The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 08, 1889, Image 1

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    7 ;-
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si:coni yj:ai:
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Absolutely Pure.
This p-iwiliT iKscr varies. A m.i vel of par
ty, sin nulli ami wi-o'iihik-pcs. AiorH ecoiio
luiiMl iiriii tin' oid'-uoy a :l it be
sold in -otiiclitioii mt'i llie l.i.e. t.'.le of low
lel. sh lit weight aliini or 1 1 - i e powder.
No. o in (it, n. l:.)VAI. N: I'OWDKlt
Co.. 1n; Wall SI. N. Y.
: civics soaviwYiS.
CtASS MIIXiK No. 14. I. O. C. F. Meets
'every Tu'H'lay evening of r.uvi wei-i. All
lr:uisi-i.t brothers aro res peci Tally Invlied to
Illi Vi I MOIT Ml KNCAM I'MK ST No. 3. I. O.
. K.. inwel e.-y a U'rniilo Friday in
e:iu'i ii i in the M? noire Hull. Yi.siluii:
Bmi le. -i ;ris in itod to attend.
IJI.A1 tsVOLTTI! MIUt'KSUli, A. F. & A.M.
Mim;siii til.- lir-1 and I'r'il Mondays of
CP'h inoiilii ai their hall. A'l tiinslest b'loth
eix an coidiallv in iled to meet Willi u
.1. t Kii'-iKV. W. M.
Wm. II vys. SiMTf?iary.
AMA C VM1' No.: X'.J. MO!KUX woddmkn
- iif A i:m;':i Meet -i Mfeond and four! li .lm
. :-v vvru'.fii at tv. of I. hail. All transient
'rot'-MTis r'ji;.':it'il to meet, -vifli U". I.. A,
'ewv;u:er. Ve.ierablO (Viiiai ; li. K, N;Ief
v.oury Anvlnt-r ; S. C. V iidf, if.uiker ; Y. A.
i'.i't;c':, t'!;i'ii.
-' I'li'.iAsK v ':l A !T,-il. No. K. A. M
it M. :; sci-.ii-.d i-r'il f'vi'i'l 1" il - -ii i l f.'fli
motii li ; t .h'SM'i'H H.ill. Tra-ii-.t'iu
me inv.ifd to iii-ji-l v.itsi us.
F. K. Wnrr:, II. P.
W.m. i ". S-.'C'-etary.
1ST. ZION CUMMAM) l:Y. . 5, K. T.
JMfi- ami li i 1 V.'cilm-si'.iy nilit ol
each t ti ;l M.isiin'.s ha i. l ! brotl:ei
pi.' invited to ii'ei v. .1.1 us.
m . 1 1 I ec. F. K. Wwi t .c. K. ('.
411. A 11 AH)U Til LO'X'Ii Sif. K. A.M. U. W.
AffC.s ev-ry r!t;Tn:'?(; Fiidav bvcii; at
Uoc.'.wood liall i't H oViocc. AM tv.ii'siclit !rt i
o s ar iiiwtfuHy in vi cd in a.'. ii:d. 1. s.
I.Kt-xo't. M. ; F. IJo-d, hoivta: n : S. C
W IU!e. .tt;c-rdT : Leo::ai'd Amlf r.-o,i. Over-it P r.
TUliO LOIMiK NO. si. A. . I'. W.-.!eU
eviTy :ilfern:ii- Friday rveninj: at K. of F.
li ill. I'r.insi.Mit brotliiT are r-s:t-i;lf ully in
v l-d toaru'iid. F. P. Ilrown. ':istiT ork
lii -ii ; ; I;. K-iu-iHT. F.nviiian ; F. H.steiinkcr
t)vTscer; W. il Miil'-r, F'i'au.'iT ; J. F.
ltoiis-A-orili. Koi:ord.T ; F. .1., IleCi'iv
er; W ia. i liui if ; Win. l.udwi. Inside
Vateli : h. Oisrn. Outside Waica
Treasurer, -Attorney,
Foiici" Jude,
F. M. r.icHF.Y
W K Fox
i. H. Dusn
Council men, lst ward, jj'j
SAMSltUltV "
,. ., i i A 1I!J
2nd i i m .ivkS
1 ' "
M K Ml'ltl'HY I 1
j COX H'l'OXXOlt.
F McCm-lks.
