The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 28, 1889, Image 4

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Tne 'Evening Herald.
Ir. A. KalUliorjr ha tlin f srlunWe HkM to uh
Nr. Stulnaa's Loral Anmilhellc for tlx I'ainlfnx
V traction of Teeth In IhW fit). Of1l r UorLnouil
Dr. Wither. Itrntint, I'nlou ISIork.
There are no Hies on the corn these
days and nights.
F. S. White is making extensive re
pairs on hia premises.
Oliver Dovey is building him ii nice
brick residence on the corner of Sixtli
and Oak streets.
Tub IIkkai.d has mowed down i'.a
.weed patch, and congratulates itself on
y'liaving set a good example,
j' The city council will meet in epecial
session tonight. Several matters of im
portance arc to be considered.
Carpentering and brick masonry work
have been begun on the sister's residence
on the Catholic school grounds.
The ball game yesterday 'a f tei no n
beween the first nine and the liruwns, re
sulted in a victory for the first nine of 1
to 0.
The case of Rocck vs. Grace before
Judge Stiles yesterday afternoon was
decided in favor of defendant The
jury finding defendant not liable for
the amount assessed him by plaintiff,
Phil Krausu got in a crate of water
melons thid morning. The small boy
couldn't reach thtna, but they stood
ansund with open mouth and sized up
the generosity of every man bought
II. M. Bailey arrived in the city this
tnoniing from Schuyler and secured a
permit to wed Miss Sadie Stucker, of
Weeping Water, and went on his way re
joicing. Mr. Bailey was a Cass county
A most interesting scene is that af
forded an observer standing on Main nd
Sixth streets. From there fifty li.en and
more than a dozen teams can be seen la
boring on improvements for the city of
A usual audience witnessed the pro
duction of "One of the Bravest" at the
opera house last night. The play was
unusually long, but the fire scene was
very taking. The company just starting
upon its tour organized for the season.
County Clerk Critehfkld has ptc-
ared a brief of the special bond election,
t comprises all the proceedings counect
, 'ed with the election: commissioners' pro
ceedings, calling, notice, canvassing of
vote, aflidavite of clerks and judges of
election, sheriff and county clerk, etc.,
all of which will need to be attached to
the bonds when sold.
In response to an invitation, last
night a bible elas3 of ten young men with
President Waterman and Secretary Both
well of the Y. M. C. A., gathered at the
home of Mi-s Maggie Strei-ht, n Vine
and Fifth. When the bible lesson of the
evening was concluded the class was in
vited to a supper of ice cream, cake and
berries. The party ended after tinging
many beautiful hymns, and thanking the
hostess for the hospitality and favors of
the evening.
Teaching school is not a soft sit, but
it is a place of responsibility and merits
good instructors of ability-. The school
inarm is the guiding star of the republic
She takes the little bantling in s'.i from
the home nest full of his pouts and pas
sions; ungovernable little wretch, whose
own mother frequently admits that she
sends him to get rid of him. The school
niarin takes a whole car-load of young
anarchists, half of whom, single and
alone, cannot be handled by their respect
ive parents, and at once X'uts them in the
way of being useful and upright citizens.
In this there is an expense of patience
and soul-wcai incss, worthy consideration
and recompense.
-A telegram from Lincoln last even
ing announce! that action would be
brou"ht in the district court there before
Judge Field, to have an iujuctiou bsuetl
against the commissioners of Cass county,
enjoining them from issuing bonds for a
county covrt house. The title of the case
is not known. Webster, of Lincoln, aa l
Wooley, of Weeping Water, will repie
sent plantiff, while Sullivan, Clark and
Ocring left this morning to represent ele-
fendant. In injunction cases of this na
ture it is legal for a court to issue a It m
porary injunction at request of plaintiff
without first notifying defendant of the
preceding, but by request the court com
pelled plaintiff to notify elefendent.
- According to the LTmwooel HcJic,
that city is soon to have a park that will
outstrip anything in the country, ai.d
that with but a ycry little extra work.
Dame nature has provided for this in the
way of a beautiful supply of fresh clear
water, on the place of C. I). Clapp.
The proposition is to dam Stove Creek
-where the little stream from the east
empties into it and back the water i'p
across the peninsula, thus covering from
ten to twelve acres with water for boat
ing pnrposis. The old picnic grove niiy
lu fixed up and a beautiful pmk will be
- . , the result. A stock company will be
form sd an l the gnjnd good nioye will be
pushed right along
Work Contemplated That Will Place
Another Bound in Plattstnoutk's
Improvement Ladder.
