1 Jv SECOND YI3AK ATTS3IO UTI I, NEBIIASKA, SATUUDAY EVI2XING, AlMilL XO, 1889. I -s mm Absolutely Pure. Tin powder ni'vcr varies. A nutrvel of pur it, si r. ni;! Ii ami w lioleHoiuent-s. Morn econo mies! in hi t!i.- ordinary ki ml', and c.imiot be sold in . 1 1 1 ict 1 1 1 :i nitll the multitude of low trxt. sii rt weight alum or pho-pha'e powder. S'tiil u,ibj in cans. 1'oVAL, llAklSO 1'uWbKB Co.. In.; W:ii st. N. V. ainY offighi'iS. Mayer, ... F. M. KiniEY Cleik. - - - W K Fox Tre:i-Mirer, - Jamkh Pattekhon, .ir. itt'r:n-v. ... Ji V Kl IN Cl.AHK Frumiir. - II.C.SriiMlUT rolic,.1-1 S'i. - - S Cl.lFKOKD Mar.-lnll. - - - i. H. Dunn Couueiluien, lstw:ml, a Samshukv0" ) ! M .lOMKS ) I Ml. A SlIII'MAN I M ii ML'KI'IIY I S W Dl'TTi.V I con O'Connor. I I McCaI-LKK, I'KKS V Johns in.Cuaikman 2nd " 3rd 4LU- Buai J Pub. Works I J V i KllK 1 1) 11 UKI) liOUOKK IlAWKSW OltTII GIVIG SOGII'Vr.MS. r W W W V r w - Ci ASS l.ODUH No. lis. 1. ). O. F.-Meets 'every ruewday evening of each week. All transient brothers are reKpecUully invited to attend. 1JLAT TMOU Til EXCAMP.MEXT Xo. 3. I. O. O. F.. meeii every alternate Fliilar in each month in the Masonic Hall. Visitlug llr.the;s are iivited to attend. ilASS CAMP NO.312. MODEltX WOODMEX of America Meets second and fourth Mou dav eveninir at K. of P. hall. All transient l.ro'Mier ate requested to meet with u. L. A, Newcomer, VeneMtde Consul ; i. F, Niles Worthy Adviser ; 6. C. Wilde, liauker ; W. A. Loecli, Cleik. , ' CEilltASXA rHAPTEIi. XO. 3. K. A. M Jlei-H sswi'.il wit fourth Tuesday of eaeh nioiilh at Mao' lia'.l. 'f ranacieiit brothers a.e invited to incut v. itii us. F. E. White, II. P. Wm. I' v. Secretary. itpjV'iim'ii lonr.p vn r. a w a 1 Meet -i on the lir-t and third Mondays: of month it their liall. All transient brotu- are cordially tu.ueu to ni'-ei wmi us. Wm. II Secretary. JL ; eat er JI-.TlS.;OU I II UOIK'.E Xt). 8, A. O. IT. W. A- evrv lteruate Friday evening at i c;i."..(..j LsiliiitSoViocK, All transient broth- tie ....pc-?:fi.ny liivitit in atieiiii. . Vvtide. ije-r.Ii;i ; I. conard Aiujrsoa, Overseer. 1 i. it lA33('t)UNX'It.XO 1031.UOYAL MtCAXUM me-tJ tiie f ec 'id and fourth Mondays of ao1! in jutii at Areaaum ll.i'.l. It. X. Glenn, Itpgeut. r. C. Minor. Secretary. J-r. ZION COMMAN'PAUY. XO. S. K. T. --Me.tn first aud third Wednesdny nirht of e".cli in-nth :.t A: tso-i's h s'.l. Visiting brothers ;.e totduuly iiiv'ii-;d to ii.er with isi. li'n. JI.vys. Kee. F. E. White. E. C. TAc2QUUiZ PU3T43 G. A. R- P!:i:r)ii4er, ..::...-ii!'.r Viae J.m.or " Adjutant. S-.rK. "Cieerof the iiay. " iuard Sergt Major. ..Juarter M.ister erst. .1 oat unapiaiu THE JOKER. U. A. I); hK.V.i. Iff MP!. . S Caicki;an" ti w.-t. S u.ks ... . A. Sill I'M N llsuv srttKtu;: A. Taiisch JAM is Ilu-KSON, Andk ison FitV I. O t'"P ri-.... ,;ci Si.ii.iUE y fc1 '-n-.r-r Everybody realizes that tomorrow is K ister Sunday, and the liens have labored energetically to supply the demand. The Unto ball boys, the Joker under btauds, are going to eat eggs on that day. They have started out nobly in the race this year, and he would like to ad vine them to be careful lest they upoil their record in their feasting and get put out by a fowl, for the old maids of the barn yard have considerable to say about the crop this season. In his observing manner the Joker lias, for some time, been searching; for some trait of character tiiat