The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 24, 1889, Image 3

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n-artrrrr r mi
Our lew Goods are Daily Arriving1 and Our Departments are again
Very Complete.
APRIL 22nd
W Id
3 j
s&U &lsnp2e sibcS IPancy SBse H&5igBiaiai& even9 KDaow Ssa iSai city. We will jjirve yon I&airjEttaEaM Mca
sail l&5ssrtMiEits. Ssa MiSaisaery E&res.4 od, Motions, UParfisol, E&8tofoGMM5 GEsasBd-
l&rcl&feif&. Triinmins:N Cornets. TDnderweiaE-. Dffosicry. 4llove ILieicbis and E5EaaelSei ai
all kindK. We ieivite tlie lisadis to call ffiw we will give prices tli&t will-save ya saasaey.
SDoEfl'fc jail to see oar lew Siae i CABftDJE3T&.
I may not spreik In words, dear, but let my words
tx flown-.
To tell their crimson seen In loaves of fragrant
They Ii-ail for s:iiili-: ami kisses as summer flelda
flH" shott'lM,
And erery purple veinlet thriita v.-illi exquisite
O lei ni" see tlio glance, dear, the gltam of soft
c r 'S-.ii iti
You Kve i:iy amorous roses for the tender Lope
tlu-V prove;
And pn-ss their Iv art leaves back, love, to drink
their dit-per passion.
For tlieir sweetest, wildest perfume is the
hi.-pcr or luy luve
3Iy roses Iiit. pleading, all thu fondness and
AH the Innaim; of a heart that reaches thirsting
for it lii
Ar:'1--l her. ruses, my lipsand eysa.iv lyin
For the n:t-lt in;; of her lovelm ;; ani .t!-e rapture
of her Ui.-vH -John Uoyle O'lteilly
fTbis story was told tne by a. young
medical Minleiit just over from Paris.
You may believe it if you want to; 1
don't think I !' myself. L. S. J
V wen silting at t lie? cafe, he said,
one evening lat summer ainl discussing
( lie new law ia t!ie state of New York
!'or the ('.iri;;i'i!i of criininaU ly elec
tricity. There were thn-e of us, all
nieilieal fitipU tits, who were putting in
time at the hospitals at I'aris. We held
ditTerent opinions on the subject and
were Ii.-ci!.--in,4 it rather warmly, when
a tall yoitp", man who been sitting;
it a tabl. near us roso ami fame over to
ivhere we
.( -nt letiien." he said, "I have leen
Jisv.rin, to part of your conversation
jmd am very ::r.i !i hiterested in the sub
ject wbicb yen were discussing. I have
.looii been i.i I 'ari.s for three months and
J intend to leave the city to-morrow. 1
mjded to e, -.y way of the Seine. In
tbei" words. jviUlenien. I proposed to
coiiimil After what I have
heard you ,iy I have lecn convinceil
tliat this would be a waste of valuable
.material. 1 therefore iflFcr myself to
r;i. gentlemen, to Ik. ext-eutetl by elec-t'.ru-if
v r to have any of the experiments
v-vhic-U cti pro; tried uikj:i me as hwjg
aa lh.! rimeiit will result in a sjieedy
.mil puiiil-t!i. I am not particular
as to the method 3'ou use or .to any plan
von may try u;xn me a U:'.g as it in
volve 8 no extra Mttrerinj to myself. 1
?cf.fess I do not at all look with pleasure
Jovtiifd the committing of suicide by
throwing mys lf iato the river, it seems
a waste ' i;ood material and it is so ab
surdly couv-tKio:ial. Therefore, if you
will take my offer, I am at your dis
os;il.' We kxiked at the youngr man with
nstoTifc;hment. I know that I (sought he
was j,;ly insane, and the otiitio
doubtleo I..V-1 ih( same opinion. 1 had
a glimmerii:f an idea that it might be
a "practical joua .of some kind, whose
joint I was unable Viee.
"Cenr.eiaeu." continued tho young
rnan. "if you have no objections I will
join your group, that we may cisrus
the matter at our leisure. Please fill up
vour g!:i.-ses. gentlemen, and drink with
"You say you havelieen in Tar is three
months. Are you studying anything?
"No. I'm studying nothing; I am hero
ffor treatment."
irJ what is your idea that is, what
i t!ie jnv-son that you projxse the act
v. ht.h vou v;JJ i of? Financial diflicul-
lf tiiat i the case we might ue
ti lii-ln vo:l OVlt.'
