The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 15, 1889, Image 4

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Jr. Wither. IlintUt, I nlon Murk.
Tne Kvening Herald. Events every day transpire to prove
Cus county's excellent qualities on the
OFFICIAL PAPER OF THECITY.- st(jck -nd ne fMovlus
Dr. A. s.iutuiry hms tin- rrusUr rlht to uh from the South ()tiiuha daily I) racer's
Ktlrsctlon of TiM-th In UiUrltj. (Mire Uurknood Jolt Hainan the 1 ull weight of truth.
BIwk. "Wllrv Rlaek. of IMattsmniitli ono of
the first patrons of this market, was here
today with two lotuls of fine steers that
topped the murk et at $1.20. Mr. Mack
Catholic- St. Paul's it -1i . Oak. l.. tw-ou handles a laryc amount of stock, and
HIili anl Mxlli. l atlur (.'unify, ra-sior.
Krrvlrr : Mass at H hikI in A. M. Sunday
Kcliool itt 'i :'M, willi lit nediclioi..
Ciikistian. CoriHT Locust :ml l'"khth Sis.
Services inoriiiiiK aixl evfiiinc. Klilw J. K.
I;ecl. pastor. Muilay School 10 A, M.
Krisroi-Ai.. St. Luke's Church, corner Third
and ine. H. liurufHf. put-tor. Ser
vice! : 11 A. M. a", u 7 :.m v. m. uiuiay nciiooi
at -l -:m v. m.
(iKUMAN Mkthoiust. Comer Sixth Ht and
(iranite. I'.ev. lin t. 1'uHtor. Services : 11 A. M.
and 7 r. M. Sunday School 10 :3o A M.
PBKdliVTKhl AN. Service held in Ilockweod
Hal". Kcv. J.T. li-iiid. i;lI-. Service:
usual hour, iiiornieji ai.d evening. Sunday ,uri,m brightly on one of these warm
Fikkt Mbtiioihst. Sixth St.. betwen Main evenings he will have hugs of every
serv :il a! m.T MrunduV Koi description si.e and habit about him in
2:-joi-..m. I'ruyiriuteti-K Wednesday even- an abundance that will keep him busy
Gkkman Pkhsuvtkkian. Corner Main and laying them away ns they light upon the
Ninth. Kev. Wltte. pasti-r. Serv lees : usual ... . ,... ..i.w.i .. i..., .l l.
hours. Sunday School !::) a. m. m.hb hc ii,b i-uwi i..v. ......
generally sends in top loads. The cat
tle were fed by L. C. Todd, of Nehawka,
Cass County."
If there is any young school boy in
town that desires to establish a fine col
lection of Nebraska insects he would
have a hard time to go out in the woods
and catch them but if lie will sit out in
the shed with the doors open and a light
0 n n o
Ann nil
Ladies Pure Lisle Thread Vests, high neck and short sleeves, regular
&1 ili ninl Iff fodli'fwl frk - I
Ladies Jersey Ribbed Lisle Vests in lavender and flesh colors, reduced
iVont 1.0 to 50c.
Ladies Jersey Ribbed Vests, at 25 cents each, well worth 35 cents.
Ladies Jersey Ribbed Vests, at 15 cents each, well worth 25 cents.
Swkkimsii ( n;kk;.tio.n Ai. Granite, be
tween Fitth and sixth.
Coi.oiif.I) Mt. Olive. Oak. betv en
Tenth and Klcvelitli. JCev. A. I'-oi-ucll. pas
tor. Services II a. in. and 7 :'M i. in. l'raye.'
meetiuir Wednesday evening.
