Tl fill aw fitfifffl tfttfltf W 1(1 PJATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 11, 1881). NUMISEIl X V S1JCOXI) YJiAU 1 Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, Ktrt-nKtl) hiuI Hiio)iitiieneM. More ecoiio Jiiicnl tiian the ordinary kind, and cannot be old In competition with thi? multitude of low test, short weiuht alum or ph. update powder. Sold only in rvii. KoVAL. ItAKINO FOWDEK CO., 1(J Wall St. N. V. city oiaacKiis. Mayor, Clerk. Trwurer, Attorney. F.M. Rich it W K Fox - Jamk.s Patterson, jk. - ItvuoM Clark 11. C. Schmidt . S C'l.lKKOKD t. II. Dunn hnijtinerr. Polie JuJ;e, Marshall, Counciliuen, 1st ward, j Samshuik 1Skkkk.nkp.ld. " 2nd " 3rd 4th Mil Board Tub. Work I I U. A SHIPMAN I 1) M .lONRti I M K MlIKPHT U'HA1. HK.MPI.B. j COM O'CONNOR. I P McCallen. I J I) SIMPSON, t LO'NKIU J W Johnsox.Chaikman Fhr.u liDIIUKR V 11 NnwHi-i,. GOITJSTTY OFFICIOS.. Treasurer. , lieputy Treasurer, -Clerk. leputy Clerk. Recorder of leeds ltaiuty Keeorder Clerk of District Court, Sheriff. Hurveyor. ' -Attorney. - -rupt. of Pub. Schools. It. A. CAMPBELL TtiOH. POLLOCK BIKD Critchfiklo Fkank Dickson W. 11. 1'OOL John kf. Lkvda V. C. Showauir J. C. KlKRNHARY II. C. Schmidt MATTHKW UERINO ilAVNAHO SPINK C. Russell county 4 uu ire. nn i r n nr unPEBVISOBS. A.B.TODD. - - - "f"9?!."", Louis Koltz. - - Weepint? Water A. li. Dickson. Ch'm.. - fcmiwood GIVIG SOCIIiOHiS .mass !.ODiK No. 1W. 1. O. O. F.-?Meet i-'every Tuelay eveninn of each week, All trau.ient brothers re respectfully iuvited to attend. " PLATTMOUTH ENCAMPMENT No S.t.O. O K meets every alternate rrid;iy in eaeb iei:Yh i" the Muiuic HalL Visiting Hrot Iiua are I iyitd to attend. ClASS CAMP NO. 332. MODKKN WOtlUMKH of AnifriCA Meets: second and fourth Mon-1yf-H tit K. of P. hall. All transient brother are re.i titled to meet with u. U A, Newco;iier, Veuerable Cniil ; . Worthy AdvUer; C. WUUe. Haukeri W, A. Uoecli, Clerk. VEBRASKA CHAPTER. NO. 3, K. A. M. i. Meets second and fourth Tuesday of eaeh month at Maon' Hall. Transcieut brothers are I.t1ted to n.eet wuh us. & p Wx. ! v. hectrVarjr. PLATTSMOL'TH LODGE NO. 6, A. F. & A.M. Meets on t! flrt and third Mondays of each month at their hull. AH transient brqfh- WM. 1IAT8. Secretary. I' tLVTTSMOUTH l.OI)(JE SO. 8. A. O. IT. W. Meet every alternate Friday evening at Bockwood hall at o'cloo. All transient broth ers are respectfully Juvited to attend. L. S. fjirson, M. W. ; F. Boyd. Foreman I S. C. Wilde. Keeorder ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer. Why Will Yotlo. TSefow Away Wlien you cam bay a Safllt ot (DlotHaes for a mere song? SS JL-3 from marked price 1 TESSSOKJp TDPIhL cnHd5L IK(3iLsi"Da)L3 03ni-IF3riLoo C53Lc5ltIimS.nr0ai CRreatt EDiscouErtt Sale will oaly continue a sliort time longer. Men's Custom Made Suits " - Men's r.lack Imported Cork Screw Men's Business Suits - - Men's Cheviat Suits - - . TPS jElESM SEIHHS?, "IFIHiUJHTIEIS KTU U-fllLiISKS, EVERYTHING MUST -GO IN THIS GREAT .DISCOUNT W3. THE JOKER "Jo-He" is still in the rusrktt. TLe manager of the Weeping Water Republican still advertises the agencj for "Jo-Hc" by himself for the benefit ot his customers. It is said that this fa mous electric cure, bj the first dose, will make one "act the bog in elegant shape.' Tnc Joker has been so taken up with business affairs this week, keeping in out of the rain and wondering how the electric motor company was baring such astonishing success without bis adrico, that be has hardlj bad time to gire his mind play on unobscrred points, but this morning be discovered the sand-bar had whiskers green ones. The Jokkr, haying noticed a solemn expression On the countenance of "the Judge" ventured to remark "Judge, what makes you look so sad?" He seemed consoled to note the interest taken in him, but replied somewhat piti fully, "Have I not reason to be so, when my fellow countrymen are acting the hog in elegant shape on every hand?" Tub Jokeb is