"s""" jr -r '- - 1 """ ' " " y .- - ..'Xp"t' -i . .. .SJt' ' - -v --. ., I ' atit fll0tteni0tti' Ifclf Set ME I ij j W NUMHEU ZlW lI.ATTS3IOUTII, NEBRASKA, MONOAY EVENING, JUNE 21, 1S81). !i ; sKcoxn y 12 a it i I 4 i v i' I- i ft ! 11 (OTYMI '-v'r;r:; I H I 1-1-A Fl f -r4 ia rri.;i"lir(-r. - - JAMKH I I fU Attorney; - - J i . . kiitrineer. ! ll v-k,o;v Police .ludtfe., - j ''SsiisS? Counoilmen, 1st ward, 9 3rd " 3 ' hWV WUA HoarJ rub-Wwrk"1 w' H 'n'kw k Absolutely Pure. 'I IiIh powder never varies. A marvel of I'-r-t . Ml rc-nirl li and hole-" miencs. Mom econo liiic.il tutu tlii' ordinary kiiel. and cannot be mild l:i I'l'iiiu-'itioii .titn tin ttmlt it tilt .f low I. s!nrl weight alum or pao-pliatc powder. No'il tntl'l ill r.rix. I.'OVAI. HAKIMS PllWOKK Co.. I t. Wall SI. N. Y. GIVIG S()(iI?lvI'cS. tl.VSS MU'CU No. !!:. I. i. . K. -Mf.-ts 'everv Tu day rveniil.: of each wci'k. All (rnnsi'-'iit broCi.-rs are r:-pec;fi;l!y invited to Ii.i r.MOi'rM i:ca m pm ::n r N.n.i.o. O. K.. l:i 'tJ I'V'TJ' :i't-r':il' l-"ii'!:iy ill e.eli month i:i He Va-onic II. ill. Visiting Brothers ::r- 1-i.Lo.l to ;.tlcul. ILT r.HMOli I II I.IHM'.K S. .:. A. K. .St A. M. - Meets on t!i- lii-t ami III... I Momiays tit fach m i:tli at llit-ir hall. Ail trans!. -at ln-oth-c-r arc -.r.li:iii iiivUcd in iiin-t with in. .1. ti. Kit mi;v, W. M. v'm. II rs. S( t rctary. JTHA CAMP NO. M!i:i:N viiIMFN 'J of A '..'ii'.i M.vn M-eiH'.l :-.!iil f.u: l!i Mun i ay rvi 'ili, :;. of I", hall. All tl'Aiiii'iit J.ntlnT!' .-,i:-.stMl to UK'.-t with U-. I.. A, Ju'owi-o.ii'-r. Vtr:;-rii!.:i l'.iiiii! ; '1. K, Nili'f Worthy ilvixc-r; S t Wildt'. Haui-.or ; W. A. Loeck. C!.-;k. KKKASUA fiiAI-'lKK. No. .1, K. A. M Mt-(s MT !i.i ami f'l.irth lu -xiay of acli monlhal M;imiu Hall. Transfiiiit brothers fire iiiVild to meet wilu us. K. K. '.Viiitk, II. P. VST.M. 1 V-. S.'i'ivtary. 1T. '.(N i;iri!AMIAi;V, Mi. 5. K. T. 'A.Ml'.i- first ami ;!iird W eiiirsday nit;lit of acl) month at M is mi's hall. Visiting brotlieis nr for.::. illy invited to meet will. us. Wm. U.vvrt. Kee. V. K. WniiK. E. C. !.A'i" rSMOl I'll I.OI!'.K NO. H. A. o. r. v. Meet.- ev-:y aUeru.it. Krirtay evening at Itoekivoo.: ha'.l it soVI.-ck, All transient broth er are r.-i'f .-: ;.il!y invited to attend. L. S. l.;is.i;i. M. W. ; K. Boyd. Koremaii : S. !. VViiUvr. i:.eorier : Leonard And 'r-;o:j. Iverseor. mill!) U)i : NO. Si. A. . V. W AIeU - every a'teM'ai Friday evi-iilnir at K. of P. "ft ill. l r.i'i.-i'"it lr.)t!ier-4 ar rep'-'-iluily in- t" i toa'teisl. 1". P. Urowii. .Master ork ii. r-u 11. iv-:uster. K..reniKii : K. ll.Steimker TJ Ovefirr; W. !. Mili-r, l-'inaac-ier ; ii. jioii-v.-o-i!:. li-e .idT ; T. .1 Morn in. P.eei-i rr; Vm n l-..iil. t:-ii-l : Wti;. l.ndwi, Iu:-ii ,v itch ; t- Ol.itiii, outsid. Wat-Ji. r . ' ..- if It-.:..- 1'-........;... t.' V de rrpswirer. J'ei'ty l'reiisui-er, - fcleik. le-jiiiy ; -Ituoorlei-. f l -liyuv.' llt'j :-iler Clerk .l" lii-l: let C-j.irC. Sherirt. Purveyor. -Attornev. tsupt. til " P;ih Sc'p.ooii. j:ity ja.Ue. I. A. C V.M 1'KKI.b TlliW. I'ul.lICK Bii:i) ( Kiri. iJriKi.a FltANK IMCKSOX . II. Pool, dO:l .V M. I.KVDA W. V. SlIllW ALTKR .I.C. Kl KKNKAItV SI C. Si-IIM 1 ir JklA'l'YHe CKKINIi MAVN'AliH W'iXK C liL'SSEUl. IIOAUP OF SL'l'KKVlS'l!?. T.x.iv - Plattsmouth A. P. IM.KS.JX. Cii'in.. - - -.'-ooa ttS3 Ii m Esau- E3 m r" -- PE3?3Dfi3 F.M. ! DRY W K FOX 'ATTKItSON. JK. - JlVltON ( I.AHK II C. SCIIMlliT S Ct.l KHOICl I. II. DI.N.N t A SAMSIiUI'-Y J C l',llKKK.HfI.I. I Hll. A .Sill I'M AN l M Jo.NM i M it MlKl'IIV I CM AS. IIk.MI'I.K. 4 ,N O'CONNOK. 