P-iOF-SSlOxAU CARDS. A T. r. LIVINIiSTON E. I. CUMMIN! DIM. LIVINGSTON & CUMMINS Physic aus sod Surgeons OOeo No. 12. Main at. Telephone 9f Kidfiic THeilinu Ir. I I vlnRfton. 49. Kxi1-iic Telephone Ir. CuimiiiiiH. 3&. Surveyors IIVIL. JUiCINKKKaiid KUKVKYOll E. E. HILTON. i in ii 1 t-n auU pi "ix f ad work furnished and KiM-onls kc-kt. Oillco in Martin Mock. tLATlMOUill - NeBHASKA County Surveyor -AND CIVIL ENGINEER. All orders left with County Clerk will uceive prompt attention. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. AW OKFICK Wm. L. 15KOWN. Personal alti-iiliou to all bui-lue.ie entrusted .OT4HY la OI'HCR Titlfm exaiuiiieil. xlitractM coiujiiled, Jnrur ncn written, real estnie mild. Belter laciti lies lor m:il. it: Kxrin ,o:inri than ANY OTIIEli AGENCY rJUATTSMOL'l'li KltUAtSKA JTT UKNK V A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. Will rivw prompt at tf-ntloi, to all l uxlnens entrunted to lilui. Ofllce lb Union block, hat SSide. l'latti-uioutb. Neb. TTOKNKY A UW. WINDHAM & DAVIES. K. B. W1NIUUM. J)HN A. DAVIES. Notary l'ublic Notary l'ublli- Ofllce over liank ol C'a"s County. rtattamoutb .... Nebraabb Banks Baaliof Cass County Cor Main and Fifth street. Fald up capital Sfron Awplna 25 WH O. H. Parneie Fred Oorner J. M. I'atterton T. M. l"al Irrwn, President Vice Preaidaiit Casbeii A est C'acbiei DIRECTORS C.H. l'annele. .!. M. Patterson, Fred CJorder. A.B. hniitli. K. K. Wind bam. li. S.Kaiueey and T. M. Patterson A GENERAL iSANXlNC BUSINESS TRANS A TED Aecounis .vli-.teri. Interest allowed on ttvc dept4i; ami prompt attentiongiten to all bus- i eniru-uea to us care. Tbe Citizens BANK PUATTSMOUTH - NKKRASKA Cajntal Btx-k paid In f y Autrtorized Capital, $100,000. orncJCHM rttA-N K CAKKUTU. JOS. A. CONNOK. Pr?tidnt- Vlce-ProsMeut W. H. C't'SHtNC. Cannier. DIKRPTOKI rrauk Carruth J. A. Connor. K. K. Guthmarn -J. W. Johnnon. Henry Bo-ck. John O'Keefd W. D. Mcrriam. Wm. Wetencainp. W. II. Cuablng. TSANSACTSIA GENERAL BANI1KG BUSiNES lies ceJtlflCAte of deposits bearing lntered Bays and sel' exchanpe. county and city sureties. First National BANK OF PLATTSMOUTU. NKBKASKA Paid up capital f.v.W Surplus lu.Ot.o.oy Oilers the verv lir.! facilities for the prorap Wanacti"!! of ligitimatc Dap. king Business 8t(vU. ;:!, noi'l. joviTninent arc? local ne enntU' r-p-.iu-lic ; " 1 -M ii. j ifpn. is s revived s.nti inn I'"! I :i j; e cMttik-ite!- LmIf i:r:iv. n. v:i:i:-.I'!e i!i any jvit f-f thf CaiT"l Jlali- :t!i.l a.i l.a lro.eij;l lowte ol Europe. OCLLfcOTiONf mai!'. vv! ri:otr-Ti.v hkmtt t- Highest n'-i-T;rt .!" n -1 ! for fo-mry war rants. Stn?-1 :mmi y titi.:.H. nrr.iicxous fn'iii KitT'.'iruM li. H.-ivirvrortb Jiaui Vi:ii:i. v . f:. v. hi;i ."t' r' I. I)v. v JollU Pit?-": V:i!!. Pre-i.!rnt : 1 ' - TEUTONS - HOUSE, 217, 2l:, 221 and 2j:l Main St., lattsmoutli, - ebrnska. U. ir. TONS. Prr.rt:r, . Ihe Perkins 1ms tc'n thorcntrblT rcnoTtCff from top to bottom nrd I? now one; f tli l"-t hot; I.