The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 27, 1889, Image 1

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Absolutely Pure.
'I ll s i vder never varies. A marvel of lur
t .'. si reirl li and wholcoiucii'-s-'. Mho ceou-lii:-al
in in flic ordinary klnd-i, and e:iulit be
Hold in cimiietitlun Willi the mull; of lo-.f
I e-t, sii-rt wej.dit alum or plio-phate powder.
So'. 617 in viitx. IfoVAb ISAM. so royiKB
t'-o , Wall r.r. X. Y. - .' '
;LVr( sogiktks. "
(IA-iS l.iili;rc No. ltd, I O. O. F. Meets
-'evry Tued ay eveiiiir; of each vi:ek. All
Iran 'at trotlurs are rcsfLCifuiiy invited to
j j 1 j a 'i r.MOiJ rii KXC.vM I'.v :r No. 3. i.o.
. I'.. in. el every a' .rnatc Friday in'i i-ioi.t!-. m t li Maximo lla.ll. .Visiting
l-.rut tiers aie l.ivited to alien. I.
VV I'SMi t ' i ll l,i ! K M ;, A. F. .V A. M.
.M. el sou I lie llivt ai.a Hurl .Mondays of
eneli month tit (heir hall. Ail tr.insieut broth
ers are for. li. illy liiitcd to meet uli us.
.1. .;. UiriiKV, W. M.
V.rt. M vs, Sei ret.iry.
iass ;.:ii No.sti. modickn woodmen
v- of AnjTin.i. Meets second and fourth Mon
day evening at K. ot I. Iiall. All tiMisient
l,i others are ro nested to meet with I.. A,
Nov.en a.-r. VijaerViild Coiis il ; J. F, NileB
Worthy Vitvis.-r ; S. C Wilde, ll.inker ; V. A.
, t'ieik.
i'L'li!" S"K.V ('II A TTHIi. N. .1. It. A. M.
.ie.-:s -;.;Co:u: mi'! foi'.illl Tuesday of eaeli
i;:.i.:h -Ma - iiV Il::;i. Tr.tii.scii lit brothels
U!i' ir iled to meet v,:iii us.
K. li. Whitk, ll. P.
Wii. I' vs. Se.'ivtai y.
T. Vm-.N I'll'.IM.'.MlAI.'V
NO. f. K. T.
i-:? hifll &ud 1 : it a W t.!i;ifK.i:y uiulit of
eaeli i:i.ir1 It al .i. icon's liall. Visiting lirotiier
iire eiiiih::!iy invited to meet uiih us.
W'M. IIav.s. liee. i. K. WllllK. K. O.
IJh V tTH.MOUllt I.OIxili M). S. A. (). V. W.
rd.'e!.- ev.'i v alttrtiiite 'riday .evening at
Kockiv.e'd! at x o'ehic'K. Ail transient. Itruth
eis ;iiv letieetf.llly inviled , In attend. K.
r.nvd. M. W. ; I'lias. U,'in!.'. Korein in ; l.
!'.. le. Uei'.itder ; I,. AipI-ts u. overseer.
.:. .-r-ii;, I 'abcrnae e : . .1. i!c!'ua!u.
i.e .1. W.
-riiu,.. ! Xi T X . K NO. HI. A.
.W. Meet
j -i-V: li'i -la'. ! ri.lay al (v. oJ i
il!.-- Tr.vlsifii l;Tirheri an; r'ejieettully in
V tf-i l;,t:eiid. I'. P I'r iv ii, lasler Work
; : i : ii !'. k lust nr. V'd'e'iiai! !'. U.Steimker
;.'..!.-. v.'. ii. .r.ii-v. F!.;:,uci.'r : y.
,.; -. v i !:. Ki .". 'i'-i , r . a .ii'iwin. i.eneiv
'. A u ( ' i. ; li fe , Wm;. i.i.jv.i;;. Inside
: L. Oi-.-u, Outside Wata'i.
l) i.e.isur.r, -Cler.t.'
leiliiv .
