The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 13, 1889, Image 1

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IT I flfiiT 1 111!
rj 12' a x IN ?4
si:coxi vi:au
numiskk xjjjo
157 J J
Absolutely Pure.
Tlrs powder never varies. A m::rvirl of pur
t y. str'nuth ami whole somcnc s-;. Jlnri" cono
liiicril tn hi tin- ordinary kind-, ami cannot be
si. !il i.i -iiM..tii li.n with tin mill' II ii. I.- r low
!!"!. sli i t v.cmiit ahil.i or pho-iha't powder.
Ni.'if ui.hi in cm. I.'ipvai, i:.Kli i'nwiiKU
Co . lu-J W.i.11 St. X. Y.
(; l.O'J"u No Hi. I. . . l -Meets
A-U'iy I'iI. '.I ly rv-Milii of eix'Ii week. All
t-:viei.t brothers are re-ieetf ally invited to
JJI.A i I'.M'HT!: KNCA "I !." 1 1 N I' Xu.::. I.O.
. lii"ot:i evi'.y alternate I'lipiy ill
l:-!t m:i!:t!i i'l 111' M. funic Visit tut;
K.-othcis alt- i ivilcd to alUud.
LI.ATl:.ii;T!l I.OlMiK Nt.i;. A. K..'i A.M.
AI.-cM en t!i- r-r-i ai..t tliir.l Mondavi f
e.i'-h ir.oulii al ili.-ir li:ili. All transient broth
els art cordially in i : et to mrri willi in.
J. !. I.l. in: . V. M.
W.M .Ma v.-. Si fro I :'.ry .
i ss caMi x-,s:. Moi:;i:x woodmhn
of Atci i j i M ! stvomi and fcurl Ii Mo:i
.1 .y -v.':ii.:;: al li. I. hail. AM transient
l r. t!i: r- ;-.te ifi:K'-i:.-l t meet v.-.tli ii.. I.. A,
Nf,-.Vi'o:::cr, Yciieraliie Vmisu! : i. Nlics'
Viri:j .Vi! .Ni-.-; h. I. W ii.ii!, IliktT ; YV. A.
llu'cii, I i.-rii.
vT-lllilASKA CIlAI'TKIt. N. 3, K. A. M.
Meets sc" o:i.l :-.t:d f i'irtii 'I'r.i'S.l.iy of eai-li
inmilh at MiiunV Hail, 'iranscu-iil brotlifis
hi ; luU:tl to niL-i-t v:ln in.
V. K. '.VllITK. II. P.
Vm. W 1 v.. Secri'tary.
JlMccin f.tst ami tliinl V film s liy ni;c!it of
eacli montii at Mnsnn's hall. Visiting brd iifis
ire c iriii.tlJy inviteil to im-i-r iih ut.
VM. Hays. Kce. K. K. V, hut., K.
ih.v'rrs.!u ni i.ont.ic .so. . a.. ir. w.
Mfcl ifvi-rv a!li-riai; Friday rvi-niiis at
Iiock i hall .it s o'rloeic. All transit-lit biotli
eri are ri'pi'tt"uliy iiivit--l to atleml. 1.. S.,!!, M. W. ; r. Uoy.l. Koifipau: S. C.
Wii.St. ilfirorJfr ; Laoii.uil Airl rs iu. ivi-r-e -r.
'IMi'.O lIiK X . A. O. L'. V. Mf-ts
t'V.'ry :i!f'iii is. l"riil:iy t:vei:i:ii: at K. of 1.
Ii ii. rr.insit'.it hrot ii'-rt art- n--i:efifii:iy in-vt.'-l
to:v::.-!t 1. V. I, lir-iwn. M.istrr rU
(ll .t ;;; y K- insu r. K..rc:naii ; ll.Stcimker
tvi-rfv-r : W. H- M:ll-r, Fina'.cii'r ; (. K.
;;. iv.v.iiii. K'-ir.'r.lT : K. .1. M-uv in. Ut-wiv-r;
:i. 'v:i.-i!l. if ; Vn.. I.ii.lwi. lusiile
v'.;itfli : 1.. :ea, Oilt-il.' U'ato.i
Foiiv .In Un.
T.M. !l HKY
v K fox
il U. r-'i'iiMiitT
- ii ( i.i : niKU
i. li. Duxs
i i
A SAI.lM-.UltY
tOUIlCiiillfU. 1SI WutU, -j t; ;i,c;k.KH.1I.