- in the ptfite Frirr1"- rxV, lx t.ikfin by tlie week at f4.50 antl up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED 3 a ISQndwudartocenred. Sooksleanwd in one reMnur. Tuati'nonials from all ' ) Jl7plli1li. nT " Tbe Flattsmouth Herald. ir. A. sll.rii.r h lh -s-laalr rlhl to ,r. Sleln !' I.rl A na-othrt !e for the Palnlru 'ztractltaur trrlh in Ihi.clly. Ofllee Bock wool sinrk. MlIrt.K. No. !;. I . O. P. meets ev ery rue-day nlnlit at their hall in KltZRerald block. All odd Fellow ate cordially iuvlted to attend when visitini: in the city. T. V.. Wn mamm. N. ti. .1. W, Phiim;k, Sec. KMCIIIS iK PY I IllAS, o:mntl t !.; . 47 Meetreveiy W edn"d!iy evening atlhelrh 11 In l e k ah block. All vi-linm kuiijlils :ire c(Hdi.''ly iiv led to altei.d, C. A. Ma shall. C. V. ; Frank IHxi li. K. K. S. YilL'Mi MKN'S' IlllIVIli'N SdCIATIOS ualermaii bh k ?lain Street. Hoi. ins .pen fr in li ::m A l" to C :'M t 'i ; For men on'y ;isi el meet iik every isi.iiday attenicim t i 'e i-k . C. A R. McCoimlhie Pe.fi. .No. 4.r.. meets every Patur tay evening at 7 :.to. in their ball, i:ockwool Hloek. All vi.-illnj; ccimuOis aie iuviied to .et't with in. t;. V. Nile. T't'.st Adj. V. A. Pates, Poet Com. Wa nteil An ciive. relioble nr n- salary S7 to M inc iiIImv. with meiea'e. lo lenient-ni in li'c own epetion a reseotisible New Yerk House. I ft n ni s. A.M'F..ti UKUt, Lock Box loh5. New York. Our Clubbing List. Globe-Democrat and Heualu 2.23 Harper's Magazine " " 4. CO Harper's Bazar " " 4.s0 Demore.st's Magazine " 3.10 Omaha Lee " 44 2 10 oledo Hlade 44 44 2.45 Lincoln Cull 44 44 2. 1 5 National Tribune 44 44 2.45 The Forum 44 5.55 Inter Ocenn " 2.25 Lincoln Journal 4 44 2 30 The Home Magazine " 1 s5 Time Tablo ouims WK.sr tioiNa fakt So 1, 3 :M a. m No 2 5 :0T. p. m 3, 5 :15 p. in "4 lo :M a. in 5, 9 :25 a. m "8 7 ;U p. m. 7 ' -15 a. m. " 10 a : 15 a. m. "9 6:15 p.m. "12 1C :14 a. m " 11 5 ;2i p. m. New Drugstore at Murray GIBSON RETURNS DU. liRENDEL- Is llnishing uji his new building which will be occupied with a firat class stock of 33 R. CJGr S '"Your Patronage is cordially S licite EDMUNDS & ROOT Tne pioneer meichant" of Carry a foil stock of general inerchondtsa which theysell very close. Highest price paid for all kinds of farm produce. Gen e rou s treatmentand fair dealing is tbe secret of our succes. The Whisky Trust Secretary Gives a $25,000 Bond. CLOSING OUT' UNPROVOKED DOUIILE Ml'RDEK. A Ncliraiitiii Slayer Acqiiittetl on Plea ol fcelf-Defciihc A Chief of Police ICobbed II ili v:t3 omit at Work on u Jl'ulillo Thoroughfare A Iouhlo 1.3 ncliiiig. C'iiP'A;(. Fob. 1!). (.; J. OibBon. th.c x-: ccr t:iry of llic wiiislty trust, concern iii: vIio.-(? whei.-.ibouts there has bei-n ho much speculation, turiK-d up in (.'liicago. Mr. (iil-sou gave lail in :!: Mini of .)r.'"i,(ii)i) b :t!i.-.v.ii4 to the in b: tm. nt.s lirougbt against him by the r;.n.l jury. TJi" ex-secivtary ar--ived in Cliic!::-o o)i th'' 0:25 train fnna Y.ri;i. lb- w;-nt to a hotel, took break fast, and then willi two friends, Thos. Hutchinson and (.Jcorgo B. Ijiirrow.s, both wliisky trust imn, .strolled over to th.-criminal court building and asked to !c sb'iwii to 'iilge Khepard'rt room. The ,iMl:';'' bimelf v;'.s tlieve '.-rly ;ijd in anticipation of havin g to re-.-i ivc ( ! '1. s.n"s bond. v,,,i will 1- roqniei'd to ftirni;h bail ti tin amount ot s-.V").0iji) tl;"s-' cliavge-;. .".ir. iilison."' said J nog;? .Sh;.j ;!!. j s t : v I he accu-t-l man's lawyer i.a' loo!:sl ov-r the itsdictments. '"Are you prepared to ! sor" Yes. : ir." said (ii'.son. 44Mr. Hulch in on a-il ?