m 1 i'eis IS !(.: ill ?m to a Bra I S I I P r HIX'OM) yxjax; PL A.TTSMOUTII, NKKKASKA, TUESDAY 13 VKXIXU, AL'JCIIj 1SS. M!?.!in:K 1 SI) " T TAXES HICHER THAN HENT. An Act of Croat Injustice and ' Oppression Perpetrated Upon the Poaplrt of Rcx Stuff Village. Mrt. Kditok: Under this heading 1 desire to show to the public one of the most iinjut, unreasonable and oppressive cases of taxr.tjon, l!iat lias ever been per petrate I upon this or any other civilized commuuity. And for the people hero to endure, nd puietly submit to such an outrage, with out entering n pnti -st is a little more than th.-y c.m do. It is well kn wn that land of thj 'plit or town sit-j of Rock Bluff, is of no more v. due than the farming l ands adj 'ining it. For the reason that the greater portion of it. ut least nineteen twentieths, is used for gen eral fanning, or for a grazing ground. The plat of the town site bhows the blocks to have been laid out L'OO feet nortli and south by 21!) feet east and j Avesr, w.uiau alley ot twenty leet in me center. Some of the blocks contain tivc've lots and some, contain t n lots, but all of the blocks are of the same .size, 200x2-10 feet. And which contain including alley, not quite on ! and one-fifth acres of ground. Previous to lust yen-, for a nuiiiher of year-, th ; b!o:ks h ive b.-cn assessed at four ib -liars a block; but last year the assessors were intructcd by some one to assess each lot at three dollars a lot, making thirty-six dollars for a block of twelwe lots, which is nine times as much as it was assessed lor the year before. This is at the rate of thirty dollars per acre, for a twelve lot block, and twenty live dollars. per acre for a ten lot block. This year the assessors hava been in structed to asst ss all lots at live dollars per lot, which will make , ritty dollars per acre, for a twelve lot block, and forty-one dollars and sixty live cent per acre for a ten lot block; that will make the assessment of lss9 on a twelve lot block just lift ecu times as high as it was in 1S87. While there has been no rise in the value of property but rather a de cline. This unju-t taxation is for ths town sitj that is rued mostly for growing corn and grazing cattle upon; while the ad joining farm, of jut as good land, and I some of it much better, with good im provements and fine dwelling houses are only assc.-d at three dollars and fifteen j cents, anil six dollars per acre. Mr. J. M. Hutchinson's farm, adjoining on the west, is asstssed six dollars per acre; Mr. J. M. Patterson's farm, on the north, is assesse I at three dollars and fifteen cents per acre; Mr. J. II. Holmes farm, on the south, known as the Spiers place, is as sessed at four dollars and a half per acre. I5ut Mr. Holmes comei in for a share of this imposition and outrage, for within the same inclosure of the farm lies four blocks for which he is to be assessed at fifty dollars per acre, while the land is j all used to do a general farming upon. four blocks of tiie town site have been offered for sale for some time at sixty- five dollars, or sixteen dollars and twen- j ty-five cents p-r block, but there has been no buyers at that price. Now it is proposed by those having authority to do so, to have this land asess tl at fifty dollars a f lock, or more than three times us much as the- land is offered to be sold for. y CP ii a u 3 i .1 i. r 3 x z Suits $1. Ch.ilds Snco Pants 25 cts. Soys Wool Suits $2.65. Ivlons OToans Pants 35 cts. Hens Slacls Wool Sats 35c, 2vEens Caps Piv coats. GT2ii& Is tSae Srreatcst SisiiagJiates' SSe vei cesals Qsa every dollar bwy yoir Rooe3s of Such taxation, Mr. K lit or, is a btupen lous outrage, and an oppression of mag nificent dimensions. What the people have done hero that they should be im posed upon in this manner is beyond our comprehension. Hut for some reason, ior a number of years a part of eyery set of county officers have had a particular hatred against the people living upon the town site of Rock Iiluff, and I will venture to say that more remarks of ridicule and slight insults by innuendo have been imposed upon them by county officials, than any other locality in the state of Nebraska; anil this last impo sition seems to be an effort on the part of the county commissioners to blot out of existence the town site of Hock Iiluff, by taxing the people so hih that they will bj compelled to have the town sit' vacated, and their small holdings throwi into fractional lots of sections and asses it by the acre, for the sole purpose o saving the other county oiKcers a littl work, for which they are well paid f- ( doing. This scheme, however, will fail mo i nomiuiousiy, for the practical resul will be, a