The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 19, 1891, Image 1

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EVENING. FKimUARY 19. 181).
K i
1 '
l.r .: : r of r.Il n Ic.-ivf-nins l'owcr.
Miss Day.
Miss Day's readings are calculated to
bring uj) I lie tewlerc-t sentiimnts of
well,-balanced minds and should lie
heard !y evi rylmdy. They t ut.ii a c ord
in i'V ry heart, whetlur of puthoi i r
liuinor St. Paul Phonogi.iph. Cive
her a full house at tin; Pn sbyttriai
church this evening. 1 "mewed for the
lienefit of lh; pipe organ fund. Admis
sion 'J cents
Now is your chance, mid s'.eh i 'hance
you will have hut once in i life tin", to
huy Clothing. Furnishing Good-. Hit-,
pto., at sbiii'di'eiinr t)Ois at .;)jys.
Tim entire stock must In; sold "t as
quick a posihle. tf
List of Letters.
Remaining unclhimed in the I'ostoliicc
at Plnttsuiouth. lb. 18, for the week
ending Feb. 11, 191.
Abbott. Mrs K K
Braslnton & Wolf
Car. ier. Jame
Dickey. Cyru
Gilmore. John
Ht'iirj-, Jiiinrf
Kurrynian, Mich Ida
St. John, K A
Mcl,aui:b iin. A N
('onr.olly. Nlcholu
Uetty. UowarJ
Clure. C N
IU'.tiin. IV t
Ctusli.ii, Mm I.uiula
Hansen, Adolf M
Smitli. Win
Smith. Charlps
Aber. Mii II.iDiia
Tlda. Mluuie
Taylor, fete
Ntrden, Mrs. S J
Persons calling for any of the above
letters will please fay "advertised.".
II. J. Stkkight, I. M.
JOE has not "bursled." Joe never
has failed, for he believes t!iro is an
honest living for everybody, but owing
to Dissolution of Partnership, Joe is coni
pel'etfi to close out bis nice und clean
stuck, regardless of cost. tf
' ) Royal Arcanum Notice.
The regular meeting ot Cass council,
Xo. 1021. Roval Arranuoi occurs thip
renins ct 1 J-k id the II. u 1". Halt
A.11 members are requested to be in at
tendance. Henry IIekolp, Kegent.
It is only with reprt JOE has to sell
out his entire utock, for he has done a
very-satisfactory and successful business,
but dissolution between JOE and his
partner, Mr William Fisher compels hiui
to close out. tf
The bida filed for removal ofi 1 J Court
houfe buildings were rejected, and staled
bids will be received by the County Com
nvFsioncr up till noon on (Tuesday) Feb
urary 24th. 1891 for all material in old
Courthouse buildings including Jewelers
store, stone fence, etc., only excepting
vault Joojs, vault shelving and movable
furniture. All material to be removed
from grounds, leaving the ground clean
of rubbish, between the fir6t day af March
an3 the firt day df Ar ril.lFPl
Cocnty Clerk.
No old chestnuts or rubbish at JOE'S.
Everything of the lutest style and at be
low cost. tf
A Red-hot Debate.
Keverand N. il. Aiku. the Iiaptist
minister at Ui-ion. has trickled Mormon
ism, and will have -v dtba'e v. ilh Ilev.
Dronson, of Council 11 uffrf. an ajiostlcof
the latter day saints. Ti e loading prop
ortion to bo discussed, is
llLHolced, That Joseph Smith is tht
true prophet ofG.ul. Keyerand Erocson
of course taks the alunuativc, but if he
cau puir.o a:jy f th.:: niyi-teri-MM llnding
of tue IiOvk" into hi.-. C-sss aud
ience, as an icspiratit.-i:, v.v.kX show that
the v.'Ule thing v.-;is r.ot a rhliculous cack bull story, c v! jul it.i to d:c ive the
p o;d ; l e will surpri.-e r,3 verj- lnuch.
His 'mythical .-ttiries 1.1. :y be swauowid
at Council l:uff-, bur. thoy wjnt go ovir
h :re. Tiie liscu-sio:i is ' o take j.lac- iu
thr.;e wcek at Union.
Go to JOL: and lay in your supply for
uext veir. It will pav yoti norl inter
est at tl:e puic s he is closing -out hi
stock. tl
IJev. Cyrus Alton. Ht one time county
fupcrintendent of public instruction. hfH
rented his farm near Elmwood and will
remove to Ciay Center, Neb where he
w ill take charge of a congregation. We
are sorry to see Sir. Alton leave old Cass;
he was one of our best citizens.
