THE DAILY IIEIt AL D : PL ATTSUO0TH, NEBltAL. , JliUwV, OPERA GLASS MACHINES GOING ALL RIGHT AND MAKING LOTS OF FUN AND MONEY. Sonifllmf, One Don't Work, ami the IHiue Miut Ito ICeritmlfd A Dividend of One Cent, tlie l int Month SlunlnK Ilalr pina ami Other Trash Into the Slot. Many humorous incMonts liavo nt tcmliMl the f the now fan gletl omt:i fclasH ni:u-hin'ry at tho thea tres. The theatre ushers way that tlio machine are moro fun than a circiu when the wheels that ojH'rato tho spring that unlocks the Ihjx lel fts in it Knurl. Hut the fun is enjoyed hy the Keetator3. ami not 1 . tho ushers. Tho theatre goer whose tlimo gets stuck in tho slot gener ally makes tiltoul thirteen and a half times moro fuss over tho proswcti ve loss of tho dinio than a man whose favorite corn is btcpjtetl on hy the ineonsiilerate man who persists in oinjj out to see an other man In tween tlie acts. Recently at tho Casino a man in a dress suit, with bank notes in his waistcoat jocket, made a commotion that disturbed the whole parquet assemblage for fully twenty minutes U-causo the usher tolJ him he couldn't wt Ids money buck until the next morning at tho lox ollico. Two ushers had toticurry around and hunt up the president of the company that runs tho boxes to soothe tho wrath of the would Ih? patron hy handing him back tlio quarter he had dropped into the blot that was out of order. It costs a quar ter instead of a dime, by the way, to get a glass at tho Casino. Outbreaks of this this sort are getting less frequent, though, and intending explosions of wrath are headed oiT by tho timely ar rival of tlio usher, who, as soon as ho finds that a Imx won't work, tries another that will without extra expense to the theatre goer. There's plenty of fun. though, when tho lox selects a cantank erous theatergoer as a victim for ;ts cranky wrinkles. This happ.-ns one night a week, anyhow, and sometimes oftener. GUOWIXO IN rort'LAUlTY. Tho boxes ;;ra growing in jiopularity despite these drawbacks. That is proved by the increa-J number used and by the general introduction of tho mechanisms in the city theatres. Tho dime slut boxes are now in use in eight theatres, and contracts have Iktii mado for their in troduction into many oat of town thea tres. On an average Id boxes are put into a theatre of the si.:e of tho Fifth Avenue. Of these lelween fifty and seventy-five are UEd nightly. That this is sullici.-nt to return a satisfactory profit is shown by the iV.ft that in tlio ft ret month of the experiment with tho dime clot mechanism the company paid a dividend of 1 per cent, to Mrs. Langtry and other siockh;.! Urs. It ha.3 been found that the i lea tk-'.;!ts the children, and mothers and drop money into tho slots just for tin; take of seeing the little ones open their eyes in delight when tho lid pops tip and reveals the opera glass r-nugly fitted in the box. Every night after tho play an agent of tho company goes around from box to lx and collects tho coins. In tlie first weeks of the experiment the tour was made unexpectedly interesting by the amount of unique bric-a-brac that was gathered up from the slots instead of the looked for 6ilver c;jin. Load dimes, little souvenir modal.? of brass and lead, and bent pins were found Li tlio slots. Hair pins, too, were collected in bunches at every tour. I.i fact, the hairpin seems to bo the favor'ito implement used by tho conscienceless theatre goers who put up schemes to leat tho slot. But it is a waste of haipiiis an.l also of centennial medals and lead coins to try and pa'.m them oJ on the ma'ehino for tho genuine dime or quarter of commerce. Tho ma chines are made to I tend and break all such nondescript counterfeits. And no thing Lut silver goes through success fully. The only effect of trying to beat tho 'machine is to throw it out of order, and about ten of the maehines aro in the hospital for repairs each week. WHY THEY AKiC NOT RED. It was early discovered by dishonest theatre goers that tho lids of the boxes cannut bo locked, except by a epecial key, after the opera glasses have been used. A number of the glasses were stolen in the first week, but tho pilfer ing of l ho boxes has since ceased. De tectives keep a watch on tho boxes at each theatre. They caught a well dressed theatregoer walking cif with a glass one night itcenfly at the i'ifth Avenue thea tre, and he was arraigned in court, and only cscajed prosecution for the larceny because imprisonment meant tlio ruin of his little family. On several occasions theatre goers have pocketed the glasses in a fit