The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 24, 1891, Image 3

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. - '., , Vrt," I-" 1 f ' '
: i
! I
I 1
The Use Of
lytrah, drastic purgative to relieve costlve
f ,jM Is a dangerous practice, ami more liable
J (aaten tho disease on the patient titan to
Vure 1L What In needed i.t a medicine that.
In effectually opening the bowels, corrects
the costive habit and establishes a natural
dally action. Bucli an aperient is found iu
Ayer's Pills,
which, while thoroiiKh In action, strenjthpn
as well as stimulate the bowels aud excretory
"ForHfht years I was afllictod with con
stipation, which at last became so bad that
the doctors could lo no more for me. Then
I began to take Ayer's Tills, and soon the
bowels lecam! regular and natural in their
movements. I am now in excellent health."
Win. II. Ifc-I.aueett, Dorset, Out.
" When I feel the need of a cathartic, I
take Ayer's Tills, and liud them to be wore
than any other pill I ever took." Mrs. n. C.
vJruM., Turwellville, Va.
" For years I have l.en subject to consti
pation ami nervous headaches, caused by !
rannemenof the liver. After taking various
remedies, 1 have become convineed that
Ayer's Tills arc the best. They have never
failed to relieve my bilious attacks in a short
time; and I am sure my system retains its
tone longer after the use of these Tills, than
has been the case with any other medicine I
have tried." If. S. Sledge, Weimar, Texas.
Ayer's Pills,
Tr. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Dealers in Medicine.
A strictly first da machine, fully warrant
ed. Made from th very best material b)
f-lcll-el wi.rknjn.. with the best tools t.'.at
have ever been devi-ed for the purpose. War
ranted to do all that can be reasonably ex
pected of the very bet typewriter extant.
Capable of writing IV words per minute r
more according to the ability of the operator.
litlm-. N nt t-iit in your t addreo tin
thi: M'i-"; r.
Agents wanti'd 1'ari-ili jN, V.
F. V.. SEELEMIR':, A-tnt.
Lincoln, N-l.
urul Syrup.
Low prices quoU-.l an Mr.. or sm.'.'.l l-t-
Strictly Pure.
Adirondack Maple Sugar
12o; Monn gt., Chicago, 111.
V.Vtern .ent-.
an r-1 ox IP i. ID . :
THR . - jL&rCa.lU luJJ.i
Keeps a Full Line of
Ooosnlt Your Inrrest by filvmg 14 Ira a
f l.tri-- -ttx r" -'
work!Rnd fine goW work a
ST.IVAl'S L'f" Kl. : l",,ti " other a-
e!tLe?icsirfii tor the oaiiiJe--. extraction of
feet a.
C. A. MARSHALL. - Fit.'. raid
tzr, Prompt, PoUtr
Curt for Impound, Lota
of Manhood, Siminal
Emissions. Sprmatorrkta,
hmrooutnesa. SeJf Distrust,
less of Memory. Ac. Will
man uom a STBOMQ. Vigor
ous Man. Prtot 41.00, 0
Bont. 9S 00.
Gonial OirocHont MaHo
vHh eac Bom. A44rM
V il
r a-nTA - - "
Vailery Meal Market
10.1 S Otli fit.. Union Mock, formerly
415 Main Htreet.
h;letili'l Mtrkct, when: KvTjthini
kept is First (,'lass. We aim to
ulctiM', Holicit tlie l'atrou
ae of the l'ublic.
run ciioickkt stkaks,
:MK, KISV AM "T!1K!: lii l.U' Vl'lliS
1J fair anl In Hcst dealing I expect
merit a share of the trade.
131.1m. J. Ii. VALLEIIY. I'rop
Wkoii and Itlaeksimtli shop
Wagon, Hug.y, Machine nnl
plow llcpaim-r lotie
lie uses the
Which is the best horseBhoe for the
fafmer, or for fat driving, or for citj
purposes ever invented. It is so made
that anyone ccn put on sharp or flat
corks, as needed for wet and slippery
days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at
b3 shop and examine the neveksltf
nd you will use no other.
