TltE DAILY IlEUALl) : rLATTSMOOTH, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, MA Y 18, 1S89. Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. Dr. 4. Kalltbury hth rxrlawlrft rlht to Ir. Strlnaa'n Anthrtie for the I'ainlMut Kxtrartiun of Teeth In IhUcltjr. Ofllee Uork wood Block. Dr. Wither, Dealist, t'lo Blork. CITY CONGREGATIONS. Catholic St. Paul's t'lnirrh. Oak. between Klfili mikI Mxtli. Katlicr ('unify, 1'a.stor. hrrvtr-s : Mas nt 8 aiil l ::k a. M. Sunday hclioul Hi 3 ui, wllli bcneiltclioi.. ChkihTIAV. Corner Irust and Eighth 81. htrrvlofs itioriiinx and evening. Elder J. K. Kent, pattor. huuday Hcliool 10 a. m. Eri.opAU-St. Luke's f'liurcli, corner Tlilrd mid Ine. Kev. 11 It. Hurj;ei. aMor. Ser vices : 1 1 A. M. a d 7 :Ji: M. Sunday School at 2 an v. m. ClRKMAN Mkthoi.tst. Corner Sixth Ft. and (iranito. Hev. lllrt. l'ator. Services : 11 A. M. and 7 an v. it. Sunday bt-liool 10 an a. si. I'kkhkytkim AN. Services held In Htwkwonil Jl:ill. ICfV. J.T. Hairil. pastor. Servleee wtial hour, morning and evening. Sunday Sfh'xd S UK?. Fihht MrTHOmsT. Sixth Ht.. hetwen Main and Pearl. Kev. W. It. Alexander, pastor. Servlceit : 11 a. m 7 :30 P. M. Sunday hcliool 2 :-o P.;M. l'raytr incetii g Wednesday eveu intf. Gfumax ritr.mivTKRiAN. Corner Main and Ninth. Kev. Wltte, pastor. Services : UMial hours. Sunday M-liool U :.'R A. l. SWRKiiisii ('oxuliriiATIu.VAU Granite, be tween Fifth and Sixth. m Coi.onr.D Bapti.iT. Mt. Olive. Oak. between Tenth and Eleventh, Kev. A. Itonwell, pas tor. Soi vires 11 a. in. and 7 :.'0 p. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening- Yof.vo Mks's CmtlHTIAM Association Jioiusin ateriiiau bliM'k, Main street, (ios-iK-l nit-elii)?. (or men only, evtrv Sunday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Kooiiih open wevk. day from h-.'M a. in., to s : 30 p.m. CITY CORDIALS. The arrival of summer is announced by Ma blooming rose bushes, although the temperature at present is of an earlier nature. In last evening's issue speaking of the estimated value of an SO acre Cass county farm $4,000 was given instead of $400. A couple of Government inspectors from St. Louis, Mo. were here today and inspected the ferry boat Katie Peas, and found her all safe and in good running order. The recent rains leave the pasture lands of the county in a thiving condi tion to support a good average of cattle per acre. Corn is also repated in good condition. II. C. McMaken & Son's ice wagon, for half an hour this morning, was stuck fast in the mud back of Peter Merge's building. Several horse power were necessary to pull it out. Clothing from light summer coats and straw hats to fur trimmed overcoats and caps, were in use this morning, an 3 from the appearance of people it was a puzzler to tell what time of year it was. Rev. J. 31. Wood, the Baptist minis ister, will preach for the Presbyterian minister in Rockwood hall on next Sab bath (tomorrow.) Divije service na usual in the evening at 8 o'clock. The public are cordially invited. A. large party of young peeple who have for two weeks contemplated a Fri day evening picnic at Fitzgerald's forty, last night concluded to get ahead of tli weather and held it in Fitzgerald's hall. It's not often the weather gets ahead of Plattsmouth people. J. R. McYey, one of Cass county's successful farmers has just made a sub of hogs which speaks well for the stock raising qualities of the soil of old Cast. He had twelve hogs, twelve months and a half old which ha sold this week tr McDride, the stock dealer of Nehawka. 