The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 27, 1889, Image 4

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    x,x : fx.u.xvu.j, KiiALIA, TP UR3DA Y.JUNE 27, 1889.
Tne Evening Herald.
Ilr. A. Sal biliary hs lh rxrlmdre rlifht to one
Itr. Slttlnan'H Loral An:t-tlirtic for thn I'alnlrKN
Kxlrartion of Teeth in thin rltjr. O 111 re Korknool
UlocK .
Ilr. Willirn, Itnillht, liilnn Block.
The song of the harvest locust is now
licard. j.-'. v ;..
A hnggngc depot lias lt:ttt establish
ed on the Crete assembly grounds by the
It. ifc M.
Louisville will soon have d new de
pot erected in the place of the one .which
burned down recently. j."
The 15. fc M. train No. l.-lhia niom
inj carried n rptcial car for Crete,: on ac
count of the Chautauiua asHcmMy.
The entertainment, given by the pu
pils of the Sisters school, at tlio opera
house tomorrow evening, will commence
nt 8 o'clock.
All those desiring a membership in
the cricket club are requested to uiect at
the oflicc of Hallou and Browne, Main
and Fifth streets, tonight.
This afternoon at ! o'clock the
I'rown's will cross bat3 at the ball paik
with lMattsmouth's first nine. The rules
of the game will be three outs against
one on the first nine.
The li. fc M. is advertising Fourth
of July excursion fares between any two
points k-ss thau 200 miles apart at one
fare for the round trip, good July 3rd,
4lh and 5th. Also one fare round trip
tickets to the educational association at
Nashville, Ky., will be sold from July 1.
jo 1J, good to return till September U0.
The difficulty between the engineers
and firemen and the U. P. railroad has
been settled by arbitration in favor of
the employes. The question was, "Shall
the wages paid on the Kansas branch of
the U. P. be reduced below those on the
Main line" The wages were reduced in
May, but will now be restored and back
money paid up.
Theii..' M. always makes special
effortsito handle trains of liye stock with
dispatch.; ;M a result the amount of live
k phiiDed over tlie B. & M. : in coa-
, -I an tiy increasing. Yesterday afternoon
an extra train, of over thirty-five cars of
fine cattle paweJ through the city on the
way from Kansas to Chicago. The train
wht .-omijoscd of two" sections. The cars
were all iniproucd jmlace stock ears.
Tli MtikWw in unusually line con-
tfitlorU - ; -
Ilaiutiful scenery, marvelous effects.
tVtie'aetirfg by metropolitan- stars. great-
fire'scene, ilr. McCarthy the great hero
rVnnin tin? fine dancer, a funnv police
man, good singing, all this should be an
inducement to bring out a crowded house
trmi.rlit r..i son "One of the Bravest." The
company arrived last evening direct from
'o- Vi.rk- and is fnllv rested to cive ft
good performance. They have been
work in ft all last ni-iht and today to
put all the scenery and effect in postion
lo produce a wonderful play, which must
f e eetn to bo appreciated. Don't fail t o go
if not, you will regret it when too late.
Engineer C. L. Vandevoort sends
back an Interesting Com
He now has a Bun Near the Citj of Mexico
and Writes of that Interesting :'
: Land from Observation.
A Land of Beauty Inhabited
Peculiar People. ..
by a
J. A. Connor was in Grecuvvood today.
). Tefft was a passenger to Omaha and
Lincoln lat night,
s-'Firrutit and ton, Glenu, were yisit
OfS in Omaha today.
yrink Dixon, the deputy county cierk,
was h. visitor in Omaha last night.
E. G. Ballou, brother of O. II. Ballou,
of Oinahs, was visitl!- in the city yes
terday. Ma 1L B. Windham, Annie Murrhy
and Irene Patterson were Onicha visitors
today. -. -
At the gun club fehoot at the fair
grouuds yesterday; Jim Johns carried off
the prize.
Bobt. A. Mitchell was takcu to the
sylum at Lincoln today by Deputy
Sheriff Miller.
Mrs. S. C. Green, and her little sons,
left this morning to yisit this summer at
Gcneseo and Kankakee, Illinois.
-iTha J3oard of -Trade committee -of
Messrs. "Windham, White, Campbell and
Sherman, were : Omaha passengers last
night. -
Wilbam Uunderwood and wife, a mcr
cliant of Ayr, Neb., was a passenger west
this morning, returning from a visit in
This morning Mrs. Wagner and Miss
Alma Waterman left for the Crete assem
Lly, where the will enjoy a few weeks'
tent life on the Blue.
