The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 06, 1889, Image 1

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Absolutely Pure.
Thii ikitvili-r never varies. A marvel of pur-
t . si r-njrt li ami wholewoii s-i. AI-jre econo-
inieal tn. hi t lie oidinary kind?-, and cannot be
sold in t'liiiiiictsl mti wit li tin multitude of low
tent. sli-tt weight ilium or pho-pha'e tovdcr.
.S.i,i in am. I.'iiVAI. llAlvlN.i 1'uWliKK
Co., l'Ni Willi ftt. N, V.
tASS l-Obll'. No. I. - F. -Meets
'evuy i'uerday i-vuia of each week. All :it brothers ue r-.-ie-Jtl"ull y invited to
iL.TrM;)urn KCAMr.Mi-:."r No. s. i.o.
O. V.. meet cvy alternate Friday i"
each nni:iiii in the Ma..iiie Hall. Visiting
ilrolhers arc invited to attend.
I!.ATr.-?M!)UTM i,iim:kmm!. a. k.. a.m.
A Meets on Hi- lir-t an. I third Mondays of
racb month at ihcir hull. Ail transient broth
ers are cordially m lie. I to meet wiiii m.
J. i. Kiciikv, W. M.
Wm. Hats, Secretary.
4 1ASS CAM I X().31i, MODKKN WllllKMKJi
of ii;eric;i Meets st-cmd ami foui ! !i Mon
day ftC'-oMij; at K. of l hail. All transient
;.rotU.- .-re rcqiicsu-d to meet with u.. I,. A.
Howco-iifi, V tier.i'.iie ; 1. K, l"'""
iVorthy Adviser k .S. C Wilde, Hanker ; w. A.
tiocak, Clerk.
V'tUJIA.SKA CHAl'TKlt. M, It. A. M.
i- Meets sec,ud ami fourth Tuesday of e:ieh
monlb at Mason V Hall. 1 rau-ciint brothers
are Invited to meet with us. y p
Wm. I1 vs. Secretary.
nfT -'ON ni.MMAHAia. o. u. i.
jLfi-Meets first ami third Wednesday night of
,ach month at M isoti's hall. Visiting brothers
fe curdi-i y mviteu 10 ineei wo o .
WM. lliVs, Ht'C I' W i i k. E. C.
ULATT3.MOUTH LOJHili N. 8. A. . V. .
1. Meets- every alternate Friday evening at
Mockwood hall at s uVIock. AH transient I'tolh
ln are respeetfu'.Iy lavited to titeml. L,. h.
Iirwir- M. W. ; F. Uoyd. Foreman: fc. C
Wllde lit' ''ier ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer.
GI;V oiaaGJiiis.
Irea-uner, -
K. M. KifiiKV
W K Fox
Jamks Patterson, jr.
- kvkon i'urk
11. C. SrllMlPT
iad "
Sid "
4th "
1 UK. A MIll'MA
'( 1 M JONKS
1 ( HAS. Hl-'.AIf l.fc.
7 I Ml'CAM.rS.
j siMi'sn.v,
1 j AV Jo;T '
r..rks-? KKKH ;MilH,
Boaid Tub
i V II Sewkm-
Deputy riv-si:rc-r, -
lieputy C'.eik.
H.eeorder of Deeds
Doputy K-corder
Clerk of liistr,ct Coart,
Surveyor. -Attorney.
Hurt, of ub Sciioo:.
Cojnty Juoue.
. Tin,;. !'ot. Mick
KIH1 CltlTl'IlM
W. H. l'llOL
J.1 F.l&Kt';AK
li. V. M H.Vlr
Weeping Wnter
o!.t R Windham
rre-ldent 'A lu,,(l
1st Vic l'"-esident . -,. :
2ud A ict f n-sideiit Herrmann
Secretary it.iuilim?U
t r- ifi.bev F. K. Wbiii. J - C. Patterson,
JJA.C5?.iV K:;;.H.C. W.Micimau, reor
der. J. V. ft eokb toll.
llOSI if.ii.
