V I V V a. A -4k. Ill .4 i .4 7 '1 SECOND Vi.:A: I.VTTSMOUTii, N121iIiASivA, 3IONDAY EVENING, MAY Hi, 1881). NUMBEK JJOl r I 1 "tW ''H f royal rssisa ; Absolutely Pure. -1 h' inv'-r never varies. A iiinm-l of pur ity. Jitr.-rij.-tli !i"l ln!e.'ii:fii."M. Mme rrnim luteal til -ii tlx onliuary kliMix, iii'ot lie otil in f i in . if Ion with lUc li.iilMlu.l.' i.f low tett, sliorl wi iiit jH'im or h . .)i :t : itvYiler. iti imlij in cur. l.'i.VAL 1UKI.VU PoWI'Klt CO., lm; Wiiil m. X. V. Mayor, O'erk. Tr? ;'iriT, aUonit-y. I nvini't r. V. M. k v W K 1X - J AMKH f'AT rKUMON. .IK. ! !:' 'i.hk II. V. m iiMinr t "i i khm:i I II. IM'NN MaTailUli, Counclli.un. l.-twurd. J j j!,,, r ' i i m ' ks . . ., j M ii Mi. m-iiv -f 1 It MAS. Hi lll'I.F.. .. t(. Ml O.N.NOU. j i- M. CAi l.KN. .. J J ' S," '. '" 1 I, (l'.M.l., 4 J Vi'JORXt X.Cll.VIKM A.N Board Pub.W.jr!: Kkkd itUKi I W 11 M :wn i i .1. (jAVi'KFI.I- ' TtitH. r ii.i.oc:-: I'.IKil Ciilll HKIKl.n FUASK IMCK.-IO.N V. H. l'ool JOM S' M. I.KYI) A W. (.'. SlIOW-Al.TI'.H J.n Kikniiar; li. tllMIIVl JlATTflKW liKlilMi MAY.N'A'tU SI-INK O. lit'SBKLI. ;cu isoi-.j. rialtmoiitl! Vv'.iiT'iii'' Wsitvr K. in wood l iiu;y 1 reiisurif, -Clerk. I'eputy Clerk, Recorder oC iJeciU loiuiy Kci'orit.T Clerk of lnVtrict Co-jrt, SherilT. -Surveyor. -Attorney. -Scj't. i" P:ih Srlifol. Couit v Jiiilt-e. - : - " I'.OAilO t faCi- U. ii. Codi. LOlls Foltz, A.. 11. l'l KrfiiN'- Ch'in., GIVIG SOGIJVllMS. CIAS' J.OP No. lifi. 1. O. O. F. Meets every T it -J-.iy eveniiit: of c;h-1i week. All transient bn llu-is sire reiic-ctfuily icviieJ to ttteu'J. L1 fMOurli K yL'.Mf-lh T No. 3. f.O. i O. V.. mi.-'4 ev '-y :Ute,'.;i!.- r r-l:iy ia .lf il !i..ii:tll i" 'lo Ma--oa:! Hull. V iaiiliifl r.rother ar 1 ivi;ot to atleuil. Poofe, Clerk .V'KBItA'.K. ClIMTEi!- N' 3. K. A. M Meet- SW.-.M4 a'd f:ri' 'lti:'s.!a i f v.i-l. uinnlh at iai..-.- I liiiiSeicat Lro. Wis W'M. I vs. Secret :iry. 1LTrsMorTti in(;;-: so.n, a. k. .v a. ii. mV.'-soii tli" flr-t l linri Mom i iy-- i each moult; ui ll:-r iiaM. Ail tr t'i-iu r.t '.rotll- er are oor-ti.ioy ia - iu-t t wti U . .1. ii. liicn r.Y, - . M. V.TJi. Hats. Scer-.:ary. lnrrsv.oL"i ri !.n:;K ' a.. r. w. I Meet very :i;"i ni-.te 1 -i i-ve:iin-.: t.t P.fckuoo.i h,ui:ii ' !. Alt tr;ir.sl. i.t l)r. t!i ers are rfsfes-lf i'.'y i-ivifd atiU!l. -I.-vrton M. W. ; K. Pov-1. Koreinan : N. -Wilde, ilecordor ; Leonard Anderson. Overor. WIaH yen r- B Men Custom Made Suits, - - Men's r.lsick Imported Cork Screw Men's I?ti$inc$3 Suits - - Men's Chcviat Suits - - r-j ST fc CtAS r Mi ' Mnimi'iN '.'.'iod.ifn daVnTai at K. of V. .Al' t:' broth' Rre re;!!.-,te.i i. inr-.-r ;ll SV.Tlhy .ivusr: 3 O, Wild, lifter ; W. A. OS J1HD SHOES, TROTtI3KS.AKraV.AI.ISESS, FVFRYTHIJNG MUST GO IN THIS GREAT DISCOUNT SALE ir.:ii .,.."" r.re.nl U not fhc staff of l.fo to manj ,iiip!i. jf c-iviiizftl i:;iions. lr;'.UM) thoj Jo not c:it it. I'.aLt-d loavi-H of UriaJ aiP unknown i:i many parLsof Ixnith AustrLi iml of taly, and tliiouliont tho ari cull'.ral Ii.-;tiict3 of llonmania. Ko! many milt s from Vienna bread is novel acen, it3 :!ucc lein taken ly eterz. a ltinl of porril;o inado from ground beech nuts, which U taken at hroakfa-s! with fresh or "curdled milk: at dinnei with Lroth or fried lard, and with inilL again for 6iiiH-r. In tho north of Italy the peasiintry livo chiefly on jiolcnta, a iKirri lgo iiii'u of loiled niaizo. Itisiij f-very Ktruxj the Italian ica;u:t'8 dail; bread. The Roumanians cat a mama liga. mado of maize r.nd like the jolonta except that tho grains are not allowed to fettle as ia the Italia:; 1L-1.. iteiz is also I.nov. n a3 hfilcn and takes the place of bread in Corinll.ia and many parts of tho Tyrol. Good II-u x-ke ping. Ir. A Ilot t'ji AiiK iulo ISoiiorublc. Tlio new.paiH.'rs al - inli ror life as it is. Th-y report ia full dl tho murler, ciimos and horrors that liapiK-n around us. I wish they would not give w much p-aco to these thiiig.i. Oftui when w want a unall Jlei.-tonhier cabinet picturt we g t a I. road, htartling painting, done xviili the bru-.li of a ivene painter. It h .