1 P MOai.i.kn. I J I) SIMl'SON, I I, O'NKII.. W JOH.NH'IS.CllAlKMAN Kit LI.. PLATTS MOUTH BOARD OF TRADE i-r..vi.i..nr Hobt. IS Windham 1st Vii-n I'lesident A. H. Toild 'ml 'lre Presid-nt Secretary Treasurer l! KKl TOK. I I.- I.' Willi.' .Win Neville ... K. Herrmann . F. K. (iiithman .1 O. Patterson, r. .... ...... ..... . ., J. A. Conner, It. Klxoii. C. W. Sheiinu. J?. (.or der, J. V. Aeckbiien. McCONIHlE HOST 43 G. A. R. ROSrUK. M. A. lMrKsov I'oniinander. Hk.n.i. liK.Mri.K Senior Vice s. CAicitifs an . Junior . . L Urn. MI.K..H Adjutant. A. Sill I'M AN S"l5' lUCNKV STKKIU1IT ;-V M' A T vusri! Oilieerof the iay. James I1i kho.n " " "if! Sert Major. ANiimsoN C. Fkv.. ..Quarter Master Serjrjt. I.. C. Cubtis Post Chilaui Meetiiiii Saturday evening nUSlNKSS dirkctouy. ATTOKNKY. S. F. THOMAS. Altorney-at-I.aw ami .Notary Public. Olllce In i-'uzuerald l'.lock. Plattfmout!i. Neb. ATio.ixi-.v. A. N. SULLIVAN, Attorney-at-Law. Will j?ive prompt Attention to all business intrusted to him. Cilice io Union Hloek, K:ist side. Plattsinouth. Neb. GuocEirii:. . , CIIUIS. WOIILKAHTII, Staide and Taney Groceries, lilassware anc Crockery . Flour anil Feed. Kevsnua Estimate. We. your limuioe fomiuittee, respectful ly report the following estimate of monies which will be ueccetsary to pay interest, debts ami current expense for the ensu iny: fiscal year towit: Mayor and Council S S50 City Cl -rk City Treasurer .?.XiO wia I'.oard Public Works I i y Att orney -" Hi;.rdin City Prisoners Printing 1.-"" Inciilentals l.Km l .t- M. K ll. P.omls I..KIOI Streets. iradinij and 5.(H( 1 I'ire Hvilrants Hent.ll B.IH-0 ! Kearton Uel undin Bonds l,i" I li-h S.-hool Honds .15 0 Storm Water Sewerage Bonds 2,4!0 Iiiterfi'Ction Pav'iii Bonds Fire and Water ' asuiid I.ijilitinii MX-'0 Total .. S-'7,-00 ltevenue for tiie fiscal year a3 reported by the city Tresurer to June 1, 18SD, i A. Salisbl'ky, C -ininittcc, P. McCai.i.ax, ( J. D. Simpson. Acute qnd chronic rheumatism can be effectually and periiifuently cured by the use of Ilibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Fluster. Sold by F. G. Fricke&Co NO SMOKE OR SMELL To I!ie new CO ii OIL. Stove ust rocnf vedat JoliiiNon 15rs. Call ami xeetliem. Tlicy will ; not explode. 1 C3 t X4 C5 5 C5 JS a 1 182 E3 W m Ml M5 3 C5 in S x SB 5 X S Til m A c2 x -'3 Ml e C. r LINCOLN'S FOURTH OF JULY- Somethinc About Klnc Tartarrax who will be Chief Magistrate. Thejcapitol city of Nebraska has a cel ebration to come oil ths Fourth that is likely to take, for seyeral reasons. King Tartarrux, who will be chief magistrate of the day will head the hades' proccs bion with his body guard, and many of his loyal subjects will als take part. The King's splendor to be manifest on that day is typical of life in Lincoln, and her boom enterprise. In regard to the traditions of this great personage, the Cull speaks as follows, (variations being iusertcd ): A NOT I IKK TKADITIOX There are many traditions interesting stories concerning King Tartarrax who is to be in Lincoln on July Fourth, like a great many other people and who will be the guest of Col. Robert McReynolds. of Oklahoma a lucky hit on the part of the king. One of the prettiest stories wc have read, however, a pen picture by Tim Sedgwick, of the York Times is as follows: "Lincoln is preparing for a great celebration, a move to be appreciat ed and King Tartarrax has issued invi tations to the rural roosters to come in and smell his feet, somthiug that will draw like magic We