above ground, when they get plenty of sunshine and are ioing well. M. J. O'Riley and Bernard McGlynn. who are putting in the heavy etono wall for the Missouri Pacific well at Union, are in the city today. They say wi rk is progressing satisfactory and that whi n they have finished their present j D they will put in a well at Lu Piatte. It is un derstood the company will U3e city water here, hence no well is needed. Walter White has forfeited his reputa tion as being a careful man. It seems he brought the county safe, weighing ten tons, up to the Bauk,and as it was grow ing dusk he left it stand unguarded on the street all night. This was very care less, for had the Nehawka people found it in that condition the safe without a doubt would be resting today wtth our cannon, at the shrine of Ike Pollard or Lawson Sheldon. The laws of physics were reversed on the part of the county safe. Careful measurements last night showed it would go through the window with 4 inches to spare. The cold weather, however, in stead of contracting seems to have ex panded the safe until it lacked more than four inches of going in and had to be pulled back up the incline and turned on its side. It is safely lioused now in the Cass County Bank basement and no one was hurt in its removal. Valuable Citizens. Philip Meisinger at the ripe age of 81 years, accompanied by his sons, John, George and Peter, with their families, arrived this moruiug from Pekin, Illinois, and will hereafter be citizen J of Cass county. Mr. Adam Moore and family accompanied them, making in all over forty people in the crowd, added to Cass county citizenship today. It required seven freight cars to haul their stock and , furniture. John Meisinger moves onto, his -farm south east p Cedar Creek which he purchased of Geo. Weidman last fall. Peter will occupy 3 farm west ot this city, owned by John Becker. Geerge will move onto the old Donnely place, while Mr. Moore will occupy the Leonard Born farm near the poor bouse. These people are rela ted to the Cass county Meisingers, the Horns, Geo. Weidman and others here; they are well to do people of means and are indeed a most valuable acquisition. The Hkjlaxd welcomes them to their new home and hopes they may neyer have occasion to regret the change. The bridge work m the Missouri Pa cific has all been completed except the stone and iron bridge across the Papio ia Sarpy county. Work will begin on this ' bridge very soon. An immense amount of steel rails and ties are' being piled, up at Union, preparatory to track laying Vs sbon'aa the above named bridge is ' completed. The v M- .P, I has"a track layinsf machine that pats down the rails very rapidly -.when everything is ready xor,tem,.io jflH yerj,eari,. ttneapsA we epct U Ivejur the whistle 0 2L Sliver Weddinir Anniversary, On Satuiday, the 21-t day of February Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Holmes eelelir-ited the twenty-tilth anniversary of 1 1 it-i r wielding at tin ir pleasant home in Rock Creek Valley, one milit west of Rock Bluffs. About liity of their old time lliemls, and a few of their loiing irieuds met at their In us:' to preserve the mem ory of t!ie eveiit, to have' a good lime, an I talk aluiut ill' i leiit.s that happened long, long Hgo, and to remind them that they wei 1: n -t forgotten by their old friends and niiglihors. It is seldom that O ie lias the pleas. re of meeting so 111 -ny old time Nebraskaus, many that were present on t m- it. usion, ii .vin come lure in the "tilths" wheu the Indiaus and their cattle (the buffaloes-) had pi s sesMnn of nearly ull of Nebraska Ter ritory, T.iese old timers cau tell of many pleasant incidents and als ) of n.ir. y hardships ttiey had to en iure in I he klen time. One thing worthy of spe cial mention is the fait that money va so scarce in the years of '58 and '5'J that Cottonwood lumber was considered legal lender for debt, on ! lie basis that U0 feet of lumber was worth one dollar in gold. It was about this time in the history of Nebraska that gol t du?t was discovered iu paying qua', titles at Pike's Peak. O.'i! what a rush there was then to get wealth. Eviryoue was more or less excited, and horses, mules, oxen and cows were used to haul the outfits, as the ladings were called, across the plains. Soon after gold dust became so plenteous that it supplanted cotton wood liuubt r as cur rency. It was the cu.-tom to carry gold dut in bucksVin pouches, nnd a small pair of scales to weigh the precious metal with. We can imagine that the ox whacker got the business down very fine when he could weigh out ten cents in dust to ex- hange with the merchant fur ten cents worth of "Jecuis River Honey Dew Ter bacher." This once famous tobacco is said to have had one peculiar quality, when taken into the mouth it would swell and spread over the chin. Th'ie were piesent most of the old se! tiers and neighbors who saw them cm--bark on thtir voyage twenty five years ago. The day was spent in social visit uig and reviewing days ttat are now of the past. Too much praise can not be given the ladies for their skill in serving a sump tous dinner, whieh was indeed a feast for the inner man aud well fitted for a king. ' When the guests departed in tho even ing they left n3 tokens of their love and s'eeni to Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, a watir -et, several