The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 20, 1891, Image 1

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.Daily He
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J J !
'.Juiicst of all in Leavening Tower.
Gerinz & Co.
-wall paper. 2t
A gnod li. ys' Suit at $1.75 for boys
from U to IX jhht old :it .lOE'S. tf
A bice Child' Suit t 1 tin atJOLVS. tf
Tiic btock ot wall paper ut Gcring &,
Co'a is wonder I ul. ut
That extensive liuo of hpectacles to
uit every eye is to Ik; found only at
y (ierinu's. Ji
Go to JOL2 am! lay in jour supply for
next year. It will pay you good inter
est at the prices he is cluing "it his
stock. tf
For new tylih patterns in wall paper,
absolutely tho latest designs, call on
Gering & Co. 'Zt
No old chibtnuts or rubbish at JOE'S.
Everything ot the latest style and ut be
low COfet. tf
The largeft and mot-t complete and
cheaptst btock of wall paper, paint aod
oil in the county at Oering & Co'a. cod.
Miss Mollie Tucker. Dressmaking and
millinery a specialty, Ilooms over Her1
old's store. tf
Now is your chance, and s'ich a chance
you will have but once in a life time, to
buy Clothing, Furnishing Good. Huts,
etc., at slaughtering prices at JOE'S.
The entire stock mut be sold out as
quick as possible. tf
A genuine Stetson $4.00 Hat at 2 75
at JOE'S. tf
When you are in Lincoln, call oa W,
lc. Austin & Cj., in McBride block, cor
ner of Ywelvth aud P tstrieta, for Have
lock and Univerbity property. wf
JOE naa not "buisicJ.7' Joe uvi.
has failed, for he believes there is an
honest living for everybody, but owing
to Dissolution of Partnership, Joe is com
pelled to close out his nice and clean
tockj '?gardless of cost. tf
For glassware, queensware and the
best and freshest gioceries go to Phillip
Kraus, where you will find everything
you want for jour table. tf.
The best spesUcles in the world are
sold by Oaring & Co. They guarantee
the fit or money refunded eod wtf
It is only with regret JOE has to sell
out his entire stock, for he baa done a
very satisfactory and successful business,
but dissolution between JOE and his
partner, Mr William Fisher compels him
to close out. tf
Save money and get the best selection
and cheapest wall paper at G;rng & Co.
On and after March 16th all notes and
book accounts due me will be in the
hands of an attorney for collection. No
exceptions. 3t U. V. Mathews.
Where have you been, my pretty, fair
To Gering's for wall paper, sir, she said.
And she made no mistake. 3t
' O. A. Ilirsch will remove his barber
shop under Mayer Bros store where he
will hereafter rn three chairs and three
bath rooms. His new barber is recently
from the Palace hotel in San Francisco,
where none but the best can secure em
ploy men t. For a nice shave or a quiet
bath call on O. A. Hirscb at hisnw par
lors in the Carruth block after next Mon
day, dlw
Fine is money then go to Oering &
Co s to buy wall paper. eod wtf
A 'good pair of shoes at $1.00 at
To Nervous Debilitated Men.
If you will send us your address, we
will mail you our illustrated pamphlet
enplaiuinfi all about Dr. Dye' celebrated
Electro-Voltiac Belt and appliances, and
their charming effects upon the nervious
debilitated system, and how they will
quickly ref Tore you to vieor and man
hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus
afflicted wo will tend 70a a belt and ap
pliances oa a trial.
Voltiac Bslt Co. Marshal!, Ntcb.
We waat everybody in the eeunty to
aee oar stock of wall paper before par
caaring. wtf.
T. B Galvln and H. C White of Bar
liagtoa are in the city the guest of Bienry
gUek and Pemnia McMahan.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
The Latest
"Mary Iial a little lamb,
II Ik whlnkers we e snow white.
Aixl if M ry Mtmllnl witli-ut liiin.
There w;ih sure to be a light
llf fillowi'il her to'elmo! mm d:iy.
Wlili-h ecrtainly was rude ;
A the j :n-lor ki:t-l his Uml.ihi out.
