The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 13, 1889, Image 1

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f royal J
IC ;l if -SI
C Absolutely Pure-
This powder iirver varies. A marvel of pur
It, strength and wlnle.-tTiienes-f. Miirx femio
lineal tn. m Hi" 'iiilin try Kiii.l-, aii'l cannot be
sold in 'iiiin' it 'wri'i thn if low
tct. sli rt weight al im or diopha:i: powder.
.Vi Ititllf in CtUl. i'fiVAI. 1SAKIMO I'UWUKIi
CO., 1W Willi fct. N'. V.
Police .lndn
F. M. ish iiky
vv IC Fox
H. I'. yrllMIKT
(.'I.I Ft HCI
I. 11. 1)UN
Counciliuen, isl w
) .1 V WKI'lliACH
.. I 1 M IdNM
l!t. Sill I'M AN
.. t M ' Mi.iti'ilY
I s V DiM-roN
I ('UN p'l'ON'Mdt.
I !' Mi Pkk
1 .1 W .I'MI N1 ,.'!! AIK.MAN
1 KlfKH ;kikk
Board Pub. Work
CiASs"mUU No- 1!-:. K. -Meets
every T ieday evening ;f each week. All
transient brothers aro r.-r elf uliy invited to
attend. '
O. K.. mei'iH every a'iernate Friday in
'each mouth in the Ma-uic Hall. Visiting
liro thers are invited to attend.
' of America Meets second and fourth Mon
day eveuiim at li.. of P. hail. All transient
brother are requested to meet with us. L. A,
owcomer, Veuerable C oisul ; (S. F, Nilef
Worthy Adviser ; S. C. Wilde. Hanker ; V, A.
Iioeck, Clerk.
Meets second aud fourth Tues.lav of each
month at Mason'!" Il;:ll. Traiisei.iit brothers
are Invited to maet wu!i in.
f. E. WlIITK, II. P.
W'M. I' v. Secretary.
IlLATrsMOt'TII I. HKIK NO. G. A. F. & A. M.
Meet oil t! :ir-t and l lurl Mondays of
. t i ii 'jii . ....... -
era are cordially i i . i
I. All transient orom-
1 to nicer with us.
J. ti. UlOlKV, W. M.
W)i. Hays, Secretary.
IJLATTSVOUril 1.oI ;K N-. S. A.O. U. W.
Meet every :;!(eruute Friday evening at
EocStwooilhaUa'-foVl.irit. All rransient broth
ers are rieci f'.;'.:y invite. 1 in atieiid. L. s.
Larson, M. W. : I-'. l;od. Foreman: S. C.
Wilde, ilecordrr ; Loonar.t Andersou. Overseer.
meet tlio r.d and fiuirih Mondavs of
each montU at Arca iuni II ill.
it. X. ULE.V.V, Uegeat.
P. C. Minor. Secretary.
Meets first a:i 1 third Wednesday nit;ht or
each inonUi at M ison's hall. isuin brother
are cordially inviud to nie-r with us.
V m . 11avsc. F. II. UiiiiK. fc. C.
President Ujbt. li Wiinlhain
1st Viee President A. H. ToM
2nd Vice Presi t.-tit -M" Neville
Secretary t . Upmnauu
Treasurer..... - B. t.uthman
iikK'T"i:: 4.
J. C. Kichev. K. I'.. Wh-'e. .1 C. Patterson.
. J. A. Conn-r. . K!son, C. W. Stierniaa, K (.or
j uer. J. V. Week bach.
McCONJHiZ POa' 45 C. A. R.
M A rn Kov 'o lonander,
' BEN.i- Hkmplk .Senior Vice
8. CABKtosr j-.tMor '
,iB. Nn.Ks Adj-itant.
A. Shipii X h"'f.
a Tarscii "itieerof the l:i.
jam .iicKs. ;;.st
Anderson- C. Fry.. ..Q-iarrer Mas'or Serijt.