M A.Pn-K v ....-.toumander.
BEN.i. HriirtK -'" Y.' ,.
S. CarkioaN .Junior Adlntar-t
A. Sim-MA j'-
A. TAltsCIt (..,ar(J
Meeting Saturday . veuing
business nn:cT0UY.
Attoner-at-L:.w and Notarv i'uMic. Ofiice In
Fitzgerald Block. Flatmouth. Xeb.
Union Bio.. Kast side, ria'.tsmouth. Xeb.
taple an-1 Fancy ;r cerie. C:a,sware
rockery. Flour and teed.
i'ine J' "Work ft specialty at Tne
mllm i hmTj.' ' SI. A. O. H. W. Meets
T 'every" Am. C fr&y -venimr at iv. of l.
Vtedtoa-tei.d. K. l. SrU. V.'lVi steiinker
t.ixu;(i li. H. mster.!ii-u; f . M.teiinker
Overseer; v.. II. M-lkr, Fii.?'n- j1"
Houseworth. ivee.-rder ; F. .J . Morg.ii.. lu,
er; Win. fnMi.i:i. :ui-:e : V-1... I.udwig. .'Uslde
,Vateh : h. ' !-eii, littsid- atc-i
IontT Creature Twenty Feet High and
Thirty Tret Isnctli Tnk Weighing
250 I'oumlit Garden "Sajw" mid Gla-c-ier
Side by Side.
"Ahiska is a country of paradoxes!"
That ii what Mr. Cola F. Fowler, of
tho Alaska Fur and Commercial com
pjiny, said in answer to the question of
a reporter respecting his lato field of
"During all that time, up to two
months ao, when I resigned and started
for home," said Mr. Fowler, "I have had
my headquarters at Kodiac, which is tho
most northern station occupied by agents
of our company. We have our head
quarters in San Francisco, and trading
stations all over Secretary Seward's par
chase. As yet Alaska is almost a terra
incognita. Tho country immediately sur
rounding some, of the principal rivers
like tho Yukon, Snake and Stickeer has
In-en explored, and a few miles inland
from the coast line, hut tho great in
terior is almost unknown. What we
have learned of it is a surprise, and was
tho foundation of my answer to your
"Alaska is certainly a country of par
adoxes. You who live here in the states
look upon it as a land of perpetual ice
and snow, and yet you would bo aston
ished if I told you that I greAv in my
garden at Kodiac abundant crops of rad
ishes, lettuce, carrots, onions, cauliflow
ers, cabbage, peas, turnips, potatoes,
beets, parnips and celery. Within five
miles of this garden was one of the larg
est glaciers in Alaska, and between the
fertile coast slip and the interior is reared
along the entire sea boundary a contin
uous mountain of perpetual ico and
"During your twelve years' residence
in Alaska what was the most wonderful
thing you ever saw or heard there?"
Mr. Fowler smiled at this question,
and, after a moment's hesitation, said:
"Two years ago last summer I left Ko
diao for p. trip to the headwaters of the
Snako river, where our traveling agents
had established a trading station at an
Indian village. Tho chief of this family
of Innuits was named T6-lee-ti-ma, and
to him I was well recommended. Xle
received me hospitably, and I at once
began negotiations for the purchase of a
big lot of fossil ivory which his tribe
had -cached near tho village. The lot
weighed several thousand pounds, and
was om posed of the principal and infe
rior tusks of tho mammoth, the remains
of thousands of which gigantio animaU
aro to bo found in tho beds of interior
Alaskan water courses. I subjected the
ivory to a rigid inspection, and upon t
of tho largest tusks I discovered fresh
blood traces and tho remains of partly
decomposed fleoll.
"I questioned To-lee-ti-ma, and ho as
sured me that less than three months
before a party of his young men had en
countered a drove of monsters about
Cfty miles above whero ho was then en
camped, and had succeeded in killing
two, an old bull and a cow. At my re
quest ho sent for the leader of the hunt
ing party, a young and intelligent In
dian, and I questioned him closely about
his adventure among a race of animals
that the scieniific ieople claim :;ro ex
tinct. He told a straightforward story,
and I have no reason to doubt its truth.
