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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1891)
V V I W HENDKJi 6l UU (Successor to U. T. Mathewa.) CAKKY A CdMl'LETK LINE OF Hardware, Stoves, Tinware Etc. Ilnvin completely i(m;!c;iii id ami renovated, have as neat :i hard wan- stock as can he found County. We respectfully invite the public to learn our method of doinir business. Hardware c::: s : Id on time nnd we are the to do it J. V. HENDEE & CO. Everything to Furnish Your Houso. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN HOUSE FURN1TVING EMPORIUM. Under Waterman's Opera House V.u can buy of hiiu cUeup Icr epot c;ish or ran pctirf. what you ueed to luruinh cottage or ui:iu-ion on the INSTALLMENT FLAN. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHING. Ajrt'iit tr the Celebrated "White Sewing Machine. " lie larst ami must c unylete s'ock t select from in Cass Couhty. Call and see me Opera House Block Insure your property against fire, lightning and Tornado in the AMAZON INSURANCE COMPANY. Of CincinnaUi, Ohio. " Commeueed, Business October CASH CAPITAL Stockholders individually liable, under the constitution of the Sta of Ohio which together with the present net surplus is a net Guarantee of about $700,000,00 to policy holders. Losses paid in nineteen years, (since organization) nearly four millioi dollars J. II. BEATTIE, S.-crtt-irv. Wm. L. BROWNE, Resident u ssa in f a k sr 2 DAILY AND THE W ds si JLargjer Circulation than any two Faper in the County. We now in Cast call and cheaper for cash than people that propose I. PEAIiLMAN. $300,000.00 (JAZZ AM GAXO, President. Ant, Plattsmouth Nebraska 9 WEEKLY (LY HERALD Piattsmouth Dailv 11 iraTd i KNOTTS BROS, Publishers Published every Thi'rs'tay, mid dally every veuiiiK except Xunday. Renlstered at the IMattsmoutli, Neb. p-st- jtllcefiir tr;msiii-tMou tliroui;l the C-S. mails if second clasH raten. Oltlce corner Vine and Fifth streets. Telephone 3X. TI'.ltMS Kojt WKKKI.Y. me copy, one e-r, in advance Si 5fl one copy, out: year, not t n alv;tii o ... .. Z 00 ne copy, six moiithf. in advance . 7.1 Onec py, three months, in advance ... 40 TKK.MS Kolt DAILY One cop one year in advance s' w One copy per week, by carrier i5 One copy, ier inoiith W; THUUSDAY, KKIiUUAKY 1!), lbi'l I Ik- actioi s of A. C 'viler in tin; re- iimvul cue are not Kuncuoneu iy a lz'ii people in his own district. Ho Ih utterly Intraym the coiilnlcncc re posed in him ly the voters who elected lii in commissioner f CJas county, and has therefore drove the nails in his own politic-nl coHin. Elniwood Echo. The editor of the Elmwood Echo ought, in the interests of decency and honor, he ashamed to print so untruth ful and unfair a statement as the above. Mr. Lodor was elected by the whole county, and while ho received more votes from Piattsmouth city than ho did from all the precincts in the county combined, yet that had no effect on hia decision". Mr. Loder'a sworn duty is to guard and look after the interests of the whole county, not that of a precinct or district. It is his sworn duty to follow the course prescribed by law, this he has done. The talk about unfairness of the board of couuty commissioners comes with very bad trrace from th? gang that forged the names on a petition which was used as a basis for calling a county seat election two years ago. When a part of the peo ple wanted to be heard by remonstrance or otherwise, your county boarl ignored the plaiu letter of the law, ignored jus tice and honesty by calling the election Ht.once, and. that the same scheme is frustrated, now you howl like one bereft of his sense-; fair tivatment is not what on want-on the other is exactly a hat you don't want. What are the f icts about this immaculate petition of yours f Forty days were taken to in vestigate thoroughly the. signatures. Of course, you howled at ti at; you did not want them investigated; you knew they would not bear iuvestigation. Af ter the commission rs made up their minds in the face of the law as .it ap peared to them that they