of absentmindedness and re turned them afterward. "Why don't you paint tho glasses red, so that they can 'bo told right oGTV" a theatre goer asked Stockholder Joe Key nolds the oilier night. "Oh, that would Lurfc tho whole enter prise at one; fell swoop." he cnid. "Yo.i can never get a theatre goer to hire any thing that liears on its laco tho unmis takable evidence that it is hired. It shocks the public's pride too much. As long as the glasses look li'-e private glasses the thing goes. Not otherwise." Tlie directors of the dime slot machines aro considering the advisability of rais in" tho ante on a glass' to the Casino limit of twenty-five cents a peep. Some of the stockholders object. "It won't work." they say, "unless you put a lot of women in tights on the stage to look at. Then you may hope to collar the quarters of tho dizzy dudes and the flamboyant lld headed men." Thi3 argument is reported to have brought a delay in the pressed increase, A new form of case has just been de siCTied. It is made of tine plate glass in the form of a tiny show case with a Lowed front. The front is made to slide ' upward, like the cover of an office desk, ivou drop a coin into the slot you can see it slide down and watch it work the machinery that opens the sliding cover. New York Bun. Humorist I dreamed last night about some jokes that I wrote. Friend (who has read some of them) How I pity you. Yankee Blade. CAPTURE OF A DEVIL FISH. The raraattes Who Travel with the Moiv ter A Troableaome Fellow. Wo are indebted to tho Rev. W. C. Dourchicr, IL N., chaplain to II. M. i. Com us, in the West Indies, for the sketch ' of this incident, accompanied by the fol lowing account of it. "As her majesty's 6hip lay at anchor in English harbor, Antigua, tho little barrel like buoy that mark the place of tho anchor, to which it is fastened by a four inch rojie, was olserved to plunge alout and splash, diving under the water ! and disappearing. Iiejioits of this un j seemly lehavior of our buoy were con- veyeu to ine oincers. wno troaieu mem with the cautious suspicion that such an unlikely story seemed to deserve. Hy 1 o'clock in .the afternoon, when the buoy had danced for an hour and a half and seemed to require some looking after, a loat was dispatched to its assistance. The cause of tho disturbance was then mani fest. A huge devil fish had got foul of the buoy roie, and there he was, struggling away, about six feet below the surface of tho water, with two good turns of the roie around one of his mouth fins, as 1 may call them for want of a better name. "He was secured with a sharp hook by a gallant midshipman and was then harjxxjiied; tho rope in which ho was en tangled was cut, and ho was slowly towed alongside and was hoisted on board. "When he was laid on the deck wo had an ample opportunity of admiring his vast proportions. Ho was not 'a thing of lauty, but an awe inspiring monster of the deep. There lay the great fish, like a giant black bat, with his huge wings extended on the deck, measuring across, from tip to tip. 10 feet 4 inches. The other dimensions were: Breadth of mouth (horizontally), 3 feet; length from head to end of tail, 12 feet 8 inches; length of tail alone, 5 feet. Imt it was a puzzle at first to find out where his mouth was placed. " 'I have it, sir, cried a blue jacket in Kreat glee: 'and, what is more, ho has a 1L-.1i in it his dinner is there! As he spoke ho opened a pair of great black lips, rather to ono side of tho fish, 1 thought, and below these lips was a white cavity, largo enough to contain one's head. And there was a fish, sure enough, inside it, but this little fish was alive; ho bounced out, a fish the size of a small herring, and skipped furiously about tho deck between our feet. There wero more wonders presently, when an other blue jacket found another mouth, with another fish in it, alive and well, and this fish, too. camo out and skipped on deck between our legs. Then it dawned upon us that these small fishes could never have been eaten by tho big devil fish; and further examination showed that each of them had a flat plate on the back of its head; it looked as if they had held on to something by this sucker, and it joved that so they do. We put them in a bucket of water, and they hung on to tho sides of it with the back of their heads so vigorously that the hardest pull could not shift their position, much less dis lodge them: though when tho bucket was emptied, they camo off its side at a touch. The small fishes had clung to the devil fish as his parasites; not