THE DAILY HERALD : rhATTSMOUTH. NKUKASKA, WEDNESDAY, M V 15, ls80. J r '7 S IN THE DARK. O. In lb d;tbs or midnight, V.'litt furi-i-j h.itiDt tho brain, VTboti er-ii tlm f.l;;U of tho nlt-jKr !V)i!iiU liVaasobof piiln. A Ken of awo ami of wonder I Dir.y liovrr wi-ll !i-flu For tli Cioiixlit that coma In tho shadowa Nev.;r co:n la tlit h'.i'.m. down la tli parlor Li!o a n!iif.!o.-t r.ioun:T rrieven. And tii aecmuLt !ri In tlio alienee A3 t'.' rain tlrijxt from t!ic cavm An 1 I tlilnU or tho l.andj that bliial Tho hours thcro In tho gloom, Anil I wonder wl.nt auel watchers Walt i.i tho durfcened ruoiiL And I think of tho ntnilin faces That to watch und wait Till tho cli-'U of tho clock wuh answered V.y tho click of tho oicnliif j;ute. Thoy nro ut thero now in tho evening Morning or noon not there; Yet I fcno-.v thut they Lecp their vigil And wait for mo wmicwboru. James Wldtcoinb Riley. Why Oil Still the Waves Tho pouring of oil upon rough water to so euro tlio safo jia-tsugu of vestals wits practiced by tho ancients, ns Plutarch and I'liny re fer to it, li:t it U only within tho last six years tlia? our sea coing pooj.lo Lave given it much serious attention. IScnjniniu Franklin - tnndo u tdudy of tlio subject, und he lias left on record tho result of his exrlinenta. This is how ho explains tho action of tho oil: Tho niol.-ciil'-s of water move with free dom, nr.d the friction of air in motion pro duces waves or undulations. Thcso in fii.c, iicrordinoj to tho depth of water, and other conditions. TLey are often tho precur sors of hloi-uis, ri:id sometimes reach a height of forty feet. Yet a oo:it or a ship can ride them in safety. If, however, a sudden galo comes u;, tlio swell Ijeeomes n rair.sea. Tho friction of tho wind, rapidly moving upon tho exposed loj-o of tho swell, produces littlo irregularities on tho surface. Theso wavelets jpj then driven up tho rear slope of tho swell to its summit, whilo the forward slop3 h.i3 more und more protection from tho wind, ai.d becomes stecjxT and steeper. As tho wind continues to blow tho crest of tho fcfjrm wnvo constantly sharpens, until it is finclly tl.-rowu over with irresistiblu force. A ship cnuuot risoupits abrupt front, and tlio v.utor falls on tho d-jek, sweeps every thing' beforo it, and often engulfs the vessel itself. 2?ow, th j oil changes tLo storm wave into tho heavy sivelL It floats on the surface, Fpreadj rapidly, and forms a Clm liko an ex ' tremely thin rubber blanket over tho water. The friction of th;j wind cannot tear the film anil send thoso wavelets up tho slope- cf the swell, and tlio ship is enabled to rido it in safety. So it is seen that tho effect is purely a tno cliauical chango in tho form of tho wave; thcro is no apparent chemical chaugo. Phil adelphia Times. Ilou'ttf tint tho Calves. A calf u worth u-arly as much as a cow. No! that it will bring as much money, but at a very email outlay it will bo brought to a cow, and if well fed and cared for it will mako a gfxjd cow. Tlio best of all grain foods for a calf is bran, and although the standard feeding tables givo rye bran a high er value than wheat bran, tho latter is con siderably the letter food. Wheat bran con- A- tains i nor th-in :i per coat of sugar, and rye bran less thi: 1 per cent. Sugar bei?g wholly digest io!a an l easily changed into vital szt, wIjL-at bran u a good food for young ar.::t:'iLs in tho winter. At tho samo price per p-inn J c.3 cora it is worth twice as much, not :i!y for its nitrogen, but for the phosphate-; it contains and which go to make np lMio. This is tho reason of its high valuo for fvt"i:i.j your 6tock, colts and pigs as well as ccUw-i. It ii a fnfj fooL Soono ever hurt his ani-ls by giving them too much Lran. It Lna every clement of hay and corn conib!n-rl. but whilo it j-5 good food it should bo t:l judiciously. A calf six or eight mouths oi l will di well on two pounds daily .f It, which, costing two cents, is very cheap Tbi very best of tho Iny should be reserved f.T tho calves, and with bran it will t" causo tho young things to grow steaddy. Aiuerican Agriculturist. ;ialc, Not 32 cn. "If you deriro to lo real swc!J in polite cir cles you mut ne ver speak of thG sternc-r sex cs raon or grntl.',n3en," said oao who is up end tip in all tho litest fad-s to ma "Ilaven't you heard v. hat LIus , just from Coston, calls t hem r "N ; w hatr LL ten tJ her," and I did listen, and this Is what I hoard: "Oh, what a lovo of a party this is. Thero aro so many males here this evening. Tho males of Louisvillo are so nice, I