The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 07, 1889, Image 4

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Tne Evening Herald.
A. KalUharr. Ieallt, Korkwood BaUdlng
Tlpnua No. 35.
Or. WIthfm, DentUt, I'nlOB Blofk.
The clear sky and cool refreshing
breezes of today make the thower
of last night highly beneficial, to all types
of humanity.
The l'reslvytcrian church bell has
been removed back of Rockwood hall
where it will be placed in the belfry to
call church meetings.
Capt. II. E" Palmer has opened an
insurance office in room 201 Ramge
block, Omaha, and will conduct an in
surance business there for his companies
as well as in Plattsmouth.
All ladies intcrtstedin the Young
Men's Christian Association arc requested
to meet at the new rooms, oyer Bt-nnctt
& Tutt's store, tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clock to assist in arranging the carpets
and wall furnishings neatly and at
tractively. The new rooms of the Young Men's
Christian Association over Bennett fc
Tutt's are being painted and the last of
the papering is laing done; the carpet is
to be tacked tomorrow and it id hoped
all things will be gotten in shape before
Sunday. The first gospel meeting will
be held in the new hall next Sunday after
noon at 4 o'clock, for men, and a large
attendance is looked for, as the hall will
be much more pleasaut and suitable than
the old room. Rev Blainy, President of
Bellerue college, lus beea secured to lead
the meeting and the services will doubt
less be very interesting.
Sunday afternoon a former employe
named Jim Patrick, who had worked in
the B. & 31. planning mill but recently
was laid off, created some excitement
and uneasiness in his small family circle.
He. bad secured a pint of alcohol, which
he drank, and the strength of the liquor
almost set him crazy, and under the in
fluence he flourished a razor before his
wife and gave his word that he would
commit suicide. Mike Carroll, who owns
the house (on Winterstcen hill) where
he lives, was called and had Patrick
arrested and placed in jail. Yesterday
he had a trial and was fined, which he
- paid, and was liberated, vowing his lust
drink had been taken. 3Irs. Patrick
says she thinks Jim threatened to com
mit suicide more to frighten her than
from any other reason.
A couple of petitions were filed in
the district court today by J. H. Halde
man, attorney from Weeping Water, to
be heard in the coming June term.
is Ambro35 Bickert, plaintiff in error, vs.
-State of Nebraska, defendant in error.
This is rather a peculiar case. Some
time ago 3Ir. Bickert had Anton Hoefer
arrested for misdemeanor. The trial
was had before a justice of the peace and
a jury. The jury simply returned a ver
dict of "not guilty." And then the jus
tice made a finding of his own that "ac
tion was commenced without . probable
cause and malaciously," and rendered a
judgment against Bickert for costs,
which amounted to some sixty dollars.'
Bickert now brings the case into the dis
trict court and asks that the judgement
be reversed. 3rr. Haldcraan also filed
his petition in the case of David R. Den
nis and Geo. II. Dennis vs. Martha Hurst
and C. G. Taylor, to foreclose mechanic's
lein. '
J. C. Martin was in Omaha today.
3Ir. and 3Irs. II. F. S. Burton were
Omaha today.
W. J. Ilesssr was in Omaha last night
on floral business.
J. II. Ilaldeman, of Weeping Water,
was in town today.
Judge S. M. Chapman went to Lincoln
yesterday to hold court.
Rey. W. B. Alexander returned from
Weeping Water this morning.
John Hannon, representing the Omaha
Dispatch, was in the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Schmidt wore
Omaha passengers this morning.
A. B. Todd and F. M. Richey returned
by the flyer yesterday from Denver.
Emil S. Oppermann returned from
Omaha and Council Bluffs this morning.
3Irs. F. 31. Dorrington and daughter,
Mrs. Kate Record, accompanied by Mas
ter Fred Record, are visiting here from
S. A. Ilerron who has been employed
in the store department at the shops, left
for his home at Cprning, Iowa, this
Sirs. Richard Johnson returned lust
night from Forest City, Mo., where she
has been visiting. She was accompanied
by her mother 3Irs. Cook.
W. II. Potter and II. C. Denny, who
have been in the city some time employed
in the extension of the telephone service,
left last night for Omaha and Council
Girl Wahted to do general house
work. For particulcrs enquire at the
residence of A. B. Todd. dGt
By the Board of Trade as a Member
of the Inter State Com
merce Board-
The Platte Canal Project to be In
vestigated Last night the beard of trade met at
their regular meeting hall and one step
taken which may result in great things
for Plattsmouth. After roll call and
reading of minutea the report of the
board of directors, of standing commit
tees for thecoming year was read and the
committees adopted as recommended.
