5k V iiki : ;i U MM v.' 1 I!- JtMI ill 3 si:coni vr.Aii II,.VTrS3IOUTiI, NISKUAtiHLA, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 11, 1880. mjmiiki: xor HI r r i fit T'A PWill Absolutely Pure. Tlrn powder ::-i-r v.uies. A nnirvcl of pur ity. Mr, r.iitti ;umI w holi-i-i-nit nrs-i. More cvoii'i-liiu-al tn-ii tl: l':ll:jary k!!ilr, .-iiiil cannot lie old in -i.i.: e' it ion iill liie mi:!: i! i:de of low bit. j.itr vi i;-!it i-l:.,ii or .k- !i;i'e niuder. . el uulij 1,1 riiiu. !i VAI, L.'hlvi; JoUKI.lt CO., l'.W Uiill fct. K. V. AN AWf UL G A LAM AT Y. TJio Old Prosbytorlan Church Building Caves In. ONE MAN INSTANTLY KILLED, Wiihout "Warcinc; tho East Wall ccnies tbwn w;th aa Awful Crash. CW?Y Mayor, OleU, Attorney, ti-iMue. I, Folii-f i i, Wur!i;i:i. Couucilr.u ii. 1st ' 2nd 3rd -it U r.Ui OFl'IGJclS. K. M. i ii et U K Fox - JAMKS I'ATTKKSiin, .IH. f.VlflN Cl.AKK H C. f i tiMinr - f C'l.lKK'llii) I. SI. Du.n.v I V l.IiKKK.v KI- l.l. ., - S I ':. A Mlll'MAN ) M H Mruritr I ( .iai. Hi .iiri.R. , jCll.VOVO.VMIK. ( 1' M Cai.i.k.v. J J 1 .IMI'SCX, .1 l . V- 1.-1 , I " - r Board l'ub WCikl, KKI il:KH f V 11 .K.VKLU Treasiir-T, Petmty Trcisurt-r, - Cltrk. lepiiy I'lvrit. Uecoplr of '.'s ltaty It'c.ri!.'f Clerk, of Pl.-tn.-t t'o irf, Suriii, Uurvt-yor. r Altorn-v. Kupt. of I'.ib. School. County Ju.iire. boaki) : au A. P. Tf!)P. Loris Koi.tz. A. U. I'l- KWX.n.'in., 1. A. O'.MI'SIKI.I. - TilK-4. I'oi.i.ncK !ii:o t'lurriii'iKi.a t'jtAMi I K'K . 't'. Ii. I'oul. .lo-IN M l.KVIIA W. I'. Ml! V AI.TI.lt J.'. Kiki:mahv U. V. S-i;mijt Ma i r;i;v tii-.itiN;. ilAVK IM Sl'I.XK t'Kit v:s'i'.s. i'lntt.sii'ontli V.'ofrin W ilrr - K.inv. oc.l civic soGiK:r.rtS. VSS !;: ; C No. liJ. I. I) O. K. -"Meets tVifrV i ty t''ni.i.i of k. All lTHn-ii-;.t Iri-tii-.-ls ase r'-'fcUuily iuvilcd tu ttei.J. tii.att'I ur:i l-.XCAMrMKSr .v...?. I.O. 1- l-'.. in' J? - tV7 :ilr--r:;t?e I- ri'lay i:i t'.rU v-oi.Vh In M:-' ru! lit!!. Viaillii I t .;:. vti ! : : c i io :t t-i. n l. fA.v .m-.u- nil ?.'. M::jr:!:X wiiomps "-' t' V. Mu': r.:i t :-si i-i Mn;i- .1 -v rv : tin.- :;t K. of i'. :t!l Ail irr.:;-.-ei I l-r..Mi. r n- ;-'-"! "' ''r - . NewoiMixT, V!.-r i! tf I ' ': , , rlliy .i . i-.cr; . CV x'-'li -If , ''"'' 1 s f.uv. i '.iwvi 't. n. n. a. :-f I t,.!M ..? 1 t.-iTiil- Tin-i:k if i1:;"!; aio itvit'.-tl t J iti. t-l w;i! K. i:. '.Vhitk, II. P- Vii. I.s.Socift:tiy. iL VTi-M)iT i i I. ):)(K NO. A. I-..'. A.M. Mi.- -.ii t':'- f.r-t n i.t i!i:r l M..i; -lays of each l'ntSi r.S !Vi !i:ti I. All lr:i iw. ii om;U- era aro -rijHy iu-. t' ' wtih :. J. u. r.i-.-iiKv, v . WM. IIAI!. S:-r.-t iry. SL VTTM')l'MI !.OI)!U: :' k. A. O. i:. V. . - ir.vli" CV'TV H-rr-: i:ife 1'ri l ly evi-itSim :-.t i:of!kw..Hl ?:!! .1 :!--k. All rr i'isi-:it lrot it ers Jre retifwlii'v iulltfil o :iitot:i. I. s. Larson. M. V. .; K. lii.yi. KoriMiuin : S. t'. WllJe. Ueojrucr ; Lonar.t Au Jeriu. Jver?efr. John Haclraba Injured. TIjis uf tcraoo.'i at ":10 a yrcat trnbli ot f:il!ing ti:5il)crs itnl biichs s-tsrllcd tlie whole city and lor blocks there could be hcnrcl the fiiiflitrneil cry of "Look out'' us thij crash cninc, un J iiniuediutely there rose a great elc.ud of dust from the Kiley cwrin-r wliere the nim are excavntinjj for the new hotel. Hundred of people rushed to the scene and us the clouds of dust, that rested only for abitoiid on the ruins of tli9 old I'rtsbytcrian church which had liucndug around, rose up, the body of IVter JIattons, was vinible in the ruins at the southeast corner of the build and near by was John lladraba, penned in by the body and legs by tint bcr.s and brick. The men immediately rushed to lladritbu's rescue and drew him from the ruins and took him to Dr. Li viiigritotk'a office. His injuries were not