45 il
I 1 M Ji'NKS
.M ii Mi iirnv
'l ('I'.V. IIl-Airi.K.
' I'l''." O'CON N '-..
I I' M. Cm.i.ks.
I J I) SI Ml'.-. --V,
i V.' II
l!i".jiy L'tjiircr, -
Doy.uvC'.-.Tk, '. 'r of Dfeds
; 'iS'iriU-r
Cleik .'.f UHtrict Co art,
shfii.-I. -B:;rveynr.
A i-.'-r -:-'. " .
;:;r. of 1'n'i ic!nwl.,
Ct jMty J u
IOARD l)f SCif
A. V. Ti'i)i,
LOt i- i'm rc. -
A. 15. 1)1 -KSui'. Cll'll!.,
1). A. C'a:;m'.ki.l
. Tuin. ivi.uirK
H!'.:: Citrrci: rtKi.a
r-ilA k Pii KSOX
W. H. I'.iol
John M. Lkviia
11. V. SrtiMinr
SOU 3.
1st in si:li'r.t...
2'nl Vii'e r-vM-leut..
S'.'Orftai ' -
Knt?. 15 Wi!niti.'im
A. 15. iosld
Win Xi'Viile
. . I 1 lei riiialin
"..".. .F. 15. tSuiIiman
1 c V -'i.'v 1". K. White. .1 C. Patterson,
.T 'a. :f!.n'-'r," B. F.Uo!!. V. V. SKeriuaa, F. Cor
tl'.r. J. V. -eUb.icii.
KCvCiHIrJlE HOST 45 . A. 52-
M. A. m, K...."''r . roMinaii lcr.
Hknm. Hkmi-i k .f'5i!or ice
.CtKIUAS IU"0r I'll tu t
(irf.t. SILKS Aa- "I a"V
A. S'lll-MA.V I
A - Ta us,:.! Jnij,-..r o.;-'
J.VM HICK-JOS - s;p).t
AsnKKsox r. Fv.. --Ouarter -Mter serjrt.
L CL-nns ru,t t-si.n
MbCri;;- .r.t'irtiay evv-iiics
Ii us in ess miuiiyfoiiY.
Attonif -.nt-I.:i Notary Tubiic. Omce In
Fitera'd ;51oi'k. ri.tH-:iioiitli. Xf".
Attoraey-at-lW. v :;i ;; p.o:-:ti .y r .-ruo
tn rvil bUfilif llitrusiod to !iti:!. Oir.tra la
Caijn Block, fcst sidf. 1'la.UsmoiitlJ. Neb
guocEi;ifs.ui3 w(iin tvRT;i
KUpio a d Fa i'-'y Cr -.c-. i-tCs, i;U-.v.iru anc
CiocLeiy. Fiourand l' ii.
Try W.irrick"5 poultry powtler best
Uoown rer.iekiy for choK-ni- 20c per lb.
7-0 w2
It 1imiii' pny Uxlo iniicli talk In' w'en you'm tnod
L'liulT to clio!;u.
'Kasii ilii Hiiiil tint Ktins do diH'pes' am tie one
iLit's m !ilali Hpoku;
It ilo u.Mi r fuller wranlo till do Btolim am
LliMvnl away,
IK q he'll do a pilo olj tliinkln 'bout du tlilun you
didn't Huy.
Spue' do I.i Io lluo i-ycd daLsy, ptfpiu' fru do
innl.liT Koil,
Though it cin't no tow'iin oak tree, has Its sheer
ob lini-s' toil;
S(ioc' do ivd row in do jjaliden, bliisliiu 'ueatli Jo
June day ftyn,
Nubbali Kcattfrs'oVr do tojw till its wuck at
liomo am d)i:e
"Talu't do cliap dafs nlhia klckin' daso do worl'
ain't j. si" his ki.o
Dat'll lib on roiusted 'possum in ikit lan' beyon do
Dar'M a likely Koht ob bk-SKiir eben wid do hardus'
lint do one dat loo-s do bikes' um do ono you
haliii't i't.
Scc' do gray WUir'l snubs do chipmunk kaso his
color ain't jes' rijIit,
Cut w't'ii (-"OS bailee in do wootl lot, chipmunk
sleeps dt bt's' t:t lii-ht.
'Iiout tlo smnhtca' chap 1 knows on i'J do ono dat
tloan K't l''fT,
'Kaso ho K'icn'tt his loafln' iniiiuitsgittlii' 'quaiutt'd
will lii.".sefT.