''lie and his band were searching: Jong
a dry watef co-it so for ivory, uiid had
found a considerable quancity. pne of
tho bucks, who was in advance, rushed
in upon the main body one morning
w;th tho startling intelligence lh::t at a
spring or wuier 'xmt amile above where
they then were ho had discovered the
'sign' of several of tho 'big teeth.' They
!i:;d come down to tho spring to drink
from a lofty plateau farther inland, and
had evidently fed m tb3 vicinity of the
water for some time. The chief iiume
diatejy called about him his warriors,
and tho party, under the leadership of
the ecout, approached tliG strealu,.
"They had nearly reached it when their
ears were suddenly saluted by a chorus
of loud, shrill, trumpet like calls, and an
enormous creature came crashing toward
them thiough the thicket, the ground
f:i'rlr trembling beneath its potidrpus
footfalls. wild criea icf terror and
dismay the Indians fled, ati inn t!."chief
an. Jhe scout who had first discovered
the trail of the monsters. They were
armed with large caliber nvtskots. and
stood their ground, opening lire on the
mammoth. A bullet must have pene
trated tho creature's brain, f.r it stag
gered forward and fell dead, and subse
quently, on thejr way back to their camp
ground, they overhauled and kiljed a cow
big teeth,' which wasevaiently the male
of the first one killed.
"J asked the hunter to describe the
'monster, and, taking a sharp stick, he
drew me a picture of tho male animal
in the soft clay. According to his de
scription it was at least twenty feet in
height and thirty feet in length. In
general shape it was not unlike p.n ele
phant, but its ears wero smaller, jts eyes
bigger and its trunk longer and more
slender. Its tusks were yellowish white
in color and six in number. Four of
these tusks were placed like these cf a
boar, one on either 6ido in each jaw;
they were about four feet long and came
to a sharp point. Tho other two tuaks
be brought away.
"I measured them and they were over
ftrcs f?2t is Jenzth and weurhwl ud-
wards of Jf3l pounds t-acn. inej grauu
tilly tapered to a bharp point and curved
inward. Tho monster's body was cov
ered with long, coarse hair of a reddish
dun color. J took a copy of tho rude
sketch made by the Indian.
"By tho way, our late governor, the
Hon. Alfred 1. Swincford, has pretty
carefully investigated tho matter, and he
m certain from a thorough sifting of na
tive testimony that largo herds of these
monsters are to bo found on tho high
plateaus in interior Alaska about the
headwaters of the Snake river." rhila
deU'hia Preiw.
He Wasn't at the Hull.
If a man goes up to Sol Smith Uussell on a
matter of business and says to Lini, "Tell me
a funny tstory," tho comedian cannot think of
a good one to save his life he cannot bo forced
into being funuy. But, on the other hand, if
a man begins properly by telling a story him
self, thereby giving Ilussell a chance to say
"T'aat reminds mo," etc., ho will start in and
tell a story per minuto for sixty minutes
without i break and they will all be good
stories, too, sans chestnuts. This is tho way
in which he was induced to tell a story yes
terday. Ho said that Cecil Clay, tho exceed
ingly tall and English husband of tho charm
ing Rosina Vckes, was com plaining about
the towns embraced in what is known as tho
"Crawford circuit." Ho pronounced them
very had, and said: "In ono place we went to
the theatre and found only the cornet player
in tho orchestra. After waiting awhile 1
asked him whero the other musicians were,
'Oh, they're playing up at the hail,' he re
plied. 1 then asked if ho was to play for ns
all alone, and he informed me tiiut such was
the fact. 'Well,' said 1, 'you must beja great
cornet player you must bo the greatest in
tho world in your line. lie fingered the keys
of his instrument, looked at me a moment,
and then said: 'Oh, no, I'm not much of a
cornet player; if 1 was I'd be playing up at
tho ball, too.' "Chicago Herald.
