riailbAY, JUIf li 23, 1880. Yiattsniouth Daily Herald. ICNOTTS 33 12, C 3., Publishers & Proprietors. TIIK PLATTSMOUTH IIKM) 1 published very evening exr. p Suni;iy ami Wewkly every ThiiMday iiiorinniJ. regis tered iit tho ftnitonicu, PiaUi-niociii. NVIr.. :.h fcoikd-tliis mult'-r. OMee corner ol inc aad Fifth t recti. Telephone No. TKKMS rUK WKI'KI.V. QTiooopy one year, in advance, OuecupysiK inoiitni. in advance.. l M ... 75 TKRMS FOR IlAII.V. One copy one year In advance, by mall S: 4 Mm cony per Month, by ciiri ier, tine copy per week, by currier Ir D.&. M. Time Table. ;oi.n; wkst. No. 1 XO.3 No. B No. 7 (Schuyler) NO. 'J lK. C. to Oiil.iliii) 9 :(k; :i in i; :oi p III 7 :0l it in 7 :KH p in t; :ou j in ;I.N; KA8T. No. 2 No. 4 No. No. H (Arr. Schuyler) No. lo(K.C) n :Hi r in 1(1 : ' i in 7 p in l i -.lid ;i in t a in AU trains run dally by way of Omaha, except No. 7 hiuI 8 which run to and from iichuyler daily except .Sinuliiy. Arrival and Departure of the Malls. AICKIVK AT riiSTOH4l( K. No. 5 ri'tjin the Kst 7 :i a. m . No. a l- " No. ! No. lo No. 4 No. " Hon 111 K. C ). " Weft . . li :1 ). in. . In : i a. in. . .in :.r a. in. . 7 ! I". iieI'aict k;:im rusToi-Fir.: No. No. No. No.' No. 1 (biin Weft ... .. t :ir. a. in. .. r, p. in. . . i; p. iii. . !i :: a. in. ..lo :' o a. in. . . t; Jii p. iii. .1 " (Schuyler)., j vast ( K. V.) M.i I should be deposited llftei:ii ti.tc.oiiis be fore ilie above time t; injure tlisp:it.-!i - Cvvsvii. ISi.lkks, Iowa, lias let the contracts to i ive a muuhi-r of lur resi dence streets with laick. Why not have one or two streets in riaiUnioiith paved this summer with brick Thk astronomers say that "the spot on tlic sun of which we hoar so much about nowadays u 21,000 miles wide." My! It must look almost a. big as the hole that "tariff reform" tore in the democratic party laat fall. N. Y. Tribune. Dakota prohilitioni.-U have issued an address to the people of Dakota in which they state their object is to secure adop tion and enforcement of constitutional prohibition, and that its members can , either belong to the republican or demo cratic parties, but they will use all honorable means to elect men that will further the cause of prohibition. On July 4 an incident of no little in terest, and one not likely to be soon du plicated, will take place in our nayy. The flag with thirty-eight stars, which has waved for thirteen years, will be replaced, by Secretary Tracy's orders, with the new J flagof forty-two stars on the field of blue. The arrangement of stars on the new ll lg will consist of six rows of seven stars each. It is to be noted that such a rec tangular disposition of them will not be possible again until there are forty-eight states in the union; and when there are forty-nine the stars will form a perfect square. ' '.1 TA R D YCORIl ESPOXD ENCE. " When Mayor Uichey came down to his lumber yard Monday morning he was fully informed concerning the meeting at Weeping Water on Saturday, by one who was present. Upon learning that the city of Plattsmouth ami I'lattsniouth recinct was not represented on the finance committee our mayor grew very wrathy, his eye Hashed lire and bringing down his clenched fist on one of his beautiful bay horses, exclaimed, or rather yelled, "the city over which I preside cannot be thus insulted with impunity. This insult must be wiped out with blood. Call Johnny Fitzpatrick. "Running into his oilice, he jumped oyer the counter and whipping up a peu he wrote the following letter to the major of Weep ing Water: Plattsmouth. Xeb., June 21, lsSO. Office of F. M. Hichey, in the best lumber yard in the Third ward. Hon. 13. A. Gibsox, Mayor of Weep ing Water, may it please your excellency. I am in receipt of information concern ing your indignation meeting held in your city on the 22nd int., and to one act of that