IMto t I'LArrSJIOUTII, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, 3IAY 2i, 1889. NUMDEU 18 Absolutely Pure. ThW p wilcr never variei A marvel of pur t. strength and whileoiiieiic:9. Mop econo tnii Ilic ordinary kind, and cannot be old in ei.iieiitin with the multitude of low tft. sli 'if weiirlit id. mi or pho-in:i'e iwien. S.t!i imhj in r aim. I'l.VAL KUvlXl 1'OWbKK Co.. Wall t. . Y. Mayor, Clerk. TrAurpr, Attorney. Kntrine- r. Police .fii'lf Mar .hall. CouneKnici;, V. M. Hi' H K V W li Fox ilAMK- r.TTKK80N, JR. IIVKH.V I'l.ARK II. C M-IIMIHT - ClIKKHKII 1. 11. Dunk 1st ward. ) A s a. i sr. v I : I;i:kkk ki i. I lilt. A SHII'MAA l M JON KM )M ri M L'lt I'll V I ClIA i. II MI'LK. COS t'CONJSOK. I MrCALLKN. I J I) IMW.!.V, 1,11'NKIL 2i.d " 3rd " 4th 5th t .1 W Johns is,t Work?- i- iifi ;i'ir.K I W II MCWKLL W Johns n,Chaihman Boaid Tub county oiniGis. J Treasurer, Deputy i're;i.surer, - Clerk. Deputy Clerk, Recorder ol Deeds Deoatv Recorder Clerk of District Coart, Kheriir. Surveyor. -Attorney. I). A. CA M rvKLL Thiu. I'OM.OCK BlKI I'KITCHFIKMI - FKANK IMCKSON W. H. I'OUL Jonx M. LKYDA V. C. SHOW ALTER J.C. ElhKMIAin II. ;. s--hmidt - Matthew Ckuino JIaynahii Spink c. ku8skljl Kupt. OlPIlD SCUOiiH, County Judue. noAKD or ac A.B.Todd. - - Lor is Ki,tz. A. B. Dl 'KsuN. Ch'iu., PEBV1SOKS. Plattsmoutb Weeping Water Kiinwood GIVIC OGILVrilS. C AHSLODNk' N. I5. 1- -. F. -Meets every Tuel.-iy evening of each week. All tran?tr.t brothers ure reepecUully inviled to attend 11LATTM.Il? fll V. S CA M PM E NT Xi. 3. O. K.. iii -eU every alternate Fridii each mouth ;:i the M.isonic Hall. -Vis Brother -tr j i ivile-l to attend. No. 3. f. O. AT TU Ultlllg 1 i,T T - ill il 'T H lt:UK .C A. v. ."t A. 31. M-,-t-ou t:i" fir-t and third Monday of each mouth at th-ir hall. AH trtinsient liroth er are cordially lni:cd to meet with ui. nt, V . tilt. HIM, ! 111. Wit. Hats. Secret ary. CIAHS CAMP N0.3.T2. MODKBX WOODMEN of nierica Meets second aud fourth Mon ti ay evening at K. of I, hall. All transient brother re reij-.n-Hfed to r.ieet with u. L. A, Nweo-ner. Veaerahle Consul ; i. K, Nile Worthy dv!ser; S. C. V tide. Banker ; W. A. BoecK. Cterk. VKUIUSKA CHA1 i'TKR. NO. 3. K. A. M. Meet soroiul and fourth Tuesday of each month at MusoiiV Hall. Traiisrient brothers are iuvited to meet wiili us. K. E. WlllTE, II. P. Wm. ! v. Secretary. mt. ZION COMM A x DA P.Y. NO. . K. T. At Meet" first nud third Wednesday night of each month at M icon's hall. Visiting brother are cordially ir.vlied to meet wiih u. WM. II ays. I t e. F. E. WltlTK. E. C IILATTSMOU t"H I.OD;K SO. g. A. O. V. W. Mct evrv alternate Friday evening at Kockwood b ill at hoVIock. All transient broth ers aw respe'-lfut'y invlud to attend. L. t. Ijtrson. M. V. ; F. B v l. Foreman : 8. C. Wilde. Heeoruer ; Looaurd Anderson. iversf er. KIO LOIXili NO. hj. A. O. U. W. Meets trrv .ltrn U Friday evening at K. of P. Ull. Transient brothers are respectfully In v ted to attend. V. P. Brown. Vaster Work mrn;(i B. K- i:istr. F. -rem an ; V. H.Stelmker overseer: W. if. MdlT, Financier; 1. V. Iloitstwoub. Kecorder; F. J. Morgto. Receiv er; wm. l;ut'le : Wm. Ludwig. Inside tVatca : L. OU.en, Outside Watea. I&en you. Men's Custom Made Suits, - Men's-lilack Imported Cork Screw Men's Business Suits - - -Men's Cheviat Suits - wm EKUdHTS .EJim S3HWW3S, "FIHITUIHIEIS lUHD TfILiISESS, EVERYTHING MUST GO IN THIS GREAT DISCOUNT SALE ! CAH'f MONKEY WITH STEWART. Mloux. C'lly Men llullil Pou toon. and then "Klvj" with the Colonel. Ha Claims fha Right of Ovar Them. Inventor Parties in Sioux City have constructed a pontoon bridge on their own hook, but used Col. S. N. Stewart's pattern in build ing. The result is stated in the follow in";, clipped from Thursday's Sioux City Journal: Col. 8. W. Stewart, of Philadelphia, known by the Austrians as The River King," arrived in Sioux City Monday.Tbe colonel claims several inventions in con nection with pontoon bridges, among them the V-shaped draw, which is not on the Sioux City bridge. After looking the bridge over the colonel found E. C. Palmer, secretary of tho Sioux City and Nebraska Pontoon Bridge company, and remarked to him: "I heard you had built one of my bridges, and I thoughtl would come and see you. I hope you have plenty of funds on hand, for my bill is