Invention of the 31 ici-oscopo.
The invention of the compound microscope,
consisting of two convex lenses placed one
above tho other, naturally soon followed the
invention of tho telescope. Tho simple micro
scope was very early known, a convex lens of
rock crystal having been found in the ruins
of Nineveh. The idea of tho more perfect
form of this instrument is said to have oc
curred to HansZansz, or to hissonZacharias,
spectacle makers in Holland, about 1590.
It is very probable, however, that the same
idea was suggested, either accidentally or by
way of experiment, to others. Galileo, for
instance, the great Italian astronomer, it is
said, had, before 1C10, directed a tube fitted
with lenses to tho observation of small, near
objects. He stated, shortly after this date,
that he had been able to observe through a
lens t'.ie movements of minute animals and
their organs of sense.
In a letter written in 1014 ho says that he
has with his microscope "seen and observed
flies as large as sheep, and that their bodies
were covered with hairs, and they had sharp
claws." Youth's Companion.
Triplets In China.
Tho Chinos have a custom that when a
woman gives birth to a triplet she must re
port the matter to the authorities, and they
on their part will present her with three
little coats, .one red, ono yellow and one
green. These coats she must put on the in
fants in tho dark, and the ones who will get
tho red end yellow coats will be exalted,
while tho ono with tho green coat will be
ignoble. Such events aro, however, of the
rarest occurrence, and are regarded as mar
vels of nature. The other day a case still
more wonderful occurred at Pekin, where a
woman gave birth to a pair of twins. The
family lives in & iillags 'est pf Chiang Yi
Gate, and is surnamcd Yang. Yang had his
son married, and to the great astonishment
of the household, the wife gave birth to a
pair of twins. Tho mother-in-law, fearing
deficient nourishment, decided to keep the
two boys and cast away the girls, which was
done, but a neighbor, out of compassion,
picked thsm up and tool? them home. This
affair created much gossip in tho capital.
Chinese Times.
A Wise Mother Bird.
Cidj sometimes seem to have more than
instinct it looks liko reason. A young girl
writes to St. Nicholas the following pretty
story about a little phoebe bird: It built its
nest on a ledgo over tho door of a houso in
this neighborhood. When the little birds
wero still quite mall, the lady of the house
was standing on the porch, and seeing ono of
them fall to the ground sho picked it up and
put it back into tho nest. A few days later
she saw one of the littles birds fall again; buj
this tirce it fell only ten or twelve inches,
where it stopped and hr.iig in tho air. The
lady climbed up to the nest, and found that
every one of tho baby birds had a horse hair
tied around its leg and then fastened to the
Was this tho mother's way of keeping them
safe at home when she was gone?
A Shrewd Widow.
A veteran correspondent recalls an amus
ing incident of his early years. Ho r emenv
bcrs going to a man's funeral with his grand
father, tiio pirl. ' Tu5 poor widow seemed
to mourn tho loss of her husband very niuCu,
and tho minister vainly tried to comfort her.
She said sha had "got to live a poor lone
widow all the days of her life.'' The boy
cried to see her cry. After returning from
the grave sho called his grandfather aside
cud said: "Parson Eaton, I hope you won't
say anything about my telling you that 1
should live a poor lono widow all the rest of
my life, for I may change my mind." Like
a shrewd general, Bho left a way ppeu for ror
treat, and sho soon found occasion to use it.
Sit Desert Herald.
rnenmonia'a Victims.
I am frequently asked to explain why
pneumonia usually strikes the healthy, ro
bust person more often than it does tho weak,
thin peoplo. The cause is a very simple one.
As a general rule, the healthy peoplo pay the
least attention to the condition of their health,
believing that their constitution is sufficiently
strong to withstand all ordinary exposure.
On tho other baud, the weakly person or in
valid takes more than the usual precaution
against even thj most ordinary exposure.
They do not stand within dangerous air
drafts; they do not change heavy for light
underclothing, and they donot do many other
things of an equally dangerous character.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Sho delights lu the dovecote end dairy.
