Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. CITY CONGREGATIONS. Cii Paul's Church. Oalr. Ix-twwii Kilt li ami Mixlli. I'atht-r Carnry, 1'a.stor. S r ! : Mass t K Mini in :.' A. M. Sunday Mcliool at 'I :.. with l-ii-dictifi. ClIIHSTIAN. 4'oriHT l.oriist stud KIkIiIIi Sis. Si:rvli'fs iiioruiiiK and evening. Klilcr J. K. K-rd, p.L-ilor. uinl;iy School 10 A. M. Kl-lsnii'AU - St. l.tik" Church, coriiPr Third IIIKl illf. IU-V. II I'.. liUrnCfl. pat-tor. SlT- n's : II a.m. ii.d 7 :.')or. M. Sunday School at ' ::m I. M. Ckiiman Mktiioihst. Corner Sixth St. and ;r:mit. Kcv. 1 1 1 it . I'aft or. h-rvl-'s : 1 1 A. m. ami 7 :'M r. M. Sunday School 10 :3o A. M. 1hkhi:v mil an. Services held in ltockwor.d lliiil. Kcv. .I.T. liaiid, pastor. Service- usual hour". iiioiiiiiiK ami evening. Sunday School y Fii'KT MicTiioiiisT. Sixlli St.. belweii Main and iVail. lie v. V. 15. Alexander, pastor. Service : II a. m 7 :: r. m. Sunday School 2 l' M. 1'rayer im ctii K Wednesday even in GntMAN J'kksiivtkkian. Corner Main and Ninth. Kev. Wltte, pastor. Services : usual hours. Sunday t-rhool : ::t0 A. M. Swi'.r.nisii Co.NiHRi ationau ,tJranite, be tween Fifth and Sixth. Coi.oieF.u Baitist. Mt. Olive, Oak. between Ten tli and Kleventh, JCev. A. KoBwell, .:is tor. Services it a. in. and 7 ::sQ p. in. 1'raye. meeting Wednesday cven''r.jj. Yiiiko Mkn'o Chkistian Association lloomsin Waterman block. Main street. ios- iu-1 iiicetliiir. for men onlv. everv holiday ai- teruooii at 4 o'clock. Kg'oiiim open weak days fioui a. in., to it : 30 p. in. Ilr. 4. SIlNlurv li its tin- fxrlnslte rliclit to use lr. St. lnaU M Local A niestliet Ic for the I'alnlrMi extraction of Tenth in tills city. OIHi-e Kockwnou Work. Ilr. Withers, Ilcutist, I'nion Block. CITY COitDIALS. II. W. livers, returned tins morning from Lincoln. Services at the Tabernacle in South Park tomorrow at 2 o'clock. Services especially for children at Ttnrk wo k hall toiurrow morning ut 1 1 o'clock. -t Song service in the Tabernacle South rrk tomorrow evening at minutes to 8. at 15 All men ate invited to attend the at the Y. M. C. A. hall (- l o tomorrow at 4 p. m. Invitations are out annoucing wedding of ?.Iiss Belle Wendall Alv'n Class, for June 19. The work of removing the street car track to the new route on tne and old Lo- cust street has commenced. Switchman Tlucker and Scott had a dilliculty on Main street this morning in w hich they got knocked down and ar rested. Electioneering parties of Mess Ransey, Clark and Vanatta, and Messrs. Ovring and Sherman, spoke at Union and Murray last night. All children of the Presbyterian Sunday Lchool are inyited to liuckwood hall tomorrow at 1 1 a. m., as lie v. Baird lias somthing to say to them. In two weeks the high school gradu ating exercises will occur. The class this rftini.tiof five vounir. ladies. Misits j... c . Ella Wright, Carrie Greusel, Olne Matthews, Anna Ileisel and Mamie Stiles. - The weather iu Nebraska never goes back on auvbodv. Hardly do tlicy complain of dryness till abundance of - I - . . ... .. ... ..I mm i a i M. r-iteaav erons ior so many years, since the grasshopers had their say in the seventies, speak well enough for Nebraska. Yesterday the first $20,000 install ment of the 100,000 B. & M. bonds ft 11 due. Thev were in denominations of $1,000 each and sixteen were paid yes terday, one this morning and three other are yet to be presented This reduces the B. tfc M. bonded indebtedness of the county to SSO.OCO and stops one-fifih of the interest formerly paid. Tiie South Park tabernacle was to day gotten in readiness for the openiii at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon though there is some finishing work to be done. liev. J. M. Wood, the manager, hns been verv enenretic in establishing tho build- : i oil n.of im.iv III", uuu merit; la . win x.x ait . . .... . i omiin i i. a mwcinn it-i 1 1 t r cii fitiorrei i LVUIta A 4L . ... . 1 V . 