I :.r-- r ei I' ;U'! . -l-..Cit
i. .;.rac r -l;:!t
i f irict i'o.u',
'sh-n;i. - -
S.:ii . of !'!; -i I;i;;t,:,
J. A. C.lMl'KKI.L
Tims. l',iI.r.r) K
. U. i-'oas.
.i',Hs ?.i. l.;.;vrA
V'.' C. Slli'ilAI.TKIt
.',.' KlKKNUUiV
- ' 11. :. t'itMiur
M A ITil I'.V (JKU! N1
t Ai -rf !tn L":"."::k
A. V.. Tt.!i. - - - : l'l;UL8inoisth
fj n is Vei;'i7.," - Woejln! W-j.ter
A. M. In :-OS, CU'!!1., - - li.lUWOOd
K. M. Kl ll KV
S C't.l I- KOHI) Hux.v
l'olice .lade,
''ouncllmen, 1st ward,
2ml "
3rd "
J A Sam situ n v
I C I'.llKK K.v KKI.ll.
l M Josr.ii
J M H MournY
Cm a. Uhmim.k.
Con O'C'onnok.
1 I' McCaM.k'n.
.1 l SIMMON,
I I. i t'S K.l I..
1. 1 w!
V Johns ,C'h aihman
Hoaid I'ub. Works
Tre-iilenf Kolit. IS Wiiidhaiu
1st. Viee I'lesiitent A. 1!. Todd
I'ml Viee ('resident Win Neville
Secretary V. HeiTiiiiuiii
Treasurer V- It. tSmliiiiaii
III KIC( toiis. ;
.1. C. Itiehev. 1". K. While, .1 (.. rattersoii,
.1. A. I'oiitier, IS. lilsou, C. W. Slierm-":. t (lor
iler., J. V. Week bach.
M. A. Iiii'khdv i'otnmaiider,
ISkn.i. IIk.mim.k Senior Vice -. " .-
. CAititKUN-. Junior - 1
$.. N n.i.9 -r f Adjutant .
A Kill I'M AN f Stiric.
(12NKY -SClSKtOHT.i -. i.: -....i, M.
a . Taii-h h....; Otlleerof lie iay.
Jam ita Hioksox,-...: .". " Huard
Sert Major. O. Ki:V.. ..Quarter Master Serpt.
Ij. ('. Cuktis Post CliHidaiu
Neelini Saturday evening
Atloniev-al-raw and .Notary l'ublio. Olllce In
Fiiiieni'd lloi;ksl'lo.ttsinoi:i!i. Neb.
Attorney-rit-Law. W ill i?ive prompt Attention
to all buinesH intrusted to him. Ollice in
Union ISloek, Kast side, rialtsinouth. Neb.
. . lilllllSi WOIILFAKTH, 5 ;.
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Ulasswar "am?
Croekery. Flour jind Feed. -:
Kevonuo Estimate. ' " ;
We, 3'our jtnance couiiittee, respectful;
ly report the following estimate of monies
which will be neccessary to pay interest,
debts anil current expense for the cnsu4
in"; iiscsil year towit:
Mayor ami Council
Cily t'l-i'k i iiHi, City Treasurer u?o
Uoard Tulille Workx '
i y Attorney
Hoarding City I'risonerj
I'rin t iuti
It. & id. It. K. l!oi:(ls. . . .
streets. Ora;liiic and liridaint;
Fire Hydrants Keutal
Kearton UeiundiiiK lionds ,, . ..
Ilinh Seliooi IioiitU
Storm Water Sewerage Houds
Intersection I'av'dy lionds tT ,
Fire and Water. M ..V. .
Casand Lilitiiiy
l o
1..K1O I
5 onO
r. n ii
:i r 11
. tii)
-o:t H . L -' :
" Total $-'7,4i)it
ev'cn'de for the jlscal jear a? rcpoitcd
l,y the city Tiesurer tp fune 1, 1SH!),:
t A; Sat.ishl'uy,
: -fVinjiiitte.'1; - P.,
(j. D. Simpson.