Xebbah ruiarrcl wi l yo tiabur 'kaso bis 'ligion
tloan k.'!ii :w;m",
Ixt3 ob ruail:; dat staht- out dif'reiit wri-glo roun
to il. name t
Thou'i j-o' lot iu lifa am grubbin' in ft crooked
'later row.
Allies' lnl" j o" beail up firmly, as j-ou'm tnib'lin"
to an" fn.
Juliu Kii:.-. :i ;-i.-;lier in Detroit Freo Tres.
;iil !.l Tillies.
IiMUK'of f!o pro;.".i'!fnt iKirbcr shops ff this
city is mi !.! oi'n.i -il niaa wlio lias Imh'ii a
barber i::i.-!y nil Lis lift'. "Cni'k men don't
take near. trmd.lo with their Iiair tliat
they useii to," ho reiiKirkttl, us ho tleftly
uvoiilitl slieiu t.lT iiu ear ivitli tho wissors.
'-iJefuro t'.ie w;:r tn-arly every bcxly t!iat was
mi' way f:i.-hion:iblo had to havo his Iiair
1'iirk'il. It was parted on each siilo of the
heal anil curletl up in tho iiiiiliilo witli ourl
in tui;js. - Tho younger nic:i their hair
frizzitl. We Iiil that ly curliiic; it tight on
irons itial t'ii.':i comliiii it ont. It was tho
soldiers who first started th fasliion of short
hair. Of, they had to their hair so
that it would bo tho li.'ust trouble, end dually
everybody fell into their way. In tlnvotlays,
instead of Laving f -inalo liuii'drcssors, the
ladies who were yetting ready for a bailor
reception sent for u barber. Many's the time
I've gono out with all my curling irons and
llutiii?; irons to fix a lady's hair. They wanted
their hair smooth in front ami curled in long
ringlets down their bacU. Sometimes the
curls would bo so long that they could sit on
them. Often it has taken mo throo hours to
do up a lady's hair, and I never got but a
quarter, whether it was three hoursor fifteen
tiiiuutes. " Waih ingtoa Cri t ic.
A Tiny lU'publlc.
A German traveler has discovered tho very
smallest republic i:i Europe. It is tho ham
let of CSoust, in tho lower Pyrenees. It lie
longs neither to Franco uor'to Siain. It ha-s
somewhat over 100 citizens, Roman Catholic
in religion, who live by silk weaving, and
constitute a brave ami self dependent com
mon wealtli. They havo no taxes nor any
other public charges. They have no mayor
or other civil ofikial. They have not even
tia established church or priest of their own,
as they have incorporated themselves eccle
siastically with tho neighboring village of
Larur.s, where their children aro baptized,
their betrothed couples married and their
dead buriod. The citizens of this republic
live to n very pvat age. Thei-o are said to
be lxth male and female centenarians among
them. They always marry "foreigners"
that is to say, inhabitants of the neighboring
states of France and Spain. Nobody is
either rich cr poor, r.oble or churl, master or
servant. Chicago Times.
' Caught at Last.
Father (shouting down stairs in an angry
voicc) jJary !
Mary (who is witli her beau, who has been
waiting oa her for about threo years) Yes,
F. Js Jlr. Slo'j coach, therp?
M. Yes, sir.
F. Is ho proposing to you that he is stay
ing so late?
il. (to Mr. Slowcoach In a frightened whis
per) Oh! what shall 1 say?
Mr. S. (trembling in his boots) Say yes.
JL (to her father) Yes, papa.
F. All right, ell right; excuse me. Tell
him ho can have you. Bless you both, my
children. Ilo needn't hurry away. Boston
A Questionable Success.
Angelina And now that you havo visited
her school. Edwin, what is your decision re
garding Madame Francais for onr children?
As to 0-i:;eip!iii9, does sho elvo time proper
Edwin Indeed she does, my dear. I was
there the whole morning, and madaine seemea
to devote tho entire time to preserving order.
Ilarper's Magazine.
A Syllabic Slip.
lit. Carpenter was noted for the quickness
of his wit. aud it was a common saying in
the town in which ho lived that ho always
had au answer ready when it was required.
Ilo was once introduced as "Dr. Carter."
Immediately his friend saw his error, aud
corrected -himself. "Never mind," said the
dtiitor; ''it's only a ilip oi tho pta."" Ham
per's Magazine.
A Iioominsj Town.