112 North Fifth St. Plattsmouth
Thoicost Brands of Oiirars,
iiicluding our
ruLi, link oy
Nov. 2. 15.
5 2 rti
13 li 11 & E.' U 3
t:hz old i?r.:uA
2w W m
Is O n
Shingles, Lath, Sash,
Doors, Blinds
L'an supply everw demand of the city.
Call and gvt terms. Fourth street
iu rear of opera house.
The Leading
S .w i XtG
Constantly keeps on hand Jeverything
you need to furnish your house.
Plattsmout - Neb
r nflL M a
i atnna f
tho Puble
TTl t-I.M
If life wire not no k.h1 a thins.
Who tlii-n colli. 1 think of hcing mrrryl
If O'fI'h will wouM lx-ur alterinjf.
His plans we hIioiiM not try to vary!
With v once fre from pain ami care.
Wo Ktraiht woul.l ticelc koiiio crorid to bcarl
If njioii love a wul wens set.
How many si -uls won I I then ! broken!
If ;--nt 1.5 s;h-ccIi were haril to jret,
l!ow niiiiiy Uiinl wonts woui'l be sukon!
If heaven were o:iee il.-nieil in all,
IIov we slioiill then to heaven call!
Mary A. Mason in Youth's Companion.
Uh'.'tt, 1h li;i!ii.-)!iicst jviTtng
in Hi ri.n.nv. ! .(' llx raven locks
.! '. i;h t 1m 1m ;.'. i
:1 ll;tck iimst.'tc!
:.t Hi.-
1 ,reil .lolin
r!"T shop in
!!' !)
;;. f; : '-.
It was a coM day ."ml then; were thr
four 1 his fri'-nd.s. hc.-idc..; several
:t:;i:i'i :1 arlisls, staTnii'i-.j arotnul the
v-at tle 1 ii;;', but t he man who ;'
..v.. ill ! i.i.; worl; 1 i 1 1 ; "nc
ly over and t'.irc-.v himself into the
alili; i l' iir.
. . l.r:r!.- r was a tail, wi ll 1 ;iilt yo'ii;
: : ly th:; n.!'.-i; of II. ;;ry ('.-i-.y.
w. :.! Itltei kuo.v.i for a loir.; 1 iiu;;.
i i. pn-):aratry jiroce ; v.:u j.;n
: , i vit!i i:d th -.t h:; sharpeju-d lti
i':.:.; r ami went to work, biit ho t-tarti-i
i.'i i: a maiiiK-r that mado Rliett imcom
:.r.l)ii' trom !k; lii'st. 11ns was due to
;'ue uimsnrd and .sejiiinlj- reckless way
i:i which he handled tiie razor. There
was !:! irely too mne 'i flourish about it
to make om; feel easy. lie would whirl
it r.y.m'l i:i one or two cirles before it
ti -relied tlie f:iot, and then take it off
.: ;.;i:: in the s:::iiy artistic style. This
may have looked very pretty to u ppec-t.-iior,
but to the jer8oTi who formed tlie
c -liter of these concentric circles, Riie-tt
t!;ht it was anything but
Ai f 1 1 t ho was inclined to think the fel
low was drinking. Uut he soon dismissed
this idea, for the work was beiji done
well and skillfully and as no drunken
t:-an could do it. Finally he told t.'asey
l hat he didn't like any such flourishes
around his head, and to stop it.
But tho only reply he received was the
press of the barber's finger against his
;::: at, and a short hissing "keep still."
This made Rhett mad, and he started
5 express himself very forcibly, but
-. !;en he looked up at the man -who
. ;:1 drawing the sh.irp razor over bis
iV.ce Ids anger gave way to a far more
f. arful feeling. The words died on his
i -r..; raid a sudden chill crept over his
lie !::id looked into the wild, excited
. v-s of a mamac
Don't yon move or nay a word; if you
! ) i il cut vour taroat. ca:i'.e
ii,-;;u:i i ri a
ihai'i-', cua-
.r.-.-ess-.-d wliir-i-'.r. as that
.lug face bc::t lie
"Do von know, ' : ilv 1
.ar'.er as he
you know
:e-;t on v.'ith t!'. work; "0
k; -d this v.-.'.I l e your last shave tint J to i. id yon wkh t.iis same razor
the in-nii'.iit I have ihii-ln-d?
