THE DAILY HfcitAlD i i'tAtSllOtTC-H, NdJitAfiiwA, WDA; lG.' At t Tne Evening . Herald. OF RC AL PAPER0 F THE CITY. Ir. A. KallHliurjr Iim Hip cxrlnlTi rUlil to i llr. Stt Inan'H I .oral AniKillirllr. for Ihr I'ainlroN Kx tract Ion orTi-rtli hi Uilnrlly. Olllre Uovknood IJlock. Dr. Witlirr. ItrnlUt, Union It lock. CITY CORDIALS. County commissioners met taday. A wedding tliut will be "away up" is announced fur tomorrow. TIk; fruit crop which has promised such abundince this year is beginning to 1111 up tin- market. The pool on tho IMattsmouth ciui liing factoiy grounds on Third tstrcct is rapidly being filled up with dirt from Third fctreet. j Adam Iloeck, cf St. Louis, who is n real estate dealer there, left this mornini; for Omaha and Lincoln, after visiting his brother Iknry Hucck, and nephew, tY. A. lioer k. Marriage licenses were today granted to Win. J. Ktohlinan and Miss Tracey Timgaha, of this county, also, Mr. Adolph Mueller, of South Omaha, and Miss Martha Sehuelke, of Greenwood. -- A most cnjoyaMc surprise party was given Conductor Jus. Chase and wife last night at their home on Pearl street, ly friends in this city. Purlieu were present from Lincoln and Pacific Junction - The IJrovvns, of this city have arrang ed for another h ill g.-ime to he played Friday afternoon of this week at the hall park, wc-t of the city. It is "Hrowns vs. li llevues." An admission of 10 cents will he charged 1y the hoys for gentle men, and ladies will he admitted free. In district court last night the jury in the case of State vs. Smith, for burg lary at Klmwood, returned a verdict about 10 o'clock of "not guilty" and Smith was set at liberty. The jury ca.-e today was that of Mary S. Cannon vs. the sheriff of Cass countj. Tho Eleventh Annual Tournament of the Iowa Firemen promises to he n big success and according to the Council UlulTs papers quarters for over forty teams have been secured and every day increases the list, and there will be ten or more teams from Nebraska, one from Colorado and probably one from Dead wood. There will be great sport. (Juong Lee, the popular laundrymai on lower Main street has been buying turt les from the boys the past week, and yesterday he had several dozen on hand. This morning a chinaman from Omaha piled them into a two bushel sack and took them home. Evidently a lime is at hand among tlu laundrymen of Omaha to have a feast and the turtles be in the " soup." This morning there was placed upor our eb-t-k in the sanctum a basket of larg delicious strawberries, of native growth and fresh from the vine. They wer elegant specimens, and though some fii.e berries have been shipped in here this spring, for size and delicious flayer the; c left tie? imported ones far in the shade The treat v. as due the generosity of W. 1. Ilobsrts, and Tiik IIkhai.d is generou -ly in love with the quality of the fruit h grows. The new South Park church is ihhv under way and it is probable services wilt be held there next Sunday, morning and evening and .Sunday school. Yesterday the work was begun. It will be a large building after a rustic fashion for use in muflincr and fall. The location is a good one iu the park and a large attendance from the neighborhood is expected. Sev eral mm iu th 3 shops have volunteered tlieir services after 4 o'clock in the even ing aiul the hearty support the church is netting iu building gives a good outlook for its s access. Family troubles have recently been carried on in this city in which Vm. Owens, tho fisherman of the Platte bot toms, has figured ignominiously and con spicuously. He lived with his wife, two little boys and a little girl in u hovel near the old Dufour & Co., slaughter house north of the city. The wife has long ?ee& a sufferer from consumption, and is nearly ready to succumb to the disease. The first of March Mrs.O wen's sister came from Jackson, Ohio, to take her home where she could be cared for, Owens wl.j.'ctej and in April drove Mrs. Owens' sister from the place. She took up her residence with Mrs. . M. Holmes. Yes terday Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. IJinklc in lucd Owens to let his wife come to town and spend the day at her boiiv. Dr. Schildkuccht was called to see hi r ou advised that she be sent home as she was J.-jw with consumption. Ovrei.s .stormed around and made tbiag dls agrerable with actions and language, but SnIJy, by emphatic words of persua sion from the sheriff, he coussctfa she should go but the oldest boy should tay lut continued during the day to act in such a manner that the marshal kept a watch on him. In the afternoon the mother, two youngest children asd sifter started for Ohio on the flyer and tha oldest boy slipped aboard with them but Owens intercepted him at Pacific Junction by telegraph and had him sent back, jybich was much against the, boy's wish. Wc are in receipt of complimentary ticket! to the Minneapolis Fouth Annual Exposition which open on August 21st for a season of thirty-four working days. General Manager IJyrou promises an cx ceplionally fine display of the Industries, Arts nnd Sciences, and judging by the record made by this superb Northwestern institution in the past, there sc-cms no reason to doubt but that the promise will be fulfilled. The inunic will be the best procurable, the band being Inness' famous Thirteenth Regiment Band of New York, under the leadership of the Wizard of the trombone, Mr. Fred. Inness. The Art display too will be a great feature, so taken as a whole. Vis itors will have no ca jse to regret the ex penditure of time aud money to make the city a visit. PERSONALS- John Corbit, of Nehawka, was in town today. Mr. A. 31.' Weir, of Omaha, is visiting in the city. Miss Mamie Vivian is sick with in- tc-rmittant fever. S. D. Fitchie and Dr. Long, of Weep ing Water, were in town today. E. L. Oppermann and W. J. Hesscr were Omaha passengers last night. 3Irs. E. S. Vivian returned last night from a visit to Alliance, this state. Rev. A. IJoswell, the colored Baptist minister went to York today to hold a meeting. Mr. Chas. Dabb, an old Plat'sinouth "print" arrived in the city this morning to visit. Mrs. Conductor Ryan and Son, of Ne braska City, who have been risking in this city, returned home this morning. Oscar Gapen, Tillie and Maud Gapen, were passengers to South Omaha last night, going to attend the funeral servi ces of a Miss Kinkade. Mr. T. A. Ball, ex-Lieut. Gov. of Mis souri, and wife, and iliss Lilly Fry, of Louisiana, Mo., arrived in t'se city last night to visit at the home of J. L. 3Iinor in South Park. PROCEEDING TO ELECT. Tho Board of Education Selecting Teachers From the Applicants. At the regular meeting of the Board of Education last night several school teachers were elected for the corps of 18Si)-90. The meeting ws a long one Heportsfrom Superintendent Drummond were read on the attendance at the school during the past year. Locally teacher of the present stair were re-elected ns follsws: Geo. 11. Chatburn, Prin. High school.nnd Misses Safford, Searl, Wiles, Kerney, Hanna, who were not assigned grades. Miss Humphrey, of Wymorc. was elected assistant to Prof. Chatburn Miss Lou Miller, of Shenandoah, Iowa and Miss St Clair, of Effingham, 111. were also elected but not assigned to grades. Before adjourning the board took one ballot on school superintendent as fol lows: Drummond.3, Kauffman.2, Han cock 1. Kau ff man is the present super intendent at lied Oak, Iowa. For Solid Comfort. Supply your home with Furniture that is easy and comfortable. Uoeck s i? urin ture Emporium is the place to buy chairs hard bottom or plush, for ollice, home and the parlor. Tables. Desks, Secre taries, Baby Carriages, Beds, Dressers and stands of every description. But kee vuiir victuals cool and healthy in an Alaska Refrigerator. Henry Bozck. Cottonwood Items. Attend church Sunday at Cottonwood. Mrs. Coon Vallery has been on the sick list of late. Jack Frost visited these parts Thurs day of last week. D. S. Draper lost two hoises last week with the distemper. Nora Brown and Almina Venard visited at Kiser'a over Sunday. Mrs. James Barker is yisiting with her mother and sister at Greenwood. Vr. II. Pool of Plr.ttsmouth, visited Samuel Ricbirdson over Sunday. The magic lantern show exhibited at the school hous3 was a success, and was largely attended. The dance at Coon Vallery's was a fine affair. Every one ssemed to enjoy themselves itnmensly. Jack Ellis writes from Denver that be has a good steady job at $2.23 per day. Team work is worth $ 4.00 Mrs. Henderson and daughter, Mrs Eckard of Glenwood, Iowa, are visit- J ir. with Mrs. Mart, daughter of Mrs. Heudersotr. There will be a basket supper given at the Cottonwood school house for tl beuftt of our minister Rev. Carter, June 15 th. Ladies are ic'ii red to bring a basket. Of coursd the readers of the Herald will expect something from t his neck of the Wfjods, and wc do not want to disap point them, so we will give you what news items we can find.. IJ4TSSEP & Co. GREATEST HIT Free! Free! enuine Crayon Por- ft Commencing: trait Given Away! to all persons buying goods to the amount of $25. or more, an order for one of our henume urayon ronrasis Of yourself or any person you may select. We have also made arrange ments with a large frame manu factory to mount and frame these Portraits for our patrons in the best style at ne-fourth the usual cost of such frames or You are however, not obliged to purchase Communicated. Mr. Editor: If it will uot occupy too much space in your columns, I would like to say to thes friends of temperance and the pc: pie in general, that the W. C. T. U. u: Plattsmouth wi 1 not take a vacation this summer, but will busy its-self taking notes along the line, and with sti .nr reinforcements prepare for fall woik. Much interest was manifested by those present at the last meeting, anel it was suirgcsted that a cordial and earnest in yitation be exteueleel to the wives and mothers of th.e city to aid us by their presence and with their counsel. Ev ry true mother elesires her eons and daugh ters protected from the evils that are iu our midst. ,Then it is important that we be fully alive to the needs of th hour. Coine! and let us confer together. It is hoped every member enrolled on the books will consider this a personal recjuest to them to be present at the next meeting, on Thursday of this week. There will be further notice given. A Wlinp-RIBBONER. Balbriggan suits the best iu the city at Elson's the One Price Clothier. tf The effect of using Ilibbard's Rheuma tic Syrup is unlike all medicines contain ing opiates or poisens, it being entirely free from them. It cures rheumatism by purifying the blood. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Special Sale of fine Frencii Flowers at Mrs. John son's. Regular prices $1.73 to $2..0, now $1.00 to $1.25. Also special sale iu Infants' Lace Bonnet9. Call anel secure a bargain. tf Elson, the Old Reliable One Price Clothier, is the place to get Business or Dress suits cheap. tf THE SLSTWftlTE SOAP MADE IN-AMEBlCfr ImAIL , 'ASo-iaIRK Vhite Clouds FtOATlNt SOAP- VRAPPERS (UKCE SIZE) end receive i o 2 HANDSOME 2 tor riming r AciDRsandtossa Mm. EVER IDE! Free! Free? to-dav we will give I'lusli Wigwams at Sherwood's The IIerai.d Job Rooms are the most complete in the county. j A fine line of Gents furnishing goods ' just received at Elson's the One Price Clothier. tf A young woman can get a good situa tion by applying to Mrs. H. J. Streight, at once corner Vine and Fourth streets. Ilibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Plas ters are prescribed by the leading physi cans of Michigan, its home state, anel are remidics of unequalled merits for Rheu matism, blood disorder and liver and kidney complaint. It comes here witl the highest endorsements and recomen- dations as to its curative virtues. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Sensible People will have nothing to do with ''cure-all medicines mat are advertised, to cure everything from chilblain to a broken neck. Read the list of eliseases that Dr. Pierce's Qalden Medical Discovery wili cure: Affections of the throat and lungs, incipient consumption, disordered liver, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma. catarrh, ulcers, tumors and swelliugs Caused by scrofula and bad blood: fevr anel igue and dropsy. This seems like a cure all but it is not. This great "Discovery" will realy cure all thes. complaints simply because it purifies the blood upon which they depend aud builds up the weak places of the body. By druggists. Table Talk for June: As soon as the weather begins to tighten a warm grip on humanity, humanity is apt to lose its grip on appetite, or, a least, pn its fancy for such dishes as were wont to" amuse the palate in cooler seasons. Table Talk thoroughly apprehends this condition of affairs, and its profession is to apprehend and apply the remedy. The peculiarly interesting manner in Jiich it does this we won't attempt to explain here; the better way for our readers to do if they have the curiosjty aud wisdom with which we credit them is to get a copy of the June number, wherein they will plainly see with what ingenuity Mrs. Rorcr patchis up the appetite for its sum mer work. They also will find a great deal there to lure the mental appetite, for there are literary delicacies, as well as culinary, in Talle Talk, a combination which it has the deseryed reputation of mixing up in the most delightful manner. The magazine is published by the Table Talk Publishing company, 402, 404 &. 400 Race street, Philadelphia. $1 a year, single number 10c. a frame; at all, or you can purchase it at some other store. We do this to Advertise our Business, Many people wonder how we fine art like this with bo small a purchase of goods. We answer that it is done for a big advertisement. or will be offered by any other house iu this city. Come now ami avoid the rush that will he sure 1'ortraits HRenaenifcer that yon need mvt pnreliase $25 wortli of goods at any one time, Rai& at differ ent times, ajg:ae55atMg: tEaat amounts A. sample of onr work is now on exhibition at our store Special Drives This Week, Our Figured French Satines reduced to 27Ac a yard. Odds and Ends left Iroui our Hosiery Sale ahotit given away. At 25c a pair Children's plain and ribbed Litde worth double. At 35c a pair Ladies' Hose in Spun Silk. English Lisle and best quality of Ingrains reduced from 5, 75 and $1.50 a pair. We have just recaivei anothar lot of our 15c Ladie3 Jersey Ribbed Vests, worth 25c. Ladies Lisle Vests at 50c reduced from $1.00. Full line of Ladies' Gauze and Balbriggan Vests in Ions dna short sleeves at 26, 35 and 50c each. F. HERRMANN. At Cos to Only 60 Days EViore. Time is flying and our goods are selling. Don't wait until we are out to Pueblo for ion will never get sucli prices as ice are offeriny. Ladies Glove Web 25 cent Slipper, " Kiel Toe, 75 ct Slippers, will a " Low Crescent, 1 25 Slipper, will sell for Oxford Tie, 1 75 Low Shoe, " " Glaze Dongola, flexible, 2 25 fehoes. will sell for Fine Glazed Dongola, flexible, 3 00 Slioe, will tell for a " " " band turned 3 00 Shoe, will sell for 2 40 " " " " " 4 00 " " " 3 00 French " " " 4 50 " " " 3 75 Glove Grain, S. S., 1 50 Shoe, will sell for 00 We also have a great many bargain8 in Mens, Boys, Minie and Childrens, that we have not space to mention. It will be to your interest to call and get prices before buying elsewhere. W- A. IP Just received a large and well assorted line of CARP Call and examine onr tocl IPrices sure to &ult. J. V. raECKBMH & SON' can afford to give away a work of No other such inducement can to take place lor thete Crayon will sell for sell for 05 50 00 oo &5 i l i 2 40 DC & O (n) Ik) p r 0