i f-.'j V! i J 1 J! I M j; . I n , I, ''? V ! If 5 If X I' 105 8 6th at.. Union Block, formerly 415 Main street. A. Splendid Market, wh;re Evcrythinf kt pt i'h First Claws. We nim to ulenhc, and Holicit the l'utreu ae of the Public. niH CHOICEST STEAKS, EXCELLEN'l R ASTS, THE SWEETEST CUTS, FINEST CURED MEATS, AMK. PIS' AND OTlfKIl DKI.ICA.CIKS IN SKASON. IJ fair aim! I Hf;st dealing I expect to merit a Hliarc of the triicin. rU-lni. .1. R. VALLERY. Prop 311 KH S II NE L LI! A CK Kit. Wh'oii ami Blacksmith shop Wagon, liugy, Machine and plow Repairing Mont HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY He uses the ' NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is the best horseshoe for tht farmer, or for fant driving, or for city purposes ever invented. It is so made that anyone ct-n put on sharp or flat corks, as needed for wet and slippery dayp, or smooth, dry roads. Call at hia shop and examine the neverslip and you will use no other. J. M. S1INEI.LBACKEIL 113 North Fifth St. Plattamoutb JULIUS PEPPERRERG. . MANUFACTURER OF AVD WHOLESALE & RETAU DEALER IN THE Thoicest Brands of including our Cig ars Florda JifjjV ail FCT.T. LINK OF 1 I TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE always in stock. Nov. 20. 1885. Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II A. WATERMAN & SON PINFL v Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors Can supply everw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand Jeverything you need to furnish your house. CORXEIl SIXTII AND MAIN STREET Plattsmout - Neb P. J. HANSEN DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY i GROCERIES, GLASS AJS L QUEEN SW ARE FIf Fssfl a Fitcialtr Publc S.jlicited. OILDiNGNortli m SI UMBER Are abundant; but the one best known for ltd extraordinary anodyne and expectorant qualities Is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. For nearly ball a century UiU preparation has been in greater demand than any oilier rem edy for colds, couKhs, bronchitis, and pul monary coinpUinU in general. 1 suffered ior more than eight months from a severe cough accompanied with hem orrhage of the lungs and the expectoration of matter. The physicians gave me up, Lut my druggist prevailed on wo to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I dnl so, and soon began to improve; my lungs healed, the cough ceased, and I be came stouter and healthier than 1 have ever been before. I would suggest that the nnriio of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral be changed to Klixir of Life, for it certainly saved my life." F. J. Olidcii, Salto, Huenos Ayres. "A few years ago I took a very bad cold which settled on my lungs. I had night sweats, a racking eough.'and great soreness. My doctor's medicine did me no good. I tried many remedies, hut received no bene fit; everybody despaired of niy recovery, f was advised to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and, as a last resort, did so. From the iirst dose I obtained relief, and, after using two bottles of it, was completely restored to health." F. Adams, New Uretna, N. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPAItEO BT Dr. J. C. AYEB & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold bv all Druggists. Price 1 ; six bottles, $5 . TIIK I arcE RNVVT IQ NAL TYPEWRITER A sfiictlv first, clans machine, fully warrant ed. Made irom the very best material bj killed workmen, and with the best tools tal h:ive ever been deviied for the purpose. War ranted to do all that can be reaso-.ably tx-iv-cted of the very bet typewriter extant (' ip.tble of writing 15i words per minute 01 m re according to the ability of the opera'' $100. lltl-.er is no agent in y-mr town aditrecs Mi. i;i '.uulaclui t r. 'I I!K PAHIiSll M'F'ti '. gents wanted Parish S, Y. K. 15. SKKLEMIRE, A?eni. l.inoilu, Nrb. PURE MAPLE SUGAR and Syrup. Low piice quoted on targe or small lot Strictly Pure. Adirondack Maple Sugar Co 12"i Monroe st., Chicago, 111. FULLiKlt & DHXIFON Western Agents. HESSLER, hs 5th St. Merchant Tail:: Kteis a S'un Line of Consult Your luteres l ;iviu C.rj ,t SHERWOOD BLOCK 1 Ittj (jOLD.'AND PORCELAiyjCROWNS Bridge work 'and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. O 1K. SI EINAL'S LOCAL an weK as other an pthetics:iven fort lie painless extraorion of tectU. C. A. MAHSHALL. - Fitzgerald P'"- 8qt9 Tfrarpt; PocIUv Cur for lmpettne. Loss cf Manhood, Seminal Bmlaslona, Spermatorrhea, Hcrvotisneat, Self Distrust. Loss of Memom, d.e. Will matte you a ST RON a. Vigor ous Man. Price $J.C0, 9 Boxes. $5 00. t.nnciat Dfrttrttont Utalte'f ' Bex. Address Ca Uslmtst C9-. caio Lucas Ave BT. LOUIS. Ma ten Fixed to Suit the Senate and" Passed. mi:s. (tstek's ri:xsio kaisi:i. rii- Imlirtti jirorit ion Itill I'uhHeil ly tli- IUiu v S-a!:-i- K--il I II i ii forma tion at to I'urcliust-H tif SilKT Oinalia'.t Ittiiliiln Limit I ii-r-a--iI. Washington, F l. 11). In tin; senate u nmiilM r i' ; i hills wvre jiasscd. I T 1 " 1 U U 1 1 'r ill lllSt' hill t iiitT'asi til' jm-ii-i)n of ill' viIuV of (JI1. CllstlT toiflO'l Pt montli. The copyright bill was con ir((l iiiid Hi' Sherman amendment to ailmil copyrighted Looks, etc., printed in foveT'ii coimti ies on ii2iyiient of ttir- Ut tin;: s wjis 2i::ree(l to, 2is w;is 2iiso ;m iiiiieiKUnent I iy r-.( nator v rye. reniiring m;t;s, (lr;'.iii;ii ic 2iii(l musicitl comMsi tions. cimraviiws. cuts, -prints. thoto- Kr;iilis. chroiiKjs or lithugriipiis to bt irintetl from plates executed in the United States; 2iiid 2in amendment by Senator Infills t.Miiitiiig news-jianers and lM'riodicids from prohibition of importation. The bill was then passed yt'2is, :; iniys. 14. The Semite bill for th(! erection of 2i new custom house in New York City wjis then p;iss'd. The foll'lwing bills were also psissed: House bill 2imen(1i;iL' t lit 2ict of Jul v. iy"2, dividing th state of Iowa into two judicial districts. Senate bill to pro vide the times and places of holding terms of the United Stiites courts in Idaho. The senate then proceeded to the con Bidemtion of the substitute for the house bill to provide for the 2iljudic2ition and payment of claims arising from Indian depredations. Senator Edmunds moved to strike out section y of the substitute, which prohibits the allowance of any chum iinide by Indians on the testimony of any witness of the Indi;in r2ice. The vote W2is t2iken on Semitor Edmunds' motion to strike out the third section, and it resulted j''2is, 2S;nsiys, 22 lack ing one of a quorum. in the house ilr. Payson of Illinois was elected speaker pro tern., in the 2il srnee of the spc;iker. who is detained 2it home by sickness. Conferences were or dered on the District of Coluinbi2i and inilit2iry 2ic;idemy ;ippropri;ition bills, alter which tht Jmiian 2tppropriation bill was considered 2iTid passed, 2tnd the p stof'Hc. 2i ropri;H i ;i bill carrii'd into -w;;niiiU e oi I lit whole. A joint reso lution v..s pa-sed i:pp:o;i:-iaiing slO'i.dOK Cm' jtriuting !