The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 24, 1889, Image 2

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    The Plattsmouth Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
In published every evening except Sunday
and Weekly every Thursday morning. Begls
tered at the iostofllce, 1'iattemouth. Nebr.. .
second-clan matter. Office coruer of Vine and
Fifth streets. Telephone No. 38.
One copy on ear In advance, by mall.. ..$6 00
One copy per month, ly carrier 50
One copy per week, by carrier 15
One oopy one year. In advance
One copy six niontn. in advance
.$1 50
Proverbs bold tbe wisdom of nations.
Substantially they are the same in all
nges. The aphoristic sayings of Solomon
are repeated in Egypt, Arabia, Ilindoo
Btan and the Inlands of the sea. They
commend honor, justice, industry and
virtue. Proverbial sayings are the com
mon coin of the world and pass from
one generation to another. The tones of
the learned perish, but the pithy utter -ancts
are immortal.
"England expects every man to do his
duty," "Don't give up the ship,"
"We've met the enemy and he is ours,"
"The king never dies," with other ap
horistic sayings will live while history
endures. But it was left for our own
generation and our own great county of
Cass to produce the greatest and grand
est proverbial condensation of wisdom
and beauty ever crystalized by the mind
of mortal man, and Harry Race, the ac
complished editor of the Weeping Water
Eagle, is that mortal man. Here is his
grat proverbial utterance: "The people
of Plattsmouth are acting the hog in
elegant shape."
' The editor of this paper rises to ask
why is the wisdom of Solomon lauded
to the skies when we have a man in
Weeping Water who can produce such
wisdom and still no person but the edi
tor of this paper, is sounding his praises.
Prohibition was defeated in Massa
chusetts Monday. The result is not a
surprise. In any community where the
population largely resides in cities and
villages such an outcome is to be ex
pected. The population of Massachus
ctts is more largely in cities aud vi.laget.
than any state in the union, save perhaps
Rhode Island. When one comes to con
sider all the conditions the wonder is net
that prohibition was defeated in Massa
chusetts but that it should have received
so many votes. A small state almost
surrounded by states haying license laws
it would not matter much how well the
laws were enforced, provided prohibition
had carried, there would have been little
d'fficulty in obtaining liquor from the
cities and towns in adjacent states. In
deed this cause more than anything else
has produced the trouble with enforcing
the law in Rhode Island. Trains were
run with reference to accommodating
persons who might want to procure
liquor in cities and towns outside the
state. So that in this way the object ol
the law was defeated and this led to a
lack of enforcement in that state just as
in Nebraska in license times it is a notor
ious fact that a great deal of intoxicating
liquor is sold in drugstores by the drink,
jet comparatively little attention is paid
to it for the reason that it is not generally
considered that drunkenness is thereby
increased as that all the liquor desired
could be obtained at the licensed places
should the drug stores be compelled to
.obey the law.
Then another reason that cG&liib.utcd
to tUe defeat of prohibition in Masi
ebusett as pointed out in dispatches to
the press, was the vote of the farmers
who have orchards and are in the habit of
.making a good many pennies out of cider
each year. For it must be conceded that
the pucketbook is a pretty strong factor
witn tke average American. InXebak
however, conditions are entirely different
from Massachusetts aud many other
eastern states. Here the papulation in
stead of being largely in cities is largely
in the country. Farmers are not engaged
in making cider, and hence their pocket
book would not be affected in that way.
.It is not claimed by sensible men that the
Adaption or rejection of prohibition
Tel.rjska is h"oing to affect the price ui
grain; o no appeal can be made to the
arming community to vote against pro
hibition on the grounds of self interest.