serious. His upper lip hid been bruised by a flying niissle and he complained of aches ana paius in his shoulders and body and his leys Trere badly bruised also, but he was able to sit up and talked freely, The other poor victim, Peter Mattou, was taken from the ruins unconscious, and bareheaded. His skull was laid bare across the top of the head also the right fide of his head, he was crushed internal ly which caused fatal results, he was carried from the ruins to the sidewalk by the Uuiou block, and then to Hick's un dertaking rooms where hi face was washed and the departing life watched by Drs Shipman, Schildknccht, Cook end Withers, lie was pronounced dead at 2:2". An inquest wus held over the body shortly after o o'clock. Mattous wa3 a man about fifty years old, was a native of Uohcmia, He had been married in the old country but emigrated to America on the death of his wife. His Nephew Audrew Mattous is o carpenter employed in the B, & M. coach depaitment under Wi!h Smith. John Il.idraba, who was only injured is a married man and lives north w-.-.t of the high school on Viuo street. He is about C-" years old and Ins three children two boys and a girl, for whom it is very fortunate that he was n i killed. THE KAIX. The east and north walls of the build ing gave way and left the south an 1 west wal!s .standinj.; in a very dangerous posi tion, A ifing or six or eight men were woi king eat of th-; biuifimg PlicV'-iin-I .iiit Into a wagoji of contractor' Jim Fitzgerald. The men stood b?tvvvn the building and the wagon. The dirt had b.i.'ii esCM.Yiired down to the b!fipi of the foundation and frtim tliere, with a very little slope it had been dug down s.-wrul feet fHrtlier. - The wall did not fall " out I. if thp foundation g ive way and it canys dowu with a sudden crash. The foreman yel-U-d "look out" and the men r:;n with or wi'.hout their shovels, and it seems wonderful that only one was killed, but one was enough to make it awful. Shovel left behind wte completely broken up. The suddtnncss of the fall is shown in the fact th-it Jim Fitzgerald's team hitched to the wngon being loaded dallied away as soon ts the ciash was heard, but net so quick but that the Itemi IS..;; i-iiii..m..... A snipll lny Laviii;' returned from a beau ba party wiiero t.ilvs wero chrson and tho l"an bas ptisiH rapiilly from li.-tud to Land, Cavo Uio f.illovviti-j mvount of it: You s.-j, Jim, in tin Uind of n benn lir. you play for your bido, un ou've jest cft to win. 1 ust or all, when you stand up, don't falling wall cautrlit the watron and coin- I git rattled. Koepeool " t- ' 1 l-T-1 . I . . . . ... niL-ii luKt) mo uean oas ironi tno lelJer pletely mashed it. After the excitement cooled down the men were gathered together and roll call had to see if more than two were injured and all answered to their numbers but 11 Peter Mattous. , The rubbish was cleared away enough to see tiiat no more men were crushed and then hooks and ropes were secured and the stauding walla pulled down. The wagon that was being loaded stood at the southeast corner of the building and here is where the wall first caved. lce--lce--lce. We have started our ice wagon and are ready to contract and deliver ice in any quantity. Haying the best ice in the city we guarantee satisfaction to all. telephone 72. tf H. C. McMakes & Sox. Fou Sam:. A tine Emerson piano, cost three years ago $400.00; will sell for 110.00 cash. Reason for felling, leav ing tho city. . Apply to Mr. D. C. McEntce. First National Bank. tf Fine Job Work a specialty at The IIeuald ollicc. Collection Notice- I respectfully request all parties in debted to me to call and settle their ac counts before June 1st, Alfred Snri'M an M. D. Bcfkai.o Bill and