Measures That Would Operate
With Much Cood.
It is not the order of the day to sit
down with foleled hands ane! observe
the rapidly progressing improvements
that are so extensive and say that the
town is booming, but it is tho oreler to
go ahead and see how much more can
be done this season. Sixth street is. the
promising outlet for business blocks
from Main, and the business locating
there is encouraging. But now a scheme
is contemplated that is new anel up to
the times to suit the forward move of
the city. The 1 1 Kit A M understands tliat
Hon. John Fitzgerald is looking to the
erection of a forty foot front building
back of his large "Fitzgeiald" block, on
Sixth street. If executed the plan will
be something like this; Build thrco
stories on the north of the present block,
cut out the rear wall of the hall and ex
tend it forty feet farther north, anel turn
this great third story into a theatre,
building a fine stage in the added por
tion of the hall and putting in cleyated
scat3 running south. This would make
one of the largest lloor capacity theatres
in the state, and the stage would be
after the most modern plan, witJi new
scenery. The first lloor woulel be store
rooms, with o,')ices overhead. That such
a building wili bo c;ectvj o the Fitz
geralel block is not yet detcnu-ilic Jjat
it is a fact that the scheme is contempla
ted, ?nd the success that the present
block has ijee;; seems to outsiders to war
rant the erection or such a addition.
Mr. J. E. Riley, who is bultdmg the
hotel building on Sixth street opposite
the i'itgeralel block, was in the city
yesterday, and it Mr. Fitzgerald will
unite they will pave tfixih -ect from
Main to the alley, with Sioux Pali
granjte, that the street should be in
keeping with is iutfoijndings. These
are enterprises, which, if tiecysed, Tvill
correspond to the investment of capital
which tho city merits.
No dull times at Schildknecht's ShoC
Store. tf
Tabor Col.'eue Commencement-
June 23-2t, 1889. Never has a vy,i
mencement passeel at Tabor which has
J.? ft a more hopeful feeling among the
friends ot the college than that of 1880
The general tone ot ti.s fcrciscs of the
week was all that could be deaucJ,
The four young men who graduated
are men of large promise. The class of
'90 will probably be iha largest in the
history of the college. Tho addresses of
Rev. E. S. Hill D. D., of Atlantic and
Rev. A. J. Van Wagner, of Crcston, were
full of live thoughts of practical duty
Many friends of the college sat together
at the Alumni diiiiier SS'-I the after din
ner speeches were in the happiest strain.
The Alumni, at their annual meeting,
spent their time in planning to aic! tho
college. The couiif.rf. with the help of
Mrs. Maria Hester, of Chicago, '.as of the
highest order of merit.
The history of the heroic sacrafices of
the founders of the college js a priceless
endowment. The same devotion by its
present friends (who fieern more awake to
the needs than ever before) wili make a
bright future. Money is one of the ne
cessities and one gentleman who attend
ed the commencement, recognizing this,
left a donation of $00.
Private V. W, Bp.ooks.
Tabor, Iowa, June 27, 1889.
In spite of the dull season W. II.
Schildknecht is selling large quantities
of shoes. tf
Wedding Last Night,
At 8:o0 o'clock lust evening at the
home of Orval Sheppard on Elm and
Fifth streets quietly .occurreel the wed
ding of Mr. Chas. llinkle iid Miss Dora
Smith. Mr. llinkle is an employe iu the
B. & M. shopj, while the bride has for
years been a waiter girl in the employ of
Tiios. Kiddle.- Kev. II. B. Burgeus, of
the Episcopel church, officiated. The
newly wedded couple will live at the
home of Chas. Ilcmple on Oak street.
W, If. Schildknecht is determined to
not be undersold by anyone, snd he in
vites everybody to call and examine his
large stock of boots auel shoes. tf
The Sweltering Heat
makes a man appreciate a nice easy chair
in which he can sit with aase, anel the re
frigerator is a source of enjoyment to the
th:rsty uiuu, Be sensible and get the
good out of life b iiawic ft comfortable
honn!. You can furnish your home Khh.
out ereat cost so that it will afford jou
much pleasure. Come and see what we
can do for vou.
JIesky Bomck.
Main and Sixth stteets.
Go to W. II. Schildknech.'s and buy a
pair of Oxford shoes. They ate the co-nfo; table shoe that can be had
for this time of year. tf
Acute and chronic rheumatism can he
effectually and permanently cured by
the use of . Ilibbard's Rheumatic Syrup
and Plaster. So'.d by F. G. Fricke & Co
Mrs. Kate Oliver was a visitor in Belle
vue today.
