The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 29, 1889, Image 4

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Tne Evening Herald.
A. NalUborf. Deatliit, Boekwood Balldlag,
Telephone X. :tf.
Dr. trillion. Dratlat, I'aloa Block.
There will he no services in the
churhea tomorrow.',
The public schools will be closed
tomorrow afternoon and it will be a
grand half holiday for the boys and
Schools closed at 3 o'clock this af
ternoon to give the teachers the privilj?
of attending the funeral service of Mrs.
P. I'. (Jass.
All vho are taking part in the Wash
ington Inaugural entertainment, are re
quested to meet at the opera house tin?
evening at 7:30 o'clock.
The Laidicsaid society of the M. E.
Church will meet Wednesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock at the residence; of Mr. A. M.
D-tvis, corner of Vine and lltli st.
Eighty-three head of fine sperd
horses passed through town today on tin
way to New York from California. Their
Yulue is estimated at several hundred
thousand dollars.
On Miy 8, a new fare rate will tak
effect between Omaht and Pacific Junc
tion. A ticket either way will cost 8J
cents, while train fare, including 23 ceuts
rebate will be (1.40.
Mr. I). II. Pratt, of Omaha, who wa
in the city a great part of last winter so
liciting Life in.-unin -e, died in Omaha,
at his home, List Saturday afternoon,
lie was 54 years old. His death was at
tributrd t apoplexy.
Not wUhinu to break the line ol
in ircli the different oryainiz ttions attend
in the Washington Inangxral B.inrjuef
i:i body will m irclrinto the Opera Ilouxr
nnd oit in line. Please do not present
tickets until returning after the march.
Last Suturd iy the county surveyor
accompanied with A. U. Todd nnd other
nude a survey of a bndg-i (illinr to In
made near Eight Mile Grove. The bridge
is east of S im Richardson's and is to !
removed and dirt filled in to the grade
of the road.
Saturday evening about 0:30 a
alarm from the shop whistle and fire-bell
caused an excited gathering of shop hands
and others to the shop grounds. Th
fire was in the roof of the round house,
and was extinguished with the shop h-
and handy water facilities without much
The charitably disposed ladies of
the city are preparing a box to 3nd to
the Home of the Friendless, at Lincoln
any one having donations of fcod, cloth
ing new or second-hand toys, picture
books, or anything for the children of th
Horn, can lave same at the residence of
Mrs. J. X. Wise, corner Eighth and Wal
not streets
- Yesterday a great number of citizens
gathered at the home of Charles M
Holmes, deceased, to pay their lat trib
ute of respect to that honored and worth v
citizen. TIjs funeral services wre held
at 2 o'clock, conducted bv the Rev. J.T.
B-iird and Rev. Geo. R. Murray. Froin
the residence a geat line of carriage
with friends of the family followed th
remains to th Oak Hill cemetery when
they wre interred.
- Secretary J. M. Bothwell, of the Y
M. C. A. left this afternoon on the flyei
for Orange. X. J., to attend the Nine
tenth Anna d Conference of the gener'
Y. M. C. A. secretaries of the Unite'
Spates and Cniia, to o:)n there Thurs
day. May 2. and close Monday evening
May From there Mr. Bothwell wi''
attend the International convention '
the gnTal secretaries of the United
States and Canada, at Philadelphia
The convention is held every two year?,
the conference is an annual meeting
l n " tormer convention was new nt Mr
Francisco. " ,
Don't buy Wall Paper or Paints unti'
you se our stock nnd prices, we can
pl.'aseyou in quality, selection and prices,
d-w-lm Will, J. Warrick.
S. & C. Mayer are agents of the St
Joe Steam Laundry, good work guaran
tcel. s-m-t
The largest stock and best seltction o'
Wall Paper and Paints in the city
"Will J. Warrick's drug store. d-w-lm
"We will offer for the next Thirty days Lots in South Park to
the number ot One Hundred. CjisIi paj'ment on each Lot 10. De
ferred monthly payments 5, with only 5 per cent interest.