large, and I would like a settlement within twenty-four hours." The colonel and the members of the bridge company wrestled with the question of infringement and settlement until yesterday, when an amicable udjust nent was reached. How much the doughty in venter was paid has not trat s pired, but his eyes twinkled when he in formed the reporter that he had brought the company to terms. Mr. Palmer was not very communica tive as to the sum paid. He admitted that a settlement had been made, and said without any appearance of enthusiasm: "I suppose it is all right that the inventor should have reward. We have no liking for a lawsuit, with its expense and uncsr ta'nt'y." Speaking of another Jprojected pontoon further up the stream, for which no arrangement has been made with Col. Stewart for the use of bis inventions, the Colonel said: "Wait till they finish aud I'll make them wish that theyhad never been born. Messrs. Palmer and Mohn are nice men and I let them off easy, but the next in fringer I find I am going to crucifv." A MEW BRIDGE COMPANY. Yesterday the Northwestern Pontoon Bridge Co. was formed in Sioux City. It :s composed of S. N. Stewart, of Phila delphia, and E. C. Palmer and J. M. Moan, of Sioux City. Its object is to build pontoon bridges on the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and their tributaries. It will contain all the late patents and new inventions relating to pentoon bridges known in the Unite4 Statpg. Eight Mile Grove. 'Are you going to vote bonds!" is the question asked by almost every individ ual in this vicinitj, aqd '1 don't hardly know;" will almost invariably be the awnser. They don't seem to consider the question from a buisiness stand-point, but think how much nicer and more convciennt our county buildings would be near the center of the county than on the border. They have'nt yet considerd the natual advantages and superior qual ities Plattamoqtl) ha? over the interior cities and we want our county buildings in a place that has some prospect for Improvement. Corn looks well but we fear one of it vtvtt ti-n Try can buy a Suit Tills (Kreat HMscount Sale will only continue a short time longer. FORMER PRICE. NOW.1 $25.00. 33 1 per cent off, $16.67. 20.00. " $13.35. 15.00. " $10.00. S 10.00. ' $ 6.65. looks better now than it will the 4th of July if our boys do not meu.l their way of cultivating it. We haye found with what little expedience we have had in corn raising that it will not pay to only split the middle as we see some of our cornfields. It is highly neccesary that we work close to the corn row and throw the dirt away from the tender plant the first plowing and then throw it back the second. I am only speaking of corn that is put in with the planter. Mr Krager lost a fine brood mare Sat turday. It is supposed that she had the colic This makes the third horse for Mr. Krager within past few months ons being a fine three year old which he had just broke to work. The third was a suck ing colt. Strawberry season .is with us again but we fear the cool evenings will check the ripening of the delicioucs fruit. We have two very accommodating dentists here, they come right to your own door and extract your teeth for you, thereby you will save the expense of traveling to some stationed dc-ntis. Observer "Mixed Pickles." J. B. Polk, than whom a better or more popular omedian does not tread the boards, opens at the Walnut street theatre for Thanksgiving week, in his comical creation of Jo Pickle, the merry practical joker, in the whimsical and satirical comedy, "Mixed Pickles," a play which may rightfully claim to be a perennial favorite. Happily it bears no resemblance to the acrobatic and variety absurdities which have for ?oma time passed current as comedies. Mr. Polk rattles through his part with rare abandon, spirit, d ish and humor, giying as he goes along, some highly artistic touches, notably that of changing f omthe harutu-scaru n Joseph to'tbe sedate Arthur, his facial expression being such as only a well-trained actor, one of de cided ability, coul I satisfactorily accom plish. Polk has a company of reputa tion and experience, and Miss Julia A. Polk, the leading lady, sings exquisitely. The Philadelphia Hjrald." Sacure your tickets now, for it will be the last theatrical performance