The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 24, 1889, Image 4

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Tne Evening Herald.
A. Salisbury. I)ealt, Ilockwood Baildin,
Tulrphone .. Xi.
Dr. Wither, Irn tint, La Ion ISIork.
April 30, 18Sy, that's what most peo
ple are waiting for.
No. .". was so loaded with passengers
this morning that some were compelled
to stand.
The ladies of St. Luke's Sowing
society will meet at the home of Mrs. II.
K. Livingston tomorrow afternoon.
The two young meu arrested last
Saturday night for being drunk and dU
orderly, and fined and sent to jail, were
utilized today to clean the gutters on
Main street, by order of Mayor Itichey.
Iowa State Register: '"There has never
been better singing and acting in Dim
Moines than that given by the Bensberg
company at the Grand last night." This
company will be at the opera house to
morrow evening.
At a rueetisg of the firemen last
night all companies were instructed to
appear on the streets Tuesday, April 30,
at 1 p. in., with their hose carts and th
hook and ladder company, in charge of
their foreman, uniformed, to participate
in the grand procession.
An old rain was on the streets yes
terday with quite a tale to tell. xYcconl
ing to his story he has been living in
I'attawatamie count?, Kansas, and being
without support or money was trying to
reach relatives iu Casa county. Iowa. He
left Kansas a month ago to walk to his
destination and had got along all right
tiiis far. Besides his tale to tell he car
ried a valise.
If a person will just have patience
these windy days on the street when his
hat blows off and rolls down the street,
and does not chase it, it will surely come
back; as was demonstrated this morning
by the post office. The ht of a citizen
blew off ami led a race at the head of a
cloud of dust for the river. A small boy
just coming out of the bakery with his
arms full of bread, made a break for the
hat and after a hundred yard chase
captured it, and returned to find the
owner, to be praised for his fieetness on
foot, which satisfied him for his trouble.
Mr. E. Van Tuyl, tax agent of tli
B. & M. was in the city today, and left
with the county clerk, for his and the
county commissioner's use, a complete
list of all the real estate of the B. & M.
in this city. The lots were seperated in
to two lists, road bed and depot lots (not
taxable) and shops and other grounds
(or taxable). The company seems to
have always had trouble in the real es
tate assessments here. Some of the road
bed would be assessed, and some assessa
ble property would be left unassessed,
but this company's statement of their
property (given as a petition to the com
missioners) will secure proper assessing
of all lots, and be a handy reference.
M. A. Hartigan was in from Hastings
la.t night
Mrs. Harry Coolidge left this morning
for Columbus.
Nelson Sheffer, of Salt creek precinct,
was in the city today.
Mr. W. II. Miller returned this morn
ing .from a visit to Colorado.
Mrs. John Hinshaw left for Greenwood
this morning to visit relatives.
Mrs. S. P. Vanatta and daughter. Miss
Myrtle Lathrop, were visitors in Lincoln
C. E. Wescott is agent for Hunger's
Lauodry, Chicago. Washing sent and
received every Wednesday evenintr.
Bring in your washing and have it don;;
right, it costs no more than inferio
work. tf
Special prices in Ladies hose at J. V.
Weckbach & Son's.
"We will offer lor the next
the number ot One Hundred. Ciish payment on each .Lot 51U. .De
ferred monthly payments 5, with only 5 per cent interest.
This is the finest opportunity ever given in Plattsmouth to pur
chase cheap and desirable Ileal Estate. The fact that the city is
buildino- up for a full half mile south of the Park as well as both east
d west sides ot the addition is
handsome property.
Windham & Davies,
The Washington Centennial
One hundred years ago next Tuesday,
April JJO, George Washington, the first
president of the United States, was in
augurated. Every patriotic citizen feels
that the day should bo celebrated in a
becoming manner, therefore the commit
tee haying the matter in charge have con
cluded to have a street parade on that
day. It is hoped that every organization
of eyery kind in the city will turn out
and help to swell the ranks. All who
conclude to do so, will report to J. W.