very few if any, will pay any red estate taxes at all. And noboily will buy the land at tax sale, for lu some cases the taxes will be more than the land will sell for. To use a common phrase, the commissioners this time have calked themselves, in their efforts to squeeze taxes out of the people of Rock Iiluff town site. The county officials ol this county should bear in mind the fact that the humbla homes of the people here are just as dear to them, as the homes of the people of any other place. And some of them have intelligence and sense of feeling enough to know when they are continually imposed upon with out any reason or cause whateyer. Mr. Editor, this letter of our griev ances is somewhat longer than we ex pected to make it, and we haye not giyen you figures yet to prove the first heading of the letter, that taxes are higher than the rent, but if some one will be just foolish enough to ask us to prove that part of it we have the facts and figures at hand to do so. Yours Respectfully, S. L. FutLONo. The Omaha Bee this morning says: "The Council Bluffs ball team, of the season of 1883, will visit Plattsmouth, on the :0th inst., to play the team of that city. These clubs played a twelve inn ing game last season, with a score of 7 to G. The game will doubtless be very in teresting, and arrangements have been made to take those who desire ti go from this city at a $1 for the round trip." Notice was sent to the Bluffs' team yesterday that a game would be played if they would come down. They had an engagement at home on the 30th at the firemen's celebration of the Wash ington Inaugural, but as there was "nothigg in it." preferred to come to Plattsmouth and have a real game. They would also probably like to return the warming they got last fall. A good game is looked for. Now You See It Read It. Whiting and Wicher will open a cash grocery store April 24th, opposite opera house on Main street. Give us a call and inspect goods and prices, will ba ready to cemmence business G:30 a. m. sharp. CTWIlsrQ- TO MUST SACRIFICE HIS $30,000 STOCK ( H?JtEL C2a.r3L olisLlsl Os3L PERSONALS. W. A. Derrick relumed to Omaha Inst night. Sainu'l Ilarker left last night on a westward trip. Chas. Pepperberg left this morning for Omaha to h: gone a week or so. Sig Polk returned this morning from a visit to his home at Greenwood. Mrs. Wm. Jamison, of Weeping Water, visited at the home of S. A. Davis yes terday. Frank Davis and Dr. W. II. Schild knecht were Omaha passengers this morning. Judge Chapman left thi morning for Nebraska City to hold court; ho will re turn neit Saturday. Miss Agatha Tucker returned to her -chool at Loidsvill : last night after visit ug Arbor day at home. F. (3 order and liyron Clark were in jineoln today. Mr. Clark will til-Com-lissioner Todd's brief in the bupreme ourt. Do not fail to call at (bring & Co's and h-iye your eyes examined by thier optician this week. d (it Eleoant Suit of Rooms kou Rent. Convenient to business, city water, gas mil other conveniences for family; those I now occupy. Apply before may 10th co tf John It. Cox. Ice! Ice!! Ice!!! F. S. White's wagon is now out deliv ering ice and any parties desiring that article will leave orders at the store. dlw F. S. White. I haye 500 acres of good pasture, and any one having horses or cows to pasture will do well to call on me. J. II. Slater, tf Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Inskeep, the optician, at Goring & Co's. Attention. Tickets are now on sale at J. P. Young's for the Washington reception nnd banouet. The ladies will esteem it a fiyor if those expecting to attend will procure their tickets early. Banquet tickets 75c. Gallery tickets 25 cents. tf Eyesight treated at Gering & Co's. Craveland Sand. The undersigned have opened up a goi d sand and gravel pit and are now prepared to furnish screened gravel or sand in any desired quantities. Give us a call. 22-It IIatt v: Makthi8. lcs--lce--!co. We have started our ice wagon and are ready to contract and deliver ice in any quantity. Haying the best ice in the city we guarantee satisfaction to all. Telephone 72. tf II. C. McMakkx & Sox. It is a very important thing to have glasses properly adjusted for defective eye sight. Gerin,' &. Co, offer special in ducements to those needing glasses this week. d-Gt KO SMOKE OR SMELL. To tlic new CO AS 0?!L. Stove just receivedat J!msoti EJroi. Cull asiel sec llieai. Tliej' will not explode. Spectacles at Gering & Co's. Don't disgust everybody by hawking, blowing and spitting, but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and be cured. j 3. & C. Mayer are agents of the St. ; Joe Steam Laundry, good work guaran- ' teed. s-m-t COJsTTElVEJPIj-.TEiX) OKZ-A-lSra-Ei I3ST the ftbm:, OF CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, COOTS, SvSens Wording UE JUST IMii MMJUMo 11 Wool Blacls Worsted Suits $7.65. Hens Wording Slioes $1. Mens Sowed Shoes, Button or 2Laoe $1.65. y rR0YAL?2;ra i Absolutely Pure. This i')wler never varies. A m:rvl of pur it.', strength and wliileciiienes.