The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 01, 1889, Image 4

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Tne Evening Herald
Ir. A. KaliNbary bavlbn rxrlalv rnbt to .
Ir. Mrlnau' l.oral A mrt hMlc for th l'alalr
Kttrartioa of Tertta thWeJtr Ofllra Iturkwoud
It I or k .
Vr. ITlthrn, OratUt, l a Ion Illork.
tATlioi.n-.Sf. TauKfi Cliurcli. Oak. between
r If Hi ktnl Sixth. Kallur Carney, I'astor.
SftvU-f : Mann at h hiii! io a. m. Sunday
Ht-liool at 2 w I'll l. ni (lictl.i..
CllKlvri AN.- .rner Locust ami Kiidith
TVlcri tiioriilnx ami evening. Klili-r J. K.
!!!, pailor. miutlay Mcliool 10 a. M.
KrixrnpAL.- St. I.nkM Cliurcli. corner Third
Mini iiio. Kev. II It. Itnrut'". pallor. Ser
vices : 11 a. m. a i 7 :.'wr. M. Sunday School
Ht 'i :M V. M.
;r.KMAX Mktiioimxt. Corner Sixth Ft and
(iratiit. Kev. Illrt. I'aator. bervires : II A. M.
ami 7 :.J l'. M. Sunday In-liuul lo :.K a. m.
I'KK.MiiVTKKl AX. Services held lu Im kwood
Mali. Kev. .1.1. Italnt. pastor. Hervicef
i .Hiiai iiourx. iiiornliif; and evening. Sunday
Fikmt Miff iioiuht.-Sixth St.. brlwen Main
aim reari. itev. w. K. Alexander, pastor.
Servlcen : II a. m.. 7 :M P. M. Sunday School
i i'. m. i rayer liuetit Wednesday even-
Okiiman I'KVjiiVTKKiAN. Comer Main and
Mnth. ICev. Wltte, paHtr. Services : usual
lioiu v Sunday school t :'M A. M.
Hwkhhhi r.v:unATioNAU Granite, he-
iweeu ruin ami sixlli.
C'oI-okp.d B att i st.--Mt. Olive. Oak. between
'lenlli and Kleventh. Kev. A. Hiiwell. Pas
tor. Set vires II a. in. and 7 ::iu p. 111. l'rayer
iiieeiinic vveiuesiay evening.
orxj MKX'lt ClIKfoTlAI' A.hmm-iation
JCMiiiisiii u aferiiiau block. Main street. Jo
pel lueetlnc. lor meu only, ef try Sunday al
ternooii at 4 o'clock. Kooiui open wrd day
i.'uui k m a. in . to !i : 30 p. in.
Morrow Grove Pionlc.
Yffltfrilaj there was u must enjoyable
school picnic party in Wm. Morrow's
grove, between Hock Bluff ami Murray.
It wus celebrating t lie closing of the
Oldham school, and was joined in by
the Murray school. Miss Lillie Ilesser
is the well known young lady who has
had charge of the Oldham school, and
Miss Tillie Oapen ha taught in the Mur
ray school. The school children, pa
rent!", grand parents, brothers, sisters,
and all came out to the beautiful grove
to enjoy the occasion.. Mr. Hesser's or
gan was on the grounds, benches, tables
ami all tilings were at hand to fill the
bill fur a bit: day. There were decla
mations by scholars of the schools, and
good singing, Miss Lulu Young playing
the organ. The tables were loaded
down with a great variety of good
things and tastily decorated with flowers.
Miss Ilesser made a highly appreciated
farewell address to her school, and they
in return as a token of their high es
teem for their teacher, presented her
with a beautiful gold pen.
Grand Glorias lit h
We have placed on our Center Counter our entire line of
Children and Misses
Which wo have made up into Three Different Lots
and Marked at a Ridiculous Low Figure.
The monthly collector was out rust-
ling today.
Men's meeting at the Y. M. C. A.
hall to-morrow.
In time this is Juuo 1. In weather
it is hard to tell what it is.
The scissor grinder was making his
rounds today turning artistic edges on
cissors and butcher knives.
Secretary Bothwell will have charge
cf the gospel meeting at the Y. M. C. A
hall tomorrow. All men are invited to
Tomorrow is Children's day'at the
Christian church, and services will be
special for the occasion. All are cordial
ly invited.