Yimimi Mk.n'.h CiimvriAN AssuriATiov
Uoouisin W arei man IdiM-k, Musn street. (Jos
lcl meeting, for men only, every Sunday Hi
IcrniHiii at 4 o'clock. Kooiun open week dajs
from s:;io a. in . lo a : m p.m.
themselves down over them
The IIekami always likes to bear
the right side of everything and also
likes to give all the news. Last night
some observations were taken on the line
of insects that fly at night. Many speci
mens were observed and some peculiar
features and insects noted, but to give an
outline of strange ant:cs and pel formance
seen would take a volume, suffice it to
Mrs. J. I. Unruh and family left this
mornin" on a week's visit in Omaha and say, however, that the mosquito, that
t small insect of the genus culex having
, , u sharp pointed proboscis, by means of
- A party of young people gathered . . 1 1 ' J
. . , . , ,.i o i which it punctures the skm and sucks
at the home of George and Clara rainier . 1,11
, " , - , 1 the blood of the weak and helpless or
I unprotected was at hand with a song of
ia,ul"- - . . a?a I harp upon its wings. Within its
A "i.reuKiasi picnic was g.v,.. u. bnt R neyer t.fltlsfietl aml elastic
morning by a number of young ladies of sto,nuth which it ncver misses an opi,or.
t'ns city, who spent the morning out in tuuity to C11 wilhout the least bit of in
tiesubutbs. troductory ccrmony other then its pro-
A local Y. M. C. A. conference at boicis.
Weeping ater tonigni ami i(munu The ladies of the second ward rc-
w'.U be attended by cveal rcpresenta- clecuica jts rc,,utatiou this morning in an
lives 01 me 1. m. k . a. 01 m-s i.ij. applaudable manner. Mr. Philip Batch-
the fruit market is well scoeked eiorf familiarly known as ''Philip Batch,"
now with all the early fruit ; or the sum- a German farmer who lives about three
mcr, and the quality is generally excel- mC3 south of town, was hauling ma
l.nt. Nebraska is the milk and honey nure At the corner of Ninth and Wal-
distrlct of America. I nut streets his wagon, which was heavily
Next Monday and Tuesday Platts- I loaded, sunk into a rut and his team
ninnth will b treated to "reat irames of I was unable to proceed. ''Batch" used
ball between Piatts.nouth and Norfolk. I his whip freely but the horses were una
ble to move the load, and after working
himself up into an exasperated state o
mind, language of a profane nature was
poured out at the team with a stream of
I. . - mi l T 1 r 1 1 ....
vevv bcrUtir" i.lace for vounir men to lasiitngs. ineiouuauu ioui inuyu..
J " 1 '" . l . -i .1 1 1 r..i 1.
siend an hour on the Sabbath day. ecuoeci inrougooui uiai -uu-iui ug..-
borhood and horrified the modest house-
Games called Monday at 4 p. in. and
Tuesday at 3 p. m.
The men's gospel meeting at the Y.
M. C. A. hall at 4 p. in. tomorrow
is a
hedttctioh ixt COESET COVERS.
Ladies' High Keck Corset Covers, trimmed in embroidery with nar
row tucks down the front, reduced from 35c to .25c.
Ladies' High Neck Corset Covers, handsomely trimmed with em
broidery and narrow tucks, reduced irom 5Uc to 40c.
Ladies' Corset Covers, V shaped, front and back richly trimmed with
embroidery, reduced irom Ouc to oOc.
Ladies' Low Neck Corset Covers, trimmed with embroidery and her
ring bone braid, very pretty, reduced from uc to GOc.
Ladies' Square Neck Corset Covers, trimmed with embroidery, re
duced from 1.00 to SOc.
Our entire line ot Ladies' Chemisetts Collars in plain and embroi-
dered, reduced to 2oc, worth as high as 1.00.
Dlack Spanish Guipure Flouncings, 40 inches wide, at $1.25 per yard
Black Spanisli Guipure Flouncings, 45 inches wide, at 1.75 per yard
Rlack Chantilly Lace Flouncings, reduced from 3.50 to $2.50 a yard
48-inch Rlack Drapery Nett at S1.G5, worth fully 2.00 per yard
Should not fail to look over our stock of Children's Muslin Underwear
and Dresses, which we aro closing out at a less price than they
can be manufactured for.
t . -j Comprises our stock of Children's Muslin T nr 1
1 Underwear which sold as high as 50c a Aj0t L
at garment. These goods are made up of a q
good quality muslin and trimmed with
25C each, embroidery. 25C caCU.
