The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 21, 1891, Image 1

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truest of all in Leavrning Power.
Oerinj & Co.-
-wall paper. St
A g od lJ- ya' .Suit ut $1.75 fur boys
from 0 to l-1 yoirH old nt.IOK'.S. tf
A nice Chill' Sun at 1 tni atJOE'3. If
The htoik ot wall paper m (Jering &
Go's is wonderful. 3t
That extensive line of pectucles to
suit every rye is to he found only at
Jenny's. 5 1
Go to JOK and lay in your supply for
next year. It will py you gi.uit inter
est at the prices he is closing ut his
tock. tf.
For new btylmh patterns in wall piipcr,
absolutely the latest designs, cull on
Gering & Co. 3t
No old clitBttiuts or rubbish at JOE'S.
Everything of the latest style and at be
low cost. tf
Miss Mollie Tucker. Dressmaking and
millinery a specialty. Rooms over ller
old's store. tf
Now is your chance, and sch a chance
you will have but once in a life time, to
buy Clothing. Furnishing Good. lUts,
etc., at slaughtering prices at JOE'S.
The entire stock must bo sold out as
quick as possible. tf
A genuine Stetson $4.00 Hat at $2 75
at JOE'S. . tf
When you are in Lincoln, call on "W,
C. Austin & C ., in McBride block, cor
ner ol Twclvtlj and P striets, for Have
lock and University property. tf
Jtsh has not "bur&ted.'' Joe never
has failed, for he believes there is an
honest living for everybody, bat owing
to Dissolution of Parters-hip, Joe U t im
pelled to close out bis nice and Clean
stock, regardless of cost. tf
For glassware, queensware and the
boat and freshest gioceries go to Phillip
Kraas. where you will find everything
you want for your table. tf.
It is only with regret JOE has to sell
out his entire stock, for he has done a
very satisfactory and succes-ful business,
but dissolution between JOE and his
partner, Mr William Fisher compels him
to close out. tf
On and after March 1st all notes and
book accounts due me will be ia the
hands of an attorney for collection. No
exceptions. 3t U. V. Matiiews.
Where have you been, my pretty, fair
To Gering's for wall paper, sir, she said.
And she made no mistake. St
O. A. Ilirsch will remove his barber
shop under Mayer Bros store where be
will hereafter rn three chairs and threp
bath rooms. His new barber is recently
from thp Palace hotel in San Francisco,
where nono but the best can secure eui
ployment. For a nice 6have or a quiet
bath call on O. A. Hirsch at his new par
lors in the Carruth block after next Mon
day. dlw
A good pair of shoes at $1.00 at
JOE'S? tf
To Nervous Debilitated IWen.
If you will send us your address, we
will mail you our illustrated pamphlet
enplaininfi all about Dr. Dye's celebrated
Electro-Voltiac Belt and appliances, and
their ciiirming effects upon the nervious
debilitated system, and how they will
quickly rer'ore you to vigor and man
hood, Pamphlet free. If you are thus
afflicted w will send you a belt and ap
pliances on atrial.
Voltiac Best Co. Marshall, Nich.
For Sale.
A. eood farm one-fourth mile ftom the
town of Murray, on the M. P. R. R.
Plenty of timber and water. Good
orchard. 350 tearing trees. Plattsmouth,
Neb, Feb, 9th, 1S91. "tf
R. W. HTER3.
Yon can not form an idea what it ia to
ell Clothing, etc.. at and below cost un
til you look through JOE'S stock, tf
Died. .
Last night the infant son of Mr. and
31 ra. George Warren. The funeral ser
vice will take place today t half past
three o'clock from the residence. .
Ed Wait ia good natured today over
the arrival wiheir. 1
-U. S. Cov't Report, Aug. 17, 1SS9.
Geo, Miiftisou, of South Bend, is in
the ci'y toilay.
Ed Parrot 3- mjoying :i visit from his
father who resides t Peru.