feeding on him, for they left no mark behind, but using him for their traveling habitation. The cavities in which they lodged were his nostrils. Meanwhile, we discovered the real mouth of the devil fish, three feet across, lying between these cavities. This enormous mouth is quite toothless; the devil fish sucks down his food as one would an oyster. What is liis food I can not tell, for after I had finished sketching him, and before I had well begun dis secting 1dm, orders were given to heave him overboard, as he was making the deck filthy with tho streams of blood that continued" to flow fron his dead body. "Stories have been told of the devilfish taking a luckless swimmer between his great fins, folding him in a deadly em brace and sinking with him to the depths below; t.nd this may be true enough, but tho Manta Diabolus, or Manta Birostris, as bo is scientifically called, is said to feed only on sea weed. At tho same time he is troublesome and even dangerous, fond of meddling with the mooring of fisher uicn'a boats, as he did with our moorings, and setting them adrift, and when pur sueda favorite pastime when they were more plentiful at Tort Royal turning upon the boats, and, if not quickly dis patched, capsizing them. I have often seen these fish leap out of the water an amazing 6ight on tho coast of Venezu ela, where they are common and grow to tho r-ize of twenty feet broad." Illus trated "London News. Poor Illustrations. I don't claim for myself any ability as an artist, but I am familiar with history, and with the characters 60 prominent and picturesque during the chivalrous or knightly age of French and English history; and I charge it is a foul imposi tion on the rising generation for a school board to accept an. edition of history or other book of instruction in which tlie illustrations are not as authentic and us scrupulously correct as the writings themsel ves. I have seen a school liistory with a picture representing Sir Walter Raleigh "a paragon of proudest men" attending court attired in a costume be longing to a period 500 years before his time. I refer to tins by way of illustrat ing my meaning; but this grotesqueness is not confined to history. It is to be found in every school book, from tho primer up, and I know that the evil thus founded in beginning an education can never bo obliterated by after learning. C. E. T. in Globe-Democrat. Dainty Cops and Saucers. A Boston girl has received fifty-two cups s:nd saucers ent by friends with congratulations on her engagement, ac cording to the most recent "wrinkle" in society. No two are alike. One of these cups is tho delicate rose tinted Irish Belleck ware, frail enough to crush in a lady's hand, and whose creamy lining looks as filmy as nature's lining of an egg 6hell, while tho varying thickness of the lines gives it a beautiful translucent effect. New York Tdegrara. CHINA AND ITS PEOPLE. ODD SUPERSTITIONS AND NOTIONS OF THE CELESTIALS. fehaiichal, the Pari of Asia lioat Life on tho Crent River Vanr-tae-Klani; Pecu liar IJrllpf Concerning the Making of Medicine lu America. Shanghai is about midway on the Pa cifie coast between the northern and southern lioundaries of China. It is near the mouth of, though not on, tho great l iver, the Yang-tso-Kiang, which divides tlio empire mto two equal portions, and which forms the great central avenue of trade. This is ono of the greatest and one of the longest rivers of the world, nd it vies with the Nile in the rich de posits which it carries down from the mountains of Thibet and spreads over the rich plains of China. Its waters where it enters the sea aro as yellow as clay, and their contents are, 1 am told, as rich as Ruano. They form a fertilizer which the Chinese use by irrigation, so that it is spread over much of the .48,000 square miles which forms its basin and makes this land produce from two to three-crops per year. LIFE ON TUE YANG-TSE-K1ANO. Tho Yang-tse Kiang has a fall nearly double that of the Nile or the Amazon. It is so wide at its mouth that when we sailed up it in coming to Shanghai we for a long way were hardly able to see the banks, and this width extends up the river for hundreds of miles. It is navigable for ocean steamers to Hankow, a city of tho size of Chicago, which is situated on its banks COO miles above Shanghai, and-river steamers can go 1,300 miles up its winding course. Above this there are gorges and rapids which tho foreigners now think can be passed, and there will then be an open ing into tho interior of China by this means for more than 2.000 