THE DAILY HERALD : PLATTSMOITTH, NEBrtABKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1889. i i ! V ' a Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. Ur. A. SnHxl.urjr ha Hi txrluolvA rlirlit to unr lr. Strlnau'K l.ural A nirol lirl ir for l!ir I'nlnli'K t:trartion of IVrth In till rlty. Offlre lCorknood Itlurk. Ir. Wither. IlenlUt, I'nlon lliiirk. CASS COUNTY SCHOOLS. How they ore Affected by the New School Laws Now in Force. CITY CORDIALS. "Will the Staii City celebrate The iron castings to the Martin Mock were placed today and the nerond Ktoiy begun. According to the Weeding Water ICuyh; electricity may hooii he the com mon lighting power of that place. The poles for the eb-etric motor v. ires have been .strung along streets of the lineand are being dressed for erection. County Judge Russell today per formed tlnr wedding teniiony for Mr Albert Lee Hammond and Miss Eva Ann Haty. The ipjrstiou is frupu'ntly asked "What will be done in Plattsmouth on July Fourth?' As yet not a committee tm organization has taken the matter up. Yesterday at the opera house in Lincoln occurred the graduating exer ies of the Nebraska stat; University. There was a class of twenty-four graduate.-. County commissioners, as the board of couali.ation, arc having considerable justifications to make, but htill they re port the assessor's books, as a whole better condition this year than last. The concert and ice cream and strawberry supper at the South Park tabernacle tomorrow evening has elegant weather and beautiful moonlight to back it and a large attendance is expected. The Plattsinouth base ball team, as iiuMUhed Tuesdav. and a rootl delega tion of PUttsmouth people, were Coun cil Bluffs passengers this morning, to take in the Iowa firemen's tournament and see the base ball game. The tally sheet of the ball game at ! Coimc'l Muffs today between Pla'ts mouth and Odcll Ilro?., giv.s the game to Odell Pros, with a continual eg" (0) for our boys, while the other side run in 0 talleys. Mrs J. P. Young, Mrs. II. M. Hush nell miuI the twins, have returned from a two weeks' visit with their parents and friends at Queen City, Mo. Mrs. Iiush nell will visit in Plattsinouth for a few days before returning to her home in Lincoln, Neb. --Last night from nine until midnight Main street was in possession of men and boys celebrating the election. Fire works were displayed, and a foraging committee raised a great amount of dry gwods boxes and barrels, which furnished material for bonfires. O. Tefft came in from Avoca today with the Plattsinouth gun club badge living in grand relief and told the boys they couldn't win it back. A compro mise was secured and Plattsmouth's marksmen went out to the fair grounds to prove their ability. In district court today the cise of John M. Carter vs. U. A. Gibson was heard before Judge Chapman. In this uit Carter seeks to recover land from the defendant which he claims he trans- fered to him in trust, for certain purposes. The case is piite an intt-re ting on j. The task of cleaning the dirt from the Main street pavement will be ae -co-nplished this week with the aid of nature's greatest power water. It is necessary to soak the dirt before it can be removed, as it is packed very hard. Two blocks were thoroughly so ked la.-t night by the fire boys. Weeping Water Eagle: The little city of Wabash rose up in arms last Sat urday, against the crew who favored the bonds. Bethel the compositor on the News would not vote because he did not want to lose his supper, reports say that lie lost his job if he did not lose his cup per. Yesterday the state board of eqaul- lzntion met at Lincoln. At the first ses sion of the board some time ago the rail roads appeared and made a st roug effort to have .the assessment reduced. The board took the matter under advisement and yesterday raised the assessment $-2 per mile makiug a total increase of. near ly $!,000,00 in the state. - A letter received from J. V. Weck- liach'this week, who is on a visit to his old home m Germany, has good news for his friends in Plattsinouth. The let ter was written from Manhiin, where he is visiting with his daughter, Anna, and Mrs. Henry Weckbach. Mr. Weckbach states that he is rapidly regaining his health, and the trip is of great benefit to him. Sirs. Jas. Pine, wife of Yardiuaster Pine, w& last evening taken very ill suddenly. During the afternoon she had s. high fever but at night that was Ld lowcd by a fainting which greatly fright ened those of the family at