-. Mars eeono mieal ta in tlie ordinary kind", ami cannot be sold in eotiuieiition with the multitude of low rent. sii"t t weight alum o- phosphate powder. Sold null i.i ciina. I'oYAl. IIakiso 1'owUKlt Co., 10U Wall St. X V. Grand Closing at Wescott's. Eikenliary in charge of the clos ing;. No bunds ot music, no souvenirs for the ladies, no hoquets tor the gentlemen. Just a com mon every-ilay closing, which will occur nt the bewitching hour ot 0 o'clock on each Aveek day evening, I for weeks and months to come. In the meantime, and at all other times during rejnilar business hours, there will be no lack of music m the air) sweet music, too, to all those who are trying, these hard times, to make a dollar go a good ways in buying clothes. The main point in this notice and the one to remember is the fact that Wescott, the "Doss" Clothier, has just returned from the East, where he bought the Stuff in Clothing, Hats, Furnish ing Goods, .v.'c, that will suit vor. I J is line takes in ihe Best Gu.vdks and the best stvles. lie owns the goods for cash and will make you prices (quality and makeup consid ered) lower than anybody in the town. Your trade is solicited. C. E. WESCOTT, The "Boss" Clothier. For all optical troubles go to Gering & Co's ard see Inskeep. Ice--lce--lce. We have started our Ice wagon and are ready to contract and deliver Ice in any quantity. Having the beat Ice in the city, we guarantee satisfaction to all. Telephone 72. tf II. C. McMakkx & Sox. Call at Gering & Co's this week and ! have your eyes properly tested and tit- ; ted with glasses They have secured the j services of a practical and manufacturing i optician tor this week to tit glasses for them. Iiemember no extra charge for ' this advantage. d 6t. SHOES, FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS TVS Suits S3. UK1-"t BITS FddSi seen iia a, coaaty. "Kt yon wasst 4 sav S fill p n ej n,""i tvn rr b.' (IRA N DUST BUSINESS OPEN I N G Ever seen in PI attsmouth. Everybody pleased with our Exhibit ion. It was tli" uaivrsal expression of evi-rvorv! that exaiuiuid our Stilts W D Ull No one desires to hive Tailor-Made G irurMitsTwho has lilted on one of our Suits. ou HONEST are to sell only the 13:st Clothing. The Conlldence of all cla.s-es al ready gained i a Feather in our Uu-isM s-s (Jap that will cotitinu.; to wave gracefully in the balmy days of tl- present Spring, lit-membcr also that w win 4w anjT prices quoted to you in The leading Clothiers, - 5tl & Main St. JULIUS PEPPRBRG MANUFACTUHKIi OK AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DliALEll IN TCl Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor do Pepperbergo and 'Buds FCLIi LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 25. 188.1. K. ii. WINDHAM, JuUX A. IJA VIKS, Notary Public. Notary Public. Wl'ViJUAJIA iavii-:. Ofu-je over Bank of Ca-s.County. VI VTTSMOUTIT, - NERR ASKA " f Q" "M A MONTH '-an lie ma le O t v 1 0-'i" voi'iiiii4 I'r in. Auetits y eferre;! win ean fionlsli a lsoive Knil jiive i:ici,r wli' le time tDtlie busbies-. Spare mem ent. :u ty le irli:a!! v employed aNo. A tev vieatieies in t:v:ii asil eiries. . li. F. JOHN SON' & CO. , liM") Maii-vt .. Itielimoii''. Va. A. It. ImiUix einii'iiii:'! Xcrir ni,il tilmut m.nrfiiin Htn-.ft ii,r ix),lj. C'i:n itcifk. Your forhlz, li. J..V t'o AND VALISES, FOR SPOT CASH ONLY. i 75s95 afai U3P?fn?nmttm "XT0 "T7". st. .-rx . 2s2ons Worlsin Sliirts 35 cts Ivlens 31uo lasitiol Sliirts 75c Mens Calf Soots $1.90. Mens Snirts and Drawers 25 - Ilo OXcstlaJiirj, - " - j J! fly EMBEAV0RS umtaBtu anything in our Line of goods. Marshall. i A 4 IVeservaticn of flic Natural Teeth a f;;'-cialry. Ati"Mh"ics given for I'ain x.kss Fii.t.in. fx: Lx i ftACTiox ok Tkktii. Artificial tei.-tli made on Gold, Silver, Rubber or ("elluloid I'l ib s, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de ! sired. All work warrant':!. Prices reasonable. Yi rz-; tu.a'H ,i,. I't, iri's orr rH. Nf.m O. l r.T. Time Tabla. cum; wkt. o. 1. : -.n) a in. ' . :.- ; :',; ;(. in. " s :il h. la. 'i. 7. --7 :' "i ii. in. i;nl.V(i :,Hr. . 2 t A I !. Nn. i. i ; i i a. in. N.-. ; --7 --ju .i. t,i iii. a 1 e p. in. Mi. ,u a ;.,4 .t. i.i. A ! trala" ran rtallv iy wav of ' inalia. ereef.t 7 hii'I s v. h-(i nin to ana from Scl.iislec aily exeepi huiiday. !. U :' ii !). Ill 25 III Dr. C- A. X I: