The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 24, 1891, Image 1

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    , ', V-r " . - : -t ii,r-' -
ASKA. TUK-DAY KYi-V ! N(i. FKliRUAUY lid 189J.
II II . a P'U I .1 J 5 1 .
M -, .,- ,-- -
.5 i
i i
1 :
1 ?
cf nil r, Ienvt-nin ,1 jwer.
--""';-v rrrs t Ifj
Lis,. X'..
A nice Child's Suit ut $1 00 ul .lOK'.S. tf
I):in't ,fnrfivt th: liinnic.t sli"v (if tin
season at tho vti lui'ist? roniuht.
C5 to J()K aii'l !;iy in your supply for
next . It will p ;v 'i fjooil iiiUT
est at tiie pikes h- is clo-iiifj out his
tock. tf
J Come nn I sfv tin; dilTeie ice hctwc n
cash and credit prices. Ll-011. the cash
clothier. tf
No old chestnuts or rullish at .IDE'S.
Everything oi the latest style iind ..t ie
low cost. tf
Miss Mollie Tucker. Dressmaking and
millinery a specialty. Koonis over Her1
old's store. tf
Now is your chance, nud sch a chance
you will have hut oiiee in u life time, to
buy Clothinj;, Furnishing Goods, Hats,
etc., at slaughtering prices at .K)E'S.
The entire Btock must be sold out as
quick as possible. tf
A genuine ftetson sf t.00 Hat at 2 75
at JOE'S. tf
When you are in Lincoln, call on W,
C. Austin & C ., in McIJride block, cor
ner of Twelvth and I strict", for Have
lock and University preperty. tf
JOE has not "bursted." Joe never
has failed, for lis b!ieves there is nn
honest living for everybody, but owieg
to Dissolution of Partnership. Joe is com
pelled ti close out his nice and clean
itock, regardless of cost. tf
For glassware, queeiiswnre and the
bost and freshest gioceries go to Phillip
Kreus. wher yon will find tverything
you wnt for your t::l'e. tt.
A good pair of shoes at 1.0;) at
JOE'S, , f
To Nervous Debilitated Men.
If you will send us your address, we
will mail you our illustrated pamphlet
nplaininli all about Dr. Dye's celebrated
Klertro-Yoltiae Belt and appliances, and
their charming effects upon the m s vious
debilitated system, and how they will
quickly r f 'ore yon to vior and man
hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus
afflicted w will send you a belt ami ap
pltanccs on a tiial .
VoiriAO Bi.t-T Co. M irshsdi, N'ich.
For Sale.
A good bum omj-foiirth mil? fiomt he
town of Murray, on the M- P. U. It
Plenty of timber and w-itet. Good
orrhn'rd. be-irinn trees. Plattsmouth.
Nebn Feb.. '..tii. lS'Jl. wtf
II. W. IIyuks.
You can not form an idea what it is to
sell Clothing, etc., a' and below cost un
til you look through JOE'S stock, tf
It is only with regret JOE Iias to sell
out his entire stock, for he has done a
I very satisfactory and successful business,
but dissolution between JOE and his
partner, Mr William Fisher compels him
to close out. tf
From thi9 day forward, Elson, the
cash one price clothier will only sell
etrictly for cash. tf
Persons wishing to make investments
with best returnsor to borrow money on
real estate will find it to th-ir advan
tage to call on Mr. Thos. Pollock and
investigate the plan of the Provident
Savings. Loan & Building Association
of Omaha. A large amount of stock has
been taken and a number of loans tntde
in this city, to the satisfaction of all.
This is a home institution and books are
open to the investigation of all. The
many beneficial points seen in our plan
. will commend themselves to all. Call
and see us and be convinced.
40-1 w Jas. Pkttee, Gen'l Agt.
Office under Bank of Cass County,
second dor from Main street, on Fifth
A noted Gypsy fortune te'ler just from
the east is at the Perkins House, this
city. Past, present and future all told
by the hand. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money returned. Enqnire for Mrs
Boswell. tf
Ii will nt be our aim to see how much
profit we can make, but to sel good
goods for a tmall margin for cash, El
ton the cash clothier. ' jf
- - TJ. S. Gov't Rf;-r.r:, Au. 17, i- ' j.