home. Mr. liDe who had gon-j to Pacific Junction m-ss summoned home and Dr. Cook was called- Today she was reported much better. Mrliool Text IIooUh Adopted a Stand. aril lit the County. At last winter's session of the state legislature, school laws regulating district schools were considerabl y changed. The annual meeting of the school directors must be held on the last Monday in June. At this meeting the taxes that are levied must be certified to by the county clerk on or before the first Monday in July.and to ayeid trouble school otlieers 'should be prompt in making this report; und before the meeting adjourns the minutes must be read and approved. The dirrector must make a report of the annual meet- in" to the county suprintendent within ten days after it is held. County Suprin tendent Spink will visit the school dis tricts and receive the director's report on the following days: At. Water. June :.". lssil- at I n Klmwood, June 27, issti; at Greenwood, Juno IKS'); at Plattsinouth June 2t At a meeting field last year at Louis- villi. f dele. rates aimointed for the ' " r purpose of ascertaining what books hat! best be adopted to secure a uniformity throughout the county, the following books were selected: Readers McGuffey's Revised. Spell eis McGuffey's Revised word list; Mc G alley's Revised speller. Algcbn.- Llementary algebra; Hay's higher alge bra. Geography Eclectic Elementary geography; Eclectic complete geogra phy. Grammars Harvey's revised; Harvey's Elementary; Ilaryey's Euglish. Eclectic copy books. Arithmetic Hay's new primary; Hay's new intellectu al; Hay's new practical. Hay's new high er. Physiology Eclectic guide to health; The House I Live In. i 3AR1A rui niywuvjuvj U D Ladies Pure Lisle Thread Vests, high neck and short sleeves, regular 1 trt n i Ladies Jerey Ribbed Lisle Vests in lavender and flesh colors, reduced from 1.00 to 50o.. Ladies Jersey Ribbed Vests, at 25 cents each, well worth 35 cents. Lrulics Jersey Ribbed Vests, at 15 cents each, well worth 25 cents. PwEDTJCTIOIT IXT CORSET COVERS. Ladies' High Neck Corset Covers, trimmed in embroidery with nar row tucks down the front, reduced from 35c to 25c. Ladies' High Neck Corset Covers, handsomely trimmed with em broidery and narrow tucks, reduced from 50c to 40c. Ladies' Corset Covers, V pimped, front and back richly trimmed with embroidery, reduced from Ctic to 50c. Ladies' Low Neck Corset Covers, trimmed with embroidery and her riii bone braid, very pretty, reduced from 75c to 00c. Ladies' Square Neck Corset Covers, trimmed with embroidery, re duced from 31-00 to S0c. J!l 2DECIDE3D BAKCAI1T. plain Should not fail to look over our stock of Children's Muslin Underwear and Dresses, which we are closing out at a less price than they can be manufactured for. and embroi- t . - Comprises our stock of Children's Muslin T nt 1 1 Underwear which sold as high as 50c a AjUb Ofc garment. These goods arc made up of a jt good nualitv .muslin and trimmed with 25c each, embroidery. 25c cacti. I . Comprises our stock of Children's. Muslin JjQ, 2 LOT A underwear, which sold as high as 70 g cents a garment These goods aae ele- Q,t gantly trimmed and made up of the best , 35c each, oVmusiin. 35c each. T f Q Comprises our stock of Children's Muslin -n q h01 d Underwar, which sold as high as 1.00 a Qfc garment. These goods are made up of q - the very best of Muslin and handsomely , 50C Each, trimmed with embroidery. OUC LaCll' At the firemen's meeting Tuesday night no business of importance was transacted. Plattsinouth companies will not be represented at any of the tourna ments this year. PERSONALS. W. S. Young and wife left this morn ing for Superior this statu. Mrs. John Cummins, Mrs. Drew and IJyron Drew were visitors in Omaha to- daj Hev. J. T. lUird left for Omaha on the flyer this morning, expecting to re turn to Iiellevue. Mrs. Adams, who has been visiting her brother. Perry Walker, returned to her home st Hurchard this state today. The delegation to Council Bluffs" this morning to attCLd the firemen's tourna ment and especially witness the ball same between our team and the Odell Eros., was as follows: T. W. Riddle and wife, F. Herrmann, J. A. Davies, Chas. Parmele, Tom Parmcle, Ed. Fitz gerald, E.J. Streight, Win. Streight, II Elson, II. X. Dovey, "W. II. Baker, Philip Kraus. C. II. Smith, Sam Waugh, June Black, Chas. Sherman, Henry Tartsch, James Patterson, Bert Pollcck, Chas. Millet, Tom Patterson, Sam Patterson. John Schulhof. Harry Green, Miss Lida Patterson. A Mighty Smart