V O f irt s r ft iffiTY itoto mm 1 if r si:co.i vi:.vji iL,.VTTS3IOUTII, NEUIiASKA, TUESDAY EVENING, APKIL, 10, 1881. NUMHEU 18.' V 1 V f royal ::r;j Absolutely Pure. Tliin powder ii-viT varies. A marvel of pur It. Htn-n;;tli a:nl wlinlr-oiiu'iios'. Morn econo mical tn hi I Ik- ordinary k i ml . and cannot be 11 lu cumi.ct i' ioii willi tlx iiiu!lltii.i- of low tet. sh rt t iht alum or iiiiisih:i'e iKiwdel. NoM itnbl in Ci'itx. FoVAL I:KIM1 I'OWUKK Co.. lo Wad t. X. V. (ZI'VY OIQ'IGKIJS. Mayor, clerk. Treasurer, K. M. Itlt'llKY W K Fox - jAMT.-t P. TTKKSO.y, JK. Hl'IMN ''I.AHK II. C sniMiivr . - S Cl.lKFOKll I. 11. Dunn KuKiiie r. Police .Fiidji. Marshall, Councilman, 3 it ward, 2nd " ) .1 V Wfl'KllACIt t A SAMSP.CltV 1 1 M Jon kh I Mi:. A Sill I'M AN 3rd 4th. l M it Mi l ) S W li; i 1 fov 'l' 1 r m. cm il ML'KIMIV TrS 1 tV I'l'OXXOK, I 1 M'C W-i.KN. I'RKS .1 1 S S ,1 II A 1 KM A Beard Pub.Work r i'Ki ;..imzk I I) H Hawks Wo KTH GIVIG SOGIIW.VKS. Ci ASS I.oyiJK X". U'. I .. P. -Meet 'every Ta.-i'day evening of cirli week. All transient L-ro:liirf are. pectf'illy mviied to attend. ILATI M:Uril KSCAM I'M'v'-'T No. 3. I. O. - t P.. meet every ulieri:l:t tridi? in :teU jiiontli i:i ill" M.i-m! il.tl!. V isilliij; HrotUers ure I 'V:lo'l au-iil. CtASS CVMP NO. MDDiCUN WOODMKN ' of Atisti:a Mi-. ti Nt-Jn'Ml :m l fourlli Mn- 1 av evt-iiiiiii u ut K. "I l . r. iii. 'in ii!!'iu t-rotlierf are r-.(:ics!i I ti III'-' ' Willi u. 1 A, Wrlhv A.lvispr : S. C. Vlii. Ji lllker : . A. iloeclc, t'h rk. iv'RKUwica niAi'Tr.::. no. 3, k. a. m MrtH "iv.rnl sii:I fmrlii fiii"'il.iv of e:i-li month ut Mi'i.i.'.- Hail, i rrwci. lit brotin'K are invited to msnt Wit. 'i u-i. r-. K. V. hitk, II. P. Wit. JIv. Secrctj'.ry. 1jiTrsiiorrn i,-:k no.c. a. f.i a.m. Mt"PtB t'' '"'-r M"ii'l;iy t each moiitu al tii-i- ;.;-.li. AH transient broth ers are cordially . :. t" m.-. i wall us J. vi. i:ic:ifcv, W. M. Wm. Hats. Sf?ro:.-y- iJLATTSMOl' I .'I I.0I1CK N . A.O. U. W. Met-t-" evi-rv fi -i:ii tnlnv fVfiiimr.it Kocliwoo l .'l it! .1 s. cli Ail traiisi.-ut brntli er are f'"'i-'-iO;!:y lnvili-ii to atlrud. I'. S. f jirson, W. ; V. l'."Vd. Koreman : . -'. IVUde.iioc.irdfi : Loon.ii.1 Au.Its.mi. Oversfr. j' inet't tlie Ht-C'iml iiii'l fourtii Motid;is of each motitU at Arcauu-ii M i:l. It. X. ULKVX, Kt'glMlt. P. C. Mixoit. rcr.- r;iry. UTT. ZION C'OMMAMjVUY NO. 5. K. T. j.... ..i..v. ..r xllMfets first and tmr l vu XlAMi'tif rsr aim linn nrui,-;iii; iiit;:ii each nii'Ttn at : i; ;i.:u- iui:.it uwutif are cor.ii;i!ly mvitd to m-er -.vl li n. PLATTSMOD TH SCADOFTRADE i',..i.i,..ir Itobt. H V.'iuilbaiii 1st Vife 'risiil";' 2nd Vice President Secretary. Treasurer DIKK'Mltf J. C. Kk-hev. K. E. yyb.j. J. A. cnnr. P.. hlin, C. . ler, J. V. Weckbiiob. A. It. Todd Win Neville K. Herrmann ..V. K. (JutUinan . J t. Pt (arson, alierinan, P. Uoi McOU.IIHIc POST 45 C. A. R. HOUKH. k nicKHox roiimiander. M. Ma-v.t tf f mplk setuor tee b. CABKi.iAX Ju-r Adiutanr A. Shi pm a Jt j lizvKV St kk 10 11 r 1 " tThh mlicer of the lay-. liiuiiicliwV'... " ''wr JAMIM UICKSJ. ... - Se.t Mitjor AvnitRsov . Pky.. ..O.iartfcr Master Serirt. Meeting Saturday eyemu V business relations wtftb the public of .v or Eao& i! Interests zzb weal a& isay own is nor aaiem 10 say I have been treated with gjreat courtesy and with a very liberal patronage by my frientls and the iaMic and take this occasion to return my sincerest thanks for the same. ISTot laavlEagf succeeded In selling out mybusiB&css9 as fully JI expected to sax weeks ago5 IL have sledded So Sake a partner and continue business at the old stand, and trust that my many friesad asad customers will give' the new firm as liberal a patronage and fair treatment as. they have gjlven So niae. The new firm, after the ILSfh in&t., will consist of myself and son. Charles Us&W &i shaSS be our aim to carry a full stock of first-class UDry (Goods, Millinery and Carpets, stock rorIC5 Vifiisa Salt? IBi;i i vi aa&iia aa;m B.amc hi km cajfwis aw u vu u;n bmj4-j j 9 ua waKin;i raevy Ene&ILjosISj ini tiae laaasissessj asid shall endeavor to deserve an enlarged snare of natrosaage. ELMWOOO EXCITED- Her Criminal Calandor Comas to the Front With two Crimes in One Day. Suicide and Attempted Murder Smlnay was a of suicidal and criininal excitement for Elmwood, a Cuss county town about thirty-four miles southwest of Platt.