The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 10, 1889, Image 4

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i'ne Evening Herald.
' A. NalUborjr. De.tlut, Uoekwood Uaildlng,
Telephone Ho. H5.
Dr. Withers, Dentist, I'nUn Block.
The water meter at the high school
building seems to be causing trouble
Sometimes it works and sometimes it
The stockholders of the Plattsmouth
base ball club will meet at the Cas
Countj bank tonight.
Bennett & lutt secured a garnish
judgment yesterday in Justice PottingerV
court against C. C. Carey for about $-
A girl about fifteen years of age was
brought before County Judge Russell
this morning, named Clementine Eineigl.
She was sentenced to the reform school
The Clair-Patee Company will be
at the Opera house next Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday nights. This company
has never played in Plattsmouth and has
a ladies1 silver corner band, uniformed,
as one feature.
A large party of young people
gathered at the home of of Lizzie and
llolert Miller on South Sixth street last
night, in honor of the birthday of
Tisiting sister from Lincoln. A pleasant
time is reported.
Oo to the Opera House on next Fri
day night and you will be highly enter
tained and amused, instructive for old
and amusing for the young. Don't con
fuse it with a panorama or a mere migir
lantern show, but something based upon
scientific principles, and the house will
be made as light as day by a new pro
cess. Securs your tickets n"w. Pries
25, 35 aud 50 cents.
The Plattsmouth fire department is
surely in need of some stimulus to re
five the activity of the members. What
is necessary is hard to tell, but then
must be something wron from the fact
that so many are dropped from member
ship for delinquency in attendance, and
yet, it is a good move to rid the organ
ization of all uninterested members. The
fire-department is a necessity to the vital
interests of the city, and though uncom
plainingly prompt service has been ren
dered on every occasion, a meeting hall
and lively interest in its success by all
business men might be a benefit and en
couragement to the department.
Rev. A. K. Myattway, who has for
two years been Baptist minister at Wa-
hoo, was in the ciiy today visiting
around, and admiring the cites, having
found it convenient to stop here on a re
turn trip from Clarinda, Iowa, to Wahoo.
Rev. Myattway is a native of Burmah. or
father India, and came to this country
thirteen years ago and was educated in
New York state for the Baptist ministry,
lie has recently resigned his call at
Wahoo and will doubtless be called to
Clarinda. or some other Iowa town. The
English language is spoken very plainly
by him and he is an elequent and forci
ble speaker.
Plattsmouth has a Paint Factory
on .the Line of Coming
P. C. Mayne, of Council Bluffs, father
of C. E. Mayne, of Omaha, and a promi
nent real estate man, is in the city today
looking at real estate with a view to
locating at this point, and starting a
paint factory. He was shown over the
city by 3Ir. Windham. Mr. Mayne has
recently purchased about a thousand
acres of land just below the B. & M.
bridg on ths Iowa side of the river, in
tending to make a stock ranch of it He
emphatically expressed himself well
pleased with the prospects of Platts
mouth and her location.
i PEK.
Cnildrens Suits 51.
Cnilds ZZnee Pants 25 cts.
Boys Wool Suits $2.65.
Mens Jeans Pants 85 cts.
Mens Slacls Wool Sats 35c
Mens Caps Five cents.
3Tliis is lite (Greatest Slaughter Sale ever seera lia (Doss county. 311 you want to save
cents on every doSSar buy your (Koods'of
XS3L3lH02Sr9 D?ItEio nU.r2L 2ESl:fl.SLtol3 Oiras-IPiriLr5 CSILcCDliliaiLoifs,
That is What the Jury Finds After
Being Out Nine Minutes.
The Popular Verdict.
It will not be worth while for the
Hkkald to attempt to giye the particu
lars of great murder trial which has just
closed, in Omaha, and which has been
the one theme of discussion over Ne
braska, indeed all the central states since
April :J. The case is one of betrayed
confidence which led to the killing of
Harry King of Chicago and Omaha by
Libbie Bitchier, of the former place, on
Ncv 17, 1S83. The scene of the murdr
was the Paxton House parlor, and about
7 o'clock in the morning. King was a
millionaire and that now seems to have
been his only enjoyiable inheritance. The
case came up in the district court at
Oinih i, April a, entitled, "Harry King
vs. Libbie Biechler," and the charge was
murder. Judges Baldwin and Cowin,
represented the defense, and Attorney's
Mahoney and Montgomery the prosecu
tion, though the arguing opened Saturday
by Assistant County Attorney Edgarton.