Dog. Lincoln Journal: Yesterday Miss Emily Binns of 421) north Thirteenth street went down town shoniiiir. While on the street she dropped her pocket book, con taininir 18 in cash, and failing to find it gave it up as so much money gone. But that pocket book had a different destiny, for Le Grand Boynton of 1813 S street owns a dog that ought tw be made cashier of some bank whose cashier has gone over into the dominion of the Kanucks for his health. Boynton's dog found the pocket book in question, and carried it home and delivered it to one of the children, who in turn handed it over to Mrs. Boynton. On examination she found Miss Binns' name written on the cover, within, and passed the purse over to its proper owner, to her great satisfaction. This is no imaginary tale done by a high-handed affidavit editor, but a true and genuine story of an honest dog. Tliis dog was never known to investi gate anybody nor yell stop thief, but just saves the money when he gets a chance. Our entire line of Ladies' Chemisetts Collars in dered, reduced to 2oc, worth as high as fcl.00. Black Spanish Guipure Flouncings, 40 inches wide, at $1.25 per yard. P.lack Spanish Guipure Flouncings, 45 inches wide, at 1.75 per yard. Black Chantilly Lace Flouncings, reduced from $3.50 to 2.50 a yard. 48-inch Black Drapery Nett at 81. G5, worth fully 2.00 per yard. We are still showing a very complete line of Children's and Misses "White Dresses, prices range from 50c to $3.00, which we guar antee will be a less price than the material can be purchased for. Sizes from 1 to 12 years of age. These goods are made up in the Nain sook and Swiss, and elegantly trimmed in embroidery. 2F'3E&TE3 IE5. IF'IKLIESIES. UrulKIESIES. IF'IHLIESIESS A Genuine Cv in i on Portrait given away. We will give free to all persons buying goods to the amount of &2o or more, an order for one of our Genuine Portraits of yourself or any person yaw may choose. Sample of work can be seen at our store. We have also made arrangements with a large frame manufacturer to mount ana frame tliese portraits jor our patrons zn me uesu iilv at one-fourth the usual cost of such frames. You are not, however, obliged to purchase a frame at all, or you can purchase it at some other store- Remember, that you need not purchase $25 wortn oj Looas at any one time, out at aijjerenv limes, aire!uiuLi ulu,v lutiuuuv F1EB. HElftMAM iic door East IFirst JTatioraal ESniik. A DISASTROUS COLLAPES. ACayoinat Wllkesbare. Pa , Which Does Much Damage and Threat ens the Heart of the City. YVii.kesbarkk, Pa., June 13. A. dis astrous cave-in sook place In re late this afternoon. The Ilollcubreck & lkllman vein mines are situated under a thickly settled portion of the city. Th y are a thousand feet deep and for years past no coal has been supposed to be mined in that portion of it underlying the city for the earth would sink. At 4 o'clock the crash came and one of the principal thoroughfares of the city is filled with crevices, from which gas escaped in hugh volumes. The owners of the houses aro greatly alarmed. The men in the mines had all they could do to escape with their lives. Some of the mules were caught in the workings and killed. Eight hundred men and boys are thrown out of work. The mine owners' loss will be over $100,000. The loss to property owners on the surface will be double this amount. The best fly paper in town, at icks. 7-6 w2 War- I will pay the highest cash price for good rice pop corn. J.P. Antii.l. Fine Job Work a specialty at The Herald office. BOOTS Isnoranca Is Bliss. Weeping Water Eagle: Last Friday. June 7th, the first installment of the 100,000 B. & M. bonds became due and was paid off. The debt is now reduced to $S0,000. The interest will decrease ia the same proportion. Now that the court house bond business has been de feated, the people will expect a brief re spite from the burdensome taxes of the past. Ready for Business. The Plattsmouth canning company to day had the furnace fired up and the vats, boilers, engines ai-d all machinery were given a good inspection. The work, it is thought, will open Monday, as it is expected a sufficient amount of peas will be at hand to commence with. Off fpr Grand Island This morning a delegation of nearly thirty men, including the Ii. & M. baud, marched down to the depot and boarded No . 