', A 15. Taylor is transacting business in
, Gl 'iipiidd t'Ij)j
l-'n 1 1:-.-!.Im ,; t n d Wi::. Webber
' ar tnk'.i!-r "n O111 i tud.iy.
Walt -r l'.iiiiiiL', a prominent iiierchant
of Greenwood is in the city tod:y.
Colonel i'li', fne lumber kin; f the
Black Rills, came down I'r:;in Cust r
onSttnrdiy i.nd nt Sunilay with li s
ol I friend, Dr. Sigins.
Walter White is today moving ti e
safe fro;n the old treasure's oiiict: to th
mw pi li ters under the 15;;iik ( f Cats
Mr. II. Boyd, brother of Frank Boyd,
of th:s city, made a short visit with his
brother ytsterday, returning home to
Sioux Ci:y this morning.
Mrs. J. P. Taylor, of Central City, and
daughter Nellie, who have been visiting
with thrt family of Mrs. Oliver, departed
tins morning on No. 5. Mrs. Taylor re
turns home and Miss Taylor to her stud
ies at the conservatory of music at Lin
coln. Agent Latham today ticketed one pas
senger to Kansas City,oue to Chicago and
one to Atchison.
On account of the warm weather the
river has been steadily rising, but the
cold wave this moiniug has ekecked its
The proprietors of Ely's Cream B;iim
do not claim it to be a cun;-al!, but a
sure remedy for catai rh, colds in head
.Hiil hay fever. It is not a liquid or a
snuff, but is easily applied into the nos
1 1 il -. It gives relief at once.
John Berk-r went u; to Oniutiv. em j
t look aftir transferring some cars from
the B & M. to the Elkhoin road for Mr
Philip Weyrick and B ds Volk, who are
m ving to Pierce, this state.
Last night a monster revolving snow
plow, weighing li.'ty two tons, p-issid
through the city from Patterson, A. J.,
enroute to the Denyir llio Grande
road. It is probably the first of these
plows ever brought west.
Why continue the use of irritating
powd rs. snuff's or liquids. Ely's Cream
i' dm, pleas'int of application and a sure
cute for cat :rrh and cold in le ad, can be
hud for oOe. It is easily applied into
t'.ic iio.trils is safe and pleasant, and is
curing the most obstinate cases. It gives
n lief at once.
D. II. Churchill snys a hen stole her
n?jt out in a strawstaek near the barn at
his placj south of town, in January, and
came in a few davs ago with a fined: oi !
young chicken. For mild winters Ne
braska he ids the list this year, with
Fhuida only a elosj second.
The bar doekst for the M irch term of
the district court came out yesterday and
was distributed among the attorneys.
It is in good form, neatly gotten up, and
does credit to the Republican force who
did the work. It shows 01 jurv cases,
85 eqity cases and 7 criminal cases, a total
of 153 cases, which, if all are disposed
of will mean a long term.
Major ltuesell and Captain Stetn re
turned from the funeral of General
Sherman Sunday evening, passing
through this city on theK. C. for Omaha.
While the train stopped they very kind
ly got off and presented the editor of the
IIkkai.d with a neat bunrh of evergreen
that bad been used to decorate the grave
oi" th? deceased general. They tpoke of
the impressiveness of the funeral and
the immense crowd of people ia attend
ance. Trie Secret of Success.
F. G. Fiicke Jc Co., druggists, believe
that the scent of success lies in perse
verance. There fori they persist in keep
ing the finest line cf perfumeries, toilet
articles, cosmetics, drugs and chemicals
on thn market. They especially invite
all persons who have palpitation, short
breath, weak or hungry spells, pain in
6ide or shoulder, oppression, night mare,
dry cough, smothering, dropsy or hpart
disease to try Dr. Miles unequaled New
H?art Cure, before it is too late. It has
the largest sale of any similar remedy.
Fine book of testimonials free. Dr.