"I 1-ave h iig "aut"d to make the ex
!; : i;-)c!iL," l:e vv:', 1 as h.-j wor.t r.-;p-
.ly o.i. " . : - h: w juickly it con! I
. d.niie. Pv.-rii ii-s you think lam crazy.
.-.-.t yon are wrong. I only want to do
.'.lis work iu the iue'ivt of science. I
!-i ve it will prve t.j be 1he iaa.-L pain
I . .-s and ipiickest of .".11 deaths. It' I sr.c-cei-.l
today, as I expect to do, my method
;:i ay become tho public mode of execu
t i- n in this country, supplanting the gal
lows. You see what an honor it will be
to have started sne'i a reform in capital
: '"iiishment. My name will become iia
; ;..rt;.l. There will ba none of the sus-i.-e
atteii.iing executions now; none of
' t rrible scenes .at the gallc.vs. You
;.:p! v takt the co:idemnod man in for
a Laveand before he knows it he is in
He kept on talking iu this rapid, ex
'led way, and kept on slnving.
Rlu tt heard Lis friends conversing on
. other side or tue room, ana no turned
L. I to t.-e if he c-;
da'.igjr. it w:
k in po.-ition, and
..11 Ol
the barber toll
.n;x it tie uut tnac Kgaia .-r i rni to get
:t of (iie chair it Would i . ; the sigu;.!
bis death. And th. w-ickc-1 gleam f
,:s eye ir.oiv t'.;an 1:13 words sl.'o w: d that
v.-a in terrible earnest. Under the
Ivcr.msi'mces the intended victim
':. .r.uhi it lest not t move again, and
; lie laid there as still as death.
Uut his brain was not idle. It was
working with the rapidity of lightning,
...:d well it might.
Rhett had always been regarded as a
i -ool and brave young man ; he had proved
;i on more than one trying occasion.
And he determined in this last extremity
to be himself and to meet the sharp cun
ning of the maniac with an equal cun
ning. Then commenced a fierce and hidden
game between those . two a game in
which one knew the prize for him was
life, and, if he lost, the profit death.
"Henry," said the young man, and he
:;:iled. though his heart was beating
iat, "you shouldn't try to frighten a
,ood cr..-to!iier iu that way. You know
wa wouldn't kill nil old friend like me."
Til show you, Mr. Rhett," half
shrieked the barber, and the gleaming
eye grew fiercer and the voice trembled
with passion,
Rlu tt saw that this had only added
fuel to the flame, and he began to despair
of conciliating the madman.
"Yes." said Casey, and his wild hand
grew wilder and the razor pressed harder
r.noii his victim's face: "yes. j-ou must
die this very hgur for the sake of science.
Why, it will be a noble death. You
ought to feel honored to perish in such a
The young man was now thoroughly
frightened, and he watched for an op
portunity to spring from the chair and
escape. But he looked in vain. Though
the barber .occasionally relaxed th-- stern
grip upon his throat, yet h- still held
him with his glittering eye.
"You see, the criminal will not know
that his hour is at baud. The barber
will, taken into the jail to give him "a
shave, and without a fear or tremor,
without a single thought of death, he
wiUJw fcnrled into another world. Talk
I method will net only be quicke r, bt:t
more painless.
"Just 'i stroke like thK and it's a1!
over," aud Rhett's heart gave a wii I
lu-ip, for he thought his eu-1 ha 1 coin-..
Ca.ey, however, had only drawn t!n;
back of the razor acro. his throat, but
with such force and rapidity that it
burned like lire.
The situation was growing desp-rate.