haven't eoc:i so many moles together b?foro for thrca fortnights." All of this occurred at a very small party, and tho young woman who starts the fashion pet3 i5 right straight from Beacon street, teuton. Ho it is all right, young ladies. Henceforth, boys, you aro not men, j-ou are males. LotiLsviIlj Post. .Aiiti.iulty of Reads. , Tvs to of beads is cf great antiquity, for they tiro found in tho most ancient of Egyp tian as deeoraf ions of the dead, and bca-'-s sup;vcd to have been used as barter by tho Phoenicians in- trading with various nations in Africa aro still found in consider able uumbers and cro highly valued by the natives und :r 'the name of "Aggry" Ever since tho Fourteenth century the manu facture cf fla.'-s beads has been chiefly oa Crcssed by the Venetians, and the glass maa uTaof.:rcrs cf Murano still produce fully cine-tenths cf ad the boods made Sev York Telegrara. An Iutemiptloa. Gcorgo Olxir.g parlor stove) Why the darn "George," exclaimed his mother, reprov ingly. ileorgs rshaw, tho dam "Why. Ceorge," screamed his sisters, "bow can you" Ceorg Why. hang it all, I was only go ing to say that the dam LLaid Ibv-v can George icoutiiiuing desperately) That the i!a.nper is turned olf and there is no draught. What is tho matter with you alif-The Epoch. I'usiiccensfal Experiment. What a world of mistakes would h-3 avoided if tho same word always meant the same thin"! Say. ma." remarked a small boy, "isnt it fanny that everybody calls my little brother " a ixymciug baby C "Why do you think it Is funny, Williamr returucl the mother. Iiocau.ce, when I dropped him on the Coor.this morning, he didn't bounce a bit," Chicago Nsws. rxko Superior Is said to be the most ancient o til great Likes, dating back to Cambrian, oiid l"t "y ' bo earlier times, and that it r,.-m..t i (.ili.. o-es-oneof the sources of a great -ie system irmixiating on the Atlaa tioieabvard. i ALL ABOUT HAY FI-YEIL TACTS CONCERNING THIS SINGU LAR AILMENT AND ITS CAUSE. flower an. I C;r;iftkcs Hi in;; on I'itu of Kiirzlii III I'frix:ii Tho Cat Alliui.t and tlio Trouhlc Caused by Otlwr AniiiialH. Th'.. popular term hay fover gives but an Inail'vjii.ito i lea of a curious complaint, tho very cxLteneo of which was not fully recog nized till tho beginning of tho present cen tury, when Dr. John IJostock publi.iliel an account of his own symptoms and suffering!!. At that tini'i it wjis dimly regardl as a sort of fanciful hyjiochondriacal airuction, of which those who had littlo or nothing to do boraiiw tho subject; but cases havo of late years leen f rtiuently recorded which prove tho disorder to be one of great interest on account of the mystery attaching to iU early history; its prevalenco hi all climates and countries, and tho aiiiful pertinacity with which it clings to its victims. IN THE MERIIY HAVING TIME. It is called in Germany fruhsommer Ka tnrrh, or early summer catarrh; and among ourselves, hay fover or hay asthma, since the more usual kind begins and ends with tho bay season, varying in tho timo of year during which it appears according as the hay season is early or lato. As long as tho grass is in flower, it jnirsists; with that, it ceases. The complaint is, however, by no mentis limited to tho (lowers of tho field. Tho samo symptoms may be produced by very differ ent causes; by sunlight, by violent exercise, ly tho dust of rooms, and so capricious are its ways that it is sometimes difficult to as tign sufficient causo for its appearance Itoso fever and roso catarrh aro well known in tho Unite! States, where the rose is largely cultivated. Peach cold is an affec tion of a similar nature. In India tho blos som of tho mango is said to produce it; and Trousseau uflirms that ho always had asthma if ho remained for n few minutes in u room with a bunch of violets. Tho neighborhood of a privet hedge and the pollon of tho com mon daisy are said to have given riso to more inconvenience than even tho scent of now mown hay. We aro told of a lady who could never remain in tho room with a single, stalk of Indian corn without being seized with shortness of breath ; and an instance is recorded of a man that could nover pas3 the shop of a certain ropeinaker in his native town without suffering from asthmatic symp tomf, presumably owing to tho dust from the flax. Cullen speaks of tho case of a man who was seized with fits of sneezing whenever rico was thrashed in the neighborhood of his hous3, and the effect of ipecacuanha dust is well known to hospital servants. Medical students havo declared that