The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 15, 1889, Image 4

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Tne Evening Herald
lr. A. SalUlinrr ha th xrlantr rlirht to ue
Or. Mr i nan' 1 natlhrlie fur tbt I'aialrim
r (fraction or Ictth In thU rilr. Office Uockwood
Or. Withrrn, Orntlxt, lo Ion Ul.x-k.
Arc there to be any arrangements
liiado for celebrating memorial day?
There are no flies on the Staii Citt
of Nebraska, ami the niirht will soon be
tlono away with.
Last night was the regular meeting
night of the rirc boys for May. An ad
journment was taken till tonight.
C'lias. Ilainey's fine and costs jester
day in Justice Pottinger'a court for as
sault and battery on Frank Bcnfcr was
17.75, which he paid,
-It is well to keep it in mind that
Plattsmouth is headed to be the Stak
City of Nebraska. The great B. & M
shops here make a good backbone for a
healthy boom.
I lie old colored necrro know as
"John" who wa3 recently taken to the
poor farm to be cared for, died yesterday.
For a Ion" time he was an invalid, but
yet a faithful servant in the Riddle
-Yesterday afternoon on account of
the death of Joseph Pajsar, at the exca
vation for the new hotel, J. E. Riley, and
architects Rurdick and' Fannin;; came
down from Omaha on the flyer, and re
turned in the evening on No. 5.
The committee appointed bv the
board of trado to look into the advisa
bility of building a canal from the Platte
into this city, for water power, left this
morning for Kearney. The committee
was made up of Messers R. B. Windham,
Henry Boeck, A. B. Todd, F. M. Richey
and Byron Clark.
Yesterday a wedding ceremony was
performed which was especially interest
ing to the school ma'ams, as one who
used to be numbered among them was
the bride. Mr. Joseph W. Ilcndee, of
Omaha, and Miss Etta L. Seail were
married by Rer. J. T. Baird. Several
parties from abroad were pr esent at the
"Mixed Pickles" will be the attrac
tion at the opera house Saturday. June 1.
Manager Young has just secured J. B,
Polk and his company of comedians in
thejrery funny play "Mix.-d Pickles."
Our theatre going public no doubt will
remember Mr. Polk, as he appeared here
Dec. 22nd, 1SS7. Don't forget the date
Saturday, June 1st.
Another good game of bas3 ball is
oa the programme for Saturday afternoon
at a o'clock. It will be played at tlx?
ball park west of the city by Plattsmouth
vs. West Omaha. Admission will be 23
cents, and with the good transportation
accommodations a large attendance i
expected. The PiatUmouth nine never
fads to in ike a good game and select
good clubs to play with.
Toniglt occurs the fourth annual
ball, of Plattsmouth lodge No. 8, A. O
U. W., at Fitzgerald hall. It will doubt
leM be a grand affair. The reception com
mittee are Frank Boyd, Leonard Ander
6on, M. Mauzy, Harry Coolidge, Herman
Spies, and M. Traver. Floor managers:
Chas. Ilemple, Frank Hager, John. Sexton
and William Latham. Beautiful pro
gramnida have been prepared for the oe
The falling of the Presbyterian
church yesterday will change the plans
of the hotel as regards the dining room
and kitchen. It was planned to use the
church for the dining room and to build
the kitchen with the same level of floor,
which was three feet above the level of
the main floor of the hotel, but now th
plan will be changed and the kitchen
and hotel will be built on the same level
vrith the rest of the hotel.
Taylor's circus which was in town
yesterday was all the go from morning
till Hight. There was a noticeably large
attendance of the farming population,
and the tents were far too small to ac
commadate the large attendance. Last
night the "last grand" exhibition wa
not given on account of the threatening
weather. The company packed up and
moved on to Louisville this morning.
They are a overland troop.
At the counl meeting a franchise
ordinance was passed the city council
for O. II. Ballou's eloctric UzfS PDr"
Holds no on Responsible for the
Death of Joseph Pajsar by
Caving Walls.
Burled In Oak Hill Cemetery at 2
O'clock This Afternoon.
The man who was killed yesterday by
the falling of the east wall of the Pres
byterian church was earned Joseph Paj
sar (prouounced Pazar), instead of Peter
Mattous, as riven in the Hkiiald last
night. Pajsar lived with his nephew,
Andrew Matnus, near the shops. He
had three children living and grown
one son lives in the old country, another
in Wisconsin and a daughter at Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, but they were poor am'
could not como to the father's funeral
Ha was about sixty years.
The following parties were summoned
to the coronor's inquest.
