ftttttfl IT I f ffl B skcoxii vi:ai: PJjATTSMOUTII, XI UK A SKA, THURSDAY EVISNIXG, JUNK 2(f 1SS1). iiHn ill CiL CIPte ft Blfl I f 4 m m f f ROYAL""' "3 J 4 fTf." HIT 1 11 3 mm- f V V- t?. CITY Ol'KICKljS. Mayor. Clerk. I'reaniref, attorney, hlllMlirer, I'oliee .Initio, Marshall, Councilinen, lit wi'.rd, ' 2ud " 3rd " 4th K. M. Uh.iiky W K Fox JAM KM I'ATTKKSON, J K. - I'.VItll.N Cl.AIIK II C. .SCHMIIIT S Cl.lKKOKI I. II. DUNN 4 A SAI.rFHUHV ( C liUKKK.N KKI.D. ) )K. A SlUI'MAN l M .loNKH t M B Muuriiv 1 :iia. IIkmi'i.k. J CON O'CONNOlt. 1 I r.i h Hoard rub.Workn M Cai.lhn l J ) SIMI'HON, (.1 w. I v U I I, I '. KI I.. W Johns n,Ciiaiiman ' ' 't- f fr Absolutely Pure. "Mi is p ivviIit never varies. A inirvel of pur t . Ml rt-irt li arid w tiolc-niiifiits-i. Moim eeono ItiM'Hl tu ill tin- ordinary kind-, and ealinot be. Hold hi i'oiiiih.' i' ion with tin' multitude of low ft. shot v.'i-iL'lit aln.i or pho-pha'" iiowder. .. i;i f,l,;.l. IliiVAI. I:KIX1 I'llWDKIt .. in.; Wall .-1 . N. y. (HVl? SOGIJ-iT'-MS. 6IX YEARS OLD. Six years old "a great Mg boy V How bis heart swells with pride and Joyl ''I'm grown up now l" he shouts In gleo "No more curia nor kilts for me I" The "barber man" has shorn Hie locks Of brown and cold iu a way that shocks The mother's heart! yet it had to be. To make hiui the manly boy we see. The kilts "must go" In trousers lino The "little iiiud" doth long to shine. So bnivo he's grown, I've naught to fear He will let no Lumi reach "mamma dear." Ood bless the boyl with his heart so true And his wonderful plans of "work" to do' Long may ho be our prtdo arid joy. Comfort and hope this darling boyl Mary Hewitt Sturdevant, PL ATT S MOUTH BOARDOFTRaDE Kobt IS Windham . . A. li. Todd .Win Neville K. Herrmaiiu It. Culhmaii C. Patterson, President 1st Vie President and Vice I'resldent Secretary Treasurer 1 ll IlKM OM. .1 fV ltichev. K. K. While. J .1. A. runner. It. Kl-on, C. W. Shermm. I'. bor der, J. V. WeekbaHi. McCOMIHIE POST 45 C. A. R UOSTKIL. 'oiiimander. Senior Vice Junior "' Adjutant. S-r;r. ). M- i MV.eer of the l:iy. ..... " " iu:ird Sergt Major. Quarter Master Ser:t. I'OSl Llllpiilill M. A. Ii'Kv. ;::n.i. II kmi-i.k S. Cakich;an i ru. Mi.ks . A Shi I'M an llzxitv si i:ci.;i r. A . Ta S:h .lA.MKS IIK'KSON, ... AMIitHiUN '. KlSY. I.. C. 'UltTH "eeliiicf .Sntimlay evening 1A-5S (U;;' " 'every T-ie-d. t r: i; -i--ii t lint;, !teml. ?;. 1!'!. I O. il. ; -.Meeti y evening of i-.ieli Week. All t is are rei-pecli uiiy in'. ited to i!,.v rui'ic r,; kxcami'ji r.s r x.. 3.1.0. O. I-., in, .' every a't'. rn ite I'inSriy in e:ie!i !i;':-,i in (lie Ai.i-onic Hall. Visitliig :rotl;ers are i iviteil to ;ttt.':..i. LJI.ATr.sMOt: ril .I(.K XO.fi. A. K. Sk A.M. M-e'on tip fl r-t ami third Mondays of ni'li in--! j 1 !i a: their hall. All transient broth ers are cur liaiiy imileil to nn-el with us. J. l. KiciIKV, W. 51. V.'M. It Ays. Si cret.iry. ijusim:ss DiuixnouY. ATTOKNEY. S. F. TIK'MAS. AHornvy-al-Iiw and Notary l'ublic. Offlu-e Iu l':tzj.'erald lil-k. I'lallMiiioutii. Xeb. ATioiiM-.y. A. X. SUI.I.IVAX, Attorney-at -Law. Will ijive prompt ittentioL 1 to all liii-iiiri" ttitriisti t ! !iim. Ollice lr Lnioii r.loek, l'.;ist 5!d, riatlsiuoutli. Xcb. ias N..i.!:. i)d;:i:x vh.'Odmkx of A."i:ei i;".i - Meets -e-iHid and fourth Moil d -iy evt iiii; ;it K. ot I'. hall. Ai! transient brother hI- re:j ies!ed to l:!