THE u. : 1'LAT. rSfaOKXto, HEBKASKA, MONPAY, JUNE 10, 1889. Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. Dr. 1. Nallhorr h th rtale rlht to ue 1r. Mclnaa'a Loral A n-ctb-llc for 1h PalnlcM Kxtrartlon of Teeth la tnln city. Ofllce Borkwood lllock. Ir. Hit bum, IrBtlt, talon niork. CITY CORDIALS. Tlic pressed brick for tlio front of thu Martin block has arrived. In district court today Judge A. W Field, of Lincoln, The cose of j w F. II. Gordon vs. Covell & Folk occupied the day. O. A. Mullen was court reporter, The Ladies' aid society of the M. E. c hurch will meet Tuesday aftsmoon at 2 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. C W Green on Tenth and (.old streets. Fred Woodson is wearing a cane and fnshiouable eastern walk, celebrating the arrival of an attack of cholera morbus nnil frnmtw which lavs him off duty as a mail carrier. Today the grand firemen's tourna ment opens at Council IilufTs. The I'latt-mouth ball club will meet the Odill i.r.a .-1 nl . i.f tlif tournament iark on Thursday of this week. Several carloads of large stones ar rival today to be used as the foot stones of the foundation ot the Riley hotel They will be laid in the trenches on the concrete. The derrick was erected to ,lv with which to handle the heavy stone. Yesterday morning Rev. J. T. IJaird talked especially to the children in Hock- wood hall, who were seated in the front seats. Many old and young people were there also, and the address was interest i.... n,l tn, t1ifn who will take hoed truly beneficial. A. foundation has been laid on the Catholic grounds on Oak street, west of the church building, StixSS. upon which will bo erected a two-story brick build- in" for a resilience for the sisters cm ployed as instructors in the St. John's school. A building for kitchen lOxlG will also be attached, and other improve ment, on the grounds arc being made Sixth street hill presents a very live ly and business like appearance today, and will continue so for some timo. H. larire force of men raisin" the grade of Pearl and Sixth streets, and the Sixth street hill is to fur nish the dirt. This will greatly improve thesa .streets at their intersection and by reducing the Sixth street hill grade. A gang of men went to work this morning under Street Commissioner Mor gan, to clear the mud from the Main street pavement. This is a move in the right direction, but slow progress will be made, as the heavy traffic over the pavement packs the dirt down like ce ment after a rain and it will take water to loosen it up again after it gets dty enough not to be called mud. The Norfolk base ball club has written to the Plattsmouth club desiring to meet them at the ball park on Fiiday and Saturday this week, but their prop osition for those days cannot be met. The Norfolk boys state in their letter that they start out today with a delega tion of 150 supporters to play at Kear ney, Grand Island anc Hastings, and would like to take in F. tsmoith. The Western Egineering company who have the contract for putting in the equipments for tho electric motor railway are about ready to commence work. The flat rails which arrived last week for Main street are being drilled for the rail conections; today two cr.r loads of poles to set for the wires arrived and opperations will soon begin. Poles will !,o t on Main street lirst. in rows on each side, poles being opposite. Everything is coming around in good shape to pushed through, for after stating "no delay will be tolerated." - Mr. A. B. Taylor received a telegram this morning from Salem, Kansas, an nouncing the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Murray, and that the body had been shipped here for interment. The body arrived on this morning's train and the funeral will take place from Henry Bocck's undertaking room tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Murray was the mother of Mrs. A. B. Taylor and several of the Murrays of this county, who are well known. All her children live in this county but one. The remains will be interred in Oak Hill cemetery. A second Presbyterian church has been planned to be erected at Mercer ville, opposite the O ik Hill cemetery, on a prominence of the hill. The buUding will have stone foundation an i will be frame. A piece of ground 132x209 feet