,-.---1 y V I Y ft ft i wr' ., -AU CARDS. 1. LIVINGMTOJif J K. I. CUMMIN .DiW, I4VINOSoN & CUMMINS Plysic ais and SnrEseis toe Mo. U. Main Ht. Telephone lUtsiiL-ne Telephone. Ir. MvliiK'-tob. 4'J, Beeldenc- Telephone. lr. Cummins. 36. Surveyors Th3 K:. i?ali cr.A. Asllfcksr) liall esrluftlfe rlifht In iw r. Hteinia'a l.nral X nthellr for Ik I'ainlrM xtraelUit of Ith In thincltf, Offlre Hoclwiwd i .ss imx;k. ii; i i. o. k ihms v ir Iu-r-l.( v ululil at i heir litil tn itzni ilork. All (Mil KHIrnvp rc cordially nivlleil Hiieml when vlMtinu hi In- city. T. K Wll I.IAMD. N. (1. .!. W, Ititll'OK. Sec. IV!L KN'MNKKU stud SLKVKYOK E. E. HILTON. estimates and plan f all wrk furnished ana Uncords kekt. TTXKiiriS OK l'YIMAH. Cinmtht l.oilir j. mi. 47 Mrrt cveiy -tlpe-4i; y ey-iiii; At their I) 111" ' k H' l Ill-K. All Vl-lllli kniKlitH are coirll i'ly n v ted to iiltei-d. V. A Mh ttliall. ('. .; Fi.n k Dix- li. K. K S. Olfico in Martin Block. PUtTTSMODTH Nebraska Couiitv Surveyor AND CIVIL ENGINEER. YnU-WJ MKN'S' 11HI1IIN Si CI ATI ON ali riii;.ii lilui k Main Stl- I. I oi.iiiS pen fr in H :'M a in to 3 :'M V "'J tir men on y liiMi't 1 I meet ti;i every .Sunday attention at 4 'e oek. C. A- R. McOnnilile l'i, I.o. 45. meet every Fatur tay evetihj tit 7 In tlietr hall, Kockwoml nlock. AH vl.siiliiK cinnat.ts we Invited to eet with uh. II. K. Nilen. rot AJ(. V. A. Hates. I'ot-t Com. Wa nted A ii act We. reliable m n- salary $7' to f HO month'y. with wereae. io ieiereni in h'H own oection a r Hi'iumibla N ew Vol V House. I ft-r rii h. mamikciikeii, Lock Uox 1585, New York. -All orders left with County Clerk will auceive prompt attention. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. JAW OFFICE Wu. 1m. BROWN, rersonal attention to all buntness entrusted WAN' KIM Active txi-er:ei ceI man to rep resent uhiih nalo aiiert In I'lalt mouth. I.iheril conimii'sl -n. Sonne sample now ready. .Add res Waiiaroaker & r-'vvn. I'liil.i ileltifil.i. the Inrir Ht Clotlilnir and 'laUorine bouse in I'msrica '..7 rmw ..n TltlM eiKiulnfd. Abstracts oornulled. Inrur- eo written, real enlai e nold. Better tacllltif lor inakinK Farm Loam thD ANY OT1IEK AGENCY rulttsmoutii nebraska Attorney A. N. SULLIVAN. atlecaey at-Law. Will give prompt attentloi tm ail lnioei!t entruvted to him. Olllce It Uatoa block. Kant Side. rlattimoutb. Neb. JTTOBNKY A LAW. WINDHAM & DAVIES. Our Clubbing List. Olobe-Democrat and Hkhalu. . , Harper' Magazine " Uarper'a Bazar ' " DemoreHt'a Magazine " Omaha Bee oledo Blade " " Lincoln Call " " National Tribune " " The Forum " Inter Oct-an ' . . . Lincoln Journal " " The Home 3Iagaztno ' " .$2.25 . 4.00 . 4.fc0 , 8 10 . 2 40 . 2.45 , 2.15 2.45 , .5.55 .2.25 2 30 1 85 Taught m Lfonon. A tn.-ui with lart btuii'.jcss iiitcrents and hnmltsomo iiiconio msn'ieil n lady nriio, nvcm tomcd ail her previous iifo to tho l:i.j;rios of '.veitij, t5:td never ionned an clear co:cfptio:i of thy wortii and pnriiiar-ipf; power of money. For Rome inotit iis tao ind'i;;eni iniiiband gralided ilia wile's every wliim. One dayt iio lauj', to carry on t eorae caprice, n sired frr a check for so larpje a Kitm that tho geutieman wan disturbed, lie saw that bi.ch podigaiity. if ieri;;t ed in, meant rnin; but not vvisiiin to Ki-ievo nis wifo by a dor.'nriht retnsal ho detcrtni::ed to (;ive iier a le&son in Cn anc(. jie liiereforo H'.niiingly ivmnrked tiiat he could iiot give i:vr a check as usu al, but would coad up tho money from hi.; store. About noon the promised money crime, not i:t ci iau bills, a:? wa ; c.':ti.;eted. bat in stiver doiiars, the sum total lining several upecio la-'s. 