they are attacked wkb shortness of breath if a bottle of ipecacuanha powder is merely opened in tho room whi re they aro, and that in none of thorn does asth ma occur under any other circumstances; no other irritant will produce It. It is related that tho wife of on apothecary was seized with nsthma whenever ipecacuanha root was powdered in tho surgery, even if she hap pened to bo in another part of the hous3 at the time. Peoplo insensible to ipecacuanha will experience the samo sensations from lin seed, mustard or scammony; and an epidemic of sneezing was traced to tho uso of bitter applo which had been powdered over a variety of articles as a preventive of moth. Scents of all kinds may induce asthmatic attacks, and thundery weather provokes them. Au American writer has remarked that the complaint is patrician, occurring mainly amongst thoso. in high rank and social posi tion, or who are eminent for mental and literary attainments. Divines, poets, medi cal men and ladies of fashion aro included in the list of examples. It is certainly a corroborating fact that farmers and field laborers, who are of necessity exposed to tho influence of pollen, rarely suffer from it, owing, it is contended, to absenco of predis position, which mental culture induces; whilst it is more simply explained that they aro rendered insusceptible to tho action of grasses by constant exposure to thoir influ ence. ASTHilA FROZI A-VMALS. Similar sufferings to thoso produced by vegetablo effluvia occur from contuct with many animals. Dr. Hyde Salter, in his valuablo work on asthma, relates that he lias met with many cases in which tho efluiviuir. from horses, wild beasts, guinea pigs, cattle, dogs, rabbits and hares would iui mediately give rise to a paroxysm. One of his patients ulways had a Ct of asthma brought on by tho preseuco of horses, llo was tho proprietor of an equestrian establishment, and was there fore always asthmatic; but bo hud no sus picion of the real causo of bis symptoms tdl ho mode his fortuno and retired from busi ness, when be almost immediately lost them. Cat asthma, from nursing a cat or kitteu, closely resembles hay fever, and th3 parox ysms are even more violent. Tho lailueaca seems to bo stronger In kittens from two months old and upwards than in full grown cats; but after tho removal of tho causo the symptoms very quickly subsides. Some peoplo are attacked with sneezing in tho presence of all animals. There is no invention or imagination or exaggeration in theso things, and what may be an irritant to one class of asthmatics may not bo in the least so to another. One person is obliged to expatriate himself in the hay season ; another cannot enduro the scent of flowers; another cannot sleep on a down pillow, or uso mustard in any shap?, or pass a jxjulterer's shop. Even tho sunlight is ter rible to soma inveterate sneezers. A sudden fright may induco a Ct of asthma, or, on the contrary, may cure it; indeed, a cure by violent emotion is move sudden and complete than by cSy other remedy. A confirmed asthmatic states that once when he was suffering J;o2i an un usually severe attack, so bad that ho had been unable to speak or movo all day, he was suddenly alarmed by tho illness of a relative. lie ran down two flights of stairs and up again, administered tho restoratives he had procured, and then observed, to his astonishment, that his asthma was gone! Another sufferer relates that ho was in bed breathing with tho greatest diGeulty, and imablo to move, when a fire broke out op posite his house. When tho excitement was over, he found that ho had beoj standing with others looking out of tho window, and that ho had forgotten all about his asthma. Chambers' Journal. She laves' in a Box. The attention of every one ebout the two railroad stations was attracted by an "ossi fied" woman who arrived on tho aftemoon trzia from Fort Edward. She was on her way home to Holland Patent. Tho woman cannot move a limb or tw ist her head, her joints having turned to bone, it is sid, by the use of medicines. An apparatu-s for mov ing Ler about was almost as much'f a curi osity as tho woman hcr.-olf. It consisted of a box, ia whivh she reposed, with ropes 'and pulleys for twutirg it about and p.iif it In a vertical or horizontal position. F.'.k; makes lir livin-' bv sellm-T her photo-tv !