miles. The Yang-tse-Kiang is so long that it would reach from San Francesco to New York and push its way out into the Atlantic if it could bo stretched out upon a plane of the face of tho United States. It is longer than the distance from New York to Liverpool, and it is 6aid to bo the best stream in the world as to tho ar rangement of its branches. Its boat population is numbered by hundreds of thousands, and it is a city hundreds of miles in length, made up of junks, ships and barges. These Chinese junks are gorgeously painted and carved. They have the same 6tylo of sails and masts that were used thousands of years ago, and their sails are immense sheets of cotton patched together and stretched on rods of bamboo which look like fish ing jioles. The sailors aro pig tailed men in fat clothes of cotton who sing in a cracked gibberish as they work, and who understand how to manage their rude sails so well that they can often pass ships of more modern make. All of the Chinese boats have a pair of eyes painted on the sides of their prows, and the Chinese sailor would no moro think of navigating without these than he would think of eating without chop sticks. If asked the reason ho replies: "No have eyes, no can see. No can see. no can go. Bishop Fowler, while sailing up the Pie Ho to Peking, happened to sit with his legs hanging over the boat bo that they covered up one eye. tie noticed that the sailors were uneasy, and they at last came to him and asked him to move his legs, as the ship could not see to go. CELESTIAL SUPERSTITIONS. Tlie Chinese are full of superstitions and many of them firmly believe that the foreigners make medicines out of human beings. The massacre at Tien Tsin in 1S70, in which twenty foreigners were killed and among them a number of French nuns, was caused by the re port that the sisters were killing children to get their hearts and eyes for medical purposes, and the trouble in Corea last 6pring was caused by the circulation of the stories that the missionaries were grinding up children's bones to make medicine. This report was started by the Chinese, and the latest attempt of the kind 1 find today here at Shanghai. It appears in a tri-monthly illustrated magazine which the Chinese publish and which sells for five cents a copy. This contains a full description of how the foreigners make their medicine, with ghastly illustrations of the severed trunks and the cut up limbs of human beings. In ono cut men in American clothes are bending over great furnaces in which the heads and legs of men are boiling, and beside which great baskets and tubs of cut up humans lie. Tho men aro stirring the steaming mass, and the picture makes one think of the witches caldron in "Macbeth." The Chinese themselves do not believe in dissection and there is no body snatch ing here. They believe that the heart is the seat of thought, that the soul exists in the liver and that the gall bladder is the seal of courage. Fbr this reason the gall bladders of tigers aro eaten by sol diers to inspire them with courage. Tho Chinese doctor ranks no higher than the ordinary skilled workman. He gets from fifteen to twenty cents a visit, and he often takes patients on condition that he will cure them within a certain time or no pay. lie never sees his female pa tients except behind a screen, and lia does not pay a second visit unless he is invited.- His pay is called "golden thanks." and the orthodox way of send ing it to him is wrapped in red paper. The dentists look upon pulled teeth as trophies, and they go about with neck laces of decayed teeth about their necks, or with them strung upon strings and tied to sticks. Toothache is supposed to come from a worm in the tooth, and there are a set of female doctors who make a business of extracting these worms. When the nerve is exposed they take this out and call it the worm, and when not they use a sleight-of-hand by which they make their patients believe certain worms, which they show them, come from their teeth. I have heard persons tell of. Chinamen who claimed to have liad ten worms taken from their mouths in a single day, and 1 saw a woman ac tually at work upon a patient in tho street here, China is as full of superstition as the West India Islands, and the people like to be humbugged quite as well here as we do in America, Frank O. Carpen ter, y ' llalzac'a Female Friend. B.iao met the celebrated Duchesse d'Abrantes at the house of Sophie Clay in tho time of Louis XVIIL Her high spirits, her knowledge of the world, the strange career sho had passed