So oar whisky friead need not delude
themsives by thinking that because pro
hibition was defeated in Massachusetts It
wi.ll be defeated in "Nebraska. Iowa a;ul
J 14 3-4 arc instances more nearly in
point. .In population etc., they are very
similar tt Nebraska; and not stopping to
argue at this ttcie whether or not prohi
bition prohibits ia those states, at lenst
this fact will be conceded, that no effort
is making or em be made wkU y how
of success looking to the repeal of pxQ-i
hibition. Every move in tbe legislation
tVere is in the direction of the enacting
of stronger laws and the republican par-1
ity which is solely responsible for this, is
imorc-strongly intrenched in power, if
, possible, than ever before juding from
he resale of the late elections. The ,
claim that prohibition injures in a bus
iness way is not sustained. No state in
the union has made more rapid progress
than Kansas since her prohibitory law
was enacted. And we have as good anti
prohibition authority as the Hon. John
A. McShane for saying that Pioux City,
Iowa, is "booming along at a wonderful
rate." It is a conceded fact that the
prohibitory law is fairly well enforced in
that city. The facts ai , that instead of
grog shops adding to lae material pros
perity of any community, they have an
opposite effect. A city is not prosperous
on account of saloons but in spite of
After more than twenty years of statu
tory prohibition Maine in 1884 by a vote
of more than two to one adopted consti
tutional prohibition. As in Nebraska,
Kansas and Iowa, the population of
Maine is largely in the rural districts.
The vote in Massachusetts Monday, is
no indication as to what the voto will be
in Nebraska in Nov. 1800.
The democratic papers are condemning
Assistant Secretary Bussey for his liberal
rulings in favor of pension claimants;
but the patriotic people of the country
will sustain him. It is a decided relief
to know that we again have men in
charge of pension matters who do not
hold that every soldier who submits a
claim should be regarded as a probable
An Englishman has invented a bonnet
which can be taken off in the theatre,
folded up and used as a fan. So it is
rumored. If the report can be substanti
ated, that Englishman may as well pre
pare t be canonized. He has proven
himself to be a friend of mankind in the
first degree.
Since March 4 about 500 changes have
been made in the Railway Mail Service;
and the effect will soon be seen in the
restoration of that important branch of
the postal machinery to the cenditition
of perfect efficiency in which it was left
by the last republican administration.
"Like sunshine in a shady place,
The poet called a woman's face"
Thut gladdened all who saw its beauty.
A face, no doubt, that beamed with health
That blessing which is more than wealth,
Aud lightens every daily duty.
O how can woman, whose hard life
With a many a wearing pain is rife,
Escape the giasp of such affliction,
And be a power to bless and cheer?
The answer comes both swift and clear
Tuk Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
the only medicine for woman's peculiar
weaknesses and ailments, sold by drug
gists, under a positive guarantee from
the manufacturers, of satisfaction being
given in every case, or money refunded.
See guarantee printed on bottle-wrapper.
The rascals are being turned out in
round numbers every day.
The exhausted and drowsy feeling,
common to spring time, indicates an im
pure and sluggish condition of the blood,
which may be remedied by the use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is the most
powerful, and, at the same time, most
economical blood purifier known.
Plenty of feed, flour, graham
meal at Heisel's mill, tf
To restore, thicken, and give you a
luxuriant growth of hair, to keep its
color natural as in youth, and to remove
dandruff, use ozy Hall's Hair Renewer.
The negro exodus from North Carolina
has assumed large proportions.
In consequence of winter diet and
Jack of open air exercise, the whole phy
sical mechanism becomes impaired. Ayer's
Sarsaparilla is the prcper remedy, in the
spring of the year, to strengthen the ap
petite, invigorate the system, and expel
all impurities from the blood.
Why Ayer's SarsapaIJIg
preferable to any other
the cure of Blood Diseases.
Ileeanse no poisonous pr deleterious
ingredients enter into tbe coiujoivUJB
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla contains only
the purest and most effective remedial
cr Aypx's Sarsaparilla is prepared with
extrec care, iKjJl; and cleanliness.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is ju escribed by
leading physicians.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is for sale
everywhere, aud recommended by all
iiist-class druggists.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a medicine,
&ul .of a beverage in disguise.