,. I J 1 SlMPdOX,
5! 11
( .1 W Johns iN.CnAHisiAN
Hoard Pub.Vorks Fkkd Cokbek
I W II Nkwi
I'epaty I'lt-asurer, -
leputv C-.-rk.
Kucor.ler of l)'Cd3
TlllW. Plil.l.lXJK
Koto Ci:iT;nriK.i.a
FitANK Dickson
W. II. l'oui.
Uepiity lieeorder
Crk of Uirtriot Coart, W. 0. Showaltek
StilTilT - - - J.O. KlKKNHAHl
Surveyor. - ll.O. Si-nsnw
Attoruey - SIatthkw i!ekix
Supt. of Fab. Sclioo!. - Maynaho Spin k
Couty Ju-lsre. - O. Ivlsseli.
A.B.Toot. - - - w riHttsmoutli
Louis Folt. - - Weeping Waler
A. li. l)i kson. Cli'm.. - - Kiinwood
lsi Yice Fie- de it
2ud iee Pic'iilent
...iiabt. B Wi-idbam
A. li. Todd
-.... in Xeviile
F. I'eiTaiann
:.F. K. tJaiinean
J C IJVhv, F. K. tbite. .1 C. rattcrsoc,
J A Cora--, B. li'fon, C. W. SiieriKan, F. ior
ti'e.; J. Y. Wt ckbjc.l.
M DlCilov ;ommair.Ier.
Bknm. IIkmpi.k Senior Vice
S. Cakrksan Junior "
tirtO. NI1.K.-J. Alj:i an..
A. SlIIPM VN S ir!f-
IfaNRY SritKKSHT ......W. iM.
a tuwii oiil.-erof tlia nay.
jam-, in. :k. ;ic;:t?.
Avifks..n C Fit v.. ..Ja-:rter M Wer Strut.
L." r.CtRVH Post Cl-.iplain
Meetinr Saturday evcr.i::
A"1''. THOMAS.
Attoriiff -af-l.'iw a vl Notary Public. OHlee in
FitZ2'ra'l B!oi-K. Flattytiiontli. Ni-b.
Attorney at-l-aw. V.'ill ivc prompt Altentit'"
to -ill bii.-Iiies Intrafted to Jiiin. Oliiec it
Union KIock. Fait siie. Pluttsniouih. Neb.
I il Kl N. WOI1L.I' Altl II,
Stap'e r.n;l Fanny Orceri'-s, Glassware anc"
Cruckery, Flour and Fend.
Fine JoI Work n specialty at The
Herald ollice.
An Innocent Man in Jail at Nebras
ka City for Murder.
At the Time orthtrIne lir hhm H-p.
vIiik in the rrnUentiary-5Piit
I'roai C'ahm County.
People Testifying they to Used la Wei
Acquainted with a Man whom
they Never Saw Before.
The Prisoner Doesn't Get Rattled
Nebnwka city h surely a city of sensa
tions and they have now developed one
that U foolish in- the extreme, and may
chagrin them enough that they can learu
a prolliable lesson. The first side of the
story is this: AIout 1S77 Washington
Scramhlin left" Indiana and came to
Nebraska. Jut whore he located at first
ve are unaMe to trace out, but for a time
he worked in a brick yard at Council
Bluffs and alio lived in Franklin county
in the wostern part of this state where he
bought some lots which are now value
loss. 1SS0 and 181 found him in Cass
county and working in Plattsmouth, and
either prior to this or after 18S4 he lived
several years at Mt Pleasant, this county.
While in this city he worked for Fred
Mrs. Wreath concluded she had found
a better man and she eloped with Scramb-
lin, and Scramblin stole a team of geld
ings from Wreath to g t awuy with. II o
was arrested and the charge of horse
stealing brought against him. He was
tried in the d:strict court in May, 181
.V jury with Henry L. Messneras foreman
returned a verdict of "guilty" and Judge
S II. Pound sentenced the prisoner to
three years hard labor in the penitentiary,
which term was served, no charge ever
being brought against him for eloping
with Mrs. Wreath. After his term in the
penitentiary had expired May 7, l$s4,
Serambliu's whereabouts for the next.
three Tears we dc not know but last
year he turned up at Nebraska City where
he camped out and then took up his
abode in a cave in Kearney near the li.
fc M. track where he lived some time.
lie has a mother, sister and brother living
north of Kearney, and a brother David
Scrainblin living at Minden, Nebraska
Again this spring Washington Seramblin.
appeared at Nebraska City, and took up
his abode like a hermit it a cave. As
a man he is over ( feet tall and only
weighs about 100, and is probably 45
ye.irs old. Friday morning of last week
Arthur Spencer swore out a warrant for
Serambliu's arrest . as a murderer, and
since then all has been sensation in the
town of Nebraska City.
