THE DAILY UEllAlA) : PLA1TSM01ITI1, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1889 Tho- Plattsruouth DaiIyHcraid. IINOTTS 33E,C S., Publishers & Proprietors. C. &. M. Time Table. GOING WEST. 1 0 :f!6 a iii jxo. 3 :'H V HI No. 5 7 :01 a in No. 7 (Schuyler) 7 :0 ) in jso. 0 (li. C. to Omaha) C :0 i lu ;OIX KAaT. No. 2 3 :! r. III No. 4 10 :'-'4 a in No. 7 :ia hi No. K ( Arr. bchuyler) lo :i)0 a in No. 1 (K. C.) 9 :S4 u in AM trai.ii run daily by wavof O'naba. except No 7 and H which run lo and Iroin ttchuytar daily except buuday. Arrival and Departure of the fVialls. AKKIVKAT I'OMTOFFICK. No. 5 From the East 7 -.'to a. m. No. 3 6 :15 . l.i No. ! " " South (K.C.) C:I5. in. No. 10 " " West 10:(a. in. No. 4 " " " 10 -a a. in. No. i 7a0p. in. HKI'AKT FROM roToFFKF.. No. 5 Going West 6:40 a. in. No. 3 " " 6 p. iii. No. 7 " " (Sclnivloi) 6 5 p. in. No. 10 " Kastllv. C.) 9 . in. No. 4 " - 10 rfo a. in. No. " C :50 1. in. Mall should be deposited fifteen minutes be fore the above time to intir dispatch . Reports from all parts of the country show that copious rains have dispelled nil feera of drought aud vastly improved the prospept for a bountiful harvest of tvlicat aud corn. Tunui: are a larger number of cottages and fine dwelling houses being built and almost completed thi spring than has been built in thU city for the past thres years, and the contractors tell us they have more contracts for houses that have not been commenced, than they can build this summer. This ppeaks well for our town. I' LA TTSMO UTIT OR OWING. Plattsmouth has got a growth this ppring that is a real boom and it is not a ikfch in the pan but a steady growth aud one thut v.-ill last and increase in strenght as time advances. The work on the Electrict Lamp Manu facturing building hits been commenced, and will be pushed to completion as fast ns posible. The excavation for the new $40,000 hotel is about completed and a number of building's are now waiting for brick, which have benn commenced and work tope J for want of this materiel. Our brick yards were not prepared for such a building boom thu spring and they have run out of brick but they are all burning large kilns and will soon be prepared tr. keep the building boom going. The Catholics have contracted for a fine building tkat will use ' 10,000 brick which will be commenced as soon as thr material can be procured. THE LATEST SOUTHERN OUT RAGE. There seems to be no room for doubt in the matter of the reported election outrage of Monday laat at Lafayette, in Louisiana. It is definately certified that a band of armed white mm surrounded the polls and threatened to kill any colored man who should attempt to cait a vote. The sheriff tried to protect the colored voters and lo enforce the law, but he had no support, so was obliged to close the polls and appeal to the govern or for assistance. This is not a story of the past, it will be observed. It is thing of the present, and cannot be put aside with the familiar plea that we should let bygones be bygones. We are now living in the year 1881), nearly a quarter of a century after the close of the war, and still it is possible for an election to be prevented by the aibitrary interference of a gnng of riflemen, deter . mined that only such votes shall be cast as they see proper to permit. The fact! are distinct and conclusive. It is useless to search for any explanation except that of direct hostility to the idea of honest and peaceful government; and it is equal ly idle to say that the occurrence is a mere local accident, having no force as an indication of southern sentiment. The meloncholy truth is that the same thing might easily have happened in nuy other part of the south. It is by such meaas that the power of the democratic jarty is maintained throughout all that part of the country. "Whenever it is necessary to resort to intimidation, fraud and violence to keep the colored voters away from the polls and prevent ths success of the republican ticket, - the white democrats are ready to do the mis crable work, and public sentiment in the community is sure to indorse and defend the proceeding. It