For glassware, queensware and the
bftst and freshest gioceries go ti Phillip
Kraus. where yoa will find everything
won want for vour table. tf.
('. S. Gov't Report, A;: 5. 17.
i Jesse Strode camo in yesterday morn-
j ing to attend the encampment.
! .Iusn Liiy, of (T; tbir Creek, is cirru
' lltinn with the old vet:i.'.i 8 totlny.
Mrs. Ca I T. Se- ley, of Madison, is in
the riry as n del i;nt- to the W. K. C ell
canipim nt. Slie is a im-st of her s'st'.rs,
Mrs. Miller and Mis. Murphy.
Cienernl Dilworth, of Hastings, State
T -usurer 11:11, Ueveum- f'oll-etor Pe' rs,
if Oin-i'ia. and Speaker Ehler. of the
house of rejin sent ati v s returned home
this morning.
-wall paper. 3t
A nice Child's Suit at $1.00 ut JOE'S, tf
The stock of wall paper at Gering &
Go's is wondtrlul. 3t
Don't forget the mii.strels tomorrow
niiibt. This is to be tha eIhiw of the
For new etylish patterns in wall paper,
absolutely the latest designs, cull on
Griug & Co. 3t
Miss Mollie Tucker. Dressmaking and
millinery a Hpecialty. Rooms over Her
old's store. tf
You can not form an idea what it is to
sell Clothing, He, at and below cost un
til you look through JOE'S stock, tf
Charles P. King of Filimore County, a
member of Judge Chapman's company of
Iowa soldiers, was uguest of the Judge
last night.
Miss I).iy's reading drew a good house
The lady posses tin elocutiontry powers
and a voice of rare sweetness and flexi
bility. Lyons Mirror.
A man by the name of Turner, residing .v.'-. .:, ':d ii..-.e pViltrs
week that averaged 695 pounds each
Who can beat it?
Some very able resolutions of respect
on the late General Sherman and General
Moriow have been adopted by the G. A.
K. encampment today.
We know of one fellow, a young
business man near the head of Main
street who had his hair cut purposely
thfet be might get a front seat at the
show tomorrow night.
Another snowfall today; the agricul
turist ought to be happy as no one else
appears to be able to extract any comfort
from the chilly fact except it be the
small boy with the sled.
George Bccck's sale of porscnul prop
erty the first of the week was attended
by ncaily a thousand people, and prop
erty to the amount of 3,500 was dis
posed of at fair prices.
Kearney and Phelps arc the names of
two western Nebraska counties that have
had the honor to say they do not waut
any assistance aad are amply able to care
for their own poor. Crops have been
as short in these two counties us iu
many that are asking for a $:00,000
appropriation. They are made of differ
ent metal out in Kearney and Phelps
O. A. Hivach will remove las barber
shop under Mayer Bros store where he
will hereafter run three chairs :ind throe
bath rooms. His m-v. barber is recently
from the P.dace hotel in S in Francisco,
where none bat th best can secure cm-pl-iymeiit.
For u nice s'.:;:ve or a quiit call on O. A Hirscl: at his ir-vpar-1-Ts
in ;he Carrath alter next Mou
th; v. dlw
Duncan Clark,
Si-.dai.ia, Mo., Sept. ls'0.).
P. YoL'sa Deir Sir: YourV- of
22nd. received. Duncm Clarke's
co-rpauy is all rihi. lie has some l."
or u0 people, ladies and gentlemen.
The show takes well. There in nofcHn:r
in the show that would be offensive to
a lady. Respectfully,
11. W. Wood,
M'n'gr Wood's Opera Hou-e.
On and after March 18th all notes and
book accounts due me will be in the
hands of an attorney for collection. Ni
exceptions. 3t U. V. Mathews.
Where have you been, my pretty, fair
maid ?
To Gering's for wall paper, sir, she said.
And she made no mistake. 3t
Wedded in New York.
Lincoln Call .
It has been an open secret among his
friends that Mr. diaries Mayer, of the
elotliiug tirm of Ma) i-r Bros., was con
templating matrimony, hence it occa
sioned no suipiise last evtning when his
brotheis received a tilegium announcing
his marriuge.