-ef with il. I.. A, N'oUi -1 :;er, Veiierablrt t'oiisul ; 'I. K, Nih-s Worthy A i vi.T r ; S. C. W ilde. Hanker ; W. A. Iitecl:. l ierk. VKHiasiCA rilAI'TKlL No. 3, K. A. M. Meeis sei-uid and fourth 'i'tiesday of e:ieli month at Ma-on'i Hall. Trausci. nt brothers urc invited to lueet with us. K. E. '.Vhitk, II. P. Wsj. H vm. Seeretary. uofiiui s:s. rums. v;n m'a urn. fT. j'ttiN I-iiMM.WDAUY. XO. 5. K. T. J1Mfi-H first and third Wednesday night of each nii-ntli at M tson s liali. Visiting brothers are eordi-iliy invited to meet willi us. W M. Hays, !t. -r. F. E. Win rn. E. ('. pLATTSMOi: HI I.OIM.K S'.i. s. A. O. L XV. M.-.-M en i j alt'Tiiate Friday evening at Kockno.id t!;ili:.t ho'cIock, All transient broth ers ai-- r.;.'etf.i:Iy ins-ltd uMeud. I.. S. l.arsi;::, M. V. ; F. Hoyd. Koieinan : ti. C. Wllde. lJ:ctr.I'.'r : Loouard Anderson. Overseer. "1HIO I.O I ;;: NO. l. A. O. U. W. Meets ever :ilieruat 1'ibl iy eveniagat K. of 1. hill. Ir.inse' t brothers are r.-speetiuMy in v te.l t. ! lei.d. F. 1. I'.rowii, Vaster ork i.ija ; ( ; II. Jv inst.T. Foreman ; F. II. St ei inker ti?i t,c. r; W. II. M'.ller, Fmaneier ; . F. House vtt i l "'order ; F. .1 Margin, Keceiv r; Wtii. t.'ivliai:, tiulde ; Win. Ludwig. Inside iiitcii : L. OI - ii. tmtside Wa!'.ti. I"re:is!irer. Deputy irea-iurer, -Cler'. tJuji'i'y .'!-'rk. iteor.l- r of ! i' j -Deputy !e.;.--t-.r Cderk. .f DUtriut Coal t. MluriT. urveyor. -Avtor:.'y, - Supt. of li:h SciiOuJi, Cojnty Jii.'.go. kuAllu Oaf HUL'KUViSi)!:. 'pit) . - l'lattsniotith WeejMMg W ater D. A. t'AMI'lSKLL Tit. rti.i.or'i 15IIM t'KITrilFIKI.a 1'KAXK DICKSON V. H. Tool .Joi? .v M. Lkyoa W. '. SlSOV. ALTKB J. Kl h KNKAKK H . SlH JIIDT M.'.TTil FV OKl:INf Mavxahu Si-ink '. liU.SSELL " :iui -. n uiiiii' Am ii, Staple and FaiR'y Srocer'fs, Jla.ssware anr' t'roekery. Flour and Feed. Kavanuo Estimate. Ve. your finance committee, respectful ly report tlie following estimate of monies which will be ueccessary to pay interest, debts and current expense for the ensu ing fiscal year towit: Mayor and Council S !ir0 City Cb-rk .s.'mki, Cily Treasurer $J00 Hoard l'ublic Works :to0 Ci y Att Tiiey Hoarding city Prisoners :"o rrtntmg l.'jto Inetdeiital" l.b'O H. & M. R. It. lionds .'. I.rK) streets, (irading and Bridging 5 ikK. Fire Hydrants lieiiia) 6.010 Kearton Kefunding liomls 1,io0 High Sehool llonds 35 0 Siorm Water Sewerage Honds 2,4'f Interi'ecttoii raying Honds UM l'i;e and W ater , 6:0 Oas and Lighting. , ,,, 4,0(K) Total $27,400 Revenue for the fiscal year as reported ly the city Tresurer to June 1, .IBS!), $-.,t),41:.-)i. 1 A. Samsbi;hy, Ci)iin.iittee, P. McCali-an, ( J. D. SlMl'SOX. Appearunces Often Deceive. One day last week a Boston business man, who was at work dictating letters to his ste nographer, was interrupted l.y a business call from two well dressed men, who remained in conversation for some littlo time, and then went out. When they had gone the business man turned to his stenographer and said: "Did you notieo the personal appearance of those two gentlemen f" "Oh, yes." "Well, one of them was a well known pub lisher of this city, and the other was a prize lighter. Now, which was the prize fighter and which was the ptibli.