. n Comprises our stock of Children's Muslin Lot
LMh Ik underwear, which sold as high as 70
g cents a garment. These goods are ele- at
gantly trimmed and made up of the best ,
35c each, of muslin. 35c each,
X fjL. t Comprises our stock of Children's Muslin p . q
lj01 0 Underwear, which sold as high as $1.00 a nUL
Ofc garment. These goods are made up ot
the very best of Muslin and handsomely ,
5UC Each, trimmed with embroidery. O0C Lach-
We are still showing a very complete line of Children's and
Misses "White Dresses, prices range from 50c to $3.00, which we guar
antee will be a less price than the material can be purchased tor. Sizes
from 1 to 12 years of age. These goods are made up in the Nain
sook and Swiss, and elegantly trimmed in embroidery.
A Genuine Crayon Portrait given away. We will give free to. all persons buying goods to the
amount of $2o or more, an order for one of our Genuine Portraits of yourself or any person you
may choose. Sample of worh can be seen at our store- We have also made arrangements with
a large frame manufacturer to mount and frame these portraits for our patrons in the best stale
at one-fourth the usual cost of such frames. You are not, however, obliged to purchase a frame
at all, or you can purchaseit at some other store- Remember that you need not purchase $25
worth of goods at any one time, but at different times, aggregating that amount.
iae lEast IFIrst Matioiaal ED an I
Special attention is given to smg ng.
AU men are invited and welcome to
In district court today the cas::s of
Smith vs. Dodge, and Storts &lur vs. P.
Gering were heaicl. In the foimer case
Beeson, Polk Bros. & Boot r- pn seated
plaintiff and S. F. Thomas, defendent.
In the latter case Byron Clink represent
ed plaintiff and M. d. fendant.
After hca-ing these cases coutt adjourned
over till June 28.
If anybody wants proof of Cass
county's ability to produce rich crops a
day's trip in any direction or over any
precinct in the county will be pr of of in
disputable character. The crops of all
kinds are now advancing rapidly, r.nd
those farmers who haye tame hay to look
to will find the harvest a heavy one.
There were laid upon our tablo today
some timothy heads plucked from Walter
Jeukin's fann, near Eight Mdj Groye,
by E. L- llanlin, full ten inches in length,
the heads were full and of bct appear
ance. It may sound a little queer but it is
a fact, that last evening as the scribe sat
at the desk loading the "hook" to uu-et
the somewhat emba'vasing call ofcopy"
on the morrow which was sure to come
a large duda bug of the species
fi ' yaronnd tin lamp came in at the door,
and in the light of the gas lamp seated
himself upon the inkstand rnd taking a
p.'n from the rack proceeded to comb
h: wlrskcrs. It was evidently j,ong to
the cricket ball and ex pect?d to dance
vlth the Lily bug, for nothing else
CDuld have induced such an affectionate of itself. This also demonst
rates the fact that Nebraska keeps to the
f ;ont and is not slow to catch on to the
faiVojs of Pans.
Eight Mile Grove lcatls the county
tins week on runaways, two quite seri
ous ones being reported fioni the same
locality. On Wednesday evening Sam
uel Fit.ell, who rents Samuel Biehard-
son s farm, starte.1 to return home from
cultivating in the field. He had two
teams of horses and one of mules, the
mule team being ahead. One of the
horses became frightened and with i's
mate ran wildly ahead on the mules.
throwing themselves and one of the
mul"". In the fall one of the horses
broke a leg, making an unfortunate ac
cident for it- owner, Mr. Iltzell. About
the next day Mr. J. P. Ruby hitched a
young colt to a cait and started out to
break the colt. In parsing Mr. Rich
ardson's friu a calf frightened the colt
and getting away from Mr. Ruby ran
thiough a wire fence and acrrsg a corn
eld. The fence cut the animal very
w'.vcs. After looking and listening some
time they salied forth in a body and cap
tured the man, team and all. One lady
took the whip, another the reins and -he
lest of them took "Batch." He protest
ed vigorously at their interference, but
respected them enough to cool down his
temper and words, and yielding to their
firm command climbed upon the wagon
and threw off a part of the load. In
baating the horses "Batch" broke several
pieces of timber upon them. Tiie ladies
were present in sufficient nnmbei to have
given him a sound thrashing, but ac
complished the work of a humane soci
ety and police officer in a ladylike manner.
