THE DAILY HEKALl) i i'LATTS MOUTH. JS'KIiUASKA, MONDAY, Al'KIL 1&9. MAKING UP A LOVERS' QUARREL. Wan It Ail a mbttakef Ah. folj your anna clowir. Ami lrra niT lieul nivirr rnir, For in J ttraln lion jrowo weary with thinking and W 111 H UK. And mv luitl hrnrt la Innirlntr f. Won it all a rnlMinke wfictt within your dear hand ou run mm mum Willi quickening breath, Anl ow lu fore CJoJ that. rorxakftiR ull others. You would lo mo and keep um till death? . Wa It all a mlHtaker I there nny ono ibrrr, . For whom your iiiuu'n In-art crii-M dloud? Iflllieroauy nwri-t hop? lyln-ilej.l Iti ,ur Immoiii, That your iimrri.-ure vow hide like kh Wan it all a mlKlako when I thought I could cheer you. And brighten your lull h wit r through life Do you dream of a fueo tluil U fairer than my Of a Damn you I10IJ dearer than wife? Warn it all a mlHtaker Are you longing for fru- uuui r Ah. I Drav that relenu fn.iv h. nonp That death' anus may take iuo and bear me to neaven. To await what wan that Not a tear t Ah, my own. you aru nct-piu,;! You're sorry you win u; TwOHini'-er that tl :rwii tarrtalx f ill TImju take me yourm-lf. dear. auJ dout let death nave ine. For I doo't want to dio after a!L From Tho Toronto Uloha. BURIKI) IX A MIXE. Was I eve-r down in a coal twine? Yes, once. I will tell you tlio story. 1 had Komu friend. living in tho coal mining region or rennsylvania. and Will 1 1 1 1 1 1 I til Iviv tin. in n i-i.if VV'I.IIa - - - " I ' J . V 1 In IIJIC then I waa asked to descend into one of iiiu niowt i.imoiid linnet and boo Iiovv the Hani, i i.u u Int l wincli ahor.U us such grateful sensation. on a cold winter nilit . i.s procuren irom tin iowcls or the earth .Now I li:ive a strong natural desire to koo everything new and strange: List then 1 am very cautious, and do not care to put my life in m ril merely to gratify my curiosity, so I lienitated and reflected a little Itefoiv I answered: "1 should like to seo tho miners at work, if it could be done without risk of life." A pretty. I'ri-jht blue eyed youn;j lady who was present, and to whom I hail taken a ;rcat fancy, Lurt.t out with a ringing lau-h. "Surely yo:i are not afraid, Mr. Ma ples?" she exclaimed, with a mischievous twinkle of her blue eyes that did more to urji1 nio on than the arguments of all iter relation. could have done in a month, for no liked to If thought a coward in the presence iuf beauty. "I certainly would not Jiko to bo con sidered afraid. Jliss Stuart, merely be cause 1 liavo n reiHing sense of dan ger.'" 1 replied "Surely you do not think it necessary for a. man to Lo foolhardy in order to prove that ho is not a !troon? i believe &rry one is in sorao degrc-o jtfraid when he tcs dinner, but 6om-. eople are gifted with the faculty of see in; danger where others do not." "And sw;ctiuies where it does pot xist." i "It may be." "And you possess that gift largely,'" fche laughed. "Nay, Miss Stuart: you hardly do ine justice. I at least claim to le reason able In the case of mining coal, neither you nor any one else who is familiar with pa&t occurrences in the mines can truthfiiily il."clare that there is not all the time S.'u&T lown in those dark and siwfui depth, and that every one who descend thither, U? it for fl pjinute or a month, carries his life in his hands." "Well. I at least am not afraid." sho rejoined, somewhat boatingly: "and 1 liave Ut-n down thero as many times as J am years old." "A matter of nineteen?" I observed. i "ExiwjlJy nineteen." sho" smiled. Well, inen make it twenty, and 1 vill accompany fou." I said. 