II. W. Lloyd, from near Union, was in
town today.
Will Streight returned this morning
from a visit to Illinois.
Mrs. Oswold Uuthmun, of Louisville,
spent today in our city.
W. E. Latta, a merchant of Kcnneaaw,
and quite well known in this city, is
visiting at the home of S. A. Davis.
W. II. Pickens and family left this
morning for Council Bluffs to spend a
few days. The Chautauqua will be one
of the interesting points visited.
District Clerk Showalter this mornii g
adjourned the adourned May term oi
court over to July 8, according to in
structions from the court.
It has been said that Cas-" county
could raise good live stock; it is also
proven every day. This morning Jus.
Ruby, from Fight Mile Croye brought to
market and sold to Wiley Black, eleven
hogs weighing 5.000! pounds $18." spot
cash bought them.
A few of "the boys" sold themselves
in a very odd manner latt night. They
heard that Chas. llinkle was be mar
ried at Shepperd's and supposed it to be
Cliff Shephard's on Winterstien hill; and
and to this place they repaired with cow
bells and horse fiddle. They didn't see
the bride or get any cigars, but got fireil.
None of "the boys'' know anything
about it today, however.
Johnnie Lloyd Tears the Flesh of
His Right Less: in a Feartful
This morning Johnnie Lloyd, the thir
teen year old son of Engineer J. I. Lloyel,
who jives pp. Washington avenue, met
with a serious uiuihp." Tfje boy was slid
ing down a plank when a nnii ibecting
sharply through the board, caught the
flesh of his right leg by the ankle and
gashed it in a fearful manner clear to the
knee, laying tfe hone bstre. Dr. Schild
knecht wa summoned and atjieni-foij im
mediately given the suffering iad, The
length of the wound was ten inches and
sixteen sttches were necessary to close
l'4e flesh together. The woune! was a
very uiy cd jp'nftil one and was a
close call to an arte'rv.
JTuder the auspices of the Dominican
Sisters pf St. John's School, their pupils
will giye a grand miisicajl and dramatic
cutcrtuiumt-ht at the opera hpse "nt;it
Friday CVlam- 'j8 of the
grandest affairs of the Con- TuQ Kr0"
ceeds will be used to aid in building
more commodious apartments for the
Sisters. a,nd those who may desire to cul
tivate or perfect theuejyes in music and
art branches of learning so much appre
ciated by the refined.
Tickets without numbers are now on
sale for reserved seats, but the holders of
f-fifl same will be courteously conducted
to one c.i evening of the entertain
ment Tickets will be oJd at the en
trance. Reserved seats, 50 cents, ii;?er
served, 3- cents; gallery, 25 cents. d2
yandiiien and His Philosophical
A man ha been working in tup fif-y
some time at masonry, giving his name
as Vanduzen, who rlamis to hull from
Johnstown, saw the flood, and worked
there afterward for some time. He start
ed pt early this morning with a friend
in tiie suitt'v Lc?.t o take a "relief fund."
At 11a. m. they were tcc-iug gj Main
street. V anduzen s shoes we-e baaiy
worn and the heel of one was coming off
and a? lie passed along he would implore
everysoodr iaij h met to "pick up that
heel." As he entreated a eerait; cti,;en
in that manner his friend braced "up
enough to stand steady a moment and
exclaim, " f es; J:e' loosn his heel, and if
he don't be careful hell iocso hit soul
and then he'll be damned.'' "Vaody''
says he was gept here by the "relief com
mittee" and they vers doubtless in
Schildknecht can't be beat for shoes.
To like iey fJOAI- OXL. Stove
Mist rcceivetfat Jo?usau flrog.
Call ami Nee them. Tli4y"'ill
not explode.
Q$)ce front room Can uth Block, Main
cd Fifth streets.
Office hours from 10 to 12 a. iii. jd
2:30 to 4:30 p. m. tf
House and lot on Ritchie place for sale
on easy pavmeutj; enquire at Jonxson
Bnos. Hardware store.
Muiiuior NIiiers at l-rvooil.
Dr. Parseil, at the Riddle House, 4 to
G p. m. every Friday. J 14 d w Jra
For rent A desirable house for rent.
Inquire of J. V. Weckbach & Son. tf .