-.her f" Tho girl descrilMsl 0110 ot the two a young man of agree; flipicarance and pleasing manners. "That," bho said, "was tho publisher, of course." "You aro mistaken," said her employer "Tho man you took fur the publisher was the prize fighter, and tho man you took for the prize fighter was the publisher." And this was not a ease where "the boy lied," cither. Uostoii Transcript, A Wonderful Lake. One of tho most picturesque and remark able Ixxlies of water in the world is Henry's lake in Idaho. It is situated on the dome of the continent in a depression in the Uoeky mountains called Target's pass. It has an area of forty square miles, and all around it rise snow cupped peaks, somo of them being tho highest of the continent's backlione. In the lake is a Ho:tiiig island ulxjut oOO feet in diameter. It has for its basis a mat of roots so dense that it supports large trees and a heavy growth of underbrush. These roots aro covered with several feet of rich soIL Tho surface Is solid enough to support th weight of a horse anywhere, and there aro places where a house could be built The wind blows tho island about the lake, and it 3eldom remains twenty-four hours la the same place. San Francisco Post. Manners of Americans. The real test of tho manners and moral of a nation is not by comparison with other nations, but with itself. It must he judged by tho historical, not by tho tope graphical standard, liocs it develop? and how? Manners, like morals, aro an affair of evolution, and most often be n? native product, a wholly indigenous tiling. Thia i.s tho case, for instance, with the habitual American courtesy to women in travel ing a thing unparalleled in any Euro Iean country, and of which, even in this country, Ilowells-jtnds his licst type in the Californium What takes tho plac of it among tho Latin races is the courtesy of tho high bred gentleman toward the lady who is his social equal which is a wholly different thing. A similar point of evolution in this country is the decorum ot a public assembly. It is known that at tho early town meetings in New Eng land men sat with their hats on, as in England. Unconsciously, by a simple evolution of gxxl manners, tho habit haa been outgrown in America. lnt parlia ment still retains ii. Many good results may have followed imperceptibly from this same tendency to decorum. Thus Mr. IJryce points out Hat the forcible interruption of a public meeting by the oi!o:,ite nartv. althou 'h very common in England, is very rare in America, In general, with us, usages are moro flexible, more adaptive; in public meetings, for instance, wo get rid of a great many things that aro unutterably tedious, as tho English practice of mov ing, seconding and debating the pre scribed vote of thanks (o the presiding oHicer at the end of the tuost insignia jant gathering. U is v(-ry likely that vea our incessant self criticism con tributes toward this gradual amelioia kioa of habits. In that case tho wonder ;a that our English cousins, who ciiticise themselves quite as incessantly, move eo slowly. Hai per"s Bazai. TIBS NEW GOODS AER1VE DAILY Complete in all (lepaitinents. Handsome lino of .Xeopolitun and pattern HATS. RIBBONS, PLUMES, COLLARS CUFFS BELTS GLOVES FANS HANDKERCHIEFS SASH RIBBON. . . AVe cordially invite ladies to call and ;vt prices we can save you money. Moore & Studebaker. One door west of Joe's elotliin-'- store. THE NAME AMERICA. A . It. I.ofi.