Dr. J. M. Wiitt-rtn.iu left for his homo
at Hay Spiinn this morning
Fra: k Fetzer, of L-misville, is Kicking
after business mntUis in th" county seat
Mrs. J. P. Taylor of Central City went
home this morning after a brief s -jo urn
with old time neighbors in this city.
llini-on Siiith, one of the Cuss county
pioneers, we arc sorry to note, is danger
ously ill at his home near Rock 15luffs.
Mrs. Maggie Jackson came in from Me
Cook and will visit with her parents -Mr.
and Mrs. II. J. ttireight for a few deys.
Miss Grace, vnndervort and Miss Hun
toon of Omaha, are the guests of their
friend, Mis Jennie Copcland, of this
Gov. Tha er and wife have been the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Palmer for
a few days. They returned home this
Mrs. Addie L. Brown, wife of the edi
tor of the Hasting Independent, went
home this morning alter a pleasant visit
with friends here while attending the W.
II. C. convention a a delegate.
For funny fun as is fun, Pat Ilooney
can't be beat.
They are going to have a grand royal
wolf hunt over at Wabash today.
Did you ever hear JPat Rooney ? No.
Then go and hear him. I will.
TUi i:
baa grown to be quite au institution.
The Billings property on M ii?i street
is about to ch inga hands, which will en
sure the erection cf two more store
rooms in the spring.
Reserved seats tickets are now on sale
at J. P. Youug's for the entertainment
of the prince of coniruedians Pat Rooney
at the opera house Monday night.
A team hauling sand went through
the iee yesterday evening but by active
efforts of somemen the horses were saved
and the wagon was afterwards pulled out
it only having broken through under the
froat wheels.
C.E.Wesscstt accompanied by his niece
M.s. Juth-on Eruise, left oa the flyer last
evening for Chicago and Cincinatti. Mr
Wesc-Jtt will lay in a full line of spring
goods for the "B as" Clothing Hous?
during his absence.
Hon. J. M. Patterson returned yester
day from his tour of the Pacific cosst,
looking as though the trip had agreed
with him. He reports the Cass cour-ty
delegation as being in good health and
enjoying prosperity.
Mr. Ed. Patton is stepping high today
on account of the adyent of an important
addittou to thcPbtton family. Dr.IIum-
pbray was in attendance and thinks every
body is getting along firstrate except Ed,
and be believes he can bring him through
all night.
The Herald is glad to note that Mr.
Baxter Smith has realized there is no
lvetter town than Plattsmouth. He has
therefore purchased the neat residence
of J. P. Taylor in the First ward, near
the Perkins house end will move from
the suburbs to his new quarters soon.
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Lohncs died yesterday at her bi me in
Peoria. Mr. Lohnes is a brother of Jacob
and John Lohnes residing west of the
city. George Weidraan received a tele
gram asking about Adam Lohnes, a
brother of the deceased but his wherea
bouts cannot be ascertained.
Professor Noble has quite a crowd of
young ladies at the clerk's oflice being
examined today for certificates, which
will allow them to teach school ic this
county. Among those present we no
ticed Miss Eva Campbell, of Union,
Maggie Morrill, of Nebraska CUy, the
Misses Bertha Porter, Jennie Bailey,
Annie O'Reilley and Cassio Rupp, of
Plattsmouth; Ida Sayles, of Cedar Creek,
Myrtle Robertson, of . Wabash, Leonora
Case, of Weeping Water, and OlaNorris,
of Avoca.-
The Prince of tho Orient
Tne urieitia had a pleasant meeting
last night after the A. O. U. W. lodge
Mclj urnl mid iniii ited into their sacred
p;et ts C'olonils Frmik Boyd, II. N.
IK-vi y, David Stock we 1. W. Dvts and
two other geiitleii-en whose nnUKS e
did not learn. The conclave of princes
will take place at their palace in the
K... kwood Hall next Fridav night win 11
sev rd plebeiai b w II be rais -.1 by my-tic
form to the rank of princes of tha realm.