Miles Restoratiye Nervine is unsurpassed
for sleeplessness, headache, fits, etc., and
it contains no opiates. 5
A fine worsted men's suit, former
price5J18, now at $12.50 at JOE'A. tf
A I"n..:. y i.-..;:!.
A f.'lir ;i i-i i;m o, !' . inis
tram,, -i g1:-! it A. L roe-u rn :;t
Cill . lit l)' dav- a.o ::l.! I10' I. IU'
ii-.- v, :..s Ii i- ! 1 ; I i ;n : I t.i- :.oi ii 1 i t 1
until l li(i;iV U ie-n Ale'ier w;;s
llOtlliid lV te'ep i :ne 1'l' Hl S'"it!i Oinall i
that a man il l. I veil IhomII ll there
to the olii ev.s and ei.ii.:e d Ii - li;t i pa'.vn
ei :i ii ti :i at 1 ' : t 1 1 i - .' ;i !;' j. m I . m - i . u
1 Mr. C.oir.tli .! l'ia : in Vlf'.!e
the matter wn b.-ing in v. sttgaa l Sat
urday his t'i:ii:p-hip .'a- I ho Soil'.li
Omaha ol.'ieeis the s.i) and :ipje'ald ill
I'! Mt-li.ontii. htiiil.d 111- ihe ni.i!.-li.i!i
and i:ave tin- uheteabouts of th- lost
gun. Mr. ('.iiriith w.nt ever to the
.luncti. n and f'i:iul tli:-.t .v gun had
lu. u pawned for :V.' .mil had been sold
s ) l.e e i.el i.d d o; to letier v.i:h an
e(T 'it to eu.ive ' n".- pr .-per', y; and
tiiey loilinl !iu! tl::l..i till-d I!) d.lV
by the iire at the co llit .' -, la J
was tiled out uf town at a lively rate.
lie wns too !iiixi: us to be a:-,ested
and eonvieled. The m:irsh.;'d ay lie
went uwav limi-tt-il.
Council Proceedings.
The coun il me; in ngi.iai session la'-t
ni lit. Present, the mayor and lull
council except Laisen and McCallaii.
There li tie loutine business to be
transacted except the allowance of a
small claim to the street commissioner
and ihe salary of the city attorney for
the quar'cr just clos"d.
The couacilmen were not wholly un
occupid, however, as the claim of Mr.
Sullivan for attorney's fees hui not been
finally di-posed of. At the last meeting
a motion was made allowing the full
amount of the claim, but this motion did
not rccciyr" the necessary majority,
having reteiytd only live yotes out of
the ten vo'es in the council; the mayor
thereupon tool: the matter under advie
ment until last evening, when he had
his vote recorded in the iitlirmative and
declared the motion carried. Thi
started a running ui-cussion among the
councilman, which resulted in a motion
to reconsider I he vote allowing the claim,
on the ground that there might be other
claims for servie; s in the same cas-j and
it was thought best to consider them all
together. Since the supreme court has
J.VN.'rd it, if it 1 llri'-lWiUi tej tllC Cinlr
missK.ncrs to employ assistance for the
county attorney, there seems to be a dis
position to shoulder the whole burden
upon the city. In view of the above
facts the motion to reconsider was car
ried. A motion was then made that the
claim be rejected, but the motion was
Mr. A. Baxter Smith then tendered his
resignation to the council, which was
accepted. Mr. Smith has sold bis pro
perty in the Fifth ward and is about to
rjtnove to the First and so would no
longir bj eligible to membership in the
council. On motion of Gutschu council
Wild man !c Fuller curry the largest
and l?ncst ass rtment of wall paper in
C.i.-s county. tf
County Court.
Alien St.ultz vs Robert Phillips. Suit
for conversion. Settled and dismissed.
John B. Hayes vs McKaska M'X'g Co.
Continue 1 by consent until parties agree
upon time for trial. Gering for plaintiff,
Windham Sc D ivies for defendant.
Meyer Bros. Drug Co. vs Plattsmouth
L imp M'i'g Co, Suit on account. Judg
ment for plaintiff for $130.50.
District Court.
One new case filed today, that of Geo.
Vasburgh vs. Barbara Yasburgb, petition
for divorce, alleging desertion. Wooley
& Gibson for plaintiff.