1 1 111 ' V i i - - by contributions. Plattsniouth Encampment No. 3, I. O. O. R. held their election of officers in their hall last night, which resulted as follows: Ed. Stamm, chief patn-1 arch; W. B. Brown senior warden; H. C. Schmidt, high priest; Henry Theirolf, junior warden; Julius Peppcrberg, out side watch: J. P. Antill. scribe. The in stallment takes place Friday, July 5. The Fort Omaha site has been set tled, and the Clarke tract near Bellvue is the one selected. Here the necessary con veniences of access are at haud and there is ample space upon w'licli to errect a post capable of accomodating five regi ments of troops, five times the capacity of the present post, and to have rille ranges iu abundance. A graud boulevard will be constructed to the new location from Omaha. The pleasing improvements going on ia this city are progressing nicely, and while there is no cran.l boom a larjre amount of money is being expended in buildings. Th work does not stop in the Star City, but all over Cass county the farmers are improving their property with building. The many dwellijgs going up in this city are increasing prop erty values, and there is more torcign canital coming into town in loans than 1 w is apparent from the surface improve ments. Lomt. A lady's gold watch, neatly engraved, gold locket attached, set with garnet and ju-ai Is. Tinder return to Mrs. Kato Oliver', corner of Vine and Tliird fct recti and receive reward. Plant liiui in silence and shed not a tear, scatter tomato cans over hia beir; hunt all the grass that may grow on his grave, chop down the tree that would venture to wave; givo him no coftiu but tumble him down, into a wagon and haul him from town. Sit on his form on the way to the tomb, nothing to had for the arch traitor's doom, place a cheap hand grenade there on his breast, also a fan and a seersucker vest. These he will ned when he journeys below, down to the furnaces where he will go. This is the man who would ask O, the the tough! "Well do you think that today's hot enough?'' PERSONALS. Chas. Clapp, of Elniwood, was in the city today. Mrs. Boyd, of South Bend, was visit ing in the city to-day at the home of Mrs. Kate Oliver. E. B. Lewis, an old Plattsniouth man and well known, was visiting in town yesterday from Holt county. Frank Jackson, who has been employ ed in the shops here some time left last night for Burlington, and will return next week to Denver where he has ac cepted a position. Elson, the Old Reliable One Price Clothier, is the place to get Business or Dress suits cheap. tr Card of Thanks. Through the colums of tne Herald, we wish to thank our freinds and neigh bors for the assitance and sympathy ex tended us during our son's short illness and death. Hit. and Mk8. William Moore. Xow is the time to buy wall paper. We arc making special prices and have a large stock to select from. 7-G w2 "Will J. Wakbick. Gospel Meetings. Mr. John Byers, an evangelist has erected a tent on the court house square on Fifth street near Granite, and will hold gospel meetings there commencing at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Servi ces held in the evening at 7:45, and each night next week. Christians of all de nominations are invited to come. Warrick's is the best place to haye pre scriptions and family recipes filled; pri ces the lowest; drugs the very purest. 7-0 w2 Married- At the residence of the bride's parents, in Louisville. Thursdav. June 0, Miss Theresa Timeau to Mr. Wm. Slohlman, both of Cottaire Hill. Rev. Kattcnhusen olIlciat'"ng The happy couple are well and favora- bly known in that vicinity, and hav I ... r. ? 1 11 c t many meuus, ia oi wnom happiness and prospe.-ity all through the vfMirti to come. The newly married couple will take up their place of resi dence on a farm near Manley, where the rage had been prepared some time ago for this event - Try Warrick's poultry powder best known remedy for cholera- 20c per lb. 7-0 w2 The effect of using Hibbard's Rheuma tfc Svrup is unlike ail medicines contain ing opiates or poisens, it being entirely free from them. It cures rheumatism by purifying the blood. Sold by F. G. Fricke fc Co. "They Mean Business." Fr many years the manufactures of Dr. Sace's Catarrh Remedy have olleretl in good faith, $500 reward for a case of Nasal Catarrh which they cannot cure The Remedy is sold by druggists at only r0 rents. This wonderiul remeay nas - I f.iirlv nttainerl a world-wide reputation i . If you have dull, heavy headache, ob struction of the nasal passages, discharg es falling from the head into the throat, sometimes profuse watery, and acrid, at others thick tenacious mucous, purulent, blood v and putrid: If the eyes are weak watery and inflamed; if there is ringing in the ears, deafness, hacking or cough ing to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive matter, together with scabs Uvm ulcers, the voice being changed and has a nasal twang; the breath offen sive, smell and taste inipared; sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking cough and general dibtliy, you are suffering from nasal catarrh, the more complicated your disease, the greater the number and diversity of symptoms. Thousands of cases annually, without maniff sting half of the above svmptoms result in consumption, i.nd end in the grave. No disease is so com mon, more deceptive and dangerous, li-ss understood, or more unsuccessfully treat ed by physicans. Sive money and trade with Will J. Warrick, dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, bocks and wall paper. 