Johnson, marshal of the day, on or be
fore Monday, the :29th day of April, for
The procession will form on Chicago
avenue right resting in front of Judge
Chapmau's residence. The line of march
will be as follows to-wit:
Northeast on Chicago avenue to Pearl
street, east on Pearl to Sixth street, north
on Sixth to Main street, east on Main to
Second street.counterinar chwest on Main
to Fourth street, north on Fourth to
Vine street, west on Vine to Seventh
street, south on Sayenth to Main street,
east on Main to Second street where the
collum will break ranks.
All parties will please take particular
notice that the bell will ring exactly at 2
o'clock p. m., which will be the signal
for all organizations to move promptly
out of their respective halls and inarch
directly to Chicago avenue, where they
will be assigned places in the collum as
they arrive on the grouud. The proces
sion will move exactly at 2:20.
tf Committee.
A Little Folks Concert.
Tomorrow evening, April 25th there
will be a little folks concert at the M. E.
church. Come out and hear the little
folks. The following is the programme:
Address of welcome Little Bertha Roe
Sou?. Uod wants the boys and fcirls Class.
Dialogue Master Callie Atwood and Grace
Who stole the nest Maud Parker.
Three Unit ' Mushrooms Keith a Kicbey
Eunice Davis and llan;lie Sulliv;iu.
S'.inij, Sisterly Love Lizzie and Anna Hodg
son. Dialogue Koch Riddle and Ethel Dutton.
Nontr. O Let Me Kiss the iiaby--Oracle
Orandma's Beau Anna Hodgson.
Sign the Pledg--Little Effie I'arker.
S'nsr, Sink to Me Kobia Jescie Niles
Old Maid in Character Lottie Cooper
Dialogue Tommy Chapman and Jiminie
song. Father's Growing Old nua, Stella
and Lizzie Hodgson.
Young America in Pinafore Jie Niles.
A Law Agin Ir, In character Clpra Green.
Which Shall it Be Lizzie Hodgon.
Song, Jolly Boot Black, in character Kocli
A Girl's Trouble Rosa Wintarsteen.
.lolly Sailor Boy Don Atwood.
I Told You So Anna Sullivan.
Song, Golden Dreams Lottie Cooper and
l-r.i Green.
The Children Hour Lizzie Kikenbary.
Riding in the'Cars Little Emma Cummins.
8necli by Little Edde Allis.
Song. Merry Summer Days Rosa livers.
The Two Dutchmen Jimmie Newell.
Sit'ig. Gra-e and Kinma uminiiis.
Entertaining Sister's Beau Little Ethel
Violin and Organ duet Bulah and Myron
Els.. n.
Closing Song Jessie Niles.
Doors open 7:30, programme begins at
8. Admission, 10 cents.
Cottonwood Items.
J icob Vallery, sr., has been very sick
for some time, but is reported better at
Geo. Rummel of Pacific Junction, la.,
visited his mother Sunday and paid his
respects to some of his most "Intimate"
friends also.
Rev. James Wood and family, of Min
nesota, brother of Mrs. Samuel Barker,
arrived at this place last week intending
to make it his permanent home.
Dr. Muter of Eight Mile Grove, was
called to attend the severe illness of Mr.
II. S.iyder, who has been ailing for some
Mary Stokes who has been lying very
sick at her sister's, Mrs. II. Creamer, has
sufficiently recovered to be taken to her
home near Plattsmouth.
Jacob R. Vallery, of Plattsmouth,
passed through this place last Friday.
Walter Propst commenced planting
corn Monday of this week.
Mr. nenry Ilirz is erecting a commo
dious dwelling which ho intends to make
his future home.
We highly appreciate the manner in
which our new minister, Rev. Carter, ad-
A Rare Opportunity to Purchase Desirable Lots.
Thirty days Lota in South Park to
steadily increasing tne vame oi mis
" 1 4jh Fzi P3 m m b n cssa
HEBBMAIlHlSf fcuiftL iRirl
Nouse-Keepers, Boarding
House Furnishings. .