-aid that t!.e newspapers of today do not tc li the truth, and I think there ij no! one of iij !:o h:::j nr.t wen at souio time v other in his evening I-Ligl- rcjiori"! .i!cut himself whieh ho thinks are not correct, hut when wo cor.idder that tlu ncwrpnpeiv. now take in tlio who! a world, i marvel tliat t"a-y are correct :'! they are. There i.; as i.nu h truth ia theiu as thi-re i . in the preac!:i!i.;. (Laughter .nd applau-e.J I.ynian Abbott at frank lir.ito ijianer. DonncIIy'n Note liouk. Ignatius Ionnelly docs not truE to hid menior for all the odd anecdotes . and funny stories with which hi elaborates hi speeches on any and all occasions, but hu follows tlio example of Abraham Lincoln and keeps a notL book whieh ii full of them. IIo Lceps tla natc book ; in a drawer at tsomc and looks them over, not o,i!y ii'--:! hu wants ono tVr a Keech, but wlienc ver he gets blue. He says that Iuj note hooka nro better inedi cine than anything tho dwtors can pre soriLv. Soa.o one who professed to have seen t!u ii:. iJe f oni of Sir. Donnelly's note Look.5 t ays that when the rage gets v .. -0:1 v.r q. at r king lilt of ;o rrv- i.::':e.-. a margii-.ni liOie UUld-j sf : .' ".i;ii man .wli'oni it will fit. Miiuie "i;;r lis Tri: " Plenty f feed, fiout, giaham and meal at Hen-el's mill, tf - Tickets for the grand, ball to be given by the A. O. U. V. on Jlay 15th in Fitzgerald's hall, are for sale at T. P. Young's ana V, IX l-aker.s. The com mittee are sparing no pains in their prep arations to make it oqe of tlje le-iding attractions )f tlie se;isun. tf C. E. Wesuott is agent for JIanjer's Laundry, Chicago. Washing sent and r-'f-.-i veil i-vi'iv Wednr-sdav eveainu. Bria:; in your washing and have it done riglit; it cots no more tuna liiierio wolk. ' Er.KG.VNT Suit of Rooms fob. Rkxt. Convenient to business, city w,tvT, gas and other conveniences for famllv; those I now occupy. Apply betore may 10th to tf John- R. Cox. Ice lco--lce. We have started our Ice w i'-jon and are ready to contract and deliver lee in niiy ijuantity. Having the lest Ice in the city, we guarantee satisfaction to all. Telephone 72. tf II. C. McMakkn & 3j-. aaa tony a SuM - 'IaSs Qreat HIse5siEil ate will only coiitliiBie a short FORMER TRICE. OW. 825.00. 820.00. S 15.00. 810.00. ZZ per cent off, $lG.G7. ; $13.35. 810.00. 3 G.65. It Was Dutch- The fcfuuday picuic held in the west ern part of the city yutttrJay was Dutch nil the wuy around, even to a scrap. Frank Ucndford, a lad about nineteen years old got in a row with a fellow "fr m Cedar Creik and another Platts mouth man and he was knocked down ind -kicked about the heat! in a very bad nanner. He is able to be about the treet today and relii te the incident with he variations, but his head is bound up in most every place a bandage can be made to stick. Composite Photography. Fhotographic art, in its recent progress, includes no more interesting phase than that known as composite photography. It is six years 8inco that Professor Gault, on American, began experiments in this direction, attaining results that have at tracted attention on both sides of the Atlantic. In brief, tho process, which applies only to reproducing tho human features, consists of super-imposing a number of photographs upon a negative common to alL Tho outcome, when this process is intelligently and skillfully done, is n photograph embodying the dominant facial traits of all tho portraits placed before tho camera. Tho last pic ture of all bears tho same relation as to resemblance to its predecessor, as does the human being often bear a likeness to , his ancestors through many generations, j T-VoIi in 4 1 ir in iniT4 rf mnnv will VtnlliA I magazine articles recently published, giving the results of composite photogra phy as applied to a chosen number of pupils in a seminary. The final photograph showed a type distinct from the score of photographs i Hied to produce it, yet revealed a face in which tho dominant characteristics of all wero blended in a face of extreme beauty and power. In a similar manner a composite photograph mado up from a succession of family portraits will yield a remarkable result, giving features in which tho characteristics of ancestors are plainly discernible. By