honorable body I here ar.d now enter my solemn protest on behalf of the city over which it is my honor and pleasure to preside. In the selection of a finance committee, Plattsmouth city and precinct is not represented With what degree of propriety can you, sir! hold a meeting purporting to represent the people of Cass county and in that meeting exclude one-half of its people from represantation from its most im portant committee as well as the very essence of the object of the meeting. Answer me sir, if you dare what great movement or charitable enterprise has not received substantial aid from the philanthropic and chivalric citizens of our growing city. We have rccenly heard it intimated that the erection of a court house in this city did not meet with cordial approval among bucolic electors liying in your city. Now sir, let me here and now most solemly declare that unless within a reasonable time you give our city a representation on your nuance committee another election shall be called forthwith , and another court house elected, pfyhui extend, the hoom now in our midst. Finally sir, in the name of fifteen thous and of unrepresented citizens, as pure and noble as were ever shield by the loved emblem of our loved country, I demand an immediate redress of this great wrong. Hespectfully, F. M. Hichkv, Mayor. Wkki'ino Watkh, June 2, 10. Executive Mansion. Hon. F. M. Hkiikv, Mayor of Plattsmouth,- Nebraska. Dkak Sir: I am in receipt of your favor of yesterday. I cheerfully concede to you and the the city over which your preside the right of representation on the finance committee. For God's sake do not call another court house election and we will give you everything except what in our treasury now, I must haye that. The failure to appoint citizens of your city was partly an oversight and partly the result of my inability to select suita ble persons for that position. I will now comply with yo'ir request and appoint committee as follows: First ward, Ham Waugh; Second ward, J. M. Patterson; Third ward, A. H. Toud; Fourth ward, E. S Greusel; Fifth ward, J. D. Simpson. And now, my dear friend Kichey, give i tliiri matter your earnest attention and se cure as large u olii-ctiun from your peo ple as possible and I will give yhu 2 4 per cent of amoint collected, and lor the purpose of arousing the enthusiasm of the committee say tothetn confidentially, that I will giye ihem u r.u'it claim deed t-.i one lot in Carter's addition for every hundred dollais they pay over. I would give more if I was not obliged to divide with Wooley. Your devoted friend, Hon. li. A. Gikson, Mayor of Weeping AVater. The citizens of this city are under ob ligations to our best Mayor for protect ing our rights in this matter. IMPORTANT TO THt CITIZENS. A Traveling IWan Creates Great Ex citement in the Empire house Independence, Iowa, Oct. 14, 1SSS. WieuMatie Syrup Co,, Jackson, J.c7i: Gents: Your Mr. Brooks came here tonight and registered as agent for Ilib bardy Rheumatic Syrup, and as ho did so it awakened in me an interest neyer before realized in a guest at my house. You will not wonder at it when I tell you the story. For years I have been greatly alllicted with inflammatory rheu matism, the pain and soreness of the joints at times being almost unbearable; could move about only with the aid of crutches. In addition to this my stomach became badly diseased, and neuralgia set in, which threatened to end my day. A traveling man stopping with me gave quite a history of your Syrup, and the peculiarities of its combination, which induced me to try it. I have taken six bottles and no act in my life affords me greater satisfaction than in writing you I am a well man. It will be a pleasure for me to answer any communications, for I believe it to be the best remedy ever formulated. A. S. Bowley, Pioprietor, Empire