'i ii(s wife was first vexed, then amusei and liti.tily, as th;; :ifiernooii wore away Oecame Oeepiy tnoiiutiul. w'heu ha husband came home to snout r nlie ttu him trently by the arm. and WdiiiL liim in;o uie room wnero tue i '.amorous bags oi specie were sliil stanuxng, said: ay uc;;r, is tins tne money I asked you for this morning':' "it is, uiy love." was the renlv. "And diil you have to take this money all in, dollar by dollar, in the course ol your business?" was the next question. 'Yes." he answered, gently, "it repre-fi-nts the earnings of many weeks of hard la nor. "Well, then," 6he said, with tearful eyes, "send a man to take it back to the bank in the morning. I can't use sc much money for so trivial ji purpose. didn't understand about it before." Youth's Companion. on ENTIRE STOCK OF ai 1 Clothing. Furnishing Goods, Hats, Trunks, Etc. re MUST BB CLOSED OUT REGARD F COST 1 i . .'..! . n JOHN A. HAVIES. Notary fublle i .. m win n ti a m Notary Public Office over Bank at Caa County Ttattamoatb - - . Nebraaba Banks Elaafe of Gum Cotintj ! Cor Main and Fifth street. maid up capital r. i .;. jasotftoe explua SS 000 OFFICERS O. H. Parnele fra4 oroer J. M. 1'atterson X. M. Fattenoa. President Vice FreidDl ("asheii Afit Caabtei DIRECTORS 1 'i 0. H. Farmele. J. M. Patterson, Fred Gorder K. B. Hmitb. K. B. Windham. B. 8. Kamaey aad r. M. Patterson 1 OENEKAL BAKX1NC BUSINESS TEAKS A TED AoeouutH solicited. Tuterest allovrtd cr T'nr laoaita and prompt attetitionriven to all bus aeaa entnuted to its care. The Citizens BANK FLATTSMOCTU - NEBRASKA ajrltal stock paid In fyt s Authorized Capital, SIOO.OOO. - I orricKBS j BANK CAKKUTU. JOS. A. CONNOK. f President. Vice-PrBKtJert 1 W. H. CUSHIN0. Cachier. j T1 KKCTORS tank Carrutb J. A. Connor. K. K. Guthrrunu : t. W. JobnBon, Henry Ba-ck. John O'Keefe j w. d. Mernam. Wm. Wetaneamp, W. i H. Ooshlnc i . j 8ah3acts:a mini banunsbdsink eejtlflCAten of Ptwiaif Tf.aH.n ln,....i ----- - mm Bcti ciciiaoEF, couqij ana cujr sure ilea. First National BANK OF PLATT8MOCTH. NEBRASKA 44 p capital SM.oco.or. 10.000.09 r wn the ry bet facilities for the promp 1 traataetion of lifiitlmate j Banking Business teekfl. boada.irold. Kaveromeot aad local -Jttea bocftht aad told. Uepwiira rereiTrd interest allowed on the rertlOcate sftsdrawa. rJlsble la any part of the Ited State, aad all tae prlBclDaJ tunj i OINO WKBT OOIMO FAST So 1, 3 :00 a. ra No 3, S :05 p. m " 8 6 :46 p. m "4 10 -.30 a. m "5, 9:25 a.m. "8 7 ,U p. m 7 ',. m. "io a : a. ra. "9. 6:16p.m. "12 1C:!4 a. in - 11 6 :25 p. m. PL ATTSMOUTH. NkB. , FbB. , 2 1 1 89 1 . The following resolution was ad opted by Mc Connhie Pott, No 45, O .A. R. No 45. Resolved, As the seuse of the officers and members of McConihie Post, No. 45, G. A. IL, that the thanks of this po6t is extended to the many citizens of this city and vicinity who so generously aided as financially in furnishing necessary tunas to oear tne incidental expenses connected with the entertainment of the late encampment of the de partment of Nebraska. Resolved, Further that the thanks ot tR- poor, is especially cxtf rdc.t u, tiu: hotels of the city and especially to the proptietor of the Riley Hotel for cour tesies extended in the use of rooms for headquarters. Geo. P. Nilbs, P. A. F. A. Bates, P. C. Conductor James Chase, accompanied by his wife and family, started this morning for Custer City, South Dakota, to attend the funeral of J. S. Fisher, a .brother of Mr?. Chase. Removal. O. A. Ilirsch will remove his barber shop under Mayer Bros store where be will hereafter rn three chairs and three I