has been donated by the Plattsmonth Land and Improvement Co. Ground will be broken for the foundation this week. The building is to cost $6,000, one fourth of which is subscribed by O. J I. Ballou. The enterprise is worthy and needs the support of all inclined to for ward the best interests of the citv. An outside view of the building ns it will appear when completed has been on ex hibition in front of M. B. Murphy's store. The church room will seat 240; the Sunday school room 150 and they can be made one hj sliding doors. The Y. P. S. C. E. meet at the M. E. church tonight. The meeting will open at 7;50 with a ten minutes song service. - Tho South Park tabernacle will doubtless be the scene of an ico cream supper next week, probably Thursday night. The idea is to raise money for Sunday school and church song books which are greatly needed. Yesterday afternoon the Y. W. C. T. U. celebrated flower mission day, having postponed their trip Saturday on account of the rain. The poor farm and jail were visited, hymns, were sung and prayers offered. Each prisoner and inmate at the poor farm were given a beautiful bouquet with scriptural text attached. Elson. the Old Reliable One Price Clothier, is the place to get Business or Dress suits cheap. tf Now is the time to buy wall paper. We are making special prices and have a large stock to select from. 7-6 w2 Will J. Warrick. Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Plas ters are prescribed by the leading physi- cans of Michigan, its homo state, and are rcmidies of unequalled merits for Rheu matism, blood disorder and liver and kidney complaint. It comes here with the highest endorsements and recomen- dations as to its curative virtues. Sold by F. G. Fiicke & Co. PERSONALS. Dal Jones was down from Omaha to day. Judge Chapman went to Lincoln this morning. T. L. Murphy left this morning for Concord, this state. G, W. Covell. of Omaha, was in the city today. Mr. A. E. Cook, of Malyern, Iowa, was in the city today visiting Dr. E. W. Cook. Nancy West, of Missouri, who has been visiting relatives in this city, returned home this morning. Rey. Sallenbach, presiding elder of this district of the German M. E. confer ence of Nebraska, held quait&rly services at the German M. E. church in this city yesterday. lie returned this morning to his home n Lincoln. Rev. Win. Murray, of Murray, this county, started this morning for Tarkio, .Missouri, to be present at the closing ex ercises of the 1S88-9 term of the United Presbyterian college, there of which he is one of the board of directors. Oponingof tho Tabernacle Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock oc cured the opening of the South Park tabernacle. There were present about 300 people, many coming from distant parts of the city. Some doubtless were kept away for fear of mud, but the roads leading to South Park were abundantly dry, and cool air of the park and beauti ful surroundings made it delightful to pcnd an hour in the tabernacle, where there was plenty of fresh air. After singing several songs the m?ctr iug opened with the following proceed ings: Song, Doxology; prayer, invoca ti.-.n bv Rev. W. B. Alexander, of the il. E. church; Psalm 49, read by Rev. J T. Baird, of the Presbvterian church; opening prayer by J. M. Bothwell, secre tary of the Y. M. C. A. Rev. J. M Wood, manager of tabernacle, addressed the congregation, giving a brief review of his residence in the city and the cause of the building of the tabernacle, thank ing the people for their hearty support andespecialy the shop men who donated their time to labor on the building after the shops were closed in the evening. Adresses were also given by Rev. W. B. Alexander. Rev. T. J. Baird. Rev. J. K. Reed, of the Christian church, and J. M. Bothwell, which were appropiate for the occassion. The meeting then closed with collection, song and benediction. Oiganization of the Sunday School then followed. At this meeting about sixty were present and a flourishing Sunday school will doubtless result. Mr. Cliff Wescott was elected superintendent and Miss Maggie Straight assistant. Meetings will be held each week in the tabernacle as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. in., Sundays, preaching at 11 a. m and 8 p. m. The evening meeting will nnpn at 7:45 with a son" service for 15 t - minutes. Prayer meeting Tuesday cyen ins. choir practice Friday evening. At the tabernacle meeting last night the attendance was nearly as large as in the morninsr. The organization of a large choir will be effected this week and the Kinnrin" will be an im porta-1 feature of a cd the tabernacle services. Save money and trade with Will J. Warrick, dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, books and wall paper. 