The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 06, 1889, Image 4

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Tne Evening Herald.
officiXl paper of th e city.
Or. I. Snllxhui-jr liaflic I'xHuhIt rltflit. to iikb
Dr. Strinau'M Loral Jt nir-t lie! Ic Tor I hi- 1'nliilei-
K. traction T T-tli in till rlly. Oilier Kocknooil
Dr. Willi-rN, llriillxt, I'nlon Uiork.
No loults were expressed today
about the weather warm.
Two carloads of "Dagos" wont
through Inst nilit hound for tha west.
The wall of the Martin block on
Main street U complete to the second
Mrs. Al Dorrington, of Chadron, who
lias been visiting in this city, returned
home this morning.
A couple of swarns of bees were
this morning shipped by J. M. Young to
J. M. Higg.. at Sterling this state.
Geo. i: Oswalt, a lad about i years
of a"C died at his home on Granite ami
Eighth streets last night of ineiiingit'iH.
Mr. A. -M wards and family, who
have lived in l'lattsmouth for some time,
left this morning for Cheyenne, their fu
ture home.
The I.rowm nre expected to play a
good game of ball tomorrow afternoon
with the li-Movue boys. Gauivi -vul be
called at
L,sr. A ladies' gold watch, neat
ly engraved, gold locket attache 1, set
with garnet and penis. Finder return
to Mrs. Rate Oliver, rrT-lfof Vine and
Thrd streets and receive reward.
- Monday morning the H. & M. began
running its own sleeping cars on Xos. ;"
and 0. These trains have heretofore car
ried no sleepers, while the others have
run with Pullmans.
- J. V. Kgcnbergcr received a hand
some delivery wagon from Kacine Wis.
this morning which he will run in the
connection -with his bakery. John Leach
now has the wagon in charge fcr some
artistic letti riug.
Yesterday morning when the Schuy
ler train came in it brought a car load of
tea which was taken from No. 4 at Ash
1 mil ii lie 1 returned to No. 4 here. The
car was en route from S in Francisco to
Chicago, and had $(J97.'Ji of bonded
freight charges against the tea.
The corner of Sixth and Main street
now presents a very lively scene. The
concrete of the foundation is being laid
in the south trench. Hauling ston-
brick and dirt continues, but soon the
walls will begin to grow, and the mag
nificence of what the new hotel will be
can be appreciated.
A sad sight, to those acquainted
with the circumstances, at the depot last
night, wis the arrival of Mrs. II. S. Gar
rison and little daughter from New
York, where they went early in May to
visit and enjoy the trip, expecting to re
turn to their happy home, but an electri'
message turned happiness to grief, arc!
called them back to attend the funeral
and mourn for the loving husband and
father, who was taken fatally ill in their
absence and died Monday morning.
The erecting of the South Park tab
ernacle is progressing rapidly. Thi?
house of worship will have many advan
tages during the hot summer and fall
months. It is located high up on a
South Park hill, and is surrounded by
beautiful shade trees. The building i
built with windows enough for ventila
tion to catch the refreshing breezes. It
is the first building of the kind ever at
tempted in the ci'y, and evidently a suc
cessful future is before it. The formal
opening will occur next Sunday at 2 p.
in., and all the ministers of the city are
expected to be present and take part.
Everybody is cordially invited to come.
Mrs. Win. Owens who left here
Monday evening with two little chil
dren and tx sister, Miss Ceha Cirr, for
her parents' home aj, Jackson, Ohio, died
yesterday on the cars at St. Louis. When
she Ijft here s!i3 was in the last stages of
consumption, and the ni'sery and want
which she endnred at the hovel called
home by hei husb .ud north of town for
j jars, could only have b.?en lived
through for the sake of her little ones in
which sh had hope for their future.