is net true that the colored man's right to vole is recognized in any southern state. On the contrary i t is systematically scouted and resisted. Tiie political leaders are all committed to the theory that the whites are justifi able in suppressing the colored Tote by any process that can be made to accomp lish such a result. We may as well face the issue squarely. It can profit us nothing to decieve our selves in a case where the testimony is so clear and com plete. The time may come when it will be possible for all classes of citizens to vote freely and safely in the south; but that time has certainly n t jet arrivsd, nor are the signs of its approach very en- 57.. pc-tibly a way may b found to hurry it somewhat during the next four years. That is the hope, at least, of all good and patriotic citizens; and it remains to be seen what the new congress, co-operating with a republican president, will do toward the solution of the grave and difficult problem. Globe Democrat. Notice of Special Election Notice is hereby giyen, that on Satur day, the 8th day of June, l!S80, a special election will be held in and for Cass county, in the btate of Nebraska, for the purpose of submitting and to submit to the legal voters of (Ja?s county, in the State of Nebraska, for their acceptance or rejection, by vote and ballot, and allow ing the legal voters of suid Cass county to vote upon the following question and proposition, to-wit : Shall the County of Cass, in the State of Nebraska, issue and put upon the mar ket Eighty Bonds of said county of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars each, said bonds to be dated on the fust day of January, lS'JO, and to be payable at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Ne braska, in the City of New York, State of New York, twenty years after the dale thereof, redeemable at any time ou or af ter ten years from date thereof, at the option of said County of Cass, and to bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable annually on the first day of January in each year, for which interest coupons shall lie attached, paya ble at the Fiscal Agency aforesaid, and shall the County Commissioners of the said county of Cass, or other person oi persons charged by law with the levying of taxes for said county for the time be ing in addition to the' annual taxes, caus ed to be levied annually a tax ou all the taxable property of said county, sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds as the same shall become due and payable, and also cause to be levied each year up on the taxable property of said county, a tax sufficient to pay five per cent of the principal of said bonds, and at the tax levy preceding the maturity of said bonds, levy a tax on all the taxable property of aid county to an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest due on said bonds, aud taking such action as the re quirements of the law and the provisions of the statutes in such cases made and provided, and the interest of said count? and tho public may demand, prov'ded that proceedings shall be commenced for the erection of said Court House on or before the first day of April, A. D., 1800, and shall be continued without unneces sary delay until the same shall be com pleted. Such special election is to be held and said question and proposition is to be submitted thereat in accordance with the terms of an order of the Board of County Commissioners of the said County of Cass, made at a regular adjournd siessiou oi said Board, duly convened and held at the City of Plattsmouth, the county seat of said Cass county, on the IMh day of May, A. D., 185, and in accordance with the law and statute of Nebraska ia said case made and provided and as set forth in its question and prop ositsou so to besubmitted and therein set forth and made a part of this notice, and according to the terms thereof, anil that said question and proposition be submit ted to !i vote of the legal voters of said Cuss county, and the following shall lie the form of the ballots to be used at said election in favor cf said qucstioq and proposition, to-wit : For the issue