1 he bogs weighed 4,700 pounds an ayer age of almost 400! That is a record for a lot of hogs equal to any. The amount realized from them was $1 9.92. Jlbeumaism is cured by Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup stricking at the seat oi the disease and restoring tbe kidneys and liver to healthy action. If taken a suffici ent time to thourly eradicate such poi son, it never fails. Messrs. R. B. WuJham, F. M. Richer, A. II Todd, Henry Boeck and Byron Clark, the board of trade committee to Kearney, to look at their water power canal, returned last evening by the flyer. The canal and its operation is highly praised by the committee and Platts- moutlTwill follow suit at an early date, even after a more extensive plan. Acute and chronic rheumatism can be effectually and permanently cured by the use of Hibbard's Rheumatic Syruj and Plaster. When it comes to a land for farmers to prosper in. none is better than Cass a a county. A drive across this county in any direction will not fan to convince one that the farmer that understands raanag ing will not fail to prosper with the fav orable seasons that Nebraska climate af- lord. It is also a cheering and comfort able appearance that is presented by the many good barns which haye been erect ed in the last few years, and iu which the owners take an honest pride. In the neighborhood ofjtbe corners of Eight Mile Grove and Centre precincts are sev eral lirge and well planned barns good samples of the best in the country. They are located on the farms of Jacob Tritsch, size 40x4$; John Henning, 42x00 and Martin Frederick, 42x43; good healthy and high basements for stock, and are planned for farmers' economy by Geo. Merkle the contractor of that vicinity. THE JOKER Today's sunshine is acceptable. Recently people have not walked home in the starlight. A few days of bright Bunshine will convince the doubtful that it is summer. The Jokkk is confident that he can state, without prevarication, that Platts mouth can't be beat. In saying this he has reference both to her ball club and the town at large. Now is the time of year that the man with an arm burnt with mustard aud an eye put out with powder, but securely joneealed by a dark gogle, comes to the bubk door and with a pitiful jing-o-ling says "Please ma'am, can't you give a poor tnan sorathincr to help him. lie was in the terrible explosion at Kallamazoo and is trying to get to Nebraska City." Bread ii acceptable but money is preferred. Bread gets to the alley and money to the nearest saloon. It is an actual fact that the town is impressing outsiders with the fact there are material changes going on in her midst. One eyening as Tun Joker prop ped himself against the Nation Bank corner and was gazing at the types of humanity that were were passing he noticed an honest faced elderly couple coming up the street in their Sunday best, shawl, valise and cane, evidently, having just got off the train. They didn't leok like city folk, but reminded one that they bad come to visit and would be glad when they got to the stopping place. They came to the bank corner ank stopped. The old gentleman gazed across the street earnestly for a few moments, and at the same time seemed somewhat amazed. His better half stood by holding his arm seemingly innocent of what he was pon dering in his heart and waiting for him to proceed. Then with apparaat astonish ment the old man turned to a bystander and exclaimed "Where's that hotel gone to?" The effect of using Hibbard's Rheuma tic Syrup is unlike all medicines contain ing opiates or poisens, it being entirely free from them. It cures rheumatism by purifying the blood. flew Line of Millenary. Just received fit J. V. Wechbach & Son's. d-12-t PERSONALS. Mrs. F. S. Thomas arrived this morn ing from Washington. J. P. Young, Mrs. Capt. II. E. Palmer, and Mrs. S. Waugh were in Omaha today. Mr. Oliver Eads, of Burlington, Iowa, is visiting at the home of his brother, Mr. Chas. Eads. Notice to Graders- I will receive sealed bids up till 12 o'clock Wednesday May 29, 1839, for fil ling old creek bed at the Cunning fac tory 1500 yards more or less. The right reserved to reject any or all bids. The bids will be opened at 2 o'clock Wed nesday May 29, 18S9. Fred Gobder, Sec. Uundcrwear at less than half price, genuine Balbriggan shirts aud drawers roiii'i at 33 cents each or Go cents a suit, at Wescott's Boss Clothing Store. Al ways best goods, lowest prices and no Monkey business. C. E. Wescott. Oont make a mistake and