THE DAILY HERALD : PLATTSMOIJTH, NElifCASKA, SATUiiDAV, ALvY. 4, 1SS0. Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL HAPER OF THE CITY. A. SalUbary. DealUt, UorkwooJ Usildlnir, Telephone So. Or. Wilkrn, Iteallat, L'aioM Blork. CITY CONCRECATIONJ. Catholic St. I'aul's Cliiiroli. Oak. between Klltli ami Mxtli. Father ramey, I'a-stor. KervK'f-j : Mast at 8 ml l :.TO A. M. SutiUaj hclKxil at 'I iw, wl'h txnedlctlot.. Ciihihtian. Corner locust and Klulitli SM. Hervlcm iiiorniiiK ami evening. 1SIIT J. K. Uertl, pas'.or. Kinitlay Scliool 10 A. M. EPlMfoi-AU St. Luke's C'liun-h. corner Third and in-, lie Jl H. I'.un:.'i. pator. Ser vices : it A. M. a d 7 :.Tor. M. Suuday tichool at '1 -JM v. M. (iiHMAN iMKTllolM.HT. Corner Sixth Ft and ; ran it. Itev. Illrt. Pat-tor. Services : 1 1 A. M. and 7 ::w v. M. .Sunday be!nKl lo : A M. rKK.BTKitiA!. ervleM helil in K-kwool Hull Kev. .l.T. ISairti. pastor. .Serviced 1 Niial hour, morning and evening. Suuda First Mrtiiodist. Sixth St.. bet wen Main ami IVarl. itev W. It. Alexander, pastor. Service : II a. m.. 7 :3 P. M. !Miinla Schil 2 an i..m. Itayt r inoeti- g Wednesday evening- Qfiimax ritwsitYTF.itiAN. Corner Main and Ninth. Kt-v Witte, :istr. Services : usua hours. Sunday -cliool il uM A. M. Bwr.r.DH" oNfiurr.ATioK'AU Granite, be tween Fifth aud sixtli. Oi.oicr.o Haitist. Mt. Olive. i:ik. between Tenth and Kleventh. Kev. A. ioiweII. la tor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 :M p. in. Frayei meetiuir WedisUay evening. yoUNO MP.N'M ClIRIVTIAM AHSOCIATION Konnit corner Fourth and Main streets. ;s lr iiieciiim. for iiieii only, efferv Sunday af ternoon at 4 oYloek. Koom- open weiik day from SO a. in., to a : 30 . m. CITY CORDIALS. Brick for the new hotel are being placed on the ground. The State Medical Association wili meet at Kearney May 21 .. About 300 representatives ure expected there from over the state. A smnll cave in occurred last cv r. iog where the men are excavating for thi brick block of J. 0. Mirtin, but no seri ous results were had. Mr. Byron, city attorney, lias purchased the Strode property, corner ol Oik and Sixth street.", which he will oc ' cupy as a residence. The house on the corner of Vine and Sixth streets, owned by Win. Neville, i being raising to the grade and a substan tial foundation placed under it. The tramp who was tried at Papil ion this week accused of causing Brak man Tom Sullivan's death on Oct. 1, b; pushing hiin from the train, was cleared. The Young Men's Christian Associa tion haying just moved their quarter. and not yet being settled, the Sunday gospel meeting will not be held to morrow. The Presbyterians will hold church and Sunday school services at the usual time tomorrow in Rockwood hall; hayini? engaged it for their place of worship fur the present. A change took place in night oper ators at the depot last night. - J. B. Rhodes leaves here and goes to Fairmont to do day work, and his place is filled D. E. Conuedine, who comes from Lin coln Today has been a very disagreeable one. and the rain which the clouds havi been promising would be very welcome It has been a game of "hang on to you hat and pick the dirt out of your ears' all day. The case of the crazy man at Weep ing Water has become considerable of a joke. It turns out that the man w only intoxicated and got boistrous and as soea as he sobered down he was all right. lie was Swede employed in la ctone quarry. C. B. Wilson, who used to be in ployed on the Herald staff has accepter! a position as city editor on the daily Ilapid City, South Dakota, Republican, the republican organ of the Black Hill. Frcm his service with us we know it is a position he will creditably fill. -Engine No. 4, which draws th Schuyler train, encountered a number oi horses on the way last night and killed several. The train, No. 7, leaves here at 7:05 p. m. for Schuyler. After passing Memphis, a small station six miles be yond Ashland, about 9 o'clock, a number of horses which