The following are the committees:
Arbitration: J. W. Johnson, J. M.
Patterson, G. E. Dovey.
Transportation: Fred G order, D. A.
Campbell, A. N. Sullivan.
Live Stock: Wm. Neville, J. C. Pet
ersen, F. S. White.
Manufactures: F. Carruth, F. E.
White, J. V. Weckbach.
Cass County Lands and Lots: O. II.
Ballou, W. S. Wise, II. C. Ritchie.
Memorials and Petitions: F. E. White,
C. W. Sherman, D. A. Campbell.
Government Meteorological: II. E.
Palmer, J. N. Wise, II. B. Burgess.
Ways and 3Ieans: F. R. Guthman, A.
Shipmau, J. II. Waterman.
Advertising: A. B. Todd, J. G. Rich
ey, B. Elson.
Railroads: S. Waugh, R. B. Wind
ham, A. N. Sullivan.
Appeals: R. B. Windham, J. W.
Johnson, A. B. Todd.
Election: J. V. Weckback, J. A. Con
nor, J. Pepperberg.
A communication in regard to the es
tablishment of Woolen mills here, from
parties in Kankakee, III., was read and
referred to committee on manufacturing.
but the requirements of the proposition
with the communication were so gener
ously exhorbitaut that nothing will come
from it.
A communication from the Omaha
board of trade, stating that Judge Lewis
A. Groff was meeting much favor as can
didate for the vacancy on the ..inter-state
commerce commission, and asking the
board her to let their opinion be known,
was referred to committee with instruc
tion to draw up favorable resolutions
and forward them to the Omaha board.
The following resolutions were sent as
the voice of the Plattsmouth board of
Whereas, The resignation of Hon. A.
F. Walker has created a vacancy in the
board of inter-state commerce and
Whereas, The duties of that tribunal
involves consideration of questions aris
ing on the great lines west of the Mis
souri River and the effect of competition
of the Canadian Pacific R. R. on roads
exclusively within our own borders.
Resolced, Therefore that it is eminent
ly proper and prudent that this great and
vast agricultural and mining region
should be represented on said board.
liesolved. Further that we recognize
in the person of the Hon. Lewis A. Groff
of Omaha, Nebraska, a Gentleman mi-
nently qualified for the performance of
the duties of that position.
A motion from F. Carruth that a com
mittee of five be appointed by the board
to look into the advisability of building
a canal for water from the Platte
river, was carried and a committee of R.
B. Windham, A. B. Todd, F. 31. Richey,
F. Carruth and II Boeck was oppointed.
This committee will investigate all points
in regard to canal building, and possibly
visit Kearney.
Board adjourned.
Rapid Traveling.
A special stock train went through
Hastings Friday and made some of the
fastest time on record for that class cf
trains. The train was made up of four
teen of the C. B. & Q's new palace stock
cars, provided with air brakes and Jan
ney couplings, which take up all the
si ick from the train and make it ride as
smoothly as a passenger train. These
cars are also provided with facilities for
feeding and watering the stock in the
car. The cars were loaded with cattle
shipped from Kearney by A. G. Snowden
and these are billed straight through to
Glasgow, Scotland.
The train left Kearney at 1.55 p. m.
and arrived at Hastings, 39 miles from
Kearney at 3:16. The way car and en
gine were changed at this point while the
train was going at the rate of ten miles
an hour. This may seem a "little fishy,"
but it is a fact, the work being done by
Yardmaster Reynolds and his able assist
ants. The run to Lincoln, 97 miles was
made in two hours and twenty minutes,
the train arriving there at 5:30 p. m. The
engine and way car were again changed
without stopping the train, and at 7:16
the train pulled into Pacific Junction,
CO miles from Lincoln, making the run
of 196 miles in five hours and thirty-one
minutes, changing engines and way cars
twice. Hastings Nebraskan.
Tickets for the gracd ball to be
given by the A. O. U. W. on 3Iay 15th
in Rockwood hall, are for sale at J. P.