Singer Sewing machine company have
established a branch office in. Henry
Boeck's furniture store where all kind of
machines will be repaired.
R. O. Atberton,
dlw Local Agent.
It will be remembered that M. F.
Lambert of Rock Bluffs was killed last
summer by accident at Cattlesburgh,
Kentucky. His son Charley, aged ten,
was with him. The sister, it seccis,
wanted to get hold of the pension money
which the boy would draw, so she had a
guardian appointed for him and fixed
the lad out as a permanent resident In
the mean time the1 boy's mother, who re
sides at Rock Bluffs, was using every ef
fort at her command to get the guardi
anship annulled and have her boy re
turned to his Cass county Jaome. J. 8.
Mathews was retained and after about
three months be has succeeded in making
the mother's heart glad by the return of
her boy.- Ho made the trip alone with
out Any trouble, arriving home a few
days ago. - ' ... - . "
lie .- i -- 1... h:i'iv y u I n:i;l.t IIS
is-; n i: hi i i- .; ;- i s,
' i:- -;ii I ;;' !:: i ::u"i ea' :
l!::.r I'l.l mi i i i.i I.-::er,
: .. . ! ; :. ...
l'lea -' it f ; iii ;;n ,1 ( 1. 1 , .
I 1 1 ti. 's .1 . !. !" o a
1 I.i : I'l.r.'
At f iesi :: .i ; .i lo'.sliMi'!, Mr.
.1 l.ii M-;;ii m . :r '. . i t I " .:. r. i.. on ! 1 1
iay. 1 eer -iar- "a. . .! j'ia ,.c Itrnoin, :-j;el
.r-'j,'.ii-. .'.'is. :.( i; 11. I:: !. ea il! fi r Hie
fine, aid a'! e-'mi- of iin'(ii".tl skill i oi (I
u i ii.:ii. lo s it I!cr f unci ;;1 nil! la c
place lr. i.i l!ie 1. 1 ,-, ...( , s.:ur lay.
Kelii naiy 21. S ! v i.;e ; ' I he linuse a t 111 :'Jf) .-,
in., l, :ii -t ;:r ii;e l.i!i:.''l:i eetnete y
I.:t!:eU:i, '. ol.. I 1 -.
Tiie huslnud of the dece isi-d preceded
her to I he great beyn 1 .n tin; fifteenth
of last ni i'H'ii, noiee of which wat given
i.i l!ri IIi:::A!.! at the time. Mr. Mo
Broom, as our r-'id'-rs will rememb
fioni a perusal of tic; lorn!' r notice, w? S
a buoth: r of M .-. L IF. Young. W'l i:
iieirlier tho d-ce.'i-e.l or her la e bus! and
could In called aged, yet they wireculy
settlers in Colorado, having stopped in
Denver when it e, n'a ne I but oimhotw;
diey had ( u much of tin: hard.-hips of
pioneer life together, and it seems singu
larly lifting tint, r h - widow was not long
called to mourn the loss of the dcpaited
There cett duly is something in store
for Mr. T. A. t, if justice is ever
to be meted out. Mr. S'ewart has been
working for the company here, but a
few days ago, took his time and pulled
out for the west, leaving a widowed
mother with no means of support and
absolutely penniless. Friends brought
the matter to the notice of the county
commissioncis, who this morning bought
her a ticket to Turtle Lake, Wisconsin,
where she has relatives who will take
care of her.
The morning Omaha papers announce
the death of Nathan C. Folsom, an em
ploye ofjthe B. it M. at that place. There
is a mi. in Ihe accounts given, as
Mr. Folsom had made up a train of cars
and sta'ted for Omaha and in some un
known way fell beneath thewhetls. lie
was found by the construction train, of
which Charley Bisshne'l was conductor.
Mr. Folsom will be remembcrel ns
h tvir" 'rT.v- H v F,n or the r as
brake;:. an f'v '"'oJict..-:- Carter, IL
leaves a wife residing in Omaha.
The New Court House.