Horse Thief Captured
Tiie chase after horse thieves in this
country yesterday was quite exciting.
The one from Hamburg, la., was caught
last evening in Louisville in the livery
stable where he had just given orders to
have his horse fed quickly as he wished
to go on. Marshal Dunn and Ed Fitz
serald were after him. He went through
here in the morning and his captors start
ed after him in the afternoon. When ar
rested in the livery barn he was com
pletely surprised as he had no idea any
one was following him, or had any trace
of him. He was armed with a large nayy
revolver and belt, with "E. R. S." rude
ly engraved on the handle. llts name
is E. R. Smith. Dunn and Fitzgerald
had him mount again and retrace his
steps to this city where he was jailed
bhentr Davis of r remont Co. came over
yesterday, but learning Smith was being
traced up by Dunn and Fitzgerald, r -maincd
here till they returned, and took
him on to Iowa today. The saddle on
the stolen horse was the property of Wm.
Jirarder, whom Smith was working for.
The Missouri Valley thief has not, as
vet learned, been captured. W. D. Jones
and Chis. Ru the ford went clear to Neb
raska City in search of him but did not
catch him. Officers from Missouri Val
ley are also in pursuit of him and think
they will catch him in tht acity.
Special School Rules for Next
The term of examinations commence
Monday, the 17th inst All pupils
should be present, whether they have
been attending school or not. pupil will be
admitted to his for her) room after 9 a.
m. or 1 :-".0 p. m.
Full information upon the subject
will be found in the new manual, under
the head of "Exa.uinatious.'"
A Largo Attendance and Its Object
The concert and ice cream supper at
the South Park tabernacle last night was
attended by over three hundred people
and the receipts of the evening amounted
to nearly $GC. During all the day men
were busy collecting pure cream and
freezing it for the evening. Mr. Turner
made delicious lemonade and the ladies J
supplied an abundance of cake. There
was an admission fee of 10 cents for
tl'e concert which opened the entertain
ment. The proceeds will buy song
books for church and Sunday school
1. Greeting glee.
2. Duet-"Under the Beautiful Stars."
3. Duet and chorus "Drifting with
the tide."
4. Solo "Happy Childhood."
5. "We all have a very bad cold."
G. Solo "My First Music Lesson."
7. A glee "Come Where the Lillies
S. Solo "Rocked in the Cradle of
the Deep."
Recitation "The Last Hymn."
Dr. Parsell, at the Riddle House, 4 to
0 p. m. every Friday. Jl4 d & w lm
Fine Job Work a specialty at The
Herald office.
Koumys fresh every week at Warrick's.
d 6t
They Cross Bats at the Ball Park
With Hard Luck for the Clerks.
Yesterday afternoon, the Browns met
the town clerk nine at the Ball Park to
have a game, but there was also another
motive that prompted to call the game.
The boys in the spirit of true American
friendship and fellow sympathy caught
the Johnstown fever and desired to raise
money for a contribution to the sufferers
in the Conemaugh Valley, and to . start
this contribution was the use to which
the gate money was put. The boys had a
boys' game; the gate receipts were not
large but if money will be subscribed to
make it $50 it will be forwarded. The
following is the kind of a game the boys
played :
Acute and chronic rheumatism can be
effectually and permanently cured by
the use of Ilibbard's Rheumatic Syrup
and Plaster. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co
Apollinaiis and Friedrichshall mineral
water at Warrick's drug store. d-Ct
In its treatment of rheumatism and all
rheumatic troubles Ilibbard's Rheumatic
Syrup stands first and foremost above all
others. Read their medical pamphlet,
and learn of the great medicinal value
of the remedies which enter into its com
position Sold by. F. G. Ericke & Co.
We arc making a big cut on albums
and books. We want to close ouc our
entire stock in the next ten days.
d-Ot Will, J. Warrick.