- K.ii.rz. Special Sale of fine FjiEKtii Floweks at Mrs. John son s. liegular prices $l-7a to !g2..)U, how $1.00 to $1.25. Also special sale in Infants' J(ace Uonncts, Call and secure a bargain. tf A. ii. Pi -rsli.v, Ch'm., E.mwood Acute and chronic rheumatism can be effectually and permanently cured by the use of Hibbard's ltheuinatic Syrup and Plaster. So'.d by F. G. Fricke & Co Tho Difference. Willie M., an Ayrshire farmer, was som& what remiss ia attending divino service, and his parish minister, on one of Ins pastoraj visits, took occasion to refer to i t in rather a pointed manner. Willie excused himself on the score of advancing years, but his spiritr ual guide would not condone the offense on, that ground. "That will scarcely do, William, for I ob serve y ou aro very regular iu your attend ance at market every Friday." "Oh, ay, sir," replied While, "but that's easy explained 1 You see wLen we gang to the toon we can get what we like, but w hen we gang to the kirk wo hae just to tak' what thou likes to gie us." Scottish American. Shouldn't Talk About Her. "Moliio Dawn's to be married next 'week, Jennie, and I am to bo her first bridemaid." "You don't say so, Clara. You take my breath away. Who will marry that his mouthed thing?" 'Oh, you shan't talk that way about her. It is just too lovely for anything. She is to marry George Blissful, don't you know; that simpering idiot I rejected at Capo May lasfe .July. And think of it, I'm to be firsf bridal maid. Ila, ba ha i" "Oh, how lovelv. Ila, ha, hal" A I.ar;o I'eudtiliuii. ' The longest pendulum on this continent swings -in tho technological school at Atlanta. It is a heavy pear shaped piece of iron attached to a brass wiro forty two feet long. The upper cud of the wire is pivoted in a steel plate bo as to cause the least possible friction. Thc swinging of the pendulum gradually de scribes a circle on the floor in a direction following tho eun, showing in this that "tho earth do move." Directly under the pendulum is a large circlo divided into twenty-four parts, of flftin degrees each, to correspond with tho hours of tho day. The north polo is placed directly under tho pendulum and tho meridians of longitutlo meet there. Tb.e parallels of latitude make smaller circles inside the first. Dr. J. S. Hopkins, president of the school, who made and put up the pendu ?Un, performs the experiment a follows: THe iron is brought 10 the edge of the circle in tiie meridian of Atlanta and let swing across. Apparently it goes straight across, but gradually it traverses the circle in the direction, taken by tho buu and opposite to the revolution of the earth. The pendulum not being dJvectJy over tho axis of tho earth, does not move in exactly the came timo as tho sun, but falls behind some hoars a day. It is eaid that if it were at tho north pole, where it would bo immediately oyer iue axis, it would traverse the circle in exactly twentyrfour