First Boomer You fellows have no git up
about you at all. Why dont you hare pho
tographs cf your town taken., likTwe did
Are you ashamed cf it J
Rival Boomer .Saw, that ain't the reason
at oil. I want you to understand, young
feller, that our town don't stand still long
enough to be photographed. Terre Ilaute
A tfoint Debate.
Polico Judge State how the trouble origi
nated. '
Accused Wo wtis holdin a debatin so
ciety, and I said I had the flijor, and he catt
ed ine a liar.
Judge What followed ?
Accused From that time until we were
arrested we both had the floor. Omaha
I WorliL
ItoUIm uf Skin.
The first lno'tles wora made of tho skin of
.-Miy.nls ii;o.,t!v goats. Of this kind were
the bottlen sjHke:s of in tho Scripture. r$i;in
l; jttl"S are still u.-:ed i'l southern Etiroe fur
tho t iaiisH)it of wine, ami by duTeivnt
trilH-s of Africa and Asia for carrying water,
New York Telegram.
John D. Rockefeller dissolved his first part
nership liecauso ono of his partners tiM)k a
il'-asitro tripof a few hours in a yacht. John
argued that no man had a right to mi hour
pfter ho had attained his majority u:;d got
over ln-iiig a boy.
A IcK'iii'loii That Will Thrill Kvrry An
gler Wliii Keails It.
"By George! I've got him," exclaims our
friend in tho chair, and as wo hastily look up
he is seen apparently light ing to keep his rod
erect, whilst something at tho other end is
convulsively dragging it downward, with
such jerks as threaten to part tho lino or
break tho rod. The reel is whizzing in a
threatening way, and our friend has a hard
time to keep his thumb on tho barrel of tho
reel and at the samo time avoid having his
knuckles rapped and torn by tho rapidly re
volving handle. His left, as yet, grasps the
rod aUive the reel aud forces the socket into
his groin.
"Bring out that lelt, Tom," ho yells, and
Tom comes jumping down tho rocks, in one
hand his gai'l hook and in the other a leather
belt with a. short round xxjket sowed on its
center. This Tom hast ily buckles about the
waist of the lLsherin.'in, when, carefully shift
ing the ok he places tin? butt in this locket
and is thus protected from possible injury,
which the great leverage of tho fish's pulling
on tho top of tho rod can easily produce.
The lisii, in tho meantime, has succeeded in
getting away, say :'M) to -100 feet now, and
shows some hesitation. Our friend has care
fully kept a pressure on tho reel, whilst in
dulging his maji-sty i.i imaginary freedom of
running but w hich ho liegins to realize as
"uncanny" ami asour eyes follow the slender
thread of the lino m its ilistant entry into the
water, it is seen to rise, aud presently with a
whirl of his tail, the fish shows himself, look
ing then to our unskilled eyes a very mon
ster, ami ns he again disappears wo unhesi
tatingly pronounce him full six feet long.
"Oh, ii"' says our friend in reply to
our exclamation,' "ho is not over a thirty
pounder, but ho is a ood one see him
light!" and tho victim tugs and tugs, with a
desperation born of a foresight of his ca
lamity; but in vain, and in another ten
minutes ho loses heart ami sheers in toward
tho shore, when our friend is put to all his
skill to clunk and reel him in before he
reaches a huge rock inshore for which he
heads just in time! The next wave moves
him bodily this side of that rock, and the
road is clvar to warping him in. Foster Ilig
gius, in Scribner's.
An Irisliniiin's Dai-iii?.
During Wellington's Spanish campaign,
there were no more daring troops than the
IrUh,aud of these no one was more distinguish
ed for cool courage than a certain wild fellow
named O'Keefe. He w as not a well behaved
soldier w hen in camp, and his irregularities
frequently brought him punishment. But one
day, by a single deed, he became a hero.
Tho French occupied, with one company, a
fortification upon a mountain top from which
it seemed impossible to drive them. Gen.
I'icton, the commander of the English divi
sion, wishing to prevent useless bloodshed,
determined to invest tho place, for, as he said
to his stair, "Tho French could jielt us away
with stones, should we make an assault."
"If yojr honor will let me, I'll take the hill
alone.," said Private O'lCeefe, who had over
heard the remark, and now, having given the
military salute, stood at attention.
"If you do so," replied the general, whe
had frequently noticed O'Keefe's reckless
daring, "I will report it to Lord Wellington,
and I promise you your discharge, with a
shilling a day for life."