The great speech of the trial was made
by Gsn Cowin, who is Nebraska's great
est criminal lawyer and of a national
reputation, who began Monday morning
and spoke till 4:30. The court adjourn
ed aad he resumed his speech yesterday
momi:ig for an hour. Attorned Maho
ney occupied the rest of the tims yester
day for the prosecution, arguing till 5
o'clock when court adjourned till 9:30
this morning. He closed his argument
atl0:.'!9 this morning. Judge Groff
gave his instructions and the jury retired
at 10:-15 and in nine minutes returned a
verdict of "Libbie Biechler not guilty."
The prisoner fainted at the announcement
of th.i verdict and was caught by
her attorney Oen. Cowin, who was at her
side. He assisted her to the priyate office
of Judge Groff where her friends con
gratulated her and wept and shouted for
joy; while there rose from the excited
throng a cheer that shook the building
and was heard throughout the city.
Tiie sympathy of the public has been
almost entirely with the defendant in
this c tsa and the verdict is popularly re
ceived. PERSONALS.
John Babb was in Omaha today.
Judge Sullivan left last night for Lin
coln. Dr. Ed Cummins was an Omaha pas
senger last evening.
Mrs. T. Clark and little daughter, were
visitors in Omaha today.
T. B. Wilson, an attorney fiom Ash
land was in town today.
County Surveyor Schmidt was at
Weeing Water today doing suryeying.
G. 11. Snider, who has been visiting
his son, tilt barber, left this morning for
Whiting, Kas.
Mrs. O. F. Johnson and Mrs. G. T. S.
Burton returned last night from a risit
to Nebraska City.
Ed Alexander, of Omaha, was in the
city last night yisiting his brother, Rev.
W. B. Alexander. He left this morning
for S-attle.
J. Kennedy returned this morning
from Orleans, where he went from Platts
inouth several months ago in the employ
of the B. & M.
W. A. Derrick, Rev. II. B. Burgess,
Jas. Donnelly. Hon. F. E. White, Senator
M. D. Palk, Peter Mann, and J. A. Con
nor were Omaha passengers this morn
ing. W R-C Benefit-
Tiie opera house management will do
nate t.'ii per cent, of the gross receipts
realized from Friday nights entertain
ment, given by Prof. West. For fiae
view, both foreign and American, pro
duced by the uses of two large "Drum
mond Lights." it must be seen to be ap
preciated, as it is instructive and amus
ing. For full particulars see small bills
and posters.
ifieieid lEiiE
Special Sale
4 Button, Our Own, Embroidered
4 Button, Simpson's Best Plain
5 Button Bon Marche Embroidcied
6 Button Bon Marche Suedes Em
bridered Back.
8 Button Bon Marche Suede3 Em
broidered Back.
Ladies1 Suede Gantlet Driving
$1.19 Pair
$1.75 & $2 25
These Gloves are the very best
price of $1.19a pair will sell very rapidly.
We haye a Lot of 7, 5 and G Kid
worth 75 cents.
Spring Wraps and Jerseys.
Short Beaded Wraps at $5, $7 and $10 each.
Silk Biocaded Dolmans. Elegantly Trimmed with Lace and Jets, at $10 each,
reduced from $25.
Cashmere Dolmans at $5, reduced from $10.
Peasant Cloaks, colors, Fans, Gobelins and Black at $10 each.
Ladies' Black Jeiseys, Fast Black, Plaited front, only 75 cents each.
Ladies' All-wool Black' Jerseys. Vest Front, Good Quality, only $1.50.
Eadies' Jerseys, Front Trimmed with Silk Braid, Military Style, only $2.
Ladies' Flanellette Blouse Waists in Siiped effects, only 75 cents each.
Ladies' Jersey Blouse Waists in Navy, Saphire and Wine Shades only $1.50.
Ladies' Jersey Blouse Waists, Wide Sailor Collars, all Shades, only $2.25.
Ladies Striped Jersey Blouse, Trimmed in Plain Shades to Match, fine qual
ity, only $3.50 each.
Children's Flannellette Blouses, very neat for summer wear, at G5 cents each.
Children's Jersey Blouses in Navy, Terra Cotta, Saphire and Cardinal, at
$1.25 each.
Children's Extra Quality Blouses, Sailor Style, very pretty, only $2.00.
Boys' ShirtWaists in Flannellette and Percails at 50, G3 aud 75 cents each.