A ixl killfil .1 p.i-M'i iliKle.
Secretary Geo. Slmfer bus gone to Ne
braska City to spend Sunday.
The weather otlioials say we may ex
pect fair and colder weather tomorrow.
Qu'titerniHSiur General Stn ight should
i; Hi'.ijtcil before you usk for your nuiil
The Duncan Clark Co. arrived from
Omaha this morning mid are domiciled
at the Perkins.
More than a hundred delegates board
ed the wet-t bound train this morning for
their several homes.
The Singer Co. have rented half of
Bocck's furniture roem for Manager Cro
nin's headquarters and store room.
Col. John A. MacMurphy of Omaha,
having been an attendant ot the encamp
ment, gaye th-; IIek4LI a pleasant c ill
this morning.
II. C. Seidle has quit the shops and
will go to Council Bluffs iu a day or
two, much to the regret of some t'f t he
young ladies.
AshtrC'ark sports a handsome new
delivery wagon, the result of tho hnndi
work of Mr. T. Benton Brown, J. C.
Co'.eman and John Leach.
Mrs. McMaken as senior vice president
of thefctale relief corps and H.J. Streight
as quartermaster general gives Platts
liOi'f'i ,"". J hfwiag tnat w? may wel1.
be proud 01J
There was lots of fun at Finnegans
wake but there was more fun at the lady
minstrels. Reserved seats 75 cents, gen
eral admission 50 cents and gallery 35
cents. At the opera house tonight.
Mr. Roscnberry and O. J. King of
Omaha, together with some other con
tractors, are in the city today looking
ever the plaos for our new coart house.
Mr- Gray, the architect, will be down
The entertainment at the Presbyterian
church last night, owing to the inclement
weather, was not well patronized. Some
of the participants did very well, but as
a whole the program was not up to the
arerage given by the Presbyterian church
The petitions that are now in circula
tion for the county seat removal are be
ing signed in ink and every column is
written out in full no dittoes this time
and persons circulating the petition
swear to all names that are put down.
W. W. Republican.
The Misses Nellie and Carrie Stock
well have been arrested at the instance
of Mrs. Ella Greeson, charged with
quarreling and using vicious and in
decent language, toward the prosecuting
witness. The case i3 on trial this after
noon ct the police court. j
We have been asked to make some ex
planation about the W. R. C. dispute,
niPnton of which was made last night.
However, since all matters of difference
among the ladies have been happily ad
justed it is probably unnecessary for ns
to 9 y more about the matter.
The Duncan Clark lady minstrels have
benn playing 1 3 crowded houses where
cver they ha e been. prices haye
been f 1.00 for reserved seats until Mr.
Young refused to give them a date ex
cept on the regular price of 75 cents.
For genuine mirth-provoking sport at
tend the minstrels tonight.
The rabbit crop has been almost ruined
by the ruthless coltoa tail slayer, Deacon
Tom Mapea. He deserted his post in the
IIuald composing rooms today aud has
been slaughtering in every direction.
Anybody wanting a rabbit foot for lock
can be accommodated by calling on the
venerable deacon after today.
For Sale.
good farm on-foarth mile from the
town of Murray, on the If. P. R. R.
Plenty of timber and water. Good
orrhard.;350 beariag trees. PlarUmoutb,
Neb. Feb, 0th. 1881. v wtf
.R. W. Htjejuu .
A new departure for Cass county pub
lications is the employim ut of a circula
tion liar by Tun Pi.attsmolth IIekai.o.
Mr. Knotis you cuutiot pass your cotupet
itors by lying any more than you can
St. Peter later on. The Republican has
for six years had the largest, circulation
of any paper printed in the county but
we have made no blow about it. Now
we are willing to count sub.-cribers with
the windy orjjau on the corner, at any
time. We will allow them to use both
their daily and weekly lists, but will
draw the line when they attempt to use
the register of a county seat election.
The Hekald has one subscriber in Cen
ter preciuct, we have him counted. W.
