The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 12, 1889, Image 4

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Tne" Kvening Herald.
A. KalUbury. DtatM, Korkwool Vulldiag,
Telephone 'u. :t..
Or. Ultlior, Itenllut, Inlon Itlork.
They Make an Accommodating
Wager that Brings Them
into Court-
S. A. Davis is erecting his oil Louie
on the 15. & M. prctuiacs.
A very enjoyMe evening i reported
from tlo W. C. T. U. social lttst night at
the residence of Mrs. C. K. "Wcscott.
A number of ex-shop hys left the
city yesterday and today, some for their
homes, others to look for employment
Mr. L. I. Karnes has ordered an
outfit with which to manufacture rubber
stamps, and will soon be able to fill
orders in that line.
Manager Young says that everybody
should go to the entertainment tonight
at the opera house and those that fail to
go will miss a rare treat.
Don't fail to go to the opera house
tonight, anil you will be entertained by
Prof. West and his wife. Lots of fun
and you will all go home well pleased.
II. F. Lenhoff was in the city yester
day and ordered'a stock of apples shipped
to his store at Superior by Phillip Krause.
Phil's business is branching out consider
able. Mrs. Ossenkopf, of Louisville, died
last night at Louisville. She was an
aged lady, mother of John Ossenkopf, a
grain dealer there, and Win. Ossenkopf, a
prominent farmer.
The Clair Putee company is one of
the best dramatic companies that has ap
peired the work was well applauded.
Omaha Bee. At the opera house,
day, Tuesday and Wednesday.
No company which approaches the
Cilibtr of the Clair Patec company, in
years, if ever before, has played a week's
engagement in Sioux Citv. It was the
surprise, the delightful surprise of the
season. Sioux City Journal. At the
opera house, Monday, Tuesday and Wed
The spring opening at the Bazar was
held yesterday and tcday. Though the
weather kept many from attending, yet
a good number of ladies were out. A
fine stock of spring millinery goods was
handaomelv displayed and manv were
the expressions of admiration of the new
styles in bonnets and hats for ladies and
children. The opening will continue to
Mrs. Kate Oliver visited in Omaha to
Clvde Kirknatrick was in town from
Lincoln yesterday on business.
Mrs. J. II. Young and Miss Gadd were
arrivals from Omaha yesterday.
Mrs. Dixon and Miss Steimker were
visitors at Pacific Junction today.
Mrs. Belle Russell, of Omaha, arrived
in the city yesterday to visit her sister,
Mrs. Studebaker, of the Bazar.
W. II. Braddock, who has been in the
shops some time as a painter, left last
night for his home, at Somerset, Ohio.
Mr. W. II. Miller and wife left for
Newton, Iowa, this morning, where Mrs,
Miller will remain to yisit but Mr. Miller
will return to Colorado for sight seeing
The Same Old Came.
Nemaha Couny Herald: Lightning
rod swindlers are at present working the
farmers of the county. An outfit visited
the farm of J. AY. Ilorm in Lafayette
irecinct last week and agreed to rod hi
housa for $25, a contract for which Mr,
Horn signed. After the work was don
the men presented an order properly
signed by Mr. Horn which called for
$50. The fellows were liable to get into
trouble and compromised for $30. Be
ware of them.
Blake vs. Pratt.
Justice Pottenger's court was occupied
today with a cast; that is rare in its de
tails, and is much of a case of friend
rosecuting friend. From the evidence
dduced in the case it seems on the after
noon of February IS, D. 11. Piatt made
the proposition to Johnny Blake that if
he would not drink for two weeks he
would purchase a diamond ring of F.
Carruth, price $223, but which could be
bought for $200 cash, and make him a
present of it. Mr. Blake replied that if
Mr. Pratt would not drink for ten days'
he would buy the ring for him. To this
Mr. Pratt replied (according to testimony
of plaintiff) "and Mrs. Blake shall have
the ring." This virtually insured the
ring for Mrs. Blake and Blake "set 'em
up" and that was the last of it for ten
days. After that time the two went to
Carruth's jewelery store where Blake
gave a check for $200 for the ring which
was given to Mr. Pratt. When Mr.
Blake thought it was about time for the
ring to come into Mrs. Blake's possession,
it was withheld, and II. C. Ritchie and
Con O'Connor were sent by him to see
Mr. Pratt. Pratt replied to their advice
that if Mr. Blake would coma and re
spectfully ask for the ring he could
lave it. This was not done and the case
went on and Mr. Pratt finally sent the
ring to his wife at Omaha. Through
Attorney Gering Mr. Blake then issued a
replevy at Omaha for the ring, and that
brought the caso into court. Pratt
called Byron Clark to be his attorney and
the eas5 came up this morning before
Justice Pottcnger. Fred Egenberger,
bar-tender for plaintiff, Con O'Connor,
II. C. Ritchie, Johnny Blake, II. D. Pratt,
Ilil-y,lIio brick mason, and F. Carruth
were called as witnesses.