compelled to again ob serve that Plattsmouth is booming in elegent shape. It is not a boom of to day or tomorrow but a boom of every day next week and the week after till it "beats the the Jews" how it ever got started. But pt her roll, as soon as Thk Joker is able to comprehend the fuag nitude of it he may speak of it without so much astonishment. A cavern deep, a cavern wide, well lined with mud and water, is what you find, to take a ride through Main street's pavement mortar. The JpKJJ bowjed and then be strolled about this booming city; as cvetide kissed bis cool, calm brow. b,e saw ber fcture factories; and all the street were paved with, stone, the buildings fine and costly. Long, in delusion aqd gay confusion, stayed not bis mind to" wander- Hepajne f?QWB Main and met with pain at fete Manim's noted corner; that pavement hole caught him foul he went clean to the bottom. By a ten foot pole, he climed with his soul up frprnlju njdnghfc blunder, buf with much peeled skin and a tjrokcjjskin for be was hurt like thunder. Ticket? fqf tl,e gFapd lU q fa given by the A. Q. J. W. .qa ?ay 1.5th, in Rock wood ball, are for sale at J. P. Young's and Yf, ft. Baker'-. The pom mittee are sparing no pains iq tqeir. prep arations to make it one of the leading attractions of the season. tf . C. E. Wescottlf agetjt" Tor Afuagef's. Laundry, Chicago. Washing- sent and received every Wednesday evening. Bring in your washing aq4 have it dorje right, it coats no. more than inferior work. tf Elegant Scit of Rooms for Rest. Convenient to business, city water, gas and other conveniences far family; those I now occupy. Applj before rnay IQth, (ft John U. Cox. lee lc-lce. We have started our ce wagon and are ready to contract and deliver Ice in any quantity. Having the hei,t lap a the city, we guarantee satisfaction to all. Telephone 73. tf H. C. McMAXEJf & ft. FORMER PRICE. NOW. $25.00. 334 per cent off, $ 16.67. $20.00. $15.00. 310.00. ' " $13.35. $10.00. it $ 6.65. i : NO SMOKE OR SMELL T tlae new COAL OIL. Move jut recelvedat Joliiisson Bros. Call and eo tlim. They will not explode. Fine Job Work a specialty at Tub Herald office. Plenty of feed, flour, meal at HaisePs mill, tf graham and Kept Within th Law. The action of that New Jersey bank In dumping $4,000 in silver on its floor in payment of its checks in the hands of a rival institution brings up the question of legal tenders. Gold has always been legal tender in the United States. With a brief interval previous to the passage of the Bland act silver dollars liave been also. Greenbacks are, but gold and sil ver certificates are not, except on cus toms, taxes and public dues. National bank notes are not legal tenders, and can and have often been refused in payment of debt. Subsidiary coin is legal tender only in limited quantities. A gentleman went to the stamp win dow of the poetofHce in a neighboring city and called for 100 one cent stamps, tendering in payment 100 onocent pieces. ''Those are not lega) tender n any such quantities," growled tho stamp clerk; "I refuse to accept them." "You do, eh?" answered tha gentle man. "Weill rfye me one stamp," at the same tune shoving out a penny. The tamp was forthcoming. "Now, give me a stamp." He got it. 'Another stamp." "Now another." "See here," said the clerk, "how many stamps do you want? You are keeping twenty people- waiting." "Ph. I always; keep witliin (he law," responded the gentleman. "Another stamp, please. Pennies are not legal tender ia largo amounts. Another stamp." And he shoved off bis pennies and pur chased stamps, one at a time, till he got bis hundred. But the clerlr. was cured. Pennies are legal fender at his window In barre ot-r " ashlnttou Post. " ' ' -y Averse Llf of Horse. According tq The. Field, tho pqable fength. pf the. ife pf a horse, is far beyond the average duration 61 'ft A "horse 15 years old is usually accounted of little value, and, as a rule, it would be difil cujt tp