(. itM co)i.'s of tiie reort (': disecises of hi-rses. irei21Ved Under tit supervision e. . i. .k 1 '- tht ba re;m of 2i:iim;d ii: In- ii v. Alr. tit Silvt r I'eietiasfs. Vas!1IS:t'X, Felt l!. In 2inswer to i senate rvrolution C2tll5ng for infwrm;i tiou c(i:c;-riiing the pr.rclja.se oi: silver t4i:d-:r the silver bill of i sessi n. the acting ;-.. rt-i2ii v f th tr ;.-!;!-.; -it to tiit mi i:;ite 2ist2iteiuenc piv.tre.l by the director of the mint, showing the amount of silver bullion purcli2ised by t! gov ernment from Aug. i:. is.;'), to Feb. 14. 1S;H. with 21 list of 2ill persons, firms;;nd a-iociati(ns oirVring amoenrs. the icmmiit 2iml price offered, t lie amount' pi.rcliiised, etc. The jtcting sccret;iry s;iys that in estinniling the la.is of t!ie market price of silver bullion purclnisetl uicier the 2ict. the (lep2irtment: was guid . i ly daily disitches from London. New York 21U.1 S;ui Francisco, tiieumr .:. i rice Ix-ing dciermiiit d by 2i com parison of the prices quoted and the price ;:f which silver is otTered for s.ile to .h." gov. rnmt'-iit. the rule b hig to :ic c. pt lir lowest offers, provi.l'-'i riiey did not nuiterially exceed the highest mar ket price in the three cities iiain.'d. The icting secret2iry s.iys that no - llv r bnll-i-:i I121S b '!i purehfised by t:;' govern ment outride of the United Stjtres. bur ihat undoubti-lly large q-.iiuv'ti.'s of er ii;;ye been deliverer oil ihopur ch.ases to th" governmi-jit ininle irom i- irii-'.j re.-i ling in the United Sttttes. ? r,::i Si, ia: t . i Vr.sj!!N':T).s. Feb. li. S'-j fr ".a iti. en:!: ii'.c.e .r.i jrle.l lavombly the sen'.re v:N.r Hig-ei.-iints. re bill to prj i:e French !' villi .'If A:1. Til" I 1 ':c 1. v .):. "i.:.vme:iL i . r-i d iat :i : : cL-sims in 2iccorua;: ::i::vs ;f the courf of c! c te; sai.:iiiU' d sm iimeii 'hiifnt to i'iu- :Al providing th;U: ":n -a:;s where 1 '.ii original s.iftVrers 'ex-e 2i.ljudic;ited bankrupts tht siwjirds shall be made on beh:uf of tiie next or kin, instead oi to .-.ssifcnees in bankruptcy. an lt'ie ;tv:;rds .-iiali not oe 2iid until the court of claims sluill certify th;it the personal reiresentatives on whose- leh:i!f the award is made represent the next of kin. and the courts which granted the 2idministratioii shall have certified that the legal representatives h;ive given adoqiuite security fjr the l"g2il disburse ment of the awards. liig.-illit' Sucressor. Wasihmjtox, Feb. ID. A caucus of iicpubliean senators will be held next week to determine on a candidate to .succeed Sen.uor lugjills : us president pro lenipoiv of iiie seiitite. Senator Ingails term in the senate will expire on March 4, and it is proposed (according to cus tom) to itLst2ill his successor t.s president pro tempore before the end of the ses sion in order to provide ag2iinst any dif ficullv that might arise if Vice Presi dent Morton stiould be unable to pre side. The names most prominently mentior.ed for the honor ;ire those of Senators Edmunds and Sherman (lxth of whom have held th-? office), with Sen ators Frye and Aldrich as possibilities. The Oiuaha I"otHlce. Washixqtox, Feb. 19. Senator Spoouer reported favorably the pro posed amendment to the sundry civil bill, increasing by $400,000 the limit of cost tor a itostoffice building in Omaha. The presn tent approved the- ace for a building for industrial schools in Wis consin 2ui 1 21 joint resolution to correct an erri-r of punctuation i:i the t2irili' act relating to Linding twine, etc Sin-iiktT Ite-.l SIcIi. Washinotox. Ftb. Sp- iiker 11cvi 13 confined to his room ."-:'.: iiie horti by a severe cold, which shows signs of im- Vrovement. Tliouitand "Look for the "Lttat Time I'pou tlir Face of Old Teeuumeh. New Y(i::k, Feb. 19. Among the first visitors to the Sliennan house in tiie iiKjrning W2is the venerable IVofessor Kendrick of West I'oint, who wtw one of the (. Jeneral's te:tcherH at West. I'oint. (Jen. Fit;: John Porter, Mrs. Wsiltt-r I);iiiirosch, Liiwr'iu' E.irrett and one hundred chil:ir.s of the West I'oint school, in uniform, wen? 2ilso 2tuioug the ai'ers. J. T. Siierm;in s;tid th:it tin-li-t "f invited gue.-ts to the funenil will incia.ie iiie pie.--i. lent 2ind his j'.-irty. Archbishop ( 'orrigau. Ihainilton Fisn. I e;:.ilr )V2irts. Archbishop K'2in of i'liilruleiphia. A. J. lirexi 1, (Jeorge W. ( i! t ic del". Porter, t yrus . Field. 'i.i;i-i and Stephen 15. E kins. The !'. . i ,,..!. .:; l'-'i' the trip to .Si. ..; o. :;;! . 'ihe family ll:efu.-e of President Robert.-.' lie r tl o b. .in ifiil floral pieces were re rr, i '. ; V' .21. '. I. el .,' tin Ik man rcM.tciice .'ibout ne v;;s from 1'resi lent (l;irri 1 consi.-,jed of a larg.' bed ;ioout i'ee! wide by live long of lilies of '. . iih 2t border .-'.round it coiu- lii t!i" c liter v."2is 21 s;.!)re viol !s. '1 otlii r pi:ce jiiilow of arious colors i: (:. t :i. :o;u 1 leell M fs. ayii . ' .en i .-is 2iiiie t Mi. e pi . it. while ho is rv. M--S2ge: u e .-in I s liiji-iiiiv 2ire co::tin . .1 rri -.'in j :t nerai 2It tl'f IV: from 2ill liience p2irts of of tiie t!i eoun.rv. Last Look itt tin- ll-a.l. Thousands of ieole took 21 hLst l'Mik ,.; tiie face of the n;itioiis di-ad general in the aft-ruoon. It W2is one of the :.',". ( -Jitest test"imoni;ils of rspect 2llid lov' 1 ii-it co. ild hi; ).-iitl to tiny one. At 0 o'clock the family 21ml others of th' household assembled in the ptirlor and look their hmil gaze 2it the lace of their fjithrv, brother, fri-nd. Then tiie r2i.;kti w;us se2iled nnd will be opened ig.'iin only to lt:t the He v. Thomas Ew iiii Sliemmn look ujio-.: Ids f2ithers feat iites it he arrives here in time. The 2irr2ingements for the family and humedhite friends were completed. I" hey, with the invited officials, will oc cupy fifty-one c:irritges and will ride in the funeral procession behind the pall iK .'irers 2ind ahead of the president. During the evening It. D. Hayes ac cepted the invitation of the family to v.e.-oi.'ipiiny the remains to St. Louis. At 1 o'clock Mr. P. T. Sherman re reived a dispjitch s21yi11gth.it the ste;imer ij-.'siic h;ul Ik'cii sighted and would ret'i-ii 'Uiar.intine st2ition :it 11 p. m.. v.-;;)i the Itev. Shernnm alxt.-ird. I:i rt "iff I 1m- Kuii-r:il. In. ; met ions were issue1. n the po.ic" c.