buy underwear, until you see Wes cott's great bargain in striped Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 35cents each or 65 cents a suit, less than manufacturers cost. All sizes tf C. E. Wescott BalbriggiH shirts and drawer? of flrtt quality selling at Wesc6tt- 2?oss Cloth ing Store for Co cents each or 03 cents a suit. Take a tumble to yourself and get some while we have all sizes, tf Wescott. Dizzy Prices on underwear at Wescott's, genuine strip ed Balbriggan shirts and drawers for S3 cents each or 6K cents a suit, tf Grab Em. ndlson's laboratory. . Anions tho materials stored in Edison's laboratory samples of every substance in th world; tho thousands of pigeon holes and drawers contain skins, feathers and furs of the whole caiiinal creation, bones and tusks of all sorts of creatures, minerals, barks, grasses, drugs, fruits and gums in bewilder ing completeness. Soma of the species are eo rare that they are kept like diamonds, in little folded papers. The grotesque nature of some of the materials there collected prompted the inquiry: How can yon ever want such things as sharks' teeth or rhinoceros' horn!" "That shows that you don't know what queer things electricians use," replied our modern VirgiL "During the progress of the experience with the incandescent electric h'sbt, for instance, nearly everything one can think of was tried as a primary material from which to form the delicate carbon fila ment whose incandescence is the source of the light Finally, as perhaps you know, shreds of ono particular variety of bamboo were found to give the most gratifying results; and there, by the way, you can see a few bales of the very reeds from which those strips are cut. Again, the delicate needle. which, affixed to the under side of the vibrat ing diaphragm of the phonograph, indents tho smooth, revolving surface of the waxen cylinder, had to be formed of some material possessing peculiar properties of elasticity and rigidity. Scores of the most unlikely substances, both organic and inorganic, nat ural and artificial, were tried before the right one was bit upon. And so it goes with all the details of electric appliances." Cosmo politan. - - ' In P ' OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Cmloren's WMte and ColoredDresses Having concluded to discontinue this Department, we have thrown on our Middle Counter our Entire Stock, which we are offering at a price that in most instances the material could not he purchas ed for. ' 25 cents huys a "White or Colored Dress trimmed with Em broidery. 50 cents huys a Dress that was made to retail for $1.00. 75 cents comprises everything that sold as high as 1.25. 51.00 huys a very neat Dress in White or Colors, well worth $2.00. Our $1.50 line of Dresses have been reduced from 52.50. At 52.00 you will find some excellent values worth double. At 52.50 very cnoice and fine; the material is worth what we ask for them, $3.00 takes in everything in the Line that sold as high as $0.50. m The sizes run from 1 to 12 years of age, and in every case we will cheerfully retnnd the money it not fully as advertised. Do not miss this opportunity to lay in a stock of these goods, as you may uevtr get another chance to buy them at so low a figure. The Largest Line of Children's Embroidered Mull Caps in this city. We are showing an elegant line from 20c to $2.00 each. To Itcat tlie Iligli Hat. ."I have got a plan that beats Col. Hamil ton's all hollow," said a dreamy looking youth. "To harness the wild Niagara wavesf "Naw; my plan is to abate the l.i.,h hat nuisance in theatres. I attended a Qu aker meeting not long since, and noticed that the women with poke bonucts occupied one side of tho meeting room and the men wer.r .it peace on the other side of the house. Now, 1 propose to 'utilize that plan in theatres to compel the 'unbounded' women to sit in the balcony or left side of the parquet The bare headed women and men will be privileged to sit in comfort far from the nodding crowd of high hats. I think every