can be said to be to the credit of mankind, and the fact has recently been 8 untreated to him that no man ever went through his wife's pockets at nitrht he couldn't find the pesky thing if he wanted to. The Joker has stuffed himself with historical facts of 179 to be able to fully comprjlun I an 1 appreci ate the Washington Intugural banquet Tuesday night, April 50. ,. "Come with nv;," said the night goblin late oye evening, as he seized the Joker in his arms and slipped a mask over his face, "and I will show you wondrous things." For a moment he struggled for freedom as the goblin seemed to be get ting a move on himself, and then for what seemed ages he felt himself rushing rapidly through the air and under the lifted cover of the mask saw rivers, for ests, cities, lakbs, oceans, swamps and all imaginable maps of physical geography sailing by at a dizzy rate. ''Are we go ing around the world, or are we travel ing back to the beginning," thought the victim of the late hour, and he hugged closely to the boosom of his captor to claim merciful protection Finally the rushing sounds ceased, and the last thought of their destination seemed like the right one as the goblin alighted gent ly upon a precipitous mountain side in stubby yegitation, and a mournful ,:qua-r;r-r-a-a-k," "OjUa-r-r-r-a-a-k" was heard, liemoving the mask from the Joker's fact thejgoblin said'look down," and hovered over him so that he could not look up. There below was a smooth surfaced sheet of water, and from it wn3 reflected plainly the forms of small trees, and stars, and fleecy clouds witli silvery edges which showed it was partly clear and the moon was rising. From the re flection the trees appeared to be just put tin? forth their leaves, the air wa3 alti. refreshing like spring. It was a beautiful scene, but solemn, the whisper ings of the wind could not be heard, but a continuall "qua-r-r-r-a-a-k, qua-r-r-r-a-a-k, qua-r-r-r-a-a-k," which sadly rose from the water frogs, was the only sound. "Where are we?" asked the victim of the : goblin's mysterious aniauh; but the only answer was a toug "qua-r-r-r-a-a-K,. xrom below, then suddenly there was a great commotion in the water and a heay yapor arose frqn the surjacq and formed info twu ugly shaped inoosteis, which rose above the banks of the of the pool. j or lake, and moved away silen:ly. At this the Joker shuddered in great fear, but then feeling the protection of . the goblin asked: "What are they?" "Ti.e cae,!! replied 'e awful goblin of the night, "is malaria, the other is scarlet fever." "Ah, I'm at th3 beginning," thought the prisoner, " and pjrh ips I'll yet know the truth of the Darwin theory." Glancing below the Joker was surprised to see the pool had greatly decreased, apparently from the drawing together of the banks, the reflection showed the trees in full leaf, there were no clouds, but the stars shown brightly, and then there came upon him a depressed sensation of summer heat; the sad "qua-r-r-r-a-ak" continued, and a he looked and wondered at the sudden chancre the nool was acrttin irrcatly dis- turbed, and a third and greater yapor arose and vanuhed. "What's that, and where are we?" cried the prisoner of the goblin, wondering what would come next? "That," came the reply, "is the Yellow Jack, he has just arrived from Memphis," and coutinued t tie goblin, moying from the Jokek, permitting him for