'Agreed,' was her proud resjwno. Tl instant sliesaiJ this 1 Ginerieneed a strange sensation, like a presentiment of evil, and I would gladly have luul my promise unsjoke!. Hut it was too late for me to think of cli-iniog my declara tion, even had the danger been a thou sand times more apparent, for I am pr,o of those stubbornly iirm individuals whw always live up to my given word, let the cronse)uences lie ylit they may: and so we prepared ourselves. aid went down into the initio a party of four of us two gentlenu'ii besides myself, and the lady 1 have mentioned. The decent for tho first two hundred fi-ci. was in a large bucket. lowered by fx, winJlass. and 1 dj not think that any one for the lirst ti::u ever yet took that jluncr into the awful abyss of darkness sind mvsiry :vithout an inward shrink in akin to horror, owever careless and indi.Terent may have been his outward r , , A I Onaof oar party, w no was coLuit-v.-tt.-u j with the mine and was to act as our j guide on the present occasion, carried a j Daw lamp fa-stened to his cap, and by this feeble light -e could dimly seo each j other's faces and tho black, d imp wall3 j which surrounded us as down, down. .ever down, we kepi sinking deeper and j .deeper into the Iwwels of tho black pit, j ii i-... in- i ti r flint t!u slirrlitcst accident i WITH 1H.V." - w -niiglit land us suddenly on tho snores of eternity. The two gentlemen and mysc-lt IjoscU grave, as became the place and tho oc casion, but pretty Sibyl Stuart was full of talk and animation, rattling on from one thing to another, never seeming to care for a reply, but apparently satisfied to hear the sound of her own voice. Was the really heedles. cf any jnissible dan-,,-vr. or was this light chatter dono to Zvv -r serious fancies and misgivings? -could Ut tielievt- the wortls camo from a heart its liht and free tin they beemed to Keachia rur first landing, wo began mr exploration through long dark gal- o.orp liore and there n lieavy prop suprjrted the rocky roof, j with tlU thin layer of foundation sup- ; Tjorted in turn in the samo manner, stul .; below us. tier ou tier, so that the yield- j in of r.ny weak siot far down in those , Iwful depths might precipitate thousands of s-u-re fei't into one shapeless mao4 and bury us forever from human sight. Still as there was no more danger ap-uare'-tly of this occurring now than fit LTv time wilhin the past twenty years. iLexe was no goad reason for mj taking tho subject into consideration, except that of my being still haunted by that presentiment of evil, of which I have sKkcn. uur guido led tho wav to some mov ing lights which we could see sparklin; hi the profound darkness, und we soon found ourselves at the top of another shaft, where another dettcent of a hur dred and lifty feet was made in a bucket: after which followed some rough ('limit ing over rocks and fissures, with here and there a descent bv ladders, which proved loth precarious and tiresome, till at last we htoxl ujiou a ledge from which, n hundrel feet still below us, we beheld a hundred moving lights, and heard the peculiar sound or tho miners t their daily toil of digging out and breaking the black lumps of coal that were intended to find their way to the bright world above. "There they are." exclaimed our fair companion, vivaciously, "looking, with their red. bobbing lights and shadowy forms, like so many fiends of Pandemon ium! U ould you like to go down among them, Mr. Maples?" "if you are satisfied where you are, Miss Stuart, I will venture to say I have had enough," was my reply, with a kind of shudder. "O for that matter I am willing to let vou have your own wav now," 6ho re joined, with a light, careless laugh. "You have braved the danger so far like a gallant soldier, and aro now entitled to your discharge." "I see that in your thoughtless way your are t-till disposed to make 6port of my natural caution," I replied, a little severely; "but I would very much-like you to comprehend that reasonable cau tioii is not cowardice, nor in any degree alli-nl to it: and to prove it in my own per.