-:. and she has composed a book of poems. tJhe lor mcrly taught school. Albany Journal. Til I i MM DAYS IN A TOMB. TV0 MEN LOST IN AN AFRICAN UN DERGROUND LABYRINTH. Lvft la Total );ir!ine. la a Counterpart of tho Ilcfcitlciico of Haggard' "j.iio" The Mlrrioii liliK-k Itivt-r StivcU ly a r.ilthful Newfoundland I. Tho city of Pretoria, capital of the Trans vaal, South Africa, is located in a most beau tiful sjxt. It stands in a valley between two ranges of mountains clothed with rich, doi k verdure all tho ear rouniL Vines loaded with ripening grapes, monthly roses and pomegranates forming a blaze of bloom amidst tho flood of sunshine bkimincr ing like golden water. Under theso moun tain rangos aro vast caverns, only a few of which have been entered, and these only iart ly explored. Thi'so caves are tho original Haggard's caves of tho Amnhanga, in wnich tho wonder ful "She" dwelt and ruled. Itight under this mountain and through theso dark caverns runs a clear, sparkling river of water. The sourcoof this river, which furnishes tho water supply for this city, has never been dis covered. A curious fact is that its waters aro highest during tho dry season. This points to tho theory that it is foil by rain, and that these rains do not reach tho river till about four to five months after they falL This river is inhabited by fish and a strange kind of crabs and lobsters, all of which havo no eyes. This sHX"ies of aquatic animals hav ing been bred in and inhabited this dark Sty gian stream for thousands of 3-ears, have never hud any use for eyes, and so, after many generations, that organ had entirely disappeared from their structure. INTO THE BOWELS OF THE EAr.TU. Some friends of mine, two ladk-s und three gentlemen, went on an exploring exjieuitioii through this cavern, got lost in ils ma:'.o and were three days before they found their way back to the outer world. Mr. Saunders, of the American consulate at Cape May, thus relates their experience whilo in tho bowels of tho earth : Mr. J. IL Leroy, of tho Northern Pacific railway of tho United States of America; Mr. John Sidney aud two ladies, Miss Web ster and Miss Gootch and myself started to explore tho Fountain cave. Armed with two lamps and provisions enough for two meals, we started. We got through tho entrance, which is very narrow, with difficulty. Going a few yards we found it necessary to light the lamps. Proceeding wo found on each side of the main passago numerous sideways and alleys ap parently hewu out of the solid rock. All around there were evidences of the caves being inhabited by swarms of bats which constantly kept flying in our faces. Pursuing our way for a considerable timo, we came to a spot where tho roof of tho cavern, hitherto lofty, slanted down, gradually be coming lower and lower until we were unable to walk erect. ' Finally we camo to where tho floor was on an inclined piano and got more head room. Wo then descended a steep hill, at the foot of which was a dead wall which completely barred further progress in that direction. On tho right hand a narrow passage pre sented itself just wido enough to permit of our walking Indian file. Tho air, hitherto cool and bracing, became damp and a cold clammy dew settled on our faces. To tho sides of tho passago clung a pale, slimy, snake-like substance which to the touch produced a shivery sense of abhorrence. We began to wish ourselves well out cf tho under taking. However, being in, there was noth ing for it but to go on. W walked up this passago a distance, I should judge, of three hundred yards, when wo arrived at an octagonal court, from which ran eight different passages, the four main ones being about a width of fifty feet, and the four narrow ones about four feet each. Under our feet could bo heard a sound as of tho running of a river aud tho violent break ing of water upon rocks. Wo could perceive no niodo of descent, and tho ground under our feet seemed solid. Being weary, and the ladies somewhat faint, wo resolved to go back, altogether disap pointed with the result of our exploration. However, beforo starting again wo refreshed ourselves with the victuals wo had brought and, fortified by a few draughts cf capo sherry, felt our spirits rise, and curiosity as to the causo of tho sound under our feet getting the better of our judgment wo began searching for a way to descend, and finally found a place where there were stone steps at irregular intervals. AN CXPLEASAJTr SITUATION. Sidney and I descended, leaving Leroy and tho ladies above. Wo followed theso steps for about fifty feet. Tho descent was very difficult. The light of tho lantern grew fee ble. However, we arrived on a broad plat form of level ground. Tho sound of tho water had by this time increased