The y uuir lady whom Mr. Mayer led
to the altar was Mi-s E-telle Negbnuer,
a handsome and cultured young lady of
New York City. The ceremony was per
formed in Vienna hall in that city in the
pi senee of h large assembly of invited
Mr. and Mrs. Mayer departed from
New York today for IMrludt Ipliia, Wash
ington an 1 tour of the south, where they
will spend a nion'li in t-iht-pecing and
nturn to New York, thence to their
future home in Lincoln about April 1st.
In holier of the nianhiye of one of the
firm Mayer Bros. Inst evening tendered
the employes a banquet at Brown's, and
a feast especially prepared greeted their
arrival and it was discussed with a
A genuine Stetsc 11 $4.00 Hat at 2 75
at JOE'S. tf
A Pleasant Surprise
The meetings of the convention of the
W R C are many times attended by the
most pleasant happenings.
At tlit? eighth annual convention of
the W R C Mrs. Manchester, the past na
tional senior vice president was the re
cipient Wednesday afternoon of a beau
tiful present from.McConihie corps No.
5o and same was presentee! to her in ap
propriate words by Sister McKinzy of
corps No. 50 in the banquet room of the
adjoining the department convention
hall The present described will here be
not atuise.
It is the photograph of members of
the corps most artistically grouped by
artist W. J. Koou of our city, aud same
is very handsomely framed. This will
be prized by the recipient, and given a
prominent place among the many souv
enirs that grace the walls of and corner
l.i die in her pleasant home at Lir.eoln.
A good pair of shoes at '$1.00 at
JOE'S. tf
to foi vous iwki.itaied !!en.
If you will send us your address, we
will mail you our illustrated pamphlet
cnplaininn all about Dr. Dye's celebrated
Electro-Voltiac Belt and appliances,' and
their charming effects upon the nervious
debilitated system, and how they will
quickly rer'ore you to vigor and man
hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus
afflicted we will send you a belt and ap
pliances on atrial.
Voltiac Bklt Co. Marshidl, Nicn.
War on the Missouri.
The members of the Women's Relief
Corps have been having a stormy session
today at Rockwood Hall. It seems that
two years ago the corps at Junia a ac
cepted for membership a lady who was
neither daughter, wife or widow of a
soldier, contrary to the provisions of the
statutes in 6uch cases made and provid
ed and that the charter of that corps was
tiken from it. Another administration
came in and the charter was returned,
which action seems to have been upheld
by the present state atlministration. Now
comes Mis. McIIenry, president of the
National W. R. C, anel in the name of
the constitution of the order demands
the state charter, which she holds has
been forfeited by the action of our Ne
braska members. '-Does the fur fly?"
I guess yes. The Nebraska ladies who
are loyal to the present management of
affairs', denounce the usurpations of the
National president in vigorous term?,
while Mrs. McIIenry and her friends talk
constitution arid endeavor to make out
that they are working" solely for the good
tf the order. No one can tell yet
the outcome will be. but bad feelings are j
being engendered which docs net bode J
auy goou for the ortu-r.
That extensive line of speetaeles !o
suit every eye is tobe found only at
Gering's. 51
At one o'clock totlay, Mr. Nelson
Pjerson, at the age of 01 yenrs. Mr.
I'ierscn was an old ciiiz.n of this tirr.
The deceased leaves a tt idow anel four
children ail grown, three boys Nelson,
Henry an 1 A'bcrt, and tna daughter.
Mis. C. A. Pri'etz. Tiio f uneral will take
place Satar ay at two o'clock from the
late re-ideuce, at the corner of Rock and
Tenth streets. Friends of the family
are invited.
The county treasurer today received
a letter from Yokohama, Japan, ia which
a gentleman enquires about the amount
of his taxes on some property which be
owns in this city. His name is Win. J.
Colonel May field jr., is a son of the old
man hut he seems t have a worse attack
rf county seat rabiis. than his father. We
hope the oung man will n cover from
th malady though his symptoms arestf
ticient to alarm his friendc. Here is a
sample cf his poetry whic' has a sort of
biiiustone odor that is easily detected be
tween the lines: .
Ye. 1)V . t here's A. I'.. Todd
I he lii..:e'hl item in tow n"
WhoV "tf fur I'la tsm- ulli md for hell.
Au . never raise alrown.
And A. '. I.oder. thene ftinn exploder.
The Ks;ni of iii'xlein limes
Wuh .linlas sen iot has joined Ihe b uid.