Mr. N. Clemmons, who lives six
miles south of town, called on tho IIeii
ai.d this morning and presented us with
a basket of beautiful flowers, cut from
his flower garden.
There were five garnishee cases tiied
before Justice Pottenger yesterday.
From the results of former garnishee
cases, the young men would be wise to
pay the debts without court proceedings
The tall Cottonwood trees on Fourth
street have been trimmed so that they
make a fairly resectable for
cottonwoods in town, but if they Lad
been trimmed tlown in the ground thy
would have looked better.
Paving Foreman W. E. Wait?, of
Omaha, for J. E. Riley, under instruc
tions of tho board of public works, is
laying the pavement approach from
Main street into Richey street and will
build a six foot sidewalk on the side of
the street.
List night about 7:30 the B. & M.
depot at Louisville, this county, burned.
The fire originated in ths freight room,
supposed from a lamp, and was discov
ered by boys playing ball. Citizens
turned out and removed all moveable
property, and pushed away cars that
were near the burning building. Tl e
fire had too much the start when discov
ered to be extinguished.
. The high school graduating exercises
&t Oletiwood last night in the opera house
drew a packed house. There were fifteen
graduates and their orations are comment
hI upon as very good and some of tlirm
fas being worthy college graduates.
A Irian College, Michigan, Callanan col
lege. Des Moines and Tabor college Iowa,
sent in scholarships to be awarded to the
highest standing scholars, and they were
received by Misses Ida and Alta Wnn-
W. II. Newell was in Greenwood today
S. M. Atwood was a passenger for
Broken Bow, this morning.
T. L. Murphy left this morning for
Alliance, this state, where he has a grad
ing contract.
Assistant Supt. F. S. Granger, of Ed
gar, wus a through passenger ou No. 1
this morning.
Mrs. J. P. Taylor, of Central City, who
has been yisiting at Mrs. Kate Oliver'
returneel home today.
It. B. Windham and uncle, Kanea
Laughton, of Filmore, Mo., and Edith
Patterson, were visitors at Omaha today.
Mrs. Sid. Wheeler and Mrs. Thomas
Ryan, of Nebraska City, the Misses
Woods and Mrs. Geo. Ballance were
Omaha passengers this morning.
iliss Lee Riddle left last evening for
Wahoo, to visit and attend the wedding
of Mr. W. II Longfellow anel Miss Mel-
lie Peoples, which occurs next Monday
Mrs. S. C. Benford, tho Christian
scientist of Beatrice, left last night for
her home, having stopped to visit at the
home of Jas. Pine on a return trip from
Bi ston.
Mrs. J. II. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis, who
have been visiting Mrs. T. II. Pollock,
returned to Lincoln this morning. Miss
Lillie Pollock accompanied them to
John A. Davies, E. J. Streight, Wm.
Stadelmann, Wm. Ruffner and Wm.
Clemmons, returned this morning from
attending the high school graduating
exercises at Glenwood, last night.
Miss Lillie Ailsworth, of London,
Cauada, arrived in the city this morning
to visit at the home of her mother, Mrs,
Kate Oliver. Traveling Weelnesday
night from Port Huron, Michigan, to
Chicago, an uncommon summer experi
ence was had. Snow and raia fell hard
all night and in the morning the ground
was white. In Minnesota a heavy snow
storm is reported.
Lot 1 at
25 cents
Lot 2 at
Lot 3 at
50 cents
. Each.
Comprises our stock of Muslin Underwear
that sold as high as 50 cents a garment.
These goods are made up of the choicest
Muslin and Trimmed with Embroidery.
Comprises our stock ot .Muslin Underwear
that sold as high as 70 cents a
These goods are Elegantly Trimmed
made from the best Muslin.
cr'A ririOTi f
Comprises our stock of Muslin Underwear
that sold as high a3 1.00 a garment. Very
best quality of Muslin and Handsomely
Trimmed with Embroidery.
Our Lino of Figured
Reduced to 12 M
Domestic - Snteciis
cents a Yard.
Oar Line of Spring Jackets that Sold at $7.50
and $10.00, reduced to $5.00.
mai ujjj S3
Having concluded to discontinue this department, we have
thrown on our Middle Counter our Entire Stock, which we are offering
at a price that in most instances the material could not bo purchas
ed for.
25 cents buys a White or Colored dress trimmed with Em
broidery. 50 cents buys a dresn that was made to retail for $1.00.
75 cents comprises everything that sold as high as 1.25.