In its treatment of rheumatism an J all:
rhe'Tinatic trrr.l.les Ilihbar'iVs P.heuniatic
Lyrtlp slanits'iiit 'uad loit niosf aljoveall
other.-s. lieail their mediciil pamphlet,
and lcirrn of the preat inedicinul value
cf the'ijvs Lieu Ciiter nto its nQin
f.oaicion Sold hy I. Q. JLricke Co." ;
x The Xew
lloiv, " only
7Z V w 3
JZ " -i-N i '
r- .
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S3t eV
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' "S" H
It Is Not So Mysterious tin It I.ookn To
Siiceeed It I Only Neeensary to Have it
Little Ingenuity uud Obxc-t-vatiou vVltat
9Ieit and Wouini I.Ike to liu Told.
"I want to tell you that there is nothing in
this world so easy as fortune telling when you
know how to do it!" It was a woniuu who
sjkjUc, and she knew whereof sho kioUo. For
years sho iad Kathere.1 rich rewurdu from
patrons in tho best ranks of society, and sho
has not yet discontinued uddin to her income
in t lie same way. lint shu laughingly, though
half euriou-Jy, told 1110 somo of the secrets of
her trade.
"Do you know," she continued, "that tho
most popular form ot this ancient sujiersti
tioii just now is 'pulm roiidiiigV' I have de
rived a wonderful umount of amusement, a
good ileal of money and a great insight into
human nature by tho practice of this myste
rious art.
"Tl.ero is a science of palmistry, and apart
from that there is also the gift of palmistry.
"Of the first I know very little; the sccund
I think I possess in some blight degree. What
it is I cannot explain. I only know thAt I
can tell the character, disposition and gen
eral hubit of life by the hauiL
"The trouble ubout the whole thing is this:
It is almost impossible to lie honest, csiieciul
ly when one is only doing it to amuse ieopa,
iuid not to t-;irn a living. It is very hard to
read tho hands of persons whom you know or
are liable to uieot hgain. You cannot tell
them tho truth "without offense. ' Not that
most eoplo have any trait that they wish
particularly to hide, but human nuture is so
queer. Almost any one would rather be ac
cused of some terrible fault of which they
have not the slightest trace than to bo told of
a slight foible which they really do possess.
'"Of course, every one always says: 'Now,
tell me the exact truth: Don't glosa anything''
over; I shan't be angry.' But, then, they
will so you cannot tell them the 'exact
truth.' I will give a few points nhicl I have
alw.ij-s found ill valuable.
"1 do not mean points in the art of reading
the hand. That is a science in itself, and un
less one has it naturally, no amount of coach-,
iug will help tliem. But any one who has
some natural shrewdness, und is u good, gyoaa--or,
can master enough of the mystic art to
maka it a v'f'y amusing pastiina ook at
our o;u h.:jd. ti?"at. . Huo what a peculiar;
network ot wrinkles cross and recross your
palm. Observe tho hands of your friends,
stud' the ilifTvrcnt shapes and notice if they :
accord with the charaotei's of their owners.
You will find it a verj- fascinating study,
and you will sodri" be able to distinguish the
stuooorn nana, tne executive i'?,t,A. tne ar
tistic hand, scion as ycu see them. "Then
fortify yourself with a hxrge stock of nssur
ine?,'find rcmeiubor the old saying, 'every
One is a fool, more or less,' and you uoa
your capital.
'.'You must i.ot Matter pooplq too mucb,
T'ue iuajority will uptee through it, but th
int('lojit;minorjty will, and that inteltigl
minority is just what yo.u wtni to. cuutuof. :
f.xciipt in a very Tew instances, never tell a
person his real faulrs. lie never believes
one, and he does not like it. Tell him jusl
the opposite. But there are a few weak
nesses of which peoplo like to bo told.