Witnesses: Mr. Yanarnaman, J. Fitz
gerald, J. E. Burdiek, Laurence Trillity,
and Dr. W. H. Schildknccht. Jurors:
H. C. Grimes, M. B. Murphy, W. W,
Hull, W. D. Jones, H. J. Streight, and
Jesse L. Root.
The testimony of the witnesses showed
that Architect Voss had instructed that
about three feet of dirt bo left around
the bape of the walls, that no excavating
had been done under the walls of the
building and that it was thought to be
perfectly safe there having been no cracks
in the foundation or dirt. Dr. Schild
kntcht's testimony was as follows: "The
cauite of this nan's death was concussion
of the brain; there were wera probably
sonr.e internal injuries. The shock must
have paralyzed him at once. I was one
of tlia first men there,, helped to take him
out, he never spoke after we got to him;
was in front of my oflicc across the road
when the walls fell the east wall fell.
The man was lying among the debris, his
head was nut covered; a big stone lay
across his feet as well as some bricks; he
was probably hit on the head by a brick.
There were no bones broken that I could
The verdict of the coronor's jury was
as follows: "State of Nebraska, Cass
county, ss. At an inquest held in Platts
mouth, in Cass county, on the 14th day
of May, A. D., 18897 before me, Henry
Boeck, coroner of said Cass county, upon
the body of Joseph Pajsar, lying dead
by the jurors whose names are hereto
subscribed, said jurors upon their oath
lo say that the said Pajsar came to his
death from concussion of the brain,
caused by some heavy substance striking
aaid Pajsar on the head, caused by the
falling of the old Presbyterian church;
and that said falling was an accident for
which we find no one to blame. In testi-
nony whereof the stid jurors have here
unto Sft their hands the day aforesaid."
Sigae 1 by the jurors and Henry Boeck,
The funeral of deceased wa9 held this
afternoon. The remains were buried in
Oak Hill cemetary, and the funeral ex
pends borne by J. E. Riley, the builder
of the hotel, for which the excavation
was being made.
Having concluded to discontinue this Department, we have
thrown on our Middle Counter our Entire Stock, which we are offering
at a price that in most instances the material could not be purchas
ed for.
25 cents buys a White or Colored Dress trimmed with
50 cents buys a Dress that was made to retail for $1.00.
75 cents comprises everything that sold as high as 1.25.
$1.00 buys a very neat Dress in White or Colors,
worth $2.00.
Our $1.50 line of Dresses have been reduced from 52.50.
At 2.00 you will find some excellent values worth double
At 2.50 very cnoice and fine; the material is wi.rth what we
ask for them.
$3.00 takes in everything in the Line that sold as high as $G.50
IJie sizes run irom to lis vears or are, and in every case we
will cheerfully refund the money it not fully as advertised. Do not
miss this opportunity to lay in a stock of these goods, as you may
never get another chance to buy them at so low a figure.
Special EDrives in
on the $1.00jBargains.
The Largest Line of Children's
Embroidered Mull Caps
in this city. We are showing an elegant line from 20c to $2.00 each.
8J1 P3 egp
Ladies' Fancy Balbriggan Hose reduced from 50 to 25 cents.
At 50 cents pair we are offering our entire line of Ladies' Four Thread
Colored Lisle Hose, worth double.
At 75 cents pair we are offering our entire line of Ladies Spun Silk
and Silk Plaited Hose reduced from $1 and 1.50.
Children's Fancy Balbriggan Hose at 25 cents pair, worth 50.
At 35 rents pair our entire line of Children's Extra Heavy Plain and
Bibbed Lisle Thread Hose, reduced from 75 cents.
At 50 cents pair our entire line of Children's Verticlo Stripped Lisle
Thread Hose, worth double or money refunded.
You cannot afford to miss this opportunity to buy Hosiery enough to
last you all season, for at these prices they do not cover the
first cost to manufacture.
We will continue our Dress Good Sale for a Short Ti'me; remember
our prices are way below the regular prices, and a glance over our
Stock and Prices will convince you that you can save money by buy
ing your goods of us.
AT $5.00.
Our line of Spring Jackets sold at 7.50 and $10.00 reduced
to 5.00.
poses and soon we will have som active
street work going on, in the erecting 01
lighting and motor wires and the laying
of a large amount of street railway track,
Operations are already lively at th
power house and factory building for
tbs Oppermann Elsctic Lamp Manu
facturing Company, and bids are adver
tised for, for the laying of more track.
It is an enthusing thought that our city
is coming so grandly to the front.