O'Keefe, having whispered a few words
to tho captain of his company, stole away,
and presently was seen climbing up the goaf
path. Tho English sentinels fired at him,
thinking he was deserting jo the enemy.
The French naturally thought the same:
they received him into their stronghold, and
treated him with great kindness. Then ht
began playing a part, laughing, dancing,
singing, shouting, so that the French imag
ined they had got a madman, and told hire
to leave tho fort, as they had no provisions
to spare.
Meantime, whilo O'Keefe had been divert
ing tho garrison in this way, his companj
had been clambering up the path. Tho sur
prise was complete, and tho fort was captured
without thQ loss of a man.
Tho bravo Irishman was discharged and
pensioned, as his general had promised, and
subsequently ho was appointed by the Puke
of Wellington a warder of tho Tower ol
London. Youth's Comianion,
Origin of a Popular Kxpression. .
One night in tho winter of 1SC5 Arteimu
Ward lectured in Lincoln hall, and when the
great humorist was aliout half through his
discourse he iaraly?ed his audicii' viitli the
annou'rtsi'ihent tljut they wonlii have to take
a i ectis of ilt'teen minutes so as to enable him
to go across the street to "see a man."" H. R.
Tracey, then editor of The Washington Re
publican, was in the audience and, seeing at;
opportunity to improve upon the joke, pen
ciled the following lines and sent them to the
platform: .
'Dsau AftTESi'S tf you will place your
self "uhder my guidance I'll take you to 'see s
man' without crossing the street."
Artemus accepted tho invitation, and while
the great audience impatiently but with imucfc
amusement awiitod the reappearance.' of ' the
humorist the latter was making the acquaint
once of A man and luxuriating at a well laued
refreshment board. Of course everybody
"caught on to" the phrase, and men became
fond of getting up between tho acts and
"going to see a man." The restaurateur'
busitiess from this time forward boomed
Men who would ordinarily si lik-tiy ttnOVigV
au hiW iauiiuent ami behave themselves al
lowed themselves to be influenced by the con
tagion. Washington Letter to Detroit Trib
u:a, She Old M.iu Philosophy.
While traveling in Virginia some time age
with a doctor we came upon an old colored
man, who was standing by a mule hitched c
an old two wheeled vehicle.
'r-'s mnlq am. baulked boss," said the old
man, "an' I'll is gil) adoilati tone man wuni J
can start 'im.
"I will doit for less than that, uncle," saig
tho doctor.
Ho took his caso from the carriage and se
lected a i-mull syringe, which ho filled .itl
morphia. Ho went to tho side cf ihv r.-Kilo
and quickly inserting the syringe in his .side
pushed the contents into the animal. The
mule reared tqion his hind legs, and, giving
an astonishing bray, started down the road .at
a breakneck speed. Tho aged colored mar.
gave a look, of astonishment at tho doctor,
mid with a loud "Whoa!" started down tl
road after the mule. In tho course of ter
minutes we came up to the old man standin;;
in the road wait ing for us. Tho mule wa.'
now here in right.
"Say, bos:-!," said the darky, "how muck
ilo 3-011 charge for that tAxi'.T you put in dat
"Oh, ten cents will tlo," laughingly replied
the d -.ct or.
"Will, Low, heah is twenty cents. Squirt
some b dat stuli' i:i me. 1 must ketch dut
'ar mu!e." Philadelphia Press.
An oi l church in C.ihokia, Ills., that was
built in KV-I !' rodrr ! ''"; t --t i'
p.-'.v days i.;-v. t :. j i.... u.. a ri -re mod
ern building. There v.civonjy I wo churches
in America at St. Ai:;:'i: -tin;' an. I Santa Ft
Uait ivL-ro !.!. r.
Six o'd "a great big boy !"
Ilo.v his heart swells with pride and joy!
"I'm grown up now:" he shouts in gk-e
"No inon? curls nor kilts for mo!"
The "1'P.rl cr p:r.n" Iia3 shorn the locks
Of brown and gold in a way that shocks
The mother's heart! yet it had to be.
To mako him tho manly boy we si:.
The kills "must go"' in trousers fino
Too "littlu man" doth long to shine
So brave he's grown, I'vo naught to f-ar
Ho will let no harm reach "mamma dear."
God bless the boy: with his heart so true
And his wouderful plans of "work" to do
Ing may ho bo our pride mid joy.
Comfort and hoKi this darling boy!
Mary Hewitt Kturdevant.
A ppfaraiices Often Ileceive.
