The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 24, 1891, Image 2

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    t -
(Successor to
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware
Having completely rcclean 3(1 and renovated. "Wc now
have ;is neat :i lianhvare stock as genu le Ibnnd in Cass
County. "We respect fully invite the public to call and
learn our method of doing business.
Hardware can be sold cheaper for cash than
on time and we are the people that propose
to do it
Everything to Furnish' Four House.
Under Waterman's Opera House
You can buy of him cheap far spot cash or can seenrf. what you need to furnish a cottage or'i
maui-ioii on the INSTALLMENT PLAN.
Ajrent tor the Celebrated "White Sewing Machine.
1 he largest ;ind most complete Stock to select from in Cass Couhty. Call and see me
Opera House Block I. PEARLMAN.
Insure your property against lire, lightning and
Tornadif isi t lie
Of Cineinnatti, Ohio.
Comincnccsl Business October 1S71.
Stockholders individually liable , und :r the constitution of the State
of Ohio which together with the present net surplus is a net
ouarantee of about 70o,U(M),00 to policy holders.
Losses paid in nineteen years, (since organization) nearly tour niillior
.1. II. BEATTIi:,
Wm. L. B310VNE, .Resident
irmrjE tlieajidiim
IHIas si ILsisrsrer Circulation than
any two JPapers in tltae
U. T. Mathews.)
A.'nt, Plattsmoutii Nebraska
jpjpiEiffi if
1 n 41
PliiitsmonJli ' Daily !!crald
K NOTTS BROS, Publishers
Published every Thursday, land dully every
evening except Sunday.
Ketfisteivd at llio I'lattsmtMiih, Net), post
oMcetor transmission t liroti:;U ttic U.S. mails
at second class rate.
Ofllce corner Vine and Fifth streets.
Telephone 38.
One copy, out: year, in advance... .... $1 Ml
One ropy, one year, not in advance 2 00
One copy, six iimntlif. in advance 75
Out-Jo -py, three incut lit-, in advance. ... 40
One ':i one y i;u" in adiiicc . 00
One copy per week, by earrier 11
One copy, per month 5C
AjK. Ci.kvki. ami's p sitiuii in favor of
cheap labor and dear money seems to
,- . i . ,
suit our hn"lish emissary and free trade
neighbor, the Journal.
The pleasant iclatious heretofore ex
isting between Col. Rushnell, of tho
Lincoln Call, and Col. Rosewnter, of the
Omaha Bee, are beiny somewhat strained,
we should jud;e, from a perusal of the
columns of I lis two papers.
Sinck Grover Cleveland has written
his free coinage letter, it is pretty well
settled that the next national platform
will fayor the gold standard and free
coinage too. While this kind of a
straddle would be ruinous to any other
party democracy would thrive and fat'en
on it.
The rank oi admiral in the Unitid
States navy has ceased to exist with the
death of Admin 1 Porter, and will prob
ably not be revived again unless the na
tion should be called upon to measure
swords once more upon the field of bat
tle. The lion hearted, fearless Farragut,
'i wus the first admiral, and David Dixon
Porter was the la-t.
While Grover C. is responding to
dinner invitations and advocating cheap
labor and dear money, Mr. Blaine is
stesdily obtaining reciprocal urr,inue
nr nts with our South American neigh
bors for the exchange oi American pro
ducts in the interest of our producers
md laboreit.
This is the difference be-:
tween a republican statesman and a dun
in acic hutiibuo.
The lying cntnpaigu which wa cor.-
.bteted bv the democrapy hist fall, i s
p-'cially as it referred to the McKinle
b'U is already beginning to react on th :t
prty. This is as it should be, and ii
r m!i icans will teach thoroughly th
true American policy of protection, I or.;
n r.v untd the ides of November, 18!':.',
there can be no question about the suc
cess of the party which hns almost unin
ternptedly guided the ship of state for
the past thirty yeais with such marked
The Wa-hiugton dispatches say th. . (
S-. nators Quay and Cameron and Gnur !
Dudley are booming Alger. thf lumber j
kinir, for Presidrnt in 1802. This ma 1
all he very well, but the actions f :
General Alger in his efforts to obtain th'- j
nomination before do not rebound to hi-, j
credit. The republic an party has tio
fjany good and able men within its i
i inks to afford to take up this piice f
c heap Michigan pine timber at thebt In it ;
of the Quays and Dudleys. ;
The appoin:uu-nt by the president of i
ex-Governor Charles Foster, of Ohio, t j
be secretary of the treasury, in one ot I
those wise selections for Thieli President
Harrison has made himself famous. The
enmments on the appointment from all
quarters are of a very commendatory
niture. The pre-eminent qualificatioi s
of Mr. Foster for the responsible posi
tion are everywhere admitted. Even
the democratic press are unable to point
out a flaw in the ex-governor's record,
and are thus compelled to admit the
wisdom of the president's choice.