The effect of using Ilibbard's Rheuma
tic Syrup is unlike ail medicines contain
ing bpjaies or poiseus, jt entirely
jfrce from them. It cures rheumatism by
purifying the blood. Sold by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
OfF.ce remove d to lostollice building
corner of 4th and Main St. Anheuser
Busch block. d-2-w-w-4 t
P)iis!) Wlgvats at .vheruoixl's
Dr. Parseil, of Omaha, will visit Platts
mouth every Friday. Rooms at the Rid
die Hotel, otlice hours from 4 p. iu. to 0
p. m. Chronic cases and diseases of
;ypmen a specialty. J14 d& w lm
Dr. PantcSl, of Omaha, will visit Plaits
mouth every Frielay. Rooms at the Rict
e'ile hotel, orfice houis from 4 p. in. to 6
p. m. Chronic cases and diseases of
vi men a specialty, J14 el & w Jm
I have a few more Pattern Rats . auel
Bon net Jsft which J am selling at greatly
reduced Prices.
d-lw Mrs. J. F. Johnson.
Snow Flake Bread-
The best and cheapest bread made.
Delivered daily by Ilallie Johnson.
Orders received as heretofore at M. B.
Murphy's Grocery Store. Telephone
No. 3 21-1 w.
Ilibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Plas
ters are prescribed by the leading physi
cans of Michigan, its homo state, and are
rcmidies of unequalled merits for Rheu
matism, blood disorder and liver and
kidney complaint. It comes here with
the highest endorsements and recomen
dationB as to its curative virtues.
So'.d by F. G. Fricke &Co.
"The Merry AMyes of Windsor"
could scarcely have played such fantas
tic pranks had they been subjet to the
many ills so common among the women
of today. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion is a legitimate medicine, carefully
compouneled by an experienced and skill
ful physician, anel adapted to woman's
delicate organization. It is purely vege
table in its composition, and perfectly
harmless in its effects in any condition of
the sjstem. It c ures all those weaknesses
and aliments peculiar to women, and it
is the only medicine for women sold by
druggists, tinder a jtositice guarantee
from the manufacturers, that it will give
satisfaction iu every case, or money will
be refunded. - This guarantee has been
printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faith
fully carried out for many years.
Notice to Contractors.
Scaled bids will be received until noon on
Saturday, July 0. !!. at the otlice of the Board
ot Public woriis (or tilling the holes or sinks
aloiijj tli linn of the old creek, an follow?
Lot No. 10. Work 32, about 1210 Cull yds
Lot No. 12. 1 1 :k :.!. about 115 cub vda
Lot No. 9, ltltx k at, about llf cub yds
Lot No. K. Block XI. about it.Ocubyds
Lots No. 7 ami s. It lock 31, about.... Bso cut) yds
Lot No. ;. Mock :tt. about 250 cub yds
The earth to be taken from such street or
streets as the Hoard of l'ub'ic works may direct.
Contract to be let to the lowext bidder; work
to ,"e ioi:ileted w Hhin twenty days from the
lett'in'ii oi thd Jouva;j The riprht to reject any
or all bills reserved ; lJids'-wl'l oe opeAO (.
o'clock p. m. ou said Cth dav of July . " -:
d 18t J.W.Johnson.
Ch'r'm Board of Public Works.
June 15, 1889.
Notice Is hereby given that on June 19, 1S39,
in the City of Phittsinont h. Cass county, Ne
braska, there was oiiraaazied and incorporated
the following association towit :
1. The name of the corporation is "The Bal
lon Klectiic Lighting Co."
5 prir.ipni olace of business shall beat
3. The general nature of the busness shall
be the furnishing of Electric Lilit.i heat and
power in Plattsmouth and vicinity.
4. The capital stock of this corporation shall
be SSO.ocO, 3ttf) shares, of $100 each, which shall
be fu iy pai'i:y,ithi:i three months from date.
6. The tioie of cVnir(cnci -;i oj H'.ls corpora
tion shall be 'June ii. i8q9. and it slii.h toiitlnue
0 ''Ht.i, unless sooner terminated by mutual
.iHeiit Of stockholders.
tiia hiirupvr'"",,ut 01 Indebtedness to
which this corporation shall subject. .. "i"
not exceed two thirds of the amount of the ca
pital stock. , .
T. The affairs of this corporation shall be
roaied ty Jour directors to be elected Annu
ally, oh fh'e atd Wediieoday in .'u-ie of each
year- Ballou Electric -IghU-ig 0e."
4!Mr py 13. H. Baixoxj. Piys-'t.
Dr. C- A. Marshall,
nesidszit Dontist.
Preservation of the "Natural Teeth a
Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain-j-kss
Filling or Extraction of Teeth.
AKihchu eeth made on Gold, Silver,
Rubber or CelTulold'Piatee, d jpse-ted
as soon as teeth are extracted when ' de
AH work warranted. Prices reasonable.