No. my iinnnces if nil right, and
ren:ir.. me 1 know i. meuicai
ent is t:.'t ttr well ilostu fvitli
it,; -vorld'a l-oo.Is. If the eiptinitw.
vhi h on propose to conduct costs morw
3 ban voj ihink yoa would like to siend.
vou niav rfrsitt' n my bank account to
whatever -xte:t troa desire. There is
t.i iviiDin I fi-;h in particular to
li-'1 " . .
leave what jnoney 1 shail have to leave
lind. and fo tf it will lieij y.u any m
i i
err-criinei.t. i:sy casii as weii .s
mvsetf is at .ispotv-:I.
"Are vo-.i f;i!!y determined on suicide?"
..-r rt'iialy. I made up my mind to itu
Txr koe. "You see. I am alllicied with
ai iiii. uml ! i:i fact my case and
that of th h:c crown prince are very
similar. I hav .eeii t!ie best specialists
in l-'i-ance and Gefi'taisy and they offer
rii no hope. I have no ,d -"ire to linger
2. 'V4- - 1 ''-avo no intentions x,f dying a
Tin Yl" ath- The mjnient 1 ia.ttil
r.i I "Virti -it my malady was incurabb i
jcsoIvp-4 to Av.vniait suicide, and I ca:j
see rothirig tl-t would iaduce me to
h i -;tlut intention. "ow, gentlemen,
ro i will j.robablv desire i.i have some
.'ciivfrs:jv,a tether alxiut thi
wbi--!i 1 presume you will loot
U1u jis so::iewlat extraordinary, and if
aou wiJJcive in.tho address of one of
you, or if you win meet me nero to
morrow morning 1 shall keep any ap
Miintment that you choose to make. My
time is entirely unoccupied, and one
place of meeting is as convenient for me
as another."
I gave him the address at which I
lodged, and asked him to call the next
day at about 11 o'clock. With that he
bade us "Good-by" in a very gentlemanly
manner, and paying his bill to the waiter,
disappeared duwn tho boulevard.
"Well, boys," said Brown, "do you
think ho is ia earnest?"
"1 don't know, I am sure," I said. "It
seems to me ho has some kind of practi
cal joke to work on us, but I hardly see
what his object would be. It is well
Known that medical students never com
mit practical jokes on anybody else, and
i therefore fail to understand why he
should want to try a practical joke on
"lie might find it rather a serious prac
tical joke," said Smith, "if he once got
into our c lutches. Perhaps the quickest
way of killing him would be to undertake
to cure his trouble."
"If he"s in earnest," said Brown, who
was the most serious of our party, "sap-;.o.-:a
that we arrange an interview be
iuvj:i him and our professor? lie will
Ull us ;:t once whether his throat
tioable is incurable or not. If it is in
caiable. I. for my part, think it no
harm in assisting tho young fellow to
. ti ry out his design. It would be, as he
nays, a wiiste of valuable material it' he
threw himself into tho Seine and were
fished out 1)3 some waterman and taken
to the morgue."
"Very well," I said, "we can arrange
with our professor to call up at my
rooms at 1 1 o'clock to-morrow, and then
he will examine the young man and if
he still persists in his intention I propose
that we take him at his word."
"Certainly." answered Brown. "Now
the fault that I have with the proposed
method of execution is not that it will
not kill a man quick enough, but that
the appalling preparation adds, in agony
to the death which makes it quite as ob
jectionable as hanging. It is projor.ed
that the victim shall take his place upon
a reclining chair and that a band cf
copper shall le placed around his temples
and another around his throat, and thes?
bands shall be attached to sponges sat
urated with a solution of zinc, ar.d that
each band shall le connected with the
diiTerent wires that communicate with
the dynamo. Now, I maintain that it
will take an appalling time to have it
adjusted as it will be necessary to adjust
it. Although 1 have very Utile sym
pathy with the criminal, yet jou must
admit that the amount of agony which
he will spend in that reclining chair,
with two or three doctors a round him
idjusting this cumbersome apparatus,
will equaj a life time of ordinary torture.
What i pro;f)se is this: there can be ar
ranged i:i a room eerta;r, inetaj lie orna
ments or other fixtures that can te
charged with electricity: and t'.ie victim
on touching one of these will be killed
instantly and without the torturing of a
Song wait during cumbersome adjust
ment. What do you think of that?"
"Very veii, then." 1 said. "Brown,
you make all the arrangements for the
execution; manage it your own way.