Young's and W, H. Baker's. The com
mittee are sparing no pains in their prep
arations to make it one of the leading
attractions of the season. tf
A fishing prty went out by Oreapo
las to enjoy the bottom breezes and. the
fishing accommodations that are afforded
there, today.
Cnilaren s Wmte an dColore Orbs
Having concluded to discontinue this Department, we have
thrown on our Middle Counter our Entire Stock, which we are offering
at a price that in most instances the material could not be purchas
ed for.
25 cents buys a White or Colored' Dress trimmed with Em
broidery. 50 cents buys a Dress that was made to retail for $1.00.
75 cents comprises everything that sold as high as $1.25.
31.00 buys a very neat
worth $2.00.
Our 1.5! line of Dresses have been reduced from 2.50.
At $2.00 you will find some excellent values worth double.
At $2.50 very cnoice and fine; the material ia w rih what we
ask for them.
$3.00 takes in everything in the Line that sold as high as $0.50.
The sizes run from 1 to 12 years of age, and in every case we
will cheerfully refund the money it not fully as advertised. Do not
miss this opportunity to lay in a stock of these goods, as you may
never get another chance to buy them at so low a figure.
The Largest Line of Children's
Embroidered Mull Caps
in this city. We are showing an elegant line from 20c to $2.00 each.
Changes the Plan for Examination
this Spring and Extends
A meeting of the school board was
held last night and the usual routinj of
business was carried out by the old board,
when their meeting closed and the n lir
ing members L. D. Dennett and Wash
ington Smith, said farewell to the board
and their places were filled by J. I. Uaruh
and J. M. Patterson, the newly elected
members. The new board then organ
ized and proceeded to business. V. C.
Showalter was elected president and D.
B. Smith vice president; Wm. Hayes
It was determined to continue the
schools three weeks longer this spring on
account of the lost time last winter, which
will bring the last day on Friday, June
The question of partially doing away
with written examinations was consid
ered. (This question has been agitated
here and elsewhere in this state some,
and at Cincinnatti the plan is in force,
scholars being promoted on the recom
mendation of the teachers from the merit
of daily recitations.) Supt. Drummond
was authorized to instruct the teachers to
examine scholars orally in reading and
geography and minor sciences and pass
them on the work of the term in writing
and drawing. All other explanations
will be in writing.
Drawing Held Today and the Lucky
Jurors Subpoenaed.
The district clerk's office was this
morning the scene of the drawing of
jurors for fie coming term of district
court which opens Monday. May 27.
The following are the names as drawn,
and will constitute the petit jury and the
sheriff and deputy are busy serving sub
poenas: J. W. Toland, Salt Creek precinct;
S. E. Greenslate and S. D. Eells, Stoye
Creek; Frank Folaom and David Wilson,
South Bend; James Clizbe and Sterling
Girardt, of Weeping Water city; Jesse
Rockwell, Center; J. M. Stone, Liberty;
Lee Oldham and Sirus Able, Rock Bluffs;
C. J. Ilorning and J. E. Leesley,
Plattsmouth precinct; Plattsmouth city:
II. D. Jackson, first ward; Ed Oliver and
G. W. Thomas, second ward; Chas. Fos
ter, A. Clifton. J. R. Vallery, Robt.
Walker, third ward; Robt. Troop, J. C.
Petersen, James Foargety and Daneil
O'Brien, fourth ward.
County Commissioners convened at
the clerk's office this morning.
el Sal
Dress in White or Colors, well
Business is done on business prin
ciples at Wescott's Boss Clothing
Ho use. Goods sold at an honest
price without impositions. Our
music, to which we referred in a
i former notice, will start up today
to the tune of One Hundred Fine
All-Wool Cassimere Suits for Men,
sizes from 34 to 42, at the nominal
price of Ten Dollars; no variations
to this tune. These Suits are
plums for close buyers, being fit
ters and sellers from the best man
ufacturers. Don't fail to see them.
Don't tail to buy them. You save
from Five to Seven Dollars on a
Suit over anything in the market.
Also One Hundred Boys Suits
All-Wool and very desirable in
Style and Make-up, at the exceed
ingly low price ot Six Dollars and
Fifty cents.
Also One Hundred Children's
Suits, All-Wool, beautiful styles,
at SL00 and 85.00 each. No
tiouse carries better Clothing,
few as good, and at these prices
you ought to be charmed.
We will introduce you to our
Underwear in our next notice.
The "Boss" Clothier.