To help .-man Hue. tUeulillie s.
And Jacob Trlet-ch. 1 tin foreign breach
Th better of t he t.lTt?e
V nu'rt vain do rinht but tea's some nllit
He'd decorate a Iree.
In other words Mr. Trietsch has been
intimidated. Oh Albert, soak your care
worn brow, you ought to know better
The commissioners having a care for
their oath could not have decided tint
election petition any different from what
they did.
The best and surest dye to r ol ir the
beard brown r black, as may be desired
is Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers.
It neyer fail".
The G. A. R. Encampment.
The sessijn yesterday afternoon in the
opera house was well attended and en
thusiastic. The regular election of offi
cers took place, which passed off pleas
antly, resulting in the choice of the fol
lowing gentlemen to act as olGccrs of the
department for the ensuing year:
Commander, Colonel Joseph Teeter, of
S. V. Commander, Jesse Thompson, of
J. V, Commander, Joel Hull, of Min
den. Medical Director, W. II. Johnson, of
Chaplain. P. E. Johnson, of Friend.
The following council of atlministra
tion was elected:
J. S. Dew, of Tccumseh,
A. D. Davis, of Table Rock,
C. P. Dick, of North Platte.
J. W. Lafvrry, of Wisner.
Brad P, Cook, of Lincoln.
Senator J. N. Kuntz was elected a del
egate at large to the National encamp
ment to be held in Dfei.
The following were also elected from
their several districts as delegates:
J. A. Erhart, of Stanton,
O. H. Philips, of Beatrice,
A. II. Bowen, of Hastings,
H. 8. Benson, of Omaha,
Ben Smith, of Juniata,
J. II. Culver, of Milfori,
C. E. Burmeister, of Omaha,
W. B. Robey.
Two hundred and thirty-four votes
were cast, and on the eyecing trains over
a hundred additional delegates arrived
in time to settle the next encampment at
The date for holding the next state
reunion was fixed for the last day of
August and the first four days of Scp
tembe . The place for the reunion
(Hastings) having been fixed at a for
mer meeting.
The utmost good feeling prevailed, all
the old veterans peemiug determined to
have an enjoyable time.
today's session.
The day has been largely speent at the
G. A. R. meeting-, in listeniug to ad
dresses and 6torie of exploits during
the war, there being nothing to do until
the W. R. C elects officers.
Tonight a joint installation of the G.
A. R. Mid W. R. C. officers will be held
at the opera house, providing the ladies
succeed in holding an election today.
When you are in Lincoln, call on W,
C. Austin 5c C ., in McBride block, cor
ner e-f Twelvth and P strict?, for Have
loek ami University property. if
County Court.
Li"i .ii to wed f .--i-t1 ) Mr. D.ivid M.
n :akcr nnd 3Ii.: Ad-. D- Strc-iirht, both of s
Snath Roiid.
License to wed issued to Mr. Stephen
A.. Wiles r.nel Miss 'Anna Spaugler, both
of Plattsmouth.
License te wed issued to Mr. Henry
L':tton and Mi? Stephens.
Petition fded for appointment of
Simucl McCiintic guardian of Mrs M:iry
Iloltou, insane.
List will and testament of Ternard J.
Ruhgc filed tor probata.
Christ Woh! faith ys C. II. Smith. Set
tled and dismissed.
Mayer Bros Drug Co. vs Pbittsmouth
Lamp Manufacturing Co. Continued
by consent.
Miss Nettie Ballance was engaged yes
terday as short hand reporter in county
A good Boys' Suit at $r.75 for boys
from 9 to 18 years old at JOE'S, tf
OUfi ilJTjlRL
HAVE cut the prices deep, and par
ties in need of anything in the above lines wilJ
save money by calling.
Our new line of embroideries, the handsom
est and largest line ever shown by us.
Will be Given Away.
Our enterprising druggists, F. G.
Fricke & Co., who carry the finest stock
f drugs, perfumeries, toilet articles,
brushes, sponges, etc., are giving away a
large number of trial bottles of Dr.Miles'
celebrated Restorative Nervine. They
guarantee it to cure headache, dizziness,
nervou3 prostration, sleeplessness, the ill
effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc
Druggists say it is the greatest seller they
eyer knew, and is uuiversal.y satisfac
tory. They also guarantee Dr. Miles'
New Heart Cure in all cases of nervous
or organic heart disease, palpitation.pain
in side, smothering, etc. Fine book on
Nervous and Heart Diseases free.