One day last week a Boston business man,
who was at work dictating letters to his ste
nographer, was interrupted by a business call
from two well dressed men, w ho remained in
conversation for some little time, and then
went out. When they had gono tho business
man turned to his stenographer and said:
"Did you notice the personal appearance of
those two gentlemen?"
"Oh, yes."
"Well, one of them was a well know n pul
lisher of this city, and the other was a prize
fighter. Now, which was tho prize fighter
and which was the publisher?"
Tho girl descrilied one ot the two a young
man of agree: vUls 'appearance and pieasing
"That," she said, "was tho publisher, of
"You aro mistaken," said her employer
"Tho man you took for the publisher was the
prize fighter, and the man you took for the
prize fighter was the publisher."
And this was not a e-ase where "the boy
lied," either. Boston Transcript,
A Wonderful Lake.
One of the most picturesque and remark
able bodies of water in tho world is Henry's
lake in Idaho. It is situated on the dome of
the continent in a depression in the Rocky
mountains called Targee's pass. It has an
area of forty square miles, aud all around it
rise snow capped peaks, some of them being
the highest of the continent's backbone. In
the lake is a floating island about iJ00 feet in
diameter. It has for its basis a mat of roots
so dense that it supports largo trees aud a
heavy growth of underbrush. These roots
are covered with several feet of rich soiL
The surface is solid enough to support the
weight of a horse anywhere, anil there aro
places where a house could be built. The
wind blows the island about tho lake, and it
seldom remains twenty-four hours in the
same place. Saa Francisco Post.
Tlio Oifl'eieiice.
Willie M., an Ayrshire farmer, was some
what remiss in attending divine sdrvieo, and
his parish minister, on one of his pastoral
visits, took occasion to refer to it in rather a
pointed maimer. Willie excused himself on
the score of advancing years, but his spirit
ual guide would not condone the offense on
that ground.
"That will scarcely do, William, for 1 ob
serve you are very regular in your attend
ance at market every Friday."
"Oh, ay, sir,'-' implied Wbiio, "out that's
easy explained! You see vvben wo gang to
the toou we can get what wo like, but when
we gang to the kirk we hae just to tak' what
thou likes to gie us." Scottish American.
Shouldn't Talk About Her.
"Mollio Pawn's to be married next week,
Jennie, and I am to bo her first bridemaid."
"You don't say so, Clara. You tako my
breath away. Who will marry that Lig
mouthed thing?"
"Oh. you shan't udk way about her.
It is just tao TqvoIv for anything. She is to
marry George Blissful, don't you know; that
sirnpe-ririg idiot 1 rejected at Capo May last
July. Aud think of it, I'm to be first bride
maid. Ha, ha ha!"
"Oh, how lovely. Ha, ha, ha P Vj) ..vau
kee Journal.
A Century lu France.
France in 17S9 and 1SS9 is curiously con
trasted in some figures recently given to the
French Statistical society. A ccutyry
land was worth 100 per. hectare (two anU
one-half aere, against' $C00 at the. present
day. Tho population of tho w hole country
has growu from 57,000,-000 to 38,000,000, while
that of Paris has increased from 600,000 to
2,310,000. Cab fares were cheaper a hundred
years ago, and a good place at the theatre
only cost one franc, but bread was tho , c iimcv
as dear as now. Chicago I'us. ' 1 "'
A itomarJ-nibio Memory.
Speaking of remarkable memories, I re
cently ran across a negro on tho Wocdburn
farm, in Kentucky, who knew the naine, time
ef foaliug, and, the stock of every horse ou
the premises, and there aro over 100 thor
oughbreds iu the stables. He could also give
the pedigrees of tuauy of tho horses. He bad
worked oa the farm for years as a groom and
cttendaut cjf the horses, and knew them as
thoroughly as a merchant knows his stock of
eoods. St. Louis Globe-Democrat,
Complete hi all departments. Handsome line,
of .Xeopolitan and pattern
AVe cordially invite ladies to call and cl prices we
can save you money.
Moore & Studebaker,
Oi;o door wesl of , Joe's elotliinii' store.
i'luslB tVivnitis at SEu'i vvood's
A fine line of . ids furnishing o;nls
u-t net i veil :tt Ll.-on's the ()i,c Piic
Clothier. If
Halbritrifali suit--, ih.; best in Hi.; itv at
Elson's the One Price Clothier. 'if
Twenty-four ilcsiiulde shades of B., T.