There were better times in that home in
former years, and before leaving the city
th? poor wife and mother related bright
er days in the Ohio home, but after cobi
iug to Nebraska several years ago the
worthicssness of her husband took pos
session of hinj, and everything in the
family home went but the c??ildren and
the lift that was in them. Owens hus
acted toward his family and thtir friends
in the most unreasonable manner and
used very profine and threat ful language
towards them. After receiving news of
bid wife's death yesterday afternoon ho
tvts put under watch by the officers, for
threats of vengeance ou thosa who were
instrumental in sending his wife home,
but hi cooled down in his mind and
went honi3 about 9:30. Tha little boy
who was retained by him is about ten
years old and is a subject of pitiful de
pendency upon a careless father, for his
daily bread and training for manhood.
City Surveyor Smith made n survey
today for the grading t;n Sixth and
Pearl streets. The contract was let to
II. C. McMuken at 14 D-lo cents per
cubic yard. It is estimated 5,000 yards
will be ncecisary to do the grading.
At a shooting match at blue balls at
the fair grounds yesterday, by the gun
club; Mr. Orlando Teft, of Avoca, car
ried off the club badge. He and W. P.
Cook tried, and a contest for champion
ship between the two resulted in favor
of Teft. The club will have practice
shots about once a week this summer.
- Jay Gould may feel a sense of pride
as he rides along in his palace car over
mile after mile of railroad he can call
his own, and bo may the owner of Jay
ey see, Maud S , or even Duke of the
Bonner stables, take pride in them when
they are out on exhibition, but there can't
any of them show it more honestly than
their colored brother "Ned" when he
drives out the avenue or down Main
street behind faithful old liill in his
spring wagon. It is true Ned is a little
bashful for fear some one will say some
thing, but to see him would make Jay
ashamed of himself.
Arrangements are Being Made tor
the Largest Meeting Ever Held
In the State
Much interest is being taken just now
in the coming meeting of the Nebraska
chautauqua assembly which will be held
at Crete, Nebraska, from June 27th until
Ju'y Uth inclusive.
The Chautauqua idea has grown to
such an extent, and the annual meetings
have been so largely attended last year
over 30,000 persons being admitted to
the grounds that the Crete assembly bus
become to be recognized as one of the
most important of our state institutions.
This year the management has planned
to make the assembly of lSS'.i, in every
way, superior to anything of the kind
ever attempted west of Chicago. Such
men of recognized talent as the Itev.
Alexander McKenzie D. D., a trustee of
Harvard University, Hon. Geo. W. Bain,
Itev- Geo. P. Hayes, D. D. and others
equally well known will daily take part
in the exercises, and Corporal Tanner,
Coiu'r of Pensions at Washington and
ex Gov. Cumback of Iudiana, will de
liver addresses.
Plattsmouth has taken so much interest
in the assembly that this year the B. &
M. railroad has decided to make a rate
to Crete of one fare for the round trip on
three days June 27, 2S, and July 1,
tickets tojbe good until July 10. On other
days the rate will be one and a third fare
for the round trip. It is hoped that
Plattsmouth will be largely represented
on the grounds and do her part in en
couraging an organization of such sub
stantial merit.
A Happy iVoman.
H ippy is the woman without bodily
ills, but happier is the woman who hav
ing them knows of the saving properties
of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
When relieved, as she surely will be
upon a trial of it, she can contrast her
condition with her former one of suffer
ing and appreciate health as n jne can
who have not for a time been deprived
of it. The "Favorite Prescription" cor
rect unnatural discharges and cures all
"weakness" and irregularities.
A Grand Wedding at the Vallery
Mansion Last Night-
Last evening Mr, P. C. Minor and Miss
Katharine Vallery were married at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Vallery,
parents of the bride, hree miles west of
this city, Rev. J. T. Baird ofdeiating.
There were present many relatives anel
a few friends from this city, and the
relatives from abroael were Mrs. S. O,
Minor, of Omaha, mother of the groom,
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ball and Miss Lillie
Fry of Louisiana, Mo , Mrs. Anna, and
Mr. Minor and Floy Wier, of Omaha;
Mrs. L. A. Dorrington, Chadron; and Mr.