FiTzVtsaAi.r..'i; IJlotf. Plattsmouth. Nb
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including out
Flor de Pepperbergo' and 'Buds
always in stock: Nov. 20. . 685.
Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cure
It can te qWsa in a cud ef eoftes or tg, n ar
ticle ol food, without the knowledge of the per
eori taking it; it ia absolutely harniiesn and will
effect a permanent and peedy cure, whether
thepatientisa moderate drinker or an alcoholic
a complete cure In every instance. i6 page book
FREE. Address in confidence,
tOLDErf -SPECIFIC CO.. 1 85 Raw St, Cincinnati, 0.
Tor "run-down. debilitated and orerworked
women. Dr. Pierce'a Farorlt Prescription ia
the best of all restorative tonics. It ia a potent
peciflo for all those Chronic Weaknesses and
Diseaaca peculiar to Women i a powerful, ren
eral as well aa uterine, tonio and nerriaa, if
imparts Tijror and strength to the whole system,
t promptly cures weakness of stomach, nause,
indijrestion, bloating;, weak back, nervous pros
tration, debility and sleeplessness, in either sex.
It is carefully compounded by an experienced
physician, and adapted to woman's delicate
organization. Purely vegetable and perfectly
harmless in any condition of the system.
ntsTonw rrcicnpt
Ion" is the only medicine
for women,' sold by druggists,
under ooaltlva sruaur
antee of satisfaction in every case, or prioa
(S1.00) refunded. This guarantee has bees)
lVii)ieJ pn the bottle-wrapper, 404 laithfully
carried put for many years.
For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases, of
Women (1G0 pages, with full directions for
honae-txeatment), send ten cents In stampe,
Xddi-eaa, Wosld'i Dupboisabt MXDXCtJa
AMOCLaXlOaT. 009 Main Mrroet. BuflaJo, K. T.
(Commeitciiig' today we begin
the (Kraudet Cicaringr Sale
ever iiiauguratetl here. We
will insert the knife in every le
partment we are overstoelced.
At 20 Per Cent. Discount.
44-incIi Swiss Flouncing worth... $
S 75 for
I Oft for
1 20 for
1 25 for
1 G5 for
1 75 for
co for
70 for
75 for
1 40 for
1 50 for
1-luch Heinisticlied Flounclngs. .
44 " si it f wort)i;.
44 " Swiss Flounclngs "
Misses FloiuieiiiB
1 oo for
t ) ror
1 46 for
2 00 for
EJack SpauUli I-ace floiniL'iug vth 1
Black I)rauery Npt -- !? 1
iil'k Kaii.linipurn Flouncing " l
Black Cautilly L:ice " " 3
white poos?, j
Orj, Door East First
Three Reasons Why We
are Selling so Cheap.
TFirst reason is because we
are selling strictly for (DAJKL
Wecoid reason; onr iiitentiou
in to go to IPueblo ami tiie
goods must be sold at a sacri
fice to save exitense of moving
Tliirfl Meason; our expenses
are smallantl low prices will
sell goods.
At the rate onrood-s are selling it nill take only 30 ny.i more
apd we will be ofl fur Pueblo. Consult your own interest,
and ponieaiid et j.ripes,.
W. A. EOEG& 2, CO.
Complete in all departments. Ilamlsome lino
of Xeopolitan aYul pattern
TVe cordially invite Indies to call and set prices wc
can save you money.
' Moore &.Studebaker.
door west of Joe's clothing store.
At 20 Per Cent. Discount.
uncial Barga cs h Wet We tiler Goods.
Odd and Kndsof our I.adiest (iossainpri,
worth up to each, reduced to
Suraey Silyer Grey iOsanipr, y.oi th -2.(i0
rtilif.ed to-,,,.. ,. 1
Ne,vpi-t Go'tutuiers, regular (uality.
reduced to 1
Kingston, with tleeves, worth 92 mi re
duced to 2
NewiiiHrket,regular8J.0 goods. I educed to 2
Koyal Fancy Striped, worth S3 oo re
duced lo 2
Daurers Fancy Striped worth $3 00. le-
duced to 2
Cen-?sta with J'oIiiiub sleeve, worth 8-1-09,
; reduced tu. n. .. J
r;'.htii (Moth Effecj, regular Si (j(J gdo;H. "
' ' reduced, to.. .......... ,'. '3
Nielson Novelty (lossatner, worth 4
Chlldreus'Oossamers at reduced prices.
Ox Ocit Entikk Link k
Lap' CgUTgd ajj BJajt Sjli Glpyps.
ITat. Bank.
a bi n"wirrH