at the opera house until about September Is, so don't fail to go to the opera house next Saturday night. Elm wood Notes. Mr. Wm. Smith and Mr, H. G. Bearda ley are. happy fathers, sons having arri ved at their homes on the 16th; nd Mr. G. E. Surface is the happy father of a girl baby, born the 23rd. Elmwood is building a new two-story school house. Arohibald Bu3ter, of Otoe county, was. visiting his son Wm. here this week. He is 87, and says he is good for twenty more years. Uncle J. I Jones celebrated bis eightieth birthday on the 20th. His fiist vote was cast for Andrew Jaokson. The Elmwood schools have just re ceived a $30 set of tho International Cyclopedia XV volumes. This is a work wLich should be in every good school. The proceeds of the school entertainment of last term were used n its purchase, The effect of using Hibbard-s Rheuma tic Syrup is unlike all medicines contain ing opiates or poisens, it being entirely free from therg. Jt cures rheqmatism by nnri f r: n er tVi VilonV Hnld hv "P fl I Fricke St Co. pmn of Clothes for a Men'sJBusiness Suits Men's " " -Men's "Working Suits Men's Custom Made Pants IPIatttamoadEaj EToturcioCsp. ILower ElaSca St. DECORATION DAY. The Nature of the W R. C. Enter talnment at the Opera House- The prospects for a beautiful day to morrow to observe the sacred custom of honoring the country's noblest dead are very good. Business will be generally suspended and the program of the day carried out as published elsewhere in the Herald. The W. It. C. have planned to close the day with an appropriate enter tainment in the opera house at 8 o'clock in the evening. The Woman's Relief Corps invariably prepares a program for their entertainments which can be highly appreciated and la worthy large attendance. It will be interesting to many citizens to know the design of this organization of ladies and to whit jin'wo r.r M earnings of their efforts. The oriijiz-i-tion raises funds for the supporting of widows and nurses, and to-morrow's en tertainment is to raise money to distibute locally by the W. R C, to be sent to the headquarters to forward the building of the home. Money cannot be spent to a more charitable purpose, or where it will bring better returns of thanks from grateful hearts. The W. R C. invaria bly g'ves splendid entertainments, which merit all the admission foe charged. At to-morrow's entertainment the Episcopal c'loir w'll sing, there will be 'some fine declamations and forty pret'y little chil dren will decorate and dedicate a immu- ! meat to the unknown dead. The admis sion will be 25 and 15 cents, and. chil dren 10 cents. Non-Partisan Convention Rates. All persons purchasing tickets at all points on the B. & M., Union Pacific, Missouai Pacific, and F., E. & M. V. railroads, to attend the non-partisan pro hibition convention to be held at Lin coln on June 5th, will be entitled to re turn tickets at one-third of the regular fare, by taking receipts of the local agents for full fared paid to Lincoln, and presenting the Fame to the convention authorities. Persons attending the con vention from points on other lines, should also demand receipts for full fares paid to Lincoln, as all lines are expected to make the above rate. Indications point to a great convention. Notable speakers will be present. All electors should attend who desire the ad option of the prohibitory constitutional amendment. The convention is NOT to be held to organize a new party, or to nominate candidates for office, but sole ly to insure the adoption of prohibition. C, A, Robbtxs, J. M. Stewart, C. A. Atkinson. All who are to take part in the W, I R. C. entertainment to-morrow night are ' requested to meet co night at the opera house for rehearsal. Rheumatism is cured by nibbard's Rheumatic Syrup stacking at the seat; of J the disease and restoring the kidneys and J liver to healthy action. If taken a suffjei- ent time to thourly eradicate such poi son, it never fails. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. The south trench for the foundation of the Riley hotel is being dug. It will be of sixteen inches of concrete and that followed by foot foundation heayy stanes. a mere song? 33 FORMER PRICE. NOW. $ 8.00. 33 per cent off, $ 5.36. $ 6.00. " " $ 4.00. $ 5.00. 