to that of a roaring torrent, and on our left wo saw the black, inky stream rush ing past. We sounded and found tho river very deep and cold. Passing along tho banks the air became heavier still, and the lamp, which had been burning more feebly, went out altogether. Breathing became very difficult, owing to the absence of oxygen. In this dreadful place and in total darkness wo were stumbling about trying to find tho steps, by which to return, for hours, until bo coming quite weary we sat down and fell into a torpid, heavy sleep. How long we remain ed in this state I do not know. On awakening, with a great effort we! aroused ourselves, and finally hit on a pass age, which wo followed. A3 we went tho noise of tho waters became less audible, aud finally we lost the sound altogether. Still, there was no ray of light; nothing but thick darkness and a noisome, pestilential air. Wo groped about for hours from one pass ago to another amidst a silence deep and dreadful The sound of our' voices appeared unnaturally loud, and echoing through the vaults gave the impression that the place was haunted by countleis demons who wcr mock ing our distress. Quito exhausted by exertion, anxiety and want of food, wo sank down in despair, giv ing ourselves up for lost. After a timo, how ever, we determined to make another effort for life. We found that the lamp would now keep lighted. This gave us fresh hope and enabled us to see our way about. We made better progress along the darksome passage and soon were overjoyed at seeing my faithful Newfoundland dog jumping and bounding toward us. We now knew we were saved. Following the dog, which seemed to have a correct view of the situation, we soon discovered a streak cf light at the entrance to tho cave. The spirit of enterprise being damped, by three days spent in the tombs, wo resolved in our minds not lightly to make another attempt of the kind. Omaha Bee. TeUios Her How. Cook (next day after her arrival) I am often a littlo hasty, madam, and then I am apt tn be saucy; but you needn't mind you can make mo a bttle present and I get pleaa eirt aahi.43an Franclaco Wad : lift Ci lip l v jkty s GOLD WATCHES. The Reason Why They Can ItA Iiought for So Slorli Less Than fcorinerly. "Gold watches are so common nowadays that men don't take as much pride in wearing them as they did a few years ago," said a Fulton street jeweler the other day. "The Lviividual who could sport a gold watch a::d chain a dozen years ago was considered a person of wealth and property. Out he isn't now. Wh', you will find gold watches in the pockets of our street car conductors.and I have even known them to wear handsome diamond rings. Did you ever notice tho ostentatious manner in which a 3-oung man handles his first gold watch? It is rather amusing. Usually he carries it in a chamois leather pouch, and is very careful not to breathe on it or touch tho case with his fingers. Ho con sults it every fifteen minutes for tho first month, but ha soon tires of it, and then con siders it a horrible bore to be asked for tho time. Tho demand for gold watches was never greater tnan it is today. Watch com panies are kept very busy filling orders, and we retail jewelers do a good business hi this line," "Why is it that watches are so much cheaper now than a few years ago?" "Well, for one thing, tho watch movements are a great deal cheaper. Gold is just exactly the same price per pennyweight. The re duction in price is confined to tho movements. Tho watch movements of the standard Amer ican make are very cheap. Those in common use m gold watches of the cheapest grade aro from $10 to 50 each, and some of the best movements are worth at wholesale $2oor $o0. There is, however, a high priced, fine Ameri can movement which may cost you say $75, but they are not put in ordinary cases. A watch that you paid $100 for a few years ago you can get today for 'CO, and this SCO watch will have a $10 or $15 movement in it. For $50 you should get a movement cased in solid 14-carat gold, weighing from 45 to 50 penny weights. Tho purchaser will get more service out of a 14-carat case than he will out of au 13-carat." "How can dealers offer the public solid gold watches for and S:5" ''They are not solid by any means. Thcro are some unprincipled makers who wili mark a cuso of 10 carat outside aud 8 carat in side I I carat, and a 10 and 14 carat would be marked 13 carat. There is no law in America to prevent this. The caae is made of a composition which holds a gold plating finely. This composition is some