hours, and at tho equator i! z.it traverse 1 t all. fcr cimviry would operate to prevent. Atlanta din.'1 Cot. Philadelphia Tim-. I The riu!:ir Idea That It Mas 1. lived from Amerigo Vespueei Disputed. The bulletin of the Paris Geographical so ciety, liieh has jiit 1k';-u h-siied, nt;iins tin account by M. Jules Marcon of (vriuiii fur ther researches which ho has made into the origin of the name "America." As far I ack as 17, he published a paper on the 1.11110 topic, which attracted much alUntioii lit. tho time, mid he h;is hinco devoted murii l;;bor to an investigation of early historical docu ments in which the New World is naii-M. Tho pe;ular notion that America was so called from the Christian name of Aiu. i igo Vespucci is, he says, w holly niifoim-h d, !.d he sums up his conclusions iu this way: 1. Amcriquo is thu Indian numo of the itwit.!i tains between Juigalpa and I.ilx riad in tho Province of Chontales. which separate b!:i. Nicaragua from the Mosquito coast. '' l.e word in the Maya language signui-s "the windy country," or "tho country where tl;; wind blows always " L. Tl i Chri.-tian n.-.-um of Vespucci was AllK-rico iu Italian and Sj-!:i-ish, Albcrieus ia Latin. This particular name is subject to uu euormous iiinubcr of variations, as the nomenclature and calen dars of Italian end Soani-h siiints i.f li.e periotlshow; but nowhere is there oy.y -aeli variation of Ainericus, Aniwi-igo, Amerigo, Alnicrigo, etc., ot;d none of these is eitlu r a diminutive of a variation in use in Italy, Spain or France, for AlUrico or Alh. i t, 4. Deforo I.VJ7, when Jean Hasin ut f:,;:i:it pit published the name, it ia 11.it to 1k found i:i any printed document, nor even in auv man uscript of recognized and incouU'- ttihly au thority. M. Mi'.'.roa cV.tims that his tlieory of a native origin for- tho name America has been accepted hi Kpaia, fc'pani-h America, a.id, with somo exctptions, in the United States; in Trance, Germany and Italy it has v .teitcd doubt and turprise, but in the In.;t uained he has the sui-.i ort f tho oi-at-nt. Turin geogra pher. M. Uui.'rtlVif. There is no doubt that Co!umii:s and Vef-puci-i went along th.j .Mos quito coatt at the feet of tho oielTU An r rique, mid that tho rain? was repo.i ted by the ollicers and tuen iheso fxpeiiiLions, and Schoner, tho geographer, declared lit I'.l.i that tho name was already populnr in Eu rope It is beyond question that one edition of Vespucci's letter on his third voyage has tho name Amerigo in tho place of the Christian name. Nineteen editions had AH-ericux, and subsequent Italian edition, had Aiberioo, The one with Amerigo on tho title page wus pub-iish;-d in hi!, but 11. llarcon suggests that this w;ts never intended to be a variation of Alber'eo, but rather an adaptation of Amer lique, a r.ar.io already known and apj lied to tuo New World, to Vespucci's namu todistiu guLsh him, as we now say "Chinese Gordo.' to distinguish th particular Gordon by i;ug cesting ti.u of his givatest feats. ThorouR-hly cleanse tho Mood, which is tho fountain of health, by usinx Ir. I'.eree'g (lold en Medical Discovery, mid koo1 diitestion, a fair skin, buoyant npirits, and bodily health ud viKtjr will bo established. Golden Medical