& (Vs mixed paints, just reef veil.
These paints are uaraiitccil for o jcuih.
S imple c:irl free at Warrick's.
7 t; u 2
Rheumatism is curnl by Mil. bard's
Ithcuiiiittic Syrup sti ikiny at the of
the iliseas:: anil restoring fie kidmys mil
liver to healthy action. If taken a s'u!)i
cient time to lliorouyhl v eradicate sueii
poison, it never fails. Sold by F. G.
Fiit kc Co.
Hibb:i:il's Rheumatic Syrup fiinl Pias
ters arc prt scribed by the bulling physi
fans of Michigan, its home state, and are
rcinidks of unequalled merits for Rheu
matism, blood disorder and liver and
kidney complaint. It comes hero with
the highest r-ndorst-meuts and reit.-men-dations
as to its curative virtues.
So'd bv P. O. Fric ke Sc Co.
A Comfortable Homo
is one where a man that is weary can rest
himself upon a neat sofa, il he is hungry
he can go to the tupbonril or safe :.iil
get sointhiiio; to cat, if ho i-i thirsty ho
can draw a glass of cold water from the
refrigerator, if he has comp-iny he ran
show them into a nently furnished parlor
mid give them an elegantly arranged
spare room, if the wife has sewing she
can rest comfortably iu a low rucking
tliitir, in going out to t all a lino dresser
is at hand to arrange the a p arain e be
fore nnd there is always a hat rack in the
hill to keep personal property on sind a
jar to if reive the wit undirelb!. Ru
comfortable and hnjijiy nnd furnish yom
house from the Furniture Empoilum of
IIknuv IJoKt'K.
Is Any 'Flower Sorn to Blush Un- KO steOKEolTsTwELl.
seen i T ttev hciv W it, tm. fifoyc
..The old wiyea tell us "that blushing u-it refcivpclai .Joiissiiors Zliw.
is virtue's livery.' Dut, alas! too ivr.iy ,i J!! iia mm; ilsviu. 'Z'Ut-.y will
maiden, whose s:oul is purUy itseif. has j sitvj ex JIO'.l e.
been denied the gracious piiyih gj of
wealing the delicate crimson; nnd nil be- ! I)r' Vl!l of Omaha will visit I'lidt
cause lur skin is covered with blotches, S"""U' '-'very Pi i day. Rooms at the Rid
pimples, yellow '-liver spots," tnul other i dle ,,otel fr."'1 10 '" ' m. Chrouic:
discolorations. Who can tell how such j ''!5' "'d J i -ensf k of wci.i.n speciality,
a maiden loathes the very si-ht of iu.r. All invalids not bi hitUc t by reseut
self, or who s-hall intrude upon her s j t',-,1.'1,t,lt' arc '"Vitcd to call, physicans
she weeps bitter tears over her uncomely
nppenrtmee? Thrice unhappy she, i f by
the use of cosmetics, she shall sei k to
hide her wretched coinjib-xion. it
she will use Dr. Peirce's fiolden Medical
Discovery, to reguUte the liver aud pu. i-
f b? hd ! ailj:'o5,i0U,Cl1" ,illmo!3.feV('
will ttnd tnat her "flesh shall come ngmu
ii .i i c i ! i m ii
like unto tne ttesh of a little tliild. It
cures scrofula, tetter, snlt-rheum, pimples
blotches, eruptions, nnd all skin diseases,
T ' 1 '
Kevenue Estimate.
We. your finance committee, respect ful
ly report the following cithiiaic of monies
which will Ue aecces:iry to pay interest,
dei)ts and current expense for the en.-.u-
ing ilscal year towit:
Mayor nnd Council
City l'1-ik .:. City Treasurer .
Uoiird Public Works m
' i y Att rney ,
Beaniiiig City PiiojuCvs.
Printii!'' ,
Ineidvta'..-. . .. '
15. & M. II K. U- .ids
fctreeti. tlradi.'ig and liriding
F'ire Hydrants Peirtal
Kearton itefui.i'ir.g liouUs
High School Ponds ,. . .
storm Water Sewerajta L..I'uj
Intersect on Vii'.iii Uojuts
I'ire ai(t W(oi-'.
fia4 aad i.ightiii
s t'-.o 1
- .oo
1- ti
. l.leo
. l.'-o
. 5.IH.0
. r..u o
. S.5 0
; o
. -t.ioo
Revenue for the fiscal year as reported
by the city Tresurer to June u l-'1
A. fjAi.isnruY,
C mmittce. - P. McC',
.. D. Simpson.