theatre manager, as weU as all sufferers from the high hat nuis ance, will cordially approve my plan and rise up (and go out between the acts) to call me blessed and ask me to take something. Oh, I'll bo as big a man as Bill Shakespeare." Buffalo Express. Lake Henry's Moving Island. Ono of the most picturesque and remark able bodies of water in the world is Ilenry's lake, in Idaho. It is situated on tho dome of the continent in a depression in tho Rocky mountains called Targee's pass. It has' an area of forty square miles, and all around it rise snow capped peaks, some of them being the highest of the continent's backbone. lii tho lake is a floating island about o00 feet in diameter. It has for its basis a mat of roots so dense that it supports large trees and a heavy growth of underbrush. These roots are covered wiih several feet of rich soJ. "no SUI"fac0 k solid enough to support the weight horseany where and there are places where a housecoure-C!Lbmlt1' The wind blows the island about the lake, and it seldom remains twenty-four hours in tho some place. San Francisco Post. It Was All Right. Our marriage is not a failure, b it, dear I No. And we just live like two turtle doves in leap year, and not a riplet rises to mar the harmony of our gently uowing uves does iti N-o. : And you love to bring up the coal for me, and hang out the clothes, and build the fires in the morning, and do everything to make your little wife happy? Y-e-s. And you want me to ask mother down to spend a couple of months with us? Kow don't say no, but coma aud kiss me, that's a dear. Yes, I will when you drop that roll in gp in Texas Sif tings. If all that has been said by orators and poets since the creation of the world in praise of women were applied to tho women of America, it would not do them justice for their conduct during the war. President Lincola. 4 Hla Serious Fault. A physician was negotiating the other day for a horse, which was warranted sound, a good roadster and everything that the heart of a driver could desire. . As a final precau tion bo inquired: "Is be afraid of anything on the roadf "Well, not much of anything," hesitated the owner. "He shies a little at anything Lih like the entrance to a ceme tery.' And the man did not realize that he had said the wrong thing till the doctor's quizzical expression took the wool from his wits. Well, we are all a bit afraid of the en trance to a cemetery, but, shy as we may, thither we trod. Boston Common wealth. i la le Di IMPORTANT TO THE CITIZENS. A Traveling Man Creates Croat Ex citement in the Empire House- Independence, Iowa, Oct. 14, 1S88. Rheumatic Syrup Co., Jackson, MtcJi: Gents: Your Mr. Brooks came here toniyht and registered as agent for Hib bard's Rheumatic Syrup, and as he did so it awakened in me an interest neyer before realized in a guest at my house. You will not wonder at it when I tell you the story. For years I have been greatly afflicted with inflammatory rheu matism, the pain and soreness of the joints at times being almost unbearable; could move about only with the aid of crutches. In addition to this tny stomach became badly diseased, and neuralgia set in, which threatened to end my day. A traveling man stopping with me gave quite a history of your Syrup, and the peculiarities of its combination, which induced me to try it. I have taken six bottles and no act in my life affords me greater satisfaction than in writing jou I am a well man. It will be a pleasure for me to answer any communications, for I believe it to be the best remedy ever formulated. A. S. Bowley, Pioprietor, Empire Ilouse, Independence, Iowa. The Herald Job Rooms fire rs Ci-. complete iu the county. GIVEN AWAY. Fifty Dollars in clean Cash To be given away by C. E. Wescott, the Boss Clothier. Each dollar's worth of goods bought from our Elegant stock, entitles the puichaser to one chance A. to draw this GRAND PRIZE Drawing takes place October 15th, 1869. The money is on Exhibition in our show window. ". Our stock is complete. We i f it