Ayer fir-jjjr;lja never fails to
effect a cure, when persistently used,
according to directions.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a highly
eentrated extract, and therefore the
most economical Blood Medicine in the
Ayer's Sarsaparilla lias had a suc
cessful career of nearly half a century,
and (';3 never so popular as at present.
TliQu&iiad pf testimonials are on
file from Uiose leuerltAd by the use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Frice $1 ; Biz bottle. $5. Worth 35 a bottle.
Difficulty of ChooMiig the liigtit lload.
Tlila Ago Has No itoom lor the Non
Froducer To Succeed Men Muat Work,
Whether They Have Diploma or Not.
Do you wonder then that, coming back to
you after an experience of nearly thirty
years in ouo of these overcrowded profes
sions, 1 sound a note of warning against
choosing a profession hastily, und caution
you that, unless you bavo unusual endow
ments and extraordinary luck, no matter
which profession you may select, you will
proljably find yourselves, in five years, much
in tbe condition of the traveler who, coming
to certain cross roods wbero the finger boards
indicated four diiferent roads as leading to
the place which be desired to reach, asked a
countryman which was tbe best road, and
was told: "Wall, stranger, ye kin jist take
yer chice, but whichever on 'em ye take, bo
fore ye'vo gone more'n a mile, ye'll be derned
sure to wisbt ye'd taken some other!"
If you could know how many, how very
many, men in my profession are not earning,
and never will earn, a decent living, al
though many of them possess every quality
deserving of success, except the power to
command it; and how large a proportion of
them do uot, and probably never will, earn
as good a living as a flnst class carpenter,
bricklayer or machinist could easily earn; if
you could know, as you will know in ten or
twenty years from now, how many college
educated men have suffered, and will cou
tinuo to suffer, shipwreck on tbe rocks that
lie in the way of a professional career, you
would understand why I have felt it to bo
my duty to utter some words of warning for
the benefit of those who have ears willing to
Do not misunderstand mo. 1 have no
thought of underestimating tbe great advan
tages of a college education, for no college
man is likely ever to do that; but 1 do warn
you against the stumbling block of over
estimating ics importance, and of supposing,
as too many students did in my day, that a
college diploma is of itself a species of titlo
of uobility, tbe open sesame to fame and for
tune, and that its holder, being too well edu
cated to work, must necessarily adopt some
Remember that a very largo proportion of
the most successful and illustrious men whom
this country bos produced were not college
educated men, and some of them did not
even have the advantage of a fair common
school education. Ten of the twenty-three
presidents of the United States Washing
ton, Monroe, Jackson, Van Duren, Taylor,
Fillmore, Lincoln, Johnson, Grant and Cleve
land ; two of the chief justices of the supreme
court of the United States the great John
Marshall and John Rutledge; ten of the fif
teen chief justices of the supreme court of
Pennsylvania, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick
Henry, Henry Clay, Washington Irving,
John Greenleaf Whittier, Horace Greeley,
Thurlow Weed, James Gordon Bennett, John
Sherman, Allen G. Thurman, and hundreds
of others whom 1 might mention, whose
names are part of the history of this country,
bad none of the opportunities which you ore
enjoying. And probably not oue in ten of
the self made millionaires of this country,
the bank presidents, the merchant princes,
the railroad kings, tbe great financiers, or
the responsible editors of our great newspa
pers, were ever inside of the doors of a col
Tbe world will not ask whether you have
a diploma, but it will ask what you can do,
and the only way that you can satisfy it rn
that point is to do something that conclu
sively demonstrates your capacity.