Smith and I will see the young man to
morrow with the professor, an I if there
is a'soluteIy no hope for him, and if he
continues in tho state of oiind ho is to
dav, whv, then we will be ready for
At 11 o'clock the next morning the
professor was in my room waiting for
his patient. A few minutes after the
hour the young man entered. The mo
ment lie did so the professor recognized
"Ah, he 'Tou have returned
from Germany?"
"Yes, answered the young man, .'.'J
have returned. I have also been in Ens
land. All tho physicians I have seen
aree with vou in the diagnosis of the
Tho professor shook his head and
spoke sympathetically to the yoang man.
"You sail) ,tp know each other," said
I to tho professor.
"Oh, yes." answered that gei.tlema.-a.
"Mr. Stevens did me the honor of call
ing on mo as soon as he arrived in Paris.
Unfortunately I could give him no hope,
but advised hinyfo consult other special
ists. loth in Germany and in England."
With this the professor left us.
"Your name is Stevens, then?" I said
to iiv VOUH2 man.
-Yes, Uud homo is Now York.
Have you gone b., "urther with the
matter which I proposed ye:CLijy?'
"Well, my friend. Mr. Brown, has that
in charge, and 1 presume he v. ill wish to
seo if you stUl persist in your int-.-r-tion."
-ilv.deur .6ir, of course . I persist; in
race i iook upon myserr a3 a tiead man.
1 expected to have committed saiiciue be
fore this time: perhaps last night, prob
ably this morning. All I ask isthut tht re
shall be as little k.-lay as possible, and
that I shall know nothing whatever of
tho arrangements."
"Very good then. Supposing we say
lo-morrow at 11 at tin's place':"
"Thank you. Now as a ttiken of my
earnestness I wish to leave you t'.dscheek.
Ask Mr. Drown to see that ev.-ryihing is
done properly, so that there will be no
mistake. iJon't spare money. 1, in par
ticular, am anxious for complete success."
Next morning by 11 we !;::; ;.ll ar
rangements completed. Brown h;:d taken
a room next his own, whi-h was unfur
nished as far as carpet w;:s e ::ct ri.ed.
the floor being the tis::al p:-!i..he(! floor
of the Pari.-ian lodging room i:i the Latin
quarter. Brown had attached the elec
tric wire." t.) the gas fixtures which de
pended from the ceiling i:: the center of
the room, so arranged that if a man
touched the fixture at any point, or at
tempted to light the ,as. he would re
ceive the strongest shoek of electricity
ihat it was possible for f,!ie dynamo
company of Paris to supply.
Mr. Stevens came up at 11 o'clock.
Ve asked him if he would have tiny ob
jections to occupying this room, which
.vas next to that of Mr. Brown't,?
He replied that he was perfectly at
ur disposal, and said that !:e would be
ready to occupy the room by - o'clock
.hat afternoon.
At o'clock Brown turned on the
electricity so that we could watch the
lone tenant of the room as we next
to the wall t:i Brown's room through
holes made for that pur;ose. Brown
kept bis hands upon the sn itch, so that
.f any on 3 else entered the room he
would lie ready at a moment to turn off
the current. We watched with palpitat
ing hearts for an hour. Stevens was
reading by the window. As the evening
grew darker he put down his book and
sat looking out the window for a few
minutes; then he arose, whistling an air,
went to the match safe and struck a
match, which he held in his lingers un
til it flared up, n::d lighted lliJ loom,
then he reached up to turn on the gas.
The next moment he was a heap upon
the floor. We rushed in and found hi;n
quite dead. The electrical appliances
were removed and a coroner failed i:i.
The verdict was that the young man had
died from a stroke of apoplexy. Luke
Sharp i.i Detroit Free Press.
r-:r.Ksf::i ef l'et ici:!!i.
Experiment.: made rince tho late ex
ploijn of a pi tivleum vesse l i;i a I -Tench
iiurbor tho v. that u mixture of cue part
of petroleum va;.er tj live or less of air
cloi'J r.ut explode. With t,i. parts of ;ur
llie mixture is feeo.y explosive, v.uii
t. even to twelve pans violently s j. v. i.h
sixteen pa: is feeUiy e::pl;..i ve. cud wIlIi
twenty parij j : ir is r.ot ILi.'iy t ex
ploie. ..ew icrk Telegram.
A Kassars.' V.xV..