the first time to look about him, "we are on Pearl street in your native city, and that shriveling pool from winch those pestilences have risen and gone out is the stinking water in the old creek beds which are so reluctantly filled under the order of yourl city council. Hut come, see, the uasin tiouung me pooi has at last been filled, we must go." And as the goblin sailed through the air again the Joker glanced bac k and saw the pool was gone, but leavts were fall ing from the frosts of the autumn. SPECIAL ATTENTIOM- Grand Closing at Wescott's, in clsui'oe of tho c!os- in. Eikenliary jo bands ol mu-ic, no fouvc-nirs for the ladies, no boquets lor the gentlemen. Jut a com mon every-tlay closing, which will occur at the bewitching hour ot 0 o'clock on each week day evening, for weeks and months to come. In the meantime, and at all other times during regular business hours, there will be no lack ot music (in the air)" sweet music, too, to all those who are trying, these hard times, to make a dollar go a good ways in buying clothes. The main point in thi-5 notw-p and the one to ic-mcmor 10 tiie fact that Wescott, the "Boss" Clothier, has just returned from the East, where he bought the At Weckbach's Millinery Dep't We have the largest and finest assortment of ladies' and children's hats in the city. Call early and select your Eas ter bonnets. Infant's white lace caps from 35 cents upward. Prices sure to suit. Joseph V. Weckbach. Eyesight treated at Gering & Co's. Attention SirKnight3! There will be a meeting of the Platts-. mouth Fjiyision No. ? h It. I. of P. at their armory on Monday evening, April 22nd, at 8 p. m. W. W, Drummoxh, 2fc Lieutenant Commanding. Stuff in Clothing, Hats, Furnish ing Goods, tfcc, that will suit you. Wis line takes in the Hest Grades and the best styles. lie owns the goods for cash and will make you prices (quality and makeup consid ered) lower than anybody in the town. Your trade is solicited. C. E. WESCOTT, The "Boss" Clothier. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ATTOKNEY. S. F. THOMAS. Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public. Ofilce in Fitzgerald Mock. Flattsinouth, Xeb. ATTOHXi-.Y. A. N. SULLIVAN, Attorney-at-Law. Will Rive prompt attention to all bufinesa intrusted to him. Ottice in Union Block, East side, Plattsmouth, Xeb. GROCERIES. CHRIS. WOHLFAHT1I. Inakeep, the optician, at Goring & Co's. Attention. Tickets are now on sale at X P. Young's for the Washington reception and banquet. The ladies will esteem it a fayor if those expecting to attend will procure their tickets earlr Ianqtet tickets V5c. G vltery 2'4 tents. tickets tf Ice! Ice!! IrjeU! F. S, White's wagon Is now out deliv ering ice and any parties desiring that article will leave orders at the store. dlw P. S." White. For all optical troubles go i. Go's ard 'see Xnskeep. to Gering I haye 500 acres of good pasture, and any one having horses or cow to pasture will dp wel tp call on me. J;, li SvTRRi tf Ilattsmouth, Nebraska. Do not fail to call at Gi-ring & Co's and haye your eyes examined by thier optician this week. d-Gt Farmers should patrpaLe liy.u.e indus tries and by your seeds of- Jas. W- Bouk $renwpod I$eb.i Staple and f:ncy QroiieViea, Biy. loui Crocker ''lour and Feed. Glassware ianc' Wmi,. BROWNE, X,-W OPFIG3. P rsonal attention to all Busiues Eutrust to ruy eare. NOTARY 1ST OFFICE. Titles