of the Bonds of the County of Cars for the purpose of build nig a County Court House and the levy of a tax to pay the principal and interest of uch Bonds." And the form of the ballots lo be used at said election against said question and proposition,-shall be as follows: "Against the issue of Bonds of the County of Cass for the purpose of build ing a County Court House and the levy of a tax to pay the principal aud interest of such Bonds." Which election ahall be opened at 8 o'clock on the morning of said day, and will continue open until 6 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, that is to say the polls at such election shall be open at 8 o'clock in the forenoon and continue open until 6 o'clock in the afternoon of said dar And the County Clerk of said county of Cass shall at least twenty days previous to such election make out and deliver to the Sheriff of said county three notices thereof of such election, for each Election Precinct, District and Ward, in which such election in laid County of Cass is to be held, and the said Sheriff shall post up in three of the most public places in each Election Trecinct, District and Ward, in which the election in said County of Cass is to be held, the said three notices thereof at least ten days before the time of holding such election, and at least one copy of the question and proposition so to be submitted and above s. t forth shall be posted up in a conspic uous place at each of the several places of voting during the day of sucli election. It is further ordered and declared that this notice of such, election of such question and proposition so to be voted upon and of the form in which said votes is to be taken, including a full and com plete copy of this notice shall be givn by publication thereof in the Plattsmouth Hkkalp, Plattsmouth Jovriitil, Weepins Water Republican. Cass County Eagle, Wabash Weekly Neics, Elmwood Echo. Louisyille Adelrtiser, Union Ledyer&nd Greenwood Gazette, newspapers printed and published and of general circulation in the said County of Chss, for at lenst four weeks next proceeding the day of said election. " It is further ordered that such election shall take place and be held at the fol lowing named polling places and voting places in said County of Cass, to-wit : In Tipton Precinct, at Tidball & Ful l t lumber office. Eagle. In Greenwood Preci net, r.tTown IInu? In Salt Creek Precinct, at Coleman &' Mcpherson's lumber office. In Stoyo Creik Precinct, at Grand Ar mv hill, Elmwood. In Elmwoo 1 Precinct, Elmwood Cen ter School In South Bend Precinct, at South Platte lumber office. South Bend. In Weeping Water Precinct at school house in district No. b'-l. Weeping Water City at Dr. J. W. Thomas' oilice, 'eeping Water. In Center Precinct, at Mauley school house, Manley. In Louisville Precinct, at Seth Rock well's oilice, Louisville. In Avoca Precinct, at O. Tefft'a office, Avoca. In Mt. Pleasant Precinct, at Gilmore's school house, district No. SO. In Eight Mile Grove Preci uct, at lleil's school house, district No. 88. In Liberty Precinct, at Leidigh'tt Don aldson's lumber office, Uuion. In liock Bluffs Precinct, at Murray School house, Murray. In Plattsmouth Precinct, at Taylor's school house, district No. 37. In the City of Plattsmouth: First Ward, County Clerk's office. Second Ward, old foundry office. Third Ward, Richey Bros. Lumber of lice ' Fourth Ward, Waterman's lumber of fice. Fifth Ward, Fifth Ward school house. And that at such election the votes shall be received and returns thereof made and the same shall be canvassed by the same officers and in the same manner as required by law at eacli general elec tion, and it is further ordered that the County Clerk prepare and deliver to the proper fficcrs of such election duplicate poll Books and necessary tally lists for use at such election. By order of the Board of County Com missioners of Cass countv, Nebraska, this 8th day of May, A. D. 1889. A. B. DICKSON, Chairman of Board ot County Commis sioners of Cass county, Nebraska. attest: Witness my hand as County Clerk and Clerk of the Board of County Com missioners of Cass