had got on the track were ran into with fatal results to about i six of them. wi We will offer for the next Thirty days Lots in South Park to the number ot One Hundred. Cash payment on eacli Lot 10. De ferred monthly payments $5, -with only 5 per cent interest. This is the finest opportunity ever given in Plattsmouth to pur chase cheap and desirable Ueal Estate. The fact that the city is building up for a full half mile south of the Park as well as both east and wat sides of the addition is steadily increasing the value of this handsome property. A MIDNIGHT SPREE. A Citizen From La Platte Takes in The Town- About midnight last night () dicers Fitzpatrick and Jas. Grace met a couple of men on the street from La Platte who were greatly intoxicated, and were mak ing their way to the depot to catch a train for La Platte, neither knowing that there was no train nor realizing the great danger their lives were in going about the yards after night in such a condition. Their names were Dick Ellis and Delany. The otlicers followed them and tried to persuade them to get lodging for the night. Ellis did, but Delany refused to have anything to do with the advice and Qrace started to help him up street from the dedot to get him' out of danger Delany pulled from the officer and threw liis hand around with threats, as if to draw a we ipon, whereupon Fitzpatrick arrested nitn and after a scufllj was gotton up to the corner of Main and Third streets. Here Delany commenced another strug gle and laid down on the pavement on ins back and began to call "bloody mur der' and succeeded in awakening all the neighborhood, and for a time there were many phantom like appearances at the hotel windows near by. But finally Dj liny wa3 gotten to the jail and shut up for the night. He was tried and lined this morning and his wife, who came down from La Platte on the K. C. paid nis tine and he was liberated. As a sober man Mr. Delany is all right, but the drinking he doue last evening complete ly got away with his reasoning capacity. Removed to Larger Quarters. The three rooms occupied for the patt six months by the Young Men's Christian Association on Main and Fourth streets were vacated yesterday for larger and specially remodeled quarters in the Waterman block over Bennett & Tutt's grocery. These new rooms have been partitioned and are being finished off to suit the requirements of the association. There will be the front room 21x18 feet to be used as the reading room, and the west part of it fixed to accommodate the secretary with nn office, and on Sundays these will be used as a boys' hall for their gospel meeting. The center room 12x14 will be the game room. Back at this is the hall 50x21 feet, with a seating capacity of 200 or more, and. all the looms are connected with folding doors 40 that they can be thrown into one grand reception or meeting hall S0x21 feet. The hall approaching the rooms from below is handsomely calsomiued also the ceiling of the hall and all the woodwork will be nicely finished, while the rest of the walls will be papered with lijht and attractive shades. Several nice paintings ill be furnished gratus to decorate the trails and thus make them as cheerful nd homelike as possible. Gas will be used for lighting. The Young Men's Christian Association is permanently established in oar city nd its prosperity is noticed with pleas -ire, by all interested in the welfare of the young men. The reading room has furnished a choice and extensive supply of reading matter which has been largely nd profitably patronized. Owing to the extensive repairing and amount of work to be done in the new rooms they will hardly be opened till next week, and the usual Sunday gospel meeting will not be held tomorrow. The board of trustees and building and other committees of the Presbyterian church held a meeting last night, and derided proceed with the erection of the new church as soon as the house now ou the lots should be removed, and to