A case was tried before Justice Stiles
this afternoon, of W. A. Boeck vs. J. M
Grace. The controversy comes uo
through the sale of a horse made last fall.
- Mr. C. B. W ilson ws a -passenger on
No. 1. this morning enroute from , his
Yalisca, Iowa, f hoinjstbjl Rapid City,
South Dakota. We attended the wedding
of his brother at Yalisca.
Under date of June 19, 180, Engi
neer C. L. Vandevoort, who left this
city in early March for old Mexico to
accept a position as engineer, writes back
the following communication of inteiest
to his eon Guy, from Acambaro: -
"I will try and write you a description
of the country as I promised. I have
seen but a small portion of it; my trip
from LArado was most of the distance
made in the night, so I can say nothing
of the northern portion of the country.
Aenmbaro is 17 miles by rail northwest
from the city of Mexico. P has about
8,000 inhabitants and is an old city; it is
situutcd on the Lerma River and at an
altitude of 5,r00 feet above sea level,
and about the 18th degree north latti
tude; so you see I am pretty well down
towards the tropical country. There is
a bridge here across the Lerma which is
said to be over 200 years old, built en
tirely of bt one, in arches from one pier
to another. There is a stone parapet on
each side, and every 20 feet there is a
V shaped opening in which stone seats
are built. The American army crossed
this bridge during the Mexican war.
In Acambaro we have two one
is the market place, the other a pleasure
garden. The market plaza is paved
with round stone, and has stone benches
all around it, while in the centre is a
fountain with a stone basin about three
feet deep around It, and from here near
ly all the people in the town get their
water. One can judge something as to
the age of the basin by seeing how the
stones composing the sides and top are
worn, by the people drawing water out
of it. The vessels used for drawing
water are earthen, holding about three
gallons, and where they have been drawn
up the sides of the basin the top stones
are worn in grooves from three inches to
six inche? deep, and several of the stonis
have had to tie ai;cft put and new ones
put in. The stone sidewalks 03 -the
principal streets are worn in the sauv;
way, some of them two or three inches
deep. JTojv when we take into consid
eration the fact that but few of the peo
ple wear shoes (the large majority being
cither barefoot or wearing sandals) . it
must have taken'a" good many years to
we&f stone walks the way these are worn.
Most of the UuazC; are built of "adobe"
or sun-dried brick, 'f hy yery com
fortable, but I think they must be dip
during the rainy season.
After ie.yis Acambaro for the south
the road winds arout-ii injopg mount-
country toward the Pacific coast, and
the dirt to make the fills is carried ' by
Peone? instead of being scraped or
The people here are yery " primitive in
their customs. Tuke for instance, their
farming. Things are dono the same as
ancient times; they use wooden ploughs;
the oxen wear the yoke, on their , heads,
and it is tied on . with rawhide thongs,
The wheat is cut with hand sickles, and
threshed by being tramped on by horses
or pounded, aud Is chancd :.'by beiu
sifted before the wind. ;
a ui; pevpio are extremely religious
One of their priests just went by in his
carriage, I looked out of the window (.ad
everybody-on the street was ; on their
knees, men, women and children, and
they remained, kheeliag until he was out
of sight. But with all their piety they
are notorious ruieves. livery nnle post
has this inscription to keep the
Peones from stealing it. "Cuhlado
con la dinamita cojitiene enta patte."
(Look out for the dinamite this post
contains.) More another time."
C. L. Vandevookt,
Foil a safe and certain remedy for fev
er and ague, use Dr. J. II. McLean's
Chills and Fever Cure; it is warranted to
cure. For sale by Gering & Co.
aiu, almost constantly up grade Muiil
we reach ToJuea, 1U0 miles from here.
At that point we have reached au alti
tude of 8,030 feet. Twelve milts from
Toluca we reach the foot of the mount
ain and for the next ten miles we clhnb
at the rate of 200 feet per mile, and at
the Eummit have attained an altitude of
11,000 feet. My run only carries me as
far as Toluca. .
The Mexican National It. it. ruiu
through the high lands all the way from
the City of Mexico to Larado; there are
mountains to be seen on each side the
vhole distance and it is a continual rise.