Discovery curwj fill humori, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Scrofula, or biood-poiitoii. F. pecially has it proven Its flieucy in eunii halt-rheum or Tetter, Kezeina, I'iy8i-Iiui, Kever-sores, Hip joint Disease. Bcroruloua Sires and Swelling, Kuluived Cluuds, tiol tro or Thick Neck, and Kilting bores or Cleprs. Golden Medical Dlncovory cures ConRump tlon (whleh 18 Herofulu of tho IamirK), by its wonderful blood - purifying, in viKorafiiiK, nd nutritive propertied, if taken In tiuio. For Weiik I.uiiks, Hiiittinjf of Jilixxl, 8hort nM of Hreath, Cutnrrh in tho Head, Itron chitls. Severe Coughs, ANthmu, and kindred ffections, it la a sovereign remedy. It promptly cures the severest Coughs. For lorrdd Liver, liilloiiKiieHS, or "Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and indiKoetion, it ia fen uuequaled remedy, bold by drUfftfltfta. Price 1.00, or ate bottle for 15.00. JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MANUKACTLUKH OK AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DKALEK in this Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergo and 'Buds FUI.r. LINK OK TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in fclock. Nov. S:G, 188.r. Notice to!Contractors. Fealcd bids will b r.-c-i vd until noon on Samnlay, .1 ill v ;. lf.s:i, at the ollice of the l'.oa-d ot t'liiiiic works lor imiot; tne i al.nthe line of the oideieek, l.(d No- Id, I'-'oek SJ, about Lot .No. 1. lilock aixoii :i, Itloek :ct, alioet s, l;loek .!.;, ain iit 7 and , l!ock 1, about. r, Hlock .'il. about Lot No. Lot No. hols No. Lot No. 1-s or sinks ii follow k : ... IHi cub yds . . 115 cub V(1h . . . 1 1.011 euli yds . . 9 11 -11 li yds . .. .'0 cuh yds . . . L'.Vi rub vds 'I lie eai t h to be taken. !l"i:i su Ii itl'er-l or st r ets as I he I loan I d pub-h; w 01 ks may direer. ('iitraet to he let to the loui-rt bidder; work 1 o Ire completed w it iiin 1 v. cm y da s from tho letting of the eot I fact! The light to reject any or all hi'is ifst-i ved ; I'.ids wid be opened at 3 o'epek p. in. on said c:h d.iv f July. u 1st J. W. Johnson. Cli'r'111 lioni-d of Public Woiks. June 1."), IsS'J. G3X) 1 WiinrTra s CS 3 I 2 5 s -S ac 3 I y : ! c m O" 53 fl IBq i 5 5 s - ! c3 & C O i gSL fl ''iS ,rt US c fl ;fl fl cs . " g i P- flS' c Si) -r fl C3 C8 P H Am ; d d ' ' na a 1 zj 1 - t Sags ill ' .-irfssf - -U U moi fl U I 1- "3 S t 1 : i. o o . 2 o fi ? fi 2 rt -s 171 ? 00 gs 5 1 if g .2 ,a a : - ?rJ? fl g ' 5 .s-g si? Z rcp g ?. fl 3-;g--l 2 fl S2 H m : 5 2 - - "" RB rl 1f I t- ; , oi jT 3 vr 5 fl I i-i g-s 1 11 r 5-5 B M ? 5 rt a y c - t rj i- o 5 rp - s g 5 f 'J2 r 8 " " s r. -2 o .5 O 56 2 " a ? A - 0 3 o . -73 : O w ia Oh 5 j 2 .5 i 2 i. 30 -1 I o i 1 S 5 3 W p s s 5 I 3 1 iT I o 1 o t- 1 . Vf -r- 53 a s X 3 C r - Is - H. to c - "" x. C b S 5 "5 s c -3i 3.5s5 J S 3 J -if 2 - t & ; tc 2 - 0 " -I o 2- ca 3 CO '5 5 3 o v. 1 f 2 -"5 5 6- S S 3 ' o EH .2 -2 9 5 M 5 - 9 L tr j x tT s I -2 c c 7. i o 5 Cl. cX) - C 2 ! C a 3 a -a 3 g S J P s a a ' b ? -5 t-, - r- i 2 i 3 2 : s s o 5 S 5 I u a o c 0 Z. 1 r - - - - -J o o - a S i 2 X - " t 2 . CO 00 oca t-, a 3 it X "r 1; r- J: P E - ? x i i ' - " .0 r - ?. S c " 3 5 HI I 2 2 ." J 7 . cr 5 53 r -S S 3 s. v & is S a a CO. CT3