House, Independence, Iowa. Sold by F G. FuiCKE & Co. Loss iff Ufa of Negro Slaves. It was my lot once to be with Dr. Living stone in the vicinity of Lake Nyassa, and at a time when for the slaver it was on exceed ingly happy hunting ground. Asaconscquaoce of what we saw idymgstoae reckoned that for every slave that got to his or her destination ten lives were lost. Inasmuch as the ground is now so cleared of slaves near the coast (that is to say, for thT5 normal mode of col ieeting) that tho Zanzibar Arabs have to pro- rure them more than halfway across Africa, :.s shown recently by Jlr. Aruot, tho calcu lation of ten lives per slave may probably r.ow be under tho mark. Tho Arab slavo dealer's appearance on tho scene means raids; quarrels fomented between strong and weak cliiefs; a neglected sowing season in the pre vailing disturbance; famine, and then the pestilence which follows on starvation. A vat proportion of the slaves perish on their journey to tho coast, and finally t.'ie mortalit- is great at sea in overcrowded and unseaivorthy dhows; for, with the possibility of capture before his eyes, tho slave shipper particularly if ho is bound for Pemba charters any old cranky craft which will hold together for the trip. Mr. Philip J. Stop ford, midshipman of the Garnet twho seems to be, by the admiralty accounts, a very cor morant for snapping up slavers), chased a dhow off Pemba. The man at the helm lost his head, tho dhow was capsized, and 93 out of 1 12 slaves and slavers were drowned. The Rev. Horace Wallers in Thi Contemporary Bevfov. Tannins by Electricity. Leather is now tanned by electricity. Th8 process consists in subjecting the hides in con tact with ordinary tanning materials (with out acids) to the action of a current of elec tricity on a revolving drum. Tho saving in timo is very great two to four days Instead of three to nine months while tho cost is re duced to four cents instead of eight. New York Telegram. A Qner Rose. Mr& J. B. Everitt sent to the office of the Boston (G) World a curiosity in the shape of a rose. It consisted of a full blown rose, with three separata and distinct rosebud growing out of the center of the large rose. It was certainly a strange freak of nature. A Human Mouster. Mrs. Motherleigh Is it not a delightful thing to feel that you are a good man's help meet I Mrs. Youngwyfa No, it isn't, so long a that aggravating husband of mine calls m his "help-'im tt." Pittsburg Bulletin. K.B. Windham, Johw A. imviks, , Notary TuMic. Notary Publi W1MDHAH A. DAVIKM, Attornoys - at - XiSiw. Office over Hank of Caei County. vl vrrsMOUTii. - Nedhaska C. F. SM I TH, The Boss Tailor Mala St., Over Merges' Shoe Store. Has the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Business suits from $10 to dress suits, .$2C to $45, pants $1, $5, $0, ffi-wO ad upwards. ILTWill guarantee a fit. Prices Defy ComDelition, H. C. SCHMIDT, (COUNTY BUKVEYOK.) Civil Engineer Surveyor and Draftsman Plans, Specifications and Estimates, Mu nicipal Work, Maps &c. PLATTSMOUTH. U EB liiisUBi idiii. THE OLD REL ABLE. H. 1. WAT1IAN k SON Wholesale and Ketail Dealer In NE LUMBER ! Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, BSinds. Can supply every demand of the trade Call and get terms. Fourth street In Rear of Opera House. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow :r:e:f-a.i3&ixtg. Horseshoeing A Specialty, lie uses the Horseshoe, the Best Horseshoe tor the Farmer, or for Fast Driving and City purposes, ever invented. Jt is made so anyone can can put on sharp or Hat corks as needed for wet and slippery roads, or smooth dry roads. Call and Examine these Shoes and you will have no other. J. M. Schnellbacher, 5th St., Plattsmouth, Neb. Eo"bert Donnelly's Wagon and Blacksmith Wagons, UiiKgies, Machines (quickly lie-paired Plow s Sharpened and General Johbing Done. Horseshoeing A Specialty : I USETUE J ITEVEHBLZF Horseshoe, which sharpens itself ae it wears away, so mere is never any danger or your Horse slipping and hurting itself. Call and examine thU Shoe and you will Have no other. Best Shoe made. ROBERT DONNELLY SIXTH ST., PLATTSMOUTH tn ' "iO A MONTH can he made V w 1 " O '- ' W KiKiiii; for us. Agents pieierrea who can lumisn a norce ami cive Ii. I i t .: . . i. v. . - l . ........ men v utile i line u iu c uuaiuerts. ofi-tie nii'iii ent may be prolitaMv employed also, a few vacancies in towns an" cities, ii. t . .joiiiN SON & CO. . 1009Miit-st.. Jtiehmorid. Va. N. B. PleafC xtate age and ft ;.- uc exper- ttenee. Acrrr mtna auoui seiidwij gtaiiip Tor re urn. B. F. J. t- Co THE SLST WHITE SOAP MADE IN-AMER1CA- Jas-sKTrks p. 2 HITE S Clouds FlOATI Hi. . J OA.P Wrappers (Ukge size) and. Teceive a o HANDSOME 3 Containing V3 r ACTORS-andACTRfSSw (mm w i iff I f lift 5 I j- III? , ik I VI' TELEPHONE EXCHANGE. 84. 8.. 3. 20. 45. 4. 71. 88. 87. 71. 8. 30. IS. 09. 51. 01. "ii. 13. 83. 03. 5. 20. 74. 82. vo. 81. 19. 57. 17. 55. 101. 25. GG. 73. 102. m- 21. .01. 78. 4)2. 28. 81. 35. iiS. 44. 99. G4. 96. t7. 44. 9. 10S. 105. 4. 40. 89. 67. 07. 69. 14. 50. 49. 50. 83. 53. 72. 3. 26. 72. 60. 52. 15. 77. 54. 100. 39. 21. 50. 27. 110. 93. 75. 107. 16. 04. H. 12. 25. 42. 28. 103. 106. 76. 57. 10. 40. 10. 04. 90. 32, 37. 30. 33. S. 47. 0. 7. 43. 34. 102. S3, IhuhlJos. Bank of Cass county. Beeson, A. res. " office. Bennett, I,. D. store. res. Bonner stables. Brown, W. L. flice. res. Ballou, O. II. res. office. B. & M. tel. offire, B. & M. round house. Blake, John saloon. Bach, A. grocery. Campbell, I). A. res. Chapman, S. res. City hotel. Clark, T. coal office, Clerk district court. Connor, J. A. res. County Clerks office. Covell, Polk & Beeson, office. Cox, J. R, res. Craig, J. M, reg. Ciitchfield. Bird res. Cummins & Son, lumber yard. J. C. farm. Cook, Dr. (.ce. Clark, A. grocery store. Clark, Byrpa oflUo, Cummins, Dr. Ed., office. District court office. Dovey & Son, store. Dovey, Mrs. George res. Dr. .Marshall, res. Jr. J..oi, I'ootit, Amnions, J. H. Dr. office and re First National bank. Pi icke, P. Q. & Co., drug store. Oleason, John res, Qooi hotel Gering, II. drug store, res. Hadley, dray and expresa, Herald office. Holmes, C. M., res. Hatt & Co., meat market. Hemple & Troop, store. Hall, Dr. J. II., office, " res. Holmes, C. M., livery stable. Hall & Craig, agricultural imp. II. C. Schmidt, Surveyor. II. A. Waterman & Son, lumber. Jones, W. D., stable. Journal office. Johnson Bros., hardware store. Johnson, Mrs. J. F., millinery. Johnson, J. F., rss. Klein, Joseph, res. Kxaus, P., fruit and confectionery Livingston, Dr. T. P., office. Livingston, res. Livingston, Dr. J. R,., office. Manager Waterman Opera House. McCourt, F., store. McMaken, H. C, res. Murphy, M. B., store. Murphy, M. B., res. McMaken, ice office. Minor, J. L., res. McVey, saloon. Moore,L.A., res. and floral garden Keyjlle, Wm., res. Olliver & Ramges. meat market Olliver & Ramge slaughterhouse, Pub. lei. btation. Palmer . II. E. res Peteisen Bros., rneatmarket. Petersen, R., res. Polk, M. D.f res. Poor Farm. Patterson, J. M., res. Riddle house. Ricney Bros., lumber. Ritchie, Harry. Schildknecht, Dr. office. Shipman, Dr A. ofiice. " res. Showalter, W, C. office. Siggins, Dr. E. L. res. office. Soennichscn & Schirk, grocery. Sel Kinkade papering aad p'ting. Streight, O. M. stable. Smith, O. P. drug store. Skinner & Ritchie, abstract and loan office. Sherman, C. W. office. Todd, Ammi res. Troop & Hemple, store. Thomas, J. AT. Summit Garden Water Works, office. Water works, pump house. Waugh, S. res. Weber, Wm. saloon. Weckbach & Co., store. Weckbach, J. V., res. Western Union Telegraph office, White, F. E., res. Windham, R. B,, reg. Windham & Davies, law office. Wise, Will, res. Withers, Dr. A. T., re. Wm. Turner, res. Young, J, P., store. S. BcazELL, Manager. The Herald Job Rooms are tha most complete in the county. Rheumatism is cured by Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup striking at the seat of the disease and restoring tbe kidneys and iver to healthy action. If taken a suffi cient time to thoroughly eradicate such poison, it never fails. Sold by F. G. iicke & Co. Plentv of feed, flour, eraham and meal at Heisel's mill, tf Io PEARLMAH Libera? --House - Furnisher. Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, Gold Coin Stoves and Ranges, Tho Best in Uso. Also Casoline Stoves. The Most Complete House Furnisher to he found in the county. I have everything you need to furnish your house 1'rn 111 toj to hottom. I SEL FOR CASH ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN AND DELIVER GOODS FREE. AtiEXT FOB THK WII1TK NKWIKU 9IACIIIXK. Please call and examine my stock for yourself before buying I. PEARLMAN, - Plattsmouth, Neb. SIXTH STKKET, BET. MAIN AMI VINE. THE PLATTSMOUTH HERALD ALL THK POLITICAL AND 15 CENTS DELIVERED TO ANY PAUT OB SB N'T mTbscrilbe For It The Daily and Weekly Herald is the best Advertising Medium in Cass county, because it reaches the largest number of people. Advertising rate made known on application. If you have property to rent or sell it will be to your interest to ad vertise in the Herald. IT inrHEalEa IP At IT 1TOTU. Advertise and THE CITIZENS PLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA. CAPITAL ST00K PAID IN, - $50,000 Authorized Capital, SIOO.OOO. OFfTCVHB I'KANK OAUltUTII. JOS. A. CON NO K. President. Vle-President W. II. CUSBINO. Canier. DIRECTORS Frank Carruth J. A. Connor, F. K. Guthmnn J. W. Johnson, Hanry Back, John O'Keele, W. D. Merriam, Wm. Wetencawp, W. 11. Cushing. fransacti a Ooneral Bankinp Business Al who have any Hanking business to transact are invited to call. No matter k large or email tbe transaction, it will receive our careful attention, and we promise always cour teous treatment. Issues Certificates of Deposits bearing Interest Buy and sells Foreign Exchange, County and Citv securities. FIRST NATIONAL OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, Offers tbe very bast facilities far the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. stocks. Bonds, 'Gold, Government aodLoetl Securities uousnt and sola, ue posits receiv ed and Interest allowed on time Certifi cates, Drafts drawn, available in any part of tbe United States and all tbe principal towua of Kurooe. Collections modi & promptly remitted Highest market price paid for County War- Btat a&a county Bonds. DIRECTORS i Jobn Fitzgerald John R. Clark. D. HaVs worth 8. Wawb. t.v.. White. JOBV KlTaOKBALD, 8. TACOH Prealdeat. Cashier NEWS SOCIAL, FOR PER WEEK. BY CARRIERS OF THE CITY B"Z" MAIL. be Convinced Bank of Cass County Cor. Main and Filth Sts., Plattsmouth. PAID UP CAPITAL $, orio SURPLUS 25,000 OFFICERS : C. H. Parmelk FltKD fiOItDKlt J. M. Pattkkson President -Vice I'ri'Hideiit Cashier .... Ass't Cashier Jas. Patteuson, Jit , DIRECTORS : C. II. Parmele. J. M. Patterson. Kie.l ;order. a.B. Sinitli, R B. Wiiidliam. u. S. itaiiiscy, Jas. Pattersou jr. " A General BaBting Easiness Transacted Accounts Solicited, Interest allowed on time deposits, and prompt attention in yen to all business entrusted to its care. K, DRESSLER, The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Full Line of 'Foreign & Domestic Goods. Consul? Vour Interest by Giving Uim a Cal SHERWOOD BLOCK ; 1. 1 tsuiou tlx ,TSTfcV WM. Ls BROWNE,, X..AW OFFICE. Personal attention to all Business Kntrus: to my care. c XOTAKV IX OFFSCK. Titles Examined. Abstarcts Compiled In surance Written, Real Estate Sold. Better Facilities for makine Farm Loans tl an Asxy QtHcr Agency, Plattsmouth, r J A'e lira ska i !