-.i, 1 now throw down tho gage to hire anything that either you or any ambitious friend of yours may have the courage to try." FA tn in tho dim light I could see that my sharp words had sent a deep color into her pretty face; and, after a mo mentary hesitation, sho faltered: "1 crave jour pardon. Mr. Maples, jf my light, flippant remarks have wounded your feelings." "All is already forgotten, I cordially replied, extending my hand, which was accepted in token of amity. An exclamation from ono of our two companions at this moment drew our at tention to him. lie was looking down it the miners through a field glass, and hi words were: Ila! What culpable imprudence! One of tho miners has struck a match to light his pie!" "W Inch oner' demanded. Jiis compan ion, in a quiet, excited tone, '.'bliow me the man and I will hare him dis charged forthwith!" Just as he sjioke, and whilo he was in tho act of reaching out his hand for the glass, a blinding sheet of flame was seen to envelop all below; a rush of foul, heated air threw us down upon the rocks. and a crashing explosion, like a thousand thunders, completely stunned us and hook down the rocks around us like a terrible earthquake. When I came to my senses all in the blackness of that rayess abyss I heard a low. wailing moan of terror and despair. accompanied with tho words: Oh, my God! my God! what has hap pened and where am I?" It was tho plaintive voice of Sibyl Stuart, and I was grateful to God that she was still alive. 1 knew where we were and what aw ful thing had happened, for my recollec tion came with my consciousness. Keach- ing out my hand I touched her and in a soothing tone said: "Thero has bee? a terrible explosion. Miss Sibyl, and 1 fear that many lives have been lost; but, thank God, wo still survive, and I hope you have escaped in jury." ") merciful heaven, I comprehend all nowP sha moaned. "Forgive me, dear friend! Forgive meF "For whatV" "Making light of your forelodings. and bringing you here to your doom." 'AU is forgiven and forgotten, dear girl; I 6hall think of nothing now but how to get you out of this Jiorrcr alive. Tho foul air here is almost suffocating. Where are our companions?" Sho hurriedly called them by name, but received no reply. I thought they might still be uncon scious on the ground, and began to feel out for them. They were only a few feet from us when the explosion occurred; but as 1 reached out for them now in the dark ness my hands camo in contact with a huge rock cn tho very spot where they had been standing. In a moment I com prehended tha horrid truth; they had both been crushed to death under it- I hurriedly made known to my fair companion the startling fact, and added: "It may be that we two, of ell within the mine, are the only pne3 that Provi dence has spared." "O heaven!" she groaned, '-'spared, perhaps, for a more terrible death! For how cap wo pver find our way up through this awfuj darkness to the world above?" "We will try, at all events, and while there is life there is hope," I rejoined, in a cheerful tone, though with i:; cheerful feelings, for I thought the chances were all against our ever seeing the light of heaven again. Taking the hand of my fair companion tlir.t we might not become separated in the awful darkness, 1 began l.t carefully g'.