The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 05, 1889, Image 4

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. w.iing Herald.
A. K.lNlmry. )eatlt, Itork ooil Building,
Ttlrpho.e o. ;(..
ttr. Hithrm, Iut1nt, I'nlun Rlork.
Our hunters enjoy going on a "wild
goose chase" occasionally.
The employes of the shops are each
and all wondering "who will be the
Plattsmouth's new orchestra of eight
pieces will furnish the music at S. & C.
Mayer's opcniujj tonight
The Little Nugget patrol band and
operatic orchestra is said to be the best
in the world. Don't fail to hear the grand
street concert on next Monday.
- Go and reserve your seats for "Lit
tle Nugget" on next Monday, it will be
a fino entertainment, and worthy of a
full house. Fine music and lots of fun.
It" is equal if not better than "A Postage
Sunday afternoon the gospel meet
ing at the Y. M. C. A. rooms for mm
should be kept in mind. It is always a
profitable place for a young man lo
spend an hour hearing the gospel from
their fellows.
The Journal in announcing the
Philharmonic club concert in last eyen
ing's issue, made an unpardonable blud
cr by stating that the conceit would
be given at the opera house last night
The Journal was a little "too previous"
as the entertainment docs not come off
until tonight, and will be giyen at Rock -wood
hall instead of the opera house.
Plattsmouth's new orchestra of eight
pieces will furnish the music at S. & C.
Mayer's opening tonight.
A line or two may appear in a news
paper tli it in i j make a man an enemy to
the newspaper for life. He will stop hi
subscription, but this act does not deter
him from reading the paper, it simply
changes him from a subscriber to a bor
rower, a filcher of the editor's work with
out compensation. There are numbers
of individuals who will read this item
and appreciate his pith. People of this
class sometimes get into public life, when
they have' a nice time of it. It is a poor
man who can't take or give a crack
Kurtz & Wcckbach are making prep
arations to open up their terra cotta
works next Monday morning. Nino
men have already been engaged, and a-
soon as the works are operated iu full
blast, employment will be eiven to many
more. Large orders for brick h ive al
ready been sent in and prospects for
their summer's work are very eucouras
ing. Judging from present indications
they will be unable to supply the de
mand with their present facilities. This,
also, bespeaks a boom in building opera
tions for the city. The contractors state
that they have work in view for the
whole summer, and prospects for a boom
for our city are very flattering.
Many think Plattsmouth would bi
visited by railroad men when every other
railroad centre had been called upon by
th:m when out of employment; but al
most diily men flock to our city from all
directions in quest of work with the re
port that they haye just been "let out"
from the other roads. There seems to bi
a general panic here among railroad men
an 1 well there should be, as the eight
hour system is not what they are worry
ing over. The report comes to them
from visitors, that other roads are in
about as bad a condition as the "Q" and
men are being let out at eyery point. A
man came to the city today from the
Northwestern road and he reports that
business on that line is in a deplorable
5 FE
Childrens Suits SI.
Childs Kneo IFants 25 cts.
Boys Wool Suits $2.65.
Mens Jeans Pants 85 cts.
Hens Blade Wool SCats 35c
2ens Caps Five cents.
Tliis is tlie (Kreatest Slaughter Sale ever seen in (Cass county
cents on every eioSfiar buy your (&oods of
The Weeping Water Jlepublican
celebrated its seventh birthday last
Pluttumouth's new orchestra of eigth
pieces will furnuh the mimic at S. & C.
Mayer's opening tonight. "
The case known as the "diamond
ring case" in which Johu Blake vs. D.
II. Pratt, came up before Judge Potten
ger this moruing, but it was continued
until Monday. The case is quite inter
esting owing to the strange circum
stances which surround it.
E. II. Wooley and Wilbur Leyda
tried to settle an argument in true Sul
livan style last week, both carried re
membrances of it a day or two. They
suuld have been arrested like ordinary
mortals, and the offender made to con
tribute to either the widow and orphans
or the school fund. Weeping Water
As our neighboring cities are look
ing forward to Arbor Day with great ex
pectations, and intend celebrating it in a
most creditable way, Plattsmouth should
"follow suit" and plant a few trees so
so that we may have a few rural decora
tions. There is sumcient room lor a
recognition of this kind and we hope
that a few trees will decorate some of
our streets after that day April 22nd.