The lady minstrels furnished better
than the average entertainment at the
opera house lust liiylit. The gallery
was packed to standing room only and
th: g' li' riil admission seato were well
filled while the reserved s'ats were only
about half taken. Tliero was no ladies
in the audience, yet their was nothing in
the show that could ha ye offended
the most f.isti Uious. In fain. ess v.e
must acknowledge our indebtedii' ss to
the Journal force for the above informa
tion, they having eha.tered and occupied
an entire row of chairs immediately back
of the orchestra seats. We ftre assured
that th ladies looked very pretty and
sang very sweetly. The lonely ycung
m ill in the box whs nearly carried away
with the voluptuous music. The young
married men who were out "attending
lodge," numbered about two hundred
and crowded all the bald bended men
oiT the front seats back into tho audi
ence. Col. J. A. C, J. M., D. S., M. IX
P., J. K., and several who were entitled
to front seats we understand were sever
al rows back.
Padey Rooney
P. t Rooney and his charming little
daughter who has grown to r househol
fi 'orite, appeared last evening support
ed by Rooney's Comedy Company, in
-Pats New Wardrobe." Everv member
of the large case is well chosen, and the
fun was too funny for any description.
The houses will be crowded all the week
New York Pres.j.
At the Waterman Monday night.
A Pungent Pun.
We wonder who told the Plattsmouth
Herald that it's the best paper in the
county! It's seldom that 'Graves re
juvenates subjects intrusted to their keep
ing. Thismav be aparad x.w,e nincercly
t.t ' (.v. &w. ..1 . ju irJ i. . '1 f , -
lieedcU Wteplug t'l RtrpU'-mcuti
The effervescent editor of the Rep
ublican is fast budding into a punster,
as the above will bear w itness. The gist
of the pnn though in the case h so fai
fetched the ordinary reader will scarcely
4 Catch on," and we'd kindly suggest to
Bm, Kfithly that ho might have com
pleted his labored effort by mailing out
to each of his few subcribers a mag
nifying glass to use as a developer of his
obscurities. "We wonder" what's the
color of the man's hair that ever accused
tbc Republican of rejuvenation.
"Kaffee Klatch."
Mrs. Waiigh entertained the mrmben-
of the "Kaffee Klatch" at her pleasant
home 011 North Fifth street yesterday af
ternoon in a most; delightful manner.
th particular occasion being in honor of
Mrs. C. M. Wend, who leaves nex:
Thursday for her future home at Padu-
cah, Kentucky. An claborate collation
was spread in the dining room and in
accordance with German custom the
table was occupied by the guests aa they
felt disposed to indulge in refreshments
from 2:30 until G o'clock- Those present
were Mrs. C. M. Wead, Mrs. J. M. Thaver
of Lincoln, Mrs. Guild of Omaha, Mrs.
R. It. Livingston, Mrs. Sam Atwood,
Mrs. F. E. White, Mrs. W. W. Drum
mond, Mrs. n. E. Palmer, and Mrs. D.
A. Campbell of Lincoln.
Willie Carr son of . C. S. Twiss came
down from Omaha last evening to take
supper at home on account of the day
being his natal anniversary. His young
friends heard of his coming home and ar
ranged for a surprise, They 'met at
Frank Boyd's and about nine o'clock all
marched in on the young man and fairly
overwhelmed him. A nice sapper was
served by Mrs. Twiss and a pleasant
evening was spent. Those present were
Nellie Morrison. Eugene Smith. Tilla Vcn
ard, Minnie Bates, Anna Critchfield,
Weeping Water; Bell Vermilye'a, S. G.
Riggins. U. L. Fraday, Ollie Boyd,
Mable Hayes, Lizzie Leach Hattie Ship-
man, Lizzie Krohler.Mary Kroehler,Jonh
D. Robbins, Guy Wingate.
An insurance man from Des Moines
was in the city today and insured the
fiue horse owned by Phil Trictsch aod
Walter Propst for $1,000.