build a church not to cost less than $10,000. A committee was also appointed to re ceive subscriptions to the church. G. W. Iloldrege passed through in his special car on No.'l, thi3 morning. lce--lce--loe. We have started our ice wagon and ire ready to contract and deliver ice in mv quantity. Haying the best ice in the city we guarantee satisfaction to all. Telephone 72. tf II. C. McMaken & Son. Elegant Sjjit of Rooms for Rent. Convenient to business, city water, gas and other conveniences for family; those I now occupy. Apply before may 10th to tf John It. Cox. mm. mm A Rare Opportunity to SALE OF DRESS GOODS ! t . 17c. Yard, Double Fold English Henriettes, all popular colors, reduced to 17 cents yard. These goods are usually s Id at 2ic. 27c- Yard- 36-inch English Henriettes in all new Spring Colorings, worth 35 cents. All-Wool Double Fold Suitings, ele gant line of Spring Mixtures, only 27c yd. 40-inch Striped Suitings Reduced from 35 cents. 39c. Yard. 3-inch All-Wool Bromley Suitings, 25 different shades, well'wotth 50 cents. 42c Yard. OG-inch All-Wool French Henriettes; full line of colors;our regular 50c. quality. BARGAINS IN UNDERWEAR ! 15c. Ladies' Perfect-fitting Ribbed Vests, Low Neck and Sleeveless 35c. Ladies Balbriggan Vests, High Neck, Long Sleeves. 5R Ladies' Fine Ribbed Lisle Vests with Pink, Blue and Cream Silk Sleeveless. Stitching Low Neck and f Ladies' Balbriggan Ribbed J-fLm Vests manufactured from the fimst combed Egyptian cotton, high neck, long sleeves. Are You Coing to Alavka? If not, you ought to buy one of those economical Alaska Refrigorators of Hen ry Boeck and keep cool this summ- r. And furnish your house and office n:c ) so you can enjoy life; it won( Cost yoi near as much as you think it will. i:u has his basement, first and second floors stocked full of furnishings to select from. lce--lce Ice. We have started our Ice wagon and are ready to contract and deliver Ice in any quantity. Having the best lcz in the city, we guarantee satisfaction to all. Telephone 72. tf II. C. McMaken & Son. Fine Artists' Materials, Beautiful Shades of Wall paper and Decorations are for sale cheap by E. W. Cook agt. for mortages, at O-P." Smith &. Co's old stand tf J. P. Young has secured the sale of two new popular and delicious drinks which he will add to his already popular list of Soda Water and Milk Shake drinks. He expects to have them on sale tomorrow. Saturday, morning. "Fruto'' is the pure juice from berries grown in Cajiforqia, and "Orange Mead" is the juice from California oranges. C. E. Wescott is agent for Munger's Laundry, Chicago. Washing sent and received every Wednesday evening. Bring in your washing and have it done right, it costs no more than inferio" work. tf The west bound passenger trains were this moaning crowded full of pas sengers, and some had to stand. If you are not a freeholder excuse, bave halt the money you usually expend each month and ap ply it on a Lot. If yon desire a pleasant home in the future invest now. If you wish to build this season buy a Lot in South Park and have money furnished you with which to build. If you will make your home in South Park you will be convenient to good schools. It you wish pleasant neighbors make your home in South Park. 50c. Yard. 40-inch All-Wool Serges in all the pop ular colors neyer sold for less than (5c. Our price reduced to 50c. 40-inch Red Fern Suitings in all the new Spring Shades and Mixtures reduced to 50c. 52 inch All-Wool Ladies' Cloth, Grey and Brown Mixtures, regular 05c. quality, our Sale price 50 cents yard. 62 k. Yard- Our Best Quality of French Htnrw ttes never sold by us less than 75 cents yard. 75c Yard- Our Best Quality of French Serges, our regular 10 cent goods. BARGAINS IN HOSIERY! Ladies' Brown Ball-riggan Hose, regu lar made, only 15 c rts pair, worth 25. I ROYAL j TRADE-MARK. We carry a full line of Ladies' and Ev- Children's Royal Stainlens Hosiery. ciy pair warranted Absolutely stain less. Special in Child's Hosiery- Our entire line of Extra Weight, dou ble knee Hosiery reduced to 35c. pair. These goods have never been sold for less than 50c. pair. 