through, rendered her a very interesting object to the author of "La Comedio Ilumaine." She had a good figure, a pleasant face, chestnut hair, and tho prestige of the imperial world, of which she had been ono of the queens. It is not unlikely that she suggested tho glorification of tho forties, of which mention has been made; and certainly the vicissitude of her fortuno must have supplied to an imaginative mind many sad reflections on tho instability of human happiness. When she published her "jlemoirs" Balzac was of great service for her, for he was not a bad hand at driving a liter ary bargain. But no re-enforcement of her finances proved more than tempo rary. In the golden days of Najjoleon she had contracted an extravagance she never could master. Her circumstance's went from bad to worse, and at last, in 1833. tho splendid mistress of tho most fashionable salon of the empire, after hearing from her sick bed her effects sub mitted to the hammer, had to be removed to lodgings still more humble, where, in absolute squalor, attended only by her faithful maid, she passed unnoticed from life. Georges Sand was not introduced to Dalzac till 1SJ1. She had then written "Indiana"' and he the "Peau do Cha grin," so that loth were in a sense estab lished literary people. Hal !-w:-vi : had still severe struggles before lam, lor he was slow in establishing supremacy, lie had a sincere admiration for Georges Sand's talents, and it is well known that the character of Camillo Maupin, in "Beatrix," was founded on a careful study of the authoress of "Lelia" and tho rest. But no friendship existed be tween the two beyond frank literary comradeship. It seems strange to hear that Georges Sand found Balzac under taking to read Rabelais aloud, altogether too coarse; indeed, she denounced him, "Vous etes un gros effronte!" The Gentleman '8 Magazine. An Old Time Muster. A veteran correspondent of The Bucks port Clipper describes a muster that took place in Hampden sixty jears ago, of which he was a part. The lirst sound that struck his ear in the morning was tho martial music of the Carmel band, on its way to tho field, and soon tho road was full of tramping soldiers. The state militia of those days were not required to dress in any but their usual clothing, and their appearance was not brilliant by any means; but the gay uniforms of the Bangor company, Capt. Bryant, the Hampden rifles, Capt. Hannibal Hamlin, and tho Hampden light infantry, Capt. Snow, shone out like stars in the leaden sky. and added greatly to the whole dis play. Capt. Hamlin was every inch a soldier and his horsehair plume was a sight to see. One novel feature of the Hampden muster was the "sailor com pany." A month before the muster, all the sea faring people, captains, mates and seamjuii. including some of tho larger boys, miule up their minds that they would have a little diversion on their own hook and in their own way on the interesting occasion. So they organized a company, drilled and went to muster, too. Their appearance on the field with their white pants, blue jackets, tarpaulin hats with a liberal display of black rib bons hanging as neck bands, was neat and trig, and they were the admiration of all observers. Lewiston Journal. Joel Chandler Harris Embarrassed. As the street car rolled into West End, the other day, an elderly lady remarked: " Daughter, Joel Chandler Harris lives over that way." "Does he, ma?" said the younger lady. "Do you know where Joel Chandler Harris lives?" inquired the mother of ono of the passengers. Tlio gentleman addressed blushed a little. "Urn what does he do?" he asked. "Oh, ho writes things for the paper, I believe," was the answer, "but I don't know. Daughter, what does Mr. Har ris do?" "I don't know, I'm sure," replied the young lady. "I simply heard somebody say that he lived out this way." Then the gentleman asked the driver if ho could point out Mr. Harris' house, and tho driver turned red and stared at tho questioner and 6tammered out an answer. Both ladies looked hard at the stran ger and at each other, and suddenly be came very silent. Tlio car stopped and Mr. Joel Chandler Harris lost no time in getting out and turning his 6teps home ward. It gives a man a funny feeling to hear questions asked about him in public by strangers. Atlanta Constitu tion. Slow bat Sure. The old lady who thought her daugh ter, in playing a slow and majestic piece of music, was "a long while about it," was of that "capable" nature which brooks no delay. There are others of the same disposition. During a