county, Nebraska, and seal of said county hereto affixed this 9th day of May. A. D. 1889. seal BIRD CRITCH FIELD, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Cass county, Nebraska. "I am little I know, but I think I can throw a weight of a huudred ton." So sang a prud banana peel. But Dr. Pierce's Plesent Pelleta are quite as pow erful in meeting with and overthrowing disease. If you have rush of blood to the brain, j,lizzine9S, headach, constipa tion indigestion, or billiousncas, buy a viel of these little pills at once. One a dose. TRUTH IN DEATH. Xtat He Regretted It. and Added a False hood at Last, Wo had a man named Burrows in our min ing camp, and he was without doubt the most notorious liar Nevada will ever shelter. His fame as a liar spread for a hundred miles around, and men used to stop at our camp to get a look at him. Ho wasn't a wicked man, and ho had no malice about him, but he was a natural born liar. He lied about his father, his mother, bis wife, brothers, sisters, and everybody else, and for every hour in the day ho had a new falsehood. He had a claim of his own and was fairly industrious, and so we had no excuse to drive him out, although hi--lies were continually kicking up ill feelmp. among tho men. One day a lot of earth u;:;i roek caved ia ou him and inflicted fatal inju ries, and a uumber of. us knoeked off work to bo with him in his last moments. You would have thought the shadow of death would Ua vo brought a change of sentiment, but it did not. Lying there with only an hour of life left to him, ha told us that ho had been a pirate on the Pacific and whore he had buried a largo amount of plunder. We all knew that he was from Oiiio and had never seenaDj ocean, but ho stuck fo it. One of the men finally felt it his duty to say: "Burrows, you have only, a short timo to live. You had best speud that in preparing for eternity." "I've alius been good," he quietly replied. "Yes, but you are an awful liar, you know." "Yes, I suppose so. Pre told a million of them, haven't IV "No doubt of it." "And every one has been laid up agin me?" "Very likely." "And my chance is rather slim?" "Rather." 'Well, boys, it's my way, and I can't change at this late day. Just as that cave in eamo I struck a nugget as big as my head. It would value up a clean $15,000. If you'll be kind enough to pull it out and sell it and send the cash to my -wife I'll die feeling better." lie went off soon after that, and we said to each other that he had given us tho greatest yarn of alL Ko one took his claim, which was. accounted a poor one, and it lay for three months before ono of the boys dug into it ono day for the pickax buried and for gotten. He hadn't got tho pick when he came acros3 a lump of gold which balanced 13,2S0 in coin, and every shilling of the nioney was sent on to tho widow, as directed. It got there to find that there was no widow, but six months later went to a sister. In his dj-ing hour Burrows told tho truth about his find, but, alasl he repented of it, and lied about bavin? a wife. New York Sun. A Dos Story, A week or two ago tli3 porter cf the Bristol Royal infirmary was disturbed ono morning about C:H0 by tho howling of a dog outside tLo building. Finding that it continued, he went out and tried to drive it away; but it returned and .continued to howl so piteously that ho was obliged to go out to it again. This time he observed that one of Its paws was injured. Ho, therefore, brought it in and sent for two nurses, who at once dressed tho paw, and were rewarded by every canine fcig:i of gratitude, including much licking of their hands. The patient was "retained" for two days, during which time ho received every attention from those insido the bouse, end frpm tha neighbors outside, who quickly heard of the case. As no ono apneared to claim tho dog, ho was sent to tho Ilomo for Iost Dogs in the city, whero 60 interesting an animal was, of course, not loug in finding a purchaser. The dog was one of those called "lurchers.'' I have ui3'self called on the porter of the infirmary for confirmation of tho story, aud e.m assured by !;ii:i of its truth. How did an apparently friend)ea do know whero to go fur surgical aid . The case di!Ter9 fi;om that of the dog which took its frieud for treat ment to King's College hospital, in lxnlon, for 1 understand that the King's College dog hal previously leen taken t-.i the hospitsl fcr trer.tir.vnt itseif . cut in this casj th'jra is no J such clew. LouJou Sieet2.tor. 84. 