Geo. W. Vallery of Cheyenne.
The groom was dressed in conventional
black with bouquet of white roses, the
bride's costume was of white Henrietta
cloth, with plain trimmings and boquet
of beautiful white roses anel Stephanotis;
Dr. T. P. Livingston and Miss Amelia
Vallery assisted in the ceremony as
groomsman and bridesmaid. The grooms
man was dressed in continental black
with pink reses, anel the bridesmaid in
white serge cloth with plain trimmings
anel bbquet of pink roses.
Throughout, the festsvities of the even
ing were grandly appropriate. Mr. Minor
Wier san several solos which were high
ly appreciated on account of his rich and
;;ud well traineel voice. The hospitality
of Mr. and .Mrs. Jacob Yallerj' was ex
tended the guests by a rich wedding
fiast in which all heartily participated.
Many elegnnt and ussful presents were
Mr. anel Mrs. Minor will reside on
Chicago avenue near South Park, in an
elegantly furnished cottage prepared by
the groom. Many friends extend con
gratulations to the couple.
All invalids not benefited by present
treatment, are in viteel to call at parlors
of the Riddle House Frielays. Hhysieians
I will be welcome. 5-j-2-w
Free! Free!
A Genuine Crayon Por
trait Given Away!
Commencing to-day we will give
to all persons buying goods to the
amount of $25. OO or more,
an order for one of our
Of yourself or any person you
may select.
We have also made arrange
nients with a large frame manu
factory to mount and frame these
Portraits for our patrons in the
best style at one-fourth the usual
cost of such frames or You are
however, not obliged to purchase
F. E. White was in Omaha today.
Thos. Clifford returned to Denver last
nijiht after a visit at his home in this
city. Mrs. S. O. Minor returned to Omaha
this morning after attending the wedding
of her son P. C. Minor.
O. II. Ballow returned last evening
from St. Joe. where he has been making
investigation in the electric motor plants
F. Rooney, of Lincoln, a freight con
ductor on the B. & M, is tending to Con
ductor Carter's passenger runs while he
is visiting in the east.
Last evening Court Reportei Myron
Wheeler left for his home at Lincoln
on account of sickness, and being unable
to secure a competent man to take his
place, no court proceedings were con
ducted today.
Elson, the Old Reliable One Price
Clothier, is the place to get Business or
Dress suits cheap. tf
The effect of using Hibbard's Rheuma
tic Syrup is unlike ail medicines contain
ing opiates or poisens, it being entirely
free from them. It cures rheumatism by
purifying the blood. Sold by F. G.
Fricke A Co.
Cass County Normal.
The teachers, Normal Institute of Cass
county for 1SS9 will be held in the beau
tiful park by the lake at Wabash, loca
ted on the M. P: The institute will be
conducted on the Chatauqua plan, and
it it expected the most satisfactory re
sults will be attained. There have beeu
secured for the occasion some of the best
instructors, and ail teachers and those
contemplating teaching are requested to
attend. TL Saatitue will begin Monday,
July 32, and continue for two weeks,
and $10 M ill bear expenses of board and
tuition. Special attention will be given
to teaching in the common branches.
Special Sal?
of fine FuEiti'H Blowers at Mrs. Johx
sox's. Regular prices $1.73 to $:2..j0,
now $1.00 to $1.25. Also special sale in
Infants' Lace Bonnets. Call and secure
a bargain. tf
llibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Plas
ters are prescribed by the leading phyEi
caus of Michigan, its home state, and are
remidies of unequalled merits for Rheu
matism, blood disorder and liver and
kidney complaint. It cefmes here with
t)e highest endorsements and recomec
dationa as to its curative virtues.
Sold by F. O. Fricke & Co.
Free! FreeX
The water company began digging
today to raise their water mains on
sixth street before the grade is raised.
Funeral of H G. Carrison.