-oie in the direction which I supposed wculd retrace our steps. T!:e air was ver foul with poisonous ga.u-s. and at times it 6eeroed as if t would paralyze our lungs to inhale It. We soon came to a broad charm, and had I not been feeling my way inch by inch, so to ppeak. I should have plunged headlong into a deathpit, and lr.:gged Miss Stuart down with me. I could not tell the width pf the fissure in the darkness, but evidently wo could not cross it. for when I lay down on the cJC j.nd stretched forth my l:::::ds I could not touch the other side. "Alas! jvc are doomed-to 5cri :h here. arrJ it is all my wicked doing! i.;.id the self accusing girl, when I unnpune.Nl to j ! her tho reason that we could advance no further in that direction. "Nay, dear Miss Sibyl; I will not hear you blame yourself for our lieing here,' 1 replied. "Vou simply did not see tho danger in tho same light that I did or porhaps I should rather say that you did not seo the danger at all. ' "Only as we see danger when it light ens," she resjtonded: "we know we may be struck, but we can scarcely be Kind to fear it. , Mr. Maples, if there is any way by which vou can save vour life do not give a thought to me. but make the el 1 or t alone, and I u III pray for your success. "Ah: now you tlo indeed wrong me, and wound my sensitive nature, by as suming in all seriousness that I am a coward." said I reproachfully. "U nol no! J meant not that, sho pro tested. "It was only that, if there is but one life to le saved, I would have it yours instead of mine." "O. dear Miss Sibyl, dare I understand that you would save my life at the sacri fice of your own?" "ies, sue laintiy sighed, alter a mo mentary pause. I quickly drew back from the verge of the dread abyss, and there, in that ray- less darkness and that awful tomb of death, I caught her in mv arms and pressed her to my heart. "You love me then. Sibyl dear, dear est Si by 1 you love me!" I exclaimed, a. I passionately kissed her tremulous lips. "Yes: here, in the presence of death, 1 iranLly confess that I love vou, dear Henry," she faintly muniiiiiv.l. "Heaven uiess you. dnrimg: l re turned; "it makes me happy to hoar these sweet words, even thou rh death lie near us lioth! Wiiat is death, darling, if we are loved by our beloved and know we shall the with our love.' lor death here is only life hereafter. Hut we will not die now, if any cfiort of our own can save us. and so let us work together foi life!" With this, keeping a firm hold of the dear girl. I began to feel mv wav in another direction: and so we wandered about in the darkness, hour after hour, seeing nothing and knowing nothing of our course, whether it were right or wrong. ' ' I said all I could to cheer my sweet companion, uiu at leigiu sue negan to despair; and I. to tell the truth, lost all hope of ever leaving our prison pit alive. If we could have known that we were going m the right direction there would have leen so little encouragement to per severe: out when we considered that the chances were equal to our getting i;till farther away from tho point we wished to reach, there seemed no reason for this exertion, and wo sat down com pletely disheartened. "Well, darling, it will be as God wills!' I sighed. "I have no other consolation to oiler." "Ana l am to do punished tor mv boastful presumption, in tho suffering of one whoso life is dearer to ma than mv own!" 