Ifive away the suf yj yor of 2Q years. But a horse's useful life ex tends to SO or 40 years, and if the animal is used with care it may do valuable service during all this Ions torm It may bo noticed thutall the recorded, instances of tho ffratl). pf efy aged horses go to show J.liat tlieir'lives'weio" shortened by wme, and not by old age. !eT York Telegram. np Tii) v..i :.rSir. A pwtK'ious Ponckliokit boy had his photorupli "taken" tho other day. His unclt. desirjii. m wild oiw of the por traits to u friend in England, wrote the following on a slip of jaicr and asked the boy to copy it on the buck of the por trait: "Tq yiipfo. English friend. From a little Americaii boy.'-' Vlien the portrait and copy were given, to the (ad lie shook his )ieat and appeared, itis fied fig wQth.ef rakea iiim why he auted in that manner. "I ain't going to send my picture to the English, because they came over here and taxed us on tea," was the youngster's answer. Kingston Freeman. pouldo't Fool tn Harbor. Three young fellows were having a heap of fun with themselve a few days ago, aided by a twenty-dollar bill. About 2:30 in the afternoon this trio went (nta a barber sh.op up pn North Clark street and go shaved.' When tho tonsorial act had been completed one of tho young f el. lows produced a tweutydollnr bill and VM tin a I ui rWr to (ret his nav out of Men's Business Snits Men's " " -Men's "Working Suits Men's Custom Made Pants flatiCamoattlb, MobTOsEia ILower KTain St. alow I'romotloDs. A suggcativo fact connected with tho new army register is that it 6hovs no fewer than ninety-bix first lieutenants on the active- list who have service in tho civil war to their credit. The rank and pay of a first lieutenant are not an enor mous remuneration for tho length and value of the service which Borne of these ofilcers have rendered. The retired list shows also thirty -eight first lieutenants who have seen war service, and while the causes of retirement have been various, yet they include some compulsory retire ments for age. Only a year or two ago occurred the retirement of a first lieuten ant at the age of 04. Of course these ex ceptional cases result from the fact that some volunteer officers received commis sions in the regular army after the war when already considerably advanced in years, and also non-commissioned officers averaging older than the Military acad emy graduates have been made second lieutenants. But whatever tho facts, it is remarkable that with the war a quar ter of a century in lh.' !;;! i !.-:..;.: be nearly a hundred officers in our Utile army who served in those campaigns and are still on the active list without having reached the grade of captain. Exchange. What Made the Goose Follow. The old story of the Maine soldier who was caught skinning the sheep and re marked tliat no 6heep could bite bin) and live .reminds, a contributor to The Oxford Advertiser of a veteran of the "unpleasantness" of twenty years ago, who regularly draws his check from a poetofHce on the banks of the Androscog gin. At one time wliile in the enemy's country the order "no foraging" was is sued. About dusk our hero might have been seen on a very rQPi4 retreat from the rear pf a. farm house near by, closely pursued by a gander with wings out spread, whose feet seemed to scarcely touch the ground, and from whose beak issued angry screams. The fugitive was not at all reassured by the cries of the owner, "Hold on, soldier; he won't hurt you!" The soldier never, stopped until he reached his friends, who, of course, relieved him from his pursuer with the aid of the butt of a muskeg Who, re? moved the qqs, with the cod line at tached from the mouth 'of (ha unfortu nate gander still remains a mystery, but several witnesses say it was there all tle same. Lewis ton, Journal A Violet LttB'eoii. Here is tne description in a London newspaper of a violet luncheon given by a Chicago girl to her girl friends: "The luncheon, consisted