1 passenger train . They will rep resent the Plattsinouth Liederkranz at the Nebraska Stated Stengerfest, which assembles at Grand Island to night for a session of four days. The active and passive departments of that society elected Geo. Weidmaun and Chris. Koenkhe as their delegates with voting power to help select the place for the next sa?agerfest and chooa the delega tions to take part. List ot Letters Remaining unclaimed, in the Post office at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, June 12, 1889 for the week ending June 1, 1SS9: Rachlor. Josie Miss filunt, Win Hoes. Scban 11-irton, J H Ciainrlue. KuuU Clutter. Wn Cullev. Win Cainkaiil, W II Carroll. Mrs Anna Cla'k. C Carroll, Mis Cora Collins. Hillle Christeusen, Christian Oonley, Mrs Emma Enirel.Kalph Evan. Henry Fitzgerald. II A raf. Fliil H (2) Gresulee, George Gardner, Fred Gillrran. .lack Hawley, G L Honn. G W Hawley. Miss Mattic (2) Heuileiyren. A F Hall. William llansrliaitt. Mm W M Heasly. J H Jackson, Mrs Nancy J Johnson. Mm Ellie Johnson. Gut KruKel. Julie I,eon:ia;l. William McDonald. I Martin. Miss OIa E Macuinber. Malou 31 Nichols. Mn A A Osborn, K H Parker. J Wiufleld Snider. Mr Nettle Simpson. V i V lie, Mrs Alice Kellv. Join Cleveland I ai;tenclilager, Katie Marshall U iforGO Maytield. 1 D Madison. N K Moore t'has K Movacek. Miss M K rainier. Andrew Suiin&ider. Mis Saloiije Skinner. Mrs Loi It Taylor. Mis Floy Walker, u w Williams, I 'ha. Persons calling for auy of. the above letters will please say "advertised." J. N. Wise p. in. Save money and trade with Will J. Warrick, dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, books and wall paper. 7-0 w2 Now is the time to buy wall paper. We are making special prices and have a large stock to select from. 7-6 w2 Will J. Wakiuck. Special Sale of fine French Flowers at Mns. John son's. Regular prices $1.75 to $2.50, now $1.00 to $1.25. Also special sale in Infants' Lace Bonnets. Call and secure a bargain. tf Warrick's is the best place to haye pre scriptions and family recipes filled; pri ces the lowest; drugs the very purest. 7-6 w2 100,000 People Perish. More than 100,000 persons annually die in this country from Cosumption. which is but the child of catarrh. $500 reward is offered by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. The Remedy is sold by druggists; 50 cents. The lareest stock of wall paper and paints; the most complete stock of inedi cines; the purest drugs and lowest prices always, at 7-6 w2 Will J. Warrick's. TABERNACLE FESTIVAL FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 14, 1SS9. at the new Tabernacle in South Park, MR TURNER, the King of Lemonades and Ice Cream will be in charge of that department EVERYBODY COME. EXCELLENT MUSIC and a good Entertainment assured. AH At Only 60 (Dos to Days More. Time is flying and our goods are selling. Don't wait until we are out to Pueblo for you will never get such prices as we are offeriny. 8 a u it u u ii (( 11 u Ladies Glove "Web 25 cent Slipper, will sell for Kid loe, 75 ct bhppers, will 6ell lor " Low Crescent, 1 25 Slipper, will sell for " Oxford Tie, 1 75 Low Shoe, " " Glaze Dongola, flexible, 2 25 Shoes, will sell for Fine Glazed Dongola, flexible, 3 00 Shoe, will fell fur " " hand turned 3 U0 bhoe, will sell lor 2 40 4 f (i " a no 50 00 50 85 2 40 a u Dr. C- A. Marshall. XlQsidont X) outlet. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Anesthetics given for Pain less FlLLISO OR EXTBACTtON OF TEETH. Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZaCB VLU'li Ub'iCK PCATf SMOOTH. NIB " French " " " 4 50 " " " 3 75 Glove Grain, S. S., 1 50 Shoe, will sell for 90 We also have a great man' bargains in Mens, Boys, Misses and Childrene, that we have not space to mention. It will be to jour interest to call and get prices before buying elsewhere. Grand! Gifts Given Away at J. V. WECKBACH & SON S 3Da,37-ligkLt Store, LIST OIF1 THE PRIZES. Every purchaser of One Dollar's Worth of Goods will receive a ticket, and any person presenting the number of tickets as below will receive the gift as set opposite the number of tickets: 8 Tickets gives you a silver plated Sugar Shell, worth $ 1 0 Tipkets gives you a But'er .Knife, worth ". ". ". . . . ".". ". . '. ". 12 Tickets gives joa a new ttyle Lace pin, worth ......... , . 25 Tickets gives yoa a set of Roger's Teaspoons, worth . . 50 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Knives, worth .... '. '. V. '. W . . 30 Tickets gives yau a set of Roger's Forks, worth . 50 Tickets giyes you a set of Roger's Tablespoons, worth ............ 100 Tickets gives you an eiegant walnut 8-day clock, worth 12 00 ZTirot-Glocro Goods at Bottom Frioos. 00 25 5J 00 75 75- 00 fc