Superior physical strength is no longer nt
a premium, for machinery has Jo a. great cs
tent taken its plaoo, but intellectual suji: i
ority never commanded so high a pre;i:iui::
as it does today The man wbo is intelk-ciu
ally but half an inch taller than his fellow
men is bound to forge to the front. There
never was an age in the history of the w:
when there was so good a market for brains,
but they must be the genuine article. The
world is not easily humbugged, and the man
who attempts to hoodwink it is bound to
"get left." It wants scholars, not sciolists,
poets, not poetasters; statesmen, not poii
cians; jp yen tors, opt imitators. It demands,
above all things, originality, ft will bo sat
isfied with nothing loss than the very highest
degree of excellence, in scholarship, in me
chanical pursuits, in business, in literature
and in each of tbe several professions.
But there never was a time when the world
was willing to pay such high prices as it will
pay today for what it needs. 1 know law
yers, doctors and editors with incomes of
from S25.000 50,000 a year; but they are
few, and they iVe "woith every doJJar that
they get. Popular preachers command sal
aries that make on average lawyer's mouth
water. The author who can write books that
will compel people to read them can get
prices the tenth part of which would have
mode Homer. Milton and Shakespeare bo
nanza kings. Milton received 10 in his life
time and his widow JES after his death for
"Paradise Lost." Rider Haggard can today
get lO.UOu'for & suagl sttfry pf 8Qq pages, and
our leading magazines have paid popular
authors as high as $100 a page. Scores of
college graduates apply in vain every month
for situations on newspapers, but let one of
them write but ten, lines or even a bead line
that indicates real talent for newspaper work,
and he can immediately get a good situation
ar;d can soon command a salary of $5,000.
The man wbo pa-pc Wacamaker's advertise
ments a few years ago was' paid $12,000 a
year for that work, and any one who can
write equally good advertisements can easily
get ps good a salary to-morrow.
But whatever Inivof utllcctual work you
may resolve to do or whatever profession you
may adopt, remember that ths secret of suc
cess consists in doing thoroughly whatever
you attempt, and in doing it better than any
one else has ever done it. Xo man ever suc
ceeded greatly in business, or politics, or lit
erature, in law, or medicine, or preaching, in
any othur way. Genius js tha happy faculty
of selecting the particular kind of work for
which one is specially fitted; of doing only
that which oue can do best, and doing it tc
tbe utmost measure of one's ability. There
is no suon thing as genius which can accom
plish great results without work. The story
of it is a fairy tale, which self conceit tells
as an apology for indolence and incapacity.
JJelieye me, tbe world is not waiting for
your graduation crown you with laurel
wreatlis, or to Jay Jbe treasures pf fortune at
your feet. Whatever measure of success you
iiiay achieve must be won by patient toil anc'
pre-eminent merit.
Tbe only person whom this age has no
room for is the non-producer; but there
never can be a surplus of bread winners or ol
brain workers who are worthy of the name.
From Rufus EL Rhapley's Address Before
the Union Philosophical Society of Dickinson
That's a pretty bird, gramma," said
Utie boy of this town. "Yes," rpliod 6be
"and be never cries." "That's tiecause ho'
never washed, " rejoined the youngster. ,
Thn That Are Sought After Are Not the
iiii-. hut Women of .': or Out.
'The buds." sjiys U:ist::n, "are :i nine
days wonder, iind an; much talked of for
that ypaco of time, but it is tbe women
past o0 who are the most interesting in
Arneriea. They seem to have the K'ft of
eternnl youth, ami at 00 are more agree
able looking than tho women of any
other country."
Rustan's observation will surprise jeo
ple whose sole knowledge of fashionable
society i.-t derived from tho chroniclers of
a quarter or half century back; but to
tho onlooker, as well as to tho foreign
traveler, it is patent that there is a great
physical change in the American society
woman as exemplified in New York.
They hold their age in an astonishing
and unprecedented manner and seem
not to attain the zenith of their beauty
till a point beyond which they are hope
lessly passe. Men say that tho women
of today are at :3 no older than they
formerly were at 2o. and that there is a
corresponding dilTcrence all along the
line: that consequently they dress young
er without incongruity, and that beyond
and alove all this they have learned to
grow old with grace, which means that
they have at least recognized that it is
futile to sham youth and have set them
selves to develop wit, style and other at
tributes which are permanent and may
grow instead of lessen with time.