'Wescott's. Uv the way. youno; lrian, have ; you seen those beautiful Prince Albert Suits at vv escott's. They are about as perfect iu Fit and Alakeup as tailor-made, and at a great saving in cost. Von know they are the correct thing this sea son for business or dress, and make a man walk like a prince. Yor will appreciate them, your ma will like them, and your wife or best giul will adore the exquisite beau ty and shape of their, It you wear Flannel Shirts this summer we have the line that will j interest you. Those made by the iamous iuanliattan blurt fJorapany are par excellent in styles and fit. A full complement of shades and grades just received. Spring and Summer Underwear ana Hosiery for men, in all grades. Handker chiefs, Neckwear, Collars and Cuffs, latest styles. Reliable goods, lowest prices. "We are in clined to small margins. C. E. WESCOTT, The "Boss" Clothier. Fine Job Work a specialty at The Herald office. ill Purchase Desirable Lots. you ought to be, and there is no SPECIALTIES -X 3VT Dffl j Extra Quality Union Silk, 26 inch Paragon frame, assorted wood slicks Gold Cap Mountings, $1.75 Each, compared with auy $2.00 goods sold in this city. Fast Black Twilled Silk, 2(J inch Par igon frame, Horn Handles, $2.00 Each, better than usually sold at 2.50. Extra Quality Union Silk 28 inch par agon frame, assorted wood sticks, C M Cap Mountings, $2.25 Each, compare with any $2.75 goods sold in this city. Our Celebrated Harvard Silk, 20 and 28 inch Paragon frame, assorted wood sticks, with Gold, Oxvdized and Natural Mountings, from $3.50 to 5.50 Esc i. j We can save you at Kust xi.DO on tl ;- I in t of goods Full lines of plain and f.-nif-y Co ic'.h.g j Parasols with very nowl handle, ul unv i down prices. ' tI,; ,","t """""e" corset in tho market at 8nin and Lace Covered Parasols jn tbis price. Creams and Black, with f ;nry col n d Good Luck Corset at 50c. The best linings, at popular prices. j 50 corset in tho city. Full Line of Zinilla and Gingham j The Equiline Corset Waist for Younff Parasols from 40 cents to 75 cents ech. j Ladies. Healthful and Economical Gar- Children's Fancy Parasols f, o;il ttsmeur. Adjustable Shoulder Straps and to 1.25 each. ( stocking Supporter. Price $1.00 each. Grasp 1 1 A Inn p iil6 upO Our Fine Four-Dollar Hand - Turned hoe is Sell ing For Three Dollars. W. A. BOECK & h - '.; - ,. - If you live in the country and intend some dav to move to the city, buy a Lot now while it is cheap. You can save money by investing it in South Park Reinem ber that this lovely addition to Plattsmouth is no longer a enccnlatmn wwi.o.. ,.!. . hz. 4 Speculation. ; Fu.n..e ham &. Davies you will be fchown tin's OUR of set Dept. The celebrated I. C. and C. P. Corsets reduced to $2 each. Tlieae goods are never sold for less than $2.50. At $1.50 we sell the well known F. C. No. 500 French Corset. At $1 our French wove Cleopatra takes the lead for a boned corset. Nothing in the market for the price excels it. Colors white and drab. Loomers Elastic Com fort Hip at $1. The peculiar advantages to be derived from wearing a Corset that is cut away over the hips that it will fit any ferm, give freedom of motion to the bo Jy and prevents breaking of the utaye tt the hips. Feutherbonc Corsets at $1 iWed with Feathcrbone, will not break over the hips. Ladies Favorite Waists at $1.00. This waist can be worn with as much comfort us an ordinary lres waist, it will give the ijMj'.e ilcgatJie of contour as the heaviest boned corset. Pularis Summer Corset at $1.00, The very In s-f Nottingham NVt is used in i dniiM:; thii kiicfcs throughout the corset. iicphyr Summer Corst t at i0c. This il orfiinitvl SI J an ;i Sr. or not n you will call on Wind. part of the city free of cl targe. ML 1?3 IT. i rtA rsasB r- u- ft 11 C5 ffa t Windham & Davies. Over Bank of County Cass