of ten courses served by a caterer. The menu was matchless. The Chicago people live welL There was a long, flat, narrow mirror down the table, surrounded by a. border of blue and. whia violets edged with a fringe of maiden, hair ferns. The corners of the cloth were tied with white and violet satin ribbon. The young hostess (whose mother did not appear) wore white cash mere with cuffs and collar of violet vel vet, and she carried a white lace fan on which Was. painted violets. By the plate pf each guest was a small gilded wicker basket filled with violets white and blue. A string band, harp and violins, played daftly while the girl guests ate and laugh ed and chatted." Detroit Free Press. Two Doe Stories. My wife was followed a few days ago. while going through a new house, by our bull terrier pug and by a collie dog. Mi'tgi ta pug, became frantic when he was unable to climb a high step. The collie was deeply troubled, but in a few moments lifted Mug up the .step by the nape of his neck. For a number of years my father made western trips of several weeks duration. His dog Jack would invariably meet him at tho station on his return. The -iystery to us was how the dog could tell of his arrival, unless, indeed, he, understood our talk pf tho day before. FORMES PRICE. NOW. $ 8.00. 33 per cent off, $ 5.36. $ 6.00. " $ 4.00. $ 5.00. . " " $ 3.34. $ 7.00. " $ 4.65. IT Is TO LATE t TO BE TOP Given Away Knaggy On Exhibition Every Saturday In Front vf our Store, an Eiegant nn i Morse EVERY rUROIIASER OF ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF Clothing, Furnishing Goods, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, or anything in our Elegant Line of Goods, WILL RECEIVE A TICKET Entiteling them to a chance at the Drawing v.-hieh will take placo October 1st. . & c- Tho leading Cloth iurs, 5tl. & Main St. X3$500SS for an incurable case of Catarrh In th Head bythe proprietors of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Symptoms of Catarrh. Headache, obstruction of noae, discharges failing- into throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid ; eyes weak, ringing- in ears, deafness, difficulty of clearing- throat, expecto ration of offensive matter: breath offensive: smell and taste impaired, and perioral debility. Only a few of tbeae symptoms likely to be pres ent at once. Thousands of cases result in con sumption, and end in the grave. By its mild, soothing-, and healing- properties. Dr. Sage's Remedy cures the worst cages. 60c. The Original ijttijc Liver Pills. aafiAt Purely Vtoeta blc A Uarmltt. Smallest, ehean- TJnequaled as a Liver Pill. easiest to take. One Pellet a Dose. Cure Slclt Headache, Billona Headache, ClnclueM, Constipation, Indigestion, llloaa Attaek,and ail derangements of taw gtfff and Dowels. 25 eta. by druggists. Your ' Boys' Suits - - - Chillis' Suits- - ' - - Working Shirts 35 cents. Shirts Call and be convinced that what TO tfE Given Away. fn i op i eusiAV JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MANUFACTUItER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER in 'rum Choicest Brands of .Cigars, including our Flor de Poppcrbergo' and (3uda FULL LINK OK TOBA.CCO AND SMOKEKS ATtTICLES always in stock. Nov. 2H. 188.r. Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured CY AO'JIIIISTERI.'IQ DR. HAINES' OQIOEN SPECIFIC It can be given In a cup of coffee cr tea. or U nrv tides of food, without the knowledge or the per, son taking it; it is absolutely harmloss and will effect a permanent and speedy erne, whcthr thepatientisa moderate ririiikm-omn alcoliollo wreck, it NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE a complete cure in every Instance. 41 page buck FREE. AddveM In con'fidence, COLOEThi SPECIFIC CO., 1 85 Race St, Cincinnati. 0. ? o FORMER PRICE. 'OW. - $ 3.50. 33 per cent off, S 2.34. $ 2.00. " $ 1.32. and Drawers 35 cts. Overalls 35c. we say is true. SALE ! m a . ; irun enness Money 2 i, i