'O, Sibyl darling, yon mut not accuse yourself, for that tortures mo!" cried I. "Our being here is one of those raisfor tunes which were to be. We have reached a point where the air seems 1?S3 poison ous, a?id we may possibly exist here for days; and who knows what time may do, when there are so many anxious souls above who will not rest dav or night till they shall have explored the mino in search of the living and the dead?" In that rayless darkness we coal 1 not make a note of time, nor tell whether it were dav or night in the world a'nove We only knew that, after a long period. wo began to feci the pangs of hunger and thirst: that we gradually grew weaker; that we slept at times; and that at last we negan to have strange sensa tions in our brains, and seo dancinj .1 1 A 1 1 - - ngius ani puauioms, auu wonuer, in a . vague sort of way, whether wo were tenants of this world or tho other. That is the last I remember till I found myself in a room on a bed weak as an infant, and numbers of anxious friends standing around me. Even then mv lirst thought was of my dear companion. and my first words were an inquiry for her. v hen assured that she was safe, 1 remember feeling as if I were in heaven. and at once tell oil into a dreamless sleep. I subsequently learned that v.-e both had been found, after a three days' search, iu an unconscious state, and that of all the parties as far down i i the mino as ourselves, we were tho only one3 brought to the surface alive. One hundred and nine persons had perished in that awful explosion, and the whole village was in mourning. I have only to add that my dear Sybil and 1 both recovered, and in timo re gained our health, and that sho is now my loving wife. True Flag. Woman in Politics. Woman in politics is a success. Iler work is not on the surface, to be known of all men, but here in Washington the signs of her activity are plentiful. Here is a member of' the house, able, respect ed, holding a very high place in com mittee, whoso wife, a rich woman, found him poor and struggling. She married him, educated him, pushed him into politics, and will not le satisfied until she has made him pros; Jen t, or dies trying. There goes an army ofiicer who has had promotion after promotion, by the favor of one president after another, till he is now near the top of the heap. How did he win so many advancements? Dy valor or long service? No, by . the tact, push and persistency of his wife. Gen. Greely, tho Arctic hero, now holds a high place in the army. IIo has suc cessfully con tended against many ene mies, and is likely, in good time, to reach the summit of his ambition by having the signal service mado an independent army bureau, with himself at the head. Is it Gen. Greely's Arctic record that is bringing him this success, or .his extra ordinary ability? No. Though an able and useful man, his success is largely due to the political anJ social genius of Mrs. Greeiv. She is iaJomitahle, re sourceful nd devoted. Washington U-ttu- mm r C royal rsz'j:? j j Absolutely Pure. 'I'll s ii.twilcr never v:trie-i A m-ii vel tf nur- 't. M r-nul 'i ami whiiU-aoitieiiess. M tin economic-it in in the or, I, nary kind", and cannot he iohl in eoamcMliori with the mill! it ude of low text, si i rt weight 111. nil or iihosiiliiL'e iiowder. Von! unhj lu ran. Ilnv.u, Kaki no l'owttKlt t O.. lot; Waif fct. N Y. CITY OFFIGlilS. Mayor, Herk. W K Fox Treasurer, JAMES PATTKItSON. .IK ttni'iiey. - It V RON I'l.AHK -rj'inerr. "'lice .finite. II. C. M'HMIIIT S (.'I.I Kt'Oltlt Man-hall. i. II. Dunn oiaicihiic n, 1st ward. r-AMSHCKV It K KN KH 1 !. 