The bids for the contract for the
erection of the court house were opened
toJay. O. J. King, of Omaha, was the
lowest biddei, pnd if he furnishes the re
quired bond will probably get the con
Syrian IVt.s.
The anther of the 'Inner Life of
f-yriii" gives an int'.r;tiiig account of
the t-ueee. s wiih which wild b .-. have
been l;;itied ia i eounlry. The writer,
being- a l.-tdy, '." having o;nc sirirnlar
pets of h r own. was the la-it -r proi;ired
to ;:ppr. !'.-! to v.-A-it tin natives had ac
CoJir, Ilsh.-d hi that ?!: .-ction.
At cue tiiiK : -ho visited the wife of a
liuagavlaa vuii. ( i". :-i:o was living ouite
coii'.eutodly in a nrod hut, and i. r oidy
ncnr.vtv'.a.s vrcr.-1- a Jiven-t and a lvn::.
vi il....: M', Oil il'.-i e l aii.c ! v. o iii 13.-.
The hyena leceiveil me at t ::o gate, and,
thoitgli I was not p:-epaivd for it, I iu-noi-ently
did t!ie rig'nt tiling, as she
afterward iaioiiueu me.
The animal came -and sniffed at my
bands, and then jr.ntped up and put its
fore-paws on my f'j raiders and smeit my'
"Oli," I thonght. "if it tak-s a bit out
of iny choc-!., what s.hali I dor"
i' .itlrt od as stii) as a statue, and
tried not to breathe, looking it steadily
in flu- eyes ail the whih. At last it made
up Its mind to befriend me, jumped
d..-,vn ar.d rau before mo like a dog into
the house, where I found iha lynx on the
Pet lio. "J sprang at me, mewed and
lashed iris tail till his mistress came in.
Slie told me that when people began to
Ecreura or to elrive the- hyena away?it
took a r1 :isuro in worrying and fright
ening hem.
I v eat afterward to the husband's re
ception room. Ha had gono out for a
short while. Tho hyena had got in, and
I found my hufJiand.the Russian consul
and a French gentleman all sitting on
the divan, with their legn well tucked
up under them, and looking absurdly
uncomfortable at the frightful beast, as
tho count called it. I had a good laugh
at them, as the hyena and I were already
on friendly terms.
The Cap and Hat Hint.
These civil disturbances were in
Sweden from 1703 to 1771. The Caps
were the Russians anil their symjia
thizer s; the Hats were the French. For
a time the kingdom was reduced almost
to a state of anarchy by the two con
tending factious, hut order was restored
by Gostavns IH in 1771, who, desirous
of excluding all foreign intervention in
tho affairs of Sweden, forbade the use of
the names, and sternly repressed all dis
orders growing out of the political dis
sension between the factions. St. Louis
0 i 1 m
n h 1 Hi
our, iiNjTi;ni.c
i .
"e HAVE cut the prices deep, and par
ties in need of anything in the above lines will
save money by calling.
Our new line of embroideries, the handsom
est and largest line ever shown by us.
Look Here!
livery one indebted to JOK,
The One Price Clothier, must set
tle within thirty days or the ac
counts will be placed in the hands
of a Justice ior collection. tt'
Joe Ivlein. Vir. f imikk.
The finest of Furnishing Goods at
slaughtering prices ai JOE"S. tf
A Husband's Mistake.
Husbands too oiten peimit wives, and
parents tb'-ir cliilelrrn, to suffer from
Headache, eliz.i:-ess, iicuiu!ia, sic. pie.-s-uess,
lits nervoubuers, when by the Use
of Dr. MiW lt.t-)rative Nervine such
serious results Cuuid e asily le preveuteel.
Drugis'.s everywhere say k irivc-s uui
versul satisfaction, and has an irnrni n-e
sale. Wooelworth fc Co , of Fort Wayne,
Ind.; Suow & Co, of Syracuse, X. Y. ;
J. C. Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich.; and hun
elreds of others say ''it is the greatest
seller they ever knew. It contains no
opiates. Trial bottle and fine book on
nervous diseases, free at F. G. Frieke &
Co. 5
All the latest styles of wall paper found
at Wild man & Fuller's. tf
O. A- Ilirsch will remove his barber
shop under Mayer Bros store where he
will hereafter nn three chairs anel three
bath rooms. His new barber is recently
from the Palace hotel in San Francisco,
where none but the best can secure cm
ployment. For a nice shave or a quiet
bath call on O. A. Ilirsch at his new par
lors in the Carruth block after next Mon
day, dlw
Will be Given Away.