7-G w2 The largest stock of wall paper and paints: the most complete stock of medi cines; the purest drugs and lowest prices always, at 7-0 w2 Wili. J. Wakrick's. Special Sale if fine Frkncii Flowers at Mrs. John son's. Regular prices $1.75 to $2.50, now 1.00 to $1.25. Also special sale in Infants' Lace Bonnets. Call and securo a bargain. tf THE DAILY HEKALI) : TLAITSMOUTII, GREATEST HIT Free! Free! A Genuine Crayon Por trait Given Away! Commencing to all persons buying goods to the amount of $25. OO or more, an order for one of our Genuine Crayon Portraits Of yourself or any person you may select. Wc have also meiits with a large frame manu factory to mount and frame these Portraits for our patrons in the best style at one-fourth the usual cost of such frames or You are however, not obliged to purchase DEATH ANGEL'S CALL For Thk Hkkald. (lu memory of little Edgar Ospalt. Ue speelfully inscribed to the bereft.) Tin Ansel of death lnid a. mifslon one niclit. Which the Lord of Creation of him diil com mand TwitB t visit tht earth in the absence of lir'.i! ud call home a youuft soldier of "iJuMU-r.-baiid." But the Lord Ravclconimaml eie he hastcaed away. Not to be too severe, and come back ere the dawn ; And obeyicg at'once what hid Lordship did eav. Was oil aud was back before some kuew he va gone. He hastened at once to the earth clothed In black. To fullill at his will the mission he bora He called at a cot yet they were not slack But none knew that death's Angel stood Just at the door. Dpath called and awav ; It was only a dream : But he'd taken the last one remaining ct five. But we st ill have a hope, what a glorious theme. Nor Princes, nor lyings can the mourner de prive. For we knew he was vfliant for God and the Although he'd ;not been in the field very He had'a'broad girdle, a shield that vras bright. And all needed armor with spirit full strong. May we learn of death's .Angel, .obedience and work, , ... Aa the Master doth send, from the high to tne low Let us glean for the Master, and not try to shirk. Then a death calls us we will be ready to go. O. T. Wooo. The best fly paper in town, at ricks. 7-6 w2 War- A Comfortable Home is one where a man that is weary can rest himself upon a neat sofa, it he is hungry he can go to the cupboard or safe and get somthing to cat, if he is thirsty he can draw a glass of cold water from the refrigerator, if he has company he can show" them into a neatly furnished parlor and give them an elegantly arranged spare room, if the wife has sewing she can rest comfortably in a low rocking chair, in going out to call a fine dresser is at hand to arrange the appearance be fore and there is always a hat rack in the hall to keep personal property on and a jar to receive the wet umbrella. Be comfortable and happy and furnish your house from the Furniture Emporium of Henry Boeck. Thk Herald Job Rooms are the most complete in the county. Sensible People will have nothing to do with ''cure-all" mydicines that are advertised to cure everything from chilblain to a brokin neck. Head the list of diseases that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cure: Affections of the throat and lungs, incipient consumption, disordered liver, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, ulcers, tumors and swellings caused by scrofula aud bad blood: fev r and gue and dropsy. This seems like a cure-all but it is not. This great "Discovery" will realv cur all these complaints simply beeansc it purifies the Uooil upon which they depend and builds up the weak places of the body. By druggists. NEBKASKA, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1889. EVER MADE! Free! Free? to-day we will give made arrange- Flower Mission Day. The Y. W. C. T. U. have one day each year, June S, which they celebrate as flower mission day, in honor of the birth day of Miss Jennie Cassady, of Louis ville, Kentucky. The day is celebrated by taking flowers in bouquets with