And sho kuows of tho kennels eueh nook;
On tho valuo of acres as "prairie"
Sho can nrguo and Keak like u book.
Ami to think of tho fences she took
That last run it deprives you of breath 1
She will rido like a brick at a brook
But her pride's to be In at the deulli.
She can sing, Fhe can dance like a fairy.
She can scull, she can sketch, she can cook;
Sho can climb like an "ancestor hairy;"
And they say that the bishop she shook
On a doctrinal point In St, Luke.
She has written critiques of Macbeth,
And au essay on lUinquo, his rpook
But her pride's to be la at the death.
Sho can tickle the troutling unwary.
She's a terror to rabbit and rook ;
Sho makes et!of tho calf and canary.
She can shepherd her lambs with n crook;
She can tie salmon files on a hook;
She is fair as the daughters of Heth,
Sho talks tongues from Chinese to Chinnook
Btit her pride's to be in at the death.
i.' ENVOI.
Prince! sorely my soul she has "strook"
(Mr. Keats, In his iKxtus, thussaith);
She might mate with a dean or a clnke
But her pride's to l" i'i " "
It. . , lu i-l.. Jl. C..t.btCi:
All Effectual Extinguisher.
Tho Listener has a venerable friend
who is very deaf, being able to hear con
versation only through a long flexible
tube witli a trumpet at its extremity.
This old gentleman knows how to use
his silence compelling veto in a most
graceful way sometimes. Not long ago,
he did a 3-oung man a favor which was
of immense value. The youth, over
whelmed with gratitude, visited his ben
efactor and seized the ear trumpet with
"Oh, Mr. ," he exclaimed, "I can
Tho old man removed tho other end of
tho tube from his ear. The youth found
himself talking to thin air. He went
off into a ridiculous pantomime of en
treaty, all tho while brandishing the un
connected car trvxnpet. Tho old man
"There are times," ho 6aid, "when it
is very convenient to be deaf."
Tho young man was obliged to go
away without having communicated to
his benefactor a single word of thanks.
Boston Transcript.
Housekeeping a Trade.
Tho idea of this school seems to be to
train such girls as must earn their living
by housework, so that they may obtain
good situations and their employers re
ceive in return good work. This is well
so far as it goes, but no housewife can
tell when work is properly done unless
she herself knows how it ought to be
done; and 6ho cannot know this unless
she has been trained to do it. No trade
or profession in tho land requires more
skill, good judgment and sound common
sense than does housekeeping; and yet a
man must learn his trade or profession
before he is considered fit to practice it,
a woman is put to housekeeping without
any real knowledgo as to its require
ments or skill in doing it. This is all
wrong. Put all girls through a thorough
course of training in every department
of housekeeping, whether they are to be
mistresses or servants, and tho question
about housekeeping will be solved. New
York Star.
'Xjo" Divides His TEffects,
"Big Mouth" Charley, the gay and
festive Indian who playfully sent D.
Peto to tho happy hunting grounds at
Red Bluff, for which commendable ac
tion he will enjoy tho hospitality of the
state for seven years and four months,
distributed his personal effects as follows:
To Jim Turner, his brother, lie gave his
oldest wife, Lizzie, also his real estate
and horses; the land is a ICO acre timber
claim. To "Coyote Pete," a friend, he
gnyo his youngest wife, Susie, To 'Jpeor
Tom," another brother, he gave Mbllie
Turner, his dead brother Ike's wife. His
thirty head of dogs, five Winchester
rifles, 500 rounds of cartridges, two re
volvers and four knives, he gives to Jirri
Turner; consideration, love and affection
for Lizzie. He had a deep set grudge
against "Coyote Pete," which is the
reason for placing Susie under his pro
tection. She is a tolerably tough pieca
pf ferulnmity.-l4td Bluff '(Cal.) New5,
OuP Way to Lay a Ghost.
"Bill Skimmins buried his father in a
most unhandsome way very near his
barn," said tho man at the other end of
tho table. "The neighbors thought it
was a shame, and made a good deal of
talk about it. One of them thought he
would punish Bill by scaring Jiim, and
laid in wait for hiui near his father's
grave on a dark night.