-moutli. Sunday about noon Coronor Ilunry IJoeck re ceived the following telegram from Elm wood "Man found dead, shall wc take body to undertaker! Come at once. Answer. A. li. Dickson." Ir. IJoeck and Deputy Sheriff Miller, in reApomie to tho telegram, left in a buggy at 1 o'clock Sunday for Elmwood, and arriving there at 7 o'clock in tho evening found the town iu a state of sub siding excitement over the suicide of Peter McGoff, a former M. 1'. section foreman there, but the excitement soon broke out afresh over the report that David I lite, an old farmer living sit mil as northwest of Elmwood had been shot with intent to kill. The deputy sheriff and coronor im mediately impaneled a jury and called and swore in witness and held the in quest which lasted till 10 p. m. Sunday. The witnesses were John W. Osborne, Wm. K. Fisher, Dr. A. It. Ilobbs, W. A. Swerenger, Alfred Pyzer; and II. Inman and John McGuire body watchers. The corouor's jury consisted of A. J. Kalnn son, Ellis E. Qood, I. T. Jamison, J. Chapman, Chas. G.Bailey, L. K. Parmele, II. Hoeck, coronor. and C. D. Clapp, clerk. The suicide was committed in the graveyard, near the grave of his wife who was burried last Friday. Murks could easily be seen where he hid Iain on the grave of his wife, but before death came ho had wandered away about two rods, and was found face down with one leg cramped up under him and both bauds clutched full of dead grass. McGofTs wife had been sick for thrcu months, during which tisue he had often declared he would kill himself if she died, at one time procur ing a revolver and saying it was to take his life with. On his person was found the following letter addressed to his fathcr-iu-law, Mr. Allred Pyzer; Dear Father: I cannot stand this trouble any longer. I have nothing to lire for now. When you get this note I will be with Nora. Settle all my debts, if you can, and bury me by the side of my wife and baby. P. McGoff. Get my old friend Jim Green to assist you. P. From the evidence given tho jury found the following verdict: Peter McGoff came to his death some time during the night of April IS, A. D. at the Elmwood cemetery, by tak ing carbolic acid and belladona, admin istered by his own hand. In testimony whereof the said jurors have hereunto set their hands the day and year aforesaid," Tlu remains were found early Sunday morning and were buried yesterday. TIIK ATTEMPTED MCKDER occurred aboqt noon Sunday, and, as near as could be ascertinedj the facts are as follows : David Ilite is an old. but large proportioned, farmer, well known and quite well fixed, living six miles northwest of Elmwood, near the Belletkont postoffice. In his employ was Joseph Marsh, a rather light built fellow. Sunday morning Ilite and Marbh had a "scrap" and Ilite got the better of Marsh, and the latter left the frm. About 1 o'clock in the afternoon Marsh returned to the farm in a buggy with Jessie Moon. Ilite was out feeding the hogs; Marsh alighted from the buggy and walked to A Card save oaeriiesl their confidence and whether or not in any case K have n tm -A HI as any hrst-elass house coum expect to carry, ; the pen where Mr. Ilite was nnd pulled a reyolver and opened fire on him. The first hhot passed through the upper mus cle tif the left arm, and at the second shot Ilite dodged and the ball glazed his right ear. Marsli retreated to the buggy and drove toward Aslilajd. When the nVws was brought to Elmwood in the evening, Constable John McGuire started in pursuit of the criminal. Marhis des cribed as a man five feet ten inches high, weight 1G0 pounds. Call at Gering & Co's this week and have your eyes properly tested and fit ted with glasses They have secured the services of a practical and manufacturing optician tor this week to fit glasses for them. Remember no extra charge for this advantage. d 6t. Eight Mile Crove. Attraction is immense and items whoo-ee ! Miss Perry, who has been attending school