W. Republican.
Send you man over Mr. Keithly, if we
haven't got double your circulation in
the state of Nebraska we will pay all ex
penses. "Wo don't mean sample copies,
we mean paid up subscribers. Windy
bluffs dont go. Send over your expert
or acknowledge the corn.
Pat Rooney.
The audience last night applauded
again and again aud shouted with do
light at everything Rooney was called
up 11 to l(, and lie never p-i milted the
fun to drag, tor somcliow or other he
managed to bo on the stage all the time.
He continually changes his makeup and
costume; he sijPgs several of his old
songs, introduces u number that are new
and in the third act hm held the stage
alone for a long time with his songs aud
dances the audience no' permittiug him
t' leave and when he did finally manage
to s'op it was under prottst on the part
of the audience. lie was ably seconded
by his little daughter, who is no less tal
ented than her father. N Y Reporter.
At the Waterman opera house Monday
eiiening Feii 2:1.
The W. p. C. Encampment.
Tue ladies iu attendance at the W. R.
C. Encampment got thiir difficulties,
which we mentioned yesterday, uipicably
settled during the afternoon and pro
ceeded to the election of officers, which
resulted iu the promotion of the follow
ing members:
President, Mrs. Amanda Tisdal, of
Kearney; senior vice president, Mrs. Kate
McMakeit, of Pluttennnth; jr,n:- "ice
president, Mrs. Isabella Full -r, of Iiw
nee City. Mrs. Gertrude H. Connell, of
Granc1 Island, was re-elected treasurer.
Chaplain, Mrs. Billings, of Geneva.
Delegate to the national convention:
Ellen G. Berber of Fullerton, Mary L
Carter of Madison, Julia S. Bowcn of
Hastings, Anna Hunter of Nebraska
City, Helen A. Appleget of Tecumseh.
Alternates: Mrs Laura N. Bates of
Aurora, Mrs. D. Woodard of Weeping
Water, Anna Ahbrook of Geneva, Alice
Dilworth of Hastings, and Mrs. M. E.
West of Omaha. Executive committee:
Mrs. E. Pillsbury, chairman; and Mrs. N.
Kate Brown of Tecumseh, Mrs. Cooper
of OmLha, Mrs. Allen of Madison, and
Mrs. Benshaw of Lincoln were members.
The installations took place yesterday
afternoon separately and were only at
tended by the members of each depart
ment. A grand campfire was held at the opera
house last night to which the doors were
thrown open to the public, but owing to
officious smartuess of local members the
newspapers were led to believe that the
meeting was to have been a secret on.
Most of the delegates left for home, a
few however remaining to finish up the
business of tho session, which is said to
have been a very satisfactory one.
The G. A. R. BOys.
Had a pleasant time at their installa
tion yesterday afternoon, and took occa
sion to pass resolutions of thanks to trie
citizens of Plattsmouth for the complete
and satisfactory arrangements which had
been made by our people for their con
venience and comfort.
The following resolution, offerred by
J, n. Culver, was also adopted.
Resolved, That the thanks of this en
campment are due and are hereby ex
tended to McConihie Post No. 45, for
the most appropriate badge ever presen
ted to our department, and to Mrs. E. E,
Hilton whose artistic talent is so beauti
fully portrayed in its embellishmnet.
The new department commander Jos
cph Teeter of Lincoln, appointed J. W.
Bo wen, of Lincoln, assistent adjutant
general and H. J. Straight, ef Platts
mouth, adjutant quartermaster general.
The camprlre in the evening at the
opera house waa largely attended and
thoroughly enjoyed until a late hour
Some verv able speeches were made and
fanny stories related.
Yea can not form an idea what it u to
sell Clothing, etc., at and below coat un
til 70a look through JOE'S stock, tf
Additional local on next page.
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ffE HAVE cut theprices deep, and par
ties in need of anything in the above lines will
save money by calling.
Our new line of embroideries, the handsom
est and largest line ever shown by us.
Will be Given Away.
Our enterprising druggists, F. G.