By careful computation it ia found
that the wall paper received today at
Wildman & Fuller's, if stretched onr
would make an unbroken line seventeen I
and one-half miles long.
Catholic St. Paul's t lunch. Oak. between
Kifili Kiul Sixtli. Father Caniry, I'asior.
K rviceg : M.isn ;.t x lul 10 :) a. m. siuiuiay
School at 2 I'M. ui li tn-in dictloi..
C'ni:i"Ti Curiifi Locus: and Kijditli Sts
services iiHiriiinjr stud ewiiinjr Kider J. K
i; el. aslor unl;i School in . M.
Efls-opAU St Luke's Church, coiner Third
mid Vine, llev 11 IJ. Itiiiuevn initor. ! r
vices :11a.m. a 07:301- M. buuday .School
at 2 :30 r. M.
Ofkma.v MktmoWst Corner Sixth Pt and
(irunit". Ke.'. lint. l';iloi. Services : 1 1 A. m.
and 7 :30 r. m. Sunday Kchnol In :3 a m.
MKSltVTKltlAN. "e! vices in eew cbeicli. or
atuer hixtli and (irantte sti. Uev. .1 . T. Hair ',
lsitor. sundav-sc ool;U9;3P; Treadling
at II a. in. and 8 in.
Fikst Mkthoimst. Sixth St.. Iietwen Main
ami Pearl. Kev .1. I M Kuekner pastor.
ServleCK : II a. M..8 .00 V. M SUIilla- School
9 :30 A. M. I'ray rinreli g Wednesday even
ing. Gkuman Ph vrbytkki a n Corner Malu and
Ninth. Uev Witte, ;ister. Services : usual
hours. Sunday .-clmol 9 :30 A. m.
Swk.koism eii(iK(iTioKAl. (Iranite, lc
twreu Fifth ami rMxMi.
C"Lokki JlAi-risT. -Mt. Olive, ''ak. b- twi-cn
1 c hi li I l.U-venlli lii-v. A. Hwell, iuis-
im-. s-: vi- cs ll a. in. nd 7 .:v in. 1 layer
iH'-ciimr V.'eitnes.iay evi nil a.
Youno Mk.n's Clllit -ri Association
Konliis in ;t i 1 1 i . i li block. Main stifei.. (,h
jie! meei inj;. for men only, everv Suii'lay J'f
IfiiiiMiii ;it i o'clock. Looiiif open wet k dys
f:oiu 8:30 a. in . to 9 : 30 p. in.
Wood, l as! or. m-i vie. s : suotlay School.
Ida. in.: i reaching;, 1 1 a in. ainl 8 m ;
piayei nieetii'K 'lues. lay niln ; enoir
y innht A P. ar vv Iconic
Kikk MlrsioNAUV C;iuii( il. (Iranite. Street,
between &:liaiid Call. i'i-v A Knik
eaf-r Sund y Sch.'t l Sumiay forcm on ai
10 o'c ( ck ervico a1 11 o' u d.iy t-v-eiiiu
Voti ju' no cl in.: at 7 o 1 e
pei viC'Sat S, I ii. mI.iv veiling yoi.u K'ii.
p es inrji inn at 8 : Timii silav . serviem ul 8
III. All Swede- ar cordially inxlied.
Chaplain I liffenbaeher returned yct
terday morning on the .'3:30 a m. User
for his post at Lincoln. Mrs. Diflen
bacher will visit for some days in the
Charley Morrison seems to continue in
bad luck. lie hnd scarcely recovered
c impletely from bis southern wreck
when he is again laul up, this time with
a broken arm caused by his being
knocked off tho tender of his engine
while taking water.