balloonist s recent exhibition in Scotland, a native of the country was intently watching the slow descent of the parachute. "Dear me," he exclaimed, "how long he is coming doon!" "Yes, jndade, and he is," observed an Irishman, who was standing near; "be- dad, I could come down quicker than that mesilf I Youth s Companion. Too Previous. "Mr. Barker, do you think we will go to the sea or mountains next summer?" asked tlie power behind the throne, as I the famuy sat about the evening lamp. "Mrs. R," answ;ered her husband, "I have not paid the bill for the Christmas present you gave me yet," and dull ; tilence reigned. The Epoch. j "Sam" Carpenter, the well known ; railroad man, does not care for theatres or social affairs, but he has a weakness for studving up and inSicting upon his friends the queerest and most unexpect ed jokes. I TCLEPtlCilE EXCHANGE. S4. 8.'.. C5. l-'O. o 45. 4. 71. 81. S7. 7.. s. yo. in. (;s. r.i. Gl. -'2. "ri. 2o. G8. 5. '-'0. 74. 82. 70. 31. 1!. 57. 17. .15. 2.". U6. 7.1. 0. 24. 91. Bruhl Jner. Bank of Cass county. Pee -on, A. res. 44 -4 ofiicc. Bennett, L. D. store. 44 44 rue. Bonner stublis. Brown, W. L. oflice. 44 44 re.. Ballou, (). II. res. 44 44 oflice. B. & M. tel. ofiire. B. & M. round house. Blake, John saloon. Bach, A. grocery, ('xniphcll, I). A. rts. CliMpmim, S. W. n-s. City hotel. Clark, T. coal office, Clerk district court. Connor, J. A. res. County Clerks office. Covll, Polk & Beeson, oflice. Cox, J. H, ret. Craio;, J. M. res. Critchfield, Bird res. Cummins A Son, lumber yard. J. C. farm. Cook, Dr. office. Clark, A. grocery store. Clark, Byron office. District court oflice. Dovey & Son, store. Dovey, Mrs. George res. Emmons, J. H. Dr. oflice und res First National bank. Fricke, F. G. & Co., drugstore. c ... j ; !; 1 .. Goon lioli 1 Geriuj, H.drugstore. " res. Hadley, dray and express. Herald office. Holmes, C. M., res. Hatt & Co.. meat market. Heniple & Trop. store. Hall, Dr. J. II., office. rei. Holmes, C. M., livery stable. Hall & Craig, agricultural imp. Jons, W. I)., stable. Journal oflice. Johnson Bros., hardware store. Johnson, Mrs. J. F., milliDcry. Johnson, J. F., res. Klein. Josenh. res. 28. 81. 35. 44. !. 4. 9(5. 97. 44. V. 4. 40. 89. G7. 67. 7s. 14. 60. 49. 83. 50. 53. 72. 3. 20. 72. GO. 52. 15. 4 4 . 54. 100. 39. 21. 56. 27. 93. 75. 16. 46. 11. 12. 25. 42. 28. 76. 57. 16. 40. 10. 64. 90. 32. 37. 36. 1 , Kroui, P., fruit and confectionery Livingston, Dr. T. P., office. Livington, res. Manager Waterman Opera Uoust Livingston, Dr. li. It., oflice. McCourt. F., store. McMacken. H. C, res. Murphy. M. B., store. Murphy, M. B, res. McMacken, ice office. Minor, J. L., res. McWr. salnnn. More. L. A., res. and floral garden Neville, Wra., res. Olliver & Ibunge, meat market. Ollivftr fc Bainge slaughter house Pub. Tel. Station. Palmer. H. E. res. Petersen Bros., meat markctr 44 41 res. Polk, M. D., res. Patterson, J. II , res. Kiddle house. Kitcliie, Harry. Schildknecht, Dr. ofiicc. Shipman, Dr. A. office. 44 44 res. Showalter, W, C. office. Sigins, Dr. E. L. res. " 44 office. Streight, O. M. stable, Smith. O. P. drugstore. Skinner & Ritchie, abstract and loan office. Sherman, C. W. office. Todd, Amini res. Troop & Hem pie, store. Thomas. J. W. Summit Garden Water Works, office. Water works, pump bouse. Waugh, S. res. Webber, Win. saloon. Weckbach & Co., store. Weckbach, J. V.. res. "Western Union Telegraph office. 47. 6. 7. 43. 34. White, F. E., res. Windham, R. B., office. Windham & Davies, law office. Wise, Will, res. Withers, Dr. A. T.. res. Young, J. P.. store. S. Bczzkix, Manager. 82 Natural C:is In tnciaaa. Somo idea cf tlio vast importance of the natural gas interests of Indiana may be gained from a study of tho re port recently made by the state geolo gist. Ho has been collecting a 11 the information he could possibly g'et con cerning the subject, and from the re sults of his investigation we learn that the sras area of Indiana is 105 miles in length by G5 miles in width; alto gether there aro SSI paying wells in the elistricL The entire flow of gas is placed at GUU,UUU,UUU feet of which, it is calculated, something like 1,000,000 feet go to waste. The average flow of gas from each well is stated as being about 150, UOU teet. lho report further mentions the fact that during the past two years seventy-nine manufactories have located in Indiana, simply and solely because of the fact that they could obtain this f uel. Theircombined capital is stated, in Fire and Water, as reaching 4,500,000, and it is said that they will employ 5,800 men. Scien