blending two portraits upon one negative a curious ef fect is produced. Th.e possibilities of composite, photography nro full of deep Interest, not only for the lover of the camera, but for the student of human nature. Pittsburg Bulletin. Personalities in Books. It is the inborn curiosity all Lave to know reen in iheir inmost persohalityV t 'lap makes autobiographies the most in teresting books in tho world. Of the count Ies3 memoirs that h$vs been pub? lished thero are none that rnay be callerl dull, foe oven when there U dullness, and the eclf rovealcr is relating details common to humanity, the very fact that we recognize it ns cluU, zzCl so class the hero oi the tale with common clay, makes it interesting to, the student. "No matter what his "achievements, we per ceive that after all here was a man. He may have attained eminence in this line or that, have performed some great feat in war, in politics or in art, but, after all, ho had, as the French lady said, "liis hours and his moments." There were times when dullness over came him like a fog, and tho evidences lio here in the bDok before us. Theire fore, paradoxical as it may seem, there are h6 chill autobiographies, for the rea son that their verydullness has its inter esting features, The facp that all the novelists and story tellers have put many of their stories in j the form of autobiography shows the 1 hold this method of recital has upon the mind. Robinson Crusoe is ten times moro real than if Defoe had related the famous adventures in the third perspii the eaiao may bo said of Slarryat's sea novels, of Poe's best tales, and even o Frank Stockton's grot esqucries. Tlio ap parcntly real narrator excites a personam ;uier'.-r"- it-stir J ckcim r.round th. tsrnia -sr.rv tiouiJaiM tLo cur.: Chi- 4 CJlottoes ffoa- si wren's Business Suits Glen's ' - ' - Men's "Working Suits Men's Custom Made Pants IPlattsmouf h. Metorasha. ILower Main St. Treat lnjr Coimumpt Ion. A few years ago a cure for consumption was thought lyond all possibilit'. But now it seems nearer, and there is good reason to believe that the time is not far off when, instead of that terrible diseaso proving fatal in almost every case, as was once the rule, in a large proportion of them recovery will take place. Some cases have recently been treated by hot air. and the results, as far as known, ap pear to have been admirable. The ap paratus described in The New York Med ical Journal consists of a stand support ing a double cylinder, which is covered with asbestos. The interior is heated by a Bunson burner, so that pure -air drawn in between the two cylinders be comes heated and at the same time dis infected. At tho outset of treatment patients are made to inhale the air at a Vmperature of 212 degs. Fahr. for thirty minutes. Gradually the sitting is prolonged to two hours, both morning and evening, and the temperature of the nir U nlowly increased to the li:."'- t ; ' ; , : tient can endure without discomfort; the maximum reached in any case has been 4S2 degs. Tho chief results were the fol lowing: 1. The pulse, at first faster, be came slower as the inspirations contin ued, and the respirations became deeper. 2. The body temperature rose at first one or two degrees, but in the course of an hour sank to normal, the exhaled air having a minimum temperature of 11.1 degs. Fahrenheit. 3. While the general health remained undisturbed, the diffi cult in breathing was at once removed; there was lessening, and finally cessation of cough, fever and night sweats, and the appetite and strength improved. The disease in time came to an end, in fact; the hemorrhages, catarrhal lesions, in filtrations, and the dilatations of the , bronchial tubes all being put a stop to; cavities healed up; the weight increased rapidly, especially where emaciation had been extreme, and the germs of the dis ease slowly disappeared from the sputa, sometimes in as short a time as fourteen. months. Boston Herald. They Fall Asleep. It seems to me that there is a peculiar ity in some natures that needs a correc tive as much as its opposite, that is the habit of falling asleep at odd places and at odd times