Of c-our&c there are places where, in get
ting from one rauga ic another there is
down grade, going south; but ti.e gen
eral grade is up from the Rio Grande
River to the City of Mexico.
7ften I came here in March it was the
inot deaoiaie Jopking place I ever saw;
J evei JtUing was dnea up ftp green veg
etation except where artificial vegetation j
was used. The grass on caf lte ran
ges was dead it tooked at though ? v
erything had been burned out but now
everything has changed. The rainy sea
son lias set in; the sides of the mount
ains are beginning to look green; the
grass on the ranges is growing and the
land looks bright and cheerful. The
principal production in this part of the
country seems to be corn, wheat, beans
and "chily" (pepper). There are also
large herds of cattle and sheep; also
good many horses. Stock is kept on the
ranges the year round. When the wet
season is over the grass curea on the
ground and makes feed during the dry
season. The corn fodder is saved and if
the feed gets too short a little of that is
1 here is a branch road running from
here southwest 00 miles to Patznuaro.
"1." .. . . ... 1 .,
a itiai, juaire it 19 oniy i;u miles over
the mountains to reach the "hot country"
in which we find coffee and sugar plan
tations, also bananas andL other tropical
fruit in abundance. At present all the
prod ace of that part of t the count jy is
packed. to market on mule, ; burros and
Peones. You would be surprised to see
the load that one of these Peones (u kind
of half-breed which constitues much of
the population of Mexico) will carry and
make long distances. There is a new-
railroad being built to penetrate the hot i
The Reward of a Man Who Saved a
From the Lincoln Journal.
It will be remembered that on Saturdav
evening, June 15, train No. 3 on : the B
& M. was signalled by an old farmer be
tween Ashland und Gretna. The train
was stopped just in time to prevent a
serious accident, for the road bed hAd
been partially washed away by the heavy
rains. The name of tho man is .Saun
ders, as the trainmen afterwards learned.
He did not stay on the scene of the
trouble to be thanked for his act, and the
railroad officials took the trouble to hunt
hun and ascertain his name." In a day or
two the old gentleman will be presented
with an elegant gold watch by the rail
road pompany. The time piece was seen
yesterday in the otlice of Superintendent
Thompson in this city. Jt is a heavy
gold watch, the best turned out by the
Elgin factory, with a beautifully chased
hunting case. On front and back the
monogram "L. S. is 1 elaborately eograv-
edr On the inside is the following" in
scription: "Presented to L. Saunders by
ths B. & M. R. R. for preventing passen
ger train No. 3T June 15, I86 0, from run
ning into a washout caused ; by heavy
raiaa.;,; The company shows by this gift
that all efforts to protect its iiterejt3 are
fully appreciated. :; . i'
Sterner-Peterson. :
Mr., pkas. g terser, qt "gchnyler? Neb
and Miss Ifulda Peterson of' "tips pity,
were married Wcdenesday, at two o'clock
p. m , at the residence of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Anderson, on
Rock street, between Sth and 9th, Rev. J.
T. bairu G,qing. The wedding was
kiiicuy (jiivaic, none oeiaft l-,yl'y ex
cept relatives and a few very "intimate
friends, nevertheless it was a gorgeous
o.ccasioi. TJ;e collation was simply ele
gant and the aliair was a &io;t pleasant
and happy one to all concerned. T"e
newjy married couple left last evening
for Schuyler, wnee they will make their
future home. Many elegant and costly
presents were bestowed upon them, f.v
Second school Teacher this Week
Joined In Happy Wedlock.
At the parlors of the Paxton hotel in
Omaha yesterday occurred the wedding
of Miss Carrie I. Fesler and Dr. S. Kirby.