2nd 3rd 4th .Mil I lH. A Sill I'M AN (DM JONES j M it .Ml'KPtiv I Cl!A. II H S IM.E. j Con 'Conn ok. I ' McCai.i.k.v. I J 1) siMi-aoN, t I- o'Nkii.. Hoard Pub.Works Kkki Cokuku I 1) II IIAWKSWOKTII Treasurer, - - D A. I'AMI'KKLL tepiiiy treasurer, - 1 IIOS. Pol. MM ierK. Mint Ckitciifih a Fkank Dickson enurv Clerk, 'f-conler of Deeds W. II. Pool 'OIHltV ltr!C'tlt r .ion n m i.kvpa :lerk of District Cojrt. W. (.'. SlIOWA VI' V It heritT, nrvt-yor. - J.- KlKKNKAIIV II. C. SCHMIDT Xtt'-riiev. MATTOKW flKHIM iiit. of Pub School?, ouidy Judge. May.nahii Spink C liUSStl L. llO.VKD OF SUl'EKVISOKS. . P.. Toni), ... rlHtteinmitli Louis Foltz. - Weepini; Witer v. i!. iti 'kson, cum., - - ic in wood UIVIG SOCIJiT.IiS. r x ' ilASS 1.0DOK No. llij. 1. O. O. F. -Meets Wevery fiieday evening of e;icli week. Alt rsiusieitt brothers are reriectlully Invited to .tteno. . 9 i i .uuu i ii r..)jfi.ui i c i No. 3. I. O o. t .. inneis cvflry siliermiie l i in ii-li u.eisth in the M;isonii; Hall. Visiting rou-ers are MVileu to attend. OA tAJlt' XSIt, 3., i'Mlitl'.ll.N WOODMKiN J of An eric;l Meets second Hinl fiim l Ii Mnn. lay evening at K. of P. ball. Ail transient rother? are requested U meet witli us. L. A. Newcomer. Venerable Consul ; '1. K, Xiles- on by Adviser : S. C. W ilde. Hanker : YV. A toeck. Clerk. V milCA-MlA CUAI'XfcU. M). 3, li. A. M Meets second iind fourth TiiiiI:lv nf e:Li-li :ionlh at M axon's Hull. Transei: lit brothers re invited to meet with us. K. E. White. II. P Vji. Ii vs. Secretary. PI.ATrsMOUTH LODGE NO. 6, A. F. & A. M. Meets on tiie first. :itvI Ihir.l Mun l-iv-i nf racti month at their hall. All transient broth ers are cordially imited to meet with us. J. C. Uiciikv. W. M. Vm. Hats, Secretary. pLATTSMOUTH I.ODCJE No. g, A. ). L W. - Meets" every alternate Friday eveninu at ock wood hall at 8 o'cIock, All transient broth- rs are respectfully invited It) attend, h. S. Larson, M. W. ; F. P.oyd. Foreman : S. C. .Vllue.ltecorder : Leonard Anderson. Overseer. I AbS COU . C 1 ti Ml 1021 , ll'IY A L HO A X CM v meets the t-ecoud and fourth Mondays of acU month at Are.viuiii Hall, U. N. GLENN. Recent. P. C. Minor. Secretary. 1KIO LODGE NO. M. A. O. V. W. Meets everv :ilierii;ii, KriilMV evenin'r at If. of P lUI. Transient brothers are respectfully in- ted toattend. F. P. Brown, .Master Work - mn;!, msfer, h. .reman : e. n. bteimkei iverseer: W. If. M !! r. Financier: o. F. lonsewtirt h, Kecorder ; F. J Morgan, Receiv t ; V.;ii. I'reliau. (ii'.b'e ; Wn,. Ludwig, Inside vatch : L. oisen. outside Watc.i 'J. ZION COM MA D VKY. NO. 5. K. T. '-"-Meeis first and third Wednesday night of it'll r.tonth at Mhso-i s hall. Visiting bruthers f cordially invited to meet with us. M. HAiS. itec. v . Win IK. F. C. VIcCOHIHlE POST 43 G. A. R- KOsTEa. T. A. Dickson Co-tiniaitdf i . jkn.i htjtpLK senior vice .Senior i CAKItlOAN fuiiior ' Adjiifa't. S rg . M. 'dlicer of the Itav. ,. .. ' " Ounrd ergt Major. 'iuarrer Master Serg'. . I IKS V. SUII'MAN lAIIV SlUKlllIIT x . I Itscst , F AM S IDCKSON, .. Pry. ". CUK f lS. l'ott tj!;ii Saturday evening PLATTSMOUTH BOARD CFTR ft DE si ient Kobt. B Windham Isr Vice President A. P. Todd !nd Vic President .Wxn Neville Secretary F. Herrmann Treasurer F.. 1!. (iuthiuan PIRKiTiUH. .1. C. Kichev. F. Ii. W hite. .1 C. Patterson. J. A Conner, R. ENon, C. V. Sherman, F Gor- 1 r. j. V. Vy ec'-t bach. OFFERED for an incurable case of Catarrh in the Head by the proprietors of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. - Symptoms ol Catarrh. Headache. nlvstriietinn of nnlie. discharges faliinar into throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid ; eyes weak, ringrirjfr in ears, deafness, difficulty of clearing throat, expecto Bation of offensive matter: breath offensive l smell and taste impaired, and general debility. tnly a few of these symptoms likely to be pres fent at once. Thousands of cases result in tton- umption. and end in the prrave. By its mini, sootnin?. anu utaung propernes. Dr. Sasre's Remedy cures the worst cases. 