carry only reuaoie goous. fceiJ at the lowest bottom figures have strictly one price and no' Monkey business. C. E. Wescott, The Boas Clothier. Special Lies' 50c. on the Hill Ladies' Fancy Balbriggan Hose reduced from 50 to 25 cents. At 50 cents pair we arc offering our entire line of Ladies' Four Thread Colored Lisle Hose, worth double. At 75 cents pair we are offering our entire line of Ladies' Spun Silk and Silk Plaited Hose reduced from 1 and 1.50. Children's Fancy Balbriggan Hose at 25 cents pair, worth 50. At 35 fents pair our entire line of Children's Extra Heavy llain and liibbed Lisle Thread Hose, reduced from 75 cents. At 50 cents pair our entire line of Children's Verticle Stripped Lislo Thread Ho se, worth double or money refunded. lrou cannot afford to miss this opportunity to buy Hosiery enough to last you all season, for at these prices they do not cover the first cost to manufacture. FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY We will continue our Dress Goods Sale for a Short Time; remember our prices are way below the regular prices, and a glance 'over our Stock and Prices will convince you that you can save money by buy ing your goods of us. AT $5.00. Our line pf Spring Jackets sold at 57.50 and $10.00 reduced to 55.00, At Gomto Only 60 Days More. Tune, is flying and our goods are selliug. Don't wait until we are out to JPueblo for joa will never get sueh prices as ne are offeHnyt' Ladies Kid Toe, 75 ct Slippers, will sell for " " Low Crescent, 1 25 Slipper, will sell for " Oxford Tie, 1 7o Low Shoe, " Glaze Dongola, flexible, 2 25 bhoes. will sell for Fine Glazed Dongola, flexible, 3 00 Shoe, will tell for " " " band turned 3 00 Shoe, will sell for 2 40 a ff f 4 00 3 f)Q i French li 4 " 4 50 " " ' 2 ?S Glove Grain, S. S., 1 50 Shoe, will sell for oq We also have a great many Childrens, that we have not space It will be to your interest elsewhere in Gathered Roses. "We th ought her dying when she slept, And sleeping when sh died." But the bitterest sting of such a sorrow is to think she might have been saved! They saw the rose fade on her cheek and the eye grow dim. Had they but known of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery who can tell but she might still be with them, the sunshine of their home. Take the remedy in time, and you will find that consumption (which is scrofula of the lungs) can be cared. House f-r Rant. Conveinent to shops. Call Wecbach & Son's. at J. V. tf Street Railway Contractors Notice. Proposals in writing will be received by the Plattsmouth Street Rail way Company of Plattsmouth, Nebraska for the laying of five tbuosand feet.more or less, of street railway track, including nve curves, saia woric to oe completed within fifty days from this date. Details and specifications may be had at the office of the company in Plattsmouth, Nebras ka, until Tuesday May 21st, 1839. All propsals must be in by Wednesday, May 23, 1389, the company reserving the right to reject any or all bids. Plattsmouth Stbext Railway Co. Bt Faun Carkcth, Pres. tf EBrives in (Bill If $1.00 Bargains. J CO 1 00 1 50 1 85 2 40 bargains in Men, Boys, Misses and to mention. to call and get prices before buying J o C. E. Wescott is agnt for AIu. iter's Laundry, Chicago. Washing sent nd received every Wednesday evening. Bring ,n Tour washing and have it douo right, it costs no more than Inferior work. - tj Elegant Suit of Rooms for Rent Conyenitnt to business, city water, gas and other conveniences for family those I now occupy. Apply before mv inn. tf .Tnnv T r NO SMOKE on staaci To the nexv COAL Oil., store just receive dut Johnson Oro.T van aim HPetlicni. They win not explode. 1 Plenty of feed, flour, trraham A meal at Heisel's mill, tf g bm aad For Sam. a fine Emersen, cost S 110.00 cadi. Reason for-sclling, lcaT. ng the city. Apply to Mr. D C McEntee. First National Bank tf Fine Job Work a epecialty it Tm Herald office. Collection Notice debted to me to call and settle their ic counts before June 1st. c- AxrEo Shlpma M. jj.