"Pride, stubbornness, a hot temper, prodi
gality, jealousy and a too sensitive itiio
these are tho infu niiiios 02! whic$'j.Pple."arT
fH-ond.' '' but you "'must "regulate 'your faults
y the market. ' "
' ".Never 'forget to tell a weak niirdel. pau't:
jed pfg'soh that he. is stubbprji. Xlt "y it, Aj
l;.Ia7(riabiy. tell a, jretty young giri that
itte is a flirt. She will blush and bridle and
deny it, but she is enraptured,
"Always tell any man. that he is fond of
the ladies; hint delicately that he is a bit of
e. &t Lcths-io. If he is a youner man lu- ili -a
' 1 1 r
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eiuted; t( lie is a:i old man no 111 imro a
weakneaj fur you from that day.
"I have given a few general rules which
must Ih followed. I will now go into par
ticulars. An illustration is letter than a
hundred rules, so I'll toll you how to do it.
"I take my victim into u ipiiet corner and
look at his left hand. I look at it a longtime
without speaking. Then I let tlio indillVrent
look on my face change to one of hturtlil in
credulity or anxious doubt, and look sudden
ly into my subject's eyes with seurching
glance. lie begins to get interested. Iet us I have for my victim a young man of
ordinary ability anil average good looks. By
the shajv.t of his hand I can tell whether he is
by nature executive or inventive.
"By his voice und in;. nix r I run form a
pr tty good guess as to his social losition.
Being a woman, I can tell tho instant I take
his hand whether ho is accustomed to ladies'
society or not.
"Now I have nothing to do but make a few
vague guesses as to his life, and the thing is
dona I always tell him ho is ambitious; all
young Americans are, or if the;- ore not they
think themselves so. I invariably tell him
that he will make money. I say that his
early life seems a bit unsettled: he had some
doubts as to : e':i.iiv of a ;-;o.e.-v: ,.1. ilo v. ,.1
go liack mentally to the time when he wanted
to run away to sea, und he'll say, 'Well, that's
queer. I did want to go into the navy when
I was youug.' Tell him ho is very proud,
very obstinate when roused, very fond of his
friends und that ho would make a good sol
dier. Kay that he is unlucky, but that ho
will succeed through tho force of his ability;
that he has many traits the existence of
which his friends do not suspect. Hint dark
ly at mysterious troubles and jealous rivals.
Chair him a little about his lovo affairs, and
I have worked the miracle. He will go forth
and say, 'Well, of course 1 don't believe in
such things, but sho really told mo some re
markable truths.' .
"I am always careful to estimate my man
first . But one class is 11s easy to cajole as an
other. Tho shrewd, pushing young business
man is no sharjier to see his own fuults than
tho languid young society swell. This seems
so simple thai it sounds absurd. Try it 1 You
will bo amazed at the tcultA You will be
astonished at the credulity of intelligent men
and women at tho wonder with which they
regard tho most self evident fact when it
comes from the lips of a fortune teller. I
have said the most absurdly cuj;,iuon place
things to iH!Ople, and they have gazed at me
in awe and amazement. The most ridiculous
ftatemenfs will lie received in silent rover
ince." Charity Brecu in New York HUir.
Raspberry Sirup.
Mash anil press with a spoon some very
ripe raspberries, let them stand a few hours
in a cool place, then -strain them. Allow
half jiound of sugar to each pint, ef jvd- and
boil it at once. 1 et it V-oii slowly for half an
tour; skim It v. ell, or when you have taken
it fiotn the fire give it a stir, and any skuin
will sink to the bottom. When quite cold,
fill small, dry bottles, cork them well, using
only new corks. Siand tho bottles upright
m a place. A little fine and fresh salad
,il poured on the Ifop beforo corking is said
to iuFure tho keeping of tho sirup av;y length
of - time. Medico,! .ggjc3.