60c. Eirrt e&8fttvt IrvrDDiiit 3 X TO k bit & Harrrdit, Unequaled as a TAygt Mil. Smallest,cheap- ' met. easiest to take, one reiiec a ifomo. Cure Sick. Headache, Itilioua Headache, nizzinesa, ConsUpatiou, ludlaeation. tt fComaoB aad tKmrela, 85 ct, by Oruifiattl, ' 1, S3 TELEPHONE EXCHANGE. 8-1. 8.-t. Gt. M. s 4. t. 4. 71. ss. s7. Ill ulil Jos. Hank of diss county. IJccson, A. 1'h. " oflk-c. n.iitittt, l u 1). htcrc. ' " res. IJjnnt r stables. Ihown, Vv'. Ii. ollice. ns. Il.iilou, (. II. res. 7.. " " ollice. s. u. yi. ti i. i.iii c. S9. 11 tfc M. roun.l hoiiic. 18. blake, John saloon. (!). IJ.ich, A. grocery, "tl. C:iniplnll, I). A. ns. 01. ('hapiuun, S. 51. res. City hotil. 1.1. Chirk, T. coal ollice, 2"). Clerk district court. (iS. Connor, J. A. res. 5. County Clerks ollice. L'O. Covcll, Polk & Ueeson, ofiice. 71. Cox, J. IJ, res. 82. Craig, J. M. res. 70. Critchrield, Uird res. ol. Cummins & Son, lumber yard. " J. C. farm. 57 Cook, Dr. ollice. 1 7 Cll'l', . "Vf ' V ctyi j. 101. 2-'). i0. i 80. 21. 01. 78. 22 28. 81. 8-5. 88. 41. 00. 04. 0(i. 07. 44. 0t. 4. 40. 80. 07. 07. 00. 14. 50. 40. 50. 83. 33. rv. 4 a. 2(5. 72. 00. 52. 15. I I. 54. 100. C....iv, Cutnmins, Dr. Ed., ollice. District court ollice. Dovey & Son, store. ' Dovey, .Mrs. George res. lannions, J. II. Dr. ollice and res, First National bank. Frkke, F. G. & 'Cu., drug store. Glcason. John its. (Ji)OS hotel Qering, II. drugstore, res. Dudley, dray and express. Herald ollice. Holmes, C. M., rts. Hatt & Co., meat market. Heuiple & Trooj), store. Hull, Dr. J. II., ollice. res. Holmes, C. M., livery stable. Hall & Craig, agricultural imp, Jones, W. D., stable. Journal otfice. Johnson liros., hardware store. Johnson, Mrs. J. F., millinery. Johnson, J. F., res. Klein, Joseph, res. Ivraus, , l'ruitand confectionery Livingston, Dr. T. P., ollice. Livingston, res. Livingston, Dr. ft. 11 , office. Manager Waterman Opera Llouse. McCouit, F., store. McMaKen, H. C, res. Murphy. M. li., store. Murphy, $1. li., res. McM.iken, ice oftice. Minor, J. L., res. McYey, saloon, Moore.L.A., res. and floral garden Neville. U in., res. Olliver fc lianigts. meat market Oiliver fc liumge slaughter house. Pub. Tel. Station. 30. Palmer . II. E. res 21. Petersen Bros., meatmarket, 50. Petersen R, res. 27. Polk, M. D., i . s. .):$. Patterson. J. .l , res. 7o. Riddle house. II!. Ritchie. Harry, fit. Rchildknecht, Dr. ofiice. 11. Shipman, Dr. A. office. 12. " ' rea. 25. Showaltcr, W, C. ofiice. 42. Siggins, Dr. E. L. res. 2. " " Hire. 75. Strcioht, O. M. stable, 57. Smith, O. P. drug store. 10. Skinner & Ritchie, abstract and loan oliice. 40. Sherman, C. W. office. 10. Todd, Amnii res. (54. Troop & Ib-mple. store. 90. Thomas. J. W. Summit Garden 32. Water Works, ollice. 5J7. Wafer works, pump house. 2!)- Waugh. S. res. 28. Weber, Wm. saloon. 30. Week bach & Co., store. 8:5. Weckbiich. J. V.. res. 8. Western Union Telegraph ofiice 47. White. F. E., res. C. Windham, R. office. 7. Windham & Davits, law office. 43. Wise, Will, ics. 4. Withers, Dr. A. T.. ns. Young, J. P. store. S. 'Huzzell, Manager. (P. Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cures BY ADHMISTEtiinQ DR. H AIRES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be atven in a cud of coffee or tea. or in ar ticles ol food, without the knowledge of the per son taluug it; u is absolutely narnuesa &r.a M ill effect a permanent ami Fpeedy eure, whether thepafientUa moderate drinkeroran alcoholic wreck. IT NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE a complete cure in every instance. 