"As Bill went by on liis way from the
Lain tho man ioso up as if from tuo
tomb and exclaimed in a ghostly voice,
I'm jour father, Bill!'
" 'Who said you warn't!' Pill answer
ed. 'Git down thar inter yer hole whar
yer belong! and ho struck him across
the face with a bridle he was carrying
such a rap that the would be alarmisf
carried the scars for months." Lewiston
Sammio Can Spell.
A little miss of 7 years heard one of
her sisters say a day or two ago, "J
don't believe I can spell daguerreotype,"
and she immediately boldly made the
assertion, "Sanimie can. He can spell
every word there is." "Why, Jennie!"
exclaimed the little girl's mother, who
knew that Sammio was about 10 years
of age, and not remarkably precocious
in orthography. "Well, he can," per
sisted tho young lady, "but" and her
voice modestly fell as she added thfc sav
ing clause "I don't believe he can spell
mor'n half of 'cm right." Troy Times.
Complete in all departments. Handsome line,
of Xeopolitan and pattern
AVe, cordially invite ladies to call and gvl priees, wo
can save you money. '
Moore & Studebaker.
One door west, of Joe's clolliinir store.
Proceedings at Johnstown
Tiik JfKK.u.D has been giving full ac
counts of the wreck in the Coneinaugh
valley. Todays reports urn simular to
tluiso of yesterday in ihc line of work
work and execavting. Tho recovered
dead now number about 3,i:00. Six hiui
died inililiani' ii are on the scene to pre
serve order, and ninny nun are at work
clearing the streets. A lare qtianity of
disinfectants is to be shipped there for
use. Money and provisions are coining
in and the suffering is being relieved as
much as possible. The army of men at
work in the debt is are depending upon
these contributions for food and support
List ot Letters
Remaining unclaimed, in thePostofnc
at Plattstnouth. Nebraska, June 5, 18'J
for the week ending May, 25 I860:
Adams. H K
('amplx II. John A
KcttucK. M M
KiidKe, Ilattie 1 (2)
Horn. J J
.InliHii-"on. Jonas
Maisliek, J J
tsen, Mrs Lizzie
Ward, ! It
rernau. John
Dei-er, Mrs K( Ijecker 2)
r ike. James I
Joodin, Mrs .Nannie
IakHon. J
IMeClallin Mis Li
ewcoinl). J M
Si eunsan. 1 J
Mis James K
Persons calling for any of the above
letters will please say "advertised."
J. N. Wise p. 111.
At the Bankrupt Dry Coeds Store,
Mayer's Old Stand
we will sell tomorrow, 10 doz Ladies
ribbed vests at !c; 5 doz Gents gauze
undershirts at 15c; Calico Ic per yard, 10
yards to each customer only; 15 doz
Ladies Handkerchiefs at 3c; 12 doz Gents
unlauudried shirts at 31c,
A Worthy and Wine ITen.
Bridgeport, Conn., has a hen with a
head for mathematics. She sat this
spring and hatched out a few chickens,
which were taken from her and added
to another flock. But sho would not
give it up. Instead, sho went outside the
coop sind clucked till she got her proper
number of chickens no more, no less
and strutted about with them at her
heels the proudest fowl in all the Nut
meg state. When tho young ones were
big enough to go to roost they feared to
follow her to such a height, so she took
them one by one upon her back, and set
them off carefully in a row, then perched
at the head of them, confident that she
had discharged tho whole duty of a hen.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
The Proper Incentives.
A messenger boy last week broke the
record and ran a mile and a half in eight
een minutes., TIo was coached during
the entire distance, however. There was
a dog light at Hie close of the first quar
ter, a street band at the end of the half,
a fire engine :t the third quartcy and a
circus processjnr. ;U U10 finish, while a
woman who bad a letter Llie wanted him
to mail was a close second to him all the
way. You can get an awful burst of
speed out of these fellows if you know
how to work it. Bun'.oUe in Brook Ivn
Eaglo, " ' '
Noah All Right.