The public life of ex-Governor Fosb r
K ia hiion ar-tntlAca in iirirntp hp h.AA iipn I
r '
a thoroughly successful business man, te
U better known than was Windom when
Garfield appointed him, much more of a j
statesman than Maning, the Albany p jl I
itician, ever aspired to be; and theothe-
falls into insignificance beside the Ohio
, , . .
man. Foster stands higher today than
j-j 13 i . , t
did Folger. or any other secretary of the
trpnanrc in thp ast tWPntV vears. Wltll
the single exception of Honorable John
Sherman. Tolelo Blade.
The democratic press duriag the l-st-campaisn
particularly dwelt on the sub
ject of silk (on which the tariff
was increased by the McKinley bill) as
serting that the price had been almost
doubled and that it would confine
that way, for the reason that more than
75 per cent, of the silk plush used in
this country was imported. What has
been the result? Simply that democratic
lie No. 784 bas been exposed by the fact
that silk plush is as cheap as it wis b-
th MeKirlv nr pcn.l and
crossing tiic i.cciu to nianiif -icfuru the
article here no that in a few months
ccjiiij ii-t i t iot will ninke bilk plushes
cheaper iu the United States than they
have i-viT heen lie fife r : 'iiltl have
been when we. wihj ;.lmot wholly t.ul
ject to the whim and eupricis of a
tuition nintut.ieninr. i ji- lO'luwiiij
which we clip from the Ann'i;ca:i Econ
omist, may prove very interesting read
ing to iie trailers ns well us true
Am- i ie.iiis:
"On account of the cxcen-ive ta- iff on ! ushi 8
mfereed by tile l' lit McKinlcy I. ill. Sir 'l il u
S:i'l, l!:irt.,S:i.s ,t I. in 'led f Sail ill re.
have i-cided to erect a iiianufacteiy fir the
p u mm in . ii. el 'ra. Mr. "i:a. Stead. I he
chairman, sails immediately I i inijieni.leiid
the estali'ishiuetit i f t h new uii'':m I ikii.i. A
l ii'e par' nf the :Iu-i:i-s nl the company we e
e :
ro d to t lif 1
rates of duty
ileil Mates under the fnl
l:ut as Hie new duties u .
tVr I lu
i ev l..v are ' rae ieally iindiib.-
try he eoneein hie detei miiiei! !i
r-'Mi vi
,tn iiiaaut'aetui'iiiK plant to I lit I'ldle.!
Thev have li-.-.-ed the eld liow.- r-ewili).-
i Machine Wdiks in liridep- it, which have been
i idle fo" severa' year.-, and as mum as they jjet
' ,. , . ,. . . , . , . . , ,
t .. i r. .-. Ii i ii.. i-v ili niit'il I r. ii r.u:l:iiil ami s. 1
I " ' -- i i -
up in the new ijuartelf , will tase on about four
humired wor nil n and lesiinid the liiaking i f
S lush -s
They exp ct to p"ii in nridceport in a few
w. esri, and wi hin a short time will give em
ployment to over six hundred hands.
C.illector Kduiurds' bu-i:iccs in New Ynik
was to ask Collector Ktharilt to ai-sij;n some
exeit examiner from ihe app-aiser's ofl'ire
here to ko to 1'rideport ami appraise the lu
tie .n the phish-makinK in. eliinery which the
ir Titus Salt Company are about to import."
Merit Wins.
We de-ire to say to our citizens, that fo
years we have beeu selling Dr. Ziting's New
Discovery for Consumption, Dr. Kind's New
Lif5 Pills. Uiicklen'u Ainlca alve ai;d Electric
Hitters, and have never handled remedies that
sell as well, orjt hat have n'ven such universal
satislaction. wc do not hei-itate to guarantee
them every lime, and' we stand rea iy to refund
the pnrcbuse price, if . nit isfaetory icsu ts do
not f.dlow their use. '1 he remedies have won
their preat l opularity purely on their ;Jmerits.
P. (J. Prieke & Co., Drusxii-ts.
The best and surest dye to oior the
bi aril brown r black, as may l;e desired
I Buckingham's Dye tor the Whi-kers.
t never fail-'.
A Safe Investment
is o"e ivli ch is xuarenteed to bring you satis
lactory results, or iiv' of failure a return of
purchase price. On this safe pi; n yen can b iy
from our advert bed Prujijost a bottle of . Dr.