tific American. Strangulation Produces Coloration. The question is asked why the face of a person who is strangled turns black? An answer to this is as fol lows: Blood is of two kinds, arterial or bright blood, and venous or dark blood. The brilliant color of the arte rial blood 13 due to oxygen which it carries from the lungs to the tissues ; these rob it of its charge, and it hur ries back to the lungs as dark venous blood for more. If this regular course of nature is arrested by strangulation, which means the compression of the jugular vein, the venous blood is re tained above the ligature and becomes less and less oxygenated. If the liga ture is very tight the carotid arteries will also be blocked, and no more ar terial blood will reach the head and face. And so the result of strangula tion is blackness, or rather purpleness, of the face the outcome of an excess of venous blood and deficiency of oxy ananation New York Telegram. BIKE.SCHKELLBACIL... Wugou and Blacksmith Shop. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow lioeing orses A Specialty. He uses the IIorHihhoe, the Best Horseshoe for the Farmer, or for Fast Driving and City purposes, ever invented. It ii m ado no anyone can can put on sharp or flat corks as needed for wet and slippery roads, or smooth dry roads, ('all and Examine these Shoes and you will have no other. J. ffl. Schnellbacher, 5th St., Plattsmouth, Neb. Ho"bert Donnelly's Wagon and Biacksmilh Wagons, ItiiKKics, Mitehiiiws Quickly licpuiied ; ri )u Sli;u I'HHtfil Mini (ieneral Jobbing Done. Horseshoeing A Specialty I I'SK THE KEVERSLIP Horseshoe, wlilon hli:irieiiH ilsclf ai It wears away, so Miur is n'ver any :!;intr of your Hois" sliiiiiiK anl liuiliii iiMfir. Call aiol rxamlnn I hi !u- and yoil will Have no other. Jii'MShoi; made. ROBERT DONNELLY SIXTH ST., - - PLATTSMOUTH For "run-down," debilitated and overworked women, Jlr. 1'ierce's Favorite 1'reneription ia the best of all restorative tonics. Jt isa potent Fpeclflc for all those I'hronio Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to Women : a powerful, ffen eral as well as uterine, tonio and nervine, it Imparts vlsror and strength to tho whole system. It promptly cures weakness of stomach, nausea, indigestion. Moating', weak back, nervous pros tration, debility and sleeplessness, in eit.hersex. It is carefully compounded by an experienced physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. Purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of the svntem. IBaHnM "favorite I'rcionp. ylDPIL'Tm I foil" is tho only medicine llAnRAniLU.I for women, sold bv drurrist. I under a pohillvo iiuar. Hlavoriie i'ricnp viicine r (fists. pohilivo guar antee of satisfaction in every case, or price (flAM refunded. This fruaranU;" tinn been printed on the lottle-wrapjer, and faithfully carried out for many years. Forfar."', illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (ItSO paes, with full directions for home-treatment), send ten cents in stamps. Address, World's Iiispknsary Medical Association, ettt Mala Struct. Buffalo, N. T. (COUNT?" H'ltVKYOK,) Civil Engineer Surveyor and Draftsman Plans, Specifications and Estimates, Mu nicipal Work, Maps ice PLATTSMOUTH. - - NEB. C. F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor Mala St., Over Merges Shoe Store. Has the best and most complete fctoek of samples, both foreign arid domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Iiusiness suits from $1 to f:35, d.-w-s suits, to $45. pants 4, $5, $G, G.50 and upwards. ElPWill guarantee a fit. Prices Defy Comostilion. BUSINESS DIRKGTOUY. ATTORNEY. S. F. THOMAS. Attorner-ar-Law and Notary I'ublic. Fiizgera'd iiloclc. i'lattmnouih, eb. Office In ATTOItXfcY. A. N PULLIVAN. Vv'ill trive attention to ail IniHines intrunted to hiru. OKice 1q union wiocx, i.asr. side, l'lattsm.iuth. Tieb. GUOCEMF.S. CHRIS. WOH1.FARTH. Staple and Fancy Groceries. Ciis.iwarH &nJ Crockery, Floor and Feed. J. II. E JD10NS, 31. 1). HOMOEOPATHIC Physician Surgeon Pfflcft and residence enrner nf mtrt and Washington Avenue. Telephone No. to. v uronte uia ana ise'ies of Women and Children a specialty. Office hours, 9 II to a. m. t to 6 and 7 to 9 p. 111. R. B. Windham, Jou.v a. JJaviks. Notary Public. Notary Public. WJVI)JIA3It IIAVIKNI. Attorneys - at - Law. Oiace over Bank of Cas County. c-lvttsmouth, - Nebraska The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Full Line of Foreign Domestic Goods. Consult Your Interest by Giving Him a Cal SHERWOOD BLOCK I?ltttsxiota.tla. -. -InXoTcj ' K. uRESSLER,