times very heavily plated, and will wear for several years without showing tho base metal There is little difficulty in disposing of them as solid gold cases, and in this way the price is surprisingly low. There is more opixwtunity for deception in tho mpvenieni and case of a watch than in almost any other article. The amount of money invested in a watch offei-s much inducement to experi ment. Tho case manufacturer is not neces sarily obliged to kno w much about the move ment of a watch. He niakes his cuses to fit the standard American sizes of movements, and most makers produce a uniform size." Brooklyn Eagle. A St cry for Boa Vivanis. One man invited another to a dinner at the Manhattan club, of which both were mem bers. It was agreed that the one who ar rived first should order tho meaL Some timo after tho appointed hour the host cf the occa rion found his guest at a table in a remote corner of the cafe, "Have you ordered?'' asked the host. "Tes." "Well, bo have I," was the answer. Both laughed, and then tho host with' a flash of the eye inquired what soup his guest bad ordered. The yy w as named and tho host answered: "Then we've ordered the same dinner; any man with proper notions of sequence in dining would follow that soup with just what I've ordered." The scientific diners compared menus and found that the orders agreed in every par ticular. Both dinners and all the v. lues or dered were served. rrSew York Letter. Made Him Feel Comfortable. "Do you know what is the difference be tween you and myself f This conundrum was hurled at a Pittsburg broker by his better half, who had been sit 'tiag up for him, when he arrived at home about 1 o'clock in the morning. "Can't say, my dc-ar," he replied. "What isitf "You speculate all day, and I 'spec' you lato at night." Pittsburg Chroniclti aieui i ouse A Good Word for Tobacco The effect of tho habitual uso of tobacco on tho health is tho subject cf an interesting and significant paper by Dr. F. II. Bosunth, pub lished in Tho Medical Record of this city. Tho writer calls attention to tho fact that tho Anglo-Saxon races have been using tobacco for smoking and chewing purposes during tho past four centuries. They contracted tho habit from a race- which, us far as history and tradition teach us, were remarkable for their vigor of body and mind as well, and as far as we know, were an unusually long lived people. In tho timo that w-o have been using tho weed thcro is no evidence to show thut the raco has in any way deteriorated; but on the contrary, it is abundantly shown that the average duration of life has increased nearly 50 per cent. There is no evidence to show that in this timo tho race has been more subject to dis ease, but rather that they are less so. There is uo evidence to show that tho raco has lost anything in its intellectual activity; but, on tho contrary, it has been a timo of most mar velous fecundity in all that is great in litera ture. Dr. Bosunth, whilo not advocating the use of tobacco, is opposed to tho wholesale denunciation of "tho weed" maintained bj souio extremists, his experience showing that as a general thing it is innocuous, and in cases where its uso is at till baneful the sufferer is himself conscious of tho fact, aud controls the remedy. Briefly, t he object of tho esay is not a ploa for tho uso of tobacco, but sim ply to suggest whether we had not best aban don the idea that it is a drug whose uso is pernicious in every way to body, mind and morals, and rather to take tho view that it is one of God's good gifts toman. American Analyst. Loss of Life of N;ro Slaves. It was my lot onco to bo with Dr. Living stone in the vicinity of Lake Nyassa, and at a timo when for tho slaver it was an exceed ingly happy hunting ground. As a consequence of what we saw Livingstone reckoned that for every slave that got to his or her destination ten lives wero lost. Inasmuch as the ground is now so cleared of slaves near tho coast (that is to say, for tho normal mode of col lecting) that tho Zanzibar Arabs have to pro cure them more than half way across Africa, as shown recently by Mr. Arnot, tno calcu lation of tea lives per slave may probably now be under tho mark. The Arab slave dealer's appearance on tho scene means raids; quarrels fomented between strong and weak chiefs; a neglected sowing season in tho pre vailing disturbance; famine, and then the pestilence which follows cn starvation. A vast projxjrtion of tho slaves perish on their journey to tho coast, ar.d finally the mortality is great at soa in