The murder side of the story is this; In
November 1882 Richard Brimhall.a brick
maker of Red Oak, Iowa, had In his em
ploy a man named Bennett (or Benja
min) Harden. Brimhall and Hayden had a
quarrel and Hayden shot Brimhall with
a shotgun and then killed him with an ax
and made his escape. The last trace of
Hayden was the finding of a shot gun
under a bridge near Hamburg, Iowa.
On charge of this murder Scramblin is
now arrested. When the arrest was
made by Sherriff Williams of- Otoe he
submitted quietly and made no fuss,only
claiming his innocence. Witnesses were
procured from Red Oak, and the wife of
the murdered man (now T. E. Ljocke, of
Council Bluffs) were called, and all were
satisfied Scramblin'was Hayden, but all
were mistaken, for Scramblin was in the
Nebraska penn at the time of the crime.
Mrs Spencer, wife of the man who swore
the warrant for Scramblin's arrest testi
fied she ate at the same table with Hay
den for. years and this is him, and other
testimonies are equally a positive. The
examination was coutinued each day this
week. Two witnesses were called from
Red Oak, that did not beleive Scramblin
was Hayden, these were Attorney Beesnn
and the marshal of Red Oak. Sramblin
has kept it from the officers that he was
in the penn in 18S2, only stating ha was
in Nebraska, but he is evidently a li tie
unbalanced in his mind, but his broth
er David, of Minden, has cleared up the
mystery to the officials and the prisoner
will be set free. For several days Scram
blin refused to call any witnesses, but
just said he would wait. He seemed, to
dislike very much to have to prove his
whereabouts in 1S82.
Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Plas
ters are prescribed by the leading pliysi
cana of Michigan, its homo state, and are
reniidies'of unequalled merits for Rheu
matism, blood xlisorder and liver and
kidney complaint. It comes here with
the highest endorsements and recomen
dations as to its curative virtues, " - ..
Sold by F. O. Fricke & Co.
Definitions Given or Them by Famous Men.
A Reference to the Itook of Troverbs.
Quotation from Chaucer, Hums uiul
To begin at the beginning, what is a
proverb? Lord John Russell's definition
was: "Tho wit of one, the wisdom of
many." In a quaint old liook, "Tho
Worthies of England, "written by Thomas
Fuller, an English divine and author,
published in 1050, a proverb is defined to
le "Much matter decocted into few
words." Francis Bacon, the well known
philosophic author and lawyer, made
lord chancellor of England by James I,
and dismissed, disgraced and fined for
receiving bribes from suitors, was char
actcrivscd in Pope's satire in this csuplet:
If parts alluro thoo, tliink bow Bacon shiiifd,
Tho wisest, brightest, meanest of mankind.
Bacon, however, went very near tho
trutli when lie wrote: "Tho genius, wit
and spirit of a nation are discovered by
their proverbs."
Fleming says: "Proverbs embody the
current and practical philosophy of an
ago or a nation." Brando tells us tliat
"Proverbs are, for tho most part, rules
of moral or still more projierly of prudial
conduct." Dr. Johnson said that they
were "short sentences, frequently re
peated by tho jieople." Cervantes, au
thor of "Don Quixote," who may bo said
to have peppered the conversation of
Sancho Panza with proverbs, declares
them to lie "short sentences drawn from
long experiences." In this the immortal
peasant squire resembled Iludibras, of
whom Butler wrote:
For rhetoric, lie could not o;
His mouth but-out there Hew a trope.
It is calculated that there are now in
ut;e, among European nations and the
Eng'i: li shaking people of the United
States, not fewer than 20,000 proverbs,
by far tho largest proportion of which
are Spanish. They enter very exten
sively into the ordinary conversation of
Spaniards. Hence the propriety on Cer
vantes' part of making Sancho Panza
(ignorant mid vulgar, as a peasant of the
time and place would have been, but also
shrewd and practical) speak very much
in proverbs, the language of his practical
good sense.