dared not ca 1 lite election on the petition before thera without doing violence to their oath of otJice, the county attorney, H. I). Travis, Esq.. a man whose every interest is in Weepirg Water, but wlio is known all ;ver the district as an able lawyer, was called in and consulted by the board. Alter looking the matter over, Mr. Travis was compelled by his sense of honor to agree with the commissioners, uid so infirmed tiiein. It is true that Mr. Trietsch lives near Louisville, but that fact did not deter him from doing what he knew the law demanded of him This consant abuse ot the cotuniissioDers, because they would not become willing ;oo's of the west end, is cowardly and r-ieen. No m-.n of principle, conversant with the far-ts, would engage in any such w.rf.'iv. is for (he best interests of the county s a debatable subject, but the d. in and than an ofiieer should violate lis snored oath is not deb-itnble or allow bl'j iu any .sene of the word. Anothku apportionment bill lias In en offered by Iiepieseatative Scott. He di vides the state into congressional districts is follow: First District Richardson. Gage, Paw nee, Jefferson, Saline, Johnson, Otoe, Ne maha and Cass. Second District Douglas, Washing ton and Sarpy. Third District Dodge, Burt, Cuming, Thurston, Dakota, Dixon, Cedar, Wayne, Stanton, Colfax, Platte, Madison, Pierce, Knox, Antelope, Boone, Nance, Grcley, Wheeler, Holt, and unorganized territory north of Holt and Knox. Fourth District Lancaster, Saunders. Butler, S i w ard, York, Polk, Merrick and Hamilton. Fifth Di-trtct Thayer, Fillmore, Clay, Nuckolls, Adams, Webster, Kearney, Franklin, Harlan, Phelps, Gosper, Fur uas. Hed Willow, Frontier, Hayes, Hitch cock, Dundy and Chase. m The sixth district shall comprise all that part of the state not included iu the districts named. This arrangement would give four districts to the independents, one to the democrats, while in the First the race would lie a "free for all," with chances slighty in favor of the republicans. In representative districts Mr. Scott gives Cass two members a9 the Seventh district and an additional member with Otoe, which ui.kes the runtli district. Douglas county is only allowed eleven representatives, wldl- in Mr. Fee's bill Douglas gtts fifteen. The alliance peo pie are understood lo favor the above arrangement. Col.. Sjikcsian devotes nmst of bis time lately to booming F. E. White with never a word for his colleague, Mr. Shry ock. Tub Hkkai.ii favors fair ply aud calls t-e. tii n to tin? fact that Mr. Shry o k, in n t ry at tive anil p iius-jnking member of 'he le'sl itnre. His i t Ui gence and cap :ct y lor woi k w is the means of I is leaving White fur iu the tear i;i rrleiviice to committee wmk by being placed on I hive ol the most impor tant committees of the house, ill ii of 'Wios.'ifl Means' Accounts and Ex penditures," and 'Eniifo.-seil and Enroll ed Bills." Mr. W hit. 's commute, s are "Kmployni's" 'Mtilieal Societie-," and "Appoitionnu n1 ," three vciy insignifi cant committees. Colonel, you had bet ter be- fair and treat all alike, it will look belter, to say the least. Pkach and ro.-perity is what we wan? and need, says the Elmwood Echo of last week. Amen. The First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do any thing to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning, you are taking the first step into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to itscormal health condition. Surprising rvsults follow the use of this great nerye tonic and altera tive. Your appetite returns, good digestion is restored, and the liver and kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50 cents at F. G. Fricke & Co's drug store. HIE FIGUItK O." he fifftn 0 In our dates w'll makn a nnR sta 4o man or woman now living will over date locument without usinc thn figure 9. It stands xi tho third place in lfcOO, v here it will remain ten '.u.irs and then move up to aocond place in 1000 where it will rest for oil: hundred years. There is aiiotlmr '" which has also come to stay P U unlike the fimr! 3 in our dates in the res pec i hat it Vus already moved up to first placu, whT :t will permanently r.'i!V::n. It is called tli "X X' Hicrli Arm Wtn.".:!er .S. U i).