by people, and asrainst theic will or desire. Cne physician of this ! city had a strong tendency to this ut. pleasant state of faculties, and, would. of ten cause, much, to his. c.hs.grtn, great amusemeufc, bus ortener groat annoyance at this habit. Calling ono evening at tho houao of a young lady of whom he a great admirer, thte sleeps peil over came him, and wLst she was talking t hhi '-k goftly modulated tones, he, be fore ho was aware, was sitting bolt up rightasleep. The young lady was 60 angry she left the parlor without arous ing him, and would never see him again, to tho poor fellow's deep mortification. Another time a patient called to have j his heart examined. The doctor pro ceeded to place his ear against tho heart, and whilst thus occupied lost wakeful ness, and-it was a quarter of an hour lefoi"e the indignant patient disco ercd the stata oi atZairs. Of course no ex planation served to atone to the appli cant for relief, and the doctor lost that case rapidly. A well known clergyman of this city, now a bishop, was also af flicted this way, even on the altar. Always, when traveling, he would be overcome with slumber against his will. There are many amusing stories told of him in this regard. A very pretty girl in the West End is another subject of of this strange slumbering. In the par lor or drawing room, while entertaining guests, particularly if she is assisted by her family, and knows the entire enter tainment does not rest upon her, she will, against her will, drop softly into a quiet slumber. She rouses at tho least cessation of conversation, but the drowsi ness ut such times is a source of great embarrassment- to her. St. Iiouis Glole- A mere si2g? FORMER PRICE. NOW. S 8.00. 33J per cent off, $ 5.36. s 8 $ 6.00. 5.00. 7.00. 4.00. u u 3.34. $ 4.65. TO BE Oven Away n Exhibition f 2 Elegant EVERY PUIIOIIASER OF ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF Clothing) Furnishing Goods HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, or anything in our Elegant Line of Goods, Entitelinp- tliem to a chance at the Drawing which will take place October 1st, Tlio Leading Clothiers, - 5tl & Main St. 500 for an Incurable case of Catarrh in the Head by the proprietors of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Symptoms of Catarrh. Headache, obstruction of nose, discnarjres falling into throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, ; at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid ; eyes weak, ringriDg- in ears, deafness, difficulty of clearing throat, expeeto tion of offensive matter; breath offensive: amell and taste impaired, and jreneral debility. Only a few of these symptoms likely to be pres ent at once. Thousands of cases result in con sumption, and end in the grave. By its mild, soothing-, and healing properties. Dr. Sajre's Remedy cures the worst caees. 60c. The Original Calf f A 41 IITTIE ann I turn Dn i S a TVt uiicn r ill a Unequaled as a Liver Pill. Smallest,cheap st, easiest to take. One. Pellet a .Done. Cure SicR Headache, Bilioua Ileadache, TMzziiiess, Constipation, Indigestion. aMlioua Attacks, and all derangements of ffc stomach and bowels. 25 eta. by drug-gists. our 1-S CSS from iiaarkecl priec of Iiiae longer. FORMER l'RICE. NOW. Boys' Suits - - - - 8 3.50. 33 per cent off, $ 2.34. Childs' Suits ... 8 2.00. " 8 1.32. Working Shirts 35 cents. Sliirts and Drawers 35 cts. Overalls 35c. Call and le convinced that what we say i3 true. TO BE Given Away. Every Saturday : Store, an JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANUFACTCHKK OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL D1CAI-EH IN THK Choicest Brands ?f Cigars, including our Flor do Pepperbergo and 'Buds KULI LINK OiT rODACCO AND SMOKEIl;? AI1TICLE9. aiways in stock. Nov. id. 18S1. . A privilege rarely offered is awating those afflicted with iny Chronic Disease of the Eye, Ear, Throat, Lijri, Kidney, norvous system cr any other organs. Dr. P. Jiinss, the Celebrated Gorman Special ist intends giving a free consultation on his visit to Plattsmouth "and all such j should avail themselves of his wonderful skill so kindly offered. Momey I T