85. 65. 20. o 43. 4. 71. 88. 87. 71. s. 30. 18. 00. SI. 01. 22. 13. 2",. GS. 5. 20. 74. 82. 70. 31. 1!. 57 17. ;"5. 101. 2. CG. 73. 80. 21. 91. 78. 22. 23. 81. 3. 33. 44. 99. G4. 9t. 97. 44. 9o. 4. 40. 89. 07. 07. GO. 14. 50. 49. 50. 83. 73. 3. 2G. 72. 00. 52. 15. 77. 54. 100. 39. 21. 5G. 27. 93. 75. 16. G4. 11. 12. 25. 42. 28. 76. 57. 16. 40. 10. 04. SO. 32. 37. 36. S3. 8. 47. 6. 7. 43. 4. 3. TELEPHONE EXCHANGE. BiuhlJoB. Bank of Cass county. Bccson, A. res. " . ' office. Bennett, L. D. store. " res. Bonner stables. Brown, W. L. office. res. Ballou, O. II. res. office. B. & M. tel. office. B. fc M. round house. r.lakc, John saloon. B.ich, A. grocery. Campbell, D. A. res. Chapman, S. M. res. City hotel. Clark, T. coal office, Clerk district court. Connor, J. A. res. County Clerks office. Covell, Polk & Beeson, office. Cox, J. It, res. Craig, J. M. res. Critchfield, Bird res. Cummins & Son, lumberyard.. J. C. farm. Cook, Dr. office. Clark, A. grocery store. Clark, Byron office. Cummins, Dr. Ed., office. District court oilice. Dovey & Sou, store. Dovey, Mrs. George res. Emmons, J. II. Dr. office aud res. First National bank. Fricke, F. G. !c Co., drugstore. Gleason, John res. Goos hotel Gering, II. drugstore, res. lladley, druy and express. Herald office. Holmes, C. M., res. Hatt & Co., meat market. Hemple & Troop, store. Hal!, Dr. J. II., office. res. Holmes, C. M., livery stable. Hall & Craig, agricultural imp. Jones, W. D., stable. Journal office. Johnson Bros., hardware store. Johnson, Mrs. J. F., millinery. Johnson, J. F., res. Klein, Joseph, res. Kraus, P., fruit and confectionery - Livingston, Dr. T. P., office. Livingston, res. Livingston, Dr. It. R., office. Manager Waterman Opera House. McCouit, F., store. McMaKen, II. C, res. Murphy. M. B., 6tore. Murphy, M. B., res. McMaken, ice office. Minor, J. L., res. McYey, saloon. Moore.L.A., res. and floral garden Neville, W in., res. Olli ver & Ramges. meat market Olliver & Ramge slaughter house. Pub. Tel. Station. Palmer . H. E. res Petersen Bros., meatmarket. Petersen, li., res. Polk, M. D., res. Patterson, J. M., res. Kiddle house. Ritchie, Harry. Schildknecht, Dr. office. Shipman, Dr. A. office. " " res. Showalter, W, C. office. Siggins, Dr. E. L. res. " office. Streight, O. M. stable. Smith, O. P. drug store. Skinner & Ritchie, abstract and loan office. Sherman, C. W. office. Todd, Amnii res. Troop & Hemple, store. Thoma3. J. W. Summit Garden. Water Works, office. Water works, pump house. Waugh, S. res. Weber, Wm: saloon. Weckbach & Co., store. Weckbach. J. V., res. Western Upiou Telegraph office. White, F. E., res. Windham, R. B., office. Windham & Davies, law office. Wise, Will, res. Withers, Dr. A. T., res. Young, J. P., store. S. BczzELL,, Manager. TRIO LODGE NO. Si. A. O. V. W. Meets every alternat- Friday evening at K. of P. hall. Transient brothers are respeetfully in v ted to at tend. F. P. Brown, Master work man ;G. B. Kinster, Foreman ; F. H.Steimker Overseer; W. H- Miller, Financier; . K. Ilonsewoi th, Kecorder ; F. J. Morgan, Kcceiy er ; Wm. Crehan. Guide ; Win. Luuwijr, inside A'atch : L. Olsen, Outside Watch. 1IT. ZION COMMANDARY, NO. 5. K. T. li-Meet first and third Wednesday night or each month at Mason's linll. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to meet with u. Wm. Hays. Rec. F. E. White, E. O. McCONIHIE POST 45 C. A. R. KOSTEK. M. A. Dickson Commander, Ben J. Hfmplk Senior Vice " S. Caebhux Junior " Ff. Nilrs Adjutant. A. Shipman HzttBY rvruKioHT.