-.ptain.i 21s io their duties during the f'liieyal. Twelve hnnilred policemen !T:'1o b stationed jilong file line of march. The po-loflic will le closet1 fi-Min i;oo:i until (i o'clock. Xti mail o! . i;y l.r.i.i is to be h:iu.led. All the ')i :in; h s.'.-d ions will be closed. T!i' President ial SU'fi:il. YfiiK.Feb. 19. Tiie presitlentiat train, bearing the jivesident an;"' X rial ,'sid. tit. tiie c.abiTiet 21ml member. coimnitie" ;iTip'inted bv the if. .-it fend 11 'fn-ier::l of' (lv. ,-trriv- 1 ;t .T -v.-- t'ty ;:t ' The party w.as driven directly Fifth Avenue hotel. Senator was vith the p;trty. - 1, . .:'('': Io the Cvar' . ii:isi ':us wox't iti:si(;x. Iliioi'il Lilhiokaluni l'r-eI to lii-iMg Sili! A(;;lin-.t H-r 'al;:iL.;. Sax Fraxi is'o. Feb. 19. A. i vices in :!ie;ite tluit a contest between tht H21v.-2ui.vn ministry and the crown is inniiiTient. It luts alw2iys betn 21 pre redent in ILawaii. 2t.s in other kingdoms, for the ministry to resign a4: the de;ith .f th.e me'.i.-ircl). but the ministry inti mated to Queen Liliuokalani tli2it she must not look for their resv-amtiotis save bv the 2iction of tlv legislature. A r-omiilicatii -n ensued, which h.as not been (1 : en deci' .e J vel The friend- of the )uen nrg" her to broig :H-t ion ag.-unsi e : is. rv l?-:-: 1 r" ) w'.iieh ev.-nc it is !' s-:;ir. "n" coert. i lwobable tiiat she ii: be v:,hj i-tic ' Ji;'1 Id in htr ctj'.ase. Chief ch;!i:c-llor of the !:::i:r- hi: i t'll' resi:Tie(l i" aeeessi. ill of ' ! ;;ec inside 1 ; ! ;::et posi-Ivsiial-:;!".-!. ant 's it tt-j- e'.-oier T!n d'-al kiig"s will was tin. folio, ving' tii arv:V2il ol ilir' ed the h.-.rles- 1 1 ,.-;is Miorr 2in b. v!'" v P It r to Ja'i' )hmi. deb's 21 11 piild'oi ft 11 e:-:!re pi'rsou . .:i i.-.tiir.-: wit:i ttie ";;'.;f :'!."i-..:oil. The m;:u-' Th-- execnto:- WV W IS 21 .",-e-. ; hers;'. Li:i.:o- -ah L.ni gets the crown 2ind crown lands. Th"se 2i-r' estinnited ar nearlv ?l()('.0(tO !; vear. but hovr much she will realize oi-; iheiii is 2i qu --lion. It .-eeiilsth.-lt .1- lil( le;ises to one piece or another expired hey were ie.-ised smew to Kfqiiohini fo: long terms of ye2irs. 2it si 21 yf2ir in mosl c.i-es. The lands .are valuable, luiiny ot them lying in and about the city. so that while the laws prevented Kiihikau.-i t2ik ing the le.ases himself, he liumaged it through is wife. Tiie Kansas Lymph. Lvrt:nx''E. Kan.. Feb. 19. The vio lators of the prohibitory law in this city try every pian to cv.-i-.le detection, but are seldom very successful. Christopher Fiinger. on- of tiie most notorious joint keepers, was arrested, and. upon default of bonds, was committed to jail. This is the second time he has lnen ar rested, and the peindty is always doubled. Hechiims not to sell intoxi cant, but when the officers searched ther found several cases of empty I )ttlee and one cae of bottles filled ..ith something that several witnessr-s st2itt in their afid2ivit.s is lHer. It w.as descriljed on each lxttle bv a label. "which reads as follows: "The S. E. P. B. Health Invigorator. Sure cure for ner-ons prostration, biliousness, indi gestion, consumption, etc. Dose ac cording to prescription. Manufactured at Milwaukee. Wis.," Fringer's new con sumptive cure h2is lnid a big run. 1 ; Ii-i-ptlitiiig Our Ciirrenrv. 