$1.00 buys a very neat drees in White or Colors, well
worth $2.00.
Our 51.50 line of dresses have been reduced from 2.50.
At $2.00 you will find some excellent values worth double.
At $2.50 very cnoice and fine; the material is worth what w
aek for them.
$3.00 takes in everything in the Line that sold as high as $C.50,
The sizes run from 1 to 12 years of age, and in every case we
will cheerfully refund the money if not fully as advertised. Do not
miss this opportunity to lay in a stock of thee good?, as you may
never get another chance to buy them at so low a figure.
The Largest f Auc of Children's
Embroidered Mull Caps
in this city. We are showing an elegant line from 20c to $2.00 each.
Quite a difficult feat was performed
Tuesday in capturing bees in Rock Bluff
precinct, by Mr. N. Clemmons. Last
year a swarm entered a knot hole in Mr.
George Oldham's residence, and made
themselves at home between the siding
and walb. On Tuesday last 3Ir. Clem
mons, with the assistance of Elmer Sie
bold, removed the weather boarding and
hived the lees. Several feet of comb
hsd been built between the joists by the
beet. Mr Clemmons has quite a large
colony of them.
The ball game at the park yesterday
afternoon between the Browns of this
city and the boys' nine, of Weeping
Water, was not played to a finish. In
the seventh inning the Weeping Water
lds threw the game up and refused to
play because of what appeared to them
partiality of the umpire. They "couldn't
. beat a nine and the umpire too.' is the
way they expressed it. When the game
was thrown up the score stood Weeping
Water 17, Plattsmouth 12, but the um
pire called tlu; gams nine to nothing, in
ftvor of Plattsmouth, which was his
privilege on account of tli3 Wesping
Water refusing to play.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealeel bids will be received by the
ch lirman of the board of Public works
until noon on the Srd day of June lSO
for filling Gth street to graie from Main
to Granit, and also for filling Pearl street
to grade from east side of Gth street to
west side of Chicago avenue. The esti
mated amount ot earth to ue moved is
four thousand yards, more or less. Th
earth for said filling is to be taken from
th street between Granit, and the alley
between Marble and Rock streets.
Contract to be let to the lowest bidder
1 iie right is reserved to reject nnv
or all bids. For further particulars in
quire of theChm. Board of public works
May 14 1S80 J. W. Johnsox.
tf Chm. Board Public Works.
In its treatment of rheumatism and all
rheumatic troubles Ilibbard's Rheumatic
Syrup stands first and foremost above all
others. Read their medical pamphlet,
and learn of the great medicinal value
of the remedies which enter into its com-
a w -a V 0
position, oold oy i. u. jncKe cc uo.
IMtisli WigwatBf at Sherwood's
ElBri: Contd.nina 3 F-
com s i
9 s- :
1 !t
Floating Soap.
and. Teeeive a s
r. ' . -
UL ftlebrxKJ. 1
Card of Thanks.
The ladies of the W. R. C. desire to
xtend their sincere thanks for the as
sistance rendered them in their entertain
ment last night by the Episcopal choir,
Mr. Waterman and all who aided them.
Tne Jurry Finds Moon an Accesory
of th Crime.
As mentioned last evening in TnE
Herald district court was occupied yes
terday in the case of State of Nebraska
ys. yi. M. Moon, in which two com
plaints were entered against the defend
ant, one charging him with being an
accessory before the fact, to the crime
of shooting David Ilite Sunday, April,
21, which was done by a hired hand
named Marsh, and the other charged
llim tvith I n cr on annmenrxr mftor tli
fact, a long list of wittnesses was in- Time is flying and oar goods are selling. Don't
troduced aqd examined, and in the after-
. At Cost, .
Only 60 Days More.
y. w. c t.u.
There will be a called meeting of the
Vs at ? p. in. in the M. E. church, to
nake preperations for Flower Mission
"Day. All members are requested to be
" Tiie Herald Job Rooms are the moBt
complete in the county.
afermans Opera House Tonight
Mr. J. B. Polk in his new play called
Mixed Pickles," was welcomed back to
Baltimore at Ford's opera house last
night by a very large and enthusiastic
audience, who went away delighted
with the performance and everybody
who took part ia it. 'Mixed Pickels"
is classified as a farce comedy. It is new
in its arrangements, bright in dialogue,
life-like in its characters, realistic in its
incii4ts, and irresistibly funny in its
situations. The ssmpauy is made up of
admirable material, er4i person beirg
thorough in tho p'rt of whicu he
or she is assigned. The central figure u,
of course. Mr. Polk, himself, who is an j
actor of rare AC-Tjic talent, lie is always
natural and clever. iIw Julia A. Polk
is vivacious in manner, has a sweet yylcfi
and plays her part well. Baltimore Sun.