In the time of our mothers and grand
mothers, if the society chroniclers are a
guide, a woman was considered old after
25. If she did not marry in her first
season she was called a "relic" and made
to feel in the way. And there was some
reason for the raillery.
Between then and now two things have
happened. Health has become the fash
ion and is sought for passionately and
successfully. Clear skins, natural color,
firm muscles, bright eyes and elastic
steps are now the order of the day, and
a woman who was once as transient as
snow has become as permanent a.s her
husband. That pretension to youthful
ness is not now the common weakness is
evidenced 13 tho fact that the humorous
papers, which once found this the most
fruitful subject for jests, have turned
their attention to other foibles. With
this change men's taste regarding women
seems to have altered somewhat.
Where once he admired the beauty of
youth alone and was satisfied with dumb
response to emotion, lie now demands a
great deal more. The woman of today
must make herself agreeable, not pas-'
sively, but actively; she must be brilliant
and witty, possessed of tact and able to
entertain; must have tbe art of dresf ing,
the knowledge of men, the art of flatter
ing, must be, in short, a woman of the
world with the liberal education which
that implies. The day of the doll has
passed away; the debutante is in no
flurry to get married, and the yearling
pasture is not the wife market; it was.
It might le supposed that women who
keep up a continuous round of dinners,
,in I,, , ,
operas anu onus wouiu iook ciraggexi om
and weary and old before their time, but
in reality they arc in the most splendid
physical condition, l hey. are is
true, till the small hours of the morning,
drinking champagne, dancing, convers
ing and flirting, but this is their sole oc
cupation, and t not begin before 4
o'ehiek in the afternoon. The remainder
of their time is spent in, tho pursuit of
health. After a noon breakfast they
drive, twice a week, to tho Turkish
baths, and are steamed, pounded, plung
ed and showered, shampooed and mani
cured, and turned out as if new made
from the hand of God. No other crea
ture, unless it be thoroughbred racers,
have such care given to their Iwdies as
these women whose business ia society.
Whatever science and art have discov
ered and invented, or nature allotted, to
give health and beauty, is commanded
by them, until it is now beginning to be
said, curiously, that the women are out
lasting the men.
The society woman depends greatly on
luxurious bathing to renew her strength.
The Turkish bath must be taken outside
the home, but the bathrooms in soma of
the wealthy houses gjv evidence by
their coatlinet.3 and beauty of the part
they play in the daily economy. New
York Mail and Express.
Be Prompt iu Appointments.
The Manufacturer's Gazette thinks
there is nothing more damaging to a
business than to be found wanting in the
matter of promptness in filling prders.
A great rnfny firms will promise to have
an order at a certain time, when they
are confident in their own minds that it
will be almost an utter impossibility to
do so. This is done to secure the orders,
but cannot fail of a damaging effect in
the future. It is. just as important that
an order be filled at the time agreed as
hat any other engagement or appoint
ment be kept. The man who arranges
for a meeting with another at a certain
time is expected to be on time. In these
days of great enterprise and push, every
business man has his time fully taker
and promptness in keeping an appoint
ment is an important matter to him
Just so it is in filling orders. Prompt
ness is as much to tho credit of a concern
as is the quality of the work or the mate
rial used.
The Prescription.
There was, some time ago, a doctor
whose morning levees were crowded be
yond description. It was his pride and
boast that be could feel Ids patient's
pulse, look at his tongue, probe at him
with bis stethoscope, write his prescrip
tion, pocket bis fee, in a space pf tiaiq
varying from two to five minutes. One
day an army man was khown into the
consulting room, and underwent wliat
may be called the instantaneous process.