"Br. Tanner was not tho firrt man
who lived on water for forty da vs," i-uid
"No':'' q'ici icd Fudge.
"Of course not."
"Who else?"
"Well, what's the matter with Noah?"
Toledo Blade.
Tiobby I'ropcsos an Amend pjout,
After Bobby's father had repeated the
usual prayer the other day Bobby asked:
"I say, pa, what makes you pray for
daily bread all the timer"
"Ain"t it about time to pray for some
early vegetables?" Lewiston Journal.
The Yturbide, in the city of Mexico, is
probably the grandest hotel in the
world. It-was built by the governor for
his palace, and cost '$3,000,000. It con
tains a room, used by Governor Ytur
bide for a chapel, that 13 frescoed in
solid gold.
Little Frankie was taken in to 6ce a
new sister who had arrived during the
night. Lie looked at her a moment and
exclaimed: "Yats! You call that a sis
ter: it's nothing but a yed baby." Troy
The eleciio light let down in the fish
nets used between the Isle of Man and
Anglesey attracts the crustacea and
other creatures ot the deep in large
for nn incurable case of Catarrh
In the Head by the proprietors ot
Symptoms of Catnrrli. Headache,
obstruction of none, discharges fuittntf into
throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid,
at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent,
bloody and putrid ; eyes weult, ringing in ears,
deaf new. difficulty of clearing throat, cxriecfuw
lution of offensive matter; breath offensive:
mell and tante impaired, and general debility.
Only a lew of t hese symptoms likely to be pres
ent at once. Thousands of eases result in con
sumption, and end in the Ki ave.
By its mild, soothinfr. and hcnlinfr properties,
Ir. Saire'w Keineily cures tho worht, rases. Whs.
The Original
Liver Pills.
Purtly Vtgrta
lilt & llarmltu.
TJnoqualed agal.lvcr 11 II. Smnllest.ehenp
st, easiest to take. One Pellet u Iloko.
Cure Kick Headache, ItllioiiM llcuduelie,
Dizziness, CoiiNllpalioit, IiidlKCbiiou.
Bilious AttacUM, and all derangement ot
tfe tou-tach and bowel. 25 cu. by druinr lata.
Choicest Brands ( f Cigars,
including our
Flor de Pepperbergo' and 'Euds
aiways in stock.
Nov. 20. 1885.
Collection iiottca
I r sp; ctfi.liy request all pailks in
debted to me. to call mid s ttie their ac
counts before June lt.
Ai.Mii.n Sihpuan M. Ii.
Di bik Ch.-.tnpuign Mint. I)( 'n i.u.
Cool and Refreshing. For sab; bv L. W.
1 Cook at Siniiii : 1,1 tek's old stand, tf
f itaii'ifr Klii!Oj-K at &htvend.
Plenty of f-.cii, flour, grab itn au-.t
meal nt lit-tsul's iniil. tf
The Xfiv How, o-ly .:.". :
House and lot on Ritchie place. f;r;a! ?
on easy payments; enquire at Johnson
Bites. Hardware store, tf
To Site n w 4Mil. otj, s;jv
recflvniat .I:rj.:c; tin,.
Cali ami c IIuim. 'i liey
not exilode.
I 2
your ice cream with in- lightning free, r
sold by Johnson Bros. ilwlm
2T3 ??? n,
f&? rxn
treZ iVl V- &
Fifty Dollars in clean Cash
To jo given away ly C. K.
Wescott, tlie liuss Clothier.
Eueh dollar's vortli of oo(:(js
hoimjit iVoin our Klco-int .-lock
entitles the pui chaser to one chance
to draw thU GRAND PUIZIv.
Drawing takea place October
15th, IS U. The money is on
Exhibition in our show window.
Our stock is complete. AVe
carry only reliable rood.- Sel 1
at the lowest bottom hVures have
strictly one price and i.o Monkey
business, C. E. Wjx-ott,
The Dots Clothier.