at Lincoln, is home. Mr. Fultou. the blacksmith of Pleasant Hill, was in the Grove Sunday. Quarterly meeting was held at Mt. Pleasant Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Miller has been building fence the past week during his leisure moments. S :nday School and preaching next Sunday at 10 and 11 o'clock respectively. We learn that Mr. Swoap Wills will not move his housu as was stated in our last. Mr. John McConkey, of Doniphan, Paul countyt was visiting relatives of this place last week. Mr. James Petersen has returned from a short visit in Omaha, and has purchas ed of Mr. James Jenkins a Texas pony. A family from West Virginia (we have not learned their name) have moved iDto Mr. Jacob Vallery'a house and will as- borhood was dishonest about an insur tist Mr. V. in his farm labor this summer. ' ance business. But when I discovered. E. L. Hanlan brought a bicycle into our town one day last week and it would mnke a saint laugh to see him try to ride it. lie has employed two men to hold him on and one to roll the wheel. We drew a conclusion from his appearance that he never before saw a horse of that kind (the bicycle.) We learn by inquiry from Mr. II. that he thinks he will le able within three mouths to ride alone, but- but well he may. Do not fail to call at Grring fc Co's and haye your eyes examined by thier optician this week. d-6t ' Their FatO Still In DOUbt. New York, April 16. There is dj news of the misiing steamer Danmark. The question that now occupies the minds of marine men is, when will the National ship Denmark arrive and will she bring news of the Denmark? The National steamship is now two days and several hours overdue. There is a pos sibility that the delay of the Denmark is due to her having collided with the Danmark. The National line steamer Denmark left London March 30. The Thingvalla steamer Danmark left the port of Christiana, March 20. The ves sels could not, therefore, be far apart when the latter was seen waterlogged by the City of Chester. Several ships came into port today, but so far none of them bring the wished for news. Spectacles at Gering & Co's. I haye 500 acres of good pastui-e, and any one having horses or cows to pasture will do well to call on me. J. B. Slater, tf Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Eyesight treated at Gering & Co's. to ;ladtonu'M Prediction. The most remarkable man of our time is tho Hon. W. E. Gladstone great in statesmanship, great in finance (ho won his bpurs of political knighthood as chancellor of exchequer), great in ora tory, greatest of all in literature. How this octogenarian finds time to do so much, and to do everything so well, is a mystery. IIo has recently published an article on "The Future of the English Speaking Haces." It reads like a chapter in the "Arabian Nights." One hundred years ago the English speaking peoples of tho world numbered 15,000,000. These were distributed thus: In Great Itritain, 12.000,000; in American and other foreign lands. 3,000,000. Today tho number has multiplied seven fold and stands at 105,000,000. Mr. Gladstone quotes the eminent statistician. Bar ham Zincke, as authority for the statement thatacentury hence the English srieakers of the globe will number 1,000,000,000, distributed as follows, viz.: In the Brit ish Islands, 70.000,000: in O-niu'a. 1 "i -W0.000; in the United Slati., L-j.wo,-000. St. Louis Republic,. Jeffrey Very Soft Uearted. Did I know Jeffrey? One of bis quali ties was to bo always in love. Sydney Smith used to talk about Jeffrey's l seventy-two loves, and at that time put mo at the top of the list. He was cer tainly very adoring for a time, but he fell off in consequence of my taste for Germany and German literature, which (being completely ignorant of it) he could not bear. Ho wrote absurd criti cisms on Goethe, whom he treated as le dernier des absurdes. But Jeffrey was i kind, generous, an excellent friend and ! had great talents. Saray Austin to Guizot. tVlien It rinclies Us. "It is curious," remarks William Phil pot, "to observo how much more enor mous and outrageous we are apt to ac count a piece of dishonesty if we