When it was completed the patient shook
hands heartily with the doctor and said:
"I am esjecially glad to meet you. as I
liave often heard my father. Col. Fores
ter, speak of his old friend. Dr. L."
"What!" exclaimed the doctor, "are you
Dick Forester's son: "Most certainly I
am. "Jly dear fellow, tling that in
fernal prescription into the hie and sit
down quietly and tell me what's the mut
ter with you." Murray's Magazine.
r iwmw
In tin; city, which he is offering at Prices that will malic tlirni m.'11.
A complete line of Window Curtains at u nacrilict'. J'icture
Frames in ivat variety. You can jj't e cry tiling yon need.
You can buy it on the installment plan, pay so much each
month and you will soon have a line liirni-hed house
and hardly realize Call and .sec.
I- HP IE 2vdZ 2nJ
Thu Daily and Wkkklv !Ii-:kam is the I "-t AdwiMNiiig Mi-diuiu in Cn.n county,
because it reaches th.; largest, number (' people. Advertising rute
made known on iipplication. If you liuv- property to
rent or s-vll it will b.; to yur itifi ret to ad .
vertise iu the Ilt.KAi.o.
3B J. 1ST jEzL
Authorized Capita), $100,000.
Pre-ti'lent. Vit-rreMi'
W. H. CtfSllINf. Ca-t.ier.
Frank Carrutli J. A. Connor, F. K. Ontlunmu.
J. W. Jouneon, Henry B-ek, JjIip 0'Kfe,
W. V. llcrriain, Wm. Vvcittean.p, V.
H. Cushing.
Transact a General Banki!ir Bu'infss a!
who have any Banking business to transact
aro invited to call. No matter h
laree or hiiihII ttie tmiisar-tinn, it
will receive iur careful attention,
and we promise always cour
teous treatment.
Iesue Certi Heater of Deposits bearing interrM
Buys and sell Foreign Exchange. County
and Citv tteciuiaits.
Offers the very beat laciiitiea tor the prompt
transaction of legitimate
stocks. Bouds. old, (iuwrment arri I nci !
Securitief Bought and Sola, Deposits receiv
ed acd Interest allowed on time Certifi
cate, Draft drawn. available in any
part of the United State and all
the principal towus of
Collections made & promptly remitter.
(IlgLest marl? et price paid ttr Couuty War
State &t.d County Bond;.
John Fttrper.-.K!
John R. Clarit. D. Hnfcsir-1,
S. Watlirh. r . V . wMJt.
JCBIC KlT7.niCKAI.L, s c
President. Cajtn r.
Bunk of rss County Main and Fifth Sts
C. If. Parmki.k
..Vice President
As't Cas ilcr
Ki:ki CiiiiiiKii
.1. M. l'ATTICK-i.l.V
J AS. PATlKK-i :,S. .lit
C. II. Panm le I M . Patiersoi. Fred border.
A Genera! Ba kiEg Business TrarracM
Acccmts s .licite,!. l:,i,.!t allowed on tini
mi i (...ini,, i neurit;?
K veu to all
Lupine:!, -i;iriisif,l l its care.
is vsi m;ss dm: kctou y
S. V. THOMAS. and o-;irv Pui.llo nm,.- t..
A tloriu'v
Fi:xj;eia d Block
l'iat'rouU,.Nel. vc "
A Tl O It N ; V .
ft. A. X. STfJ.I.l VAN, '
month. .Neb.
Staple and Ka.icy Or-.e-r..-. ;us,war
Prockery. Flour ami Kel. Ar
The 5th St. Merchant Tailci
' Ke;.s a Full of
Foreign & Domestic Goods. inr.t tv i;iviiiR Mini
a Cli
toPmy carlattentia B-ine-.
I.V OFI'lt'K.
I a
be Convinced
Better Facilities for tnakin:; Farm Loai. ,han.
Any Other Agency-
I'latUraoulh, - icbrak