are not acquaint ed with Tartarrax, in the same box with the rest of us though it is generally be lieved by the bucolic editors that this was Walt Mason's maiden name a ques tion not disputed by that nobleman. When he first knocked at Judge Mason, s door, it is said, the benign old gentleman adjusted his spectacles with one hand and his teeth with the other, a practice still kept up and asked the wayworn and dusty waif his name. ''Tin tarrux Pars,' says the boy. "Tartarrax Pants! a favo rite word with the "judge Uy my troth you are a precocious kid: a most preco cious kid. What will you have? Speak out Tartar and nx the Judge loves a joke at all times. what you will, it shall be granted." "I want to marry you," a request acceptable from any source quoth Tartarrax Pars. "By the life," re plied the Judge, "this is a strange re quest, a most extraordinary thing to ask but it shall lie so, you shall be my bride " It is said, but not prov:n, that poor, tired Tartarrax laiJ hi aching head on the kind Judge's manly bosom, and wept for very joy, that he was so soon to become the bride of a secretary of the board of transportation of the state of Nebraska free rides on all roads. So the nuptuals were speedily celebrated and Tartarrax Pars, became Walt Mason. This is the legend of King "Tartarax," and whether true or whether false, it is a ycry pretty story." Those who admire Col. Walt Mason should eoive to Lincoln on the great independence day and see the king, and draw their own conclusions from his feet. The celebration will be the grandest and most magnificent ever held in the state, and all loyal people should make arrangements to come. 5 "5 - S .2 3 S "5 3 IN c g o S rt 8 e s O s- o o 1-1 x p . T" Hi - to rt 5 F9 git 2 w s $ 21 S. 3 D i i 3 CO 3 " a ' - 'J0 2 3 - o 0 x- -r SIX EAR3 OLD. Six years o!d "a preat his xy How his heart swells with pride and Joy I "Fin jjrown up now !" ho shout in "No more curls nor kilts for me!" The "barber man" has shorn Ihe locks Of brown und gold in a way that shocks The mother's heart) yet it had to be. To make him the manly boy we see. The kilts "must bo" In trousers flno The "little man' doth loug to shine. Ho brave he's grown, I've naught to fear He will let no harm reach "mamma dear." God bless the boy! with his heart so true And his wonderful pluns of "work" to do' Ioiijj may he be our prido and joy, Comfort and hopethis darliu boyt Mary Hewitt Sturdevant, Appearances Often lieceive. One day lust week a Boston business man, who was at work dictating letters to his tte nogrnpher, was interrupted by a business call frjum two well dressud men, who remained in conversation for sonio littlo time, and then went out. When they hud gone the business man turned to his stenographer and said: "Did yon notice the personal appearance of thoso two gentlemen f" "Ob, yes." "Well, ouuof them was well known pub lisher of this city, and the other was a prize tighter. Now, which wns the prize lighter and which was the publisherf" The girl descrilied ono ot the two a young man of ngreei'We 'appearance and pleasing manners. "That," sho said, 'was the publisher, of course." "You are mistaken," said her employer. "The man you took for tho publisher was the prize fighter, und the man you took for tho prize fighter was tho publisher." Ami this was not a cas-j where "tho boy lied," either. Boston Transcript A Wonderful Lake. One of tho most picturesque nnd remark able boilies of water in tho world is Henry's lako in Idaho. It is situated n tho dome of tho continent