The question long had been upon lrn tips;
I asked it. trembling to my fiuer tir-j;
(She diJ not falter, tbou;r!i her voice ivas low:
The answer that she made r.:r.iv,iy "ijci "
S! eh t'ct Uxk upr.ii aic with sm prise.;
Siib rtKT fol froiiVmy glance avert her iyn;
But in her cheeks I saw the roses gloiy,
As she n ith geatk; flrmrjc-j ?is' (-e;t ?i0."
ir-.tKl iiWh C:f eiTtflee ivftli me;
fcjiti viid tan euiy a .l;ter sho would be,
Auil no coiif uion ilid the maiden Bhoir
As to my question she responded "No."
What ivm my qui-nion, reader? Let me tell
She just lind told me tiiat she loved me well;
I aked. "Wiil you e'.er love another soy"
And to this questiou 'twas Sijep'.K'.vt ve! 'No '
ft:to.n On;iriiT.
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Decauso pooplo use tho k.itiio words, It
docs not follow that they inoun tho wmio
thing. Tho word parti id for example,
means 0110 bird in NeI'iilaiid and
another at tiiOKouth, and tho significance
of even mi coiniiHin a term as tmst tip
pear to lo subject to wido Ihii tiialions.
On tho second tiny out from Fort Smith,
says Co!. Marcy, wo halted for llio night
at a respectable looking farm house, and
my New York companion readily ob
tained from the hostess u promise to
iniikea nice of tons innl aci'pcf tea.
In duo course supper was announced,
and wo seated ourselves at the table.
The dishes before us consisted of fried
bacon lloating i:i grease, homo corn
bread in the shape of haid jrrcnades, and
a ;iianlily of glutinous, half baked hot
biscuit, neither of whkh seemed calcu
lated to tempt the up lite of the gentle
man from New Yoik, who called for the
The landlady replied that bho "had it
on fry in, and she "lowed it would soon
l.o d
C'apt. r.IcC'lellan and myself exchanged
Kiguiiicant glances, but my friend from
New York appeared not to appreciate
tho joke, and inquired what sho meant
by frying toast. She assured him it was
all right, us he would soon see for him
self. When it came 011 tho table, it appeared
that she had taken the loaf, cut it in
two parts, placed them in a pan, and
fried them in grease for about half an
Jly friend did not seem to relish thia
method of cooking, and explained to the
hostess in detail tho proper method of
making toast, whereupon she said, "Oil,
I see; you want burnt bread. 1 thought
you wanted tousi." Yoiith'ttCompanioii.
Not So I iiiiny.
Tt Ls so much clear gain when the
etTeivescenceof lioyish force is conducted
away from inischief making by a lishing
rod, a bicycle or a set of mechanical
tools. A sailboat may quench a boy's
di-siro foi a sailor's life, and camping
nut in tho tvoous may coid his ambition
to go west it ml fight the Indians. .Mr.
i. T. Trowbridge, in The North Ameri
can I'eview, toils hew one boy learned a
similar lesson at a much greater" , i.-.t.
A few years ago sc-mo youngster in
the sulwLui iloston conceived the idea
f going west and becoming cowUiys., however, they though best to get
little practice as auialeurs. They would
lasso a cov.
The leader, tlie Buffalo TdU of the
party, having to act the double part cf
horse and rider, tied a clothesline- to his
own waist and made u loop of the other
end which ho threw over I ho cow's horns,
as she was quietly feeding in tho pasture.
It tool; Ik r some time to find cut what
the fooling meant. Then she made
thing lively for the "cowlivsy," Tho
oart of the laso thr-cwey was suc
cessful, V-oe tiie part of the horse was a
Ilo was thrown t j tho earth, and one
continuous streak of cow, rope, and
Ttti'ltsh boy 'went flying across tho
brambly field, and over walls and fences,
o the amazement of spectators, and to
he especial profit of nobody but the
Tillage surgeons, who were sent for,
ifter the rope along with tliico of tho
xy's ribs had 0t broken.
A general impression seemed to bo left
upon tho youngsters that there was not
bo much fun in lassoing a cow aa they
had expected.
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Foil icknt A di hiriiblo house fur rent.
Iinpiiie of J. V. Wcikbuch 4V Son. If.