Plattsmouth Business Men's Asso
oiation Organized
Last night representatives of twenty
seven business firms of this city responded
to the call to meet at the Riddle house
for the purpose of organizing a business
men's association. Officers were elected
and an organization effected. It is an
institution with the best interests of its
members in view, and takes in all rstail
dealers. No retailers' association has
heretofore been perfected, here or else
where in this state, for their good, but
this, us a branch of the state organization,
promises to deyelop and become a source
of mutual benefit. The organization is
spreading rapidly because of the good
results to be obtained, and every business
man in Plattsmouth would doubtless do
himself good by associating himself with
this branch.
The W. C. T. U. will give a social
Thursday evening, April 11, 1880, at the
residence of Mrs. C. E. Wescotr, to which
all members and their husbands are in
vited; also the members ot the Y. W. C.
T. U.
tr i r '
Mens Working
jbXL Wool Blaol "Worsted
Suits $7.65.
Mens "Wording1
Mens Sewed Sh.oss Button or
I ace, $1.65.
of Kid Gloves!
$1.19 Pair
$175 & $225-
manufactured, and at the exceningly low
Full Line of Colori, Tans, Brows, Slates
Gloves we are closing at 25 cents a pair,
Firemen's Meeting Last Night.
The reirular monthly meeting of the
Plattsmouth fire department was held in
the council chamber last night. About
forty members who have been delinquent
in attendance, were dropped from the
roll mid the affairs of the department
straightened out somewhat; for it in nec
essary that the secretary make a report
this month of the membership roll f the
department, to the city council, county
clerk and district clerk. The officers of
the department are Jim Johns, chief; W.
II. Pickins, president; H. C. Ritchie, sec
retary; D. CI Morgan treasurer.
The Neville hose team called a meet
ing after the department adjourned and
decided to commence practice next Mon
day evening preparatory to attending
the Firemen's Tournament at Council
Bluffs in June. The officers of the
Neville team are H. C. Ritchie, manager;
D. C. Morgan, captain; Chas. Miller, sec
retary; Jas. Patterson, treasurer.
The Nebraska State Firemen's tourna
ment will be held at Red Cloud in July.
Prizes, all told amount to $1,000.
Finest and best line of refrigerators in
the city at II. Boeck's. Buy of him.
i mmm i r rs ir Mir - t
Suits $3.
hces $1.
k Easier Hoi
Special Sale of Dress Goods !
All-Wool Double Fold Dress Suitings in all of the new Spring Shades and
Mixtures at 27 cents yard;
Tliese G-6ods "77"ortln. 35 c,
8G inch al Wool Dre?s Suitings, Broadcloth Finish, comprising everything
new in this season's colorings, at the low price of 30 cents a yard,
Worth 45 Cents a TTard.
40 inch Red Fern Suitings Reduced to 50 cents a yard. These goods 'never
were offered so low aud these prices will last
Only XBuring Tib is Week.
Our line of these goods far surpasses
and our prices very low.
Check Nansooks at 8J, 10, 12,, 15, 17, 20, 25, and 35 cents a yard.
Plain India Linens at 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 25 and :55 cents a yard.
Checked India Linens at 12, 17, 20, 20, 25 and 35 cents a yard,
Florentine and Ilermosia Suitings at 25 and 3 cents a yard.
Rossi n and Lace Stripes at 12 J, IS and 20 cents yard.
Fast Black India Linens at 17, 25, :50 and ."5 c ents a ysrd.
White and Cream Batiste Claire from 20 cents to 50 cents a ynrd.
Also full lines of Victoria Lawns, India Mulls, Dotted Swivs, J ones' Soft
Cambricks; Cotten and Linen Diaper Cloth, Tnckings, etc.
45 inch Swiss Flouneings from GO cent a yard to $2.()0 a yard.
Misses Swiss Flouneings from 75 rents yard to $ 2.00 yard.
Apron Swiss Flouneings from 75 cents to $1.00 ynrd.
Don't fail to look over our Lines of Above Goods before purchasing for
it will pay you to do so.
Boots and Shoes at Cost.
If our trade continues in the next Ninety Days as it his in the past Thirty Days we
will soon be off for Pueblo, Colorado. So
Grasp the Opportunity
And Supply Yourself with Enough to Last You Two Years, while you con get
your Footwear at a "Cash" sacrifice.
Call and See Our
No Trouble to
W. A.
P. S. All knowing themselves indebted to us pirate call and settle and
save expense.
-j air iff i if i u
Mens Ovesalls 35 cents.
Mens "Wording Shirts 35 cts.
Mens Slue Flannsl Shirt3 75c
Mens Calf Boots $1.90.
Mens Snirts and Drawers 25.
everything we have ever tliown hee
Eta 2sYewh
Reduced Prices.
Show Goods.
"v. A. B.
... I I , , i