Little Nellie Bates invited a number
of her youni4 schoolmates to her home in
South Fourth ward last evening to cele
brate her n'nth birthday. Mrs I5atB
looked after the comforts of the little
people and after a delightful time, in
childhood pports they partook of a
delicious repast which had been prepared
by Nellie's kind mother. Those present
Minnie Ileroid, Bessie Lake, Mamie
Graves, Ln.ura Lf.k. . Fa-inio i'-nrr. Aim"
Paz, Addie Graved, Majy 0N.:1, Flcr -ecce
Conkling, Eva CokMng, Jimmie
O'Xeil, Frank Lake and Ethel Worth.
Umbrellas i:i I'nsland.
How in:my umbrellas axe manufact
ured in tliia country annually? There
are uo official returns giving the number
in this country, though in the- United
States it is calculated that one umbrella
is made annually for every si.- persons.
If we apply this proportion to the popu
lation of the United Kingdom now cal
culated, iu round numbers, at o8,000,(J00
over 0,000,000 umbrella are made an
nually. Upward of 2,500.000 umbrellas
were imported by sea into Calcutta in
the year 1888-8;), and the yearly exports
of umbrellas from this country are valued
at 331, COO. hi France, in 1:50, um
brellas v. ere manufactured by ICO makers
t- Vs." v.-l- of .C2SO.C0O: in 1017, -103,000
worth by S03 makers; in 1?'30 their value
was JCl.is0.CC0. and 800 manufacturers.
Price ::v rag: 1 four fraiie each- lucre
v.-ero thus made iu Franco in 7,500,
'100 umbrellas, or nearly bno for each in
habited house. London Tit-Bit3.
Ilow Olkl .Spiuors Live.
Old ppiders, which have neither web
nor the materials to make one, often
hunt abo-jt to find out the webs cf other
spiders, younger and weaker than them
selves, with whom they venture batilo.
Th? iavad-T generally .succeeds, and the
younger spider is driven out to make a
new v. c'o. aud tho old spider remains
in posse.:-ion until a stronger spider in
vades the web and drives it out. When
thus dispossessed tho spider seldom ven
tures another attack, but tries to subsist
upon the few insects that may fall acci
dentally into its clutches, and eventually
dies of hunger. London Standard.
It is a mistake to Buppode that the
knots or warts which are very common
on Borw epeciea of forest trees are due to
insect, funzus. or accident, or are in
any way unnatural trrtwtha They de
velop as results neither of the health nor
disease of the tree, nor of such condi
tions as special kinds of soil or situa
tions. The Attorneys irog.
A. Boston lawyer who resi les in the
suburbs is the owner of a dog that cer
tainly possesses tho instincts of an attor
ney. The other day he saw another dog
carrying off a tempting looking hone.
A second dog followed at a ehort dis
tance. The lawyer's dog quickly xn
ceived a plan of action worthy of an em
inent legal mind. He immediately
brought action against the dog with the
bone. The third do at once quickened
his pace, and lost no time in instituting
supplementary proceedings in his own
behalf. This assistance proved equiva
lent to a decree for the plaintiff, for the
lawyer's dog left the third dog to bear
the brunt of the litigation, and seizing
the bone fled to his own kennel, where
possession was truly nine points of the
law. Boston Traveller.
U! OWEhR am hosiery
'SJr'B HAVE cut the prices deep, and par
ties in need of anything in the above lines will
save money by calling.
Our new line of embroideries, the handsom
est and largest line ever shown by us.
Will be Given Away.
Our enterprising druggists, F. G.
Fricke & Co., who carry the finest stock
f drugs, perfumerijfl? toilet articles,
brushes, sponges, etc.,Vre giving away &
large number of trial bottles of Dr.Miles'
celebrated Restorative Nervine. They
guarantee it to cure headache, dizziness,
nervous prostration, sieeplessness, the ill
effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc
Druggists say it is the greatest seller they !
eyer knew, and is universahy satisfac-
tory. They also guarantee Dr. Miles' j
Xew Heart Cure in ah cases of nervous
or organic heart disease, palpitation, pain I
in side, smothering etc. Fine book on
Nervous and Heart Diseases free.