This is the finest opportunity ever given in Plattsmouth to pur
chase cheap and desirable Ileal Estate. The fact that the city is
building up for a full half mile south of the Park a3 well as Loth east
and west sides of the addition is steadily increasing the value of this
handsome property.
Windham & Davies,
Cant. II. E. Palmer was in Omaha to
day. A. Puusky was in from Louisville to
day. Ii. A. Gibson was in from Weeping
Water today.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Connor were in
Ashland today.
Julius Ragons, represented Elmwood
in town today.
W. D. Jones was an Omaha passenger
this morning.
C. F. Lwjan l Fred Liwa, of South
Bend were in the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Seclemyre were
Omaha passengers this morning.
Wm. Winn, a worthy employe in the
shop round house left this morning for
County Cierk Bird Critchfield, wife
uid sister, Exa Due, left for Weeping
Water today.
G. A. Rose, a Union merchant, W. B.
Davis and G. M. McNamee, also of Union,
were in town today.
H. A. Thompson and family left for
Alliance this morning where they will
make their future home.
Judge S. M. Chapman visited at home
yesterday. He returned this morning to
Nebraska City to hold court.
On April :)0, 188l, at 9 o'clock n. m ,
the canon will commence tiring in honoi
f the centennial day of 'he inauguratioi
if George Washington, the first preside!)
of the United States. The tir.t boom 1
the canon will be the signal for the ring
ing of all the church and tire bells. In
honor of the occasion it is requested that
ill buildings, public and priyate, have
displayed from them national colors.
lteiueted by F. M. Rioiiey,
Pi.ATTs.M )UTH, Neb., April 2J), 180.
To all whom it muy concern:
1 he following named gentlemen arc
hereby appointed assistant marshals for
tomorrow, April 30, to-wit:
J. C. Eikcubaay, Wm. Neville, R. W.
livers, Dan Coffee, H. C. Ritchie, Charbs
Weckbach, David Miller and A. Taisch.
l'hey will be obeyed and respected ac
cordingly. J W. Johnson,
attention g. a. n.
All members of the Post are requested
to meet at G. A. R. Hall at 1::50 p. in.
sharp April SO. 18S!) for the purpose of
taking part in the street parade all Ex
union Soldiers are earnestly requested to
join our ranks on that occasion. It is
peculiarly befiting for men who stood in
he ranks in defence of their country to
to celebrate the day that gave us our first
President. M. A. Dixok
Post Commander
Died Mrs. Hannah W, wife of P. P.
Gass, April 28th, 18S9, at 12:20 a. m..
aged G3 years and 7 days, at the family
residence, corner Miible and Eleventh
Another old and respected citizen of
Cass county was removed from our midst
yesterday by death. The deceased, Mrs.
Hannah W. Gass, came to this city and
county many years ago and leaves many
acquaintances and friends behind. Mr.
Gas-, her bereaved husband is an aged
aud respected citizen aud has the sym
pathy, with his family, af a large circle
f fiiends. Mrs. Gass was born April
21st, 1820, at LexiJgton, Ohio, and died
ifter a week's illness, of pneumonia.
The funeral services were held at the
tvsidence this afternoon at 3 o'clock, to
which there was a large attendance.
llev. J. T. Baird officiatinr.
Card of Thanks.
Mrs. Marrietta Holmes, and family de
sire to express through the Herald their
hea tfelt gratitude to their many friends
who lent kind and sympathetic, aid to
them during the sickness and death of
their beloved husband and father, Charles
M. Holmes.
May Festival.
The ladies of the Presbyterian church
will give a May festival at Waterman
opera house Wednesday evening May 1st.
Maypole, kindergarten, flowers, music
and refreshments. Everybody is cordial
ly invited. Admission 10 cents.
Ice Ice ice.