1 Washixistox. Feb. 19. Representa I five Sweet of Idaho introduced a resolu j tion 2iud preamble which sets forth that , certiiin national banks are refusing to j loan money excrpt npm contr;i'. t:'. paya i blj iu gol.f. v. hicii tetidi to ui.-rredit the j currency ih" country. Th - r -oln-1 ! titm. th -i-i rore. i:.o . i les that stnv 1121- : tiouai '021.1;; ;: . ..i,-pii:ig to dt-gni le iiie ! curroa'--,- ,.f vi..? ountry by b inu.ling j other tlia'i !;". fal mouey tliiill forfeit its charter. ' What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher) prescription for Infanta ami Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless KiibNtituto for Pare";or"c Irops, Soothing Syrups, ami Castor Oil. it is Pleasant. Its fjuarantco is thirty j-cars umo by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays feverishiiess. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Iiarrhaa and Vind Colic. Castoria relieves twetliing; troubles, cures -nislipatioii and flatulency Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tuo stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos toiia is the- Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told ine of iu good effect upou Uieir childrtn." Ph. G. C. Osoood, Lowell. Mass. Castoria la the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hopo the day iaiiot far distant when mothers wHI consider the real interest of their children, and use Caatoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Dk. J. F. Kiwohclob, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, TT J. I). GRAVES & CO. DEALERS' IN PINE LUMBER, SI UNCLES. LATH, SASII. DOORS. IJLINDS.itud all builtluiK material Call and sec us ait the 1 1th and Elm street, fiiorth of MeisePs mill. Flattsmouth,, Nebraska Plattsmouth if ursbrY . JBuy your trees oftlio Hllome Mursery where you can .select yoair owns irees fSastt will be privilege saasel SeBaelat- to y&u. E Sasave sill the lesidlingr vl raeties sii2l lisow better wEiaf vsarietie will aIo Stere llmm 52f.p;esats rLai yoas sasa baay ns Apple trees. :j years old -Annie trees, 2 years old - Cherry, early Richmond, late Plum, Pottawattamie, Wild ijroose Kaspberries, Greg-? Syler Strawberries. Sharpless Crcsen Concord vines, U years old -Moors Early grapes. 2 years old -Currants, Cherry Currants -Snyder blackberries - -Industry Gooseberry - s Downing Gooseberries, 2 years old noughton Gooseberries, 2 yean old -Asparagus - - - Rosses, red moss and white moss Shrubs, Hydrangias Honey Suckle ' -Snow Balls - - - Lilacs - - - - Evergreens, Norway spruce B. Fir Nursery one-halt mile north oH town, entl ot SDth Street. Address all Orders to PUIT1SM0UTR, - XEB. Castoria. CoBtorta Is so well adapted toctillilrra thasV I recommend it an superior to any praacrlpMsm known to uw." IT. A. AnnnBR, M. 111 Bo. Oxford St., Urooklyn, V. X. Our physicians iu thn children's drparfc mi-nt have sioken lu'Khly of their sxpaciw once In their outside practice with Castor, and although we only uuve aiitonp our medical supplies what is known as ragula products, yet we are free to confess that I merits of Castoria has won us to look ' furor upon It." Umtkd Hospital ako Dispkmsaht. ISoston. Kaaa JtiXEH C. Smith, Vr.t Murray Street, New York City. corner of one block o N O -J I o o '25 2 00 1800 20:r 751500 Richmond, wragg- 10 3 GO 2500 00 150 150 500 25 GO 00: in ( 101 00 1 250 25'r? 00 lOjl 50 lOtl 00 125 10 jo; 25! 20: 4d -