L." C. CL-an- Tost Chipluiu
Meeting Saturday evening
5Jy fewsincss relations wttli the pulilic of Plattsmouth date back to and whether
or Eiot K laave merited their confidence and whether or not In any case 2 ha!e regarded their
, interests as well as my own is ior them to say,
- H have feeen treated with great courtesy and with a very liberal patronage fey my friends
and the public and take this occasion to return Buy sincerest thanks for the same.
JSs& having? succeeded Isa selling out myhuslBaess5 a fulfiy IE expected to sbx weeks ago. H
have decided to take a partner and continue business at the old stand, and trust that my many
irieiaal csm! customers will give the new firm as liberal a patronage and fair treaimeiet as they
have givesa to me. The new firm, after the ISth insf9 will consist of myself and son. CJharles
'W'. St shall be our aim to carry a full stock of first-class UDry (Koods, Millinery and Carpets,
as fall a stock as any first-class house could expect to carry, and shall always sell at bottom
prices. With the energy off youth addedTfhe firm expects to put on new energy, and possibly
new methods, into the business, and shall endeavor to deserve an enlarged share of pat rossage.
They Create Considerable Havoc In
Portions of the East.
PiTTsitcno, April 12. A heavy thun
der, wind and hail storm visited portions
of western Pennsylvania, eastcan Ohio
and Maryland today, doinp; considerable
damage. At Klk Garden, Md., a flash
of lihtnino; instantly killed John Wet
zel, a farmer, and two horses. At Frank
lin, Pa., a large iron tDk containing
3,000 barrels of naphtha was struck and
destroyed. At Masontowu, Pa.tlie roof
of a new public school building was
lifted off, plate glass windows broken
and store fronts blown in. The storm
was accompanied by hail. At Steuben
ville, O.. hail stones as large as eggs fell,
breaking many windows. In this city
there was a heavy thunder storm and
large hail stones fell, but there was no
serious damage.
Whekliko, W. Va., April 12. This
evening a fierce thunder storm prevailed,
and some good sized hail stones fell. A
barn belonging to Charles Adolph,
ucross the river, was struck and burned
with its contents, including livestock.
At St. Cl iirsviile, O., The roof of Mur
daugh's mill was tossed fifty yards into
a yacant lot, and several large plate
glass windows in the conrt house were
broken. At Powhrtan, O., the storm
truck llornbrook's three story brick
building and the roof was blown off. It
landed on Oiffen, Bean & Co's. drug
store, a frame building, almost crushing
it by its weight, and damaged the con
tents considerably. Mr. Coleman, who
was in the third story of llornbrook's
building, was blown out into the street
and badly injured. The roof of the
Ohio River railroad depot was blown off
and t lie building caught 6rc, but the
flames were soon extinguished. Many
chimneys and windows were damaged.
A Bollef That the Diaz Government
is About to be Overthrown.
2stew York, April 12. A private let
received in New York today from a trust
worthy gentleman residint in the city of
Mexico, says: "Four of the men arrested
on the charge of being implicated in the
derailing of President Diaz's train a few
weeks ago have been shot. The execu
tion was carried out yery vuietly.J is not
infrequently happens in such cases in this
country. Newspapers and news agencies
did not publish the fact, as editors stand
in wholesome awe of imprisonment and
do not give publicity to events which
the governmental authorities prefer
should remain in obscurity. The pros
pect now is that we are going to have
exciting times here before long. The
impression is deepening in many minds
that President Diaz will not be able to
maintain his position to the end of his
present term. Indeed, many think Gon
zale w ill succeed to the presidency be
fore eighteen months have passed.
A Dockter in trubble
The following scholarly letter was writ
ten by a neighboring doctor and received
by Elmwood's medicine man:
"deer Dock I" hav a pashent whos
physical sines shows that the wind pine
has ulcerated off and lunges hav dropt
d wn into his stumick I have given him
everry thin without efeckt her fauther is
whelthy honorable and influenshal as he
is a menber of assembly and god' nose I
dont want to lose hym what shal i dn
ans by return male. Yours frat. ."
Green peas made their appearance in
market this morning.