overcrowded and unseaworthy dhows; for, with the possibility of capttue before his eyes, tho slavo shipper particularly if he is bound for Pemba charters any old cranky craft which will hold together for the trip. Mr. Philip J. Step ford, midshipman of the Gnrno$ (who secuis to be, by the admiralty accounts, a very cor mprrait for snapping up slavery), chased a dhow off Pei aba. The man at the helm lost his head, tho dhow was capsized, and 03 out of 112 slaves and slavers wero drowned. The B.ev. noraco Wallers in The Contemporary Beviw. Training Roys for Contortion. What, then, is a contortionist! La the first place it appears that a contortionist is a per son who has preserve! in his spine, ana in some cases in his joints, the infantilo condi tion which hi most persons is merely tran sient. This implies a great flexibility of the spine In ail directions, great powers of twist ing it. It ts alo very likely that there are niaay Knoll individual peculiarities "all favor ing uncommon freedom c? motiou, if a young boy without- any of this special fitness should be trained for contortion, 1 think he would probably meet with some success, but never achievo distinction. So far as I am aware, children are not educated for this profession from their tendercst years, as they are for several kinds of acrobatic perform ances. Tb.eir capacity makes Itself known by accidens, from which it is fair to infer that it rests 01 an anatomical basis. Scribner's. That'll Fetch It, "What's the trouble with you?" asked the doctor. "Insomnia," replied the patient. "Cant sleep, eb.P "Not four hours a night." "Ever tried anything f "Tried everything: ail no good." "Ever try trying to keep awakef" Patient sees hope for himself in an experiment that never was known to fil. Sob Uurdetua. 11 BSniilC 10QG y5 way ib, fooci. MIKE SCHfiELLBACHER. Wagon ami lllackstiiitli Shop. Waigon, Buggy, Machine ;md EMow xis tPE mar a . A Specialty. II.! tlio 30" 3 V 22 35 S Z X llort-t-hliop, the IVst Horseshoe for the Farmer, or for Fust I'rtving and City purposes, ever invt nti 1. It is inuile ho imyonc can ctm put on f-linrp or Hat corks as needed for wet uml tdippcry roads, or smooth dry road. CM and Exitiniiie these Shoes and you will liuvo no other. J. M-Schnellbacher, nth St., Flatt.snioutli, Xtl. C. F.SM ITH, The Boss Tailor M tiil S, Over ."leres Slmc .;ie. i l.i; I in; 'nt t :ii;d Inost ( 1 1 J 1 r ! ( f It of sninpi' s, bolii loi. i-.i: domestic woolt-lis ever r.-ilnc wo! of Mih-otili livir. Note It' !' price: : l'uii!.-: v niits from ;JKJ to :!., uros hoN, (o 4Tt, pnntsiM, $, i'!, l$..'.y and upwards. ELiyWill yu:ir;intc-; a fit. Prices Defy Comoetition. F . C. SCHMIDT, (COUNTY SUKVKYOIt.) hummed' Surveyor and Draftsman Plans, Specifications and Estimates, Mu nicipal Work, Msip.s &c. PLATTSMOUTH. - - NEB Br. C- A. Marshall. :L . . : . ! Prt-survation of Ihc Xidural Tcdh a Specially. Austin tics ;ivfn f r Pain lkss I' li.i.iMi on Extraction ok Tkichi. Artificial teeth nindu 011 (lold. Silver, Ituhher or Celluloid PMts, i'iiuI inserted as soon as teeth arc extracted v. lien do sired. All work warrant';!. Prices reasonable. B'fr.'jKK.xr.n's lliimc 1i.ti 'hmoutk . Is'kii It. B. Winimiam, John a. Daviks, Notary Public. Notary Public. .ttcrnoyc - at - Xaojvt: Office over Itanlc of (.'ars County. PL VTTS MOUTH, - NlOP-HASItA Robert Donnelly's Wagon and Blacksmith Wagons, Buffers, Mi!(;!i;nt-s Qi-.U-kly Ke paired ; I'lowis Siiarjeiiel und (jtin-ial JobUii.' Uoue. horseshoeing A Specialty I USE THE KSVSELIP Uorffshoe, which Mari rn I:m-1' a It wrarj away, so theie i never soiy -J.ifi'."?r of your IIir.i s!ij:pir;K a'"l hurting i'!f. all and exandii-' thU Mir;.-;n:d ; 11 wili Have iio other. L'bntShoe made. ROBERT OOSHELL' It I SIXTH ST., - - PLATTSMOUTH THE OLD REUA3LE. E. A. WATERMAN k SON Wholesale nnA Ketall Dealer tn PINE Bliingles, Lath, Sah, Doors.Biinds. Can supply every demand of the trada Call and get terms. Fourth street In Rear of Opera House. runkenness Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured t AcaiaisnciRG o. haires' ooloei srteirie. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea. or In ar ticle ol lood. without tlie knowledge of the per son taking it; it ia absolutely fcarinlef and will effect a piennaueot and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate Urinkroran alcoholic wreck, it NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE a complete cure in every instance. 4s Jage book FREE. Address in confidence, fcOLCUi ftPEClFIC CO., I M 8ac St, Cincinnati, a mm