his reds arc on the Persian Monarch bound for a two-year's trip in Europe. The ship carries 1110 Indian ponies, 20 buffalo, 8 Indian dogs, for team work; 33 cow boys, 7 Mexican vaqucros, 218 people all told. Business is done on business prin ciples at "Wescott's Itoss Clothing House. Goods sold at an honest price without impositions. Our that passes it to you an' hold on to it. Ef you drap it, you loses. After you git yer ftrip, pass it liko lihtnin' to tho noxt one an' L'SSo'. It's jes' oz necessary to know when to lojrso as it is to git a ko1 holt. "If a pal Stan's uoxt to you an keeps a sayia' 'Not bo fust I' an' draps tho bags every second, you can't say much, cos she's a gal; but if it's a boy tuut's spiliu' all tho chances jos' sass him aa' intike him play right or else emit the business. "Of course, if you're lucky enough to dror a prize, you uir barrod out from drorin' ag'iu;but you ouht to work jes' cz hard after you git a prize as you do aforo. Don't cheat, but jes' hustlo them bags to win." Youth's Companion. Had Manners In Society. IIow ruthlessly rudo some peH!- rr vi t'f matter of interrupt :. . ... .... may be enjoying a very iuterustui talk, when ouo of these will rush in with, "Oh, I I want to introduce Mr. So-and-So;" or "I urn dying to hear what tho true story is about the Thiugamies." Onco on a time there was an understanding that a happy moment was to bo waited for beforo inter ruptions of this kind; but now every o:io seems so eager, so hurried, so unreposetul, that they pounco upou ono tho very moment that it occurs to them to do so. London Truth. Tho Good in Uot Milk. Few know tho valuo of hot milk not scalding, but boiling hot. It is wonderfully I revising if a nttlo fatigued or chilly from a long drive. Taken at bed timo it often se cures to a restless, nervous person immediate and comfortable sleep, and for an early 1 waker, if taken before too long awake, will 1 secure- another restful nap. It is, too, more nourishing and more easily digested by tho weak stomach of an invalid than if given cold, and is good alike for young and old. Lewiston Journal. TO BE Given Away p3 TO BE Given Away. 0 pi rv Seiy rday Front of our Store, ah Slesant EVEIiY PURCIIASEIl OF ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF The Egg Elairdressiiig. A correspondent writes in regard to taking care of tha hair: "Experience has taught mo that it is best to keep all oils or grease from the hair. Don't let barbsrs oil it. I find wetting with water best. At least once a week rub tho 3-elk of an egg, or half of it, well into tho hair and suilp, and rinse off thoroughly with tepid watar. It will pro mote ETow5.b and color, probably larsrel v aao 1 lTlUSlC. to "WlllC l We reierreu in a -otao u.pl::.r m tno egg. InU eoui-sa has ... , 1 started u iu-'.v tn-owtli of hair wi p othing, Furnishing Goods, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, or anything in our Elegant Line of Goods, Vv ILL IlL former notice, will start uji today to the tune of One Hundred Fine All-Wool Cassime-re Suits for Men, sizes from 31 to 42, at the nominal price of Ten Dollars: no variation. to this tune. Thpsu Suits are plums for close buyers, being fit ters and sellers from tho best man ufacturers. Don't fail to see them. Don't fail to buv the!!'.. Yu u save from Five to, Jf-eren Dollars on a Suit over anything in the, market, Alo Qno iuiKUHl Hoys Suits All-Wool ai:d verv desirable in Style and Make-up, at the exceed ingly low price of Six Dollars and Filty cents. Also One Hundred Children's Suits, All-Wool, beautiful styles, at 1.00 and $5.00 each. No few as goodf and at these prices yon ought to be charmed. We will introduce yon to our Underwear in our next notice. - C. E. WESCOTT, The "Doss" Clothier, it Li mo, no-. S-oi bet U-r t'.