The best mixed paints in the market
also lead, oil, varnistes, etc., at War
jck'. d-6t
All invalids not benefited by present
treatment, are in vited to call at parlors
of the Riddle House Fridays. Physicians
will be welcome. J14 d & w lm.
House and lot on Ritchie place for sale
on easy payments; enquire at Jciinson
Bros. Hardware store. tf
Tbe w
tllier woods.
How, only; 823.00 at
Clerks b.h. p.o. e. 123456789k t.
J. Beeson c 2 1 0 0 0
R Worlp 6 0 10 12
F liates lb ... 1 3 1 0 0 0
O McGlinn 2b. 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Juckv.ei!tr3b. 1111 0 0 1
Week bach ss. 1 4 0 0 0 0 0
McElwain If.. 2 0 0 0 0 0
C Leonard cf. 1 1 1 o o
J Smith rt.... l c 2 0 o 0 o
Inning total 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 3
Browns b.h. p.o. e. 12345678 1. 1.
J Scott C 4 4 1 0 10 1 1 4
H Johnson p. 1 8111021 5
lioreenib... 5 3 0 0 0 1-0 o l
J Thrasher 2b 3 2 2 13
T Farmele 3b. 3 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 3
Ft Holmes ps.. 0 0 0 1 1
E Morley If.. .4 1 0 11101 4
O .lohDton cf. 10 10 0 2
Miller ri 1 1 0 1 10 2
Innings total 2 01 51101 5 25
Total i Browns 2i
TotaU (Clsrks 3
Pr. Parsell, of Omaha, will visit Platts
mouth every Friday. Rooms at the Rid
die Hotel, office hours from 4 p. m. to 6
p. ni. Chronic cases and diseases of
women a specialty. J14 d & w lm
Wall Paper at special prices for next
10 days at Will J. Warrick's. d 6t
Dr. Parsell, of Omaha, will visit Platts
mouth every Friday. Rooms at the Rid
dle hotel, office hours from 4 p. m. to 6
p. m. Chronic cases and diseases of
women a specialty, J14 d & w lm
Dr. C A. Marshall.
AHi (DosL
Only 60 Days More.
Time is flying and our goods are selliug. Don't
wait until we are out to Pueblo for you will
never get such prices as we are offerimj.
Ladies Glove "Web 25 cent Slippe;-, will eell for S
-iv iu. iuc, iu oiijjofcris, wi i IjCU iur
" Low Crescent, 1 25 Slipper, will sell for 1
" Oxford Tie, 1 75 Low Shoe, " " 1
Glaze Dongola, flexible, 2 25 Shoes, will sell lor 1
Fine Glazed Dono-ola, flexible, 3 00 Shoe, will sell for 2
hand turned 3 00 Shoe, will sell for 2 40
u u 4 00 44 3 00
" " 3 75
We also have a great many bargains in Mens, Boys, Misses and
Childrens, that we have not space to mention.
It will be to your interest to call and get prices before buying
W. A. BECK & D.
a -u
French " " " 4 50
Glove Grain, S. S., 1 50 Shoe, will sell for
Resident Sentiat.
Preservation of the Natural Teeth a
Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain
less Filling or Extraction of Tekth.
Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver,
Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted
as soon as teeth are extracted when de
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Omadi Gifts Given. Away at
3Da,37-lig:li-t Store.
Every purchaser of One Dollar's Worth of Goods will receive a ticket, and
any perron presenting the number of tickets as below will receive the gift as set
opposite the number of tickets:
8 Tickets giTes you a silver plated Sugar Shell, worth $ 100
10 Tickets gives you a Butter Knife, worth 1 25
12 Ticket gives you a nw style Lace pin, worth ....."."..!.... l so
25 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Teaspoons, worth ..... 3 00
50 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Knives, worth 3 75
80 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Forks, worth 3 75
50 Tickets giyes you a set of Roger's Tablespoons, worth . . . . . . 0 00
100 Tickets gives you an elegant walnut 8-day clock, worth ." 12 00
Strot-Cl&so Coodo at Bottom Friooo.