In a minute the barber would be through
with his work. With one hand he ha 1
Rhett by the hair and with tho other
was finishing up the job, while his lip.i
kept muttering and his body sw.iyc '.
with excitement. Rliett knew wilii the
next sweep of that infuriated arm h
would meet his i"oo:n. Whatever he di 1
must be done instantly.
"Well, Henry," ho said, in lightly as
could, "sharpen up your razor well
'or; ynn start, for I don't want any
a-'liu-' job." For he thought wiiei.
the barber turned to do this he could
leap from tlie chair and get away.
"It's sharp enough for you, Mr.
Rhett," and ihe madman grew madder
as he spoke; "it's sharp enough for you,
lie had already finished shaving.
111. el t's heart iiliuost stood still.
In'ow we'll see if it needs to be sharp
er." said Ca:;ey with a demoniac laugh,
and Ii::c tl felt a sharp sting as the keen
blade cut the skin on his throat.
."But, Henry," he rapidly- ejaculated.
"I want you to make a success of this,
for it v. ill be a blessing to the world
but if you go on now I tell 3 0U it will
be a failure."
The razor stopped.
"Why?" asked Casey.
The maniac was interested. Rhett
saw that 1
knew his
iioint and he
JTJ I upon how hi-
used it. He had V . d upon the man's
pet mania. It seemed strange to him
now that he had not thong;;! of it. before.
"You will make a failure," he con
tinned, "because ymt Jia e told me all
about it, and I have already suffered
as much suspense as the criminal on the
gallows. Besides, when I feel the razor
giving me the fatal wound I will shriek
out in agony, and the people will say
t hat I suffered a terrible death. They
will not believe you then that it would
le the most painless mode of execution.
So you see, Ilenry, you would defeat the
very object you are trying to accom
plish." The barber withdrew the razor and
held it motionless in his hand. Rhett
breathed easier and became eloquent on
the subject of the experiment.
".Now, tho next man you shave,
Henry, don't say a word to him on the
subject, but all at once, in the twinkling
of an eye, put hiui out. And I believe
you will become a greater man than the
inventor of the guillotine."
"Well, Mr. Rhett, I believe j'ou are
right, about it," and he began to close
the rar.or.
The mania was wearing off, and in its
stead there came a playful and mischiev
ous humor.
Patting his customer under the chin,
"Ah, Mr. Rhett,'' he said, "you would
look so much bettor without your mus
tache. Now, doii'i; you want me to take;
it oli for you?"
Afraid to cross him in his humor,
rrarett replied, it almost broke
:is heart in say i::
"Why, certainly. Homy, if you think
it will look better."
On went the lather, and in nnothei
ninnte the beautiful silken i-lran. Is were
;o more than the withered loaves of the
"Now, Mr. Rhett, if you had your hair
lipped j'ou would look rIcmlid. Don't
oil want mo to take ic bii?''
"Of course, Henry, clip it," came from
hose anguished lips. Ho was willing to
ay or do anything to get that razor back
lto its case.
So the clippers wero brought out and
1:1 less tnan two minutes n-; was siicKer
ban a new born rat.
But if his head was lvrl:t his heart war.
too, vh 11 la; a. :;so fr:.i 110 chair, and
never iu all his life did he feci so willing
1 happy to pay for a shave and hair cut.
Of course everybody laughed at him
when he vent out 0:1 the street, and the
wind blew cold ah: -lit. his head. To his
frit lids-, when they gathered around him,
he told his harrowing e xperience, and he
was still sis pale as a ghost.
A committee forthwith waited on the
barber, but they did not find anything
i .i his word.5 or actions to denote insan
ity. So some believed the story and
soiue didn't and the barber kept on
But never again did he put his razor
upon the face of John Rhett. W. M.
Hobbv in Atlanta Constitution.
A Plea for Iudiffereure.
A little indifference to one's self, to
one's food, one's personal appearance,
clothes, and even one's mental and moral
condition, is a wonderful aid in life.