Mrs. Casper Critchfield met with a
serious accident on last Sunday evening,
The family were returning home from a
neighbor's and while Mr. Critchfield was
opening the gate to drive in, the horses
started up and jerked the back seat out,
throwing Mrs. Critchfield and the
children to the ground. The children
were not injured, but Mrs. C received
a fracture of the right shoulder and was
pretty well shaken up. Weeping Water
The sociable giyen at the residence
fof county clerk, Bird Critchfield, last
night, under the auspices of the ladies
of the Christian church, was well attend
d and a very pleasant evening spent.
The young people thoroughly enjoyed
"hemselves by indulging in various
ames, while their seniors passed the
evening pleasantly in social chat. Invit
ing refreshments were served in abund
tnce, of which all heartily partook. The
ladies realized a good sum from the col
lection, which they will apply to the
hurch fund.
Mr. Chas Spencer, who has been en
joying an extended vacation owing to
njuries ho received while on duty for
the express company at Omaha some time
igo, will take charge of the office in
:his city next Monday morning. The
company offered him his choice of the
Beatrice and Plattsmouth offices, but he
jreferred the Plattsmouth office, and w
ire pleased to.learn that it is his intention
o locate here permanently. Mr. W. G.
ilonn, who has acted in the capacity of
igent here for several months, will be
cransferred to Omaha. He has won manv
.varm friends here during his short stay
who will be sorry to see him go.
Complaint reaches us from tin
-tchool teachers of the high school wb
ire much dissatisfied with the actions n'
iorne young loafers who make a practid
ach night of congregating on the higl
ichool steps and leaying their disagree
ible and filthy marks there for the ob
ervntion of those who are obliged to
ass thm. The toughs referred to take
;reat delight in gathering there for the
purpose, it seems, of working their jaws
intil they become tired and in the mean-
'ime spitting tobacco juice in great
ibundance on the steps as the fruits of
;heir labors. If this filthy practice is
it immediately discontinued, the
authorities promise to make it warm for
the perpetrators.
Plattsmouth's new orchestra of eight
pieces will furnish the music at S. & C.
Mayer's opening tonight.
va to
if l
"We have just received All-wool,
Double Fold Newton Suitings, in
all the New Spring Mixtures, only
30 cents a yard.
35 pieces Rutland 36-inch La
dies' Cloth, in all the latest Spring
Colorings, only 45 cents a yard.
New Combination Novelty Suit
ings, 54 inches wide, only $1.00,
worth $1.25 a yard.
Our Line of Ilenriettes and
Serges cannot be duplicated in
this city in quality and price.
We are showing an Elegant Line
ol Koechlin's Best Goods.
Domestic Sateens.
75 Different Patterns to Select
from; the Colorings and Patterns
are equal to the Best Imported
White Goods.
Our Line of Above Goods is
now ready for inspection.
Full Lines of India Linons in
White and Black.
Philharmonic Programme-
Verlobungsfest March, by J. Bartl
Philharmonic club.
Forget-me-not (Zither Duett) Mrs. Ida
Wagner and Mrs. Ida Clark.
Compliment waltz, violin solo with
piano acc. Miss Lillie Kauble
Evalinen Polka Mazurka, three zithers
od one violin, by "W. Boeck Mrs. I.
Vagner, Miss K. Scadelmann and Miss
V. "Weckbach.
Song of the Wnip-poor-will, vocal solo
vith piano acc, by C. A. White Miss
Jlive Gass.
Storm Gallop by F. Waldecker Phil
harmonic club.
The Lucky Hit, cornet solo with piano
ice Mr. A. C. Clark.
Die Saengerin, zither quintette by Hans
Grnber Mrs. Clark, A. Weckbach, Mrs.
Butler, Mrs Wagner, K. Stadelmann.