Miss Fesler taught the first grade la the
First ward school ' since the Christmas
holidays. ; Mr. Kirby is a practicing phy
sician f roin Grand Junction, Iuwa, where
Miss Fesler taught , previous Uo -coming
to Plattsmouth. i There were present at
the wedding Engineer Thorpe and wife,
sister to the bride, and father of the bride
from this citJV The father of the groom
and other partus from Grand Junction
where also presenti The ceremony; was
performed by; the . Presby tei ian minister
of that place. jTbe newly weddedjcouple
left Omaha last evening to spend a few
weeks at Spirit I.akf, Iowa, and will re
turn to (J rand Junction to make their
Under the auspices of the Dominican
Sisters of St. John's School, their pupils
will give a grand musical and dramatic
entertainment at the opera house next
Friday evening. It will be one of the
grandest affairs of the season. The pro
ceeds will be used to aid in building
more commodious apartments for the
Sisters and those who may . desire to cul
tivate or perfect thetnselyes in music and
art branches of learning so much appre
ciated by the refined. -
. IV 1 1 fit 1 - "
;.: ..iickbh witnout nuniDers are? now on
sale for Reserved seats, but the holders of
the same will be pourteously conducted
to one on Jlje evening qf the entertain-1
ment. flckets will ibe sold at the en
trance. :Jlcserved seats, 50 cents; :. unre
served, 33 cents; gallery, 25 cents.- d2
To the nw COAL OIL. Stove
ust recelvcdat Johnson II row.
Call and ttee them. They will
not explode.
Office front room Cariuth Block, Main
and Fifth streets.
Ofhce houre from 1Q to 12 a. in. and
2:30 to: 4:30 p. m. ; . .... tf '
House and lot on Ritchie place for sale
on easy payments; enquire at Johnson
Biiob.; Hardware store, w .. tf
Fine Job Work aapecialty at The
uKRau) olhce.
IE A S3"
L1oiuiiicificiiig' iotlay ue begfiEi
the Kriiiclesl (Clearing? &ale
ever iiiausrurated Iiere. W
will Insert tlae k naif o inever
pr(nicnt wo ane overptoekecl.
L : ... . 7 : . ; ;
: At 20 Per Cent. Discount. n
U.t 5.'0 Per , Cent. Discount.
$ 75 for 44-inch Swiss Flouncing worth... $ wo
1 00 for 41-luch lleial-stlched Flouncing.. 1 23
worth.. 1 50
1 2V fur 44
1 25 for 44
1 65 for 44
1 75 for 44
CO Tor 27
70 for 27
75 for 27
1 iu for 27
t 60 for 27
" Swiss Flouucincs
" Missws Floimi:lii
1 UO
2 00
2 25
t 7a
j 69
1 00 for Plank Spanish I-ace Flouncing w th I 5
1 40 for Black Drapery Net " 1 05
t 45 for Jl'k Span. Gulpurp rloiiueini; 175
2 50 for Black Cautilly Lnc " 3 50
special Bargains. Jb Wet We -tier Cools.
, ;ooi
Odds aud Ends of our Ladies' (JoHamers, $ 75.
worth up to 1.50 facli, reduced to 75
Suraey Silvf r Grey (Josf amer, worth $f 2.00
reduced to 1 CJ
Newport Uo.auierv, regular $2.25 quality,
reduced to 1 75
Kingston, with fcleevc?, wortii 52 50-re-dueed
to 2 00
Newmarket, regular 83.00 goods.ieduccd to 2 00
l!oyal Fancy Striped, worth :j 00 re
!iee 10 : 2 40
Da'u'rcis Fan;y Striped worth $3.00, ie- '
disced, to.. '.. ; .. .........."3
Qeuesta witlj Uoliimu sleeve, worth J J. 00,
reduced lo.., 240
Boston Cloth Klfect, regular .?4 00 goodu.
reduced to 8 00
Nlelson Novelty (iossanier, worth l.50,now 4 60
Children; Gosnamerx at reduced prices,
Public Notice.
X- strong staff of singers and workers
will be here to assist : the work of the
Gospel Band, at tUe B. .& buildin
foot of Jlain street, Friday afternoon.
Mrs. A. C. Van Every, evangelist, who
lia9 been much used of God in winninsr
souls to the Master, will also be here to
lead the Band. The public and all
chrsj.iaa jy.o;-Jrers are respectfully invited
to come and assist ja sainr souj3. A
number of souls have already been saved.
We heartily co operate with all denomi
nations. Rbv. John B yehs, leader.
The Plattsmouth postoffico " has been
struck by an exceedingly celd wave.
According to a special telegram in the
Omaha Jfeyahl the postmaster's salary
here has been redded 00 per annum.
No need to take those 4igr caUiartjc
pills: one of Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver
and Kidney Pillets is quite sufficient and
more agreeable. For sale by Germs: &
Office removed to poftornce buUJing
corner of 4th and. Main St. Anheuser
Bufcch block. d-S-w-w-4 t
Plusb VTi grains $t SIicrtvoodN
Kummer Clippers at ftherw ood'n.