Nothing indicates a state of general
prosperity for a county more thin to sec
the little country towns all having a
"boom." Thb Joker notices this is the
condition of all the Cass county villages,
and not even a disastrous fire can put a
damper to their enterprise. But he
would warn them to beware of one de
ceiver, and that is the lightning rod
vender. Never hesitate to refuse one of
them entertainment, for angels never
pose as lightning rod agents with a
contract to sign, and it only takes him
thirty minutes to induce a man to state
he needs protection from electric fire, aud
have him sign a note for $150 to keep
his word.
The reports of the recent election in
the state have caused The Joker to call
to mind a few thoughts from the pen of
Bob Burdette, as follows: "You don't
make a man any better by destroying
him. You can cut a rattler into fifty
pieces and the venom in his fangs will
be just as deadly as ever. Hi isn't able
himself to apply it; that is all. And yet
there are men as wise men go who
believe that a man can live the life of a
devil all the days he has to live, hating
good and despising virtue, and then
after seventy or eighty years ot this, by
simply laying down and dying, become
suddeuly transformed into an angel of
light and purity, with holy aspirations,
godly and heavenly minded.''
The Joker again wishes to state that
it is with extreme pleasure he observes
the booming condition of Plattsmouth.
and there is so much room for her to ex
tend her energies, that the boom need
never cease. Plattsmouth is at present
the county seat of Cass county. Is
bounded on the west by the suburbs and
on the east by a sandbar, to the south of
it lies the fair grounds and on the north
is a good location for a peach orchard.
Plattsmouth, like several other towns,
lies in the center of the surrounding
country. The people who live around it
are mostly engaged in farming, but they
put in their spare time in buying goods
of peddlers, aud then cuss the town for
being so dull. The principal public
buildings are the flag staff and the pump
in front of the court house. The lattei
is made fast to the sidewalk lest some
one should carry it away to "Wabash.
The town was laid out about thirty years
ago, and it has laid out ever since be
ciuseno one ever thought of such a
thing as taking it in out of the weather.
The streets in the original plat were
marked out with a lead pencil, but care
less men have driven over them with
wagons and erased the original marks so
that the council several years ago was
obliged to paint the names of the stroets
on signs. But now these haye all fallen
down, so that a man has no means cf
knowing whether he is on Billings ave
nue or on a tare. Among the recent ar
rivals which may be classed as being good
for the health is gentle spring and some
new sidewalks on main street, the latter
still have room for improvement. Platts
mouth has three policemen. They have
no regular beats but frequently gather
up beats and run them into the station
hoase. On the whole Plattsmouth is a
goo l town; she is pleasantly located and
inhabited by people who try to do as
near right as tliey know how, when they
i wont lose any money or influence by it.
I Probably some of our readers have money
investad in the town, aud thosa who
Cajrdl to
have not would do well to invest at onci.
While out walking on? day this week
The Joker found a large diamond in the
western part of the city, but at it was
on the ball grounds he. left it there. For
an en gagement over this diamond it is
necessary for some one to pitch, bat and
catch-her. When there is two sides to
the engagement the kisser is an indispen
sible par ticipater.
Although the weather h:u been modest
ly wet for a week The Joker believes
the reporters of Plattsmouth have found
it rather dry picking.
M. E. Church-
This evening and tomorrow will oc
cur the services of the third quarterly
meeting at the M. E. church. I lev. F.
A. Campbell, pastor of the M. E. church
it Greenwood will supply tin? pnloit "n
place of the presiding eld jr. i'
this evening at 7:30, tomorrow at 11 a.
m. and 7:30 p. m. The love-feast at 10
a. m. tomorrow. ' Communion at the
close of Sabbath morning service. The
members of the quarterly conference will
meet at close of this evening's seryice.
Mrs. J. S. Newland has moved to the
corner of 14th and Walnut streets where
she is prepared to do all carpet weaving
that any one wishes done. tf
An Ordinance
Vacating and authorizing the mayor to
issue a proclamation declaring the vaca
tion of Second street between south line
of Main and north line of Granite street--,
and of Pearl between Second street una
alley in block 3'2.