Taken Up
The undesigned has taken up a stray
pig which can be obtained by the owner
by proving property and paying for this
notice. S. F. Osbokn,
Cor. Eighth and Locust streets.
MUss' Nervoand Liver PHIo-
Act on a new principle regulating
the liver, stomach aud bowelf through
the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles"
Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste,
torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une
qualed for men, women, children.
Smallest, mildest, surest! 5' do ., 23c.
Simpla free at F. G. Fricke & (Vs.
Look Here!
Every 0110 indebted to JOK,
The One Price Clothier, must Ket
tle within thirty days or the ue
yr.i:t will he placed in the hands
of a Justice lor ci.ii'.etion. tf
Joe Klkix. I-ishli:.
The Orca'Col Striko.
Among thu great ttrskes V.'j.u of Ir.
Miles iu idnC'Vcviig hu New iluir: Cine
has prov; its.if to be 01.3 of t:ie mo.-t
important. The deniitud for it hns be
come astonishing. Already the treat
ment of heart uveas' is bring revolu
tionized, und m.inj unexpected cures ef
fected. It soon relieves short breath,
fluttering, puins in fride, arm, fhoulder,
we:ik -and hungry spells, oppression,
swelling of ankles, smothering mi 1 he .r
dropsy. Dr. Miles' hook on Hea-t .-end
Nervous Diseases, free. The uneepaaled
New Heart Cure is sold atd guaranteed
by F. G. Fricke & Co., also Ills R-fstora-tive
Nervine for headache, fits, sprffa'
hot fliishcs, noryous chills, opium habit,
etc. 4
The finest of Furnishing Goods at
slaughtering prices at JOE'S. tf'
Dr. Warshall. DENTIST,
Will be in his office on and after
March 14 h.
A fine worsted men's suit, former
price.$18, now at $12.50 at JOE'S, tf
I 81 to 103 North Clark Street.
Wevklv ?3.00 TrmiKimf so Ccnta up
Ilcataurant by f'otnjtafjmm. latz Chicago Club
Popular Prices. New House.
Cut. thin nvt for future rcfcre.iwr,.
Ci!y Hull Liimo'
FIXE il i LI.i: . r JIY AM) CHIL-
iui:..s ;;.r(f:. ..
u.-i f;:' si- (.1 t :-i.'-wi:i:s
Uii 'Mi. II 1.K.V KIK'K. i'l.A fTHOl.TH
"V A pamplilet of lnforrantloa and ah. 'I
vstract 01 tn laws, puoinii liovr tos.
Ohtain Patents, t'arentii. Trade d '
X .'lot RrnnllalT. s&'i-
v'Al Sew ork.
Llu'jj-;it;ti's. taalve.
Tn:. 11j.:- i i:i tiie world for Cuts
i;n:ir.-s, i-; r s, U !. is. S tltiiheurn. Fever
-.r-.---,T. tter. (::. .
(.'-.. n.--, -ir;'t
tiv.-iy et:re: ::-.
It 1- u'':ed
mo.e v re! uinie.l.
F,.r sde b-j F. C.
!' llt-.i.'A,'s,
.1 "ruji'io::?, p.ud poti
or 1: pay required,
'iv.: - iii-i icLion, or
Price cents per box.
' : K .if i
Some year :i.'o CU.ii.-ioeilrfia &, Co., of
Da Moines, Iowa, : u.rncnced 'he man
uf.ieture of a e--.i:'.;h syrup, believing it to
be tli.; ui'.t i : 1 no 1 u-.d tbie p.rt-para-tion
y t p-o'.: .-d to,- cou-.'hs ciMs and
croup; tha tl.- ;.ppr. ciate true
merit, and iu time it eirt..i.'i to be
come popular. fiicir must Jintruin'
hopes loivtr Li i n more '.l.'itl realized.
Over ii ree bu-ulrf d thousand bott'es o?
Ciriuibfrkin's Cou'h R rrif dy ure nO'
sold nach year, and it is recognized
"the bi st tunoc," wherever known. 1
will cure a severe cold in less time thu 1
any other treatment. For sale Wy F. C
Fricke & Co. -
"Will you suffer with dyspepsia ar !
liver complaint? Fhiloh's vitalizer i
gnaranteed to cure you. For sale by lr
G Fricke noA O. H. Snyder.
I: If
; -I
; r
is I
! r