Our enterprising druggists, K. G.
Fricke & Co., who carry tke finest Etck
of drugs, perfumeries, toilet articles,
brushes, sponges, etc., are giving away a
large number of trial bottles of Dr.Miles'
celebrateel Restorative Nervine. They
guarantee it to cure bf-adache, elizziness,
nervous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill
effects of spirits, tobaceo, coffee, etc
Druggists say it is the greatest seller they
ever knew, and is univeroal.y satisfac
tory. They also guarantee Dr. Miles'
New Heart Cure in all cases of nervous
or organic heart disease, palpitation, pain
In side, smothering, etc. Fine book on
Nervous and Heart Diseases free.
Taken Up
The undesigned has taken up a stray
pig which can be obtained by the owner
by proving property and paying for thia
notice. S. F. Osborn,
Cor. Eighth and Locust street.
Carry a Full Lino of
ItOOM 2, I! . V BLOCK. i'LA TTMOC rn
Buclilon's Arnica balve.
Tup: Ikst Sai.vk in the world f or Cutd
Bruises, Seres, Ulcers, S.ilt Itii. pin. Fever
Sore-, T -1 ter, ( 'happ-d Hand.-, Chilblains,
Coins. ;nd all Skin 2ru?tior., and posi--tiv-!v
r up- 1'ihs. or n't pay required.
It ii LMi'irai -teed t.i riv- sit:Hi.irnori. ox
: :ii y" leiuuded. I'rite 25 rent per box.
Fur a!e by V. (I. Fricke it Ci.
S )i!'.e year aro Chanih.-rl:i!u & Co., a
Des Mui"t.J, Iowa, e-. uuu'iieed :he man
uf-icfure of a eouirh syrup. bt li vmg itto
be tl!'- ir.' St proin;t a''l reliable pri pura
tion yet produc ed for caughs, colds and
croup; that the public . Kppn ciute true
merit, and in time it vsm rcibtiii to be
come pipulur. ' Their iiio"t sanrrnine
hof.(s have been more than
Over thrtp hundred thousand bottles of
C'hxmhr-rlnin's Couh Rfmedy are nejvr
Fold eneh yar, and it is recojrnizeel as
'!he lest marte1," whereve-r known. If
will cure a severe colel in less time than
any other treatment. For nale Wt F. O.
Frirke ii Co.
Will you suffer with dyspepsia and
liver complaint? Shiloh'a vitalizer in
guaranteed to cure you. For fale by V
Fricke and O. II. Snyder.
r.llss' Nerveand Liver Pllle
Act on a new principle regulating
the liver, stomach and bowels through
the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles'
Pills speeelily cure biliousness, bad taste,
torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une
qualeel for 'men, women. children.
Smallest, mihlest, -surest! 50 doses, 25c.
Sainpla free at F. (i. Fricke & Co'a.
The Oreatebt Strike.
Among the great 6trikes that of Dr.
Miles in discovering his New Heart Cure,
has provpn itself to be one of the most
important.' The de mand for it has be
come astonishing Alreaely the treat
ment ef le-art disease; is being revolu
tionizeel, anel many unexpected cures ef
fecfeel. It soin relieves short breath
fluttering, piin3 in side, rm, shoulder
weak and hungry spells, oppressing,
swelling of ankles, smethering and hear
dropsy. Dr. Miles book on Heart &Dd
Nervous Diseases, free. The unequale I
New Heart Cure is sold arid guarantee l
by F. G. Fricke & Co., also his Restora -tive
Nervine for headache, fit, sprce1
hot flashes, reryous chills, opium Labi;,
etc. 4
Dr. Marshall. DENTIST.
Will be in his 'office on and aft' r
March 14 hi
1 . vsA'-srMinMAin