We have started our ice wagon nnd
are ready to contract and deliver ice in
any quantity. Haying the best ice in the
citv we uarantee satisfaction to all.
Telephone 72. tf
II. C. McMaken & Sox.
A Rare Opportunity to Purchase Desirable Lots.
17c. Yard,
Double Fob' English Henriettes, all
popular colors, reduced to 17 ccats yard.
These goods are usually s ld at 23c.
27c- Yard-
.30-inch English Henriettes in alL new
Spring Colorings, worth 3 cents.
Ail-Wool Double Fold Suitings, ele
gant line of Spring Mixtures, only 27c yd.
40-inch Striped Suitings Reduced from
35 cents.
39c. Yard.
30-inch All-Wool Bromley Suitings,
25 different shades, well worth 50 cents.
42c Yard.
30-inch All-Wool French Henriettes;
full line of colors;our regular 50c. quality.
Ladies' Perfect-fitting Ribbed
Vests, Low Neck and Sleeveless
Ladies Balbrigsan Vests, High
Neck, Long Sleeves.
Ladies' Fine Ribbed Lisle
Vests with Pink, Blue and
Cream Silk Stitching Low Neck and
fit Ladies' Balbriggan Ribbed
'v. Vests manufactured from the
finest combed Egyptian cotton, high
neck, long sleeves.
AreYouCoIng to Alaska?
If not, j'ju ougtit to buy one of those
economical Alaska Refrigorators of Hen
ry Boeck and keep cool this summer.
And furnish your house and office nicely
so you can enjoy life; it wont cost you
near as much as you think it will. I T,
has his basement, first and second 1 ors
stocked full of furnishings to select
Still In tho Ring-
I have purchased and moved to the
Riddle House barber shop and combined
my chairs to those of that shop and um
amply prepared to do all tonsorial work.
dlw Ed Morlet. Barber.
Ice Ice Ice.
We have started our Ice wagon and
are ready to contract and deliver Ire in
any quantity. Having the best Ice in
the city, we guarantee satisfaction to all.
Telephone 72. tf
II. C. McMakex & Sox.
Elegant Suit of Rooms for Rent.
Conyenient to business, city water, gas
and other conveniences for family; those
I now occupy. Apply before may 10th to
tf John K. Lox.
C. E. Wescott is agnt for Munger's
Laundry, Chicago. Washing sent and
received every Wednesday evening.
Bring in your washing and have it done
right, it costs no more than inferior
work. tf
To the new COib O 1, Stove
jiiNt receivedat Johnson Bros.
Call and see (bem. They ivi:l
not explode.
If yon are not a freeholder you ought to be, and there is no
excuse. Save half the monpy vou usually expend each month and an
ply it on a Lot. If you desire a pleasant home in the future invest
now. If you wish to build this season buy a Lot in South Park and
have money furnished you with which to build. If you will make
3-our home in South Park 3'ou will be convenient to ;ood schools. It
you wish pleasant neighbors make your home in South Park.
50c. Yard,
40-inch All Wool Serges in all the pop
ular colors neyer Fold for less than 05c.
Our price reduced to 50c.
40 inch Red Fern Suitings in all the
new Spring Shades and Mixtures reduced
to 50c.
52 inch All-Wool Ladies' Cloth, Grey
and Brown Mixtures, regular C5c. quality,
our Sale price 50 cents yard.
62 k. Yard-
Our Best Quality of French Henriettes
never sold by us less tlun 75 cents yard.
75c Yard-
Our Best Quality of French Serges, our
regular HO cent goods.
Ladies' Brown Balbriggan Hose, 'regu
lar made, only 15 cents pair, worth 25.
We carry a in a lino of Ladies' and
Children's Royal St doles Hosiery. Ev
ery pair warrHnted Absolutely stainless.
Spscial in Child's Hosiery-
Our entire line of Extra Weight, dou
ble Knee Hosiery reduced to 3jc pair.