At a recent begguis' ixiil in Vienna
llicre were 5,000 persons present, all ia
.K.'ggars' costume. The mere beggarly
tho cooCuma the greater the appLuso
reeted it, and at tho close a pri::e
ded to the
:.iljudg'.d to have iuade tho tuoit stucts:;
.ul Lit in cuttuuio i.v. A ii'.a:t::.r. A p. :
,u who c;iriOL'...u,cd well ii!i.-wj t.;.-..-.o
In tho Social Swim.
"Do you think the Bible commends
society, Mr. Boody House?"
"Well, Miss CYiUIrtgwood, I don't ex
actlj' know," stammered Boody House,
who had forgotten it was Lent, "but I
guess it does."
;In what part?"
"Well, now, I can't tell exactly.-but I
think along in Noah's time most every
ne was in the swim." Toledo Blada.
Enough of sobs, oue's ears was dull
With to.) ruiicli tuuo Let sileneo lull
Us into peace we are too sad
To care for mournful airs or plad.
We crave hut stillness vast an ! strong.
We're weary now enough of sori-j
Enough of work what profits toil?
The fates our hest endeavors foil,
Tis useit ss eliiiihinj; up the height,
Ai)d eseJess battiini; for the rilit
When hidden foes fa 'aiu()iisb lurk.
We're weary now enoiigl) of wpik.
Eno:ih of love it tires the heart.
It poisons with its painful dart:
One sickens of the sweets it brings.
For they but cover seneiit Klines
The Iki1:ii of heaven can scarce remove.
We're weary now enough of love.
Enotipli of life, we cry. enough
The elements have been too rouh.
Our s!iis of sea have all In-en wreckevl.
The waves of time with tears are tiecked.
Give cs cessation of this utrifo
We're weary now e-.ouph of life.
Susio M. Best ia Homo Journal -
,; : l . . .
.; :. i -.oisi- i m v. ..; . . !
: tii;:'!ii v. ,e oVel '.iiilt words ii
.::!.;! a fe'.v I. -Her:;. t:nd t!i! I i gen
dxiie heio: '.) i el, icU I I i : :e tyi l
ig? Ten o'clock every evi niir; finds m
..i bed. ;:::.! Ii o'clock each morning I an
:t lay de;d:. "' man whose proles.-io:.
ii d.iti s dctnau-l considerable mental
work should allow biai.-velf less thai:
-even hours' sleep, aiei ii' he occasionally
takes eight or nine- the overdose wil;
have ii.: serious elFect. There are per
son--. I know, who v. iil t' 11 you that they
can and have performed what seemed
i.o them their Liest work by gas or lain;
i ,!st. Why do they say s.o? Simph
.K ceuse they have never lasted of th
sweets of tho early morning hours. .W
ouecan understand the inspiration whic!
the first hours if the morning bring l(
his literary work until he lias been un
der its influence-. What outdoor exer
cise do I recomond? Healthy exercise o:
all kinds. With me the saddle is a sou ret
of the most thorough delight, and to my
daily indulgence of a long distance gal
loii 1 attribute much of the goou health
which now allows me to perform my
work with a clear brain and a steady
hand. IndiaV.apolis News.
"I'olice" a New Word In I T3.
The word police has made many bold
attempts to get a footing. 1 have seen i:
more' than oncestrongly recommended in
the papers, but as neither the word nor
the thing itself are (is) muc h understood
in London, 1 fancy it will require a con
siderable time to bring it into fashion,
perhaps from an aversion to the ITench.
from whom this word is borrowed, and
something, under the name of police,
being .already established in Scotland.
English prejudice will not soon be recon
ciled to it. Not long ago at a bagnio in
Covent Garden, en my complaining of
semie imposition, 1 was told by a fair
North Briton that it was the regular es
tablished police of the house. This. 1
own, is the only time I have heard it
used in polite company; nor do I believe
it has yet made any considerable prog
ress, except in the newspapers, beyond
the purlieus of Covent Garden. GSeon
omy. patriotism, adequateuess, privi
lege, and a few other such like words,
have lately had their run, but now we
hear no more of them. I should not won
der, bow-ever, if in a month's time they
should ail come about again in rotation,
at the polite cad of the town. British
Magazine, 17G3.
A Mule Wearing IJreeelies.