Or the Liouor Habit, Positively uarec
by ASrawiSTEr.iKQ os. raises' gdldeji spiCific.
i i ..-1 1 , , l.A b nna' lfl ffP if t lll lOl'-
it c-!n lie Given la a cud oi conee or lea. or .: -
' eon taking it; it Is absolutely harmless and will
: effect a permanent aud tpeedy cure, whether
' thepatientisa moderate drinkeroran alcoholic
a complete cure la every Instance. 4S page book
I FREE. Addreas in confldenc-, .
0lDErj SPECIFIC C0..1 83 Rau SL, Cincinnati, 0.
I, x:-'-'-.j.j.r-i..j
' L 3T
! ;
For "run-down." dobllltnted nnd ovrrworked
women. Dr. I'leroe's l-'avorlto Prf-seript ion in
tho bi-st of all restorativo tnnicn. It mu iidti-nt
Fpecillo for all those 4'hrtmlo WoHkm-nnca nnd
Ltisensea peculiar to Women ; a powerful, Kn
ral as well as uterine, tonic mid nervine, it
Impnrti vigor nnd strengt h to (he whole nystem.
It promptly cures wealnuns of slouiHeli.iiuiiHeii,
indigestion, bloating, weak back, nervoim ii oh
t rut ion, debility and HleeplcuMicsH, in eil lnr pen.
It is CHreflilly compounded by nil evpt-ni-iieeil
pliysicmn. nnd leiiipli-d to wi.iiian' il Iinilu
oi iTMiiiZHt ion. l'urely vegetnlile and pertcctly
mil inn or iu nil J V
I Warranted.! "
narmiess in any condition or the nvMcm.
"liivorilo rrt-Hcrlp.
lion" is the only n i 1 i-i 1 1
for wf iinen, snld bv driinfiMs,
under li ponitlto emir.
antee of satisfaction in every case, or pnen
(fl.lKtl refundi'd. This guarantee him lieeii
printed on the bott le-wrupper, uud faithfully
carried out for many years.
For large, illustrated Trent ie on IHRcHse of
Women (liXl imges, with full direct Ions for
home-treatment), send ten centa In stampit.
Ajwociation, 6ua Main titroet, BulTalo, N. I.
d;:ai.i;i: in i hk
Choicest Irant!s of Cigars,
including our
Fior Ig Pepperbe-rgo' and 'Buds
FCi.r, m:;k of
aiways in stock. Nov. 20. lS8.r..
tSiiiiiitWi' Siii)i'i- al Mifi'tvdi.a'rt.
Plenty of f-.:ed, flour, graham and
'ideal at Ilei-el's mill, tf
! 'x X"w 2Io, only
i .. at
j berv.yod-
Uou,(. , id ,:,,:,.,: f(irt;,i(
i on f.V payments; empjir.j :it Joii.nson
I IJiio.s. I lard wan; store. tf
will be webi.!;
In l treat mr tit ;' rhcuinatism anci all
l-iit umtitic troubles Mibbnid's Rheuinatic
Syruii stands t)r..i and foivrnost above all
oihf is. Read their medical pamphlet,
I l-arn of the great medicinal vuluJ
j f ,,,, . , t ... ...
ol l'"-' remr dies which enter into its com-
i .. ' " 1 ""
j P('til'tl,m Sny t i. Ericke e'e Co.
i a,.,,,. ....",. ,7, . . T- i
i .ft ciue aim tt.rouu: rheum ilisin can be
j and permanently cured by
i the ujc of Miijard' i!i,(.,." -.:,.
and Plaster. S.rd by P. G. PiiekeJcCo
.3r Huti? Ki? S
Fifty Dollars in vhm Casli
To bo given iiU-:iy y C. K.
Wc-sc-ot!-, the I3u.-.s Ciolliier.
Kadi dollar's worth of ''oals
hoiiglit.fV'j:u oitr Kko-int stock
entities the pin clirt.-c r t one ch.ince
to draw this (iKANIi VllVAE.
Drawing hikes phice October
irth, lSc!. T!ij money is on
Exhibition in our show window.
Our stock is complete. 'e
earrv onlv rc-H-ible n, !.-. Sell
ftt the lowest bottom linires hr.vo
; strictly OliO 1-riCC illlU HO JMoIlkeV
DUilliCSS. V... L. KsCOTT,
n.. T, .
1 he .buss Llothier.