Notice to Dos Owners.
Dog tax for 1889 is now due; taxes
must be paid and dogs tagged, or they
will be shot.
W. K. Fox, City Clerk.
Ice--lce Ice.
We have started our Ice wagon and
are ready to contract and deliver Ice in
any quantity. Having the best Ice in
the city, we guarantee satisfaction to all.
Telephone 72. tf
H. C. McMakes & Sox.
Fine Job Work
Herald office.
a specialty at The
Eleoat Suit of Rooms for Rest.
Conyenient to business, city water, gas
and other conveniences for family; those
I now occupy. Apply before may 10th to
tf John R. Cox.
Eyery thing in the Drug line at away
down prices at O. P. Smith &. Co'a old
stand, . W. Cook agt. for mortiges.
50c. on the $1.00 Bargains. .
Ladies' Fancy "Balhriggan Hose reduced from 50 to 25 cents.
At 50 cents pair we are offering our entire line of Ladies' Four Thread
Colored Lisle Jlose, woth double.
At 75 cents piir we are offering our entire line" of Ladies' Spun Silk
and Silk Plaited Hose reduced from $1 and $1.50.
Children's Fancy Balhriggan Hose at 25 cents pair, worth 50.
At 35 cents pair our entire line of Children's Extra Heavy I'lain and
liibbed Lisle Thread Hose, reduced from . 75 cents.
At 50 cents pair our entire line of Children's Verticle Stripped Lisle
Thread Hose, worth double or money refunded.
lou cannot afford to miss tin's opportunity to buy Hosiery enough to
last you all season, for at these prices they do not cover tho
first cost to manufacture.
We will continue our Dress Goods Sale for a Short Time; remember
our prices are way below the regular prices, and a glance over our
Stock and Prices will convince you that you can save money by bny
ing yonr goods of us.
Our line of Spring Jackets sold at 7.50 and $10.00 rednced
to 5.00.
Our Fine Four-Dollar
Hand -Turned Shoe is Sell
ing For Three Dollars.
W- A.
Buy Furniture New.
Henry Boeck has three stories crowded
full of tine furniture but needs more
room. To secure this he will dispose of
his odd pieces of chair furniture at 50
cents discount. This is a bargain; come
at once. He has the most recent paterna
of plush, cane and plain furniture at fair
prices; and a handsome lot of baby car
riages. Prices on Alaska refrigerators
cannot be beat.
Henry Boeck's Furniture Emporium.
To the new COAL OiL Stove
just receive dat Johnson Bros.
Call and Nre ttaem. Tbey will
not explode.
Fine Artists' Materials. Beautiful
Shades of Wall paper and Decorations are
for sale cheap by E. W. Cook agt. for
mortages, at O P. Smith &. Co's old
stand tf
C. E. Wescott is agent fur Munger's
Laundry. Chicago. Washing sent and
received every -Wednesday evening.
Bring in your washing and have it done
right, it coats no more than inferior
work. tf
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meal at Heuwl's mill, tf
EJrives in
jiiiiI Mi's Hosiery.
the Opportunity!
A Lady's Chances of Marrying.
Every woman has a chance of "catch
ing a husbund,' but it is conceded that
young ladies between twenty and twen
vr-uvc jenrs oi age are more likely
draw the matronial prizes. However
is not an unusual thing to hear of
marriage of a ladv wlm !
. , " l-'-:u
three tree quarter centnrv m. l-
how can a woman, weak, dispirited
ciblcu aim tormented Uy diseases
mon to ner sex, liope to become a happy
wife and mother? Of course she cannot
yet by the magic aid of Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription, all these obbtacles ar
swept away. A a powerful, invigorat
ing tonic. Dr. Pier-,.-8 Favorite Prescrip
tion imparts strength to the whole sys
tem, and to the womb and its appen
dages, in particular. For over-worked
'worn-out," "run-down," debilitated
teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seam
stresses "shop-girls," housekeepers, nurs
ing mothers, and feeble women general
i. Hie greatest earthly boon, bei
uuequaiea as an appetizing cordial
restorative tonic.
ice ice ice.
We have stnrtorl :
m ito wagon
are ready to contract and rfpU, i
ice in
" 7 m Maying the best fce m the
CltV WO iraira.t.. r . -.
, . . v,. .v.v. u
nn ausiaciion to all.
Telephone 72.
IX a Mc3Ukew Bos.