This afternoon between 2 and 3 o'clock
i large number of people g&thered at the
home of Horace Greeley Garrison, de
ceased, on Timber street, between Tenth
ind Eleventh, to attend th funeral cer
emony. Mr. Garrison was an old settler,
and among the attendants at the funeral
were many old settlers and farmers.
Rev. W. B. Alexander, of the M. E,
church, conducted tho services, The
bereaved family have the sympathy of
PlusI) Wigwams at Slicrwood'g
For Solid Comfort.
Supply your home with Furniture that
is easy and comfortable. Boeck's Furni
ture Emporium is the place to buy chairs
hard bottom or plush, for oiilce, home
and the parlor. Tables, Desks, Secre
taries, Baby Carriages, Beds, Dressers and
stands of every description. But keep
your victuals cool and healthy in an
Alaska Refrigerator. IIexrt Bceck.
A fine line of Gents furnishing goods
ust received at Elson's the One Price
Clothier. tf
A young woman can get a good situa
tion by applying to Mrs. II. J. Streight,
at once corner Vine and Fourth streets.
Balbriggan suits the best in the city at
Elson's the One Price Clothier. i
Rheumatism is eurecl by llibbard's
Rheumatic Syrup striking at the it of
the disease and restoring the kidneys and
liver to hnoliliy action. If taken a suffi
cient time to thoroughly eradicate such
poison, it never fails, Suld by F. G.
Fricke $; Cq,
Vhite S
Ft.OANfa ' 50AJ'
I Large size)
and receive a
m w
I... .. , pi
tir i w it a 1 1 ..
a frame at all, or you can purchase
it at some other store.
We do Ihis tc Advertise our Business,
Many people wonder how we can allbid to give away a work of
fine art like this with so email a purchase of good. Wo answer that
it is done fer a big advertisement. No other such inducements can
or will be o flexed by any other house in this city. Come now and
avoid the rush that will be sure to take place for these Crayon
U&cniember that you need not
purchase $JSS worth of goods
at any one time, hut at differ
ent times, ajygjregatJng: that
A. sample of our work is now
on exhibition at our store.
Special Drives This Week.
Our Figured French Satines reduced to 27.c a yard. Odds and
Ends left from our Hosiery Sale about given away. At 25c
a pair Children's plain and ribbed Lisle Hose worth
double. At 35c a pair Ladies' Hose in Spun
Silk. English Lisle and best quality
of Ingrains reduced from .,
75 and $1.50 a pair
We have just received another lot of our 15c Ladies
Jersey Ribbed Vests, worth 25c. Ladies Lisle Vests at
50c reduced from $1.00. Full line of Ladies' Gauze and.
Balbriggan Vests in long dna short sleeves at 25, 35 and
50c each.
At Co
'Only 60 Days
Time is flying and our
wait until we are out
4,' ottit fjt tuts
.Louies jJove weD cent Slipper,
TT-l rr war . op 1 ...
xuu toe, to ct clippers, will sell lor q
" Low Crescent, 1 25 Slipper, will sell for i 00
" Oxford Tie, 1 75 Low Shoe, j 59
Glaze Dongola, flexible, 2 25 Shoes, will sell for 1 fc5
Fine Glazed Dongola, flexible, 3 00 Sbne, will sell for 2 40
" " " "and tuineU ft 00 Shoe, will sl'l for 2 4f
" " " ' 4 00 u 3 00
' French 4 30 " 3 75
Glove Grain, a. S.. 1 SO Simp, will cnii ' tin
We alsq have a great many bargains i Mens, Boys, Misses and
Uhiklrens, that we have not spaoo to lruntion.
elsewhere 11 iatevBt t0 Cal1 and Set I'rices het'OTe h"y'"g
A. BEG& & G.
Just received a large
and well assorted line of
(Call and examine our Stock
IPrices mar to suit.
goods are selling. Don't
to Pueblo for you will
us we are ojj erunj.
will sell for rr
- v JO