The effect id using llibbnid's JMieuuin
ticlsyiup is unlike ail liHiliciiKB contain
ing opintes or poisens, it being entirely
Ine Ironi them. Jt cures rheumatism by
pun lying the bluod. Sold by F. O.
Fi i. ke k Co.
A Onri ipoll.
A ineri'hiint's clerk nude it cheek for
foity dollars, und spelled the iiiinui ii nl
adjective "f-o u r t y." His employer
dil eeted his attent ion to the ITor, with
the 1 cniiii k, "you sei m to have n bud
v this morning." to which the clerk
replied, ''.-tire enough; I've h ft out the
'g-h!" Li t us hope the tlii k will i-till
liirther iiinetid li in 01 Ihogt uphy, mean -while,
if any Miller fmiu a bid 'Vpell"
ot headache, suhi iiul need by constipa
tion, iisk your druggist for )r. I'i. rce'n
'"! "i. '.tut l'uiLrative IV lies. Kntirelv
vcjo-tiible, mild, prompt and ilbctivc,
ind a most 1 il'n int 1- tu-dy for di iaiigi:
1111 tils ol the l:er, sloiuarli and bowels.
A Comfort:. bio Homo
is one where a man 1' is weary t nu r st
iiimsi'If upon a luali-da, it In is li 11 ti ry
lie cull go to the clipboard 1 1 i.ale und
;;et snm'.Ling to 1 i,t, ii' Ilt! i.., thii dy ho
can draw a fdass ol 4 old v.aler from the
refrigerator, if he has (oii.pnuy he -n
-how them into a m-mly li.ini lied pallor
md t;ive tin m 1111 elegiiiitly uiranged
spare rc 01:1, il the wile has rcwing ulio
can rist comfortably- '.11 a low roi kiig
chair, in going out to call a tine 1 li i r
is al hand to arrange t!,e nop' aratn be
fore ami there in sdwnys a I, at rack in thr;
h'-ll to ki i ; licisotial I loi'i 1 1 v on and a
j 1 r to v- icive lite wit innb'cll 1. Ji;
oie 1 oil ai do anil liai 10 y nnu fi;;ueli voi:r
hou.-;e from the Furniture I'mju-iium oC
Mi;m:v 1'oi. .
Or th.c Liquor Habit, Positively Curtd
It can ho given in a cup ol eo:1ee or tea, or in nr.
tides of food, wlthov.l mo knowledge of the t.-r-hon
inkluK it; it in absolutely hai iuleh and will
effect a ;., i ii.anciit and r.peuly cure, whi'ther
th-pntlentisn modoi die li tnkt i r.rnn alcolioli,;
a eomplcte em u lit every instance. 4 l puu book
FREF. Addi ess In coiilldeiic
GOLDF 1PECIFIC CO., 1 BS Raci St., Cincinnall, 0.
For "run-down," debilitated and overworked
women, Ir. I'iero'u Favorlto I'reseription la
tho b'8t of all restorative tonics. Jt is a potent
Hpecirio for all those llironio Weaknewies und
Jjiseocei peculiar to Women ; a powerful, Kt-n
ral aa well as uterine, tonlo and nervine. It
Imparts vlfrorand strength to the whole system
It promptly cures weakness of stomach, nuuKbo,
Indig-ebtion, bloatinir. weak baeU. nervous pros
tration, lelility and slecplcsnn-MS, In either sex.
It is carefully compounded hy an experiene-,l
jdiysielnn. and ndiipted to womnn'i delicate
organization. I'urelv veif.fablo and perfectly
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Warranted.! for ivumcn, 1
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curried out for ninny years.
For larre, illustrated Trontweon Diseases of
Wimien (100 piiKCfl, witii full directions for
homc-treatinent, tc-od t.-n cents In gtamts.
Address, Wdi.i.D's Iiisi-kssarv MEotcAt,
4fUsocxAXiOM. 6i Main btioot, Buffalo, N. T.
u an
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in 1 1
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