- Q. M. a. Tabsch Officer of the Day. Jamks Uickson " " Guard Serjrt Major. iSDf RSOV C. Fky.. ..Quarter Master Sergt. L. . Cuitfis ,..Post Chaplain Veetintr Saturday evening PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OFTR4DE President Robt. B Win.lhain lut Vice President.. A. B. Todd 2nd Vice f resident..,. Wm Neville Secretary F. Herrmann Treasurer...... .... F. R. Gutiiman PIRWTORS. J. C. TCichev. F. E. Wliite. .1 C. Patterson, J. A. Conner, B. E'.eon, C. W. Sherman, F. Gor aer, J. V. Weckbach. ?1 f ,V2 ft A MONTH can tie made tO H f3-mtJ wnrfc:n; lor us Agents r referred who can furnish a horte and give Ueir vhiile time to tne business Sure mom et!nmyuapr.!ltabW employed aUo. aim vneanoifH in t-xvrts unA ciil-. B. F. JOHN SON & CO.. lo i9 Main t.. KU'hinond. Va. y. ii.Pac 'aie ajt anl bu-irutsa trpcr, XiVr mind aboul tending utatnp for r jfy. Jt.F.J.&Co. PE Rf- KTuVl-x HAS TIIE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF FIIRMiTil HOUSEHOLD GOODS. In the city, which he is offering at Prices that will make them kcII. A complete line of Window Curtains at a sacrifice. Picture Frames in great variety. You .can get everything you need You can buy it on the installment plan, pay so much each mouth and you will soon have a line furnished house and hardly realize the cost. Call and sec. Zbv 2nT , rLATTFMGUHI, M:U. SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND VINE. PLATTSMOUTH HERALD ALL THE NEWS POLITICAL AND SOCIAL, FOR WEEK. DELIVERED BY CARRIERS TO ANY PART OP THE CITY OIR, SE rSTT 33 MITLi. mlbscrilbe For It This Daily and Weekly Herald is the best Aflverti.-ing Medium in Chss county, because it reaches the largest number of people. Advertising rate made known on application. If you have property to v rent or sell it will lie to your interest to ad vertise in the Herald. Advertise end be Botivinced THE CITIZENS -gE 1ST JEL I AT T3 MOUTH. NEBRASKA. CAPITAL STOCK PAID III, - $50,0C0 Authorized Capital, $100,000. Bank of lass County OFFICERS JltANK CARKCTH. JOS. A. CON NOB, Prei.lj:it. Vl.e-1'resldeut W. H. CUSIllMCi. Caetiier. PIKECTOR Frank Carrutb J. A. Connor, K. K. (Jutluninn J. W. Jobunen, Henry Ba;ck, John O'Keele, W. D. Merriam, Wm. Wetencainp, W. H. Cushiug. Transact a General Banking BuMness Al rho nay anv Banking Diismess 10 transact ar Invited to call. No matter li'"" larze or mail tlie transaction, it will receive our eatfeful attention, and we promise alway cour teous treatment, laxues Certiacatss of Derosits boarinp intreM Buy and sell Foreign Exchange, County and CHv securitie. FIRST NATIONAL OF PLAXCSMOOTH, NEBRASKA, Offer tho very best facilities (or the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. stocks. Bonds. Gold. Oovemniect and l.oeI 8ecuritieiBou(;n tana voia,uiostts receiv ed acd interest allowed on time Certiil eatea. Drafts drawn, available in any part of the lTnitoi State aud all the principal towue of turooe. Collections made A promptly retr.itief' Hteht market price paid tor County War state acd Ccunty Bond. DIRECTORS John Fitzirerald John K. Clark. D. Tiakorih. S. in f.V, White. John vitiosalo. s. Wacou freieut. Caiuu r. Cor. Main and Fifth Sts., I'lattumeutli. PAID UP CAPITAI $50 000 b UK PLUS 25.000 OFFICERS : C. H. Tarmki k President Kkf.o ( Vice President .J. M. Patikuov.. ('Hshipr Jas. Pattkiwox.jk Afcs't Cashier mitF.CTOKS : V. H. Parm' le. J. M. Patterson. Fred Oorder. a. It Smith. It. B. Wind nam. li. . P.air.ser, Jas. I attfim.'U jr. A General Bailie Business Transactei Account Solicited. Interest allowed on time !eifs:ts. and prompt r.ltentiou civeu lo nil t'U:;ine entrutcd to its cre. BUSINESS 1)1 KECT0KY. . r. A TTOKNKY. 8. F. THOMAS. AMornev-at-Law anil Notary Public Fitzgerald Block. Platumou'th. Neb. Office la nOKNfr.Y. A. N. KT'T.LIVAN- Will !ve prompt attention A to r.:i nufijieta intrusted t Jiirn. Of'ipe 1 Lnioii Block. East aid. PlatUuiouth. Neb ft KOCEltlKS. 'HRIs.WOnLFAP.TII, Maple and Kiney Groceries, Glassware antf Crockery. Flour and Feed. K. DRESSLER, The 5th St. Merchant Tailcr Keep a Full Line of Foreign & Domestic Goods. Consult Your Intere.t bv Giving film a Cal SHERWOOD BLOCK 'Flfvtti-m.'-vjtlx . TvT"- . WMe Z. BRQ Yf If E, OFFICE. toPrny,CM,e.tfenUoa 411 Bu Entra.t- SOTABY IX OKFICE. ..,.Tit!e?,.E!C!4m,tU!1- Abtaret Compiled In surance Writua. fceal Estate Bold. ' Better Facililles for making Farm LoaDt thaa Any QtUcv Agency. riatUmoufh, - Xebra.k