-tr. I'.ikt. vs here will ;-ig:i my lion:!:-." 'i'ln- two ge.itlcmcn st'-i'j.ti I'.w.'ard. e;i' i sclulab'd prop C!'iy"to l!i. value of i-VH'.'.V.H) .-ill uwr, ant tl;-".- a f:iced trreir nam"; to tl:-' :oei::. 1'S.is foninlit v nvvr. Tr. 1 1 -oll .- ti 1 his p-irty l-ii. ilie erimiii.-il court huil'ling. Tin; aceused ex-stM-rct arv looked iale and v.-orn, as tbouli bf hal -l'tit. a good many restless nights of line. "I can't say a v.-.rd about this mat'KT at present." lie said to a reporter who questioned him. "When the proper time comes I will talk, but not until then." A Chief nf Police Kohhed. Tuv.-.TA, WjisIi. Feb. 19. Chief of Tv.iice S-wikiv of Tacoma was tb vic tim of a robliery lietween 11 and 12 ti'clock under the very noses of a dozen or move prison employes and officials. Th chief stepped out of his private office for a few minutes, leaving his desk unlocked. When he returned J1 in cj.-sh. a revolver, a gold watch and some valuable papers were missing. The only maimer in which the thief could have entered the apartment was through n window which opens on a side alley. The catch on th window was not fast ened, but the window w;is closed as usual when he returned and discovered his loss. V s ENTIRE STOCK OF doling. ishing Goods, Hats, Trunks, Etc, urn MUST BE CLOSED OUT IF ON ACCOUNT OF CHAS L KOOT, Notary Public Murray Neb. DISEASED HOGS Cannot become healthy food him ply by the process of death. owe if to themselves and society to ADVOCATE REFORM In swin" raising thut will promote the public health. Hogs should be. fed, r. Jos. Haas' HOG and POULTRY REMEDY Tin" or.ly reliable medicine for swine. Used successfully for fourteen years Prcvnnta eisoasc, Arrests Disease;, cJcps Cough, Kaotens Maturity. Destroys Vorms, increases ;fw Flesh. I'or ,):ile by r (i. Fncke oi- C .Piattmcuth, Neb. litl"::s; 2 l!- C, $12.5 . 2.5 $1.25 -i-id j .:. per p ic'.i t-j. Ta? larger are : i : c!i k- t, Vrite r r testimoni',1 lI.gology." t ol-pige pamphlet on swine will lie :n:u!ed for r. 2-cent stamps Orttt r; by m i.l re:oive p'unipt attention. .!.?. II.V.VS. fndiantpolis DouMe tinnier on a Itallroail Tntla. TJ.vi.P Knou, Ark., Feb. 19. A crazy 7assenger on the south-bound Iron Mountain train fatally shot two nnof f'i'"." j v, . traiii j.rallc.1 otit ti. V. (r:ictei of Vin cennes. Ind.. walkel from the ladies car into the adjoining sleeper and deliberate ly shot and killed a drummer named Isidore Meyer. lie then turned upon the Pullman conductor. E. W. Leach, and emptied another chamber of his re volver into Leach's body, killing him instantly. The shooting was entirely unprovoked. Held t'pon u Public Highway. PrnnLO, Colo.. Feb. 19. M. D. Crow, ex-postmaster of this city and a prom inent real estate man, was held np a little lefore 7 o'clock last evening on Third street, within half a block of Santa Fe avenue, just an he was leaving hi.: home. There were two men engaged in t he job, one of whom held a revolver at Mr. (.'row's head, while the other took from him a gold watch, n diamond stud and his pocketbook. containing money and papers Mr. Crow's loss amounts to G00 or 700. In Self Defense. Hakkpson, Neb.. Feb. 