About the statement that Mrs. Blake
should have the ring, Mr. Pratt testified
that after the agreement was made he
said "Mrs. Blake shall wear the ring,"
but to this Blake generously objected
and the proposition was withdrawn.
There was no special bad feeling mani
fest iu any part of the proceedings, but
in oni or two instances there was an evi
dent forgetfulness of circumstances,
which it was not desired to state. A
short argument was made by the attor
neys and the judge took the case under
consideration till 10 o'clock tomorrow.
one V
Sale o!
Sieves !
Deatn of General Hatch.
Fokt Konixsox, Neb., April 12. Gen
eral Edward Hatch, who was s badly
hurt by being thrown from his carriage
neaily a month ago, sustaining a fracture
of ti e hip bone, died suddenly at Reveille
this morning. . Up to the time of his
death the General was supposed to be
improving and on the road to rapid re
covery. His sudden demise w:is a great
shock to both officers and priyates of the
garrison, and the intelligence caused the
deepest sorrow. In his sudden death the
army loses a most gallant officer, of
splendid war record, and his associates
a ireuerous and hospitable friend
and companion. His military record,
from April, 1861, to date, is one of con
tinuous activity on the field, both during
the rebellion and since in Indian wars.
The irneral was a native of Maine, but
early removed to Iowa. At the breaking
out of the civil war in 1S61 ha became
captain of the Second Iowa cavalry, ris
ing to be colonel of the regiment in
June. 1862. He was in command at
New Madrid, Island No. 10, and Coriath.
He commanded a bri trade at Iuka and
subsequently a tlivision of cavalry in the
Army of Tennessee. He was appointed
brigadier geueral of volunteers May 30,
1834, nnd commanded a cavalry division
$1.75 & $2 25
Simpson's Best Plain
4 Button, Our Own,
4 Button,
5 Button Bon Marche Embroidered
6 Button Bon Marche Suedes Em
broidered Back.
8 Button Bon Marche Suedes Em
broidered Back.
Ladies' Suede Gantlet Driving
$175 & $2.25-
These Gloves are the very best manufactured, and at the exceningly low
price of $1.19 a pair will sell very rapidly. Full Line of Colors, Tans, Brows, Slates
We haye a Lot of 5, 5f and 0 Kid Gloves we are closing at 25 cents a pair,
worth 73 cents.
Spring Wraps and Jerseys.
Short Beaded Wraps at $5, $7 and $10 each.
Silk Biocaded Dolmans, Elegantly Trimmed with Lace and Jeti, at $10 each,
reduced from $25.
Cashmere Dolmans at $5, reduced from $10.
Peasant Cloaks, colors, Fans, Gobelins nd Black at $10 each.
Ladies' Black Jeiseys, Fast Black, Plaited front, only 75 cents each.
Ladies' All-wool Black Jerseys. Vest Front, Good Quality, only $1.50.
Eadies' Jerseys, Front Trimmed with Silk Braid. Military Style, only $2.
Ladies' Flanellette Blouse Waists in Stiped effects, only 75 cents each.
Ladies' Jersey Blouse Waists in Navy, Saphire and Wine Shades only $1.S0.
Ladies' Jersey Blouse Waists, Wide Sailor Collars, all Shades, only $2.25.
Ladies Striped Jersey Blouse, Trimmed in Plain Shades to Match, fine qual
ity, only $3.50 each.
Children a Flannellette Blouses, very neat for summer wear, at o.j cents eacn.
Children's Jersey Blouses in Navy, Terra Cotta, Saphire and Cardinal, at
$1.23 each.
Children's Extra Quality Blouses, Sailor Style, very pretty, only $2.00.
Boys' Shirt Waists in Flannellette and Perc'ails at 50, 65 and 75 cents each.
Special Sale of Press Goods !
All-Wool Double Fold Dress Suitings in all of the new Spring Shades and
Mixtures at 27 cents yard;
Tliese G-oodc TvortlL 35c,
36 inch al Wool Dress Suitings, Broadcloth Finish, comprising everything
new in this season's colorings, at the low price of :!'.) cents a yard,
"UITortlbt 45 'Cents a TTaiccL
40 inch Red Fern Suitings Reduced to 50 cents a yard. These goods never
were offered so low and these prices will last
Only During "I'll is Week.