7-G w2 The largest stock of wall paper and paints; the most complete stock of medi ciuts; the purest drugs and lowest prices always, at 7 0 w2 . Will J. Warrick's. Special Sale of fine French Flowers at Mrs. Jouk son's. Regular prices $1.75 to $2.50, now $1.00 to $1.25. Also special sale in Infants' Lace Bonnets. Call and secure a bargain. tf GREATEST HIT Free! Free! enume A6 trait Given Away! Commencing to-day we will FKEE to all persons buying goods to the amount of $25. OO or more, an order for one of our Of yourself or may We have also ments with a large frame maim factory to mount Portraits for our best .style at one cost of sucn Irames or n on are however, not obliged to purchase A DANDY BOOK. County Clerk Critchfleld has th Best Assessment Abstract Book I n the State. Cass county now lias the most com plete abstract of assessment book in the state, 1 he book wa9 made to order nine a pattern of Clerk Critchfield's own de sign. The pages aie double size, 22s:)2 inches, and each double page ccn'aius the assessment of each precinct of the county, with totals of original and t qual ized assessments. The page opens with precinct personal property assessment, with every article of value named and arranged for convenience. Below is the list of precincts for lands, giving total acres improved, unimproved, number of acres cultivated in all kinds of grain and trees and fruits. The third and last assessment blank is that for town and city lots, improved, unimproved, etc., with blanks for raising or lowering the assessment by the board of equalization, and remarks, etc. The book has 81 pa ges, and thus will do the county service as an abstract, for assessment for sixty years to come. Heretofore the abstract of assessment has been recorded on sheets of paper of a most inconvenient makeup and awk ward construction. In the new book every figure has a column and the page will always look neat and plain, and lines of figures can be traced with ease. great Is Any "Flower Born to Blush Un seen?" The old wives tell us "that blushing is virtue's livery." But, alas! too many a maiden, whose "soul is purity itself, has been denied the gracious priyilege of wearing the delicate crimson; and all be cause her skin is covered with blotches, pimples, yellow "liver spots," and other discolorations. Who can tell how such a maiden loathes the very sight of her self, or who shall intrude upoa her as she weeps bitter tears over her uncomely appearance? Thrice unhappy she, if by the use of cosmetics, she shall 'seek to hide her wretched complexion. But if he will use Dr. Peirce's Golden Medical Discovery, to regulate the liver and puri fy the blood of all poisonous humors, she will find that her "flesh "shall come again lik unto the flesh oi a little-child," It cures scrofula, tetter, salt-rheam, pimples blotches, eruptions, and all skin diseases. Druggists. Try Warrick's poultry powder best known remedy for cholera- 20c per lb. 7-6 w2 Warrick's is the best place to have pre scriptions and family recipes filled; pri ces the lowest; drugs the very purest 7-6 w2 EVER MADE Free! FreeS Por- drive c sis aits any person you select. made arrange and frame these patrons in the - fourth the usual Twenty-four desirable shades of B., T. & Co's mixed paints, just received. These paints are guaranteed for 5 years. Sample card free at Warrick's. 7-G w3 Plusli Wigwams at lierwood8 A fine line of Gents furnishing goods ust received at Elson's the One Price Clothier. tf Balbriggan suits the best in the city at Elson's the One Price Clothier. tf Dr. Parsell of Omaha will visit Platts mouth every Fiiday. Booms at the Rid die hotel from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Chronic cases and diseases of women a speciality. All invalids not benifited by present trca tment, are invited to call, pbysicans will be welcome. The Herald Job Rooms are the moat complete in the county. Or. C- A. Marshall. nosident Dentist. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain less Filling or Extraction of Teste. Artificial teeth made on Gold, SilveF, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when do sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Fitzgerald's block Plattsmouth. Nib A Comfortable Horn is one where a man that is weary can rest himself upon a neat sofa, if he is hungry he can go to the cupboard or safe and get somthing to eat, if he is thirsty he can draw a glass of cold watr from the refrigerator, if he has company he CHn show them into a neatly furnished parlor and eive them an elegantly arranged spare room, if the wife has sewing she can rest comfortably in a low rocking chair, in going out to call a fine dresser is at hand to arrange the appearance be fore and there is always a hat rack in the lull to keep personal property on and a jar to receive the wet umbrella. Be comfortable and happy and furnish your house from the Furniture Emporium of He ry Boeck. Dr the Lianor Habit. Positively Carttf IT AOMiaiSTEIIIQ II. NAIICr UUII SPECIM. It can ba ghrM In cup of caflt or tea. e In a ticlaa of food, without the knowledge of the per. ion taking it; It Is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck, it NEVER FAIL8. We GUARANTEE a complete core in erery instance. S page book FREE. Address in confidence, toUOEnl SPECIFIC CO., 185 Baa U Cincinnati. 0. Crayon a frame at all, or it at some other We do this to Advertise our Business, .Many people wonder how we fine art like this with so small a purchase of goods. We answer that it is done for a big advertisement. or will be oflVed by any other house in this city, avoid the rush that will be sure to take place Portraits. USeiuenibcr tEaat you need not purchase $S85 worth of goods at any one time, hut at differ ent tlines, aggregating: that A. sample of our work is now on exhibition at our store Special Drives This Week. Our Figured French Satines reduced to 27c a yard. Odds and Ends left from our Hosiery Sale about given away. At 25c a pair Children's plain and ribbed Lisle Hose worth double. At 35c a pair Ladies' Hose in Spun Silk. English Lisle and best quality of Ingrains reduced from 05, 75 and $1.50 a pair. We have just received another lot of our 15c Ladies Jersey Ribbed Vests, worth 25c. Ladies Lisle Vests at 50c reduced from $1.00. Full line of Ladies' Gauze and Balbriggan Vests in long dna short sleeves at 2b, 35 and 50c each. BBIT! At Only 60 Time, is flying and our goods are selling. Don't wait until we are out to Pueblo for you will never get such prices as we are offerimj. Ladies Glove Web 25 cent Slipper, Kid loe, 7o ct blippers, will " Low Crescent, 1 25 Slipper, will sell for " Oxford Tie, 1 75 Low Shoe, " - " Glaze Dongola, flexible, 2 25 bhoes, will sell for Fine Glazed Dongola, flexible, 3 00 Shoe, will sell for u M " " hand French " " Glove Grain, S. S., 1 50 Shoe, will sell for "We also have a great many Childrens, that we have not space It will be to your interest elsewhere. A. BEC & Grand Gifts Given Away at J. V. WECKBACH & SON'S XjIST of the pbizes. Every purchaser of One Dollar's Worth of OooJn will receive a ticket, and any person presenting the nuinber of ticket as below will recti re the gift as set opposite the number of tickets: 8 Tickets gives you a silver plated Sugar Shell, worth f 1 00 10 Tickets gives you a Butfer Knife, worth 1 23 12 Tickets gives you a new tyle Lace pin, worth 1 50 25 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Teaspoons, worth 3 00 50 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Knives, worth 3 75 30 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Forks, worth 3 75 50 Tickets giyes you a set of Roger's Tablespoons, worth 0 00 100 Tickets gives you an elegant walnut 8-day clock, worth 12 00 3Tirot-01aoo Goodo at Bottom Friooo. you can purchase store. can afford to give away a work of No other such inducements can Come now and for these Crayon Cos to Days KUlore. will sell for 05 50 00 50 85 40 40 00 75 90 sell lor 1 1 1 2 2 3 turned 3 00 Shoe, will sell for 4 00 " 4 50 ( U (( bargains in Mens, Boys, Misses and to mention. to call and get prices before buying . '7 .4.