When I refer to indifference to one's
moral condition I do not, of course,
wuh to be an advocate of license; but I
do protest that it is well, having done
one's duty to the best of one's ability, to
await the issue with trauquilit-. All
the Year Round.
The Earliest Leu.
The earliest known lens is one made
of rock crystal, unearthed by Layard at
Nineveh. . This lens, the age of which is
to be measured by thousands of years,
now lies in the British Museum, with its
surface as bright as when it left the
maker's hands. By the side of it are
very recent specimens of lens which
have been ruined by exposure to Lon
don's fogs and smoke. St. Louis Re
public. Cream of tartar is the tartaric acid of
grapes, and may be used in water with
sugar as a substitute for grape juice. It
Is the substitution of mineral acid for
those of fruits and vegetables that is so
injurious to health; for instance, sul
phuric acid in wine and vinegar for the
natural fruit acid. . .
After fifty-nine years of labor Barthel
emv Saint Hilare has finished his trans-
What is
l 1 :,a-
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitchor'n prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance It in a harmless subtrtituto
for Paregorfc, Irops, Soothing Syrups, ami Castor OiU
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and AVind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething' troubles, cures constipation and flatulency
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend,
"CaBtoria Is an excellent meJIclnfl for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told uie of itu
good effect upon their children."
Db. a. C. Osooon,
Lowell, Mans.
Castoria is tho liet remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is-uot
far distant when mothers wr fllconsider the real
IntereBt of their children, and uao Castoria In
stead of the various quack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agent down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves
Da. J. F. Kimchklob,
Conway, Ark.
The Ccntanr Company, TT
Ktt-M ST r,a
DOORS, Imi.iliiijr material
ami see us
J 4
1 1th and IiJIm street, one block
north of fleiseFs mill.
-3 tn A 4 fin n 4"
-s ,7.b W i fct - -
Bsiy y.a lirees OiTtlae BS.a
STiirser,y wlaere yen &eieet
yar ws trees tlu. wl23 3e u
gjFessi privilege sszasfl tilt to
yoas. R Hnave dSI tlae BeatdSsaj? vsi
riietaes asd Simow Idetfter wEnatt
vaaietie's wilt lo Eiee diaasi
ag-esats ssbecI ya esm foay sis
ebeap agalis.
Apple trees. 3 years old
4nnlA trpps. vftars old
Cherry, early Richmond, late
Plum, Pottawattamie, vvua roose
Raspberries, Gregg- Syler
Strawberries, Sharpless Creeen
Concord vines, i years old -Moors
Early grapes; '1 years old -Currants,
Cherry Currants
Snyder blackberries - -Industry
Gooseberry -
Downing Gooseberries, 2 years old
Houghton Gooseberries, 2 years old -Asparagus
- -
Rosses, red moss and white moss
Shrubs, Hydrangias - r
Honey Suckle -
Snow Balls - - - -
Lilacs - - -
Evergreens, Norway spruce li, Fir
Nursery one-hall mile Eiortb ol
town, end of 5?tla Street.
Address all Orders zo ' 'C:;:. r--' K-''
T. IB. rE.23JJ.T, '
- " j List. ir wtnw immmm ft i Mnf f i im rnnrnHTiiiiOl -f WW T" 5?. V-:'T''
" Cantoria Is so well adapted toclilldr
I recommend it mm superior loany proacriptkMB.
kuown to ma."
TI. A. Archbb, M. IX
111 So. Oxford St., Ilrooklya, X. X.
Our physicians in tho children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence In their outside practice with CaaUiria
and although we only oave among mm
medical supplies what is kaown as regit- .
products, yet wo aro free to confess that I
merits of Castoria has won us to look '
favor upon it."
Iiokton, IUm
Allmh C. Surra, Prem
Murray Street, New York City.
Hi fA.I.-n
J !.. "W-ij 'J
at the corner of
Ivf ih
- ii W
,7 tJ X V i-. r
25 2 00180O
20l 75 1600
40,3 GO 2500
Richmond, wragg
ht 00
10 GO
303 00
101 00
25'3 00
101 50
101 00