For tlio uiotit part, though proverbs .ire
to be found in all languages and in the
history of all nations, generally in their
early stages, there is no record of their
birth nor of tiicir paternity. They have
been accepted, not as resting on th.j au
ihui ity of a revered name, but from tlu ir
inherent truth or semblance of truth. In
fullness of time, which means in or near
the lust three or four centuries, men
made collections of them. The publica
tion in the year lo!0 of a voiume by
Erasmus, which ho culled "Adagia," first
set the learned men of Europe on the
track of proverb collecting. lie was the
first in that line, at least the first who
had traveled far upon it. Since then the
publication of proverbs has been very
general, and a heavy harvest of this sort
has been gathered in from the ordinary
speech as well us the written works of
Spain, Italy, France, Germany and Eng
land. There are now at least from
thirty to forty different collections of
English proverbs. It was in Asia, said
to have been the birthplace and cradle
of tho human race, that proverbs found
their way into the popular speech of Pal
estine and Babylonia.
In the book of Proverbs in the Bible,
there is wisdom in them, but not a parti
cle of wit. Its opening words, "The prov
erbs of Solomon, the son of David, the
king of Israel," give us its current He
brew title. It has also been calied in the
Talmud, and by more than pne very early
Christian writer, "The Book of Wisdom."
Generally, by Jews and Christians, it is
designated "The Proverbs of Solomon,"
and, representing tho wisdom of which
tho Hebrews thought bo much, stands at
the head of the whole class of books
known as the Sapiental. The Bible cred
its Solomon with tho authorship of 3,000
proverbs and 1,005 songs. Much of the
former remain; few of the latter. Moi
probabl v Solomon collected short and '
telling phrases then used in conversation,
adding ruany thoughts of his own. The
oldest proverb on record is, "Wickedness
proceedeth from tho wicked," which (m
I Samuel xxiy, J2) David declared to be
'tlie proverb of the ancient3" eonso
quently much older than any composed
by his son Solomon.
Those of the east are grave and simple;
of Greece, intellectual; of Rome, more
worldly; of Spain, stately and thought?
ful; of Italy, poet jo yet gixjss; of Gei
many, subtle and shrewd; of England,
very practical. Many of these last,
which are our own, indeed, are taken
from the poets. Chaucer, tho father of
English poetry, who is supposed to have
been borrt early in the rejgn of Edward
HI-tho dato on his tombstone is 1328
and who died about the year 1400, wrote
much of this proverbial pliilosophy. In
the prologue to the "Testament of Love"
he has, "Habit inaketh riQ rnonk, iior
wearing pf gilt spurs maketh no knight."
Henry Scogan, a contemporary of Chau-
fer, thought so well of this idea that he
fottwto hjs own poem, "A Moral Balade,"
. JJo Is gentle; though ha rich scent,
All wear ho niitre, crown or (iladeia.
Sir Tbbinas Elyot put the same idea in
'XbArJovernor." published in 1531. "We
have In tlu? "ycaisi coma wmvii L ,T.
llOI'ieS. .A3 long art un- nu.u
they lie so called; but if they be counter
feited., and made in brass, copjier or other
vilo metal, who. for tho print only, call
eth them nobles? Whereby it appeareth
that the estimation is tho metal and not
in the print or figure." It is most prob
able that Robert Burns never read Chau
cer, never heard of Scogan or Elyot; yet
the intuition erf his genius seized their
thought and so condensed it that we now
The rank Is but the guinea's stamp,
Tins man "a the gold fur u that.
Thomas J. Bowditch in Troy Tim.
Poisonous Wall Paper.
The subject of poisonous paper hang
ings has lately been discussed, in the
light of boiuo new facts, by tho Boston
Society for Medical Improvement.
Somo of the imported papers still' con
tain arsenic in quite dangerous amounts,
and even Americau manufacturers,
though they use less arsenic than for
merly, are not yet w holly within the lim
its of safety. It is found that one-third
of a grain to a squnre yr.y mVc!. .; !ly
deleterious; but paiera are in use that
analysis shows to contain ten, fifteen,
and even twenty grains!
The following are important facts in
the case:
1. Tho harm varies, as would natur
ally be supposed, inversely with the in
dividual's power of elimination. This
power may bo fully adequato in somo
persons, and quite inadequate in others.