scriptural texts attached, and visiting the poor, the sick and the prisoners in fail, where flowers are left and services held of song and prayer. Miss Cassady, whose birthday this celebrates, is an in valid lady, .but is much interested in the Young Ladies' Chnstion Association. She furnishes the texts to give with the flowers. The young ladies of that asso ciation celebrated flower mission day in this city today, visiting the poor fami lies and jail this afternoon. Twenty-four desirable shades of B., T. & Co's mixed paints, just received. These paints are guaranteed for 5 years. Sample card free at Warrick's. 7-G w2 Plusli Wigwams at Sherwood's A fine line of Gents furnishing goods ust received at Elson's the One Price Clothier. tf Balbriggan suits the best in the city at Elson's the One Price Clothier. tf Dr. Parsell of Omaha wili visit Platts niouth every Fiiday. Rooms at the Kid dle hotel from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Chronic cases and diseases of women a speciality. All invalids not ' benifited by present treatment, are inyited to call, physicans will be welcome. $S I tt C ft A MONTH caa be made i ) UJ J50l worKing for us. Agents referred who can furnish a lioree and give Their whole time to the business. Spare room enf may be profitably employed also. Ajew vacancies iu towns and cities. B. F. JOiLN SOV & CO..1009Main-st.. Kichmond. va. JV. B. Please state age and bwsineg exper Henee. Xerer mind about neiuting stamp fur re urn, n. F. J. A Co. TKE BEST-WHITE SOAP MADE IK-AM EH Or Jas-5-Kirk WHITE- f I "NI inC FLOwriNf Soa WDADPPR l ( UK6E SIZll T ani receive a o J,? HANDSOMER Containing m AnoRsand-A(MSS5 g -mm Tt Iff I J a frame at all, or youcan purchase it at some other store. We do this to Advertise our Business, ""'V " . . " o v line art like this with bo small a purchase of goods. We answer that it is done for a big advertisement. No other such or will be offered by any other house in this city, avoid the rush that will be sure to take place Portraits. E&emeniber t hat you need not purchase $35 worth ot goods at any one time, but at differ ent times, aggregate no; that amount. A sample of our work in noiv on exhibition at our store. Special Drives This Week. Our Figured French Satines reduced to 27Ac a yard. Odds and Ends left from our Hosiery Sale about, given away. At 25c a pair Children plain and ribbed Lisle Hose worth double. At 35c a pair Ladies' Hose in Spun Silk. English Lisle and best quality of Ingrains reduced irom 05, 75 and $1.50 a pair. We have just received another lot of our 15c Ladies Jersey Ribbed Vests, worth 25c. Ladies Lisle Vests at 50c reduced from $1.00. Full line of Ladies' Gauze and Balbriggan Vests in lonj: dna short sleeves at 25, 35 and 50c each. o QDna W.UUT6 At CosL Only 60 Days More. Time is flying and our goods are selliug. Don't wait until we are out to Pueblo for you will never get such prices as we are offerimj. Ladies Glove Web 25 cent Slipper, Jvid loe, 7a ct blippers, will sell tor " Low Crescent, 1 25 Slipper, will sell for 1 " Oxford Tie, 1 75 Low Shoe, " 1 Glaze Dongola, flexible, 2 25 Shoes, will sell for 1 Fine GlazeJ Donp-ola, flexible, 3 00 Shoe, will sell for 2 " " " hand turned 3 00 Shoe, will sell for 2 40 4 00 " " " 3 00 " French " " " 4 50 " "t " 3 75 Glove Grain, S. S., 1 50 Shoe, will sell for 'JO "We also have a great-many Childrens, that we have not space It will be to your interest elsewhere. W. A. Grand Gifts Girea Away at J. V. WECKBACH & 3Da,3Tligrl2-t Store, LIST OIF1 TJBI Every purchaser of One Dollar's Worth of Goods will receive a ticket, and any person presenting the Qumber of tickets as below will receive the gift as set opposite the number of tickets: - 8 Tickets gives you a silver plated Sugar Shell, worth 1 00 10 Tickets gives you a Uutter Knife, worth , , 1 23 12 Tickets givta you a new ttyle Lace pin, worth , , 1 50 25 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Teaspoons, worth 3 00 50 Tickets gives you a et of Roger's Knives, worth 3 75 30 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Forks, worth 3 75 50 Tickets giyes you a set of Roger's Tablespoons, worth C 00 100 Ticket gives you an elegant walnut 8-day clock, worth. 12 00 ZTirot-Claoo Goodo at Bottom Prioos. of inducements can Come now and ior these Crayon will sell for . 05 50 00 50 85 40 bargains in Mens, Boys, Misses and to mention. to call and get prices before buying fl'uril to I'ivo awav a work EDIX & CO, so s PRIZES.