I came across an instructive? noto in a
recent supplement to ti catalogue of the
Boston Athenaum which interested me
as sho ving that there are some places in
the world where it is not necessary to
get up societies for the prevention of
cruc lty to animals. The reference is to
the Canary islands, where C. Bdwardts
saw in tke town of Tacaronte a sjiectacle
which appealed to his risibilities as well
as to his sympathy. It was a mule
"walking up tht street utu demure pace
hi two pairs of sackclcth breeches." Thi
muleteer, observing the ustonishmeut .;
the touriot, hastened to explain to hix
the reason for this devotion to an aniiur.I
of the habilimenta of sinxa::. "It is be
cause of the Hies, senor, the cursed iiies.'
and the smile of sympathy wizh which
iae remark was tuaile left r.o doubt o;
its tincerity. Boston IVst.
A Slight Mistake.
One of our popular young men, wish
ing to accompany one of our sweetest
young ladies to church on last Sunday
night, wrote her a note. She replied
what the reply was we don't know and
handed it to the dusky bearer, who, on
his way back, "took the liberty of licking
the envelope and sealing it up. On
reaching the room of the young man he
was met by Juddie Pilcher. who seized
j the note, scanned it for a moment, then
placed the side which had been sealed
up to his lips ami impressed upon it a
fervent kiss, remarking at the same time,
"She sealed this up." A broad smile
J played over the little darky's face as he
i replied, "No. sir, lioss, I sealed dat letter
j up." Warrenton (Ga.) Clipper.
A Professional Appeal.
Tho following letter was received by a
i physician from a man, whom he knew.
practicing medicine ajf.esu ing counsel
"dear Dock 1 have a poshunt whos phy
sical bines shows that the windpipe has
ulcerated off and his lungs have drop
down into his stoniick i havej;iven byni
everry thin without efect her fatlier Is
welthy hoiiable and intluetishal as be is
member of assembly and god nose i don't
want to loose hym whSl nhall 1 do arts
by returu male. Yours frat." Medical
Btuhl Jos.
Bank of Cass county.
Beeson, A. res.
" " oflicc.
Bennett. L. D. ttere.
" " res.
Bonner stables.
Brown, W. L. office.
" " res.
Uallou, O. II. res.
B. & M. tel. ofliee.
B. & M. round house.
Blake, John saloou.
Bach, A. grocery.
Campbell, 1). A. res.
Chapman, S. M. res.
City hotel.
Clark, T. coal ollice,
Clerk district court.
Connor, J. A. res.
County Clerks oflicc.
Covell, Polk Beeson, oflicc.
Cox, J. K, res.
Craig, J. M. res.
Critchfield, Bird res.
Cummins & Son, lumber yard.
J. C. farm.
Cook, Dr. office.
Clark, A. grocer store.
Chirk, Byron oflicc.
Cummins, Dr. Ed., office.
District court ollice.
Dovey & Son, store.
Dovey, Mrs. George res.
Emmons, ,J. II. Dr. office and res.
First National bank.
Fricke, F. G. & Co., drugstore.
Gleasou, John res.
Goos hotel
Gering, II. drugstore.
" res.
Dudley, dray and express.
Hehald ollice.
Holmes, C. M., res.
Ilatt & Co., meat market,
lleinple ec Troop, store.
Hall, Dr. J. II., ollice.
Holmes, C. M., livery stable.
Hall Tc Craig, agrieulturul imp.
Jones, W. D., stable.
Journal office.
Johnson Bros., hardware store.
Johnson, Mrs. J. F., inilliuery.
Johnson. J. F., res.
Klein, Joseph, res.
Kr ius, P., fruit and confectionery
Livingston, Dr. T. P., office.
Livingston, res.
Livingston. Dr. Ii. K . office.
Manager Waterman (JpcrH House.
Ic(, P., store.
McMaKeii, If. C, res.
Murphy. M. 14., store.
Murphy. M. U., ivs.
Mc3i kt-n, ice ofliee.
Minor, J. L., res.
MeVey. saloon.
Moore,L.A.. res. and floral garden
Neville. VVin., res.
Olliver & Ihtinges. meat market
Olliver Si liauige slaughter house.
Pub. Tel. Station.
Palmer . II. E. res
Petersen Bros., meat market.
Petersen, lb, res.
Polk, M. D., r. -s.
Patt-rson. J. M , res.
Iliddle house.
Uitchie, ll-iny.
Schiidkneclit, Dr. ofiice.
Shipmau, Dr. A. ofliee.
" " res. '
?ho waiter, AV, C. ojl'jce.
S gins, Dr. E. L. res.
" lliee.
S'reigh0. M. stable,
Fmith.O. P. drug store.
Skinner & Bitchie, abstract and
loan of lice.
Sberm m, C. W. ofliee.
Todd, Annul res.
Troop fc It-mple, store.
Thomas. J. W. Summit Garden.