You will miss the funniest play pf the
season if you fail lo go and sea "Mixed
Piclea" tonight.
The Herald is under obligations to
Mr. W. J. Ilesser, Cass county's popular
ilorist, for a large number and variety of
choice and beautiful flower plants. Mr.
Flesser has an 'acquaintance with the
botanical world that cannot be gotten
out of books, but comes from long ex
perience, and is of practical value. As
a generous man to deal with he is well
known, and always gets to the fron
with the earliest and best in the market
in garden and hot house or green house
plants. Because of his genial qualities
he holds a good trade at Omaha and
Lincoln and othar Nebraska towns and
his business is oco cf the kind thai
advertises the city and county.
Ilibbard's Rheumatic Syrt?p and Plqs
ters are prescribed by the leading physi
cans of Michigan, its home state, and are
remidies of un qualled merits for Rheu
matism, blood disorder and liver and
kidney cpp!a:ct. It comes here with
the highest endtjrsoteLis reoomen-
dations ns to its curative virtue.
Sold by F. O. Fricke & Co.
Special Sale
oi t.e F.E'cn Flowers at Mrs. Joux
soxs. ' 'Regular prices $ 1.75 to $:J-"0,
now $1.00 to $1.2 . Also special sale in
Infants' Lace Bonnets. Call and secure
t bargau.; t
noon the pleas were made by the attor
neys. County attorney Gering, and J.
II. Haldemen. of Weeping Water repre
senting the state, and J. B. Strode the
defendant. The case was given to the
jurry about supper time and after being
out about three hours returned a verdict
finding defendant an accessory to the
crime after the occurance. Sentence
will be passed by the court on the defen
dant Monday. The statute bearing on
an accessory to felonious acts after their
commission is as follows: "Any person
found guilty of being an accessory after
the fact, shall be imprisoned in the jail
of the county for any term net exceeding
two years, and fined in a sum not exceeds
ing five hundred dollars in the discre
tion of the court, to be regulated by th
circumstances of the case and the enor
mity of the crime."
After the yerdict was received court
adjourned to meet Monday, June 3rd,
and last evening and this morning the
wittnesse3, attorneys and jurors returned
to their homes and farms to take a look
at tho crop prospects and come back
Monday ready to grind out justice to
whom justice is du?
The cases set for hearing Monday are
State vs. Wm. Smith; Feder, Nusbaum
& Co. vs. Solomon & Nathan; Nebraska
and Iqwa Insurance company vs. Wm.
II. Smith; The Western Horse fe Cattfa
Isuraace Co. vs." Ilenry F. Bunte e$ al.
The effect ef using llibb-ird's Rhenma
tic Syrup is uulike oil medicines contnin-
ing opiates or poisens, it being entirely j
free from them. It cures rheumatism by
purifying the blood. Sold by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
A fine line of G-nts furnishing goods
just received ftt ilsr;n the One Price
wait until we are out to Pueblo for you will
never get suclb prices as we are ojjenny.
Ladies Glove Web 25 cent Slipper, will eell for
" Kid Toe, 75 ct Slippers, will sell for
" Low Crescent, 1 25 Slipper, will sell for
" Oxford Tie, 1 75 Low Shoe, "
Glaze Dongola, flexible, 2 25 fchoes. will sell for
Fine Glazed Dongola, flexible, 3 00 Shoe, will sell for
" " hand turned 3 00 Shoe, will bcJI for 2 40
4 4 00 " " 3 00
French " 4- f0 44 tk
v-.' .fs
Glove Grain, S. S., 1 50 Shoe, will sell for JQ
We also have a great many bargains in ATeris, Ioys, Mistes and
Childreus, that we have not space to mention.
It will be to your interest to call and get prices before buying
: OT. A.
Tust received a large
and well assorted line of
Bidbrfggaii suits the best in the city at j
Eison's the One Price Clothier. tf
Call and exmississe ouv Steele
Elson. the Old Reliable One Price
Clothier, is the place to get Business or
Dress suits cheap. tf
' f:
& son.