These goods have never been sold for
less than 50c. pair.
y tlie way, youn"; man, have
you seen those beautiful Prince
Albert fttiits at Wescott's. They
are about as perfect in Fit and
Makeup as tailor-made, and at a
great saving in cost. You know
they are the correct thing this sea
son for business or dress, and make
a man walk like a prince. You
will appreciate them, yolk ma will
like them, and your "wife or best
girl will adore the exquisite beau
ty and shape of them. I
If you wear Flannel Shirts this
; summer we have the line that will
j interest yon. Those made by the
famous Manhattan fchirt Company
are par excellent in styles and tit.
A full complement of shades and
grades just received. Spring and
Summer Underwear and Ilosiery
for men, in all grades. Handker
chiefs, Neckwear, Collars and
Cuffs, latest styles. Reliable
goods, lowest prices. "We are in
clined to small margins.
The "Boss" Clothier.
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meal at Ileisel's mill, tf
. ---
Si litis
Extra Quality Union Silk, 20 inch
Paragon frame, assorted wood Micks,
Gold Cap Mountings,
$1,75 Each,
compared with any $2.00 goods sold in
this city.
Fast Black Twilled Silk, 20 inch Par
agon frame, Horn Handbs,
$2.00 Each,
better than usually sold at $2.50.
Extra Quality Union Silk 28 inch Par
agon frame, assorted wood sticks, Gold
Cap Mountings,
$2.25 Each,-
CO n pare with any $2.75 goodi sold in
this city.
Our Celebrated Harvard Silk, 20 and
28 inch Paragon frame, assorted wood
ticks, with Gobi, Oxydizcd and Natural
A'ojntmgs, from
$3.50 to $5.50 Each.
We c;;n save you at least $1.00 ou this
Iin i of goods.
Full of plain and fancv Coaching
Pa isols with very novel handles, at way prices.
Satin and Lace Covered Parasols in
Creams nnd Black, with fancy colored
linings, at popular prices.
Full Line of ZmilU and Gingham
Parasols from 40 cents to 75 cents each.
Children's Faucy Parasols from 25 cts.
to $1.25 each.
Our Fine
Hand -Turned
ing For Three
If you live in the country and
city, buy a Lot now while it is cheap.
MM I n
the Opp
ion can save money by investing it in South Park Remcin
ber that this lovely addition to Plattsmouth is no longer a speculation"
Whether you wish to purchase or not it you will call cn Wind'
ham & Davies you will be shown this pirt of the city free of chargo"
Bank of Cass County
orset Dep
The celebrated I. C. ami C. P. Corsets
reduced to $2 each. These goods aro
never sold, for less than $2.50.
At $1.50 we sell the well known F. C.
No. 500 French Corset.
At $1 our French wjve Cleopatra takes ,
the lead for a boned corset. Nothing in
the market for the price ex -el it. Colors
white and drab. Loomers Elastic Com
fort Hip at $1. The peculiar advantages
to be derived from wearing a Corset that
is cut away over the hips that it will fit
any form, give freedom of motion to the
body and prevents breaking of the ntay
it the hips.
Featherbone Corsets nt $1 Iioned witli
Fcatherbonc, will not breuk over the hips.
Ladies Favorite Waists at $1.00. This
waift can be worn with ns much comfort
as an ordinary drcs waist, it will give
the suiir: li gunco of contour as tho
heaviest bcii.d corset.
Polaris Summer Corsit at $1.00. The
very bet Nottingham Nit is used in
double thickness, throughout tho corset.
Zephyr Su minor Corset at 00c. This is
the summer corset in tho market at
this price.
Good Luck Corset at 50i The best
50 ; co:set in the city.
The Equilinu Corset for Youn
Ladies. Healthful nnd Economical Gar
ment, Adjustable Shoulder Straps and
Stocking Supporter. Price $1.00 each.
Pour- Dollar
hoe is Sell
intend pome d iy to move to the