Whereas, The Chicago, Burlington
and Quincy railroad company, assignee
and owner of the Burlington and Mis
souri river railroad company in Nebras
ka, have proposed to dedicate to the city
of Plattsmouth for a public street, forty
seven feet east of alley and next thereto
from Main to Granite streets through
blocks Nos. 32 and 47 in consideration
of the city's vacating Second street be
tween Main and Granite streets, and
Pearl between Second and alley in block
32, and the railroad company further
agrees to make all fills necessary for a
good, substantial and practicable high
way on the new street, said fills to be
completed before the said Second street
nnd Pearl between Second and alley in
block 32 are finally vacated.
Therefore, be it ordained by the mayor
and council of the city of Plattsmouth:
Sec. I. That all that part of Second
street of the city of Plattsmouth lying
and being between Main and Granite
streets and that part of Pearl street be
tween Se?ond street and alley in block 32
be aod the same are hereby vacated.
Sec. II. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect at such time as the
mayor may designate by a proclamation
published with this ordinance.
Sec. III. The mayor is hereby em
powered and authorized by proclamation
to declare this ordinance in effect when
ever the conditions to be performed by
the Chicago. Burlington and Quincy
railroad company, assignee and owner of
the Burlington and Missouri riyer rail
road company in Nebraska, have by said
railroad company been fulfilled, namely,
m iking fill in proposed street in block
No. 32 and transferring for street pur
poses forty-seven feet next to and enst of
alley through blocks Nos. 32 and 47 as
su'veyed, platted and recorded.
Passed and approyed December 19th,
A. D. 18S8. F. M. Richey,
Attest: W. K. Fox, Mayor.
City Clerk.
Now Thep.efre. I. F. M. Richey, as
Mayor of the city of Plattsmouth, do, by
yirtue of the powpr vested in me by the
provisions of said Ordinance, and as re-
I quired by a Resolution adopted by the
City Council of the City of Plattsmouth,
on the 4tn day ot Apri', declare
aid Ordinance to be in force and take
effect from and after this data
Dated this 5th day of April, A. D. 1889.
F. M. Ricuey, Mayor.
Ever seen in Plattsmouth. Everybody pleased with our Exhibition.
It was the universal expression of everyone that examined our Suits
tint thv w"r ?'it G -ieof nil y
Well Mi H Perlect Fill
No one desires to have Tailor-Made Gunnentsjwho has fitted on one
of our Suits.
are to sell only the Best Clothing. The Confidence of all classes al
ready gained is a Feather in our Business Cap that will continue to
wave gracefully in the balmy days of the present Spring. Remember
also that
WE Will
any prices quoted to you in anything in our Line of goods.
The Leading Clothiers, 5ti & Main St.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
' including our
Flor de Pepperbergo' and 'Buds
always in stock. Nov. 26. 1885.
Ci7 ; tfl Q' "ift A MONTH ean be made
I tt lo o-'U" wonting for us. Agents
Referred who can furnish a hore aud give
ilieir wliole lime to the business. Spare worn
ent may be profitably employed also, a fer
vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. JOHN
SON & CO., loos Main-st.. Richmond, Va.
A", li. lAtilie ctnfl!el ali. jYivtr mind
ahout tending xta-mji fur reply. Come quick.
l'our for biz, Ji. F. J. Co
Hair cha'ns, pins, necklaces, rings
switches and frizzes made by Mrs. A.
Knee, west of Moore's trreen houie.
Orders can be left at Dovey's store or Mrs.
Jo'inson's millinery store.
Fine Job Work Cheap at The IIer vld
Dr. C- A. Marshal!.
.1 : i
3R.33id3nt D outlet.
Preservation of the Natural Teeth a
Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain
less Filling or Extraction ok Teeth.
Artificial teeth made on Gobi, Silver,
Rubber or Celluloid Plates, find inserted
as soon as teeth are extracted when de
All wrork warranted. Prices reasonable.
Firzoita alo's Bo tea. Pi.rr-iou ru. Nkb
P -rsonal attention to all Business Kntrust
to my care.
Titles Examined, Abstarcts Compiled, In
surance Written, Keal Kstate Sold.
Better Facilities for making Farm Loans than
Aar Other Agency.
I'laltsmout It, - Xc-braftka