Courteous in his manner, devoted to
bis profession, kind and sympathetic in
bis nature, are the qualifications which
bavs endeared Dr. P. Janss to the afflict
ed. The poor and rich, the high and
low, all receive the same considerate at
tention at bis bands.
- Mr. W. D. Jones was showing some
irge photographs around the streets to
day which were much admired. There
were four of theni his fine breeding
horses they had been taken at the fair
grounds by Leonard, in charge of their
keeper. Thess horses are noted over the
county for their good breeds and they
are animals of worth. "Joe F," the
trottr, weighs GO pounds; "Lucky"
the clyde, aged four years, weight 1550,
and "Duke" the clvds purchased this
spring in Jowa, four years old, wight
1700, are all owned by Jones & Fitzger
ald. "Cap" the Norman, 8 years old.
weight 1600, is owned by W. D. Jones.
He will haye the pictures framed and
placed on exhibition at bis stables, for
they portray the beauty and grace of the
animals in a first-class manner.
Mrs. II. A. Sharp left this morning for
M. A. Hartigan, of Hastings, was in
town today.
L. Boedeker and F Stayder pf Louis
ville, were in town today.
F. Shroder, proprieter of the Cedar
Creek flouring mills was in the city today
E. C. Fisher, of Neoja, Iowa, was in
the city yesterday visiting his cousinJDr.
E. W. Cook,
J. M. Patterson, W. S. Wise, O. M.
Streight and R. W. Hyers were Omaha
pasehgeri this morning.
. If you want a beautiful fan, go to J.
P. Young's and buy a delicious glass of
cream "Soda Water" or "Milk Shake"
for 5 cents and you will be presented
with one of the Fans.
Death of Elizabeth ShetTer.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sheffer, of whom men
tion was made in yesterday's issue, died
at her home, M&n street, at 2:30 t!:i
morning, of consumption, after patiently
endurinjr an illness of two years. De
ceased has suffered untold agony
her last severe attack which overtook her
lst Wednesday. She was worthy of the
yast circle of friends she had won during
her residence of twenty-five years in this
city.and all who enjoyed her acquaintance
invariably referred to her in the incst
praiseworthy manner. She leaves a de
voted daughter who has the sympathy of
the entire community in her sad bereave
ment. The funeral will take place . tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late resi
dence, where a brief service will be con
ducted by Rev. J. T. Baird. of the Pres
byterian church. The early home of the
deceased was at Liberty, Pa. She. was
54 years old.
Ice Ice ice.
We have started our ice wagon and
are ready to contract and deliver ice in
:my quantity. Haying the best ice in the
( ity we guarantee satisfaction to all.
Telephone 72. tf
H. C. McMakek & So.
Fok Sale. A fineEmersen piano, cost
three years ago $400.00; will sell for
$110.00 cash. Reason for felling, leav
ing the city. Apply to Mr.
McEntee, First National Bank.
D. C.
Street Railway Contractors Notice
Proposals in writing will be received
by -the Plattsmouth Street Railway Com
pany of Plattsmouth, Nebraska for the
laying of five thousand feet, more or less,
of street railway track including five
curves, said woik to be completed with
in fifty days from this date. Details
ani specifications may be hal at the
office of the company in Plattsmouth,
Nebraska7 until Tuesday, May 21st, 1S89.
All prop3als must be in by Wednesday,
May 22, 1889, the company reserving the
right to reject any or all bids.
Plattsmouth Street Railway Co.
By Fkaxk Carruth, Pres.
I hereby notify everybody not to trust
any one on my account as I will not pay
any debts contracted by any one else in
my name, Chas. L. Fry. May 15, 1839.
Collection Notice-
I respectfully request all parties in
debted to me to call and settle their ac
counts before June 1st.-
Alfred Suifman M. D.
At Cosfco
Only 60 Days (More.
Time is flying and our goods are selling. Don't
ivait until we are out to Pueblo for you will
never get such, prices as we are offeriny.
A privilege rarely offered is awating
those afflicted with any Chronic Disease
of the Eye, Ear, Throat, Lungs, Kidney,
nervous system or .my other organs. Dr.
P.tfanss, the Celebrated German Special
ist intends giving a free consultation on
his visit to Plattsmouth and all such
should avail themselves of bis wonderful
skill so kindly offered.
Plenty of feed, fiour, graham
meal at Hcisel'a mill, tf
To tbe new COAL OIL. Store
just recelvedat Johnson Drog.
Call and aee then. They will
not explode.
Buffalo Bill and his reds are on the
Persian Monarch bound for a two-year's
trip in Europe. The ship carries 190
Indian ponies, 20 buffalo, 8 Indian dogs,
for team work; 32 cow boys, 7 Mexican
vaqueros, 218 people all told.