in a depression in tho llocky mountains culled TargeoV pass. It has an area of forty square miles, and all around it rise snow capped puik, some of them being tho highest of tb. continent's back Iwne. In tho lake is a floating island about :00 feet in diameter. It has for its basis a mat of roots so dense that it supports largo trees and a heavy growth of underbrush. These roots aro covered with several feet of rich soil. Tho surface is solid enough to support tho weight of a horse anywhere, and thero are places whero a house could be Vuilt. The wind blows the island about tho lake, and it seldom remains twenty-four hours ixi the same place. San Francisco Post. The Difference. Willie 11., an Ayrshire farmer, was some what remiss in attending diviuo service, and his parish minister, on ono of his pastoral visits, took occasion to refer to it in rather a pointed manner. Willie excused himself on the score of advancing years, but his spirit ual guide would not coujono the offense on that ground. "That will scarcely do, William, for I ob serve 3 ou are very regular in your attend ance at piai kct every Friday." "Oh, ay, sir," replied Willie, "but that's easy explained 1 You see when we gang to the toon we can get what we like, but when we gang to the kirk wo hae just to tak' what thou likes to gie us." Scottish American. Shouldn't Talk About Her. "Moliie Dawn's to be married next week, Jennie, and I am to be her Crst bridemaid." "You don't say so, Clara. You take my breath away. Who will marry that big mouthed thing?" "Oh, you shan't talk that way about her. It is just too lovely for anything. Sho is to marry George Blissful, don't you know; that simpering idiot I rejected at Capo May last July. And think of it, Tin to be first bride maid. Ha, ha hal" "Oh, how lovely. Ha, ha, hal'1 2 2 2 5 co " O CO E zi i- o cu 'o - 2 o r- K O C3 - - t.r' CO o 2 3 - S .s ; 3 - 2 .2 - 5 2 : o o 5 Z X o s S 2 S c-i o O 'O -4 t ? T. ? S " 51 j5 ? "J 'j o cc r o - tc s s - , :- $ "3 , s - t3 T2 HO? 5 x " zt CC o J -1 f3 Jt7 so"" O CO u ? 5-3 i 5-3 rx v r r 2 -3 -5 l- J C d j , "72 V E z p w t2 2 i " S i co X "cj 2 ' 2 o "73 Sm w ?i t. t. !J 3 O r . . ri O . c2 J -g 3 o a. THE BAZAK. NEW GOODS AEB1VEDA1LY Complete in all departments. Handsome .line of Xeopolitan and pattern MATS. RIBBONS, PLUMES, COLLARS CUFFS BELTS GLOVES FANS HANDKERCHIEFS SASH RIBBON. AVe cordially invite ladies to call and get prices, wo can save yon money. Moore & Studebaker. One door west of Joe's elotliini;- store. A breeze, a brightness, brunches overhead. One near (else, sweet, what would I !i: un!"n A troop of ipples, sunllover, peony. And motley phloxes to tli;i sunshine s t I : Beneath her window wallllcivcr lifts his hi- :l The poodiy wallflower Br eon li!;ed lo v. Its bright lircs bunting s.ft nnd fcmoi.i: . . Its breath condensed richness, richly fri By earth, by sunshine, anil by summer sh.. . Here lilies fail not, nor the glowm;; rose. Here foxglove tail rings out tho sunlit hours. Here sweetly, like the thought of one most de.i The breath of violets conies, nnd gtitly rr'tcs. And conies again, and savors nil the air S. W. WeJUJin Ovej Inn.! Montldy. Mosquitoes. The bill of a mosquito is a complex in stitution. It has a blunt fork at tlio bead, and is apparently grooved. Working through the groove, and projecting from the anglo of the fork, is a lance of per fect form sharpened with a fine bevel. Beside it the most perfect lance looks like a band saw. On either side of the !aneo two saws aro arranged, with