2. Tho symptoms of two jiersons inju
riously affected by tho same exposure
and tho results may be quite dillerent.
Inflammation of the kidneys, for in
stance, may be induced in the one, and
not at all in tho other.
8. Arsenic may not givo rise to the
ordinary symptoms of arsenical poison
ing, but may stir up and strengthen
dormant morbid tendencies, and thus
divert attention from tho truo disturb
ing cause.
4. While one-third of a grain to a
square yard is likely to harm an adult,
a young child may be injured by a mere
trace, and the cause of the trouble may
be wholly unsuspected.
5. While arsenic is not a cumulative
poison, like lead, yet it is very slowly
eliminated from the body. It requires
weeks, and sometimes even months, to
effect its complete expulsion after re
moval from an arsenious atmosphere.
Henco inhaling it constantly, perhaps
day and night, may cause a very danger
ous accumulation of the poison in the
system. This accumulation will bo very
rapid if the organs of elimination, one
or more of them, are feeble.
0. A new and conclusive method of de
tecting tho prc-nc-iico of arsenic in the
system has been discovered, which leaves
no room for doubt. Thia test has been
applied in many cases, and has led to the
removal of the paper from the wall, or
of the patient from the roonn followed
by relief, and, in due time, by full cure.
7. The covering of arsenical paper by
non-aienicrd i3 not sulilcient to remove
danger, for though this expedient may
prevent the arsenical du.-t from improp
riating the air, yet it id surmised that
moisture develops a volatile aretnious
compound, which readily finds its way
into the air of the room. Youth's Com
1 be Fl'at Teleirvitm.
When Professor Morse was in Wash
ington, preparing to test tho telegraph
line which had been erected at govern
ment expenso between Washington s:ik"
Baltimore, ho was allendtd by i.even.I
gentlemen friends, jtnio-ig whom was
Congressman John I. Wc-therill, oi
Maryland. Prc4'cs:;or Morse rang up tin
Baltimore ofilce, then located i:ia room
over the postofiico at Fayette and North
streets, and having received an answer
ing signal ho announced that ho wa.
ready to transmit a mcssago to Balti
more. At this iunctxtr-J Congressma!:
WetlieriJl suggested that a.? rout ni union
tion by electricity wa.; n jreat event i.
the world's hi.-tory, the hoor of seisuinv
Ihefirstmoi.iagc-iOiould bo l.estowed lipo
some ono identified with t!i. ration";
progress. This suggestion met with !:
proval, but none o. u!d think of a pr-r-oa
whom this lienor wculd cc;i.-)ii:uo;;.-;l-
U fit. Suddenly Weiherill ciL'd oat: '"I
have il! Mrs. Madison ?.;. ;i; Wihiiig
ton, and ho ?i jn.t ih.o pt ison."
Thai distingui:i!i-.l l.rJ y was sent for.
and in half an hoar she r.rrived. duly
excited, but with the hea, obiigiu.;
smile she always wore. Profeasoi. Morse
asked her to writo out u brief- t-
some friend in JJaHjmore, and Mr. Mr.d
ison accordingly wrote a lino to the wife
of (he oongi-c-esinnn, simply tho words:
"Mrs. James Madison's compliment. to
Mrs. Wetherill." This first message was
ticked off and shortly thereafter 'etched
Mrs. Wetherijl p.t hey country home in
the suburbs pi Baltimore, having been
dispatched from the Baltimore oCIcu by
a courier on horseback.
Several other preliminary messages,
such as vllow aro yovi?" etc.,. were sent,
and. then came the formal communica
tion: 'What hath God wrought." These
facta w:ero narrated to me by Congress
man Wetherill in 1S47. Chicago News.
A Sea of Flrp,
A gea of phosphorescent tire, extend
ing aa tax tii6 eye could reach, was
passed 185 miles east by north of Cape
Henlopen by the Allan line steamer Man
itoban from Glasgow. Cap. punlop,
master of the, said:
-;Early pn Tuesday night the heavens
suddenly became overcast and intensely
dark, and I left tho bridge temporarily,
leaving Second Officer Johnson in
charge. I had hardly reached the cliart
room when the crv of fire was announced
,ja ., ,U ML 11 !J; ,M
(niilclc in lc;irliiit'ii(s. ir:iii(lsi,H' lin
l Xcj)ilit;in and pallcru
c-onli.ill v in ile ladies to t all ami "H nr-s, w?
can save you nioticv.