In County Court
In County Court the replevin suit of
C. II. Parmele & Co. vs. Jacob Schneider
Schneider shut up the cattle on a claim of
damages for trespass; then notified the
plantiff of his act, who promptly went
to the place of the incident, which is
near Cedar Creek, and there agreed with
Mr. Schneider to leave the question of
damage to a board of arbitrators. The
board being citizens of the vicinity was
readily appointed, and went to the place
of damage,
shown in court, was five dollars to be
paid to Mr. Schneider. This sum was
tendered by plantiff, but the defendant
refused to accept it; whereupon the
plantiff repleyied said property. While
the cattle were in Mr. Schneider's posses-
sion, ne auowca one ot tnem to escape
Ladies Kid Toe, 75 ct Slippers, will sell for
" Low Crescent, 1 2o bhpper, will sell for
" Oxford Tie, 1 75 Low Shoe, " "
Glaze Dongola, flexible, 2 25 blioes. will sell tor
Fine Glazed Dongola, flexible, 3 00 Shoe, will sell for
" " " hand turned 3 00 Shoe, will sell for 2 40
" " " 4 00 " " 3 00
French " " "4 50 " "3 75
Glove Grain, S. S., 1 50 Shoe, will sell for qq
We also have a great rnanv barfraiii9 in liens. Rnvs. Miccoa ar.A
held yesterday. The property in Childrens. that we have not suace to mention.
question was 80 head of cattle. Mr. Tf -u )i0 tn ,. ;torct arwl Mf '.:0 i.- , .
A. w II ill KSs j s a. - a vv "r v w vuii uu 3" ItCO UClCJltJ U IJ J J f
Dr. P. Janss' success in securing
large a practice lies in the . fact that
cures his patients after the failure of all
local physicians. If ailing avail your
self of a free consultation at the Riddle
house, May 16th, 1S89.
Tickets for the gratd ball to be
given by the A. O. U. W. on May 15th
in Fitzgerald's hall, are for sale at J. P.
Young's and W. H. Baker's. The com
mittee are sparing no pains in their prep
arations to make it one of the leading
attractions of the season, tf
your ice cream with the liphtninir freezer
sold Jobjuea Bros. 9wla
Business is done on business prin-
Their written verdict, as ciples at Wescott's Boss Clothing
House. Goods sold at an honest
price without impositions. Our
music, to which we referred in a
former notice, will start np today
to the tune of One Hundred Fine
and there were only 29 head at the time All-Wool Cassimere Suits for Men,
they wsre replevied. Furthermore the sixes from 34 tQ 42, at the nominal
land, upon which the cattle strayed, is
owned by a sand company and has been
for more than a year past, and is at pres
ent being striped for the substrata soil.
' The court took the matter under ad
visment untij one o'clock today. At
torney for plaintiff, A, N. Sulivan, at
torney for defendant, W. L. Brown.
The court found the right of possession
of the stcck to be in the plaintiff.
A call has been issued to the electors
of Nebraska, signed by a large number
price of Ten Dollars; no variations
a a 1 " - x mi . - rt .
to mis luue. xnese onus are
plums for close buyers, being fit
ters and sellers from the best man
ufacturers. Don't fair to see them
Don't fail to buy them. You save
from Five to Seven Dollars on a
Suit over anything in the market.
Also One Hundred Boys Suits
Ail-Wool and very desirable in
of yoters calling a convention at Lincoln Style and Make-UD. at the exrd-
1L. .l. 3 -r . " . .1 O X '
on urn oiu unj 01 juna iosy. at 2 o clock I i i 1 - a. c t h .
f-r th nmt n ,..: It lagJj low price ot Six Dollar and
tot saloons. JFiltycnti .
Also One Hundred Children's
Suits, All-Wool, beautiful styles,
at 54.00 and $5.00 each, tfo
House carries better Clothing,
few as good, and at these prices
you ought to be charmed.
We will introduce you to our
ws.uAnai in uur next notice.
The "Boss" Clothier.
C. E. Wtscott is agent for Muntrer'.
Laundry, Chicago. Washing sent and
received every Wednevd. :
Bring ,n your washing and have it done
right, it costs no more than inferior
work. tf
IceIce ice.
We hare started our Ice wagon and
are ready to contract and deliver T,- i
?h,3aaDt,t7' HaviD2 the t Ice in
me city, we (ruarantA -1.
Telephone 72. "u u
H C- McMakex & Son.
Elegant 8mr
... vvuTcmcnces zr iamilv thna