our selves are pinched by it. I thought il sad, and a heinous thing in the land, ivhpn. thn ntlipr rlnv. n. mnn in in v no?rVi. afterwards, that this same man had taken a premium out of my own pocket and not paid it over, my indignation knew no bo::nds. Then I felt what a crime dishonesty was!" St. Louis Republic. Ills Flac of Truce. A young man of nawkinsville, Ga., sncl !;:s "best girl" quarreled some days ago, and remained "at outs" with each other until tho young man relented and 1 r began to devise some plan to "makeup." He finally decided to try the effects of a flag of truce, and cutting a delicate piece of white ribbon into the shape of a mini- ature flag, he sealed it in a sweetly per fumed envelope and forwarded it to his j fair enemy. It had the desired effect. I nnfl kI.o nr. nnr-n ram him nermkemn tn cross the line and be happy again. De troit Free Press. I Metals la the Sun. Of the metals discovered in the sun the most important are sodium, magnesium, barium, acalsium, zinc, copper, alumi , num, nickel, chromium and iron. Many 1 of the rarer and less known metals would also appear to be there in some abund ance, judging by the facility with which their presence may be detected. Al . though heavier metals, such as platinum and gold, have not been seen, it by no means follows that they are absent. Their weight would prevent them being easily found by the spectroscope. New York Telegram. Inskeep, the optician, at Gering & Co's. Swedish Singers On Board. Hudson, Wis., April 16. Mrs. Inge bong, of this city, and Miss Bertha Eick strora, sister of Mrs. Emil Olund, also of this city, were among the passengers on the ill-fated Denmark. Miss Lofgren and Mrs. Olund were members of the famous Swedish quartette which made a tour of this country. Both ladies had made arrangements to sing in a church choir in Minneapolis. The JPiaitsmotstii date back to ltS9 ami - whether In GRANDEST BUSINESS OPENING Ever seen in Plattsmouth. Evarybody pleased with our Exhibition. It was the universal expression of everyone that examined our Suits tint thv w"C "'it (1 refill' v Well Mi ii Peitt Fit. No one desires to have Tailor-Made Garmentajwho has fitted on one of our Suits. OUR HONEST ENDEAVORS are to sell only the Best Clothing. The Confidence of all (-hisses al ready gained is a Feather in our Business Cap that will continue to wave gracefully in the balmy days of th present Spring. Remember also that WE Wilt UTOEBSEU any prices quoted to you in anything iu our Line of goods. J7 The Leading Clothiers, JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THIS Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergo' and 'Buds FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 2r5. 1885. 75 tO 8250 MONTH can be made Y -v' - " r 1 niiit airs uv. i v .3 preferred win can furnish a horse and give men- wnoie nine 10 me uiisines". rpare mom ent m iy be profitably emnloyed also. A ffvr vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. JOHN SON &CO..1009M iiH-st.. Richmond. Va. N. Vt. LatlUx emjtloied alo. Never mintl ahmit tending stap fur reply. Come qu'iek. Your for biz, Ii, F. J. t Co Fine Job Work Cheap at The Herald B. Sl M. Time Table. GOINl WK'T. No. 1. 9 :i)0 a tn. N. 3.-6 :16n. tn. No. ft :01 a. ra. X7o. 7.--7 :f5 i. m. No. 9.-6 :tfl p. in. nolNfl W.AST. No. 2. i :44 p. m. No. 4. 10 :2'J a. in. No. 6 7 :28 p. in No. 8. 10 :ioa. in. Xo. 10. 9 :64 a. ui. A'l train run dally by ffavof o-nnha, except Nos. 7 ad 8 whtoh run to and Ironi fachuyler daily sitrept Sunday. Public, and shall always Success AT 511'. & Main St. C- A. Marshall. Hosidont Dontist. Preservation of tho Natural Teeth a Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain less Filling oh Extraction ok Tekth. Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reaaonabTe. Fitz')R)i.i'8 Bl, ck. Pi. vrrsMOUTii. Nik WM. I,. BROWNE, LAW OFFICE. Personal attention to all Husine-s Entrust to my care. .VOTARY IX OfFICK. Titles Examined, Abstarct Compiled, In surance Written, Keal Estate Sold. Retter Facilities for making Farm Loatm than A.nj Otlier Ageacy. S'laltNnioulli, - Xebraftka regarded tSueir sell at bottom