Water Works, o'iice,
Wp.ter work", pump house.
Wangh. S. res,
Weber, Wm. saloon.
Weckbach & Co.. store.
Weckbach. J. V.. res.
Western Union Telegraph office.
White. F. E.. res.
Windham. Ii. B.. office.
Windham & Davids, law office.
Wise, Will. n.
Withers, !. A. T., rep.
Young, i. P.. store.
. ' S. Bczzkll, Manager.
2 s.
o o
4 .
.;;; schhellbrcher.
Wagon and Blacksmith Shoji.
MiichiHCinid Plow
M n i r- n n t n 3 &
A Specialty. Ib; uses the
Horseshoe, the B -st Hor-'esli ie for tho
Farmer or for F i-L E.xving t:nd City
purposes, ever invented. It is made ko
anyone can can juit on sharp or flat corks
as needed for wet and slippery roads, or
smooth dry roads. Call and Ex-imino
these Shoes and you will h ive no other.
j. M-Schneilbacher,
5th St., Plattsmouth, Neb.
Eobrt Donnelly's
Wagon and
W;iyons. l;i!''!-irs, Maehuifs 'pi'clviy I.'epahvd ;
I'l.nv!" s!i.'irji"'ir ! an" ;:lnr:U
.lein i'ir Doiie.
Korseshoemg A Specialty
1 i sk Tiir
turn v ojuJ V mlJ '4. rX& n
Iforfl-fchoe. wlii' ll s!im; ' lis i! d' si- it v.faiH
sway, so tlieie in iji-ver any :'.;r.i"c:- i.i your
llorsf sUppin:; anil liiiil in ii-elf. :tll
anl exaiiiin- Hi1 sImi" :uel yci will
Have uoiitluT. l;e-t blur: mai!'!.
For"rtin-(lown." dphilitnterl an'l overwnrkel
women, Jr. 1'ieree's l'avorits l'rf-HTiption is
the best of all restorative tonic. Jt is a poU-rit
F pacific for all thosp ('hronic Wrakii'-sseg and
Liiseasea peculiar to Women: a powert ul. gen
eral as wi.-ll as uterine, tonic and n'rviri(. it
imparts vior and strop trt h to tho whole 6yFt-in.
It prompt If cures weaknr-fts ot FOii:aeh.iia'.Jse:i,
indiirestion. Moatinir, weak l-:.-k, 111-rvoiis iro8
tration.dehility nni sl'-'-plessney, in -il Iktm-x.
It is carefully compounUeil tiy an e.xpei leneeij
phypician. nnj fl;ipi.e'l to woman's delicate
organization. I'urely vepetnlilf" and pfilectly
hainin ?s in any condition of the tvntem.
u 11 1 in 1 1 'lavorilo I'rtncrln.
I fUlBaM'Trn I t'" i the only mcilicinn
I I If AnnriiLu.I for women, rdd iv druiw-ts.
iimlcr u positive guar
antee of satisfaction in every rase, or price
(Sl.efl) refunded. This fc'unrantee hn l-eri
printed on the liotl le-wrappi.T, and lu'thfully
curried out for mnny vc;ns.
i-'or lar"-. illustrated Ti t sit on Ttivaona of
Women (IiJO patr, v-ith full direct inns for
Immo-troiitmenti. M-nd t-n cents in HHmm.
Addresa, Wom.p'a Iishk.vsa RV MmJCt
XbaociATiON. 'M y.nin Street. BulTulo, N. T.
C. F. SM i TH,
The Boss Tailor
.Main S'., Ovor M..-r--s' Khoe Store.
Has Hie best and tnot complttc stock
of samples, both foreign and domestic
woolens ever car.w of Missouri
river. Xutc thf ; pi ic -s: Business suits
from to :J."5. dress suit.-, -i'i" to !4.',
pauts I, !f0, 0. 50 and upwards.
"Wiil gaararite'i p. fit.
Prices Def Comontilion.
(COL'NTV SI. It VI-'. V Oil,)
Civil Engineer
Surveyor an-J Draftsman
Plans, Specifications and Est unites, Mu
nicipal Work, Maps
Physician I Surgeon
Tii-" nnd rr"-ide e.irner of Si venth street
aad Wa'iin tti .Vvt-rni. Te'f"d!;)p No. so.
'iiron'o D n u'- a id i isei of Wnmcu aid
"liildrin Htfi-i.V.ty. Ollice hoar, 9 U toiuiu.
2tD5aiid;ui)p. :u.