bath rooms. Ilia new barber i wpmir . j from the Palace hotel in San Francisco, where none but the best can secure em pioyment. a or a nice shave or a quiet bath call on O. A. Hirsch at his new par lors in the Carruth block after next Mon day. - dlw James Pel tee, genera agent, has se cured the appointment mt Thomas Pol lock as local agent of the Provident Savings. Loan & Buildisg Association nis office for the present will be under the rear room of the Bank of Cass County. A liliutl Man's Intelligent Dog. Every one who walks along uppei Broadway knows tho blind newsman and his dog at the corner of Thirtieth street. Tho man sits on a camp stool from noon nntil 8 o'clock every day sell ing papers, and during that time the dog is his constant comnanion. The other evening, when the man had sold all his papers and was ready to go home, he got up, folded his camp stool and tucked it under his arm, and catch ing a tight hold of the string attached to toe dogs collar. ! started to walk up Broadway. When they reached the. middle of the next block the dog stopped. "Come along; get up, Prince," said the blind man, tugging at the string. But the dog seemingly paid no attention. lie was looking intently down the street at the approaching horse cars. He stood this way for some minutes, scanning each car carefully as it passed, and sud denly, ran out into the street, the man following, and jumped aboard the front platform of an up town green car. The car stopped and the blind man groped his way inside and took a seat, while the dog remained on the platform. The sime performance is repeated every night, and it i3 said that the man and his crog are known to all the drivers and conductors on the line. New York Evening Sun. 0N ACCOUNT OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. No Htunbng, No Closing-Out Sale, No Advertising Scheme, But Closing Out to Quit Business. UDon't miss this great opportunity, yori will never be able to bay cheaper in your life. ' (Call and see what JldDJE will do for you. Hopelessness of the "Cracker." On-.- clei-, ii iiT::.I i.i'iui' i.lin ..r foi nve yeai-s devoted head, heart and purs to ameliorate the condition of his oper atives the worst cla.s in the cocminn- ity. They had no homes; he bought and mint nouses, which feil to pieces through neglect or were burned up m orgies. H nen their dwelling ; were again re paired the crackers feit out of place in a setting ot oraer and neatness, and "je to maice tilings sorter nomelike," as was afterward naively exulainel. thev ViVTr. ed out the panels of the doors, smashed tne windows, mluled tho wails and cul up tne floors for kindling wood. With driftwood for fuel lying almost at ineir cates. it thev h.-ivA a r-itn . - -v e"-" ratner than walk to and from the fence it they have a fence, the proletarian in habitants prefer to destroy their land lora s property. An attempt to utilizt their horticultural instincts was unavail ing. The irardens were feneed. t.Via t.n ants burned the planks: the plats were plowed, not a seea was planted, and wa-.-ii, untiiscouraged, tho employei ; lai.ieu tae gardens himself, the peoplt turned m the hogs with the comment. "Bacons better than garden sass any uay. Century. Mens suits, former price, $4 50 now $3.50 f ,f . 