Acute and chronic rheumatism can be
effectually and permanently cured by
the use of HiLbard.'s Rheumatic Syrup
- ,1 T1 ' . . Oil 1. -n '-ri1 t,: V . .
ouu. x lasicr. ouiu uy x..jt. j?riCKe CC UO
ur.-arseliat.Uie.Riddle Iiyuse, 4 to
p. m. every Friday. J14 d & w Jm
gngvyflake read
Tlie best and ciieai ec bread made.
Delivered daily by Hallie Johnson.
Orders received as heretofore at M. B.
Murphy's Grocery Store. Telephone
IIibbard.8 Rheumatic Syrup and Plas
ters are prescribed by the leading physi
cans of Michigan, its home state, and are
remidies of unequalled merits for Rheu
matism, LJopd djsorder and liver and
kidney coniplaint. It pome? here yyith
the highest endorsernenta and repomen
dation3 a to its curatiye virtfies.
Sold by F. G. Fricke &Jo.
'Colored aud Black Silk GIotrs.
One Door SSast First Uat, Sank.
Reasons Why We
Selling1 so Cheap.
IFiivst lcasou is because we
Dr. C- A. Marshall. are selling strictly lor (CASJIir
Second reason; bur intent ion
is to go to JpeMlo HMi tfots
goods mast be sold ut a saerl-
lice to save exnense of moving
ITIiird IHLeasosi; our expenses
are maia ami low r?cps will
sell goods. :
Hosidont Dentist.
Prpservation of the Natural Teeth a
Specialty. Attesthetics gfrcp iv$ Pain
less Filling oh Extraction oh keh.
Artificial teeth made on Gold. Silver.
Rubler or Celluloid Plates,: and inserted
aa soon as teeth are extracted when de
Ail Pjfj(f V72.rrar.ted. Prices reasonable.
FlTSQSBAE.Ji'5 If LlOfVi,. tf-AaauOTJTn. Nkb
At the rate our goods are selling it will take only .30
I w 1 1 1 1 mm y t r .
anu we win ue 011 ior 1 ueulo
Dr. Parsell, of Omaha, will visit Platts
month every Friday. Rooms at the Rid
dle Hotel, office hours from 4 p. m. to 0
p. ni. Chronic cases and aiseases of
women a specialty, JI4 d& w.Jm
Dr. Parsell, of Omaha; will visit Plaits-
mouth every Friday Rooms at -Hoe -Rid
dle hotel, orfice hcHirsfroni 4 p. mio Q
m. Chronic cases and diseases of
women a specialty, J14 d & w Jm
I have a few more pattern Hats and
Bonnets left which I am selling at greatly
reduced Pricea.
d-lw Mrs. J. F. Johnson,
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received until noon on
Saturdav. Jul v 6. 1889. at the office of the Board
of Public works for filling the holes or sinks
aionir tnn line 01 tlie 01a creek, as follows :
ot ao. 10, Block 32, about 1216 cub yds
oiMi. i-j. r i jck 33. aoout uscuDvne
Lot No ir.-oak ?3, about. .m-UGO cub yds
Lot No. g, Blouk S3, apout 0 0 cub yds
jjoi. no. 1 anu a, iiiock oi.aooui. . . . cn cup VUj
Lot No. a. Blopk S. about 11 . 240 cub yds
The earth to be taken from such street or
streets as tne Board 01 rub'ic woi ka may direct.
Contract to be let to the loweBt bidder ; work
to be completed within twentv days from the
letting of the contract: The rifiht to reject any
or all bids reserved ; Bids will be opened at 3
O-ciopu 1 111 (i) suiu uiu uav 01 duly.
rfrJ J4" - J.-W. Jov ksov-
Ch.'r ni feoajtf ot YmuUI WprfcS.
June 15, li&a. ' 1 l
ppice fends of Cigars,
including oar
Flor do Pepperhsrgo nna 'Buds
always in stock- Noy. ' 26, J 885.
our own
comeaii'l "et vrl'w?
t K t ' -"
days moro
Complete in all depart men ts. Ilaiulsonie line
. ftf Ncppplltan anil pattern
We cordially invite ladies to pall and tret m lco wo
can save you money. . '
Moore & Studebaker.
,(r . ... . tlor wi?tof Jps clothing store.