44 paire book PREE, Add rewin confidence. tOLDEfi SPECIFIC CO., 1 85 Race St, Cincinnati. 0. JULIUS PEPPERBERG. XLKCFACTUREU OF A'D AH0LEc A LE & RFTAI llWUUjiiUI- U. HLIHU DEALEH IN THli Choicest Bran Is of Cigars. including our Flor de Pepperbergo and 'Budf FUI,L LISli Q? TOBACCO AND SMOKEr' ARTICLE? always in stock. Nov. 2. 18S5. Z2 t Qft A MONTH can he male :3 f 9 O woriviii for lit. Aeiit p eferred t;!ii cm furnNIi .-i hoie and give i ;ielr wti-de lime t-- fie Ivis n-s. r-'pare tiu'in nt tu y be pi-o1 ablv er.ip'uyed stlto. A few aeancie in t-nvos uiii ci; I 4. B. K. JOHX- v &tn)..looo laii-t. U rlimoiiil, Va. iY. H. Ijulie eirtnlt,ucd .Vcwr mirul ahn:it .jfiJ i7 xtn-mp reply. Com: qwick. yours Jar Wz, li. J. & CO ness 6rS BIB fWIKE SCHfiELLBACHER, Wnon and lilnckstnith Kliop. Wiigoii, I5uy:gy, . Machine und Plow irsesfioemg A St iulty. Ih: list s tin: ft ii orM'slu c, tlie Iliht I lorsohoc fur tho Fiirintr, of for Fust l':'ivin ami (,'ity imrpcist it, ever iiivnitt tl. It is made ho Hiiyonc tan can put on i-hmpor (oiks iim needed for wet mid fclimuTv mud, or smooth lry rouds. Call nnd Exmninu these Shoes and you will have no other. J. M- Schnellbacher, 5th St., Platlsnioutli, Xch. Botert Donnelly's Waqon and Blacksmith Wagons, ISinniles, MMfli i.fs (,ii:rkly l.'epairetl ; jliiv Sharpened ami lieneral .lulitiiii (tone. Horseshoeing A Specially l.-.SK TilK Horseshoe, wliicli shaireiM llsel ' an if weari uw;iy. so theie Is never any :!ain.rer of your JIorsH slipping ami h ml inc ii e If . fall ami exrtii in I liiit : hoe I you will Have no oilier. lieht Shoe made. ROBERT DONNELLY SIXTH ST., - - PLATTSMOUTH E. C. SCHMIDT, (cuf.NTV ffiivi: vol:.) Civil EngHieoL" Surveyor and Draftsman Plans, Specifirations and Esti.nates, Mu nicipal Work, Maps A,c. PLATTSMOUTH. - - WED. J. II. E.iODJNS, .11. I). II H'tK M'ATill'J Physician Surgeon and Wus'iiiiNm Av"in. No. 80. I'll llllill l"i" U ...i Ll,l.- . .1 I t ,k lUI..l 4.1 i ' I C!iilitrn a sH'vii v. OtMc liourf tl to a. m. i. i -j tun i iv 4j jr in. C. F. SMiT H, The Boss Tailor M.iin S', Over .Merges' Shot; Store. Has thtj Went and most comph te Httick of sttmph.'K, hoth foreign and donn-Mi? woolens that ever came wt st of Missouri river. INote these prices: Uusint t-H uita from $l(j to dress suits, $2.r. to .4t. pants ?1, ?"t, .s:l..r;0 aiitl upwards. C3?"Win "ju'irantec a fit. -rices Defy ComDeiition. Dr. A. Marshall. Preservation of the Xatund Tcdh a Specialty. A u slln ties jivcn ftr Pain less Fim.ino on Etcthactio.n" ok Tki.ih. Artificial teeth niade on Jdd. Silver, Ruhher or Celluloid Plato, and iiucrtett as soon as teeth are extracted when do sire. 1. All work warranted, Prices reasonahte. irM;: tw''s Hi. h-.h. vTrs-ttrTii. Nkh B. r1. Tlrna Table. fiOIXO WK-T. Oi.l.N': KAS. N'o. 1. 9 :ofi a in. Ke. I :1I p. m. NT '. a.--C p. III. No. 4. T' :T a. IK. N'o, r- x a. pi. o. f; 7 -2 . 10 No 7. 7 :f-5 i. in. . o. . :0:00a. in. o.9 0:t0p. 111. No. 10. :) -.: t 4. in. AH tralnt run d iilv hy wav of 'naia. except N'o 7 a-id S whU'Ii ru.i t. aa-l fr:ti Sel.uiler daily except Sunday. K. B. Windham, John a. Davik.i, Notary Puldie. N'otary Public. IV t I I V II A t A V I i: , Office over !Unk of CaiCourify. pr-KTrsMouTii. '- Nehraska X 'l re ,i 7MS OLD r?EL!t2LE. B. A. M2HMAI1 k SON Wholrvtle Metall T'r.ier 1c it LUiVlDC Shingles, Lith, Sih, Doos-s.Bisnds. Can 3iip,)ly every demand of the trade Call an 1 ;;;t terms. Fourth street Io Rear of Otera Hou,c. - ;:,.-r-fc. I . m.- .. . y r y