Kiu.i'sNew Di-covery fo' Consimrption. It is
iiiaraiitced t brini- relief in every cso, when
u-i'd for any alii etieti id T!mi:;t, I.e.m.'s or
C.'i'sr, m:;-Ii a ecu-umpi ion, ;Ii llainmation of
j Limits, l'ronchitis, ctlima, ' ln pil KConh,
! C'ioup. etc. It 's plea-:.nii am! r'jieealile to
ij,.;, ,.,),.,. t!y Mle. Mil cat: alvays le de-
ii':m!i'iI Ii'm ii ''Ii; ! l-nlilcs flee ;t K (1
: jt,.,. K . . e-p . ; .r , -j
111 I M. M rS ) H I jl Ti";
j Cinnot becmn1 heilthy fuo ! - ;;:i.,y by
; the process of de-Jlii.
j owe i' to themselves and soci- ty to
j A DVOCi.T": RET C' ill
In swill" raising t'l it will ptnro'te the
public h(-,dth. Ilot; should 0. f'-d.
" s" '
rr S
Mid hQULulY
:y r-.-,- .I.;.- :::;' !;:.'
.-i;cct s-j it 1 1 - :ir l.iii
lit., l.i .y v ! oi; ,
il'.ClCUJO-i I i"l O
? ' csli.
v i '
I'i-i .- by i".
I'iaTtfini-sith, Ni-J
1.2-1 in I i I : :
re f i ' i ;-t
' lir ii'i'v, -t
: . i0'i i z - 1' ' " lar.-':s
"Viir- t.'stiiu mial
Jt - t-T - i-n;tilet on
swine will rn.-nh-? fori. 2-c-nt stamps
Orders by in-iii reviv--
r.iinp' at ti ntion.
f n li hi ip-i';is
Don t Be Duped
There have lately been placed upon the market
several cheap reprints or a
an obsolete edition of
" Webster's Dictionary,
They are being offered
at a low price
j dry goods dealers, grocers, clothiers, etc., and in
I a few instances as a premium for subscriptions
to tater9.
Announcements of these comparatively
reprints are very misleading; for instance, they
are advertised to be the substantial equivalent
of "an eight to twelve dollar book," when in
reality from A to , tney are an
DMnMiM llm4mnAMiA
: "Cli uiuuuiioi ico,
phototype copies of a book of over forty yeara
a(r0, which in its day was sold for about S5.oo, and
which was much superior in paper, print, and
bmdinK to these imitations, being then the best
ukihhuii v"
Long Since Obsolete.
The suDolementof 10.000 so-called "new words.
which some of these books are advertised to con- '
tain, was compiled by a gentleman who has been !
. . i - . . " i , L.l.-,.l 1 . !
aeaa over miny years, ami was jjuuhbucli u
fore his death. Other additions are probably
reprints of a like character.
The Genuine edition of Webster's Una
bridged Dictionary, which is the only one
familiar to this generation, contains over auuo
pages, with illustrations on nearly eTery page,
and bears our imprint on the title page. It is
protected by copvricht from cheap imitation.
Valuable as this work is, we have at vast ex
pense published a thoroughly revised successor,
the name of which is Yi'zbstzk'b Jstebsatigsai.
DlCTIOJIART. , - I. ' - i
Sold by all Booksellers. Illustrated pamphlet free.
G. & C. MERRIAM & CO.,
Springfield,' Mass., U. 8. A.
A woman may sevand a Woman may spin,
And a voman may WcrIC all day,
ButLwkl STAup corner into her fcoie
Then vanish ail troubles avay.
mm m mmmnMmm&
W. D. JONES. Proprietor.
Carriages for I'lntsuie
Cor. 4th and Vine
F Q FfjiorTK G2
A Full and Complete line of
rugs, Medicines,
Prcsv n 5ijns Csari a"i ! y Compounded at all Hours
Leave your
'Ihi? tile if1 not a calender, but a record, where all suspense items
cm Le recorded and each item, as consecutively dated, will take its
''place at the iront" and stare you in the f tee, until such item 6hall
have attention. At the time otwr'ting' letters relative to important
matters, date.-can be fixed when tiies matters will come tip again
should such letters receive no reply.
Especially adapted to recording for future attention 'such mat-
ter as appointments. Payment of Life Insurance Premiums, Itenewa
of Fire Insurance. Special collections, Promises to pay, Dr. or, Or., ,
Payirent if taes, Dates set lur uit. Expiration of rime tot appeal, "
JJu?ine?3 men who st-e these files, as a rule, buy them.
Price, with ink wells and full supply of menii.rai diim cards
complete. - - - - $2.50
Parties desiring glass ink wells will do well to write u.
Taylor & Wells,
S4i JS' Y. Lila Building, Omaha A(tENTS WANTED
Mi it Drive Always
PlattFinoutli, Nebraska
Paints, and Oils.
orders with.
a 9
tb'iv i