Moore & Studebakkk.
One door west of Joe's clot hi ii"- store.
Oil l llu soiroo.'iru ow.v, aim i u.-.iien on
the bridgo and found the sea lb be like a !
mass of flame, presenting a scene of ?ub j
lime grandeur.
"Wheiic er :i sea broke over bow !
of the vessel the di-ji-i of liie pr.-ad
over the ri..;ii!g and cl-.s hi e the iiy-
ing eml icrs of a genuine oii!l.;,;r ,! ion, i
where s.park.-i were driven l.y u o ;.,
wind. Every whei-o o:t the d'-cic; .. re
found tiny sparkling phosphor.' ; :it
beads, whi-vh did not dij-ippear ui.i
next morning. For two hours th:
was steaming through this ; a of
causing considerable alni in lo in.i;
d t:.
! !n;
V oi'
the Mlper-;! it ioihi sailor.: and p.j.-:,-n get's.
In the distance tho s.'m appeared (o be
breaking on n, strand, hat a dip ol' the
log without lindiag l.otb'Oi hidii-aie.l
that -io:d water was not lu-ar at h. :: !."'
Philadeli.hia Record.
The British iinval programme for the
future -i? c .lossal. In ad.ditioii to ih
thirty -eight war i-hip of on- 'and o; an
other now in C(.n ,inn '!'.:i. seventy 1 e.ft;
are to ho laid. do-. :i at a cost ol Iv. r: ! y
two ndliioli ; ornd ; telle;. making iivi'
hundred and t no :r sln'o-. l-s' 1'jvl.
"i he jo;;e i.
Today settles it the court houi
Tin: JoKn: writes onl' for tin
of the peoole now living on ri.ith.
.riv hx l
C. W. Sin nnr.n ,.p(,ka at Mur
night. Such is life in a court
It is s.iid ft young man recently s-nt his
best girl a marked copy of a paper con
taining an item about K'O j-rople being
poisoned by eating ice cream. How
foolish! let no other yoiing man try to
bluff his best girl in this uumiter. becau-c
it can't be done.
A South Park fishing pond broke loo p
and engulfed the whole Coneiiiaugli val
ley in Prunsylrania, and the reuits make
the heart of Tin: Joki:i: lieavy, but Stau
City is about to be engulfed in a sea - a
sea of matrimony and the th-st. sigu-i
have broken out in South Park, and the
Hood will sweep down the. vnll-y of
Chicago avenuu and take ir; the whole
town before the month of .lun.- hs fad.-d
into the misty past.'
Tin-: Jokeu h:n been watcliing how
men advertise and surely the dlijig -nl
man gets there, and the more pi noes his
name and husmtfs appear in a paper !!:.
more people appear ut his store. Some
men try advertising as the Indian tried
feathers. lie t ok one feather, laid it on
a board and slept on it. u'l night. In the
1 .
morning nr remaiKett: IV one man . v
feathers he.-.p soft, white m in heup ion!."
Some men invest a quart.,; i,i advertising
and because the not at once reali- a
... : i , .(.'I..
gresv ::Uiiiu-63 tuey ileeiare that ad vert i.-
ing does not pay. A m in should to t ( x
pect returns so dispropos tion-tti to lu
investment. 1-von u. little ;d
... . i
tishig i douhtle?A woitli all it eost, bat
a t wenty-five cent local can't be expected
to revolutionise business and turn trrtl- i
out of its accustomed channel.-:.
A man was .. on Man it reft a few
evei:lnf, ag-i treading back and foith be-
fore the oj-,cra heus? who looked as if he
was exasperated enough to !ni .somebody
with a section or two of the sidewalk, j
With a heait full of symjiathy for the i
weaknesses of human uature The Jok: i: '
ipproaehed the pedestrian, who in appear-
..,,,. A .,
ance looked as though lie had :u-t sfej,. ,
ped out ls3S, and xv. .eeied with j
"Where ha2 ilu-y ,ovc-d the post ofiiee? j
I'vo bia lotikiu' for it half an hour." ;
Tiik Jokei: W!-.s fistomsh'.'d l.i'.t d'-'rho-d .
to learn who the man w;t, and a man- ,
ner of syn.r-K.thy replied ' Come with me i
aliein voa naven t been in town re-1
ccntlyj is your home- I !
was in last October, hut bin puttin off ;
comin' for some time. I live out here 'in :
the country 'bout fifteen miles and wni.t- ;
cdto git some things and mail a letter." j
hie jokek wouian t biame that man if
he voted against court house bonds t wice.