-m Sewi;,n Machine The 'No. '."' v:;s ecdor.-"d for lir.-.t place by ih y:vrt of Fairopi: at ti." I'ari.-? Kx,wsitioR of !K".i ,'ivre, after a severe c.-no . wi'h the leading ma 'nines of the utald, it was :.-.vard ;J the o-: Grind rrize given to family F'.vinK machine:-, : 1. M'.i -moii exhibi:. Jiavii'H r.c- Hi-d l aw.;rt: 01 f.'old medals, el.j. TI. : French te-ivernnien-:-tc recoRnieti itsurf i io: .' : i;y th.rv'virond iono; Mr. Nathaniel Wneeier, rreidi-nt uf tie1 company. u:th the Cross of the J.ejii j-.i of Honor. The "Xo. '.)' is not a a uU :nac'.iin i imnrovc i:wm, bat is an' iy v. w uiaeui:in, and Cli-Gi":-nd I'rize at I'is was av.-ap.led it as the t:r:uiZ t -t advance in seuuisr mac'.iiui! lawtianism of tl-.-Wi- Those who li-y it cm rest assur.-d. tlicr-: ) rc, of uavilitj 'he v. :y '. t V-t. vHIEELill & WILSON IVVG CO., ISi: and IS; "STa'uabli i ve., Chicago D eaters Wanted. CLARK'S KOG REMEDY A - '. .Yi:.'vs .. yr'' -:; . '. ; - . .'-'!.; .-. .- " - 'w. Clark's Poultry Remedy. BEST IN THE WORKD. For sale by 0, 11. SiNYDEH, DruSgist, Piattsmouth, Neb. SEND rOR OUR CATALOGUE o PRICES ATLAS ETJGINE WORKS. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. ... mwmn L-.- th2 LK.uor Haoit, Positively Cum cv .".Di;i;:!STer:i;;o or. iiahis' qoidei speci?;- It can lie oivtii in a cup ot coffee or tea, or in ar licles of eod. without the knowledge of the rci son (akitiK it; it is absolutely harmless and wi:. effect a permanent and Feeciy cure, whethi . thepatient isa moderate rtrtnkeror an aleniioli wreck, it NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE a eomnlete cure in ev jry insrauce. 4s page boon FREE. Address in confidece, . WiLaEN SPECIFIC CO., liBtt SU CiadmiaU.0 an ' - e Off Tlie TIONALHYr6?oBTE WORLD'S FAIR. A SANTA VQ f&A) CIV- i' 't N.K.f7lRBANKCo. THE BONNER STABLES. W. D. JONES. Proprietor. THE FINEST RIGS IN HAS THE Carriages for Pleasure and Short Kept Heady. Cor. 4th and Vine F G WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full ami Ouinplctu line; of Drugs? Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions ( refill i, v Compounded at all Hours i-soave your the HMRAJjD for DKSK M LC O RAN D UM. FILE. I'liio rile i not a calender, but a record, where till nti.-jien.-e items can i e recorded and each item, as consecutively dated, will take itf "p)a-e at the front" and stare you iu the lace, until such item shall have attention. At the time ot writing letters relative to important matters, date can be fixed when tlie.s matter.- will come up again should .Quch letters receive no reply. Especially adapted to recording for future attention such mat ters as appointments, Payment of Life Insurance Premiums, lienewal of Fire Insurance. Special collections. Promises to pay, Dr. or (Jr., Payirent of taxes, Date-; -'t tor Miir, Expiration of time tor appeal, Business men who se these fiie. as a rub', buy them. Price, with ink wells and full supply of metri'Tai i:;n tards complete. - - - - - $2.50 Parties dosirin glass ink wells will do well to write ;is. SPECIAL TERMS TO THE TRADE, Taylor & Wells, HANUFACTUEEBS A1TD GENERAL AGENTS. ' S40 N Y. Lit3 Building., Omaha I. Si W LTCi J Ji I THE POSITIVE CURE. OA J ELY BBOTHKRS, M Warren 7T SAN i A ULAUS bUAl" ,Viy Count r : Mm of thee, vect l.ititl ' 1 liberty, Of th.-e sing; LanJ u.'iere or fathers tJi.-J ; Land u h m cur Mothers ci ii J, Over the!i-t'.:b tiej i et treJ.n;i ri'.. A1- r,".:i . V tiu i i i-i: i.oiV, trtr 1 1 IV l. li.l:- I c ; I I..-.- !iv t 'i I' :'.t:d frill'? H-::.h:-.v! !...:?i!:v i ;!! ; My '.'irl u honor llwil! r.j- ! 'Vvr- ' rx : .-t W' A:.J ! ,i tii: ii..;! i.'.NTA CI.AUS: I .( 1 I !r" J 111 Ti-'liS 'V.iftC Aii : ,';i...!!y try kf, I . 'I ! r cle.o-.iif-'; sake. rfvO; MAKERS FOR ALL CITY lrive Always I'liittbincutli, Nebraska FqiQfiK Go orders with your W ORK 11 I S 'lir agents wanted SWHeworlc IMceDOcU I N- seel i