When the Stars are Brightly Shining,
vocal duet with piano acc, by Adam
Geibel Miss Ohye Gisa and Miss Anna
Zither music by Miss Julia Lehnhoff
of Louisville, Neb.
A song by D. A. Eigenbroadt.
Agnes Polka by W. Baumgartner
Philharmonic club.
Mens Working
All Wool Blaclr Worsted-
Suits $7.65.
2ens Worlsing
Mens Sewed Shoes, Button orl
Lace, $1.65.
Our Spring Stools of
ON 8
Is Now in and we are Showing" some Special
Good Values.
Ladies' Full Regular Balbriggan Hose only 15 cents a pair.
Ladies' Extra Quality Balbriggan Hose euly 25 cents a pair.
Ladies' Extra Fine Quality Balbrigg in Hose only 35 cents a pair.
Premier Fast Black Hosiery, Warranted Absolutely Stainless, at
40, 50 and 65 cents.
Ladies Extra Quality Lisle Hose 50 cents, worth 65c.
Ladies Silk Plaited Hose, 85 cents, worth $1.00.
Ladies' Jersey Iiibbed Vests, Perfect fitting, only 15c, worth 25c.
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Lisle Vests Extra Value only 50 cents.
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Balbriggan, made from the finest combed
Egyptian Cotton, High Neck, Long Sleeves, only 60 cents.
Ladies' Summer Weight Merino Vests, French Neck, only
60 cents, worth 75.
Full Lines ot Balbriggan and Gauze Vests at popular prices.
Main Street
House Cleaning!
Ned Bakar is now prepared to do
house cleaning at low rates. Carpets
will be remoyed to his home to be cleaned
t:id returned as soon as work is done.
Orders to be left at Dovey & Son's store.
Will be ready to commence work Mon
day. For Sat.k One quarter Eectjpn pf
good land near Oneill, Holt. Co., Neb.
Some improvements. Will sell cheap;
part cash. Address by mail or call at A.
P. Campbell's Wintersteen hill
d-w-1 m O. T. Wood.
Don't be worried with a machine out
of order no matter what make or kind
when by calling at J. P. Young's music
store you con have it repaired by a prac
tical repairer. Charges moderate and all
work guaranteed.
Mrs. Owen wishes to announce to the
ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity that
she is prepared to do fashionable dress
making at reasonable prices. Rooms
with Moore A Studebaker.
Anyone in need of sewing machine
peedles of any kind by calling at J. P.
Young's music store can rind a full supply
The best oil and supplies of all kinds
kept on hand.
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meal at Heisel's mill, tf
Suits $3.
hoes $1.
p p nn o mi rn
One Door East First Natl Bank.
Boots and Shoes at CosL
If our trade continues in the next Ninety Dyb as it has in the past Thirty Days we
will soon be off for Pueblo, Colorado. So
Grasp th Opportunity
And Supply Yourself with Enough to Last You Two Years, while you can get
your Footwear at a "Cash" sacriflce.
Call and See Our Reduced Prices.
No Trouble to Show Goods.
P. S. All knowing themselves indebted to us please call a
save expense.
Mens Ovo sails 35 cents.
Mens "Working Shirts 35 cts
2on.s Bluo Flannel Shirts 75c
Mono Oalf Boots $1.90.
Mens Shirts and Drawers 25
It you want to save SdD
Spring Wraps.
We have opened an Elegant
Beaded Front and Back, only $5.
Lace Sleeves, Gimp Timmed
at 37.50.
' Very Heavily Beaded only $10.
Spring Jackets.
Good Values from $2.50 to
Peasant Cloaks only 310.00 in
Tans, Gobelins and Blacks.
We are showing a very large
line of Black Jerseys, comprising
everything new ranging from 75
cents to $5.00. Jersey Blouse
Waists for Ladies and Children in
Navj, Gendarme, Cardinal and
The finest line of Swiss Floun
cings ever show in tin's city, at
extremely low prices. Full lines
of Hamburg Edgings, Insertions
and All Overs.
nd settln and
W. A. B.