Taken Up
The undesigned has taken uj) a stray
pig which ran be obtained by the owner
by proving property and payiog for this
notice. - S. F. Osbohn,
Cor. Eighth and Locust streets.
rftllss' Nervoand Liver PlUe-
Act on a new principle regulating
the liver, stomach and bowel through
the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles'
Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste,
torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une-
qualed for men, women. children.
Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 23c,
Sampla free at F. G. Fricke & Co'a.
Look Here!
Every one indebted to JOK,
The One Price Clothier, mast set
tle within thirty days or the ac
counts will be placed in the hands
of a Justice tor collection. tf
Joe Klein. Wm. Fishbb.
The Greatest Strike.
Among the great strikes that of Dr.
Miles in discovering his New Heart Cure
has proven itself to be one of the moot
important. The demand for it has be
come astonishing. Already the treat
ment of heart disease is being revolu
tionized, and many unexpected cures ef
fected. It soon relieves short breath,
fluttering, poins in side, arm, shoulder,
weak and hungry spells, oppression,
swelling of ankles, smothering and bear
dropsy. Dr. Miles' book on Heart and
Nervous Diseases, free. The nnequaled
New Heart Care is sold atd guaranteed
by F. O. Fricke & Co., also his Restora
tive Nervine for headache, fits, Fprecs
hot flashes, nervous chills, opium habit,
etc 4
The finest of Funmhing Goods at
slaughtering prices at JOE'S. tf
Dr. Marshall, DENTIST.
Will be in his office on and after
March 14 h.
A fine worsted men's suit, - former
pric?18t now at $12.50 at JOE'k tf
81 to 103 North Clark Street.
...i -,fJIICA GO.
4 M1XUTES fi:om f uijiit iinusi:
HOT II PL A NX -r7-.-
H'cf.fl; $.'.00 T rmisirnl .Vi f V utx up
Ilcstnunntt hy. Comiioynon. kic.aji Club
Popular Prices. New Houso.
Cut t!:i nut fur fuluir trfrn nc.
Ca a Full L.m of
!.' :Vo :. ')! Hi :. ,,
.! i si i vv:
A pamphlet of Information and ab-1
J VBtractol tne laws, Showing How to
vuDtain mwnia, OTenta, Trada
.aiaraa, uoprriRnta, lent free.,
rV6vAjd MUNN 4b CO.i
Jtl 11 roadway.
Nctr y rlo
BucKlen's Mrnicu bdive.
The Bkst Halve in the world for Cut
Bruise. Sons, Ulcers. Sftitllhi uui. Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chpp.d Hjtnil. Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Erupt ion?, and posi
tively cures I'li'.h. or no py required.
It is guaranteed lu k"iv- mititaciion, or
money refunded. Price 2." c;nt per box.
For ele by F. O. Fricke 6 Co.
Some yearn ago Chawberlain & Co., oi
Des Motoos, Iowa, cemoirnced the iar
ufacture of a couh syrup, believing ittt
be the most proMpt vd reliable prepara
tion yet prodncM for enhs, colds anri
croap; that the public appreciate trne
merit, and ia tia-ie it was crrtaiu to be
ceme popule'r. Tlieir rnft saaeoin
hojes have Wrn or" than realizes
Orer three huudred tsoutaDd btt'es f '
Chamberlain's Cetngh Remedy are tft'
old ch ynr, and it U recsaized r
the bfst made," waeraver knwn. 1'
will cure a severe cald in lews tiwe tha-.
nv other treatment. Fr aal lv F. (V,
Fricke A Cm. '
Will yon suffer with dyspepsia ar.l
liver complaint! Saitoh's vitalizer
gnaranteed to cure yon. " For sale by Y
9 Fricke an O. H. Snyder.
." i
i 1