5 3.34. $ 7.00. ' " $ 4.65. FOISE IT IS TO ;l I NEW GOODS ARRIVE DAILY! Complete in all departments. Handsome line of .Xeopolitan and pattern HATS. RIBBONS, PLUMES, COLLARS CUFFS BELTS GLOVES FUNS HANDKERCHIEFS SflSMR IBBON. AVe cordially invite ladies to call and yet prices, we can save yon money. Moore & Studebaker. One door west of Joes clotliinir store. For Solid icinf.i. Supply your home with Furniture that is easy and comfortable. Boeck's Furni ture Emporium is the place to buy chairs hard bottom or plush, for office, home and the parlor. Tables, Desks, Secre taries, Baby Carriages. Beds, Dressers and sUnds of every description. But keep your victuals cool and healthy in an Alaska Refrigemtor. IIknky Bceck. Summer slippers ni cm nod's Plenty of feed, flour, graham and meal at Heisel's mill, tf Tho IVew How only $25.00 at her woods' House and lotO;i R tchie place forsale on easy payments; enquire at Joiimon Bnos. Hardware store. tf A O H. Attention ! There will be a meeting of the A. O. 1T. in the G. A. R. hall Thursday evening, May 30, at 7:30 o'clock sharp. M. J. O'Reilly, President. NO SMOKE OR SMELL To ibe new COAL OIL, Steve ugt recei vedat Jobnwon Brot. Call and Nee them. They will not explode. Freeze your ice cream with theliphtaisg freezer sold by Johnson Bros. 9wlm $50. GIVEN AWAY. Fifty Dollars in clean Cash To he given away by C. E. Weseott, the Ioss Clothier. Each dollar's worth of goods bought from our Elegant stock, entitles the pin chaser to one chance to draw this GRAND PRIZE. Drawing takes place October 15th, 18-9. The money is on Exhibition in on show window. Our stock is complete. "We carry only reliable good. Sell at the lowest bottom figures have strictly one price and no Monkey business. C. E. "Wtsoorr, The Boss Clothier. irr U-ffi from inarkeal fsrlc? of Bors' Suits- Childs' Suits - - - Working Shirts 35 cents. Shirts and Drawers 35 Call and be convinced that what we say is true. Xj-i-T or 23al UJ: Thoroughly cleanso tho blood, which u the fountain of health, by using Dr. Tierce's Gold en Medical Discovery, and good direction, a fair akin, buoyant spirits, and bodily health and vltror will bo established. Golden Medical Discovery cures all humors, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Scrofula, or blood-poisou. Es pecially baa It proven Its efileacy in curing" Bait rheum or Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Fever - sored, Hip-joint Disease, Hcrofuloue Bores and Swelling, Enlarged Glands, Goi tre or Thick Meek, and Latlng- Bore or Ulcers. Golden Medical Discovery cures Consump tion (which is Borofula of the Lunus), by Its wonderful blood - purifying. Invigorating-, and nutritive properties, if taken in tlmo. For Weak LunifH, Hpltting- of J flood, Short ness of breath. Catarrh In the Head, Ilron chltis. Severe Coughs, Asthma, and kindred affections. It la a sovereign remedy. It promptly cures the severest Coughs. For Torpid Liver, Uilloutmens. or "Liver Complaint' Dyspepsia, and indigestion. It la an uDequaled remedy. Bold by drujraista Prloe 1.W, or six boitlea for $4.00. JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN TIIK Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergo' and 'Buds FULL LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 20. 1885. PLATTS MOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President 1st Vice President.. 2nd Vice President. ...Itoht. IJ Windham . A . 1!. Tortd Win Neville Secretary K. Herrmann lr. K. (iuthciail Treasurer..'. 1)IKK TOltH. J. O. Iilchev. K. E. White, .1 C. PuttervoM, J. A. I'onner. H. Klxon. C. W. Miieriiiau. bor der, J. V. Vl eckbach. .1c30NIH:E POST 45 G. A. R. HOST KB. H. A. Dicktov , 'orrmafider, Senior Vice 15XX.F. 11F.MPLK. 3. CAitiiHJAX Junior " J :. N I Lies Adjutant. A. Shii'ma ?r , ilxnkv stukight.. a . Ta ksch JAJIW litCKSOJf, Ayr.Eiisov 0. KuvV. '.i. '. Ccans Sur;;, Q. M. Oflicerof the Day. " Junra fertft Mxtcir. .Quarter Ma.vcr Senri. ..iHfct CliMddlil 'eeMnir Saturday eveiii Collodion Notices I r. spectfnlly request all parlies in debted to me to cali and settle their ac counts before June 1st. Alfred SuirMAx M. D. Drink Champaign Mist. Delicious, Cool and Refreshing. For salo by E. W. Cook at Smith & Black's old stand, tf o FORMER PJirCE. . NOW. - S 3.50. 33?, per cent off. S 2.34. S 2.00 a " 1.32. cts. Overalls 2oc.