19. of the state against Henry the killing of a 7iegro soldier .live near Fort Robinson in hist, was given to the jry j 'el ween and 6 o'clock th tl.ey broi-.ght in a verdict of The ii--;imony showed that ".as done in self defense. The case Cocker for in a negro November at 2 p. m. at evening not "guilty, the killing A louIle Lym-liinj;. J.vcKs'ONvn.u:, Flu.. Feb. 19. Two --oners, -i white rann and a negro, who w'ere under arrestfor complicity in numerous assaults, were taken from the ::,Av.y j::il at Ciab'.esville. hue at night a: 1 1 h:vejr"d. A raob of l.MU ,r moi-e as- "::1 i i ::boe.t midnig'if. overpowen-.l iiie gii.ird. took the ni.-uiu i-s fro-n their cl!I.- :r.i i h.u.g.l tliem to a tr-,v near bv. .V ?iurlerci' Itespltetl. .-TcMre:--. U. , Ib. hstaulcy C. .:t;rit-e-l to hang --villu r T G. for the liiui'-l.-r of a i- 'HIS preparation, with- (PC oi:t iT,i,j:T removes -vu iTccicist Jlver-Jloles, Pimples, Ulack-IIoaIs, Sunburn and. Tan. A few cpplications will ren der the most stubborn Jv red s kin Suit, smooth and white, Ylolii Cream ia not a paint or powder ts cover defect but a remedy to cure. It is superior. to rdl other preparations, an 1 is puaranteed fo give satisfacf on. At Uruggiata or mail ed for CO cents. Prepared by lav.-ver. v;i, . : u-r :?:-: :i : I 1 cure a rcpr-sen Klai e oo;iid ot par-o:. by (i-of-i'i'' ex- i -e to th.- triiclismin 31ak,- a Laweknce, Kan., Ib. i'..-. Safe, blowers cracked the faf .'i f C. 13. E:.s;o:i, a merchant of Over': :-ok. T::re liu ttre 1 d 'l'arj was t:i' i:. 1 v.i r'v.-ral h"in V.v 1 d.'l'i.rs hi not!-, a'-t-l cii.-eks w-re umiisturLfd. Sncci C li alien td topiitt to a finish. Detroit, lich.. Feb. 19. Arthur AT. G. Wullmeau, who recently completed a thirty days' fast in a local dime mu seum, issued a challenge to rf; nor Sncei or any other faster with an official fast ing "record, to fast to a finish for $15,000 a side. Surjilast Corn ia Kansas. Atchison, Kan., Feb. 19. The com mercial aent of the Missouri Pacific at this point says there ia a great deal of corn and wheat stored away in. western Kansas, which was raised in 1889, now being sent to tke markets ia the eaat. LOTION OF PARTNERSHIP. No Humbug, No Closing-Out Sale, No Advertising Scheme, But Closing Out to Qui! Business. !52&9 imss this gpreafc 5portuoity9 yon will EieveF fee siMe bray cheaper in your life. Call and see wliat JJOJE will do for you. Mens suits, former price, $4 50 now $3.50 i Mcng Uats f Ieo , m J0W ti ii ii 66 former prico 6.00 now 4.50 4 former price 7.00 now 5.00 " former price S.00 now G.50 " former price 10.00 now 700 j " former price 12-00 now S.00 j former price 1 50 now 1 00 former price 2 50 now 1 50 former price 3 00 now 2 00 former price 4 00 now 2 75 Overcoats for men, youths and Lovs at be- " iormer price i&.uunow n.uu OVCU?t. " former price 1S.00 now 12-50 " former price 22.00 now 14.00 Childrens and boys suits at your own pricea. The best I.O overalls at COc, Shirts Socks Underwear, etc., at astonishing slaughtering prices It will pay you to come a hundred miles and bor row the money to lay ia your supply. It will pay you big interest. 8 hn is arfTorT Tnn i lib LQiHUOl HXUh b i the uounti 7, - V WW PLATTSMOUTH, HEB. (Opera IHIoiise Corner I t I