Embroideries and
shown lite
Our line of these iroods far surua-ises everything we have ever
and our prices very low.
Check Nansooks at 8J, 10, 12i, 15, 17, 20, 25. and tf5 cents a yard.
Plain India Linens at 10, 12J, It, 17, 20, 5 and :)3 cents a yard.
Checked India Linens at 12,, 17, 20, 20, 25 and :15 cents a yard,
Florentine and Ilrrmosia Suitings at 25 and 3 cents a yard.
Rossi n and Lace Stripes at 12J. IS and 20 cents yard.
Fast Black India Linens at 17. 25. 'M) and :5 cents a ysrd.
White and Cream Bttiste Claire from 20 cents to 50 cents n yard.
Airt full lint., nf Victoria Luwns. India Mulls. Dotted Swiss. J ones'
Cambrieks; Cotten and Linen Diaper Cloth, T ickings, etc.
45 inch Swiss Flonneings from CO cents a yard to $-'.00 a yard.
Misses Swiss Flouncings from 75 cenU yard to $2.00 yard.
Apron Swiss Flouncings from 75 cents to $1.00 a yard.
Don't fail to look over our Lines of Above Goods before purchasing for
it will pay you to do so.
at the battles of Franklin and Nashville
and the subsequent pursuit of Hood's
army. He was brevetted brigadier and
major general for gallantry in the last
two battles. In July ISOtS, he was ap
pointed colonel of the Ninth United
States cavalry. Since then, in Texas
New Mexico and Colorado, he has main
tained his reputation of the war in nu
merous combats with hostile Indians.
The army has indeed lost a gallant sol
dier, officer and gentleman.
H-Boeck's Furniture Emporium
It is a fact that Henry Boeck has as
complete a stock of elegant furniture at
his block on Sixth and Main streets, as
any store in Chicago. Handsome furn
ishiugs for home and office can be pur
chased there from a fine upright piano to
a hand looking glass; at present, how
ever, a great demand is being made on
his refrigorators, which are such a com
fort during the hot summer season. Do
not fail to furnish your dining room
with one.
Millet for sale Enquire at F. A.
Burke's implement store.
At Veckbach's Millinery Oep't-
Wc have the largest and finest
assortment ot'ladies' and children's
hats in the city.
Call earl j and select your Eas
ter bonnets.
Infant's white lace caps from 35
cents upward. Prices sure to
suit. Joseph V. Weckbacii.
To the new COIL OIL. Stove
just receivedat Johnson Bros.
Call and veetlietu. Tliey will
not explode.
Grand openimg of spring and sum
mer goods at Moore & Studebaker's April
11 and 12. Finest line of patterns and
trimmed goods ever brought to Platts
mouth. Ladies of Plattsmouth and
vicinity are cordially invited to call and
exaaiiue our goods and get our prices.
Mrs. J. S. Newland has moved to the
corner of 14th and Walnut streets where
she is prepared to do all carpet weaving
that any one wishes done. tf
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meal at Heisel's mill, tf
ools and Shoes at Cost.
If our trade continues in the next Ninety Days as it has in the past Thirty Days wo
will soon be off for l'ucblo, Colorado. So
Grasp til Opportunity
And Supply Yourself with Enough to Last You Two Years, while you cun get
your Footwear at a "Cash" sacrifice.
Call and See Our Reduced Prices.
No Trouble to Show Goods.
W. A.
P. s.
save expensf.
All knowing themselves indebted to us please call
S( ttlo
A. B.
Ch.U&rns Suits $1,
Cliilds EZnee I?ants 25 cts.
Boys "Wool Suits $2.65.
Hons Wording Suits $3.
-A.11 Wool Blacls Worsted
Suits $7.65.
Hons Ovosalls 35 cents.
Mens "Worlring Shirts 35 cts.
Mens Blue Flannol Shirts 75c
Moris Jeans Pants 85 cts.
Mens Blaclr Wool Hats 35c
Zvlons Caps Sivs cents.
Mens Worlsing noes $1 .
Mens Sewed Shoes, Button orl
Lace, $1.65.
Mens Calf Boots $1.90.
Mens Shirts and Drawers 25
STIiis is the (Greatest Slaughter Sale ever seesi In Cass county. It you want to save 5
cents on every dollar buy your (Roods of
I53IIiHcnEr9 Itno cnHnL ' ESHs,toI OinioIRiriLcDO CS3La1fc33iiL3ir0