4 ' r Mens Uats former price it hi 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 former price former price former price former price former price 6.00 now 4.50 7.00 now 5.00 S.00 now 6.5 10.00 now 7-00 12-00 now 8.00 former price 15.00 now 11.00 former price 1S.00 now 1250 " former price 22.00 now 14.00 99 1 00 now 50c former price 1 50 now 1 00 former price 2 50 now 1 50 former price 3 00 now 2 00 former price 4 00 now2 75 66 66 Overcoats for men, youths low coat. and boys at le- Childrens and boys suits at your own prices. ! v - . . T. . marker srlo onlA aata.tte ana County bood. Will bo Given Away. Our enterDrisino drnroi. w ' ci rncke & Co., who carry the finest stock of drugs, perfumeries, toilet articles, brushes, sponges, etc., are giving away a -no Bumwr trial oottles of JJr.Miles' ceieDraUHl Restorative Nervine. They tlSI-aMllA Z . SV 4h.ukc w (U care neacacbe, dizaintss, nervous prostration. aleenTounoB. ti,. :i! e& sta of i spirits, tobacco, , coffee, etc. Dmggista sajit i the greatest aeller tbey " - B.UCW, ana is universal. v o.ti.r... tory. They also guarantee Dr. Mile.' New Heart Cure in all casea of nervosa or organic neart diaeaae, palpitation.pain in side, smothering, etc. Fine book en aa Heart Diaeasea free. . ERTTriVS - TTOIT'P 11,0 effici"t ilroad man, George Mc i""1' ' J O., Wreath, will har. rh r-" vi'uuuvwj Chase's pawenger train during Mr. Chase's absence in Caster City. for Coasujr . w. OIRECTOB8 'JB Fltxzaral O. Hkrli iaaa wuft. r. K. Whiu f Oeore C IX ry Presidet CM A Ilyiun tritU Two Authors. Who is the author of the hymn, "Ix the Sweet By and By?" W itii regard to the authorship of this now famous hymn there is a difference oi opinion. The author of the words is believed to be Dr. S. F. Bennett, who, while living in Elkhorn, Wis., wrote the iines in a fit of mental depression. They were set to music by air. J. P. Webster. a composer living m the same town. Another version credits Mr. Webster with the authorship of the music and the first verse of the hymn, -which was .then . completed by Dr. -. Bennett xne creuu ot Dotn words and music must be given to the two gentle men mentioned, though what was the individual contribution of each cannot now be determined. The song was writ ten in 1S68. and almost immpiia.l achieved the. wide popularity which it nas ever since enjoyed. bt. Loau Globe Democrat. . .'- . S17, 219, 231 aad 4 Main Bt.. .ittsmouth. - Nebraska. H. If. B058, Proprietor, ho Perkins has been C&arairtili Ttod frora top to bottom and s one of the bent botnla Jn hm mtt (den will be take Sy Or work ai 9 aad op. Taken Up uv iiaaeaigneri baa taken u a tr pig which can be obtained by the owner oy proving property and paying for this ."ce- 6. F. Osbork, Cor. Eighth and Locust streets. 3D BAR C01OTSCTED I ' jLwSSM aai t"aii5rS 77 " .."". U a sf r - ui j i.sMgar. nesiLs ssjshmiw.. St AaMenfVTTMV-l m m. mm r ' urn talla : U ta aWofy hacmWaat wjll t l r: .' paw.SL nUUMUNTEt 8trins; Clear of Sin. Miliman Johnny, did you pat wter in the milk this morning? New Assistant Yes, sir. "Don't joa knew that is wicked, Johnny?" "But you toid me to mix water with the milk." "Yes, bat I toid von to out the watr in first and pour the milk into it. Then, you see, wo can tell the people we never put water in our milk." Teiie Jsif tings. II Una rirst. The depositors in a private institution in a Kauad town were gelling ready to make a run. as the banter wua rennrti short but before they, could do so he left byrway of. theibacfc door, and took all the cash via bis arpet-bag. .- He reason that in bis case it was bettor ta The best l.OO overalls at COc, Shirts Socks r- Underwear, etc,, at astonishing slaughtering prices It will pay you to come a hundred miles and bor row the money to lay in your supply, lit will pay you big interest. We Have The Largest Stock in the County. 7m PLATTSMOUTH JOE GDpeira JHIopae CogDer ) .7 rua LLlxo lia aa aa Jlatrnif Cns 1 I I