Examined. Abstarcts Compiled, In surance Written, Keal Estate Sold. Better Facilities for maklp.g Hu Lous than A&Y Qthv Agency PlatJsuaoulIi, - IVe1rasku K. DRESSLEi Tb 5th St. Merchant Tailoi Keeps a Full Llue of Foreign 4 Donatio Goods. Consul. yo,yr Interest hy Giving Him a Cal SHERWOOD BLOCK J. n. EMMONS, M. D. no:v-EOPATnic Physician I Surgeon Ottice and resident conaer of Seventh street and Washington Avcni. Telephone No. 80. Chronic J)i2eaas and I)Ne ises of Women and Children a specialty. Office hours, 9 II to a. in, 2to & and 7 to 9 p. in. n mm (.;i!A.Nl)KST Ever seen in Plattsmouth. Everybody pleased with our Exhibition. It wits thii universal expression of everyone that examined our Suits t!i -t t'i -v -v -r ''i Gi-r- ful'v Wfi Mai n d Peiil Filiii No one desires to haye Tailor-Made Garments" who h is fitted on one of our Suits. OUR HONEST ENDEAVORS are to sell only the I'jst Clothing. The Confidence of all classes al ready gained is a Feather in our Biimiichs Cap that will continue to wave gracefully in the balmy days of tl" present Spring, llcineinber also that we wiu mmtmtu any prices quoted to you in anything in our Line of goods. 1J Li AWES5 Tho Leading Clothiers, 5ll & Main St. JULIUS PEPPR8RG. MANUPACTCRER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN TIIK Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor do Popperbergo and 'Cuds BULL LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always "in stock. Nov. 26, lSSo. B. c N. TInno Table. OOINCJ WKST. No. 1. ! :( a in. N. :. u :16 p. in. Xo. 5 8 :ol a. m. No 7.--T :$ . in, Xo. Sl-j -0 : p. Dr. C A. Marshall. CfilNO KAST. Xo. 2. I :4 1 p. m. No. 4. 10 :'.;; a. in. No. C 7 :2m p. in X a. 10 :"0a. in. Xo. 10. 0 :54 a. in. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Aui ntlietics given for I'aix less Fillinu ou Extinction ok Tketii.. Artiiicial teeth niad-j on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and insertei as soon as teeth tire extracted when ds sired. All work wtirraiite.il. Prices reasonable. Kir. IK tvuo's ii;. jc.i Pvrirfvf jurH. Xer A'l train ruii daily by wavof 0naha. except Nos. 7 and 8 which run to and from Schuyler daily except Sunday. Fine Job Work Cheap at The IItvRALi. 87 T t Q-ift A MONTH '- be ma to ft L lO''" unr.i K.l in A"en Ii eferreii wiio c:in fnrul-.li a hurn and iive ilieir w lit," time to fie bu-dies-1. Nuru muni ent m ly lie prolitahlv e:iij!oyed also. A f-tr vue.iiieics in t'nvir hih! eili vs. 15. K. JOilX ov & ;i. . i.m M tin-Kt.. uii imioijil. Va. A". If. wi'x cui.nJ'pii il riljui. r miti'l .vk sKiidiinj Klri-ii fur riilj. Coh- (j'i'UI:. Vrtur for biz, It. F. J. A Co. f- rr i : mi JI.'3T SACRIFICE HIS $30,000 STOCK 6 CLOTHD-'U, UATS, CA1-8, BOOTS, SHOES, FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS AND VALISES, FOR SPOT CA.-Jli ONLY, 'i "ft WW PER'OEHT. OFF irffTiCinri CHildrans Suits $1. Ciiilds Sac Pants 25 cts. 23 oys Wool Suits $2.65. Mens Wording Suits 3. ufik.ll Wool - Blacfe Wcrstsd Suits $7.65. ens Ovsalls exits. Working Siiirts 35 cts. Xori5 Bluo Elsmnol Sliirts 75c 1 "or5 ech l.Icus Joans Pants 85 cts. Hons Blacls "Wool Sats 35o. Mens Caps Piva cents. Hens "Worlring1 Shoes $1. Mens Sewed Shoes, Suttpn or Lace, $1.65, Hens Calf Boots $1.90, Hens Snirts and Drawers 25. Tiais Is ttoe (Kreatst Slngliter Sale ever seen in Cass comity. M yon want save 5 ceiats on every dollar buy your (Koods of