Fricke & Co., who carry the finest stock
of drugs, perfumeries, toilet articles,
brushes, sponges, etc., are giving away a
large number of trial bottles of Dr.Miles'
celebrated Restorative Nervine. They
guarantee it to cure headache, dizziness,
nervous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill
effects of spirits, tobucco, coffee, etc
Druggists 6ay it is the greatest seller they i
ever knew, and is univcrsaLy sntistar
tory. They also guarantee Dr. Miles'
New Heart Cure in ah cases of nervous
or organic heart disease, palpitation, pain
in side, smothering, etc. Fine book on
Nervous and Heart Diseases free.
Taken Up
The undesigned hus taken up a utray j
pig which can be obtained by the owner j
by proving property and paying for this j
notice. S. F. Osnonx,
Cor. Eiglith and Locust streets.
WHIss Nerveand Liver Plllo
Act on a new principle regulating
the liver, stomach and bowels through
the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. MiJce'
Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad takttr,
torpid liver, piles, constipatiou. Une
qualed for men, women, children,
ymallest, mildest, surett! 50 doses, 25c.
Sampla free at F. G. Fricke & Co'a.
Look Here!
Every one indebted to JOE,
The One Price Clothier, must set
tle within thirty days or the ac
counts will be placed in the hands
of a Justice tor collection. tf
Joe Klein. Wm. Fishik.
The Greatest Strike.
Among the great strikes that of Dr.
Miles in discovering his New Heart Cure
has proven itself to be one of the mot
important. The demand for it has b
come astonishing. Already the treat
ment of heart disease is being revolu
tionized, and many uuexpected cures ef
fected. It soon relieves short breath,
fluttering, pains in side, arm, shoulder.
weak and hungry spells, oppression,
swelling of ankles, smothering and hear
dropsy. Dr. Miles' book on Heart and
Nervous Diseases, free. The uneqaaled
New Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed
bv F. O. Fricke & Co., also his Restora
tive Nervine for headache, fits, sprees
hot Sashes, nervous chills, opium habit,
The finest of Furnishing
slaughtering prices at JOE'S.
Dr. Marshall. DEfJTIOT,
Will be in hia oSea on and after
Uarc 14 h.
A fine wonted men's suit, former
priof 18, at 913.M at JOE'S, tf
IMiATTSMOni If. seu,
81 to 103 North Clark Street.
Wcchly $.'1.00 Trann1riil &n Cent up
ltesttiuraiit hi CompnQinin. Uite Chicago Club
Popular Prictis. New House.
Cut thi nut f'tr future rrfrrcnrr,.
( n ry KtiH L.iri4 o f
fix t: j l 1. 1: a rii y a .v i) a iL
nniiss. vi.tiTit 1 .it.
Bucklen's Arnica ;alve.
Tue Debt .Salve in tUe world for CuU
Bruise?. Sores, Ulcer. KaltKhrum. Fever
Horea, Tetter, Chapjd 1Ihd)s, Chilblains.
Corns, and all Skin Srutionp, and posi
tively cures Pii.-r. or no pay required.
It is gnar.mteed t'j give sutihracnon, or
monev refunded. Prio 25 rent per box.
For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co.
Some years ago Chamberlain Si Co., oi
Dee Moines, Iowa, commenced :he man
ufacture of a cuab syrup, believing it t
be the most pruupt and reliable prepara
tion yet prodnced for caghs, colds n
croap; that tha publie appreciat tru -merit,
and io time it was errtaia te be
eeme popular. Tlieir niMt aagai
hopes bav ben rsore thin realises
Orer three buadred thousand Wattles o'
Chamb-lain'a Csugb Remedy srs nsv
tl& Mcb year, and it U recsgaised -
the best made," wkercver knswa. I
will core a aevre raid i less time th
any otker treatmeat. Fr sals y F. G
Frisks m
Will yea suffer with dyspepsia as
liver complaint! Shiloh's vitaliser i-
Kuaraatead to enreyou. - ror aale oy r
O Prick aa O. It. Sejaer.
a pamphlet of Information and ab-1)
J VstrctoXtheIws,g(iowlDBilow to f
S VOhtaln Patents. Carenta. tnA V
Vllarki. Coprrttrbta, tent frtt.y 7
V-Vv A44w MUNN A OO,