As the House-cleaning time is now at hand Ladies should not for
get that we are headquarters for everything pertaining to inside House
Taped Lace Curtains 8 yds long, 41 inches wide, Guipure Iiordcr at $2.0( pair.
tf " " 41 " ' ' $2.00 p.,ir.
3i " r,l " $3.r,o pair.
-H u " 50 " " Fine Nottingham Net $8.5!) pair.
3J " " 00 " Wide Guipure Border 4.00 pair.
" . " 44 3 44 44 41) " Fine Nottingham Net f5.00 pair
Oriental Chenille Portiere's 3f yds long, 38 inches xv'uU at $7.50 a pair. These
come in combinations of Cardinal and Gold, Sapphire and Gold.
Oriental Chenille Portiere's 3 yds long, !s indies wide at $12.50 a pair. Com
binations of Cardinal with Sapphire, Gold with Sapphire.
Fancy Figured Cotton Plushes 25 cents a yard.
Large Line of Plain aud Fancy Scrims from lo to 2.1 cents a yard.
We carry a large and complete line of Fancy Dado Shades in all the latest col
ors with very handsome borders from 50 cents to 1. each.
Our Stock of Cornice Poles comprises Ebony, Cherry, Oak, "Wal
nut, and Brass with mountings in IJrass, Niclclo, lin.o and Wood.
Rrass Vestibule Rods with ends, Bracelets and King. to match. Brass
Drapery Chains, Brass Drapery Hooks, Hooks, Curtain
Pulls, Curtain Fixtures, Curtain Hods.
Largest Lmecf Carpets in the City.
Tapestry Brussels With Borders,
Body Brussels With Borders,
Velvet Brussels With Borders.
Moquettes With Borders,
Prod iBFfiMii! In liii Enl 1 s! lifl lul
- ' 1 aiwmiBfJT- M- u m
dressed th people of this place Sunday
April 14th.
J. W. and P. J. Vallery have b.-en
shelling their corn the past wek with
their steam shellcr and delivered it at
M. L Ruby purchased a fine registered
Heiford from S. II. Atwood last Wcvk.
Dan Draper was severely kicked by
a vicious young horse last week, Friday.
Mrs. Geo. Ruby has gone to visit re
latives in the vicinity of Greenwood.
Sunday school was well attended at
this place last Sabbath, fifty scholars were
Mr. Madison and family, of Manley,
visited with Peter Jensen and family
ver Sunday.
Andrew Snyder visited at Martin
Propst's Sunday. Hayseed & Co.
Free Clinic.
On Sunday and Wednesday of esch
week between the hours from one to three
p. m. a free clinic will be held at my
office in Union Block at which time the
worthy poor will be examined and pre
scribed for free of charge.
tf Alfred Shipmax, M. D.
Don't buy Wall Paper or Paints until
you see our stock and prices, we can
please you in quality, selection and prices,
d-w-lm -Will J. Warrick.
Dr. Alfred Shipman or his assistant Dr.
M. A. Shipman, may be found at their
office in Union Block at all hours of th
day or night, tf.
If yon are not a freeholder
excuse, bare hair the money you usually expend each month and sip
ply it on a Lot. If yon desire a pleasant home in the future invest
now. If you wish to build this season buy a Lot in bouth Park arid
have money furnished you with which to build. If you will, make
your home in South Park you will he convenient to y;ood schools. It
you wish pleasant neighbors make
Ingrains, Etc. j
"L'tc'alr" at McCauly's.
The Bensberg opera company scored
another success at McCauley's last night
in the production of Ilalevy's famous
old opera, 'L'Eclair." The music is of
a brilliant difficult character, requiring
highly-trained vocalists for its adequate
rendition. Miss Bessberg. as Henrietta
Miss Engel as Darbel, Mr. David as Lio
nel, and Mr. Knight as George, formed a
cast of unusual strength. -Louisville Post.
At the opera house tomorrow evening.
Prices, 35, 50 aud 75cents.
Still In tha Ring.
I have purchased and moved to the
Riddle House barber shop and combined
mv chairs to those of thnt shop anil am I
amply prepared to do all tonsorial work,
dlw Ed Morlet. Barber.
An Ordinance
For the protection of curbing and siilewalks
in ihe Ittry of Plattsm utli.
lie it ordained by the Mayer and Council of the
t;ity : nattmoutii i
Section l. That it shall be un'awf ill for any j
person t ride or drive over or upon any cm It- i
stone curbing oridevalk within the city of
Klattxinouth witli any aoima .team or ve-iicle. j
or to move buildings over fame without firt j
brideinir. except at the entrance to alleys when j
the same shall be bridged or have proper sross !
walk of t wn-incli plank. I
Sk 2. Any person violating the provi.s on !
of this Ordinance shall "e guilty of a misde
meanor and upon conviction shall be lined in a i
xiiiii not less than five dollars nor ni re than
nftv dollar.
Sue. 3. This Ordinance
t shall be in force and
Its passage, approval ,
priI22nd. A. !., 1RS9. j
take eff ot from and alter
and publication.
Passed and approve d Apr
8EAI.1 F. M. Kichkv, Mayor
Attest : V. K. Fox, City Clerk.
you ought to be, and there is no
your home in South Park.
imm I
F 1 ' .
yi mm
House and Hotel Keepers.
jl lies
5S inch wid - Tukey I Jed,' Pi' t Colors, nnlj 35 cents yard.
m " wide Turkey Red Absolutely Fast Colors, 50 cents yard, worth CO.
5s " vidn Rest Imports) Turkey Red, 75 cents, worth 5.
52 " wide Nubl- ached Loom Diee only 25 cents yard, worth
51 " " " ' " i xlr:. quality, onl y 35 c lit s yard.
5'i " " Cream Dumas!: gocd value, u I) n gain nt !") cents a yard.
5'i ' " ' extra ralue. go d pattern-, at 50 cents a ytird.
."s " " " " very line and a bargain at. 5 cents a yard.
5(J " " Cream witli Red Horder at 45 n(s a yard wMh 50.
5G " ' ' ' " (f) cents a yard, good value.
5S " " ' " " r;r, cents n 'yard, worth 75.
5J " " Rlack Satin Danmsk at (id cents ,i yard', worth 75.
5H ' " ' " nt 70 yard, well worth $1.
) ;' " ' " ' at ( hea-i at 1.25.
Full Stock of Xajikins and D-iylics at Low J'lices. Our Kntiro
Stock ot Matched Sets in Table Linens worth from $7.o0 to $0.00 re
duced to 85.00 a Sett.
The best Bargains in Towels ever a Horded in the city.
To those who have not t:dc n
in D
Goods and Gloves we sh'al!
week lonrrer,
Do not forget that we are sell iii. 1 Butfon Simpson's Best, 5
Button Bon Marche, and b Button Hon .Marche Suedes at the Very
Low Ptice of 51.11) a air, wortli almo.-t double.
Double Fold I )tc: s Suitings at 27 cents a yrd, worth .'35.
80 inch Albwool Snitimrs, LT. diiTeivnt colors, at olc, worth 50.
JO inch Ali-wool Bed Fern Suitings at o0 ct.;., worth 05.
These Goods come in all the .New Spring Shades and Mixtures,
and at those figures are a decided I
Hand -Turned
I fig
K ?l 19
si. a
If you live in the country and intend oii-e u iv to move to the
city, buy a Lot now while it is cheap.
You can save money by investing It in South Park. Ilciom,
ber that this lovely addition to Plattsmouth is no longer a i eul-itionL
AVhether you wi,h to purchase or not il yuH will call on Wind
ham & Davies you will be hown this part of tliu city free of charge
Bank of
Tin Li
and Grloves !
y Low J rices
w v
continue the Pale on
them one
rfzr-. r-jy r
Ft D.I