the points fine and sharp and the teeth wcl: refined and keen. Tho backs of these saws play against tho lance. When the mosquito alights with hia peculiar hum, it thrusts its keen lance, and then en larges the aperture with tho two raws, which play beside tho lanco until the forked bill with its capillary arrange ment for pumping blood can be inserted. Tho sawing process is what grates upon the nerves of the victim and causes hiro to 6trike wildly at tho sawyer. Iiall'e Journal of Health. Whence Come tl.e Flies? From w here do all the fiie3 come? The question is often asked, and seldom re ceives as satisfactory an answer as lias been given by a contemporary: The com mon Hy lays more than 100 eggs, and the time from egg laying to maturity is only about two weeks. Most of us have studied geometrical progression. Here we see it illustrated. Suppose one fly commences "to multiply and replenish the earth" about Juno I. Juno 15, if till lived, would give 150. Suppose seventy five of these are females, July 1 would give ur.; supposing no cruel wasp or other untoward circumstances to interfere, 11, 250 flies. Suppose 5.C25 of these are fe males, we might have July lo, 8-.lo,-720 flies. For fear of bad dreams I wil' not calculate what might be by fcJipt. 15. Pittsburg Dispatch. t" i -3 ' ti I J- s o o o ' . . 'J. o s-1 . r: -i "73 .s 2 is b ca : W I . -.2 C3 15 I pi H if ! t 2 -S 5 1 S" " J I & S ; 5 v E x 'I -. tsy M J S s-il -ii s . - & H "f 1 o . Z 'Z T aBs4 -.ti; w - - 3 ; Fi... '' i i x s s ? O " s -if '$ Z cl t' 25 W! 111 ! i oS V ? - '- Z Z 5 .Z -c -r '- NKr r 2 Si;. x Z. 1 1 J j i v-J C'-d i - " L cc I rrlr'3t"eirr"t-y" r; w it VV House and lot on Ritchie place forsali! mi easy payments; enquire tit .Joiinm.n ISitos. Hard ware stoic. 1 1' Kounns fresh every week at Wm i ii k'h. d lit Plenty of feed, flour, graham ami meal at Ib isel's mill, tf CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED To "I in; Em to it. Phase inform your renders that I have n positive Kinedy fur .he above named disease. I!y its t i mcly use thousands of hopihss cases ha vc Ik i ;i ;t i ns.-i m iit ly cured. I shnli be glad to semt two bottles of my remedy I ki.i: lo ny of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me tln ir exprtss n:d post office- tiddrtss. Respect lull v I'. A. KI.OWM, M. C, 1K Pearl n'.,' New Yoik. tf JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANCFACTUItKU OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALEIt IN THK, Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergo' and 'Cuda FCI.T., LINK OK TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 20, 188.r.. Notice toTContractors. Fca'ed bids will bn received until noun on auirilay,.liily i;. lss;i. at the office of theBoard f l'ul. he works for iiiling the lniei or sinks iloi tflhe line of the old eieek, lis joIIi.wh : Lot No. lo. Block :, about pjiiicuh yds lot No. lu. Block :::.:ibour 115 cub v!h Lot No. it. Block Xi, about lir.O cub yds Lot No. 8. Block :i.S. about ii ociib yds I.oIk No. 7 and 8. Block ::l. about .'.so cub yds Lot N'o. n. Block :il, about L'.Mi rub yds 1 he earth to he tak-n from such rtreet or streetsas Ihe Board of Pub ie works may diicct. Contract to be let to the h.v.cft bidder"; work to be couiiiletiil wit hin t went v ilavs from the letting of the cm. tract: The ripht to reject aiiv or all bids reserved ; - Bids will l- ofened at a o'clock p. m. on said t;:h dav .f .luiy . (1 1st .1. W. Johnson, Ch'i'ia Bo:.rd of Public Works. June 15, lf8&. 7Ct S3 s ,S 'I 1