-tiu eoc nt cA'x." Tickets for the grand ball to be given by the A. O. U. W. on Iay lo.th in FitzgeralcVs h.all, ure for sate at J. P. Yoang's and V, II. Baker's. . Tho om mittoe are sparing U pajU9 5n tJltir prep aratious make it one of tbe ieil(iillg attractions of the season. tf C. E. Wescott is agent for Munger's Laundry, Chicago. Washing sent and received every Wednesday evening. Bring in your washing anel have it done right, it costs no more than inferior work. tf Entiteling them to a chance at the Drawing which will take place October 1st. Elegant Scit of Rooms for II ext. Convenient to busiuess, city water, gas and other conveniences for family; those I now occupj'. Apply betore may 10th to tf Joux It. Cox. ico Ice Ice. We have started Ice wagon and are ready to contract and deliver Ice in any quantity. Having the beat Ice in the city, we guarantee satisfaction to all. SI Y The Leading Clotliiurs, - 5tl.& Main St. Buy Furniture at Boeck's. Those who delight in looking at line bedroom suits and upholstered furniture can be completely gratified by stepping into the furniture store of Henry Boeck, corner Muin and Sixth stnets. Ym can purchase at this store any furniture fiom tiic common chair to th ftered. See mv line Alaska 11 f: i-eri.tors and barg:tii;s in oeld pb-ees. IIkxiiy Bo::ck. OFFERED II! Hi MANUKACTUHKK of AXD WHOLESALE & RLTMl Telephone 72. tf II. C. McMakes & Sox. Thk Herald Job Rooms are the mott comp'ete in tlie county. Freeze your ico cream with the lightning frerz r sold by Johnson Bros. 9wlm DEAI.F.K IX Tills Choicest Brands iT Cigors including our FJor da Pcppor'oorQo' anel 'Dud FULL lixe of TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES aiwavs in stock. Nov. 20. 1885. for an incurable case of Catarrh In the Head by tbe proprietors of DR. SAGE S CATARRH REMEDY. u.H-.ii ii,-1:01- obstruction of nose, diseharp-es falling Into throat, sometimes proiuse, watery, ana acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid : eyes weak, rininjf In ears, deafness, difficulty of cleoririK throat, expecto ration of offensive matter; breath offensive: emeu" and taste impaired, and peneral debility. Only a few of the symptoms likely to be pres ent at once. Thousands of cases result in eon aumption. and end in tlie jrrave. By its mild. soothinR. and healing properties. Dr. Sage's Itemedy curr-s the worHt cases. 60c. Te Original V4iVJ5 LITTLK j 12, Purely Veosta- blc Sc. ilarmUu TJnequaled as a Liver Pill. SmnlleBt.cheap eet, easiest to take. One Pellet a Done. Cure Sick Headache, llilioux If eadaclie Dizziness. Constipation, Indigestion. Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of ke stomach and bowels. 25 eta, by drugs' Wliy Yon 1l ioxow Away ' m. our xvioney i m for a mere ong? 1-S i roasi marked pi'lee of Id. OinKS-IFiriLcoo (C3JL3tTaLiL&'zrjf BEals ffiJ-reat laecsisit ale will only'conlinne a.sltort.timc longer. rIiegJ yon eaia feny a oi FOKMER l'RICK. xow.l Men's Custom Made Suits, - .. 825.00. Men'a lUack Imported Cork Screw $20.00. Men's Business Suits - - 15.00. Men's Cheviat Suits - - 10.00. EVERYTHING 331 per cent off, 10.67. 10.00. G.G5. Men's Business Suits wren's " " - Men's Working Suits Men's Custom Made Pants FORMER PRICE. SOW, $ 8.00. 331 per cent off, $ 5.3G $ 4.00 - 6.00. $ 5.00. $ 7.00. FORMER PRICE. NOW. Bovs' Suits - - - - $ 3.50. 33.1 1)er ccnt 0ff 2.31. Childs' Suits ... 2.00. " " " 1.32. 3.31. Working Shirts 35 cents. Shirts and Drawers 35 cts. Overalls 35c. 1.G5. Call and be convinced that what we say is true. 2 Aram sisos, MUST GO IN THIS GREAT TOTV BEPOEE IT I DISCOUNT SALE I 32) r S .10 LilTE OP EiattsiiioutSi, Nebraska. ILower Main St.