& u l MA J. SL ,ii a.-
iv jl for hii iiii'ii I ! ciikc ol' ( aliirrb
Aji.i in Hie llruil li) t hi-iriit ii'tiil liof
Srin ptoin of Cnliirili. iiiiIik'1iu.
oltfttiuctniii of now, (list-liai'V'-M I'uiliiig into
thiofit. BiiiiietiuieH prol iisi-, miii'i'.v, ami m-i iJ.
at others, thick, ti-iuu ioiiH, iuih-luh, purulent,
bloody and putrid ; u i ul;, i iiitoii in i-mn,
d-ntiieKH, diuieulty ol l iu iii t lio mt, x -iio-ratinn
of oiieiii iiuittci ; hi ii i.tiiiiHivi-:
im-ll uiul tiiKt impaired, mid fi-m-rftl di-Oility.
Only a lew of 1 h.viii plums likely to In- pi-ek-'
(-lit at oni e. 'riioiiNiindH ol eii'w.s it-Bult In uiu-
iiuipl ion. ttud end in 1 lie n v e.
ity llu imlil, Hiioihing. and In iilnir iroiM rt(-,
Tr. .Siiife's Ui-iiUMly eim-s I he 'u kI euH-K. .'Uc,
m 1T5 m. -. M I M n .. .
Bi-txifc TV UVtH r ILLS.
J'uri ly Vrit ta
ble d lliirmlfai.
TJtieflUalod HSR I.I VCr 1111. Snuilh-i-t.eheiip.
Mt., eiiHii-ht to t-Hlce. Ono I'ellel n llnt,
(,'ure Sick llcudurlii', f tiliuiio lleiliM-e,
Xlir.ziiK'MM, Coimlijmtioii, liicll('tiuii,
I5lliouM Atlttcku, and ull l' i lUii.-mi-iitu of
tb tviiiWOh imd liuwela. iij ct. by drugginl.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Fior do Pepperbero' and 'Buds
aiways in stock. Nov. 20. 18S.r.
j ;;,.,.,. Nli.-M.ei ut SImtu oo.l h
! ..
I'h-nty ol' feed, flour, grMhm :md
meal at I lei-seFs mill, tl
Tin- .Yimv
KIH'1- V. UUlU.
!!(nv, oni. tin At
House ami lot on l;it hie
)U easy payiiiciitr; cmpiiie
Inos. Hardware store.
pl.iee for ale
at Joiin'sos
'!' !m- new i'tiktj Oil, Siot
lint rc ;i ci;it Jolinsoti ilm.
i'lill ami see tlicni. TSu
tut evploile.
your iee eieaiii with the 1 udil'in" fief. r
sold by Johnson Bro3.
!'V 1 In
Blieunirttisiii is (Mired by Iil.bard'n
1 i hen In :i t ! Ktriin 1 1 r ; L ; ,, .. t i I , . .. i . r
i ,, .. ' .
' the itiseaxe and restoi mo I I. i.l.,,.. j .... i
j livertoheallhy action. If taken a sutli
; eif-ut time to thoroughly ei.idir-.ite mu-Ii
J poison, it never fails. Sold bv i-. ;.
I-Vjche & Co.
! ESSifl
Fill y Dollars in cloiiii Cnsli
To lo ien :i:iy by (,'. I".
j WVscott. tli; Jioss Clothier
! lllai-.s vi.rt'n ,
fr,,iu uUr Klcant stock
entitles tliO jillK-hasor to ono chance
i ... -.T.vr ooTVf
t" draw tins bhAM) rlilh.
Drawing tuk-s
l:tli, lSb!. The
Kxliibition in our
Oetf-! r
is on
Our .tuck i.- eniiet
, ,
Wr.V ,:i1' ""i
at tlif lowest l.ottoni li.rt,i-c-s
t"itiy one rice sunl n. -Monkey
C E. Wb-OTT.
The Boss Clot flier.