pieces of hc-autiiul silverwaie aud a box of cigars, aud all joining in wishing tht m many happy returns of the iuiiivcra.iry. departed for their respective homes. Those present wer V. A. Brown nnd wife, Anderson Rjot and wife, J. W. Edmunds aud wife, S. G. Latta and wife, Vm. Holmes and wile, Mrs. E. A. Brooks, John Iljltnes jr., Mrs. Thomas Rankin, R. F. Dean and wife, F. M. Young jr and wife, D. A. Young and wife, W111, Young and daughter Jennie, Lewis II. Young, wife and daughter Luella, F. M. Young sr. and daughter Kate, Joseph Sands, wife and daughter, Levi Church ill, Mrs, John Holmes, S. L. Furlong and wife, W. A. Royal and wife. Thomas Sullfcran, wife and daughter, Byron Young, of Keya Paha county, Wm, Gil ucre. Mrs. Lizzi3 Cochran, Miss Il-tttie Holmes, Mrs. Colmore Frans, of Union, Thomas nolmes, I. S. White and wife, Joshua Gnpen and wife, J. W. Conn and wife, of I naval 3 Stock Farm. Dr. Marshall, DENTIST, Will be in his office on and after March U h. Died. ' Mary Ann Murphy, at the age of 30 years, at the Sister's Hospital in Kansas City. The deceased was the wife of James Murpny, and was the. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hayes, residing near Weeping Water. Mr. .Murphy was attending his wife at the Sister's Hos pital in Kansas City, she having been a sufferer from heart trouble for some time. The father and motuer were apprised of her dangerous condition and went to the depot at Weeping Water to take the train to her bedside, when thry : were shocked by a message announcing her, death. Mrs. . Murphy was a devoted wife and mother, and leayes five . child ren to mourn an irreparable ioas. The deceased was a aister-io4aw of Depaty Sheriff Tighe. JThe funeral will probably take place tomorrow at , the Catholic cemetery near Louisville. i our, AjTjTmn. CLE A RAM CE SALE LAD OCH USDIRWEAR and hosiery SLAITESTS fe COMFORTABLES WHICH BEGINS TODAY HAVE cut the prices deep, and par ties in need of anything in the above lines will save money by calling. Our new line of embroideries, the handsom est and largest line ever shown by us. F. HERRMANN FIRST BOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK The large t 'and most complete and cheaprst stock of wall paper, paint and oil in the county at Gering fc Co's. eod. Look Here! Kvery 0110 indebted to JOE, The One Price Clothier, must set tle within thirty days or the ac counts will be placed in the hands of a Justice lor collection. tf Joe Ivlkin. Wm. Fisiikk. The finest of Furni.-hing Goods at flaughttring prices at JOE'S. tf Save money aud get the best self ctiou andchuappst wall paper at Gei'ng & Co. A Husband's Mistake. Husbands too often peimit wives, and parents their children, to suffer from lieadachc, diz.iaess. neuralgia, sleepless ness, tits, nervousness, when by the use of Dr. Milus' Restorative Nervine such serious results could easily be prevented. Druggists everywhere say it gives uni versal satisfaction, aud has an immense sale. Woodworth & Co , of Fort Wayne, Ind.;S?now & Co, of Syracuse, X. Y.; J. C. Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich.; and hun dreds of others say "it is the greatest seller they ever knew. It contains no opiates. Trinl bottle and fine book on uerroas diseases, free at F. G. Fricke & Co. 5 All the latest sty les of wall paper found at Wildman & Fuller's. tf The best sp stacles in the world are sold by Gering & Co. They guarantee the fit or money refunded eod wtf Why continue the use of irritating powders, snuffs or liquids. Ely's Cream Balm, pleasant of application and a sure cure for catarrh and cold in head, can be had for 50c. It is easily applied into the nostrils, is safe and pleasant, and is curing the most obstinate cast s.' It gives relief at once. We want everybody in the county , to see our stock of wall paper before pur chasing. od wtf. . Taken Up The undesigned has taken up a stray pig which can be obtained by the owner by proving property and paying for this notice. S. F. Osbokn, Cor. Eighth and Loaust streets. The proprietors of Ely's Cream Balm do not claim it to bee cure-alL bat 4 Jo cafarjrh; colds in head and hay fever. It Is' sot a liquid or a an off, bat is easily applied into the nos trils. It gie &3ef at once. Fiae is money then go to Gering A Ce te bay wall paper. epd. wtf OF. US CLOAKS, PLATTSMOUTH, SEB. jAWSON & PEARCE Carry at Full Lino of FINE S11LLENERY AND CHIL DREN 3 CLOTH I NO. ALSO FKE8H CUT KLOWKK3 KOOM 3, R.I-EV BIjOCK. Pr.ATTMOUT SPECIAL - ENGAGEMENT ok tub rorci.Ait "T-K.-' QUARTETTE OK OMAUA. DUNCAN, KKaTZ. CONUaD, 1JOLLMAN. Assisted by Mr. W. S. Marshall, OiganiHt of All Fainta Church, Omaha. Presbyterian Besekit Organ FOKD. I Church. THURSDAY, March 5 Admission - - 35c Seats may be reserved at .1. P. Yoong's Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Thk Best Salve in the world for Cats Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, aad all Skin r options and. posi tively cures Piles, or no pay ; required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Miles' Nerve and Liver titte- Act on a sew principle regulating the liver, stomach .aad bowel tkroogb the nervea -A-newdiacovary. Lr. tfiles' Pills speedily core biliooraeas, bad taste, torpid liver, pUs coeawpatiee. Uaav qtialed for see," womea. " ckildrea. Smallest, mildest, sorest 1 60 doses, 26 Ee$le free at F. G. Fricks Ce'a.